The Dyatlov Pass is the most mysterious and terrible story of the last century. The Dyatlov Pass - the most mysterious and terrible story of the last century Psychics and clairvoyants about the tragedy, a new death

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The death of a group of travelers who conquered one of the Khanty-Mansiysk peaks became one of the most mystical incidents in Russia. The place of death is now known by the name of the leader of the campaign - Dyatlov Pass. What really happened is one of the most baffling mysteries of the 20th century.

A brief excursion into what happened

The sequence of events of the most mystical of Soviet tragedies is as follows:

  1. At the end of January 1959, a group of students from Yekaterinburg (then Sverdlovsk) set off to conquer the Ural peaks;
  2. On January 25, they reached the village of Vizhay, where they stayed at a hotel;
  3. The next day they were picked up by a truck and taken to the village. They spent the night in the hostel;
  4. The ski trip begins on January 27. One of the expedition members, Yuri Yudin, was forced to return home for health reasons;
  5. Four days later, tourists approached the top of Kholat Syakhyl and unsuccessfully tried to climb it;
  6. On the evening of February 1, it was decided to stop for a break and continue trying tomorrow;
  7. After mysterious events that took place at night, all members of the expedition were dead.

All events were reconstructed from diary entries. The investigation and search operation began only 10 days after the death, when the students were supposed to descend to Vizhay.

Dyatlov Pass: versions

Until now, no one knows for sure what exactly happened in the Northern Ural on the night of February 1-2, 1959.

The uncertainty surrounding a terrible tragedy gives rise to many guesses :

  • According to residents of the surrounding villages, that night turned out to be especially windy. Strong air currents could blow away tents and freeze people alive;
  • In the early 1990s, there was a popular theory about large masses of snow suddenly falling on unsuspecting people. Thus, the physical damage on the body of some participants in the campaign became clear;
  • The tent could not withstand the snow cap and suffocate its occupants;
  • Meeting with a dangerous predator (bear, wolf, etc.);
  • The climbers became victims of one of the atmospheric phenomena little known to science. Candidates for this could be ball lightning or a thunderstorm that occurs in severe frost.

Although the bodies of the travelers did not have puncture wounds or bullet wounds, the theory of human impact was developed along with the rest.

Who killed the Dyatlov group?

One of the popular versions is the inventive and cold-blooded murder of ordinary tourists for various reasons.

The investigation and journalists suggest that:

  • The crime could have been committed by criminals who escaped from prison. The prosecutor's office dismisses this possibility due to the lack of information about escapes in the surrounding area during that period;
  • Representatives of the indigenous people of those places - the Mansi - could understand the hand on the unarmed. However, this small nation was not noticed in interethnic conflicts with the Russians;
  • A quarrel between the participants of the campaign. It is possible that a fight could have broken out due to alcohol abuse or a love polygon;
  • Attack by police officers involved in poaching. Thus, they got rid of unnecessary witnesses to the crime. Thanks to the availability of administrative resources, the fact of the brawl could be successfully forgotten;
  • Conspiracy theory. Dyatlov's comrades were none other than undercover state security officers on a mission. Foreign spies who came to the meeting “removed” the intelligence officers.

Conjecture about an alien invasion

In September 2016, news appeared about the discovery of debris of unknown origin at the pass.

This discovery became the reason for another journalistic investigation:

  • According to interviewed military pilots, the fragment is not related to any known model of aircraft;
  • The part cannot be recognized as a spare part for a rocket or jet apparatus;
  • Specialists from the Moscow Aviation Institute refused to give specific explanations on this matter. The scientists cited the need for more research on this topic;
  • Journalists from Komsomolskaya Pravda made a risky assumption about the extraterrestrial nature of the artifact. The suspicious silence of representatives of the Ministry of Defense forces us to favor this version. Probably, the latter have information about visits to these places by an extraterrestrial civilization.

It should be noted that such insinuation on the theme of the supernatural is not the first of its kind. Theories have been expressed regarding Bigfoot, time holes, etc.

More than half a century has passed since the incident, but public curiosity does not think of cooling its ardor. The site of what happened today is a lucrative “amusement park” for the unsophisticated public. An all-terrain tour of the place of death can cost several tens of thousands of rubles.

