New “All” tariffs to replace “All inclusive” from Beeline. Beeline "All inclusive" tariff: description and connection What is the "All inclusive L" tariff plan

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It's no secret that the main advantage for subscribers mobile communications is to use the maximum amount of services for little money. Has just such a characteristic tariff plan Beeline "All inclusive". It is presented in several types, which include SMS and MMS packages, free minutes and Internet at a special low price.

Beeline's all-inclusive tariff is preferable to subscribers who want to use all mobile communication services at a low price. After all, even after the “All Inclusive” tariff ends, the fee for mobile communication and Internet services does not change, but remains the same low.

Description of Beeline "All inclusive" tariffs

What determines the number of services provided by the Beeline mobile operator and their payment, let’s take a closer look:

Tariff "All inclusive M"

This is the most economical tariff plan with a minimum subscription fee, which is 300 rubles per month. If you have used all 6000 minutes that are provided in the package, then the cost of calls from mobile operators and home network will be 2 rubles. Incoming calls are free.


Tariff "All inclusive L"

This tariff differs from the previous one in a large package of MMS and SMS, its cost is 690 rubles per month. A nice bonus with this tariff is the first 500 minutes of conversation per month are free. After using up the package, the price of one outgoing call will be 2 rubles/minute, SMS - 2.5 rubles and MMS - 7.95 rubles.

To activate the service, dial on your phone: 067490242

Tariff "All inclusive XL"

This is a balanced tariff plan, the subscription fee of which is - 1000 rubles per month. In addition to the package, the cost per minute of outgoing calls is 2 rubles per minute. If you have used up the entire SMS package, then subsequent ones will cost 2.5 rubles, MMS - 7.95 rubles.

Tariff "All inclusive XXL"

This tariff plan is for subscribers who prefer the maximum capabilities of the services provided by the Beeline mobile operator. Monthly fee for using the tariff - 1200 rubles. If the free minutes have run out, then the cost of one minute of an outgoing call will be 2 rubles. When all SMS and MMS are used up, further sending will cost 2.5 rubles and MMS - 7.95.

To activate the service, dial on your phone: 067490142

The price for connecting to any tariff plan presented above will be 200 rubles.

Today, the Beeline All Inclusive tariff is archived and it is impossible to connect to them. But there is no need to be upset, now it works no less advantageous offer from Beeline, represented by the “All for” line.

Many Beeline subscribers actively use mobile communications and want to have all the necessary features at their fingertips at an attractive price. To meet demand, Beeline provided users with the opportunity to connect to one of the “All Inclusive” tariffs. They contain free packages of minutes, messages and the Internet - everything a modern person needs for high-quality communication at an affordable price.

Description and general characteristics of tariffs

There are four tariffs available for connection from the “All Inclusive” line, which differ in package volumes and some other parameters:

All of the listed Beeline tariffs, with the exception of “All Inclusive XXL”, operate on a prepaid basis; the amount for switching to any of these tariff plans is 200 rubles.

Tariff "All inclusive M"

The preferred tariff for smartphone users who require a minimum amount of minutes, SMS and data to complete everyday tasks. For only 300 rubles per month, subscribers will be able to call Beeline for free until the package is used up, and after that - for only 2 rubles per minute, which also applies to outgoing calls to numbers of other operators. 1 GB of traffic is enough to view online documents and use social networks.

Tariff "All inclusive L"

A profitable solution for those who often send SMS and MMS messages in large quantities – the tariff plan provides 3000 MMS and 3600 SMS for free. This volume will satisfy everyone's needs! The tariff also includes 500 free minutes to Beeline numbers and 2.5 GB of unlimited Internet, sufficient for active use of the Network throughout Russia.

Tariff "All inclusive XL"

The tariff is for active Internet users, because here subscribers are provided with as much as 5 GB of unlimited and high-speed Internet, which is enough to download small files and view online documents. If you need to send a free SMS, there are 3000 of them here! For calls to Beeline, 600 minutes are provided, after which the cost of outgoing calls is 2 rubles/min.

