Start won't turn on in Windows 10. Why doesn't the Start button work? Official Microsoft utility that fixes a problem with the Start menu

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After users began to switch to the latest operating system from Microsoft - Windows 10, many began to experience various problems in working with it. I mentioned some of these problems in my review of this operating system, and now I would like to dwell on ways to solve one of them, which actually often occurs among users and prevents it from working normally. And this problem is that the Start menu periodically for some reason refuses to work. Those. When I click on the Start icon, nothing happens. Usually, along with this, some other system functions immediately stop working, for example, you cannot enter the parameters. Moreover, a problem can appear either after a reboot or directly while working in the system, out of nowhere and sometimes even several reboots do not help! Now I will describe several ways that will help certain users overcome this problem.

Why did I say "certain users"? But because there is no 100% working way to solve this problem (as well as many others), which would help absolutely everyone. The problem is quite extensive and can arise for a number of different reasons and, accordingly, is treated in different ways. For example, for someone, the Start menu stops working after the system has been cleaned of debris using special programs, for example CCleaner, and for some as a result of various system failures.

On my computer and my father's computer, the problem seemed to arise for no reason. The Start menu, after upgrading from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, was constantly working intermittently. Either it stops working immediately after a reboot, or right while using Windows, and no global cleaning of the system was carried out using special programs. I simply didn’t even have time, because I just updated the system and the problem immediately started :) Based on this, the fault of the Windows 10 developers is clearly visible here...

Ways to fix problems with the Start menu not working in Windows 10

So, now I will list the main ways that can help you fix this problem and the menu will finally work properly. But, unfortunately, I cannot give guarantees, since all situations can be individual. Try each of the options below one by one until your problem goes away.

Installing the latest Windows updates

Yes, such a banal thing as simple updates for Windows can solve many problems. And all this is because updates are various fixes for the system, built-in applications, drivers, as well as all sorts of improvements.

On two computers in my family, the problem with the Start menu was solved by a simple Windows update, which means that the problem with the Start menu was already present in Windows 10, and was fixed in the next update. Therefore, the first thing you need to try is to update your system through a special Windows update tool. What if you haven’t downloaded or installed updates for your system for a long time, and as a result, you’re not using the most advanced version of it at the moment.

More information on how to set up updates in Windows 10 is described in a separate article:

If updates were found, then after installing them, be sure to restart the computer to check the functionality of the Start menu, even if the system does not require it!

Checking system files for their integrity and making changes (if required)

This operation will scan everything system files on your computer and if any of them are changed or deleted, they will be updated to the original versions.

Launch Command Prompt. To do this, you need to press the Win+X key combination on your keyboard and select “Command Prompt (Administrator)” from the menu that appears.

This window will appear, which is the Windows command line:

Choose this option and not just “Command Prompt”, otherwise you may not have enough rights to perform any actions!

Enter the command sfc /scannow there and click Enter key to carry it out.

A system scan will start, which may take about half an hour or more:

If any files turn out to be damaged, the system will automatically replace them with the original versions.

After completing this procedure, reboot and check if the Start menu is working.

Making changes to the Windows registry

Sometimes a problem with the Start menu occurs because a program makes changes to a special Windows registry setting. Windows Registry is a collection of different Windows settings, programs, drivers, divided into categories in separate program. Even an experienced user will simply not know most of the parameters, because there are simply an incredible number of them. In general, the devil himself will break his leg there :) Our task, if the Start menu is not working (unless the 2 methods described above helped, of course) is to check one parameter in the registry and make changes to it, if necessary.

So, let's open the registry. To do this, press the Win + R key combination and in the “Run” line that appears, type the command regedit (1), then click “OK” (2).

The program for editing the registry will open:

Now opening folder by folder in the window on the left, you need to navigate to the following path:


Check to see if there is a parameter named EnableXAMLStartMenu in the window on the right.

If you don't have such a parameter, you need to create it. To do this, click right click mouse (hereinafter referred to as “RMB”) on the “Advanced” folder in the left window and select “New” > “DWORD Value (32 bits)”.

A new parameter will appear in the list:

Now we change his name. To do this, select it in the window, press the F2 key on the keyboard and change the standard name to EnableXAMLStartMenu.

It remains to check that this parameter has a zero value. To do this, right-click on the created parameter and select “Change”.

In the window that opens, check that “0” is indicated in the “Value” (1) field, and if suddenly this is not the case, then change it to “0” and click “OK” (2).

Now we restart the computer and see if anything has changed with the functionality of the Start button...

