Is radiation from a phone dangerous? How harmful are mobile phones? Why is a mobile phone harmful?

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About the influence of mobile communications on our lives or Cell phone - friend or foe

According to medical statistics, people are increasingly turning to doctors because they are worried about headaches, skin rashes, ear pain, poor eyesight, nausea and dizziness. It is worth noting that all people today use mobile phones and cellular communications. We have already found out from previous materials that with prolonged exposure to EMFs on a person, his memory, sexual activity, immunity deteriorate, and fatigue and stress sharply increase.

With all the conveniences of mobile communications, this modern technological device (mobile phone) manifests itself as hostile to human health. Of course, when buying a mobile phone, we will definitely find certificates and papers in it that refute this negative impact. But, let's not forget - we live in an age of commerce and business. And manufacturing companies mobile phones- you need to sell to make a profit.

How do cell phones and mobile communications affect human health?

Independent research in medical centers found a direct connection between the constant use of a cell phone and the occurrence of a brain tumor in such a person.

Medical researchers from Foggy Albion have concluded: after just 6 minutes of talking on a mobile phone, the skin temperature (in the head area next to the phone) increases by 2-3 degrees. Moreover, the properties of the air inhaled through the nose somehow change; it becomes less suitable for healthy saturation of the body with oxygen.

In Germany, experts have identified another type of impact cell phones on the human body - when using a telephone blood pressure increases. Also, long-term use cellular communication can disrupt kidney function.

Cell phone radiation affects the red blood cells in the blood. This is a harmful effect, because if you weaken the electrical properties of blood cells, this will affect the functioning of many organs, and first of all, the kidneys.

The influence of a cell phone on children is even more merciless...

Cell phones have an even more aggressive and merciless effect on children. The main problem here is that in children (compared to adults), the body and, in particular, the immune system that protects it are not yet fully formed.

Any sane person today no longer doubts that a mobile phone negatively affects human health. First of all, this influence means "active" radiation from a mobile device, that is, when the phone is operating in “receive-transmit” mode. It was in this mode that studies were conducted on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human brain and his body as a whole.

If you don't make phone calls, is there any harm from a mobile phone?

But these are not all the problems that a mobile phone gives us. In standby mode, the cell phone also emits radiation. But it creates “non-thermal”, that is, “informational” EMFs. Such an impact also cannot be neutral, or even more so, beneficial for a person. Therefore, keep this thing as far away from you as possible. Don't put your phone by your bed (or under your pillow) while you sleep.

How can you help reduce the radiation from a phone to a person?

We remember from the physics course that radiation of an electromagnetic nature has a radial distribution. This makes it difficult to reduce the negative effects of radiation on the human body. Yes, you can put your mobile phone in the pan and close the lid. But along with harmful radiation, cellular communications will also disappear.

What is the radiation power of a mobile phone?

Modern mobile phones can automatically change the radiation power depending on environmental conditions. So, from 0.2 to 2 watts, the radiation power of a mobile phone can change.

In standby mode, the phone actually emits a minimal signal. But what if you are traveling in the subway or elevator? Or you simply live in a building with thick walls (monolith) - then the connection may be lost due to which the phone will automatically emit a much stronger signal. This duration of work can be 4-5 hours a day.

At the same time, the phone is still in close proximity to a person for many many years. This cannot but leave a negative impact on human health.

And yet, the phone most strongly affects a person in its active mode, and the brain cells are primarily exposed to this effect.

Mobile phones emit EMFs that are harmful to the brain

The human brain functions using microcurrents that transmit signals. It is also well supplied with blood for its functioning. An interesting fact: despite the fact that the brain makes up approximately 2% of the body's weight, in its calm state it requires 20% oxygen and 60% glucose.

The human brain is the most important organ that coordinates the vital functions and metabolic processes of the entire organism. These processes occur due to the generation of temporary electronic impulses in the body, which form bioelectric circuits in the tissues and organs of the body.

While talking on a mobile phone, we are exposed to a radiation source on the brain, resulting in a negative impact on the main functionality of the brain - thought processes. It also interferes with the transmission of signals throughout all organs of the body.

Such exposure to radiation from a mobile phone on the human brain can lead to irreversible processes that interfere with the normal functioning and activity of the brain. Memory may deteriorate, attention may wander, irritability may increase, and stress may occur.

In the continuation of my work, I will talk about methods of protection against exposure to radiation from a mobile phone.
If you have any questions, ask in the comments, I will answer.

04/11/2019: B In the comments there were examples from life about cancer of the salivary gland and more.