Tariff "All inclusive XXL"

The most comprehensive tariff plan in this line, which includes 1200 free minutes of on-net calls, as well as 3000 MMS, 3600 SMS and 2.5 GB of high-speed Internet. You can take advantage of favorable conditions for only 1,200 rubles using the postpaid system.

How to activate “All inclusive” tariff plans

To switch to one of the tariffs in the line, simply call from the phone on which you need to change the tariff plan to one of the numbers listed below:

  • All inclusive M – 067410255
  • All inclusive L – 067410256
  • All inclusive XL – 067410257

To activate the All Inclusive XXL tariff plan, you need to contact one of the Beeline offices.


On at the moment tariffs of the line are not available for connection and have been moved to the archive. Instead, you can use “All for...” plans, which also provide free packages of services at a competitive price.

For example, analogue archive tariff All Inclusive M is valid

Looking for a plan that allows you to get a lot of mobile service at a reasonable cost? Previously, Beeline offered its subscribers to connect to “All Inclusive” tariffs, which provided for a certain number of calls, SMS messages and Internet traffic.

There were several tariffs from this line: “All inclusive M”, “All inclusive L”, “All inclusive XL” and “All inclusive XXL”.

The first of the above packages was aimed at those subscribers who are not used to spending a lot of money on mobile communications and prefer to communicate within the Beeline network. "All inclusive L", in turn, offered large number SMS and MMS messages provided for by the tariff conditions. “All Inclusive XL” and “All Inclusive XXL” met the requirements of customers who require greater communication opportunities and the least restrictive mobile tariffs.

However, at the moment, these tariff plans are already archived, which means that new subscribers can no longer connect to them.

To replace them, the operator has developed a new series of “All” tariffs, which will be discussed below.

"All for 200"

By connecting to this package, you get 1 GB for use, and you can also make unlimited and free calls to Beeline numbers in your region for only 200 rubles per month.

Outgoing calls to numbers of other domestic operators within your region are charged 1.60 rubles/1 min. The cost of a call to numbers of subscribers in other regions of the country is 9.90 rubles. per minute. Sending one SMS message to the numbers of subscribers of the capital branch will cost you 2 rubles, and to the numbers of other operators in the country and the world - 3.95 rubles. per piece. The cost will be 7.95 rubles/piece.

In fact, this package is also aimed at those who communicate most within the network. allows you to make outgoing calls to Beeline numbers in the CIS and neighboring countries, including Georgia and Ukraine (to Ukrainian Kyivstar numbers), for only 12 rubles per minute. The price of calls to numbers of other operators is 24 rubles. per minute. Outgoing calls to countries in Europe and North America are charged at 35 rubles/1 min.

You will also be given 1 GB for Internet access. The connection is carried out without speed restrictions, however, if you use up the traffic provided by the tariff, it will be reduced to 64 kbit per second. you can using one of the additional packages.

"All for 400"

With this tariff, you can get a larger number of cellular services, namely as much as 2 GB per month for using mobile Internet, 400 min. for local calls, also a message package of 100 SMS (to Beeline subscribers in your area). Sending SMS messages to numbers of other operators in Moscow and the region, as well as MMS, costs 2 and 7.95 rubles, respectively. Long-distance communication is charged 9.90 rubles. per minute of conversation.

For calls to operator numbers in the CIS countries and Georgia, the following conditions apply: first 10 min. communication per day is paid 5 rubles per minute, and the rest - 12 rubles. Calls to numbers of other operators in the specified direction (with the exception of Azerbaijan, Moldova and Belarus) - the first 10 minutes of communication cost 5 rubles, and the next 24 rubles. /1 min. Calls to numbers in Belarus, Azerbaijan and Moldova are charged additionally - 24 rubles. per minute of conversation.

Calls to other directions, as well as the conditions for connection and data transfer on the Internet are similar to the conditions of the previous tariff plan. Subscription fee is 400 rubles per month.

