Sample form html. Forms in HTML

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installs a form on a web page. The form is intended for data exchange between the user and the server. The scope of application of forms is not limited to sending data to the server; using client scripts, you can access any element of the form, change it and apply it at your discretion.

A document can contain any number of forms, but only one form can be submitted to the server at a time. For this reason, form data must be independent of each other.

To submit the form to the server, use the Submit button, the same can be achieved by pressing the Enter key within the form. If the Submit button is missing on the form, Enter key imitates its use.

When the form is submitted to the server, control of the data is transferred to the program specified by the action attribute of the tag . The browser first prepares information in the form of a “name=value” pair, where the name is determined by the name attribute of the tag , and the value is entered by the user or set to the default form field. If the GET method is used to send data, then the address bar can take the following form.


The parameters are listed after question mark, specified after the CGI program address and separated by an ampersand character (&). Non-Latin characters are converted to hexadecimal representation (in the form %HH, where HH is the hexadecimal code for the ASCII character value), and the space is replaced by a plus (+).

Allowed inside the container place other tags, while the form itself is not displayed in any way on the web page, only its elements and the results of nested tags are visible.




Sets the encoding in which the server can receive and process data. The address of the program or document that processes the form data. Enables auto-filling of form fields. The method for encoding form data. HTTP protocol method. Form name. Overrides the built-in check of form data for correctness of input. The name of the window or frame where the handler will load the returned result.

Closing tag


HTML5 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

FORM tag

How do you think the abbreviation "OS" stands for?

operating system
Great striped fly

The result of this example is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. View of form elements in a browser window

An HTML form is a part of a document that allows the user to enter information of interest, which can subsequently be accepted and processed on the server side. In other words, forms are used to collect information entered by users.

To determine which form element the current label belongs to, you must use the for attribute of the tag

Let's look at an example of use:

</span> Example of using a tag <label><span>

In this example we:

  • Inside first forms:
    • Posted two radio buttons ( ) to select one of a limited number of options. Note again that for radio buttons within the same form the same name must be specified, we specified different values. For first checked , which specifies that the element should be preselected when the page loads (in in this case radio button with the value yes ). In addition, we have specified global attributes for the radio buttons, which define a unique identifier for the element.
    • Placed two elements
  • Inside second forms:
    • Posted two radio buttons ( ) to select one of a limited number of options. For second For radio buttons, we have specified a checked attribute, which indicates that the element should be pre-selected when the page loads (in this case, a radio button with the value no ). In addition, we specified unique values ​​for the radio buttons within the form and the same names.
    • Placed two elements

In the browser, both options (methods) for using text labels look identical:

Tooltip for input fields

Let's look at an example of use:

Example of using the placeholder attribute <span>
Login: type = "text" name = "login" placeholder = "Enter your login">

Password: type = "password" name = "password" placeholder = "Enter your password">

In this example, we specified for the element with type text (a single-line text field) and type password (password field), a text hint for the user (the placeholder attribute) that describes the expected value for the input.

The result of our example:

Questions and tasks on the topic

Before moving on to the next topic, complete the practice assignment:

  • Using the knowledge you have gained, create the following order form:

A caveat: in fields where selection is expected, it should be possible to select by clicking on the text, and not just on the element itself.

After you complete the exercise, inspect the page code by opening the example in a separate window to make sure you did everything correctly.

HTML tags that define HTML forms on the site

We create websites and individual pages on the Internet to communicate with visitors.

HTML forms are used to register visitors on the site, for interactive surveys and voting, allow you to send messages, make purchases, and so on. HTML The form is created for one purpose: collecting and subsequently transmitting information for processing by a software script or via email.

Example HTML form | Login to the site

Tags, attributes and values

  • - determine the shape.
  • name="" - defines the name of the form.
  • method="" - defines the method of sending data from the form. Values: "get" (default) and "post" . The "post" method is often used, as it allows large amounts of data to be transferred.
  • action="" - defines the url at which the data is sent for processing. In our case - enter_data.php ..
  • - define such form elements as buttons, switches, text fields for data entry.
  • type="text" - defines a text field for data entry.
  • type="password" - defines a field for entering a password, with the text displayed in the form of asterisks or circles.
  • type="checkbox" - defines a radio button.
  • type="hidden" - defines a hidden form element - used to transmit additional information to the server.
  • size="25" - length of the text field in characters.
  • maxlength="30" - the maximum allowed number of entered characters.
  • value="" - defines the value that will be sent for processing if it relates to radio buttons or switches. The value of this attribute as part of a text field or button will be shown as, for example, Vasya or Login in the example above.

