Wi-fi is not working. Restoring the Asus wi-fi router

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Let's consider such unpleasant moments as a drop in the Wi-Fi speed of the router, refusal to enter its settings menu, loss of the Internet, or the router stopped working altogether. After all, sooner or later, almost every user encounters problems with the network and network equipment, and the basics of troubleshooting will never be superfluous.

Let's start by lowering the Wi-Fi transmission speed.

Wi-Fi problems

First of all, if you feel a sharp drop in speed wireless transmission, try connecting to the router using a network cable. Perhaps the problem is with the provider, and the drop in speed has nothing to do with your router. If the speed is high with a wired connection, then we begin to figure out what’s wrong.

Let's try changing the channel. To do this, go to the router settings, select the “Wireless” menu item, and go to the “Wireless Setting” submenu.

Changing Wi-Fi channel

The number we use wireless channel indicated in the “Channel” line. As a rule, the channel parameter is set to “Auto”, that is, the router itself selects the freest and most profitable channel. But this function does not always work correctly, so let’s try to set the channel number explicitly. For example, on the third.

Selecting a Wi-Fi channel number

Expand the list and select the third channel. Click OK.

We reboot the router and try to access the Internet again and check the speed. It helped - good, if not - we look further for the reason.

Programs for finding the optimal wireless channel

Perhaps we were just unlucky with the channel number, because we chose the third number at random. Let's try to approach this issue more professionally, using special utilities for scanning Wi-Fi networks. For example, inSSlDer.

Program window

This program is available for both the Windows operating system (for installation on a laptop) and for Android (smartphones and tablets). We install the program, launch it, and in the main window we see all detected wireless networks. Opposite the network name, in the “Channel” column, the channel that uses this network. We look for an unoccupied channel (or the most free one), and set it in the settings of our router.

If choosing the right channel does not help, then we look for the reason further.

Unauthorized connection

Also a common cause sharp fall wireless transmission is large number connected subscribers. And often some of the connected ones are unscrupulous neighbors who simply steal your Internet.

To determine whether there are such or not, we turn off everything wireless devices from the router, leaving only one computer from which we will go into the router settings. Next, go to the settings, select the “Status” menu, then the “LAN clients” submenu.

List of connected Wi-Fi

We look at the list that opens, which displays all the devices connected to our router.

There can be two types:

  • WAN clients;
  • LAN clients.

We are interested in those connected via the “LAN” interface, that is, from the outside local network. There should be only one of these, our computer from which we entered the settings. If there are more of them, congratulations, you have freebie lovers connected to you.

Changing your Wi-Fi password

If you have set a password for connection, then it’s time to change it to a more complex one. If there was no password, then it is even more necessary to set one.

Go to the “Wi-Fi” menu and select the “Security Settings” submenu.

Setting a Wi-Fi password

In network authentication, set the value to “WPA2-PSK”, and in the encryption key field write a complex password, which should consist of the English alphabet and numbers.

Attention! The password must be at least eight characters long!

We save the settings, reboot and check the speed; without unauthorized connections, the speed will be high, as before.

Refusal to enter router settings

The first thing you should try is to try to go into the settings again, but with a different web browser. Rare, but it helps. If the settings page still cannot be displayed, then make sure once again that you write the router’s IP address in the address bar, and not in the search bar.

Web browser address bar

If you are doing everything correctly, then check your computer's local network settings. With rare exceptions, obtaining an IP address and DNS server should be assigned automatically.

Network connection properties

Manual adjustment of these parameters is used only in certain cases with knowledge of the matter.

Reset settings

But there is a possibility that this is simply a malfunction of the router or its software. In this case, we will reset all settings to factory values. To do this, pick up the router and look for the special “Reset” button. It is located either on the rear panel or under the bottom.

Router reset button

We press it with something thin on the router that is turned on, and press it for 15 seconds, after which we release it. All indicator lights will blink and the router will return to its factory state. But it should be taken into account that along with network address All other settings will also be reset.

That's it, now you can go to settings.

Software update

You can also try updating the firmware, which should have a positive effect on general work router. First of all, go to the manufacturer’s website and download the file with the latest firmware version. Next, go to the settings, go to the “System”, “Software Update” menu.

Firmware update

By clicking the “Browse” button, select the downloaded file. Next, the router will automatically download the network firmware into memory, install it, and reboot. While the router is in the process of updating, you cannot turn it off under any circumstances.

You can watch the update process in the video tutorial:

Hello friends. If you are having problems with the operation of a Wi-Fi router, or setting up Wi-Fi and you have already looked at the article, which by the way is the most popular on this site, then you probably noticed that the article has collected a lot of comments, or rather questions about various problems about setting up and work Wi-Fi networks.

The questions there are of course very different, we have already dealt with some of them, and I have written separate articles about their solution, for example. And I still can’t give a concrete answer to some questions. But after analyzing the comments a little, I noticed that there are a lot of questions of this type: the laptop and other devices have stopped connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or the Internet via Wi-Fi often breaks out, and you have to reboot the router.