"All for 600"

If you subscribe to this tariff plan, the operator offers you unlimited calls to subscribers registered in your region, 600 minutes for calls to customers of other domestic operators in your region, with Beeline subscribers in other regions, as well as 300 messages and as much as 5 GB for access to Internet that you can use throughout the country.

The remaining mobile communication services are paid similarly to the previous package, with the exception of the conditions relating to calls to Moldova, Belarus and Azerbaijan. The cost of calls to these countries is 7 rubles for each of the first 10 minutes of communication, after which the next minutes are charged at 24 rubles. The terms of this tariff provide for a daily subscription fee, namely 20 rubles per day.

"Everything for 900"

By subscribing to this tariff, you can get 1000 minutes for local calls, unlimited communication with Beeline subscribers throughout Russia, as well as as much as 6 GB for using mobile Internet, an SMS package of 500 messages to the operator’s customers in your region.

The remaining options are charged similarly to the previous tariff, except for the cost of calls to Europe and North America. The following amendment applies here: the first 10 minutes of communication are paid for 5 rubles, and the subsequent ones - 35 rubles. per minute of conversation.

The tariff also provides for a daily subscription fee of 30 rubles/day.

"All for 1500"

This is the most comprehensive tariff plan from the presented line. This package provides daily fee in the amount of 50 rubles per day, for which you receive: 2000 free minutes for conversations with subscribers of all Russian operators, as much as 10 GB for accessing the network, as well as 1000 messages to numbers in your region.

Connection to tariffs

If you want to upgrade to one of the above tariff plans, you need to call the following numbers:

  • If you subscribe to the “All for 200” tariff, call the service number 067410260.
  • To connect to “All for 400” use the number 067410255.
  • To switch to “All for 600” use the service number 067410256.
  • If you want to switch to the “All for 900” tariff, call 067410264.
  • To select the “All for 1500” tariff, call 067410257.

The cost of connecting to one of the packages is 0 rubles. To switch to one of them, you can also use Personal account on the operator's website.

The terms of tariff plans may differ in your region; you can find out all the details by contacting the customer service center or on the Beeline website.

RF. Tariff offers from this operator are presented in a wide range. One of the most popular lines is "All inclusive". What are its features? What are the specifics of the evolution of tariffs in this line? Which services within this offer are especially beneficial to use?

Features of the tariff line

Peculiarities tariff line from Beeline "All inclusive" are that the operator provides subscribers with the opportunity to use communication services in a comprehensive format within the framework of a monthly fee. That is, the services included in the tariff ( voice communication, SMS, mobile Internet), would cost more if each subscriber purchased separately. For example, the Beeline tariff in one of the very first versions assumed that for a monthly subscription fee (Moscow region), the user, firstly, would be able to talk for 300 minutes when calling numbers of any operators, and secondly, write as many SMS as he wanted and MMS and, thirdly, download up to 600 megabytes of data from the Internet - without speed limits. The only thing that probably needs to be noted is the indicated volume of Internet traffic, even if using a network with mobile device, not too much. That's why of this type the tariff is designed more for users who do not have a particular need for online resources.

Our thesis regarding the limited adaptability of Beeline All Inclusive tariffs to the Internet can be confirmed by the following fact. Another offer of the line - XXL - assumes that for 1000 rubles of a monthly fee (Moscow region) a person will receive 900 minutes of calls, an unlimited number of messages, however, the volume of prepaid online traffic with full speed access will not change - 600 megabytes.

Transition is not free

It is also worth noting that switching to Beeline from other operator tariffs may not be free (although it is possible that the company’s policy may change over time). In this case, the amount on the balance must exceed what you need to pay upon transfer.

The goal is optimization

Top managers of the operator also spoke about the features of the Beeline All Inclusive tariffs. In particular, one of the statements noted: the purpose of introducing the tariff is to provide customers with the opportunity to use several services simultaneously at optimal prices. At the same time, the proposals, as stated, are arranged so that clients by default should not feel the need to connect any additional options. Both individuals and organizations can join the tariffs of the line in question.