Professionals found an inexhaustible source of inspiration in the incident. The number of works of art of varying quality on this topic reaches double digits, and activity continues unabated over time:

  • The most famous literary works about the incident belong to the pen of Yuri Yarovoy, Anna Matveeva and Donny Eichar;
  • In 2015-2017, the Komsomolskaya Pravda publication published a series of reports about the incident. However, the quality of journalistic work caused a storm of criticism;
  • The Rossiya 1 TV channel produced a documentary that received equally critical reviews.

However, the most famous creation is the Russian-American film “The Dyatlov Pass Incident” (with subtitles):

Film by Renny Harlin

The 2013 film by Hollywood director Renny Harlin was also intended to shed light on the events of many years ago. The horror film put the tragedy in an unusual light and made people talk about it again. But the viewing experience was spoiled by numerous blunders:

  • Free handling of real events. According to the script, all the tourists were discovered at the same time, and the name of the main character sounds like Peter. Both are not true;
  • The plot is generously stuffed with spreading cranberries and clichés. Russians behave as they should behave according to American stereotypes;
  • All residents of the Urals speak English perfectly;
  • Despite the high level of radiation measured by the dosimeter, a group of searchers stayed there for the night;
  • The involvement of the insidious Soviet secret services is far-fetched;
  • The computer graphics don't stand up to criticism.

As a result, the film's distribution fate was sealed, and critics from Rotten Tomatoes gave it only 53 out of 100%.

Accidents involving travelers in the mountains are, unfortunately, not uncommon news. But all of them do not show even a hundredth of the interest that the ill-fated Dyatlov Pass has. What really happened is known only to those who know the killer of Kennedy and Princess Diana.

Video: what happened at the Dyatlov Pass: the end of the story

In this documentary, historian Stanislav Lozhkin will talk about the final version of what happened at that ill-fated pass in the Ural Mountains:

Anna Chapman is right: the tourists of I. Dyatlov’s group were killed in another place, and imitators worked on the slopes of the mountain with the sonorous name “Mountain of the Dead”.
I agree with A. Chapman because I have experience of three multi-day winter hikes in the Northern Urals, many years of professional winter hunting in the Transbaikal taiga, and in addition 50 years of experience working in field geological parties in summer and winter in the Altai, Sayan Mountains and Transbaikalia. Without a stove, and often without a tent, we had to spend the night in the cold more than 50 times.
At the end of January-beginning of February 1959, as part of a group of students from the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute, I took part in a hike to the Konzhakovsky stone along the mountain route. Karpinsk - village Kytlym. In the group, like Dyatlov, there were 7 guys and two girls. This is the optimal composition. During the hike there were 8 cold nights in a tent, i.e. without a stove.
I declare responsibly: to assert, as in the investigative case, that Dyatlov’s group lay in a cold tent until 10-11 o’clock. in the morning, then fool around in the camp, and only reached the Mountain of the Dead at 3 p.m. day means insulting the dead with accusations of unprofessionalism. At 5 p.m. You already need to stop and carefully prepare for the night in order to stock up on enough firewood. Dry off by the fire, cook a hearty dinner, eat, warm up, tell stories, often sing songs, have another dinner or, at worst, drink tea - and at 10 pm settle down in a prepared tent for the night. And on the char - what kind of firewood?!
Spending the night at minus 25-30 degrees in a tent set up in the snow, with “a bedding of two skis, a padded jacket, and gaiters”(?), covered with a soldier’s blanket and dumping damp ski boots in a corner is absurd. Whoever survives until the morning after such an overnight stay will remain disabled. And it’s simply impossible to put on frozen shoes in the morning, this is also death. The one who set up the tent on the slope of the Mountain of the Dead had never been on a winter hike himself.
But that's how it is, little flowers.
1. On February 24, an An-2 plane flew over the outskirts of Otorten in search of a ski trail. Nothing was found on the Mountain of the Dead.
2. On February 25, the same crew on the same plane on the slope of the Mountain discovers a tent from a distance of 20 km. The cut rags of the tent fluttered in the wind. Near the tent there are two corpses, men and women (navigator Karpushin identified by scattered hair).
3. On February 26, search engines at the coordinates indicated by the navigator find a tent littered with lumps of hard snow - and no corpses.
Researchers have found more than 40 such facts of crude, to the point of impudence, work of imitators.
And how to explain multiple lifetime injuries, incl. and deadly? Did the tourists flee 1.5 km at night with fatal injuries?
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Many people ask why I went to the Dyatlov Pass with a bad heart. The reason was not at all that I personally wanted to understand the mysterious circumstances of the death of Igor Dyatlov’s group at this pass 56 years ago. No. In fact, that's not why I went there at all. The real reason is under the cut.