In fact, there can be a lot of reasons that lead to such problems and almost always, and they are different for everyone. For example, I’m on my router TP-Link TL-WR841N I have never noticed a Wi-Fi network interruption, and judging by the comments, this happens to others very often.

An even more interesting case, which I also came across in the comments, is when the Internet works, and at one point the Wi-Fi network stops working. Devices either do not connect at all, or connect but operate with the status network without Internet access, or limited access. Phones and tablets connect to Wi-Fi, but do not open websites.

What to do if the Internet via Wi-Fi stops working?

Problems with Wi-Fi internet om:

  • Internet connection via Wi-Fi stopped working
  • Wi-Fi network drops frequently
  • Internet via Wi-Fi began to work very slowly
  • Devices connect to the router once.
  • The device connects to Wi-Fi, but the sites do not work (the sites do not open).

If you have one of the above problems, or a similar problem, then I have one piece of advice that may help solve it. Friends, I don’t guarantee anything, but it’s worth a try, in many cases it helps.

Each Wi-Fi network operates on a dedicated channel. When setting up a router, the default is "Auto", and everyone advises, including me, to install the Channel (Channel:) on "Auto". This means that the router itself will look for a more suitable channel and use it. The thing is that there may be interference from a neighboring Wi-Fi router and then a variety of problems with Wi-Fi may appear. Refusal to connect to the network, network without Internet access, and frequent interruptions.

You should try changing the value of the Channel: parameter to any number from the list, or if you have a specific value set, then try changing it to “Auto”.

How to change the Channel on a Wi-Fi router?

Everything is simple here, so you shouldn't have any problems. You need to go into the router settings, well, I hope you already know how to do this, I’ve written about this many times already. Apparently we will have to do it again, very briefly :). Connect the router to the computer via network cable(at the time of setup) and enter the router address in the address bar of the browser. Enter your username and password and click “Submit”, log in, or whatever you have, it doesn’t matter.

I will show an example on, but even if you have a different model, or even a company, I think that the process Wi-Fi changes channel is not very different.

Go to the “Wireless” tab and find the “Channel” item on the left.

Next to it there is a drop-down menu in which you can select a channel. I advise you to try several channels, at your discretion, after each change of channel, do not forget save changes by clicking the “Save” button and reboot the router. If you already have a certain number set next to “Channel”, then try setting the value to “Auto”.

There is a program that you can use to see which channel is already occupied by neighboring Wi-Fi and which is not, it’s called inSSlDer. But I won’t describe it here, because it is more suitable for setting up a Wi-Fi network for more stable operation. And this is a topic for another article. Although if your devices find a lot of neighboring networks, you can try this program.

Try the method I described above, it definitely won’t get any worse. And judging by the reviews on this site, changing the Wi-Fi channel on the router really helps solve the problem with unstable Wi-Fi operation, or in general, solve the problem when no device wants to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or connects, but the network does not have Internet access. Good luck.

Also on the site:

Wi-Fi internet through the router stopped working. The Wi-Fi network is often interrupted. updated: February 18, 2013 by: admin

Internet via Wi-Fi has become such a commonplace service these days that users often forget where it comes from. this service: appears out of thin air or is delivered to the subscriber by the provider using special network equipment - a router.

Therefore, when some problems arise with the router, a person accustomed to Internet comfort experiences a small Armageddon: no music, no Skype, no social networks...

And in this article we will figure out why the router does not distribute the Internet via wifi, and what to do if you have a similar problem.

By the way, the fact that the router does not distribute Wi-Fi is in no way connected with the brand of the router: a similar fate can befall equipment from tp link, zyxel, asus and other well-known manufacturers.

Why doesn't my Wi-Fi router distribute internet?

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to say unequivocally why the router stopped distributing the Internet via wifi. After all, there are a great many possible reasons for such a nuisance: from basic everyday carelessness to a malfunction of network equipment.

However, in most cases (when the router works, but does not perform its main function), the problem with Wi-Fi arises due to:

  • - lack of Internet “on the router”;
  • - disabling the wifi button on the router;
  • - incorrect settings network card computer;
  • - incorrect data entry in the router settings;
  • - locks wifi connections antivirus.

What to do if the router does not provide wifi?

If the router suddenly stops distributing the Internet via wifi, then, first of all, you should:

1. Check whether the module required for a wireless connection is connected to your device.

So, if the router does not distribute Wi-Fi to cell phone(or other mobile device), read the article .

If this problem occurs personal computer with OS Windows7/Windows8, then:

Find the “Change adapter settings” (or “Network connections”) menu in the “Control Panel”;

Select the “Wireless Connection” shortcut there;

Click on it once right click mouse and select the “Enable” menu item.

4. Check WiFi settings on the router and the device connected to the Internet.

It is important here that the authentication parameters match (if the encryption type is set to WPA-PSK on the router, then the properties of the detected device on the PC should have exactly the same parameter), the device name and .

