nssm.exe application error. What is NSM? Trying to identify the culprit

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Hello dear users! In today's article, I suggest that you consider the most likely causes associated with a memory read error. personal computers. In general, by and large, it should be noted that a memory read error can be caused by various errors and therefore, in order to eliminate the occurrence of such an error, as a rule, it is necessary to perform a number of specific actions that will eliminate the error associated with reading the memory.

Due to my professional duties, users often ask me the question: memory cannot bereadhow to fix? It is in this article that I would like to outline a number of those basic actions that helped me eliminate the cause of the memory read error. However, I will tell you that in some cases it was not always possible to successfully eliminate the error related to reading memory using the steps outlined in this article, but in most cases, of course, this problem can be eliminated without resorting to reinstalling Windows.

So, the appearance of an error such as: “Memory cannot be read” is due to the fact that a certain program or application is trying to access some pages of memory (in other words, it is trying to read or write something), access to which is initially prohibited this program. That is, it is a software error. The operating system, in turn, detects this whole thing, and accordingly blocks this program, thereby issuing a memory read error. Below is a screenshot of this very error.

In principle, we can say that the appearance of such an error does not pose a direct threat to the entire operating system, but this does not tell us that errors of this type can simply be safely ignored and continue further work on the computer. The system only notifies the user that a particular program does not properly manage the memory provided to it and goes beyond the limited area. In many cases, such an error occurs due to programs that are not licensed or made errors in the code during the writing of the program, which in turn cause crashes, freezes, and errors in the computer.

Memory cannot be read how to fix? Ways to fix the error!

So, let's say an error constantly appears on your computer: and what is the actual cause of it. Let's find out which methods in most cases allow you to successfully resolve this error. I will give only those methods (methods), thanks to which I managed to completely get rid of this annoying error.

First, I advise you to clean your computer from all kinds of rubbish, slag, how this can be done, you will learn from the article:

Data Prevention Service (DEP ) . First, a few words about what kind of service it is. The data prevention service is a set of software and hardware technologies that, in turn, control how programs use memory. talking in simple terms, controls access to the memory of any program. If, for example, you are working in a specific program, and in the process of working, a window suddenly appears with the text “The program has stopped working”, then, accordingly, you are offered two options for solving this problem. In Windows 7, the error looks like the following window.

As a result, of course, the program will close and the unsaved work will be lost. If you had to deal with a similar error, I think you understand what I'm talking about.

And the reason for everything is just the same incorrect operation of the program with which you worked, a little earlier I already spoke of the reasons for the incorrect operation of such programs. So the question arises: is it possible to somehow eliminate such a problem? It is disabling the data prevention service that prevents the error from occurring. However, relying on my practical skills, I must tell you that disabling DEP does not always allow you to achieve the desired result. For a more complete understanding of the DEP service, I suggest that you consider the basic operations that this service allows you to perform.

So, first we need to know how to get to the DEP service itself and where is it located? It is important to know that all the actions you perform must be performed on behalf of the administrator.

In order to open the DEP service window, you will need to follow these steps:

For Windows 7:

Start => Control Panel => System and Security => System => Advanced System Settings.

Then, in the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab and select the "Performance" section, in which you will need to click on "Settings".

In the window that opens, we see that the DEP service can be set as for separate program, and for all programs, applications, or you can simply disable this service altogether.

It should be noted that by default the service is enabled for the main programs, but for example, we should disable DEP only for a specific program. To do this, set the switch as shown in the figure below and click the "Add" button.

In my example, I have specified the executable file of the Double GIS 2.0 program and click "Apply" and "OK". You will need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. If you need to enable DEP for a program in the future, simply uncheck the box next to the program that you want to add under the DEP service.

Finally, click Apply and restart your computer.

Now it's time to consider how you can disable DEP. To do this, we will use the command line. Click "Start" and type "cmd" in the search bar.

Then right click mouse click on "cmd" and in the menu that appears, select "Run as administrator".

Now in the window that opens, in the appropriate line, you will need to enter the following command bcdedit.exe / set (current) nx AlwaysOff

Then press "Enter" and restart your computer. Thus, after a reboot, the DEP command will be inactive, that is, disabled. In order for the DEP service to become active again, you will need to enable it. To do this, you will need to reopen command line and write the following command:

bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx OptIn

Then you need to press "Enter" and restart your computer.

How to disable the DEP service in Windows XP?

For Windows XP, we will disable the DEP service in the following way:

To get started, go to the system properties and in the "Advanced" tab, go to the "Settings" section, as shown in the figure below.