I also edited a video of our “assault” on the Dyatlov Pass. I hope it will make it more clear what happened there and what the weather conditions were like:

I consider Manpupuner to be the greatest natural attraction of Russia. However, I have not been there yet, although I have already tried to get there by helicopter twice. Both times there was no weather and we did not fly away.

A more reliable way to get there is by snowmobile, through the Dyatlov Pass. So this trip was training for me. Next year I want to come back here again, but travel further. To the Manpupuner plateau:

The photos are not mine and were honestly stolen from someone. If the authorship is yours, then write. I will be happy to sign:

Greetings, friends. What is the most mysterious and terrible story of the last century, which perhaps everyone has heard about? "Dyatlov Pass"- words that instantly evoke eerie thoughts and the understanding that we can only guess about the true causes of the tragedy. Let's try to reconstruct the events and figure out what really happened. We will not put forward our own versions, we will leave you the opportunity to draw your own conclusions.

What happened at Dead Man's Mountain

This happened in 1959. A group of ten people went on a ski trip to the mountains of the Northern Urals: among them were young guys - students and graduates of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, as well as one thirty-seven-year-old graduate of the Minsk Institute of Physical Education, a participant in the Great Patriotic War - Semyon Zolotarev, who for some reason asked to be called Sasha. His participation in the campaign is mystery number one! But more on that a little later.

There were two girls and eight guys in the group. In this article we will call them students. All of them were experienced tourists who, during the holidays, decided to take a route of the third degree of difficulty. This is the highest difficulty at that time. According to the plan, they had to ski about 350 kilometers in sixteen days.

One of the students left the race ahead of schedule due to a cold and pain in his leg due to worsening rheumatism, which also raises certain questions among researchers of this tragedy; below you will read about this in more detail.

Of the remaining nine students, none returned. All died under unclear circumstances in one night. The investigation into the case was closed a long time ago with the note that no signs of a crime were found.

However, the criminal case has not yet been destroyed, although according to the law, criminal cases are destroyed after 25 years, but more than half a century has passed, and it is still stored in dusty archives.

Criminologists, investigators, scientists, and even bit by bit, recreated the route, but no one gave an exact explanation: who killed the students. They all died in one night under very strange circumstances.

In one of the last frames found, students are preparing to set up a tent to spend the night on the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl. What happened after is unknown to anyone. They tried to reconstruct the events from the bodies found.

Dyatlov Pass: Chronology of the events of the campaign

The events described below took place in 1959, which became fatal for the guys. All the events of the campaign were reconstructed from photographs developed from the students’ cameras found among their belongings, and from records from personal diaries participants of the trip.

  • On January 23, a group of ten people, led by fifth-year radio engineering student Igor Dyatlov, boarded the train and left Sverdlovsk. All group members were experienced skiers and athletes. They had not only completed similar routes before, but also led groups themselves.
  • On January 25, the students arrived in the city of Ivdel, from here they went by bus to the village of Vizhay, where they spent the night in a hotel.

  • That night the guys slept in the lumberjacks' dormitory in the village. The next day we went to the second Northern mine. There were no inhabitants in this abandoned village, no one at all. They found a house more or less suitable for spending the night, lit a makeshift stove and spent the night there.
  • On January 28, Yuri Yudin decided to return back because his leg hurt unbearably. The rest of the Dyatlovites set off on skis from the village along the Lozva River, where they stayed overnight near the shore.