Reregistering the Start Menu in Windows

This is the last of the main methods to solve the problem with the display of the Start menu in Windows. After re-registering the Start menu for someone, it begins to function normally, so it’s worth trying this method too, if all 3 above did not help.

The operation to re-register the Start menu will be performed through a special administrator console, Power Shell.

So, first, open the task manager by holding down the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys, then click on the “File” menu and select “Run a new task.”

In the window that appears, in the “Open” field, write the powershell command (1) and be sure to check the “Create a task with administrator rights” option at the bottom (2). If you do not enable run as administrator, the subsequent command to re-register the start may fail!

The PowerShell console will open:

You need to copy the command below and paste it into the PowerShell window:

Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + "\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml"))

To paste, simply right-click in the PowerShell window and the command will appear there.

You will not receive any notification when the command is completed. A new line will simply appear displaying the path to the “system32” folder:

After this, restart your computer and check if Start is restored to normal operation.

If the above 4 ways to fix the problem with opening the Start menu in Windows 10 did not help you, then you probably have no choice but to wait for the exit Windows updates with corrections for your case. But if the “breakdown” is caused not by the developers, but by you using some programs, then you don’t have to wait for updates with fixes. Then all that remains is to roll back Windows to factory settings, or use control points recovery to roll back Windows to a specific day when a similar problem had not yet been recorded. But all this is several materials for separate articles. And I hope that the methods described above will still help you!

Have a nice day and good mood! Bye;)

Technology is complex system, which works due to a huge number of factors. It is clear that if minor changes occur, this can lead to large errors. Many call it magic because it happens that the Start menu in Windows 10 does not even open.

If you consider that, then many people face this problem. But you shouldn’t despair, because even in such complicated stories there is a rational way out. Start stopped working? Let's fix it!

File problem

So, first of all, you should check whether the operating system files are damaged. For these purposes, you should open the command line and type sfc /scannow. If notifications pop up that the files are damaged, you need to enter the command DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth.

  • If the scan results show that Windows files are intact, then you can turn to another technique:
  • You need to press the Windows button (the image of tiles on the keyboard) and the R key, after which you need to enter the regedit command and select OK.
  • In the registry, go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
  • Next you need to look at right side screen and click the right mouse button. A drop-down list will appear in which you need to select New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. The resulting parameter must be renamed EnableXAMLStartMenu. The value of such a parameter is usually set to 0. It also happens that such a thing already exists, so you just need to set the required value to 0.
  • The final step is to close the program editing the registry and reboot.

Registering the Start Menu again

If the Start button does not work after these manipulations, you can try registering such a menu again. To do this you need to go through a number of steps:

  • Right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager from the drop-down menu.

  • In the window that opens, open File >> Run new task.

  • You need to enter the name “powershell” and check the Create task with administrator rights box. Next there is an OK button, you need to click on it.

  • Will open Windows PowerShell, you should insert the line into it: Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + “\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml”))

All steps must be performed with administrator rights, and then restart the computer.


To solve the problem when Start has stopped working, or the entire computer is not working, you need to remember one thing - don’t panic. Yes, anything can happen: sometimes notifications don’t arrive, sometimes the taskbar disappears. This is a complex device, anything can happen to it. But for any person there is a reset button that allows you to start Safe Mode Windows 10, at its worst. Most often it doesn't come to this.

Even if some button or panel does not work, the main thing is that the user’s brain must work. After all, only when he, too, has stopped working should the alarm be sounded, since everything is lost.

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The Windows operating system has long proven itself among users. It is convenient, understandable and reliable, however, it still has glitches from time to time. For example, some people who have installed Windows computer 10, we managed to encounter an extremely inconvenient glitch. Their Start menu simply does not function, that is, they pressed the button, but nothing happened, the start screen did not even appear. This is extremely unpleasant and complicates the use of the system. Therefore, if the Start menu does not open in Windows 10, you should try to solve the problem as soon as possible. And this can be done in several ways.

The debate about whether Start is needed at all or can be done without it began even when this menu was removed in Windows 8. Then many users began to express dissatisfaction, although there were those who even liked this decision. As a result, the developers returned the familiar Start to everyone, and in Windows 10 they even improved it.

However, if neither the standard menu nor the start screen works, then this already becomes a problem. Can't open quickly necessary programs, go to specific folders, easily configure the system and perform other actions. Agree, because of this, working on a computer becomes less pleasant and convenient, so you should at least try to solve the problem. By the way, why such a failure occurs is quite difficult to say. This is probably due to the fact that Windows 10 has not yet been fully developed, which is why various glitches occur. Fortunately, most people are able to successfully eliminate them on their own.