Mobile phone radiation affects health.
But the tube will not cause harm if you follow six safety rules.

These tips are quite simple, and if you follow them, the harm from microwave radiation from a cell phone will be minimized. And the hypotheses of some researchers that smartphones can cause cancer and Alzheimer’s disease will no longer cause panic fear and the desire to immediately get rid of the annoying “beeping” device in your pocket.

To minimize risk possible harmful effects of radiation waves from a working cell phone, if possible, you should:

1 – Limit time and frequency phone use. Still, you need to remember that a smartphone is not a secure landline phone on which you could talk for hours. More 2-3 minutes per call and you should not talk on your cell phone for more than 10-15 minutes a day.

2 – Try as much as possible do not use the phone in places where there is poor reception(elevator, underground premises, transport, etc.), since with poor reception the mobile phone tries to find the transmitter antenna, and because of this, its radiation (the properties and effects of which on humans has not yet been fully studied ) is amplified many times over.

The same, by the way, applies to rural areas, where poor mobile reception is also often observed far from antennas.

3 – Use less often mobile phone indoors(car, house), since the waves emitted by it can be reflected by walls and coatings, which increases the radiation exposure several times.

4 – Keep in mind that the Bluetooth wireless data transfer method adds to the mobile phone's additional radiation force. Therefore, use a wired headset.

5 – Don't apply smartphone to ear at the moment when he is in the process of searching for a network operator(this happens when the phone is turned on and the reception is very poor). At this moment, it radiates the most, harms, so to speak, to the maximum.

6 – And finally, get rid of the bad habit of sleeping next to your cell phone, and even more so of putting a switched on, working (and therefore constantly emitting!) cell phone under your pillow! Be sure to turn it off before going to bed or turn off its transmitter!

Also, if you are used to using your mobile phone as an alarm clock, you can snooze keep him away from you. This will not only significantly reduce the risk of exposure to your phone during restful sleep, but will also greatly increase the likelihood of you successfully waking up. After all, in order to turn off the alarm, you will definitely have to get out of bed.

P.S. Useful additions were made in the comments:

1. Allow children to use a mobile phone only in emergency situations.

2. During calls and conversations, keep the phone at a distance: use a speakerphone or a wired headset (it is preferable to a wireless one). If this is not possible, change ears regularly when talking for a long time.

3. Do not carry your phone while it is turned on in your pockets. Better - in a bag.

4. SMS is preferable to calls and conversations.”

Write your additions in the comments!

It is already difficult to imagine modern society without gadgets, means of fast communication, and smartphones. But more and more often you can find information that these are far from safe devices and the harm of a mobile phone on human health is very great.

But we use it all the time: to make calls and send SMS messages, as navigators, photo and video cameras, game consoles, to access the Internet, study documents, read books and in many other cases.

With the advent of these gadgets, scientists immediately began to actively study them, conducting various studies aimed at identifying their effect on the body. However, the regular addition of new functions and various know-how to mobile phones makes it difficult for researchers who are simply not able to study and test all the innovations.

Why is a mobile phone so dangerous? What is its negative impact? How to protect yourself, children, and loved ones from the harmful effects of gadgets?

What are the dangers of cell phones?

The main danger posed by a cell phone is electromagnetic radiation (radiation). It just seems insignificant.

Many may even say that these devices, if they emit certain negative currents, do so in such quantities that the harm to the mobile phone cannot be too serious. Although this is absolutely not true. The emission of radio waves does not pass without a trace. It certainly leaves its mark on the human body.

How does the gadget work?

When turned on, even if it is in standby mode, in a pocket, in a bag, in a case, on a table, next to its owner, the mobile phone constantly maintains contact with the cellular mast.

If a person moves or moves somewhere, the device periodically switches to other stations, connecting to the one that provides the most powerful signal. This means that it still functions - in “sleep” mode, and radio waves continue to be transmitted to it from the antennas.

The influence of towers on people

Cell phone towers are found almost everywhere these days. And all because people try to be available always, wherever they are. A mobile operators they simply take advantage of the constant increase in demand for their services.

But if there is harm from a mobile phone, does that mean the tower also has a negative impact on a person? The harmfulness of antennas lies in the electromagnetic fields generated. After all, they send signals to mobile phones so that their owners can communicate with each other. Moreover, such antennas are installed directly on the roofs of houses, and not one at a time, but several at a time. But the most important thing is that those who live in neighboring houses receive more harm from them, because the action of the towers is directed not downward, but sideways.

