Open the main menu and specify a command. How to open the start menu

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In this lesson, we will study the Start menu in detail and learn how to customize it for ourselves.

Under your icon account there are menu items. This quick access to folders and settings. By default, a large list of various folders that the user does not need is displayed. Now we will customize the start menu and remove unnecessary items.

Is it possible to work with the Main Menu as a folder?

Selecting this option will display a dialog box that will allow us to perform the following actions. Turn off your computer The moment the message “You can now turn off your computer” is displayed, you will do so knowing that the way to turn it off was the correct one. Install the necessary updates and restart your computer if necessary. Turn off your computer. . If none of the updates require a restart, it is recommended that you restart your device anyway to ensure that all pending updates are installed.

Start Menu Customization

To go to the start menu settings, you need to right-click (RMB) on the start menu icon and select “properties”. Click on the “settings” button.

You will see a list of different options. Now I will show you my start menu settings, which I consider optimal, and explain my choice.

Create a new account local administrator. To create a new administrator account. Then convert the new account to an administrator account. Close your account session and sign in to your new account. If everything is resolved, move your personal data and files to the new account.

If the problem still persists, try deleting the previous administrator account. One of the most common ways to use the Start menu is to open programs installed on your computer. To open a program that appears in the left pane of the Start menu, click it. The program opens and the startup menu closes. If you don't see the program you want to open, click on the All programs option located at the bottom of the left pane. Immediately, the left pane displays a long list of programs in alphabetical order, followed by a list of folders.

As you can see, I have the following items in my menu: Vitaly (account name), computer, games, network, control panel, execute. I removed the remaining points as unnecessary.

In the item “Start Menu Dimensions” I indicated 5 and 5. This is necessary so that it is not very elongated to the top. You can specify more if required.

If you click on one of the program icons, the program will launch and the start menu will close. What's inside the folders? For example, if you click Accessories, a list of programs stored in that folder will appear. Click any program to open it. To return to the programs you see when you first open the Start menu, click the Back button located at the bottom of the menu.

If you never know what a program does, move the pointer over its icon or name. Over time, you will notice that the lists of programs in the Start menu change, this is due to two reasons; firstly, when new programs are installed, they are added to the All Programs list, secondly, the Start menu determines which programs or applications are used most often and places them in the left pane so that they can access them faster .

I advise you to definitely leave the same menu items as I have, we will need them for further development of the computer, and if you need to add your own.

In this lesson, we took a closer look at the Start menu and learned how to customize it. Customizing the Start menu makes working on your computer easier and more convenient.

This concludes the lesson. We write all questions in the comments.

The search box is a very powerful feature for searching items on your computer, the exact location of the files does not matter as the search box performs its function in all the folders of your personal folder. It will also search email messages, saved instant messages, appointments, and contacts.

To use the search box, open the start menu and start typing, there is no need to click inside the box as it is enabled by default and as you type they will appear above the search box in the left pane of the start menu, results that match the options written. Program, file, folder, image, audio, video, application may appear in the results if.

The main menu of the Windows operating system implements the main method of launching installed application programs and system controls. To access this menu, a graphical interface element is placed on the taskbar, which is usually called the “Start” button, although in latest versions The OS no longer has such an inscription. In addition to accessing programs, the main menu is used to turn off the computer and perform various search operations in the system.

Its title word matches or begins with the search term. - The text of the file's contents—for example, the text of a word processing document—matches or begins with the search term. - Any word of the file - for example, author, matches the search query or begins with it.

Click on any search result to open it. Or click the Clear button to clear the results and return to the list of main programs. You can also click the Show All Results button to display the search results in a folder with more advanced options; Or search the Internet to open your web browser and search for a term, file, or application on the Internet. If your search doesn't return any results, you can click Search Everywhere to search the entire team.

Posting sponsor P&G Articles on the topic "How to open the main menu" How to change the size of panels in Windows How to remove the start on the desktop How to enable the task manager


Clicking the Start button with the left mouse button is the most commonly used way to open the main menu. This button is always located on the taskbar, but the panel itself can be placed along any of the four sides of the screen. Considering that the appearance of the button can also be changed by the user beyond recognition, and the taskbar can be hidden, then it is possible that in an unfamiliar system you will have to spend some time finding out the location and identification of this interface element.