In the next window, you should click "Edit"

If the above operations did not help solve the problem with the error: memory cannot bereadhow to fix and get rid of it in other ways? Let's look at other methods.

- System Libraryole. dll

The opinion of many experienced users comes down to the fact that installing or uninstalling certain programs may not occur quite correctly, as a result of which all this is displayed when accessing system library. To correct errors in the system library itself, you will need to issue a special command.

To do this, in the "Run" command line, you will need to write the command regsvr32 %SystemRoot%\system32\ole32.dll, press "Enter" and restart the computer.

— Conflict software

It is possible that one program creates obstacles for normal operation another program, resulting in a "Memory cannot be read" error. Theoretically, it is believed that the more various programs are installed on your computer, the more likely it is that the “Memory cannot be read” error will appear.

It should also be noted that the operating system is cluttered, if, let's say, regular installation and removal of various programs and applications takes place on your computer, then in this case it would be more expedient to clean the operating system from uninstalled files.

Often there are situations when, when installing games, programs, users incorrectly indicate the path for installing programs, respectively, in the future this may be the cause of the error "Memory cannot be read" or incorrect installed program will interfere with the normal functioning of another program.

In one of my previous articles, I already said that there are utilities that are designed to clean the system registry, startup, and the entire computer as a whole from desired files, one of these programs is just the same program CCleaner. For more information on how to use this program, you can read .

- Error reporting

Any errors that occur in the operating system are usually generated in a so-called report. You can try to disable error reporting in Windows 7, or if you have Windows XP installed, then it will not be a problem to disable error reporting in it.

You can disable error reporting in Windows 7 by going to the following branch:

Start => Control Panel => System and Security => Action Center. After that, you should select the "Options" section.

If this section is not displayed, then click on "Maintenance" to open additional options error reporting. Finally, the window shown in the figure below will open:

Here you will only need to mark "Do not check for new solutions", click "OK" and restart your computer.

For Windows XP:

Start => Control Panel => System => Advanced => Error Reporting. Next, you will need to check the box "Disable error reporting" and do not forget to uncheck the box "But notify about critical errors."

Now you should click "OK" and restart your computer.

- Swap file.

Errors when working at a computer may occur if your computer does not have the optimal size of the paging file. It often happens that a notification of such a nature as “Virtual memory is running out” appears, agree that not every novice user is able to independently figure out what the matter is and how to add this virtual memory. In general, I wrote a separate article about the swap file, in which I told in detail what value should be set at a certain volume random access memory What are the types of memory. Therefore, do not be lazy and read the article:

Since I’m talking about computer memory, I want to add that one of the reasons for the “Memory cannot be read” error may be the mismatch of programs or games to the computer configuration. For example, you want to install a game on your computer that requires 1 GB of RAM, and in your case one bar of RAM is installed for only 512 MB.

- The version of the operating system is not genuine;

Errors may occur due to licensed version Windows. To date, the existing various pirated assemblies of operating systems have more likely that you constantly have to reinstall Windows. After all, such broken versions of operating systems themselves contain errors in the code, which in turn reduce the protection of your computer from virus attacks and it is unlikely that your data will remain intact and safe even in the event of an internal system failure.

In general, of course, I would say that if errors appear in the system, first perform a full computer scan for viruses, because it is quite possible that the conflict may be caused by some recently installed Trojan program.

So, what should you do if the above tips did not help get rid of the “Memory cannot be read” error. In this case, you need to check HDD for errors, and also defragment the disk. If you do not know how to do this, then I recommend reading my articles:

If the error continues to appear, then the next step is to reinstall the operating system, followed by formatting system partition. After all, the cause of the error may be hidden precisely in the assembly of the operating system itself. And an assembly, as you know, is a system in which the interface of the operating system differs from the real one, that is, its modification does not correspond Windows requirements, hence the change in some system files, besides, the drivers included in such an assembly do not always correspond to the equipment.

Concluding today's article, I would also like to say that not every user can afford to install a licensed operating system. Therefore, if you install a non-original Windows version to your computer, with the hope that your computer will work even better, faster, then be prepared for the fact that such an assembly may soon appear with the advent of possible errors, computer freezes.

Have you ever encountered an error: Memory cannot be read, how did you manage to fix it? Maybe you know your own methods for eliminating such an error that were not voiced by me in this article, I will be glad to hear you in the comments.

P.S =>>> So, with regard to today's article, I told you and now I would like to name the best commentator of the past month, who left the most comment on the blog, he became Denis ( [email protected]). Denis send me your WMR wallet number, I will transfer the cash prize to you.

That's all for today! See you all in the article =>

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So, for today, this is actually all that I wanted to tell you about in today's issue. I can only hope that you have found interesting and useful information in this article. Well, I, in turn, am waiting for your questions, wishes or suggestions regarding this article or the entire site as a whole.