Specifics of the "All inclusive" type of subscription: the amount is debited daily (with a prepaid system, in other cases - monthly). In some configurations (for example, when concluding an annual contract), subscribers may receive a significant discount on the use of services. But! If a person has not used any minutes during the billing period (say, a month), then they are not transferred to the next one.

Tariff: prepaid or postpaid?

We said above that subscribers have two options for connecting to the line tariffs. The first one is prepayment. Its essence is that communication services are provided by the operator with a positive account balance. The second option is postpayment. When activated of this format the availability of funds plays a secondary role - all expenses can be reimbursed later, based on the invoice issued by the company. Which of the two options for the All Inclusive tariff may be more profitable?

Imaginary cheapness

Expert opinions on this matter are mixed. However, analysts note that everything is very individual. As for benefits in absolute terms (that is, calculated based on the ratio of costs and services received), postpaid tariffs, as a rule, look preferable. Actually, the Beeline company, as we noted above, tends to configure its offers in exactly this way - with a discount in the case of postpaid registration. There is another side to the benefit. The fact is that not all subscribers are able to accurately monitor their expenses for cellular communication. And therefore, the bill sent by the company at the end of the month can be quite impressive, but at the same time, in many cases, less than if the person used a prepaid system. Unexpected “overspending” often occurs, for example, when using the Internet - when the subscriber simply forgets to log out mobile browser, and data continues to be downloaded from online.

Some people prefer a compromise option - use “autopayment” with a prepaid system. That is, if the funds on the balance run out, replenishment occurs automatically with bank card or an electronic wallet - most operators allow you to do this, Beeline tariffs are no exception: reviews from many subscribers confirm that such a system works without failures.

However, there are a large number of users who prefer the postpaid option for various reasons. Beeline tariffs “All inclusive XL, XXL” and their “younger” “brothers” allow you to use this format of interaction between the subscriber and the operator.


Let's study specific examples tariffs offered by Beeline within the line in question. The spectrum of these includes offers indexed with letters from M to XXL, probably by analogy with clothing sizes. What unites all tariffs, as we have already said, is the principle of merging different, potentially expensive, services. Moreover, together they turn out to be cheaper than if each of them were used separately. The exception is perhaps the Internet, the volume of which, provided the access is at full speed, is not too much.

From youngest to oldest

The “junior” tariff in the line is “All Inclusive M”. The monthly fee for it in a number of regions is 300 rubles. per month. In return, the client receives 150 minutes of calls (any local operators) and 30 SMS. It turns out that you can talk on average about 5 minutes a day and send 1 message. The Internet, as we have already said, is unlimited (and with traffic up to 600 megabytes - also on high speed) format is attached.

The next "seniority" tariff of "Beeline" is "All Inclusive L". The monthly fee for it in one of the regional configurations is twice as much as for the previous offer - 600 rubles. per month. This, by the way, is more than in the “Moscow” subtype we noted at the very beginning of the article - there are 500 rubles. True, more minutes are given than with a double multiplication - 360, which is equal to approximately 12 calls per day (per minute). But you can write as many SMS and MMS as you like.

The Beeline All Inclusive XL tariff, which was in effect for some time in the Perm Territory, offered subscribers for 540 rubles. per month 900 minutes of calls, unlimited messages and unlimited internet. Interestingly, in the same region, at the same time as this service, the “All inclusive. Unlimited” tariff was also in effect. Through it, for 840 rubles per month, the subscriber received an unlimited number of local calls, as well as calls to Beeline numbers in other regions. Messages could also be sent as many as desired. Internet traffic was also decent - 1.5 GB before the speed limit.

We have already reviewed the XXL tariff at the beginning of the article (in its Moscow version). In regions, in principle, the ratio of the size of the monthly fee and the minutes provided is similar. In some cases, Beeline may offer non-standard line tariffs. These include, for example, an offer such as “All Inclusive-Super”, which, according to many experts, is quite profitable for travelers. In one of the regional modifications, this tariff includes several thousand minutes of calls and free Internet when traveling around Russia.

