Cool things to write about yourself on VKontakte. What you can write about yourself on your VKontakte page: useful tips and original ideas How to fill out a form in VKontakte in an original way

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. Today I decided to take a little break and leave the main topic of my blog for a while. I want to give a few useful recommendations specifically for you.

I have quite a lot of experience working in social networks. I have promoted personal and brand accounts more than once. Created profiles of regional celebrities, administrators and hedgehogs with them. Now I will try to inspire you. I will tell you what you can write in the interests of VKontakte, doing it in such a way as to evoke positive emotions in readers.

I want to immediately warn you that not many people pay attention to this column, mostly your friends. Filling it out will not bring you fame or money. This is not such a useful work, which, at most, can create a “correct” opinion about you among friends, colleagues and other people who will be interested in your profile.

Typically, they are already your subscribers.

Your VK page is the face of your brand. They judge from the wall what you encourage, and from the basic information they try to determine what kind of person you are. Frankly speaking, 0.01% of the audience does this. Which includes slackers or those who are really and stupidly interested in your personality.

To ensure that the work on your interests is completed correctly, and you don’t spoil your impression of yourself, and you don’t have to, I recommend that you follow several important rules.

  • Don't use too many "interests". 10-15 will be more than enough.

Long sheets of text are no longer considered stylish and take us back to the time when VKontakte was just in its infancy and everyone was drawn using all sorts of nonsense. It’s almost impossible to find a long list of interests even among teenagers these days.

Increasingly, long lists are nothing more than a sign of spammers.

  • Think about what interests you are inserting and who can read them.

I am convinced that after everything is filled in the interests column, you will forget about it. If not forever, then at least for a very long time.

Think about the consequences: what if your employer sees this information? Will he like the fact that you are interested in horoscopes and creating voodoo dolls?

Include extralinguistic knowledge and you will be happy

In this course, you will be told step by step how to work with skin, eyes, teeth in a photograph, get rid of defects and emphasize the advantages of any portrait.

Well that's it, now you know about how to create funny and funny interests and what to do to get more followers on your page.

With this I say goodbye to you, if you found the article interesting, subscribe to the newsletter and learn more about life and making money on the Internet.

I wish you good luck in your endeavors. See you again!

In this article you will find unique, attention-grabbing phrases that you can write down in the column about yourself on VKontakte.

So, what should you write about yourself on VKontakte? If your goal is to interest the majority of visitors to your account, to intrigue the opposite sex, or to fill out your profile in a high-quality and unusual way in order to find old acquaintances, then follow our recommendations.

In this article you will find unique, attention-grabbing phrases that you can write down in the column About me VKontakte.

The selection is universal and will suit any user.

If you have few VK friends, then our service has cheat subscribers. You can do it completely free of charge, you just need to register on our website. There is also a promotion for VKontakte groups, which will help quickly promote a public page to the TOP of the ranking.

To go to the required “About Me” section, click under the avatar of your page “Edit” and go to the “Interests” attachment. What to write in interests on VKontakte, is presented below.

You can also enter an email:

After that, copy the phrases you like, or enter them in the “About Me” section. Don't forget to "Save" all your data, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

We also offer you a selection of phrases that are perfect for answering the question in this article about yourself on VKontakte: what to write:

  • I know that I'm not the best girl in the universe, but that's if you look at whose universe.
  • Before you meet someone, be sure that it is not me.
  • In principle, it’s not difficult with me. To do this, you just need to be nearby, and not somewhere (this is what what can you write about yourself in contact to a girl?).
  • They threw stones at me so often, but none of them scared me.
  • I don't focus on those who judge my life. After all, I live, and do not engage in condemnation.
  • And in general I'm strange. I think that each of us is crazy in our own way.
  • I feel that you don't feel me the way you should feel me.
  • Give me time, and I will turn the Earth upside down!
  • I am not tied to circumstances. I'm only interested in possibilities.
  • I am a person for whom loneliness is an integral part of life.
  • I create heaven myself!
  • My life has a certain taste and smell. An unforgettable taste of stability. Vanilla scent of devotion. It's always there.

What is possible write something funny about yourself? Below are several examples with which you can fill out the “About Me” column.

I was wandering around the forums and came across this topic “What can I write in the interests section of a contact?”, it amazed me, the person who wrote this probably has no interests at all. I won’t discuss anyone, I’d rather try to answer the question posed.

In the interests section you should write about:

After all, this can be read by a girl who accidentally ends up on your page, and if nonsense is written in the interests of interests, she will immediately close your page. I advise you to sit down and think about this, you will definitely find what interests you, and don’t even think about going to the forum and asking “interests in contact, what should I write?”

I advise you to format the Interests section in the form of tags so that users with the same interests can find each other through search. If you don't know what tags are, here's an example.