In addition to programs, files, folders, correspondence, the search field also searches your favorite Internet pages and the history of websites you visit. If some of these web pages contain search query, they appear under the "Favorites and History" heading.

Manually installing the Start menu

Video services assessment courses. . The advice will help you reinstall it. Click Select Folder. Okay, the Start menu is already on the taskbar! Launch it and accept the Terms of Use. In the next menu you must select what you want to install. Just click Next. As you may have noticed, the Start button has appeared!

Press the button on your keyboard that displays a flag (a stylized Microsoft logo). It is usually located next to the left and right ALT keys. This button is commonly called WIN, and clicking it should have the same effect as clicking the Start button in graphical interface Windows. Therefore, if you cannot find the button itself, then use this key to access the main menu of the operating system.

Changing the Start Menu Using Third Party Programs

Note: You can select the "All Settings" option to configure various configurations and make a backup before changing through the " Backup" To complete the installation, click Finish. You can already use your new Start Menu!

You can access it from the Start menu, select the Applications option and open all dynamic blocks. Or the bar's delights. Open the Delights panel and click Home to find Dynamic Blocks. This software is very useful and restores the taskbar, but there is a cost.

Stop the taskbar and Start button from automatically hiding if they only appear when you move your mouse to the edge of the screen. To do this, press the WIN key, right-click the free space of the taskbar that appears and select the “Properties” line from the context menu. Uncheck the "Automatically hide the taskbar" box and click the "OK" button.

The Command Line is an interface that allows you to place commands that can sometimes be used in various tutorials. This is using search to enter the command line word, it will appear in the results, then click right click mouse and run as administrator. The following animation summarizes the steps to open the command prompt and then search.

This method hasn't worked since then, it's just a right click. A command line option will appear, just click on it. The Command Prompt icon is present, you can simply click it to open it with the rights of your current user.

Change the taskbar width if the main menu access button does not appear at all when you open the menu by pressing the WIN key. To do this, find a narrow strip of several pixels at one of the edges of the screen (usually at the bottom) and move the cursor over it. When it changes from a pointing arrow to a double-headed arrow, left-click and drag the taskbar border a sufficient distance from the edge of the screen.

From Task Manager

If you want to open command line in administrator, right click and then run as administrator. The command line is also available from.

Create a shortcut to open Command Prompt

Finally, you can create a shortcut on your desktop that will allow you to easily launch Command Prompt.

How to remove an item from the Main Menu?

The shortcut to launch the command line is now ready. If you want to run Command Prompt systematically as an administrator, it is possible.

  • Right-click on the Command Prompt shortcut, then Properties.
  • Click the Advanced tab.
  • Check the "Run as administrator" option.
These are two very useful elements in developing programs that offer several features that we will see here. These two types of objects are often found in various applications that you can find on the web.

Move the taskbar and its Start button to place this menu access item on the side of the screen that is most convenient for you. To do this, right-click the taskbar and make sure that the “Pin taskbar” item is unchecked in the context menu that pops up. If the checkbox is checked, click this line. Then hover over free space taskbar, click left button and drag it to the desired edge of the screen.

You will see that the way of using the menu is very similar to what you have already seen, and that this will be enough to be familiar with the object to be able to do nice things. is a little special, but just as simple. Dialog boxes, you know, but to make sure we're talking about the same thing, here's a little description of what a dialog box is. It's a small window that can be used for many things.

Is it possible to add an item to the Documents menu?

Display information, request confirmation, refute or cancel, ask the user to enter information required by the system. You can see that they can be used for many things, but they need to be used sparingly: it is quite painful for the user to have the app open a dialog box with every notification, because any open window must be closed!

How simple

Main menu opens with a click of a button Start. The main menu, in fact, is also a folder located at C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Main Menu. Settings Main menu system is carried out by adding/removing folders, files and shortcuts to this folder. Shortcuts located in Main menu, can be moved with the mouse, renamed, deleted. Also in Main menu shortcuts are displayed that are the same for all users. They are stored in the folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Main Menu. Changing shortcuts stored in this folder will affect all users of the computer; before deleting a shortcut included in this folder, the system will issue a warning.
Button Start also has context menu. Team Open this menu opens a folder window Main menu, which displays the contents of the items at the top Main menu and folder Programs, and the team Conductor opens the same folder in the program Conductor; team Find opens a search window; team Properties opens a dialog box in which you can set configuration modes Taskbars And Main menu.
Access to settings Main menu can be obtained by selecting the command Properties button context menu Start or context menu Taskbars, this opens a dialog box (Fig. 40), in which you can set the setup modes Taskbars And Main menu.