Let's make a small but interesting digression from the chronology of events. According to some researchers, it is in the second Northern mine that one should look for the answer to the mystery of the death of the students. They point to several unexplained mysteries.

First: when deciphering the photographs that the guys took in the second Northern, in one of them, clearly taken when the group was leaving the village, a person is visible in the distance, either clearing the snow, or practicing with skis. Question: who is this person? Who remained in the village, because it was deserted? In the same photographs, some researchers “see” a tower with searchlights, which also remains a mystery.

Another mystery: whether pain in his leg and a cold really forced Yuri Yudin to come back. After all, he felt unwell several tens of kilometers ago, and decided to return only now, how could he go this way with a sore leg and a cold? Maybe he saw or learned something and even then understood that the guys were in mortal danger, but for some reason he could not warn them and chose to return?

Yuri Yudin

But other researchers smash such pseudo-riddles to smithereens and answer: Yudin remained in the village, who later left it. The so-called floodlight towers are nothing more than defects in photographs. But Yudin’s illness really forced him to interrupt his campaign; it progressed, and the guy realized that he couldn’t cope.

  • On January 29, tourists walked along the Mansi trail from the previous stop to a rest stop on a tributary of the Lozva River;
  • On January 30, they moved along the above path along the strip left by a reindeer team (according to one version) and the ski track of a Mansi hunter (according to another version).
  • January 31 - students approached Mount Kholatchakhl (Goose's Nest, translated from Mansi as Mountain of the Dead). After the tragedy, this pass was named the Dyatlov Pass. The guys planned to climb the mountain, but they were unable to do this due to the strong wind. In his diary, Dyatlov wrote that the wind speed was comparable to the air speed when an airplane took off. They had to return to the Auspiya River and spend the night near its shore.
  • On February 1, the students decided to repeat their attempt to climb the mountain. They left things that there was no point in taking with them in a makeshift hut (storage): heavy food, an ice ax and other things.

They began climbing the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl after lunch - too late, according to some researchers. They did not have time to cross the eastern slope: it was beginning to get dark and the wind was getting stronger. Igor Dyatlov decided to pitch a tent in the saddle of the mountain under the slope of the northeastern fort.

The Dyatlov group's tent was made from two standard-sized tents, its length was about 4 meters. To install it horizontally, a flat place no less than the length of the tent itself was required. It was difficult to find such a site and the guys had to cut down the slope.

Woodpecker experts consider the decision to pitch a tent in this place a mistake; this is actually the top of a mountain, an open place, while other scientists do not see anything supernatural in this decision. Be that as it may, this night turned out to be the last for the Dyatlov detachment...

What really happened: a terrible mystery shrouded in darkness

Dyatlov’s group planned to finish the hike in the village of Vizhay, notify the institute’s sports club about its successful completion, and on February 15 the Dyatlovites were supposed to return home. It is clear that neither the telegram nor the boys arrived at home. Relatives of tourists and another tourist group, which went on a hike on the same day as the Dyatlovites, only along a different route, began to worry.

Being delayed on a ski trip is common. But when there was no news from the guys on February 17, a rescue operation began.

Search teams found a tent that was cut and torn in some places, and they were torn and cut from the inside. One thing became clear: people were fleeing from a specific danger that they could not explain. What made the guys flee? They left everything: things, food. They ran barefoot, some ran in one shoe, some in someone else's socks.

It was uncontrollable wild panic. Moreover, people who knew the guys definitely say that they were not timid. They could not be frightened by anything inside the tent. It was something outside of her. A simple flash of light, a shot, a scream or loud sound They couldn’t scare them so much that the students were in such a hurry to get out, they cut the tent from the inside and rushed to run barefoot in the cold for one and a half kilometers.

It is obvious that they were seized by a horror that they were unable to control, in which they were not even able to think that they were running towards their death. If they had even the slightest opportunity to return, they would have returned, why didn’t they do this and froze under the snow?

Almost one and a half kilometers from the tent, the bodies of three of the guys were found. They had almost no clothes on, except for underwear, and their bodies were burned in places. Next, not for the faint of heart.

