Setting up CNC in WordPress using the RusToLat and Cyr to Lat enhanced plugins. Rustolat review - correct CNC setup in wordpress (translit) rustolat wordpress plugin

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Most recently, I talked about how to configure, and how important it is to do this immediately after installing the engine. This setting, along with others, is carried out through, like all other site management actions.

On some foreign web resource whose language is based on the Latin alphabet, these settings will be quite sufficient. After all, all the characters included in the URL, and, therefore, the keywords that are extremely important for promotion, will be displayed correctly in the browser. That is, a CNC link (human-readable URL) is initially formed.

But for a Russian-language blog or website, it is very important to convert Russian letters in accordance with the rules of transliteration (about its application and information about online transliterators) into Latin characters. This is what the RusToLat and Cyr to Lat enhanced plugins, which we will talk about today, allow you to do.

RusToLat and Cyr to Lat enhanced - tools for customizing CNC in WordPress

As you know, WP functionality is the greatest, since it has almost unlimited possibilities for expansion thanks to a huge number of different plugins, and there are often several alternative options.

It's the same in in this case. Despite the fact that practical conversion of the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet is impossible by default, the corresponding extensions come to the rescue, one of which is Rus To Lat. It has a fairly simple structure, so it does not sag, which is an additional advantage.

You can download and install the RusToLat plugin using . After installation, you activate the extension and it is immediately ready to work, since it does not require any special settings. Now, when publishing a new article in the WordPress editor, the CNC link is generated automatically when writing the post title:

But, of course, you can modify it as you wish by clicking "Change", then writing the necessary words in Russian letters, for example, like this:

Now we press "OK" and we get the following result:

Now let's look at the Yandex search results for one of the popular queries, where in the first positions are website pages with beautiful CNC links:

Of course, CNC in itself is not a guarantee of a page getting into the TOP; success in promotion at the present stage of SEO optimization consists of many factors.

However, the presence of keywords in the address of the article, when correctly interpreted, has a positive effect and, of course, is taken into account by search engines when ranking. Now this does not play such an important role as before, but nevertheless...

Initially, I planned to limit myself to describing the work of RusToLat. But, unfortunately, life moves forward, and this expansion, like its analogue, Cyr to Lat enhanced, hasn't been updated for a long time. Although this does not stop many, both of these plugins are quite popular.

Strictly speaking, any software that is not modified for a long time in accordance with modern realities may not work correctly and cause a decrease in the level of security of the resource as a whole.

Personally, I always monitor the availability of timely updates and, if necessary, replace outdated plugins with more relevant similar modules; fortunately, for WordPress, there are a great many of them on the Internet.

However, Rus To Lat and Cyr to Lat enhanced are exceptions in this sense. Since they do not perform important technical support functions and have a very simple structure, they still work successfully on some of my projects.

At the same time, for readers, I simply must provide alternative option, because everyone has the right to choose. So, for perfectionists (?) in this capacity I offer WP Translitera plugin, which performs exactly the same functions. On this page you can study information about it and download it if you wish.

It makes no sense to talk in detail about WP Translitera, since the installation occurs according to an already known plan (in the article above there is a link to detailed material about installation and activation WordPress plugins) and it does not require any special settings. If you wish, you can chat with the author of this plugin and clarify the details that interest you. The choice is yours.

Hello everyone, friends!

In this article, we will set up the correct type of links for our WordPress blog. Let's set up the CNC using the setting of permalinks and the RusToLat plugin.

This material is very easy to implement. Before you start setting up I will give some simple definitions and I will briefly explain why you need the right type of links.

In my materials I will move away from the concept of SEO and will try to explain everything in simple words, and also give your vision of the settings and everything that happens in the promotion of sites and blogs.

Now, perhaps, I’ll start doing it very simply. Let's start with the concept of the right type of links.

Why do you need to set up the right type of links?

I'll start by defining the concept of CNC.

CNC - human-like URLs (URLs), that is, links that are understandable for human perception, and subsequently for search engines.

Now about the importance.

