Sandy coast of the Baltic 4 letters crossword puzzle. Baltic Sea, beaches and weather in the Kaliningrad region

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Contents 1 - What is it like, the Baltic Sea 2 - Best time for relaxing on the beaches of the Baltic Sea 2.1 - Water and air temperature in the Baltic by month 3 - Resorts and wild beaches 4 - Svetlogorsk 5 - Zelenogradsk 6 - Yantarny village 7 - Coast of the city of Baltiysk 8 - Curonian Spit

The sea coast of the Kaliningrad region attracts tourists with its long and wide sandy beaches. Here you can swim in the warm waters of the Baltic and sunbathe under the mild summer sun. Go fishing or scuba diving. Wander along the landscaped embankments of resorts or admire the delightful nature of wild beaches. Healing mud and the unique composition of sea water will help improve your health.

What is it like, the Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea is an inland water body. The coastal strip is shared by nine states, among which Russia is present. Surrounded by eighty percent of land, it has a relatively shallow depth. The average distance from the surface of the water surface to the seabed varies within 50 meters. The deepest depression is 470 meters.

In winter, the water temperature off the coast of the Kaliningrad region does not fall below -2 Celsius. In the hottest months of summer, the sea warms up to 18-22 degrees Celsius. A shallow coastal strip of water from 0.5 to one and a half meters makes it possible to gradually descend to deeper places. The gently sloping bottom of the beaches is very convenient for children to swim.

Due to the geographical features of the location, the Baltic Sea has a weak content of mineral salts. This is immediately welcomed on the shore, there is not such a strong, iodine smell, which is characteristic of saltier seas. At the same time, the Baltic waters contain a whole range of salts useful for humans. Doctors say that even short baths have a beneficial effect on well-being, strengthen the immune system and tone the body.

The beaches of the Kaliningrad coast have a mainly sandy structure with rare pebble inclusions. Fine quartz sand, pleasant to the touch, indicates the rather ancient origin of the beaches.

The best time to relax on the beaches of the Baltic Sea

The climatic conditions of the Kaliningrad seaside combine the moderate continental weather of mainland Europe with the healing properties of sea air. Ionized sea air, saturated with mineral salts and iodine, has a beneficial effect on vacationers. The mild off-season and comfortable temperature of warm summer days allows the swimming season to open relatively early.

Water and air temperature in the Baltic by month

Arrival of vacationers to resorts and beaches Kaliningrad region begin in the last days of May, and lasts until September 13-18. Peak tourist activity occurs from early June to mid-August. In the hottest weather, the water temperature in small bays and estuaries warms up to 24 degrees Celsius.

Resorts of the Kaliningrad region on the map:

Resorts and wild beaches

What you need for a quality and memorable holiday on warm summer days. Of course, the warm sea, soft sand and gentle sun. Recent events in the global tourism industry are encouraging more and more Russian citizens to vacation within the country without traveling abroad. It's both cheaper and safer.

The coastal zone of the Kaliningrad seaside is one of the most popular holiday destinations. For lovers of comfort and developed infrastructure, such resorts as Svetlogorsk, the village of Yantarny, and the city of Zelenogradsk are perfect. Tourists who prefer a more secluded holiday will find a lot of interesting things to do on the beaches of the Curonian Spit and the city of Baltiysk.

All resorts can be reached from Kaliningrad from the South Station. You can get to Zelenogradsk and Svetlogorsk directly from Khrabrovo airport.


From the capital of the region - Kaliningrad, to Svetlogorsk You can get there in 40 minutes by train or bus. The city is located just 30 kilometers from the regional center. Nearby is the village of Otradnoye - for those who do not like crowds of tourists, there are fewer vacationers there, but there is also entertainment.

The resort town is located quite high (about 45 meters above sea level), so getting to the beach is not so easy. You can go down to the sea via one of seven staircases. People with disabilities or those who simply do not want to lose their legs on the way to the beach can use the cable car. The booths are located low enough above the ground and do not cause concern to users.

The coastal strip of sand is not very wide, 20-30 meters, and during heavy seas it is almost completely filled with surf waves. Fine sand is sometimes interspersed with pebbles.

The advantages include well-developed beach infrastructure. Those who want to sunbathe can freely rent sun loungers or sun loungers for a comfortable rest.

The wide and well-groomed embankment is perfect for leisurely walks. And numerous cozy bars and cafes will help satisfy your worked-up appetite. Kiosks and trays with refreshing drinks are scattered in large quantities along the entire length of the embankment.

You can stay on vacation in first-class hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums.


The city is located 32 kilometers from Kaliningrad. You can get there any convenient way transport– by train, bus. Most quick way- This rented car or taxi.

This small cozy city received resort status in 1998. Due to the great popularity of the resort, it is better to plan a place to stay overnight in advance. Compared to Stepnogorsk, Zelenogradsk is a quieter and calmer city.

A beautiful cobblestone embankment stretches for three kilometers along the coast. It is separated from the beach by a well-designed metal fence. There are comfortable benches along the entire shore. It’s also nice to have large quantity trash can. Thanks to this fact, the promenade area is clean and pleasant to take evening walks along.