Example HTML form | Comments on the site

<a href="">Example HTML</a> forms



Tags, attributes and values

  • action="http://site/comments.php" - defines the url to which data from the form will be sent.
  • id="" - defines the name and identifier of the form element.
  • name="" - defines the name of the form element.
  • - define a text field as part of the form.
  • cols="" - determines the number of columns of the form text field.
  • rows="" - defines the number of rows of the form text field.

If between place text, it will be shown inside the field as an example that can be easily removed.

Example HTML form | Dropdown list

HTML forms

Tags, attributes and values

  • - define a list with positions to select.
  • size="" - determines the number of visible list positions. If the value is 1 , we are dealing with a dropdown list.
  • - determine the positions (items) of the list.
  • value="" - contains the value that will be sent by the form to the specified url for processing.
  • selected="selected" - highlights a list item as an example.

Example HTML form | List with scroll bar

By increasing the value of the size="" attribute, we get a list with a scroll bar:

First position Second position Third position Fourth position

HTML forms

For this option, use the multiple="multiple" flag, which makes it possible to select multiple positions. Its absence allows you to select only one item.

  • type="submit" - defines a button.
  • type="reset" - defines a reset button.
  • value="" - defines the label on the button.
  • See additionally:

    Forms are designed to send data from the user to the web server. Forms in HTML can consist of text fields and text areas, checkboxes and radio buttons, and drop-down lists. All these are elements of form. Each element serves to convey some meaning to the site.
    At its core, an HTML form is a web page on which you see areas for entering your information. After you fill out the form and click submit, the information from the form is packaged and sent to the web server for processing by a server-side script (handler file). After processing, another web page is returned to you as a response. The following figure clearly demonstrates how the form works:

    There's nothing difficult about creating HTML forms. The easiest way to get an idea of ​​forms is to parse a little HTML code and then see how it works. The following example shows the syntax for creating a simple HTML form:

    Example: Simple HTML Form

    • Try it yourself »

    My first form:

    Simple form

    My first form:


    Forms are inserted into web pages using the element . It provides a container for all form content, including elements such as text fields and buttons, as well as any other HTML tags. However, it cannot contain another element .
    To send the form to the server, use the “Submit” button, the same result will be obtained if you press the “Enter” key within the form. If the "Submit" button is not present on the form, the "Enter" key can be used to submit.
    Most element attributes affect the processing of the form, not its design. The most common of which are action And method. Attribute action contains the URL to which the form information will be sent for processing by the server. Attribute method is the HTTP method that browsers must use to submit form data.


    Almost all form fields are created using the element (from the English input - input). Appearance element change depending on the value of its attribute type:

    Here are some attribute values type:

    Entering text and password

    One of the simplest types of form elements is a text field, designed for entering text on a single line. This type text input is set by default, and therefore it is the one-line field that will be displayed if you forget to specify the attribute type. To add a one-line text input field to a form, you should inside the element register the attribute type with text value:

    The password input field is a type of regular text field. It supports the same attributes as a single-line text field. Attribute name sets the name of the password entry field that will be sent to the server along with the password entered by the user. To create a password field, you need to set the password attribute to type(password (English) - password):

    An example of creating a form with a password field:

    Example: Password field

    • Try it yourself »

    Your login:


    Your login:


    You can use the attribute in conjunction with this attribute maxlenght, the value of which determines the maximum number of characters that can be entered in a given string. You can also set the length of the input field using the attribute size. By default, most browsers limit the width of a text field to 20 characters. To control the width of new form elements, instead of an attribute size, we recommend using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
    Attribute value specifies the value that is displayed by default in the text field when the form is loaded. By entering a default value in the field, you can explain to the user exactly what data and in what format you want the user to enter here. This is like a sample, because it is much more convenient for the user to fill out the form, seeing an example in front of him.

    Switches (radio)

    Element type radio creates switches that use the logic "OR" principle, allowing you to select only one of several values: if you select one position, then all others become inactive. The basic syntax of a toggle element is:

    Attribute name for switches is required and plays an important role in combining several switch elements into a group. To combine radio buttons into a group, you must set the same attribute value name and different attribute value value. Attribute value sets the value of the selected radio button to be sent to the server. The value of each radio button element must be unique within the group so that the server knows which answer option the user chose.
    Attribute presence checked(from English - installed) at the switch element indicates which of the proposed options should be selected by default when loading the page, if necessary. This attribute can be set only for one radio button element from the group:

    • Try it yourself »

    How old are you?

    1. under 18
    2. from 18 to 24
    3. from 25 to 35
    4. more than 35

    How old are you?