To make the level of radiation from the antenna located on the roof of a neighboring house lower, you can move the bed away from the window, move the sofa or chair a little to the side. This will allow you to be exposed to its radiation less and less often. Although, we should not forget that in addition to the telephone and antenna, radio waves come from routers, microwave ovens and other devices and equipment, which are also found in many houses and apartments.

Mobile operators, for their part, also adhere to certain standards and try in every possible way to reduce the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on people. Such measures include:

  1. Place the antennas as high as possible, since radio waves travel horizontally and not downward into houses and people.
  2. The location of the towers is at the maximum distance from residential buildings, since the radius of radiation propagation is no more than 33 meters.
  3. Installation of antennas in most cases on administrative buildings.

The harm of mobile phones

The radiation emanating from the phone causes serious changes in cells and can cause disturbances in gene balance, the formation of diseased cells, and malignant neoplasms. It is absorbed by various organs:

  • auditory;
  • visual;
  • vestibular;
  • brain and other tissues of the head;
  • eye retinas.

Electromagnetic fields and their effects have the most negative impact on people's health. However, the systems most susceptible to mobile phone radiation are:

  1. Nervous.
  2. Immune.
  3. Sexual.
  4. Endocrine.
  5. Cardiovascular.

Electromagnetic waves that affect the human body for a long time can be caused by:

  • formation of malignant tumors in the brain;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • leukemia (blood cancer);
  • development of Alzheimer's disease;
  • cataracts;
  • memory disorders;
  • development of Parkinson's disease;
  • slowing blood circulation in the brain;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system, its degeneration and other ailments.

Radiation of radio waves from a cell phone has a very negative effect on:

  1. Pregnant women and the embryos developing in them.
  2. Little children.
  3. People with weak immunity.
  4. Patients with heart problems and vascular problems.
  5. People suffering from hormonal diseases.
  6. Allergy sufferers.
  7. Patients with nervous system disorders.

Signs of Negative Influence

Even short calls of one or two minutes can have a negative impact on a person, and prolonged use of the gadget and long calls can cause symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • pain, dryness, pain in the eyes;
  • increase in temperature;
  • headaches;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • blurred vision;
  • memory impairment;
  • fatigue, weariness;
  • impaired concentration;
  • irritability;
  • discomfort;
  • drowsiness.

Such signs are usually found in diseases of the autonomic nervous system. Radiation from a mobile phone quite often causes disturbances in the functioning of the immune system; it is in a tense state, making it more difficult for it to resist diseases and other external influences on a person.

Very often, people who talk on a cell phone for a long time feel an increase in temperature and excessive heat near the ear, which is also a negative effect.

Scientists believe that sources of electromagnetic radiation that are close to a person for a long time can cause disruption of metabolic processes in the body and the functioning of the nervous system, the appearance of asthenic syndrome, lead to premature aging of the body and other diseases.

Research conducted by scientists has shown that only 15% of mobile phone and smartphone users do not feel the electromagnetic waves emanating from gadgets. The same number of people - 15% of users of these devices, even after short, one-time calls, feel unwell.

They are worried about headaches, unstable pulse and blood pressure, increased fatigue, drowsiness, and in some cases something similar to allergic reactions.

For 70% of mobile phone users, protective (compensatory) mechanisms are activated that restrain electromagnetic waves and their negative effects. But their possibilities are not limitless. Therefore, after some time, the influence of a mobile phone will still affect human health.

Damage to the head

The telephone has a particularly negative effect on people's heads. Unlike other devices and devices that emit electromagnetic radio waves, this gadget is often applied to the ear, being very close to the cerebral cortex.

Even short calls, lasting about a minute, have the most negative impact on brain function. And if the conversation drags on, the device's effect on the blood-brain barrier, which keeps toxic proteins from entering the brain, becomes very dangerous. And it takes a lot of time to restore it.

Communication on a mobile phone also causes stimulation of the cerebral cortex and can lead to epileptic strokes. As a rule, those who have mild excitability of brain cells are susceptible to such a reaction. These individuals include people with neurological diseases:

  1. Neuroses.
  2. Neurasthenia.
  3. Psychasthenia.
  4. Psychopathy and others.

Obsessive ideas, hysterical and asthenic disorders are clearly expressed in their behavior. In these patients, memory deteriorates, performance decreases, both mental and physical, and insomnia is observed.

Deterioration of vision

The harm cell phones have on the visual organs is also very great. Electromagnetic waves seriously impair blood circulation in the eyes, leading to poor washing of the lens, which after some time becomes cloudy and collapses. The person begins to feel pain in the eyes and severe headaches.