Cars, computers, sea, beach, girls, etc.

Separate them with commas, preferably one word at a time.

Interests on VKontakte for girls

And now I'll post it ready-made collections of VKontakte interests for girls.

Sea. Sun. Summer. Rain…
Sky. Stars. Race. Night…..
Givenchy. Armani. Hugo...
Mother. Dad. Friend. Girlfriend…
Romanticism. Love. Spring….
Hands. Lips. Life without sleep...
Dachas. Parties. Chocolate. And someone’s loving gaze...
Impeccability. Style. Perfume. The perfect manicure...
Nelly. Coolio. Solaar… Delicate bronze tan…..
Beauty. Smile. Photo….. Height. Dream of flight......
Books, ICQ, Inet, Vkontakte... Youth and Creativity....
Sincerity and Positivity….
Pride. Speed. Face-control….
Flame. Passion. Fire. Bonfire…..
Butterflies. Delight and Joy…..
Heart. Tears. Laughter. Accident…..
Rainbow. Flowers and Children….
We are alive! We live it all!…..

Family, travel, Photography, smiles, sports, life, soul, children, joy, love, luck, computer, photoshop, active recreation, travel, people, business, religion, cinema, television, chocolate, sea, harmony, good mood, tourism, good cars, speed, Italian, Italy, sea, mountains, summer, music, dancing, communication, fashion...

Music, cinema, shopping, ice cream, watching TV, twister, science fiction, chatting on the phone, perfume, Swarovski, fireworks, cosmetics, sea, starry sky, sunset, internet, friends, fashion clothes, dancing, denyushki, pioneer ball, cats, fun, walking, expensive cars, keychains for mobile phones, milk chocolate, laughter, theater, rain, soft toys, chess, travel, Me to you, friends, contact, communication, relatives, family ties , milkshakes, intrigue, Diroi Senses, expensive hotels, sea, yachts, sun, chupik, Raphaelka, Danissimo Fantasia, elastic bands, hairpins, bracelets, stationery, swimming pool, shampoos, hats, Terranova, Zara, Stradivarius, Mango, bags, hoodie , jeans (dark and white), water, sun loungers, books, fast food, valentines, flowers, flomziki, strawberries, bananas, beautiful clothes, delicious food, cosmetics, jewelry, animals, guinea pigs, movies, I love iPhone 3G, photographs

I am the one...who dreams of sleepless nights.
I'm a mixture of scream and smile
From the right decisions and mistakes...
Mixed from pain and bliss,
I am a perfect imperfection.
How beautiful the morning dawn is,
But, like the moon, it is treacherous and dangerous,
Strong like the wind and weak like a midge,
With the soul of a tender but free cat...

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.

When filling out a page on the VKontakte social network, the question may arise about what is best to write. There are quite a lot of sections that a new user has to fill out. But not everything needs to be filled in immediately. If you have difficulty with any of them, you can put it off for later. So, what should you write on VKontakte about yourself?

What is meant by this?

In the column under the self-explanatory title “About yourself” you need to indicate information that relates specifically to you. Write whatever you think is necessary. But remember:

  • There is no need to list hobbies at this point;
  • the same goes for music, books and everything for which separate sections are allocated;
  • try not to write too much so that other users do not get the impression that you have delusions of grandeur.

What to write on VKontakte about yourself?

Let's imagine that you have been asked to briefly introduce yourself. That's what you are

answer, and you need to write in this column. Except for all of the above. Write about what you are proud of in yourself, what qualities you value. You can also insert excerpts from various literary works, if, of course, they are appropriate. You can write on VKontakte about yourself in poetry. When filling out the “Interests” section, we recommend that you use the following tips:

  • indicate only what can really be called a “hobby” or “passion”;
  • “I like to wear branded clothes” is not an interest, but “collecting”, “cosmetology”, “drawing” - yes;
  • in order to find fellow hobbies, try to fit your “interest” into meaningful expressions and words, then they will be regarded as tags, and when you click on them you will be able to see all the users who indicated the same thing as you in this section .

If you don’t know what to write about yourself on VKontakte, you can skip this section for now and fill out the others, and return to it later. This can be done with home page, using the “edit” link.

How to write a status on VKontakte?

In a broad sense, all statuses can be divided into three types:

  • clever expressions (quotes from great people, your own point of view);
  • real information about the user (for example, “I am sick” or “my soul flies on the wings of love” and so on);
  • symbols (smileys, icons).

If you like to quote smart people, then use your status to record them. You can take sayings from books, the Internet, and even from the VKontakte website itself. You can also write down everything that happens to you in your status. Share with friends

information that you are going on vacation and will miss everyone, or that your page has been hacked and you apologize for the spam, and so on. Important: write only what really exists.