When you get infected with nssm.exe, the next time you turn on your computer, instead of the desktop you will see a fraudulent notification in the local language, stating that illegal activity in cyberspace was related to your IP address and therefore your computer was blocked by the local law enforcement agencies. It uses victims' PC resources to mine Moner, Bitcoin, Dashcoin, or other cryptocurrencies for its developer. The Trojan is executed when the recipient Email downloads.doc application containing information about the latest political events in the world. This means that this Trojan can only run on one computer behind your back, but it can also endanger the life of your graphics card, possibly by overloading it. Thus, it is only natural that we encourage users to stay away from them at all costs. Luckily, it's not really a screen lock - users can still navigate Windows via Alt+Tab and restart their computers. More detailed information about this infection and will be provided further down the text, so if you want to know how to avoid ransomware, it might be a good idea to continue reading. If, unfortunately, you already have this malware, use the comprehensive removal guide that can be found below. Read the information below to know more about nssm.exe removal. But let me tell you in more detail what we discovered while testing this ransomware. Continue reading to learn about it and remove nssm.exe.

Like most ransomware infections, this one is also spread through spam emails. When users run its ChkDsk.exe file (it has such a name for a reason - it pretends to be a harmless disk check), it scans the system, finds where important files are located, users, and finally encrypts all files without mercy. If the security is something you would like to avoid in the future, we encourage you to be more careful next time. It said that the emails attached the executable file of this ransomware. Cyber ​​criminals are also willing to decrypt 3 files for free to show users that they have the key and can open the files. Once nssm.exe is executed on the PC, it encrypts the files (most likely with an AES cipher) and attaches a unique extension (.xdxdlol) to their names. Unlike other applications in this category, it does not encrypt files in the %userprofile%desktoptest directory. The lock screen window can be fixed once and for all by restarting your computer. Did you find the file “ZINO_NOTE.TXT” on your desktop (or folders with encrypted files)? If your files aren't copying, take note to start backup data to ensure you don't lose it in the future. However, nssm.exe remains a major virtual threat that should not be taken lightly.

After file encryption is complete, nssm.exe should show an explanatory note. For example, it can encrypt office documents, OpenOffice, PDF, text files, databases, photos, music, videos, files, images, archives and so on. Repair matters no luck, and after it is completed or the computer is restarted, a red flashing skeleton in ASCII appears the text “press any key! That is, this single file allows the threat to not only encrypt everything personal files on the computer, but also place a warning message on the screen. It may make it harder to remove this malicious application, but, with our help, you still need to manage to take care of it without help. automatic removal malware. This program also adds encrypted files with the .nssm.exe file extension as a sign that the files are encrypted. It can also infect your computer through bogus Flash Player or java updates which are often promoted on malicious websites. Therefore, you must practice safe browsing habits, which means avoiding questionable sites at all times. Such a tool is of paramount importance as it can detect and warn you in advance of any virtual threats. Therefore, securing your system should be your top priority. Keep in mind that setting app security to automatic doesn't mean you can act without looking at the internet. First, you will be asked to pay a ransom, and it can be quite large.

Bad programs, especially ransomware infections that enter computers for the purpose of extracting money from users, are such threats that illegally slither onto users' computers. It features a note in Spanish. The executable is usually presented as a decent spam email attachment, for example, it can even pretend to be a harmless document that explains why so many users open these attachments and infect their computers with malware. The reason for this may be twofold. Warning this Trojan that displays a background over the desktop should scare you so much that you pay without hesitation. however, this tool will not allow you to decrypt your files. If you want to automatically delete nssm.exe, make sure to use a professional malware for this task. Attachment may look like simple word document or PDF file but by opening it, you would infect your system with nssm.exe.

Hello friends, I'll tell you about the nssm.exe process, this is not a very popular process, but it gets some users by its presence in the task manager. Rummaging around on the Internet, I did not find anything intelligible, nothing is clear.

But I started digging further. And that's what I found, this nssm.exe process, it seems to belong to such a program as a service manager (as it turned out, this is a console program). This program can run any software as a service. That is, it can be useful for an advanced user who understands what's what. But if you are a beginner, then it is unlikely that you will be interested in all this.

But after digging more on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that the nssm.exe process can also easily be a Trojan or a virus that many antiviruses do not see. But I think that they already see it, there is just little information, but it was left on the Internet a long time ago.

The nssm.exe process is usually located in this folder:

But on some sites I read that he could be in system folders like Windows or System32, and this is really suspicious.