    1. under 18
    2. from 18 to 24
    3. from 25 to 35
    4. more than 35


    Element type checkbox creates checkboxes that are similar to radio buttons in that they give the user the ability to choose from the options you provide. The main difference from radio buttons is that the visitor can select several options at once, and the checkboxes themselves are indicated by squares rather than circles. As with radio buttons, a group of checkboxes is created by assigning each item the same attribute value name, however, each checkbox has its own meaning. The basic syntax of a checkbox is:

    Attribute checked, as with radio buttons, specifies that the checkbox should be checked by default when the page loads. This attribute can be set simultaneously for several group checkboxes.
    The following example of using checkboxes has several default answer choices:

    Example: Using radio buttons

    • Try it yourself »
    1. Jazz
    2. Blues
    3. Rock
    4. Chanson
    5. Country

    What genres of music do you like?

    1. Jazz
    2. Blues
    3. Rock
    4. Chanson
    5. Country

    Submit and reset buttons

    Element type submit creates a button that, when clicked, sends the browser to a server script to process the data entered by the user into the form. If we create a button that clears the form, then we assign the attribute type"reset" value. element type submit an optional attribute may be assigned name. Attribute value used in this element to specify text indicating the label on the button. By default, browsers have “Submit” written on the button; if you are not satisfied with this inscription, enter it yourself. Since the styles of confirmation buttons may differ in different browsers, it is better to customize the style of the button yourself using CSS tools or use graphical buttons.
    Creating confirmation and clear buttons:

    Example: Using submit and reset

    • Try it yourself »

    Clicking the Reset button resets any user-entered data.

    The action attribute.

    Main for element

    is an attribute action, which specifies the data handler for the form. A data handler is a file that describes what to do with form data. The result of this processing is a new HTML page that is returned to the browser. In other words, in the attribute action specifies the URL path to a handler file on the server (sometimes called a script page) for processing the form. The syntax is as follows:

    The processing file is located on the server in a folder namefolder and the name of the server script that will process the data - obrabotchik.php. All the data you entered into the form on the web page will be transferred to him. The .php extension indicates that the specified form is processed by a script written in PHP. The handler itself can be written in another language, for example it could be the scripting language Python, Ruby, etc.
    It is advisable to always set the attribute value action. If the form should pass values ​​to the same page where it is located, provide an empty string as the value of the action attribute: action="".

    method attribute

    Attribute method specifies how information should be transferred to the server. The form submission method you choose depends on the data you want to submit with the form. The volume of this data plays a major role here. The most popular are two methods of transferring your form source data from the browser to the server: GET And POST. The method can be set to any one you choose, and if you do not specify it, the default will be used GET. Let's consider the use of each of them.

    POST method

    Method POST packages form data and sends it to the server without the user noticing, since the data is contained in the body of the message. Web browser, when using the method POST sends a request to the server consisting of special headers followed by form data. Since the contents of this request are only available to the server, the method POST used to transmit confidential data such as passwords, bank card details and other personal information of users. Method POST also suitable for sending large volumes of information, since unlike the method GET, it has no restrictions on the number of transmitted characters.

    GET method

    As you already know, the main job of a browser is to receive web pages from the server. So when you use the method GET, your browser simply retrieves the web page as it always does. Method GET also wraps form data, but appends it to the end of the URL before sending the request to the server. To understand how the method works GET, let's see it in action. Open the first example from this lesson (Example: Simple HTML Form) in Notepad (for example Notepad++) and make a small change to the HTML code:

    those. replace POST on GET.
    Save the file under the name file_name.html and refresh the browser page (F5), then fill out the form, for example Vasya Pupkin, and click the “Submit” button. In the address bar of your browser you will see something like this:


    Now you can see the name of each form element, as well as its value, right here in the URL.
    The URL is separated from the rest of the form data by a question mark, and variable names and values ​​are separated by an ampersand (&) .
    This method should be used if you are not transferring large amounts of information.
    This method will not work if the data in your form is sensitive, such as storing a bank card number or password.
    In addition, the method GET is unsuitable if you want to send files to the server along with the form.

    Grouping form elements

    Form elements that are related in meaning can be grouped between tags

    . The browser will display
    in the form of a frame around a group of form elements. The appearance of the frame can be changed using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
    To add a title for each group, you will need an element , which specifies the group title text to be embedded in the frame.

    Good day, fans of web development and those who want to create their own website. Before that, all my publications were devoted to the basic elements of the language, ways to create various content objects, their formatting, structuring, etc. Having mastered the previous topics, you can already create a fairly good website. However, it will be incomplete without today’s topic: “Creating forms in html.”