Rice. 40. Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box,
Start Menu tab

The same window can be opened from Main menu team StartControl PanelTaskbar and Start Menu.
In this dialog box, you can select the menu display style by selecting the radio button: Start Menu - Windows XP style menu, Classic Start Menu - previous style menu Windows versions. The next time you press the button Start The main menu will appear in the selected style.
To further customize the selected Main Menu style, click the Customize button. Additional setup includes choosing what items appear on the Main Menu, customizing the submenus that open when you hover over an item with the mouse pointer, and clearing the list of recently used programs, documents, and Web sites.

Setting up the Main Menu in XP style

IN title menu Start the name of the user who registered in the system is indicated. If the computer works autonomously or as part of a workgroup, in the left corner of the menu title there is a picture, clicking on which opens the utility window User accounts, displaying information about the registered user's account. The Windows XP style Main Menu is divided into several areas.

IN top left(also called the pinned items list) contains shortcuts that the user has identified as frequently used. By default, these include the Internet ( Internet Explorer) and Email (Outlook Express).

IN left middle part Under the separator (also called the list of most frequently used programs) there are shortcuts to the programs that were launched last. Programs are added to this list as they are used. Windows has a default number of programs that appear in the most used list. When the list is full, previously used programs are replaced by the most recently used programs.

IN lower left the team is located All programs, which opens a drop-down list for accessing programs installed on the computer.

IN right side Main menu there are links to access Windows services, such as the main system folders (My computer, My documents), Control Panel, Printer and Fax Settings, Network connections, command line, Help and support, Search, as well as others depending on the settings. Elements Main menu are equipped with tooltips that appear if you hold the mouse pointer over them, and context menus.

Change appearance Main menu, you can use additional settings. To do this, you need to in the dialog box Properties Taskbar and Start menu (see Figure 40) on the tab Start Menu in the group Start Menu press the button Tune. On the tab General(Fig. 41) you can change the size of icons for programs (large or small icons). In a group Programs you can change the number of programs displayed in the list of frequently used programs (in the left middle part Main menu). Button Clear list in this group will remove shortcuts from the list of frequently used programs. This does not remove programs from the computer. Program shortcuts will be added again to Main menu after their next launch. In a group Show in Start menu Checking the boxes will allow you to display shortcuts for programs that provide access to the Internet and email, and the program can be selected from the corresponding list.

Rice. 41. Start Menu Customization dialog box, General tab

On the tab Additionally(Fig. 42) you can change the parameters Main menu, number of items displayed in Main menu, and also set the list display Recent documents . In a group Start menu items" for elements My Documents, My Pictures, My Computer, My Music, Control Panel you can not only set their display in Main menu, but also choose their type: Display as menu or as a link. In the first case, a > sign will appear next to these items, indicating that when you select this command, a submenu will appear.

Rice. 42. Start Menu Customization dialog box, tab Additionally

Adding items to the Main Menu

You can add shortcuts to programs, files, and folders to the Main Menu. There are several ways to do this.

1 way.
In Windows XP in the context menu executable files an item appeared Pin to Start Menu, which adds the program to the list of pinned items above the dividing line.

Method 2.
Drag the object with the mouse Desktop or from another folder to the button Start. In this case, the object's shortcut will appear in the list of pinned elements Main menu.

3 way
In the dialog box Properties Taskbars and Start Menu(see Fig. 40) on the tab Start Menu in the group Start Menu press the button Tune. On the tab Additionally(see Fig. 42) in the list Start menu items select the items that should be displayed in the Main Menu. The next time you press the button Start the selected items will be displayed in Main menu.

4 way

  1. Open folder window Main menu in one of the following ways:
    • in the button context menu Start select a team Open;
    • in the button context menu Start select a team Conductor;
    • open folder in windows system My computer or using Conductor.
  2. Move, copy, or create a shortcut to an object as usual.
    • If an object is dragged to free space folder windows Main menu, then he will get into top part teams All programs Main menu.
    • If an object is dragged onto a folder Programs, then it will be placed in the list of programs.
    • You can open the folder Programs, create a subfolder and drag an object into it. In this case, at point All programs a group of programs will be created.