A little further, the bodies of two more tourists were found, including the one who led the hike, Igor Dyatlov. The remaining four were found only in May, when the snow melted in the Urals. There were terrible marks on their bodies: two of them had crushed chests and missing eyeballs, one of the girls also had no mouth and tongue.

One of the tourists had a fractured skull, but there were no external injuries. Death, according to medical experts, was due to freezing. Three of the guys were pronounced dead from injuries caused by a force comparable in power to a blast wave. Four tourists had an unnatural orange-red skin color. The reason for this could not be determined.

Dead birds were found nearby, and the last shot from the camera of one of the members of the hike is causing a flurry of controversy. It shows a blurry glowing ball on a black background. Some scientists argue that this is just a filming defect, others see in it the very danger that forced the guys to run barefoot in the cold towards their death.

In addition, there is information that the location of cadaveric spots on the bodies of the first three students found does not correspond to the position in which they lay. This allows us to conclude that they were turned over by someone. No signs of a struggle or facts indicating the presence of strangers were found either in the tent or near it. The position of some of the bodies was such that their heads were directed towards the tent, that is, it turns out that death found them not on the way from the tent, but on the way into it.

These terrible facts awaken an endless field of conjectures, conjectures, and assumptions. All sorts of versions have been put forward: from Bigfoot, aliens, and ending with a love triangle. Next, read the main versions of the tragic version of the death of the skiers.

Rocket version

There is a reliable fact that in February 1959 a luminous ball was seen in the sky above these places. At that time, new ballistic missiles were being tested. It is quite realistic to say that a fragment of a rocket or the rocket itself flew into the area where the participants of the campaign led by Dyatlov were located and caused shaking of the soil. In those places, indeed, metal fragments were found, which scientists identified as rocket debris.

It is quite possible that, after the guys had already gone to bed, a rocket with a sodium burner was flying in the sky above the mountain. Let's say it exploded in the air, for example, a self-destruct device went off. She shot through the air, and below were students in a tent.

The rocket explosion caused an avalanche or a snow slide, which fell on the edge of the tent where the guys were sleeping, whose bodies were found with injuries (fractures of the ribs, skulls), and no serious bodily injuries were found among those who slept in the far part of the tent.

Hearing the explosion, seeing their wounded comrades crushed by the melting snow, plus, beginning to suffocate from the oxygen scorched by the explosion, the students began to tear and cut the tent from the inside. The traces of eight, and not nine, pairs of legs are explained by the fact that one of the guys died immediately after being hit by an avalanche. They dragged him in their arms. Getting ready to run to the storehouse, the guys hurriedly went in the other direction. They tried to light a fire, but due to the lack of oxygen they were unable to do so.

The cedar branches were broken off at a height of five meters. In the cold, they tried to warm themselves with their bare hands, climbing a tree and tearing off branches to throw them into the fire, but it was all in vain, the flames did not flare up, there was not enough oxygen.

The rocket version is also supported by the fact that the soldiers who were the first to arrive in search of the missing tourists found many dead partridges in the mountain near the fatal place, which apparently died from lack of oxygen.

But there are serious inconsistencies here, for example: how there was no oxygen in open space for more than an hour, because it is known that there is atmospheric pressure, and the resulting vacuum is immediately filled with oxygen. Second: how could the guys run such a distance with broken ribs? Third: if an avalanche had fallen on the tent, it certainly would not have crushed the students selectively, but would have covered the entire tent; in addition, a flashlight was found on the roof of the tent during the rescue operation; the avalanche would certainly have buried it, but it was lying on top .

The film, shown on the RenTV channel, highlights the version according to which nuclear weapons were tested in those places. Followers of this version refer to secret tests being carried out at the Uralmash plant. At that time, meteorological rockets were made there. Exposure to man-made substances could well cause similar damage in humans.

Versions of murders, American sabotage and others

There are versions according to which all participants in the campaign were killed by people who were specially trained in this. They killed the students methodically and in cold blood. However, no signs of the presence of strangers were found at the scene of the tragedy, or are they carefully hidden?

Some authors defend the version according to which American saboteurs are to blame for the deaths of the children. They insist that the Dyatlov Pass tragedy was the result of a so-called “controlled delivery” and that some of the group members were privy to the matter. You can read more about this in the book by A.I. Rakitina. This version is especially vehemently criticized, however, like all other versions of this terrible tragedy.