Luxury option

You can also check "All Inclusive L-Lux" in one of the versions. As part of the corresponding offer, a subscriber can, by paying 6,500 rubles, use more than 4 thousand minutes of calls throughout the year, send more than 36 thousand SMS, any number of MMS. And most importantly, the conditions for using the Internet are significantly more favorable than in many other offers in the line - 2 GB per month without speed limits.

We see how wide the range of conditions is that Beeline offers us within the framework of the tariff line and “All Inclusive”: 300 rubles, 500, 6500 - all to suit the needs of users of various categories.

Budget format

Experts note that in many regions there is a tendency for the corresponding operator’s offers to become cheaper every year. The line is over 3 years old. Today there are regions where the price of some Beeline All Inclusive tariffs is 150 rubles. As a rule, this applies to type M offers, however, as we determined above, the number of minutes included in this monthly fee may be quite sufficient for customers who do not talk on the phone very often.

The development of technology gives a huge impetus to all areas of human life. Therefore, the needs of the modern person have moved to a qualitatively new level. If 8-10 years ago it was expensive and expensive to use mobile communication services, now the opposite is true. Operator companies try to offer their subscribers the most complete service packages, while adhering to a loyal pricing policy. After all, modern mobile users have plenty to choose from and something to compare with.

Mobile operator "Beeline" offers its subscribers a wide range of mobile communication services via affordable prices. Particular attention should be paid to the “All inclusive” tariff line. They exist in several versions, and are intended for those who prefer inexpensive communication without restrictions. Let's take a closer look at the entire range of this tariff plan.

The operator provides the subscriber with 6000 minutes for calls within the network and 1 GB of high-speed mobile internet. The cost of SMS is 2 rubles 50 kopecks, the cost of MMS is 7 rubles 95 kopecks. If the subscriber has used up all the minutes, subsequent calls will cost 2 rubles per minute to any Russian number. All incoming calls are free. The cost of tariff activation is 200 rubles. The monthly subscription fee is 300 rubles.

Tariff "All inclusive L"

The user receives 500 minutes for calls within the network and to local numbers, as well as 2.5 GB of high-speed mobile Internet, 3600 SMS and 3000 MMS. Driver calls are free. Based on the use of the provided package data, their cost will be:

  • SMS – 2 rubles 50 kopecks;
  • MMS – 7 rubles 95 kopecks.

The cost of connecting to the service is 200 rubles. The subscription fee is 690 rubles per month.

Tariff "All inclusive XL"

The package includes 6,000 minutes for calls to Beeline and local numbers, 5 GB of high-speed mobile Internet. Plus, 3000 SMS. The cost of switching to this tariff offer is 200 rubles. The monthly subscription fee is 1000 rubles. If packet data exceeds the norm, the cost of services will be:

  • calls within the network and to local numbers - 2 rubles per minute;
  • SMS – 2 rubles 50 kopecks;
  • MMS – 7 rubles 95 kopecks.

Tariff "All inclusive XXL"

This tariff provides the subscriber with the maximum number of services:

  • unlimited calls within the Beeline network;
  • 2000 minutes for calls to local numbers;
  • 1 GB of high-speed mobile Internet;
  • 100 SMS per day to all directions.

After using up the package data, the cost of services will be:

  • calls within the network and to local numbers – 1 ruble 50 kopecks per minute;
  • SMS – 2 rubles 95 kopecks;
  • MMS – 6 rubles 45 kopecks.

In addition, the “All inclusive XXL” tariff implies quite favorable prices for intercity and international calls. The cost of switching to the tariff is 100 rubles. The subscription fee is 33 rubles per day for federal number, and 41 rubles 50 kopecks for a city number.

Now it becomes clear why the all-inclusive tariff is very popular among subscribers of this mobile operator. After all, you can choose the option that is optimal for everyone. More detailed information Regarding tariff plans of the all-inclusive 1 line, you can find out from Beeline operators as comfortably as possible for you!

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