Removing items from the Main Menu

Method 1 – removing pinned items from the list
In the list of pinned items, in the context menu, select Remove from Start Menu or Remove from List.

Method 2 – remove from the list of frequently used programs
In the list of frequently used programs in the context menu, select the command Remove from list.

Method 3 – deleting items
In the dialog box Taskbar and Start Menu Properties(see Fig. 40) on the tab Start Menu in the group Start Menu press the button Tune. On the tab Additionally(see Fig. 42) in the list Start menu items uncheck the item to be removed or select a radio button Do not display this element.

4 way

  1. Open folder window Main menu.
  2. In a folder Main menu select the object or group of objects to be deleted.
  3. Delete objects in the usual manner for folder windows.

5 way
The easiest way is to delete elements directly from the open Main menu.
Call Main menu button Start and do one of the following:

  • select a command from the object’s context menu Delete.
  • drag the object to Cart.

Menu commands File designed for working with files. To create a new file, run the command File -> Create Ctrl+N. A new window will open (see Fig. 7.1), from which you can go to the publication creation mode.

To open a previously created publication, run the command File -> Open or press the key combination Ctrl+O. As a result, a window will open in which, according to the usual Windows rules, specify the path to the publication file.

IN Publisher program 2007 the ability to import was implemented Word file and converting it into a publication file. To do this, run the command File -> Import a Word document and in the window that opens, specify the path to the required file. In the future, you will no longer work with this file as with Word document, but what about the publication file.

To save changes to the current publication, run the command File -> Save or press the key combination Ctrl+S, and to save the current publication in separate file run the command File -> Save as. As a result, a window will open in which you need to specify the path to save, as well as the file name and type.

To print the current document, execute the menu command File -> Seal or press the key combination Ctrl+P. A window will open in which you can perform pre-setting print settings. The publication will be sent for printing as soon as you click the button in this window Seal. To see what your publication will look like on a piece of paper when you set the at the moment settings, run the command File -> Preview.

Menu commands Edit are intended for making changes to the current document, undoing recent changes, working with the clipboard, searching for data, and also for performing other operations. To copy the selection to the clipboard, run the command Edit -> Copy, and to delete the selected fragment to the clipboard - the command Edit -> Cut(these commands can be executed by pressing the key combinations respectively Ctrl+C And Ctrl+X). To paste the contents of the buffer, use the menu command Edit -> Insert or press the key combination Ctrl+V.

To delete text, an object or a page, follow the corresponding menu commands Edit -> Delete text, Edit -> Delete object And Edit -> Delete page.

To switch to search mode, execute the menu command Edit -> Search or press the key combination Ctrl+F. To find data and replace it immediately, run the menu command Edit -> Replace.

Menu commands View are intended for customizing the presentation of data displayed in the window, as well as for controlling the display of some program tools. Menu command View -> Two pages You can enable the publication to be displayed on two pages. Executing this command again returns the publication to its previous form. However, it is advisable to use a two-page presentation when preparing not all publications.


Teams Edit -> Copy and Edit -> Cut is available only if there is a selected text fragment or object in this publication. Edit command -> Paste is only available when there is content on the clipboard.

To display the task pane, located on the left side of the interface, execute the menu command View -> Task pane or press the key combination Ctrl+F1.

Submenu commands View -> Toolbars convenient to use to toggle the display of toolbars on and off. By default, the program includes the following toolbars: Standard, Formatting, Publisher Tasks, Task pane, Objects And Link text fields.

If you are bothered by the rulers located at the top and left of the program’s workspace, then disable their display with the command View -> Rulers. Executing this command again will return the rulers to their original position.

Using the commands located in the submenu Scale, select the appropriate display scale for the publication. For smaller documents (such as business cards), a 200% zoom may be appropriate, while for larger publications, a 75 or even 50% zoom may be appropriate.

Menu commands Insert are intended for inserting various objects into a publication: pages, pictures, sections, page numbers, hyperlinks, etc. For example, if you want to insert some picture from external file, then run the command Insert -> Drawing -> From file, then in the window that opens, specify the path to the picture file and click the button Insert. In a similar way, you can insert objects from other external files into your publication.

To quickly number the pages of the current publication, run the command Insert -> Page numbers. As a result, the window shown in Fig. will open. 7.2.