Popular excursions:

To get to the beach you need to walk to one of the slopes that the embankment is equipped with. They are located quite far from each other (about a kilometer).

Coast of the city of Baltiysk

From Kaliningrad to Baltiysk 43 kilometers. By bus this route can be covered in 45 minutes. The city, which in the past had the status of a closed military facility, does not have any special architecture.

Its main attraction is its beaches, magnificent in their beauty and scope, the Baltic Spit is especially famous for this. These places are more suitable for those who like to relax in nature in a tent. The quiet and cozy atmosphere of a small town gives you the opportunity to swim and sunbathe in peace and quiet.

The sand is quite clean, but not well maintained like in other places. The beach infrastructure is practically undeveloped. Probably, the military past of this city affects it. The length of the line of wild beaches is more than 47 kilometers.

One of the most remarkable features of the Baltiysk coast is the promenade, along which you can walk. But not during a storm.

The Polish Baltic is not only about crowded beaches, coastal crowds and densely populated bungalow-farm seaside resorts, both large and small. These are also interesting desert corners, impressive sand dunes, wild, secluded places where tourists who come to Pomoža only occasionally wander. Places where silence reigns, reed thickets and flocks of wild water birds. Contrary to all stereotypes, we can still find solitude and tranquility on almost 800 kilometers of Baltic beaches. Meet the wild Baltic.

Wild Baltic beach

Delta Pig

This is a unique place from all points of view. The place where the borders between the Baltic Sea and the Szczecin Bay disappear. The delta of the Świna River is formed by several islands, cut by channels overgrown with tall reeds. These islands appeared as a result of the accumulation of sand and silt brought by the waters of the Pig, compacted by strong storms and northern winds. The most amazing panorama of the Svinskaya delta opens from the Zelenka hill. From its top you can see water channels, the Szczecin Bay and oval islands scattered among the reed beds.

Delta Pig. The place where the sea meets the river

Volinsky Reserve

The coastline of the island of Wolin between Międzyzdroje and Międzywodzie is one of the most spectacular parts of the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. The Volinsky cliffs, reaching 80 meters in height, are a textbook example of a high coast created in glacial moraines (geological bodies). Sliding tree stumps and huge boulders washed out of moraine deposits by waves give the narrow (only a few meters) beach a wild and exciting charm. Climbing to the top of Gosań, you will admire a unique view of the huge Pomeranian Bay.

Volinsky Reserve

Słone Bagno

To the east of lively Kołobrzeg there is a long, several kilometer-long Słonego Bagna (salt marsh) trough. Swamps filled with water, drowned trees, reed thickets inaccessible to humans. Until recently, Elephant Bagno was the abode of many birds. Today, it is part of the Eastern Ecopark. In 2010, a storm destroyed the natural dam that separated the swamps from the sea, which provoked a sharp drainage of Slonego Bagna. Some waterfowl were forced to seek refuge in other places. After the dam was repaired, most of the birds returned to their “small homeland”. Slone Bagno is one of the most amazing and inaccessible places on the Baltic coast.

Elephant Bagno. “Swamps and swamps, blue plateau of heaven...”

Lake Bukovo (jezioro Bukowo)

Between Lazy (Łazy) and Dębki (Dębki) there is a long spit that separates the Baltic from Lake Bukovo. Several thousand years ago, this lake was a sea bay, but as a result of the active action of currents, waves and winds it turned out to be cut off from the “mother”. On the spit itself is conveniently located the small village of Dąbkowice, which, however, is not a resort due to the ban on the use of motor vehicles. Bukovo is connected to the Baltic by the Pike Canal (Kanał Szczuczy), through which salty sea water constantly flows. The shores are covered with characteristic seaside vegetation and reeds, among which noisy seabirds nest. The beaches of Bukovo are some of the best wild beaches in the entire Polish Baltic.

Lake Bukovo. Once upon a time it was a sea...


The small area of ​​Pomož, between Ustka and Rowy, still remains one of the wildest corners of the Baltic coast. Poddombie is famous for its huge sandy cliffs, which reach a height of 20 meters. In winter, piercing winds and tides literally tear up the coastline, creating picturesque, fantastic shapes. Pine and oak forests, a small river, just one resort town - Poddombye is a paradise for lovers of silence and fishermen.

Sandy cliffs in Poddombie are a paradise for lovers of silence

Slovinsky Park

Not far from Poddombie there is Słowiński Park Narodowy. Land of sand dunes. The dunes here reach 50 meters in height and move across the territory at a speed of 3 to 20 meters per year. These sand giants sweep away everything in their path - trees, vegetation, ponds. Among the Slovinsk desert, you can see the remains of dead forests that were destroyed by sand. Residents of Poland call the dunes “vydmy”. Either from the word “blow”, or from “witch”...

Słowinski National Park. Vydmy of the Polish Baltic

So this is what it is like – the wild Baltic. Cut by river canals, flooded by swamps, covered with sand. It’s hard to believe that just a couple of kilometers from these nooks and crannies, where the human foot so rarely sets foot, there are huge metropolises - Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot. How many more secrets does the Baltic coast hide from us? Only the ubiquitous seagulls circling over the Polish Pomozh know about this...

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