Vision problems can also arise due to constant overstrain of the eye muscles, due to long-term concentration of the gaze on the gadget display, and they are accompanied by serious, negative changes in the eyes.

Problems with sexual functions

Today there is a lot of talk about the negative impact of mobile phones on sexual functions. And this is a problem not only for men, but also for women. But is a mobile phone really that harmful?

Numerous studies have proven that the use of these devices significantly reduces the number of sperm in men, and also significantly impairs their quality (up to 30%) and motility. At the same time, scientists note that harm is caused not only during calls and conversations, but to a greater extent when the gadget is in a trouser pocket or attached to a belt.

Representatives of the fair sex are no less susceptible to electromagnetic radiation than men. With constant, long-term use of cell phones, they may have the following problems:

  • miscarriages;
  • premature birth;
  • the birth of children with congenital pathologies, defects, deformities.

Sleep disturbance

Leaving a mobile phone next to you at night risks harming yourself. Even in standby mode, the device continues to emit radio waves, which have the most negative effect on the nervous system and disrupt sleep. They can cause disruptions in the nerve centers that regulate the functioning of the body, for example, wakefulness and sleep.

If you want to get a good night's sleep, you should place your gadget no closer than an arm's length away from you.

Impact on children

Electromagnetic waves are especially harmful for a developing, growing organism. Therefore, when it comes to the benefits and harms of mobile phones for children, there can be no compromises. The child should not play, make calls, or even just hold these devices in his hands. Radio waves emanating from cell phones can quickly penetrate the baby’s thin, fragile skull, causing the development of various diseases and ailments:

  1. Weakening of the immune system.
  2. Insomnia.
  3. Dizziness, headaches.
  4. Neurasthenia.
  5. Hyperactivity.
  6. Hormonal imbalances.
  7. Deterioration of the nervous system.
  8. Instability of cells in the body.

Children are much more susceptible to harmful radiation than adults. We must not forget about this.

Video: radiation from a mobile phone.

How to reduce the negative impact of mobile phones on the body?

Of course, not many will agree to completely give up using gadgets, even knowing about their harm to health. But you can try to at least partially protect yourself from the radiation they emit.

Protection from mobile phone radiation cannot be complete, but there are a number of measures to limit human exposure to electromagnetic radio waves:

  • Raise the handset to your ear only after the connection has been established and the called party has picked up the handset.
  • Try to make fewer calls in buildings and more on the street, where there are no obstacles in the form of walls that reduce the signal strength.
  • Call more often, but spend less time calling. It is better to call three times for two minutes than once for six minutes.
  • Give preference to those gadgets with less radiation power.
  • Use as often as possible wireless headset or speakerphone.
  • Before going to bed, put your cell phone away from the bed and away from you.
  • Less often carried in pockets, put in a bag.
  • If it is not needed, put it aside, 0.5 meters away from you and further.
  • Use less often during pregnancy.
  • Do not give to children.
  • Turn off when there is a thunderstorm.

By following the advice of experts and following their recommendations for using phones, you can significantly reduce the level of radiation that microwaves exert on the body.

For modern children and their parents, a mobile phone is a necessary element of life. We can no longer imagine ourselves without a mobile phone. It’s very convenient to talk whenever and wherever you want, rather than waiting for a call home phone. It is convenient to monitor the child, because using the phone you can find out the whereabouts of the child. How did people live without phones before?

However, not everything is as good and beautiful as it seems at first glance.

The harm of mobile phones and their impact on children is the topic of our conversation. After all, we pay for these benefits, convenience and comfort with our own health and the health of our children.

It should be noted that mobile phones are harmful not only to children, but also to adults. However, for a growing and still developing organism, this harm is more pronounced and dangerous. The bones of a child's skull are much thinner than those of an adult. Therefore, a child’s bone marrow can absorb 10 times more electromagnetic radiation.

A mobile phone is capable of generating electromagnetic fields. The nervous and immune systems suffer from radiation, and as a result, memory loss, decreased attention, headaches, inattention and moodiness. Frequent and prolonged conversations on a mobile phone harm the brain, hearing suffers, and the child’s general condition worsens. And frequent “picking” on the phone with its bright screen and small letters negatively affects the child’s vision.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Scottish scientist William Stewart conducted an experiment that clearly showed that the protein structure of earthworms changes due to exposure to microwave radiation from mobile phones. This, of course, is not the only experience and not the only statement of scientists from different countries.

It has been proven that electromagnetic waves can cause changes in the human body at the cellular level.