Rice. 7.2. Setting pagination

From the dropdown list Position select the place on the page where its number should be located, and from the drop-down list Alignment– method of page number alignment ( Left, Right or Centered). Please note that the field Alignment only available when any value other than is selected in the field above Current text field. If you want to number the first page as well, check the box Number on the first page and press the button OK.

To quickly duplicate the current page, run the command Insert -> Duplicate page. For quick insertion into a publication new page run the command Insert -> Page.

Commands for formatting the current publication are located in the menu Format.

By executing the command Format -> Font, you will go to the font settings mode, where you can specify the font type, its size, color, style, and other parameters. The window that opens when you execute this command is in many ways reminiscent of a similar window called up in Word.

To switch to the mode for setting the parameters of the current paragraph, run the command Format -> Paragraph. In the window that opens, you can set the required line spacing, text alignment method, display of the red line, and also make other settings.

Using the menu command Format -> List You will be taken to the mode for customizing the presentation of bulleted and numbered lists. In the window that opens, you can select the type of markers, their location, indentation, set the numbering order, and also make other settings.

To change the background of a post, run the command Format -> Background. As a result, a list of background design options for the publication will be displayed on the left side of the interface (in the task area). To select a suitable background, just click on its sample.

Many useful commands are also contained in the menu Service. The first thing to note is the menu command Service -> Options, after completing which you will switch to the mode for setting program parameters. By the way, when more or less experienced users first launch the program, they first check its settings so that, if necessary, they can be adjusted to suit their needs. At the same time, please note that the default settings of the program are optimal for performing most operations.

Advertising materials are subject to special requirements in terms of the absence of grammatical and spelling errors in the text. Publisher 2007 includes automatic spell checking. The main menu command is intended for this. Service -> Spelling -> Spelling, also called by pressing a key F7. Before checking, it is recommended to review and, if necessary, edit the settings; to switch to the corresponding mode, execute the menu command Service -> Spelling -> Spell checking options.

There may also be increased requirements for printing advertising materials that differ from the standard ones (which we use, for example, in Word, Excel and other applications). To set up professional printing (with special colors, etc.), use the commands located in the submenu Service -> Professional printing tools. With their help, you can configure color printing, font, and registration settings.

As in some other applications of the package Microsoft Office 2007, Publisher 2007 introduces the ability to use macros. For those who do not know, let us remind you: a macro is a program written by a user in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and designed to expand the standard capabilities of an application.

To select a macro from among previously created ones, execute the main menu command Service -> Macro -> Macros or press the key combination Alt+F8. In the window that opens, in the list of macros, click on the name of the desired macro and click the button Execute. To create a new macro, in this window in the field Macro name enter his name using the keyboard and press the button Create. As a result, the Visual Basic for Applications editor window will open, in which you can perform all the necessary steps to write a macro.

You can open the Visual Basic for Applications editor in another way - using the menu command Service -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor or a key combination Alt+F11.

Publisher 2007 has the ability to automatically correct random errors that occur when entering certain data. It was called “autocorrect”; its meaning is that the program will automatically correct erroneously entered data immediately after pressing the spacebar or Enter. To switch to the autocorrect setting mode, execute the main menu command Service -> AutoCorrect options. Working in this mode is approximately the same as in Excel 2007 (for more details, see the above section “AutoCorrect as a means of preventing input errors” in Chapter 3).


The Create button becomes available only after at least one character is entered in the Macro name field.

Menu commands Table intended for quick creation tables. Fundamentally, the procedure for working with tables looks approximately the same as in other applications Office package, however there are some differences. For example, the table creation window that opens when you run the command Table -> Insert -> Table, looks like shown in Fig. 7.3.

Rice. 7.3. Setting table parameters

At the top left of this window there are fields in which the number of rows and columns of the table is indicated using the keyboard or using a counter. Below is the field Table Format, which provides a list of table templates. For example, category templates Numeric are well suited for representing numbers or quantitative and financial data, and category templates List convenient to use for displaying lists and comparing data, etc. For complete cleaning all table formatting in the list is the item Absent. To quickly create a table, click on the name of the appropriate format in the list and click OK.

To delete a table or any of its elements (row or column), execute the appropriate submenu commands Table -> Delete. For quick selection table or its element (column, row or cell) submenu commands are intended Table -> Select.