Here is the process itself and its properties:

And here is where it is:

But look carefully, what's more interesting is that the process is just in the Roaming folder. Although this folder should usually contain other folders in which programs store their settings, at least this has always been the case.

I was looking for more information on the Internet and came across the site nssm.cc, which is most likely related to the nssm.exe process. There is also an opinion that another asshole also belongs to nssm.exe, this is srvany.exe.

I went to this site and downloaded some program called nssm 2.24:

The program has been downloaded to zip archive, inside which was the nssm-2.24 folder, and it contained other files and folders:

I looked a little, in general, in the src folder, there are some files that are clearly related to the C ++ programming language (most likely these are some kind of source code). And in the win32 and win64 folders there are versions of the nssm.exe process for 32 and 64-bit Windows, well, it seems a little clear here. There are also two files, this is a log file and a README file (translated as read me).

As I understand it, this nssm.exe file needs to be thrown into the system32 folder and then you can use it from the command line

The site still has info about what nssm is, I translated it with Google translator, in general, it’s also not very clear what exactly it is about:

In general, this is nonsense

Well, how then to remove this nssm.exe?

If your nssm.exe file is located in the System32 or Windows folder, then do not touch it, most likely it is not a virus. And if the virus, then it can be removed antivirus utilities, I will write about this later.

If you have nssm.exe in this folder:


Then you can delete it, but before that, complete it in the task manager.

Something I stepped on and did not write at all how to find out where the running process is located. Look, you open the task manager and on the Processes tab find the same nssm.exe (well, or another process) and right-click on it, select File Location:

And then the folder from where it starts will open. Well, that is understandable, I hope

I have one more trick for you. After the folder has opened, you can end the process in the task manager and rename the selected file in the folder to, for example:

Now this process will not start. And if it starts, then it's very similar to a virus

I also found out that the nssm.exe process can actually be a virus and will be defined as Trojan.Win32.Gibi.qg. Some more users this process loads the processor, that's it

So what do you end up doing?

Well, the right decision, as it seems to me, is only one. This is a test special utilities both for regular viruses and for adware (these are more reachable, but not so dangerous). And here are the utilities I recommend:

  • — removes adware well, checks the registry, Windows folders, browser folders, can analyze browser extensions;
  • - just like the previous utility, it targets adware, but uses slightly different detection mechanisms, no worse; can find threats even in cookies, these are data that were left by sites on your computer; finds viruses and trojans in normal programs and removes them from there;
  • - a well-known scanner, probably one of the best in terms of a universal solution; checks everything that is possible, removes the usual but more dangerous viruses, spyware and adware; downloaded with a random name and already with anti-virus databases;

Here, check your computer with these utilities. If they do not find anything, then most likely you do not have viruses.

Everything I dug up, I wrote everything to you. I hope that everything was useful, I wish you good luck


Today we will consider an application about which there is very little information on the Internet. Despite this, in most cases, the process of this utility does not carry any danger. But to make sure of this, you need to carefully study it and analyze the behavior of the system. Therefore, let's consider what kind of Nssm program it is and how to remove it.

Program description

Nssm (the Non-Sucking Service Manager) is a free portable utility to run any application as a service in operating systems from Microsoft. Those. it can be used to convert the program to a standard Windows service and equate to system processes by granting the appropriate permissions and authority. It is not known why this is done and who may need it. this application, but if you are reading this article, it means that you are definitely not going to use Nssm for its intended purpose.

By default, nssm.exe is located at C:\Users\<ИмяПользователя>\AppData\Roaming is 294,912 (96% of the time) or 338,944 bytes and has a fairly low potential danger rating (19%).

It is noteworthy that the application file is located in a folder intended for temporary files of various programs. From this we can conclude that Nssm is needed for the operation of one of the pre-installed on the computer software products and does not pose a threat to personal data and the system as a whole.

How to delete?

If you set out to get rid of unknown software, follow these steps:

If Nssm was a regular utility, the application will be removed from the computer. But there are cases when viruses, worms and Trojans disguised themselves as Non-Sucking Service Manager. If nssm.exe loads the processor or displays an “application error” pop-up window, it is worth talking about PC infection.

To clean up your computer, follow these steps:

If Nssm has not been removed, and problems with slow computer operation and freezes have not disappeared, it is recommended to download Dr.Web CureIt! and fully scan your hard drive for malware. If you find virus software, follow the prompts virus scanner.

In any case, the Non-Sucking Service Manager is not a vital utility and is recommended to be removed at the slightest hint of hostility. And if it is necessary for the operation of another application, then you will be notified about this and download the verified version from the official website. Now we know what Nssm is and how to remove it.

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