    This section in hypertext markup language is very important. Therefore, pay special attention to studying it, otherwise the web resource you created will not be released into production. Thus, after reading the article, you will learn why you need to use forms, what tags they are used to create, and you will also be able to try out specific examples in practice. Let's get started!

    What is a form and how does it function?

    Form– this is one of the most important objects of the site, which is intended for the exchange of information data between the server and the user.

    Simply put, if you want to create an online store with the ability to order products on the website, request registration on a web resource and work with accounts, or provide customers with feedback from company managers, then you cannot do without forms.

    The form is specified using a special element of the html language .

    Note that the code document may contain several tag declarations , however, only one request can be sent to the server to process the data. That is why information that is entered by the user into the fields provided for this and relates to different forms should not be dependent. Also, it is not allowed to nest forms one within the other.

    For those who are impatient and eager to take a quick look at the code representation, I have attached a simple example of using a panel with a text field for a password with a button:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Example


    It may not be very clear now what and how interacts in this small program, but I guarantee that after reading the entire article you will be able to create applications that are much more complex.

    Sending data to the server side

    In order to send the typed (or selected) information in a dialog box, you must use the standard mechanism - Submit button.

    The code for such a method looks like this:

    When you run the presented line in the browser, a button will appear with the inscription: “Submit”.

    Another way to send data to the server side is to press the Enter key within the dialog box.

    After confirming the sending of the specified information, it does not immediately arrive on the server. First, it is processed by the browser, resulting in the form “name=value”.

    The attribute parameter is responsible for the name type tag , and for the value - the data entered by the user. Next, the converted string is passed to the handler, which is most often specified in the attribute action element


    The action parameter itself is not required, and in some cases it is not needed at all. For example, if a site page is written using php or js, then processing occurs on the current page and links are not needed.

    For a better understanding of the whole picture of the site’s functioning, I would like to add that on the server, data is processed using other languages. Thus, server-side languages ​​are considered to be: Python, php, C-like languages ​​(C#, C, etc.), Java and others.

    Now I would like to stop and talk more about the element . To explain it in simple terms, then needed to create text fields, radio buttons, various buttons, hidden fields, checkboxes and other objects.

    The tag does not have to be paired with , however, if you need to process user records or enter them, for example, into a database, then you cannot do without a container.

    The main attributes of this hypertext markup language element are:

    • Text– creates a text field;
    • Submit– creates a button for sending data to the server;
    • Image– is responsible for the button with the picture;
    • Reset– sets a button to clear the form;
    • Password– sets a text field specifically for passwords;
    • Checkbox– responsible for fields with checkboxes;
    • Radio– responsible for fields with the selection of one element;
    • Button– creates a button;
    • Hidden– used for hidden fields;
    • File– sets the field responsible for sending files.

    Methods of transmitting information

    There are 2 ways to transfer user data to the server side: Get And Post. These methods perform the same action, but they differ significantly from each other. Therefore, before mentioning any of them, let's get acquainted with their features.

    Post Get
    Size of transmitted documents Limited to the server side. Maximum – 4 KB.
    How sent information is displayed Available only when viewed through browser extensions or other special software products. Immediately available to everyone.
    Using bookmarks There is no way to add to bookmarks, since requests are not repeated (all pages link to one address). Any page with a request can be saved as bookmarks and returned to it later.
    Caching Based on the previous paragraph, all requests are on one page. Each page can be cached separately.
    Purpose Used to send large files (books, images, videos, etc.), messages, comments. Great for searching for requested values ​​on a web resource or for sending short text messages.

    In order to indicate which of the two data transfer methods the browser should use, in the element use the provided parameter method(For example, method="post").

    Let's look at the second example. Let's create a form in which you need to enter your personal data (first and last name, date of birth) and create a password. Afterwards we send all this to the server using the method Post.

    POST method

    Enter your personal information!

    Run the example in a browser and evaluate the appearance of each field. In html, it is very convenient to specify field types, which in turn automatically determine what additional elements are needed for objects.

    For example, to enter a date, there are switches for the number of each parameter (day, month and year), as well as a drop-down panel with the calendar itself for convenience.

    Creating a Registration Panel

    Basic tags and attributes have been covered. That's why it's time to create a full-fledged registration form using css style markup and validating the entered data. Of course, we won’t be able to see the server work with them, but we will provide the design and important details.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Registration
    Registration on the site





    Repeat password:


    Registration on the site

    For subsequent correct work in our service, please enter correct data!





    Repeat password:

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