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UDC 004.432(076)

Reviewer Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor, Prof. department I3 BSTU V.Yu. Emelyanov

editorial and publishing
university council

BSTU, 2013

Purpose Matlab

The Matlab system (Matrix Laboratory) was developed by MathWork . It's powerful computing system, designed to solve a wide range of mathematical, engineering and economic problems.

Working in the Matlab(ML) environment, a user, even if he is not a programmer, can easily and quickly solve computational problems in various fields of science and technology (linear algebra, control theory, signal processing, etc.). A simple command environment allows you to enter expressions in a form that closely resembles natural mathematical notation.

The system is most focused on performing engineering calculations. The mathematical apparatus is optimized for calculations performed with matrices and complex numbers. Matlab contains many built-in functions required by the engineer and scientist to perform complex numerical calculations as well as behavioral modeling technical systems and physical processes. The powerful graphical system of Matlab allows you to visualize the data representation, which makes graphical analysis of the results possible. All functionality combined with a convenient user interface.

The big advantage of the system is its openness and expandability. Programs can be written in it for repeated use. The user can not only use existing functions, but also create their own specialized functions. The package allows you to work with programs written in Fortran C languages. Most specialized functions are stored as text files with extension m(m-files). Files can be created in the Matlab environment editor or in an external editor that is encoding compatible with the built-in editor. User created m- the files can be used in the same way as Matlab's built-in functions.

In addition to working with programs (functions), calculations can be performed in “calculator” mode, i.e. get the result immediately after entering the next command. To solve special problems using ML, packages with additional functions, which are called Toolboxes.

It is possible to integrate the ML system with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.

Matlab 6.5 interface

After starting the Matlab program, the main window is displayed working environment ML, which is called the “desktop” (Fig. 1).

This window contains:

· title line;

· main menu bar containing menu items File(File), Edit(Editing), View(View), Web, Window
(Window), Help(Reference).

· a toolbar with buttons that allow you to perform some of the most common operations, which can also be selected through the menu. There is a window nearby Current Directory, which allows you to set the current folder;

· three internal windows:

Ø on the right is the largest and most important window - Command Window(command window), which displays user input, commands and their execution results, as well as error messages;

Ø top left window with tabs Workspace(workspace), allowing access to the contents of the workspace, and Launch Pad, used to view the contents of a folder M.L.(for example, to view demos or call help);

Ø bottom left window with tabs Command History(command history), intended for viewing and re-calling previously entered commands, and a window Current Directory(current folder), used to set the current directory;

· status bar where system messages are displayed.

There are two buttons in the right corner of each window: X – close; – unpin from the desktop. To return to the previous state, you must select the menu items: View, Desktop Layout, Default.

All variables used in the current work session are stored in the computer memory in an area called Workspace(workspace). A complete list of specified variables is displayed in the window Workspace. Contained here full list variables and their sizes, but not the values ​​of the variables. Double clicking on a variable name opens a window Array
, which can be used for editing individual elements vectors and matrices.

You can adjust the size of windows using the mouse.

Basic commands of the ML main menu

Working with menus in ML is similar to working with menus Microsoft programs Office. Many menu items have hotkeys for quickly calling commands (you can see them to the right of the command, for example, Copy→Ctrl+C etc.).

Let's look at the composition and purpose of some menu commands.

Working with files. Menu item File contains the following commands (Fig. 2):

New – m-file– allows you to create a new m-file in the ML editor;

Open– allows you to open an existing m-file;

Set Path– allows you to set a path indicating the location m-files;

Preferences– allows you to display a dialog box in which you can configure various system parameters.

In the menu item window File The names of the last four files accessed by the user are displayed.

All files that will be created by the student in ML must be stored in a designated folder where saving files is allowed: on the C: drive (C:\USERS\<папка>) or on the server (N:\<папка>). It is always possible to set the desired directory as the current one. This can be done using the menu item File, Set Path or in the window Current Directory(Current directory).

Team Exit allows you to log out.

Editing. Menu item Edit contains traditional commands: Undo And Redo(cancel the last action and refuse to cancel, respectively), Cut(cut out fragment) Copy(copy), Paste(insert), Delete(delete), Select All(select all).

Using commands Clear Command Window, Clear Command History, Clear Workspace, you can clear the contents of the command window, command history window, and workspace, respectively.

Desktop configuration management. Menu item View(Fig. 3) allows you to manage the desktop configuration if necessary (the presence of windows can be controlled by checking or unchecking the boxes next to the selected menu commands).