  • Filling out the “Music” section of “VKontakte”. What to write? Indicate either specific groups or performers whose work you admire, or simply the style of music that you prefer. You don’t need to limit yourself to one genre; you can specify several.
  • Finally, let’s return to the question of what to write on VKontakte about yourself, and make one clarification. There is no need to post 20 quotes, choose what is really close and consonant with you. Otherwise, other users will bypass your page and refuse to read so much “information” about you.

Information is one of the main tools that must be handled correctly in modern world. A word can support or offend, make a person an enemy or best friend, interest or turn away.

There are many rules for using words - spelling, orthography, philology, but we learn to speak and write the necessary things only in the process of life.

What should you pay attention to when talking about yourself, what should you focus on, and what should you leave out? What can you write about yourself in order to interest a real or potential interlocutor?

Everything you say says about you, and especially what you say about others (Paul Valéry)

Writing a biography essay

The main goal of an autobiography is to tell about yourself in an accessible and easy way, about significant events in your life in such a way as to interest the reader.

In addition, compiling your own biography will help you easily talk about yourself during job interviews, certifications, when writing a resume, when traveling abroad, and will also leave a memory for your loved ones.

When writing a biography, real facts (in chronological order), events and names are used. An autobiography is written in the first person in the singular.

Plan/Style Selection

The classic biography outline looks like this:

  • introduction;
  • brief description;
  • main part (main events and achievements);
  • conclusion.

You can choose a formal, business style (when writing a biography for work or school) or use all your creativity for an interesting and meaningful narrative.

What to write about

In the introduction, you should briefly describe the purpose and objectives of your essay. In the description, indicate information about yourself, place of birth and place of residence, as well as other significant facts.

Depending on your age and status, the events described will vary. For example, a student can talk about his family, preschool, studies at school, achievements in sports and extracurricular activities.

An adult should focus on his work, education received, additional courses, as well as events in his personal life, participation in social work, interests and hobbies.

In conclusion, it is necessary to summarize all the materials, repeating the main ideas of the essay and draw conclusions.

Details/artistic techniques

If you want to attract attention to your essay from the first lines, use an interesting epigraph. This could be a poem, a famous expression, or even an anecdote that matches the topic of the essay.

Comparison techniques are acceptable and encouraged in biography, but use allegories, metaphors, and irony with caution.

Use a presentation to attract attention to your person. For greater clarity, you can use photographs, drawings and diagrams in your presentation. Such a biography will definitely make you want to read it to the end.


If you are a creative person, know how to work with words and do not want to write a classically constructed biography, you can write an essay in the form of a fictional story with a twisted plot.

But you shouldn’t turn your biography into a confession or a philosophical treatise - write only the necessary things, putting them in interesting forms.

Use fresh idease classical genres:

  • novel;
  • detective;
  • novellas;
  • fiction, etc.

What can you write about yourself?

In your resume

The task of a resume is to tell as fully as possible about yourself in such a way as to interest a potential employer and give him confidence that you are exactly the person he needs.

A good resume is a small novel that, from the very beginning to the last point, makes the reader read your masterpiece with enthusiasm and admire your knowledge, skills and abilities.

And most importantly, the resume should attract the employer’s attention so much that he will definitely invite you for an interview.

The resume consists of three parts:

  1. Mandatory(full name, age, marital status, education, etc.). The description should be clear and concise, without unnecessary words.
  2. Professional. First of all, you need to describe in as much detail as possible the functions you performed in your previous job, as well as your achievements and acquired skills.
  3. Additional. In your job application, list your hobbies and your personal qualities (stress resistance, responsibility, determination, etc.). Indicate your driver's license, willingness to travel, hobbies and personal interests.

The more detailed and interesting the last two parts are described, the greater your chances of receiving an invitation to an interview.

A well-written resume should make the employer feel that the right to choose the job rests with you, and it is he who should make every effort to interest you.

On social media networks

Our great mistake is that we do not know where to stop... (E. Burke)

On Instagram

The main purpose of the Instagram network is to share impressions of photos and videos. You can communicate online anonymously or under your own name, the main thing is to remember that other users also have this opportunity, and they can leave any comments under your stories.

You should not post intimate or personal photos under your real name if you do not want others to know about them.

On Twitter

Easy communication with small (up to 140 characters) chat-style messages - here main feature Twitter. This is a kind of chat designed for a simple, easy conversation, but unlike chat, it stores your messages for a long time.

Since Twitter is one of the ten most popular social networks, it is also worth considering that it is just an entertainment resource, and your messages can be seen by millions of strangers.

In Odnoklassniki

Initially, the Odnoklassniki website served as a place to find loved ones, former classmates, classmates and new friends.

If you correctly indicate your details (first name, surname, previous surname, place of birth and residence, places of study, service and work), post your photographs, and also indicate relatives and colleagues among your friends, you will have a great chance of meeting those with whom you have not seen each other for many years or those whose existence you did not even suspect (for example, close relatives).