The author E. Buyanov adheres to the version that an avalanche hit the tent. In the works of these researchers, however, there are blind spots that not only do not confirm their versions, but also give rise to new questions.

Someone connects everything to a love story: there were two girls and seven guys in the group (not counting the departed Yuri Yudin), supposedly the students injured themselves. This version does not stand up to any criticism. They add to it the version of the use of psychotropic substances, which could have an unpredictable effect on the psyche of the students and this explains their behavior: they fled from a tent that had been previously cut from the inside, half naked, in the bitter frost, and tried to climb a tree.

But how then can we explain that one of the girls, when they were discovered, had no tongue, mouth, and eyeballs, while the other guys had multiple injuries to internal organs?

Someone explains the tragedy by the formation of a snow cornice over the area where the tent stood. Allegedly, this snow cornice crushed the tent and six participants were injured. But how then can we explain that one of the participants has a broken skull, without any damage to soft tissue? Forensic experts found no explanation for this. All versions of what happened do not stand up to criticism.

Some researchers adhere to the version that punishment came from the sky, that is, the tourists were killed by aliens. Someone puts forward mystical versions.

In short, with each version, the veil of secrecy, covered in darkness, does not open, but, on the contrary, acquires even more mysteries, conjectures and questions. We will discuss some of these facts below.

Psychics and clairvoyants about tragedy, new death

This story never ceases to excite minds. Films are made and books are written about the Dyatlov detachment. Psychics and clairvoyants are asked to shed light on the mystery. The Siberian hermit-clairvoyant Agafya Lykova was shown photos of living children, and then creepy photographs of their corpses.

The old woman replied that the students saw a fiery serpent. She said something terrible happened in the mountains. She explained that there are places where demons live and kill people. The guys did not die a natural death; according to Agafya, they were killed by a murderous force or an infected mountain. The hermit repeated more than once that one should not intrude into the secrets of the mountains and the Taiga, it is very dangerous.

Her words are interpreted differently, some believe that they were simply taken out of context. And someone finds a hidden subtext in them: the participants of the campaign invaded the sacred place of the Mansi people, perhaps this was the reason for their death. This is another, and again probably unconfirmed version of the death of tourists.

On the program “Battle of Psychics” they also tried to unravel the causes of the tragedy that happened at the foot of the Mountain of the Dead. Clairvoyants, based on the energy of the inverted photographs of the expedition members, felt cold, horror, fear, pain, and unmistakably identified a photo of a living person (Yuri Yudin) among the dead. Did the psychics manage to solve, or at least get closer to solving the mystery, what shocking facts they provide, watch in the video.

Another tragic event, which one would hesitate to call an accident, occurred not so long ago in the same places that became the final refuge for a group of students in 1959. In January 2016, not far from the Dyatlov Pass, law enforcement officers found the body of a man who died of hypothermia. There were no signs of violent death or bodily harm.

We also promised to tell you how secret the presence of Semyon (Sasha) Zolotarev, a mature man, is shrouded among the young boys and girls on this ill-fated campaign. The fact is that, as you know, he died with the rest of the guys under the same unclear circumstances. Only after his body was presented to relatives for identification, they were very surprised - there were tattoos on the man’s body that they had not seen before.

What is this? Inattention of relatives or a reason to think: Was Zolotarev buried with all the other participants in the campaign? In addition, Semyon’s acquaintances later said that he was very eager to go on this campaign, he was literally burning with impatience and claimed that this campaign was very important and the whole world would talk about it. He promised that after returning he would tell everything. He was following some secret. Zolotarev turned out to be right: the whole world was talking about the campaign, but Semyon himself could not return and tell what secret drew him to the Ural Mountains.

With each version, the veil of secrecy, covered in darkness, does not open, but, on the contrary, acquires even more mysteries and questions. What do you think is the most plausible version of what caused this mysterious inexplicable death of people at the foot of the Mountain of the Dead? Share your thoughts in the comments, subscribe to our updates. We wish everyone well!

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