Solving the problem by editing the registry

If you discover that the Start button suddenly stops working, you should first check the integrity of the system files. This is extremely easy to do. You will need to activate the command line as an administrator, then enter into it: sfc /scannow. Now you need to wait for the result. It can show that there is no integrity violation. In this case, you will have to try the method described below.

First of all, you will need to open the Registry Editor. To do this, you need to press Windows + R. A window called “Run” will open. It was created specifically to open various programs and services. In the “Open” line you must enter the following: regedit. If everything is done correctly, the Registry Editor will open.


  • The first step in the Registry Editor is to go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced. The last folder that is needed is located exactly on this path. Therefore, there is no point in looking for it in other sections.
  • Once you open the desired folder, you will need to create a parameter in it. To do this, right-click on an empty area in the window. This will cause context menu. There you need to select New - DWORD Value (32 bits). This file must be given a specific name - EnableXAMLStartMenu. There you will be asked to set a value - you must leave 0. It may happen that the parameter being created already exists. Then it must be opened and the value changed to 0. The number system must be hexadecimal.
  • Now you can click OK, close the editor and restart your computer.

In most cases, this method helps and the Start button starts working, but some users note that the problem still remains. But this is not yet a reason to despair, since there are other ways to solve the problem.

Re-registering the Start menu

As already mentioned, the problem that Start has stopped working occurs among many users. Some of them are starting to get used to using the device without it, others are looking for the cause of the malfunction. But the most important thing at this moment is to try with everyone accessible ways solve this problem.

One of effective ways, thanks to which the button will work again, the menu is considered to be re-registered. This is done simply and quickly, so there should be no problems. First you need to go to the “Task Manager”. You can call it, for example, through the context menu.

There you need to hover over the File section and select Run a new task. At this point, half the work will be done. Now you need to enter “powershell” in the Open line and check the box that says the task is created with administrator rights. Having done this, you need to click on OK.

In the window that appears, you will need to enter exactly the following:

Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + “\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml”))

It is advisable to copy all this and not rewrite it manually, as there is a high probability of making a mistake. Now you need to press Enter and wait for the command to complete successfully. After that, you can close it and restart the computer.

The problems should now be resolved. However, there is a small note. If this action was performed by a user who does not have administrator rights, then this method may not help. In this case, you need to contact a person who has administrator rights. It is from his account that you will need to perform all of the above actions.

It may happen that even after this the problem will not be solved. Then there is only one correct, but unpleasant decision left. You will need to update and reinstall the operating system, since it is likely that there is a glitch in it that cannot be corrected with normal actions. Of course, all this is not particularly pleasant, since it will take a lot of time, but it is necessary if Start has stopped working, and you cannot do without it.

You can also see the solution to this problem in the video below.


It is impossible to say for sure whether the above methods will help or the button will still not work. It all depends on the situation of the individual, since there is no single reason why a failure occurs. Some people manage to cope with the problem quite successfully, while others have to contact service center. In any case, if you put in enough effort, the glitch can be eliminated. As for the reasons for its appearance, they can be caused either by a system failure or by the person themselves. Which of these options is better is difficult to say. In any case, it is better not to leave the problem unresolved, as it can cause a lot of trouble.

The Windows 10 operating system is the best OS not only for private use, but also in a corporate environment. So say the developers from Microsoft. In fact, Windows 10 is still improving, changing, and constantly being updated. For this reason, users sometimes encounter errors. One of them is that after updating or reinstalling Windows 10, the Start button does not work.

Reasons why Start won't open in Windows 10

Microsoft will long remember how the Internet community rebelled after the release of a conceptually new operating system. Windows systems 8. The main reason There was no start button. Apparently, the developers decided that the time had come for drastic changes, but society was not ready for them. After all, the Start button is present in all graphical versions of Windows. Users got used to it and often used it in their work.

Then the developers responded to the criticism and returned the button in the next update, but this “system add-on” worked worse than the old version. From time to time there were failures, and the system had to be constantly modified.

It seemed that in new version The OS problem will be solved completely, but many owners of the “Ten” still complain about malfunctions in the “Start” menu. As a rule, the button stops working in cases where:

  • initial installation of the system is carried out;
  • completed reinstalling Windows;
  • the user upgrades the system from a lower version to the latest;
  • The next official update from Microsoft is being installed.

The maximum number of support calls regarding the Start button not working was recorded after the Creators Update. However, problems with the familiar Start menu also occurred after other updates.