5. Disable the antivirus installed on your computer (firewall and other programs - Internet traffic filters) and try to connect to the Internet in unprotected mode: this software may be blocking a new wireless connection.

If everything is connected and configured correctly, but the router still does not distribute the Internet via wifi, it is possible that the wireless device driver on your PC is not working correctly.

If all methods have been tried, but the modem does not distribute wifi well, try it : There may be a more powerful router installed nearby that is suppressing the signals of your network device.

As a last resort, you can contact your provider’s specialists for qualified diagnosis of the problem and prompt resolution.

Wi-Fi not working on your laptop? Then you've come to the right place.

There are quite a few reasons when a laptop cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network. This article will provide an algorithm for solving this problem, taking into account the frequency of possible causes.

Step 1: Diagnose the source of the problem

If connection to wireless network, the problem may not be in the client device (netbook, ultrabook, etc.), but in the router settings.

To do this, you need to try to connect to the wireless network using any other device equipped with a Wi-Fi module - another laptop, netbook, tablet, smartphone, etc.

If you were able to connect to the wireless network, the problem is with your computer. If the connection fails, the problem is in .

Step 2. Hardware enable the Wi-Fi module of the laptop

So, based on the diagnostics that we carried out in the previous step, it was determined that the connection problem occurred on one of the client devices of the wireless network.

As a rule, all laptops are equipped with light indicators for the operation of the wireless module and have a specific key combination to turn it on.

Pay attention! A glowing indicator indicates that the adapter is turned on. Lack of backlight indicates switched off Wi-Fi adapter e.

Most manufacturers place indicator lights on the front or one of the sides of the computer.

Less common is the location of indicators near the touchpad or on the monitor body.

On some HP models, a module status light may be built into the power button on the keyboard.

To turn on the Wi-Fi module, a key combination is used, which consists of a special Fn key and one of the system keys from F1 to F12.

Look carefully at the system (function) keys and find the Wi-Fi connection icon on one of them.

On some older models, in particular from the company, you can find a solution for turning on the Wi-Fi module in the form of a two-position switch.

Such a switch is usually located on one of the sides of the laptop or on its front side.

Below is a list of keys that can be used to enable/disable the Wi-Fi module on the most popular brands of laptops.

Acer: Fn+F3

Asus: Fn + F2

Dell: Fn+F2

Fujitsu: Fn+F5

Gigabyte: Fn + F2

HP: Fn+F12

After the adapter is turned on in hardware, connect to the wireless network. If the connection fails, move on to the next step.

Step 3. Software enable the laptop's Wi-Fi module

In addition to the hardware enablement of the wireless adapter, which we dealt with in the previous paragraph, there is also a software enablement, which is performed directly in the operating system installed on the laptop.

To enable the wireless connection adapter in Windows 7, you must complete the following steps: on the notification panel (near the clock), select the Internet connection status icon “Network and Sharing Center”.

In the left column, select “Change adapter settings.”

In the list of connections, you need to pay attention to the indication of the “Wireless network connection" If the adapter is disabled, it will not be highlighted.

To enable it, right-click on the icon and select enable.

The icon color should change.

Now you need to pay attention to the notification panel area. In the first case, the laptop's Wi-Fi adapter is turned on, but there is no network to connect to (usually this is a problem with the router).

In the second option, the adapter is turned on and you need to find your network in the list of connections and connect.

After software enabling the adapter, we try to connect to . If the connection fails, move on to the next step.

Step 4. Installing/reinstalling drivers for the Wi-Fi module

To check if the driver is installed, you need to right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut, which can be found either in the Start menu or on the Desktop, in context menu select “Properties”, in the left column of the window that opens, select the “Device Manager” menu.

In the window that opens, you need to find the menu “ Network adapters" and find the name of the wireless adapter containing part of the name "... Wireless Network Adapter" or "Wireless Network Adapter...", where instead of "..." there should be the name of your wireless adapter, for example, Atheros, Realtek, Qualcomm.

In our case, this is Atheros Wireless Network Adapter. Right-click on it and select “Properties”. In the menu that opens, you need to make sure that “The device is working normally.”

Important! If you do not find the name in the “Network Adapters” menu, you need to install drivers. Drivers can be found on the disk that came with the laptop, or by searching the Internet.

Step 5. Fix connection problems in the router

In the first step of our article, we looked at how to determine with a high degree of probability possible reason, due to which it is impossible to establish a Wi-Fi connection.

Since there are quite a lot of routers, and even more firmware for them, in this paragraph we will give general recommendations for troubleshooting the problem.

1. Try to reduce the distance between and the router. Try to ensure that there is direct visibility between the devices and as little interference as possible (walls, partitions, ceilings, microwave ovens, radiotelephone bases, etc.).

What to do if Wi-Fi does not work on your laptop

Why doesn't Wi-Fi work on my laptop? You can find out by running system diagnostics. You will learn how to do this in the video presented.

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