It's no secret that search engines somehow determine what your article is about. They evaluate many factors, one of which is its content, namely the presence of relevant key phrases on the page.

Also, during the evaluation, the link (URL) to the page is analyzed. I hope there is no need to explain that the link should also be clear search engines. It is better if it is not only understandable, but also makes it clear what your material on the page is about.

It is necessary that the URL be formed from the title that we specify when publishing materials.

By default, after publishing an article, its URL is as follows: your-domain/?p=123.

As you can see, this link carries absolutely no information about the content on the page itself. Search engines and the user will not understand what the page is about. Therefore, you need to make a type of link that will be understandable to both search engines and visitors to some extent.

By the way, write your comments about CNC. What do you think about this, is it necessary and what role do they play in promotion in your opinion?

The CNC setup process is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Setting up permanent links in the blog admin panel;
  2. Installation of the RusToLat plugin for translating Cyrillic characters in links to Latin ones.

Let's move on to practice.

Setting up permalinks

Configuration is carried out through the blog admin panel in the "Options - Permalinks" section.

We will get to a page where there are options for choosing the type of links and the “Default” option will be selected.

You must select the last option “Custom” and insert the code in the empty field that is responsible for the correct type of permalinks: /%category%/%postname%.html

In this code:

  • %category% - displays the name of the category (heading) in which the material is located;
  • %postname% - displays the post name;
  • .html - adds an html extension for posts.

After saving the settings, links will be generated from the entered title, but they will still be written in pure Russian letters. There's just a little bit left to do. It is necessary to automatically translate links into transliteration.

The RusToLat plugin will help with this.

Plugin RusToLat

Download the plugin from official page and install.

There is no need to configure the plugin. After installation, it immediately begins to perform its function. Don't be alarmed that the plugin has not been supported for a long time. Despite this, it performs its function perfectly.

Alternatively, you can install an analogue - . I'm using it right now. Why this is so, read the article at the previous link.

There is another very important detail, which you should know. If you have already created Russian links on your blog, then the plugin itself will not convert these links into transliteration. You will need to work with your hands, but everything is very simple.

I showed how this is all done and the entire process of setting up links on WordPress in a detailed video tutorial, which I recommend watching.

This is where I end this article. In the next article I will show you how to make a sitemap for WordPress. There will be a very detailed article with a video tutorial.

I look forward to your comments on this material. Write your ideas for new articles.

See you soon.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev.

Good and interesting articles. The guys are trying.

Hello! I am often asked: “What does it look like? correct setting CNC in WordPress?" If the site is old, do you need to switch to this? Which plugin should you use? And a bunch of other similar questions. I want to dot all the I’s and answer this question in one post.

What is CNC

CNC- "humanoid urls". In the standard form in WordPress (though I still don’t understand why developers don’t change the default settings), links to articles look something like this: site/?p=1. Agree: there is no structure, it is absolutely not clear what is hidden under this URL..html. This will be the CNC.

You can immediately see what the article is about, what category it belongs to..html. That is, just the name of the site and the title of the article without indicating the category. I think this is an incorrect format for displaying links to articles. The link must contain categories and subcategories so that search engines can clearly see your site structure. I will not tire of repeating that this is the foundation for its advancement.

Therefore, the final correct link format is:

Setting up CNC in WordPress

To set up “human URLs” in the WordPress admin, go to the “Permalinks” tab:

And there select “Custom” and enter this code:


Attention! Be careful that you don't have any empty spaces at the end. Now you know how to set up CNC in WordPress:

CyrToLat plugin for WordPress: advantages over RusToLat

Immediately after making changes to the permalinks, your links will look something like this:

I believe that using the Cyrillic alphabet is extremely incorrect. Therefore, we install the CyrToLat plugin, which automatically translates the names of articles and headings into Latin.

There is also an analogue - the RusToLat plugin. But it loses in functionality, since CyrToLat:

  • will automatically translate links into transliteration in existing articles;
  • translates (also automatically) downloaded media files into Latin;
  • An automatic redirect from Russian types of links will be introduced.