Despite the existing problem, if the start menu fails, the user is forced to look for solutions on his own. Some people write directly to Microsoft technical support, but the wait for a response can take several days. Others search for relevant information online, studying dozens of articles and topical videos.

This article contains all possible options solutions to the problem of a non-working start menu, including recommendations and comments from Microsoft technical support representatives.

In mid-2016, Microsoft finally released a utility that was supposed to eliminate factors affecting the functionality of the Start button. Unfortunately, this program only helps fix a system crash in half the cases.

What to do if Start does not open: ways to solve the problem

There are several ways to make the start menu work again. It is impossible to say which option is better, since in each individual case one method may work, another may not. Therefore we offer full list solutions with step-by-step instructions.

Fixing the Start menu using the official StartMenu utility

As mentioned above, in 2016, the developers offered the owners of the “ten” a utility that was supposed to not only solve the problem of a non-working start menu, but also monitor its performance. In fact, Microsoft's StartMenu utility does not always help. Nevertheless, it’s worth starting with it.

  1. We go to the official Microsoft website. In the search bar, enter the name of the utility and download it to your computer. The file can also be downloaded directly.
  2. Install the program.
  3. After installation, open the utility and click the “Next” button. The program will automatically find problems with the Start button and fix them.
StartMenu automatically finds problems with the Start button and fixes them

After the check, a window will open with a list of resolved faults. If the program does not find anything, a window with a corresponding message will open.

If the troubleshooter did not identify the problem, you can look at additional options

Even if the StartMenu utility did not help, you should not delete it. It will monitor the correct functioning of the Start menu in the background.

Restarting the Windows GUI (explorer.exe)

In Windows 10, the file/process explorer.exe (Explorer) is responsible for all graphic elements. He is also responsible for correct work start menu. Sometimes it is enough to manually restart the process to make the Start button active again. This is done as follows:

The explorer.exe process in the manager is called "Explorer"

This method can only help if the problem is minor. For example, the start menu failed due to processor overheating or overload RAM, which, in turn, influenced normal work explorer.exe process.

Fixing the Start menu using regedit registry editor

One of the best and most effective methods for solving the problem of incorrect operation of the Start menu is to change one parameter in the operating system registry. This method is more difficult. Here are step-by-step instructions:

If there is no file named EnableXAMLStartMenu in the Explorer folder, you need to create it. To do this, right-click in the registry file area and select the DWORD (32-bit) parameter from the menu. The system will create a new system file, which must be named EnableXAMLStartMenu and the value changed to zero.

After creation, name the file EnableXAMLStartMenu and put a zero in the “Value” item

Editing the registry if used incorrectly, in addition to correcting errors, can cause serious problems that may require reinstalling the system to resolve. The user bears all responsibility for changing the registry.

Technical support Microsoft–35e05ac82ad4?auth=1

Recovering the Start Menu Using PowerShell

PowerShell is a system for automating internal processes in Windows that can be extended or modified to other system programs and applications. It follows that any manipulation of commands in PowerShell can harm the operating system, and, of course, Microsoft is not responsible.

But in some cases, using PowerShell is the only way to restore normal operation of the start menu.

There are two options for using PowerShell. The first - scanning the system and automatically identifying errors in the Start menu - is more secure, and the second can lead to malfunction the entire system. Let's take a closer look at them.

Safe use case for PowerShell:

If the start menu does not respond, then try another option.

Entering a special command in PowerShell opened as administrator:

If everything is done correctly, the Start button should work.

Let us remind you once again that this method can lead to serious malfunctions in the operating system. May need complete reinstallation Windows. The user is responsible for the consequences.

New account

If none of the above helped, then the last thing you can do is create a new account.

Resetting Windows 10 to its original state

The problem with the Start button not working can be solved using the Windows 10 OS rollback function to an earlier version or in initial state. The rollback function involves returning the operating system to the state it was in some time ago. Depends on when the rollback flag was set. The rollback flag is set automatically if the user has not previously disabled this function.

When you return Windows 10 to its original state, all files, programs and drivers will be deleted. To avoid this, you can use the function backup or transfer important files and documents to an external drive in advance.

To roll back the operating system to the last point, you need to do the following:

  1. In the search bar in the lower corner we write the phrase “Control Panel” (for English versions of Windows 10 we write Control Panel).
  2. Open the “Control Panel”.
  3. Select “System and Security” ( System and Security).
  4. The next item is “System”.
  5. In the window that opens, in the right menu, select “System protection”.
  6. A small window will open where you need to click the “System restore” button.
  7. The system will automatically conduct Windows rollback to an earlier version.