Working with windows. Menu item Window used to work with system windows. This displays commands that correspond to the windows and programs that are currently open. Selecting one of these commands allows you to make the desired window or program code active in the editor m-files.

Menu item Help provides access to help system programs Matlab.

Command Window. This window is for entering numbers, variables, expressions and commands. The results and error messages are also displayed here. The readiness of the system for input is indicated by the >> sign, which is located in the text field of the command window (on the command line). To execute the entered command, press the key . As long as it is not pressed, the entered expression can be edited or deleted. Viewing the contents of the window can be done using scroll bars, as well as keys < PgUp > , < PgDown > , < Ctrl+Home > , < Ctrl+End > , < Home > , < End >.

The control keys and ¯ in ML have a completely different purpose than in text editors. Using these keys allows you to display previously entered commands and expressions on the command line so that you can reuse them. This is possible because all executed commands are stored in a special memory area. To erase the contents of the command window, just type and execute the command clc.

Workspace. In ML, all variables used in the current work session are stored in an area called the workspace or workspace. A complete list of used variables is displayed in the window Workspace where you can see a list of current variables and their sizes. This information is presented in the form of a table consisting of the following columns: Name– the name of the variable is indicated, Size– the size of the variable is displayed, Bytes – displays the amount of allocated memory , Class– variable type.

Window Workspace has a toolbar that includes commands for opening data files, creating, saving and deleting variables. If you double-click on the line corresponding to a variable, information about it will be displayed in the window Array Editor.

Team history. Command History Window– the date and time of the ML session are displayed here, and also contains a list of commands entered during the current session. They can be re-executed by double-clicking on the command. You can execute several commands in this window in a row. To do this, select commands using the mouse while holding down the key and then press . If necessary commands are not located in a row, then they must be selected by holding down the key . You can also use the ↓ arrow keys to reuse commands by placing those commands on the command line. When you right-click on any command, this window displays a context menu containing commands for copying the selected command to the clipboard, deleting it, creating m-file, etc.

Main menu- one of the main system controls Windows XP. Main menu opens with a click of a button Start. By using Main menu you can run all programs installed under or registered with the operating system, open the latest documents you worked with, gain access to all operating system configuration tools, as well as access to search and help systems Windows XP.

To the structure Main menu includes two sections - required And arbitrary.

Mandatory section of the Main Menu.

The required section of the Main Menu includes the following items.

    Programs– provides access to a hierarchical structure containing pointers to launch applications installed on your computer. Pointers are combined into categories. If category has an icon in the form of a triangular arrow, then it contains nested categories. Signposts, present in the Main Menu, have the status of shortcuts, and their categories have the status of folders. Signposts you can copy and move between categories, drag and drop on Desk and into folder windows. This is one of the simplest ways to create a shortcut for an installed program.

    Favorites– opens access to some logical folders of the user, in which he can place the most frequently used documents, shortcuts to Web documents.

    Documents– opens access to shortcuts of the last fifteen documents with which this user worked on the computer.

    Settings- opens access to a logical folder Control Panel and folder Printers, through which printers are installed and print jobs are configured. To create a folder shortcut Control Panel on Desktop icon used Control Panel in the folder window My computer.

    Find- provides access to search tools installed on the computer. The main one is the means Files and folders, which is used to search for objects in the file structure.

    Help and support- entry point to the help system Windows XP.

    Execute- opens a window with command line to launch applications.

    Ending a session- allows you to shut down one user and transfer the computer to another.

    Shutdown- a means of shutting down the operating system. Opens a dialog box Shut down in Windows, containing the items: Standby mode; Shutdown; Reboot. If all windows are closed, then exit with Windows You can use the key combination ALT + F4.

Custom section of the Main Menu.

The optional section is located above the mandatory section and is separated from it by a dividing line. The user can create items in this section at his own request. Sometimes these items are generated automatically when installing some applications.

Installing and uninstalling Windows applications.

In the operating system Windows XP There are several ways to install applications.

Before you begin installing a new application, you should close all running programs and open documents. When installing apps, resource sharing between apps is taken into account. Principle of resource sharing is that different applications can use common programs.

When installing new applications, only those software resources that are needed for operation are installed with them this application, but are missing on this computer, i.e. they are not registered in its operating system.

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