Electromagnetic radiation comes from all electromagnetic devices (microwaves, computers, televisions). But all these devices are located at a certain distance from us, while many people do not part with their mobile phones even in the toilet and sleep with them in their arms. Mobile phones are addictive, especially among children.

  • Talk on the phone as needed (2-3 minutes at a time).
  • Speak by speakerphone or use a wireless headset
  • Don't put your phone where you plan to sleep. After all, electromagnetic radiation from a phone is active and has a negative effect on the human nervous system even in standby mode.
  • Carry your phone in your bag, backpack, not in your pocket or neck
  • Keep your mobile phone at least 50cm away from you
  • Do not use the phone in places where communication reception is poor. This is usually an elevator, transport, underground parking, rural areas, metro. Since at these moments the radiation from your mobile phone increases several times.
  • Try to use your mobile phone indoors less often, since the radiation from a mobile phone indoors is several times higher than outdoors.
  • The phone's radiation is strongest when searching for a network operator, so do not put it to your ear at this time.

Tips to reduce the risk to children from mobile phones

If you constantly hold a mobile phone in your hands, look at photos or mail, please note that such a toy will also be very interesting for your child. But a mobile phone is not at all suitable as a toy. If, after all, your little child “persuaded” you to give him your mobile phone to “play”, at least turn on airplane mode.

If the child is older, then most likely he knows how to turn the mobile phone on and off very well. And asks you to let him use the phone. You can, of course, give, but under the condition of limiting time - just listen to a few songs or just call your grandmother.

Don't let your child play games on the phone if you don't want to damage your child's eyes and turn him into a zombie.

For schoolchildren under 12 years of age, it is better to buy a phone that will fulfill its intended purpose - to make calls. And not the most sophisticated gadget with a large number of different games and applications. Otherwise, during boring lessons, your child will be busy with an interesting mobile game.

Scientists have concluded that children under 8 years old should not use cell phones. Since the risk of a brain tumor due to phone radiation is extremely high.

You need to teach your child:

  • send emails more frequently via the Internet on your computer;
  • turn on speakerphone when making calls;
  • use the phone as little as possible and only when necessary;
  • Keep the phone away from your head while talking.

If you decide to buy a phone for your child, you should understand in advance the possible positive and negative aspects of such a purchase.

Mobile for a child

Completely protect the child from harmful effects will not succeed, but it is worth reducing their number as much as possible. Buy your child a phone when they really need it; the benefits of using a mobile phone must outweigh the harm of its use.

P.S. About how TV affects a child.

Indeed, a cell phone is a useful and irreplaceable thing. Manufacturers of modern mobile devices claim that the units do not harm human health, but scientists studying the effects of electromagnetic radiation from a mobile phone say the opposite.

Recent studies have proven that there is electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, and it affects the nervous system, heart and reproductive organs of humans.

The harm of a mobile phone is difficult to express in numbers, because there is not enough data, and the market is constantly replenished with new mobile gadgets.

How do mobile phones affect the human brain?

There is an assumption that when talking on a cell phone for a long time, the human brain tissue heats up, cell mutation occurs, and in especially serious cases, a brain tumor can occur. But there is not enough evidence for such a theory, and telephone conversations in this case should be long and continuous over a long period of time. However, frequent use of the phone can lead to headaches, disruption of the immune system, and decreased resistance to viral and colds.

Can children use cell phones?

According to WHO recommendations, should a child purchase a cell phone before the child reaches 10 years of age? Electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone can negatively affect the development of a child’s brain and internal organs, leading to the development of autism, meningitis or oncology. A mobile phone can have a negative impact not only on a child’s health, but also harm his psychological and mental development, causing restless sleep, constant drowsiness and lethargy, reduced immunity, and memory impairment. Long-term games or chatting via instant messengers can lead to deterioration of a child’s vision.

Should I give up my cell phone?

Despite the fact that research into the harm caused by cell phones continues, there are no clear conclusions that certain diseases are associated with the use of a cell phone. In addition to the telephone, electromagnetic radiation is present from the TV and computer, all household appliances, the highest rates are from microwave ovens. The state of the environment also leaves much to be desired, especially in giant cities, so blaming a cell phone for the appearance of a particular disease is simply stupid.

How to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation?

To minimize the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation, certain conditions must be observed.

Many experts involved in the study of electromagnetic radiation from cell phones do not advise talking on the phone in cars and metal garages, believing that electromagnetic waves are reflected from the metal case and increase their effect on the human body. In addition, a person talking on the phone while driving a car can cause a traffic accident.

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