If you use the site only for games, it will be enough to indicate your nickname or fictitious name, and in the status - the game for which you are looking for neighbors. After all, the more neighbors, the greater the chances of getting a high status in the game.

Odnoklassniki is also actively used to promote goods and services. Typically, such representatives indicate the name of the object of sale in their name.

In addition, many employers are turning to social networks. networks to learn more about your employees, their loyalty, communication skills and internal qualities, so the information on such resources should be strictly controlled by you.

On a dating site

A detailed questionnaire on a dating site will allow you to achieve the goal for which you registered on this resource.

If you are registering for simple communication, you can fill out a questionnaire for a fictional character, but if your goal is to meet a like-minded person or find a partner, we advise you not to make things up when filling out the basic characteristics.

To fill out a simple form, you must at least provide the most important information:

  • age;
  • external data;
  • personal qualities;
  • requirements for the candidate.

The more you tell about yourself (including attaching a photo), the more likely it is that your profile will be noticed.

In a personal diary

It’s not for nothing that such a diary is called personal - it is filled out only for yourself and you can write whatever you want in it. Usually the dates and events that occurred on that day are indicated.

Personal diary - good way get to know yourself, understand your feelings and intentions, as well as evaluate your past mistakes and draw conclusions for the future.

In portfolio/characteristics

A portfolio is a kind of business card of a person’s work or creativity. In the about yourself section, it is enough to indicate only the basic characteristics - full name, date of birth, telephone number and other means of communication.

The main emphasis should be on samples of work (photos, drawings, drawings, etc.). If you need a portfolio to find a job, be sure to include relevant education and experience.

If your portfolio is more creative or compiled for a work competition, you can indicate which of your works have received significant approval (for example, “this painting was acquired by the Contemporary Museum of Art”).

The characteristics are written in free form. This is a socio-psychological assessment of a person from the outside, his personal qualities and professional skills. This is a kind of mini-resume in any form.

Girl, guy

The main rule in communicating with the opposite sex is to be yourself. Be natural, behave as you would in real life.

Of course, without seeing the interlocutor and using only the printed word, you can hide a lot and embellish a lot, but decide for yourself what kind of relationship you intend to maintain with this person. This will determine what you want to tell him about yourself.


If you urgently need to come up with an original signature, status, or simply respond to someone’s joke, use the bank of cool and funny expressions that the Internet is replete with.

Choose a few phrases that you think suit you best, write them down or learn them - sooner or later you will need them.

  • “Brief biography: born, married, until he died”;
  • “I am a quiet and modest girl. If you offend me, I’ll kill you quietly and modestly celebrate”;
  • “Everyone says that there are no ideal people. Does that mean I don’t exist?


The funniest things happen to us in real life. Of course, you can use blanks from the Internet or special books, but there is a more interesting way.

Get yourself a book where you will write down the funny phrases and actions you hear, your own mistakes and cool expressions - and you can always use something new and not worn out in your statuses, letters and essays.

Any event in your life can be presented in an original way:
“I bought my son some Legos and went to work. I come back in the evening - the child is in tears, and the angry dad is sitting and guarding the house he built - he wants to show me.”

On a T-shirt

A huge number of stores offer to make any inscription on a T-shirt. Before choosing what you need, you should think about where you will wear this item, and for whom this inscription will be intended (for an indefinite circle of people or for specific people).

The following inscriptions are suitable for loved ones:

  • “The best mother” (daughter, sister, friend, brother, dad, etc.);
  • “Mom is always right”;
  • “I’m not dating - I’m married,” etc.

Just for a walk, you can choose an inscription with humorous content, for example:

  • “Anyone who gets up early is definitely not me”;
  • “Come over to the side of evil - we have cookies!”;
  • “Nothing adorns a man more than a well-chosen woman,” etc.

A little more serious inscriptions would be suitable for the office:

And if your colleagues and superiors perceive humor well, then you can choose a funny inscription:

  • “I work according to the Robinson Crusoe method - I’m waiting for Friday.”

Well, if you seriously decide to meet a young man or girl, you can indicate your intentions and method of communication:

  • “I’m looking for a girl, tel. 8929520...";
  • “Smart, well-mannered, moderately well-fed, let me get to know you...”;
  • “It’s difficult with me, but impossible without me”;
  • “Guys, I’m free,” etc.

In conclusion

In any document that talks about you, you should put a bold and beautiful point. Come up with or find a famous phrase that can describe you as a person. Perhaps it will even be several catchphrases (for different occasions). And, of course, develop a beautiful and bright signature.

Speech is an amazingly powerful tool,
but you need to have a lot of intelligence to use it (G. Hegel)

Video: How to write about yourself

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