IN latest version Windows provides a function to return the computer to its original state. You can do this as follows:

When the process is completed, you will be prompted to re-partition your computer's memory into disks and create an account. The original Windows 10 must have a set of drivers relevant for this version of the system. They will install automatically.

If you are using a non-original version of Windows 10, the system reset feature will not be available. In this case, you will have to completely reinstall Windows.

Video: ways to restore the Start button to work

Problems with the start menu started after the eighth Windows versions. That is why many users who bought laptops and PCs with “ten” already installed often install earlier versions, for example, “seven”. But there are also those who like the new design of Windows 10, a lot additional features and various applications. Besides this operating system surprisingly stable and durable, although it requires more system resources. One of the few things that can upset you is a problem with the start button. But this problem can also be solved.

Since the new operating system in the form of a “ten” was initially quite crude, many users who installed it were faced with the problem that the Windows 10 Start button sometimes does not work. What are the reasons for this phenomenon and how to deal with this problem, now and will reviewed.

Why doesn't the Start button work (Windows 10)?

It is believed that there can be quite a lot of reasons causing such a problem, but among all of them two main ones can be distinguished: a pirated assembly (if the system image was not downloaded from the official Microsoft website or the installation was made from another source) and errors system registry.

As for the second reason, there is nothing surprising in this, because the “top ten” is initially, in essence, installed on top of the old system as an update and, as a result, inherits all the errors that existed before without correcting them. Therefore, the first and most effective solution may be the so-called “clean” installation of the system after the initial update. However, what if the user wants to keep running applications, but still there is a situation where the Windows 10 Start button is not pressed? There are several basic methods you can use to solve this problem.

Start button not working (Windows 10): Scan and restore system

Let's look at exactly when the failure occurred. If this happened some time after installing the “ten”, you can try to perform the usual procedure for restoring (rolling back) the system from a checkpoint.

However, it is recommended that you first check the files for integrity or absence of damage. This is done by calling command line from the Run menu (Win + R) with the cmd combination, after which the sfc /scannow parameter is entered.

Fixing the situation using PowerShell

If even after this procedure the Windows 10 Start button is not pressed, you can try to correct the situation by running a specific script.

To do this, you will need to enter the “Task Manager” (the combination Ctrl + Alt + Del or the taskmgr command), where in the file menu you need to select the option to create a new task and enter PowerShell in the field of the window that appears (below, you must check the box next to the setting line “ Task as administrator").

Now you should enter special code (as shown in the example) and wait until its execution finishes. Error messages may appear along the way, but by and large you can simply respond to them. In many cases, the problem of the Windows 10 Start button not working should disappear.

Changing system registry settings

But this is not all the solutions. In principle, if the problem of the Windows 10 Start button not working again arises, you can also use editing the system registry, however, inexperienced users should be extremely careful, because if they perform some incorrect actions or accidentally delete keys and entries, they may even a complete system failure occurs.

So, we first check the system files, as described above. After that, call the regedit command from the “Run” menu. In the editor itself, you need to go through the HKEY_CURRENT_USER branch, then - Software, after that - Microsoft, and then through the Windows tree to the CurrentVersion section, then to Explorer and enter Advanced settings, where in the right window you will need to create a new 32-bit DWORD value named EnableXAMLStartMenu. By default it will be set to "0". Please note that if such a parameter already exists, its value must be changed to zero, even if “0” is already set. After this, close the registry and reboot the system. In theory, everything will work.

However, you can do it much simpler by using the same “Run” menu to enter an automated command, and then simply click the “OK” button. This is a command starting with REG ADD, followed by the sequence shown in the picture. Changes will be made automatically. Again, a reboot of the computer system will be required.

Change the appearance of the Start button

Many Tens users increasingly began to wonder how to change the Start button in Windows 10. The fact is that the appearance of the button itself, that is, the displayed icon, cannot be changed using the system’s own means. In the personalization settings, you can only change menu options in terms of displaying icons, applications, colors, themes, quick transition to the main screen, increasing or decreasing the size of individual components (tiles) or the interface window that opens, etc.

The button itself can only be changed using specialized utilities, for example, Classic Shell, which allows you to bring not only the menu to a classic look, but also change the icon of the button itself. True, how expedient it is to do this so that the utility constantly “hangs” in RAM, everyone decides for himself.

Bottom line

In conclusion, it remains to be said that problems with the “Start” button, as is already clear, can be eliminated quite simply. But, as mentioned earlier, when editing the system registry, you need to be extremely careful not to cause irreparable damage to the system.

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