If CNC does not work in WordPress

After setting up the CNC and activating the RusToLat plugin (that’s why I recommend installing CyrToLat), the articles begin to give a 404 error, that is, they become inaccessible. In such cases, you need to go to edit the article and simply update the page/post. The problem will go away on its own.

This problem also happens: after transferring to another hosting or after restoring from backup copies, articles give 404 error. It’s also enough to go to the WordPress admin -> “Permanent links” and update the settings there. The problem will disappear.

Later, if you are not a fan of unnecessary plugins, you can disable the CyrToLat plugin and similar ones, and translate Cyrillic to Latin manually.

Is it worth changing links to CNC on a site that already has traffic?

The question often arises: is it worth changing? regular links on CNC if the site already has a certain amount of traffic. I tested it on several client sites - I didn’t notice any positive impact on SEO after switching to CNC. On the contrary, there is a lot of work due to the fact that articles now have a new address, you need to set up redirects, etc.

I would do this: if the daily traffic to the site is less than 100 people per day, then I would change the type of links to the CNC; if it was more, then I would not touch it. I would leave it as default. In general, search engines don’t really like it when serious changes occur in the structure of an already “settled” site.

Therefore, the most the right way- is to create the structure of the site at the very beginning of its development. Same with CNC. When creating new sites, I recommend writing exactly the code given above and installing the CyrToLat plugin. /%category%/%postname%.html


or again like this:


I consider option 2 to be incorrect, since the presence of a slash at the end implies that the URL is incomplete, this is a directory/category, and some additional ending will follow.

Regarding the third option, I have already answered above. I am definitely in favor of the code in the first version. Structure, guys, structure. This option is ideal for SEO.

If you have any questions, write, don’t be shy. I'm kind, I'll answer. 😉

See you in the next lesson! 🙂

This article is intended for young webmasters who have just created their blog and are starting to set it up. After and , you should definitely set up permalinks.

This must be done before writing articles, before search engines have had time to index your first posts. CNCs are human-readable URLs or search engine-friendly links.

Let's figure out why you need to configure CNC links? For example, if you do nothing in the WordPress settings, then after writing an article, the link to it will look like this: https://site/?p=143

This is set in the “Default” settings. This address does not carry any information, either for search engines or for the visitor. Just some set of letters and symbols.

But if the address looks like this: https://site/pervaya-statya, then this is a completely different matter. The meaning conveyed by the title of the article is immediately clear. The page address cannot contain Russian letters, only Latin ones. There is such a term - transliteration.

Transliteration is the exact transmission of characters of one writing system by signs of another writing system, in which each character (or sequence of characters) of one writing system is transmitted by the same character (or sequence of characters) of another writing system.

Plugin Rus-To-Lat will help us in transliteration from Russian to Latin. Those. we write the title of the article in the WordPress admin area, and the plugin automatically generates its URL, which will be understandable search robots. It is also very memorable. CNC setting has a positive effect on search engine optimization blog.

CNC setup using the Rus-To-Lat plugin

So, the first step is to install and activate the plugin. This is done through the admin panel WordPress blog. There is nothing complicated there and I won’t dwell on it. If anyone has any difficulties with this, read my article about installing the plugin. The Rus-To-Lat plugin has no settings and after activation it immediately starts working.

There we put a tick next to the “Custom” item and write the following text there:




But there is one caveat.

It is advisable to do the CNC link settings once.

Because if you change them, all the pages written earlier and located in the search results will wait for a new re-indexing. Since their URL has changed and they will display a 404 error, that is, they will look like “The address of this page was not found.”

I left the simplest and shortest option on my blog. This is in case you decide to change, for example, the name of a category (aka category), and so as not to wait for the fate of redirection. Also, if the site has internal linking, you will also need to change all link addresses.

How to write an abbreviation for displaying links is a personal matter for the webmaster. There is an analogue of the plugin on the Internet Rus-To-Lat This Cyr-To-Lat. Although their essence is the same. This completes the article on setting up CNC links.

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