I cleaned the processor and the monitor does not turn on. The computer does not turn on after cleaning it from dust

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Many computer users, noticing a noticeable decrease in performance, open the system unit and are horrified by the presence of a mass of dust on the system elements. Next, you should clean the dusty components yourself. At the same time, they do not hesitate to use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust. Then, it seems that you just need to turn on the computer and continue your work on the PC, but your digital friend refuses to start. - a fairly common problem.

Why is independence sometimes harmful?

Cleaning your PC from dust is not quite as simple as it might seem at first glance. It would seem that what could be simpler than ordinary computer care? However, the answer to this question is not so obvious. If you look at the system unit and its components from the outside, like a closed box, then dust settled on its surfaces can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

However, we should not forget that cleaning occurs on the surfaces of the digital device, which accumulate a static charge. Therefore, removing dust from these surfaces is not enough. You also need to wipe the body with a damp cloth soaked in an antistatic solution. When it comes to internal elements system unit, then removing dust with a vacuum cleaner is out of the question. Here you will need the help of a specialist, otherwise the manifestation of excessive independence may result in the collapse of the system.

Preventive Maintenance

Bring it to us at SoftCompService - we will quickly deal with this problem. It must be remembered that the removal of this unpleasant substance is part of a whole range of preventative maintenance measures.

  • Cleaning the system unit from dust and dirt.
  • Cleaning oxidized contacts.
  • Removing static charge from computer components and from the surface of its system unit.
  • Monitor maintenance.

This is only a small part of the work that our center’s specialists perform when prevention is necessary. At the same time, we clean the internal components not with a vacuum cleaner, but with cans of compressed air. Our specialists have the knowledge of how to remove excess static charge from computer components so that this substance does not cause failure of PC parts.

Corroded contacts are a big problem for computer operation. They are also subject to preventive maintenance, otherwise they will soon cause the failure of many elements. It must be remembered that even lightly touching a contact on the motherboard with your hand can cause oxidation of this contact due to moisture that has accumulated on the hand.

Overheating problems

Periodically cleaning the system from accumulated debris can not only improve computer performance. This and other preventive procedures will help avoid problems with overheating of the system and its parts. Excessive heating is the cause of rapid aging of parts and their failure.

Every microcomputer is designed to operate at room temperature. If the ambient temperature rises above 29.5 degrees, there is a risk of overheating. The same problem occurs in conditions of high humidity. Therefore, in order to successfully solve this problem, the user must exclude any negligence in relation to his digital pet.

Timely cleaning of dust and other types of preventive maintenance carried out by a specialist from the SoftCompService center is a guarantee of the proper functioning of the computer. The computer does not turn on after cleaning it from dust - this phrase will be completely eliminated if you contact our specialists for timely help.

Greetings dear reader. Today, almost everyone has computers, laptops, tablets and other gadgets. No matter how powerful your computer is, over time it begins to slow down and the further it goes, the worse. There are many reasons for this, but most can be easily fixed. Also, the method described below will be for Windows, since the majority ordinary users sitting on it.

To begin with, there are two ways to clean your computer so that it does not slow down. First- Call a technician to your home. This is the case if you are not confident in your abilities or simply do not have time for this. Second- clean it yourself, namely: clean it from dust, from temporary files, from information garbage, from viruses and malware, to optimize the system. This option requires time and perseverance, but you don’t need to be a programmer or hacker, all the steps are simple. BUT, if not sure in your own strengths and actions - call a technician or take the computer to him.

It's certainly nice to work on a new PC or laptop, or if you've just installed a new operating system. Everything works quickly and does not slow down. But over time, “brakes” begin, something doesn’t open right away, gets stuck, sometimes freezes or even turns off, in due to overheating. There may be several reasons for this. The most basic:

  • Housing contamination: dust, crumbs, wool...
  • The processor heats up
  • Not necessary programs RAM is clogged,
  • Information “junk” has accumulated on the hard drive,
  • Viruses and various malware slow down Windows.

What to do about it? There is nothing wrong, anyone, even a novice PC or laptop user, can repeat what is described below. First, you need to clean your computer from dust. You will need a damp cloth, a dry cloth, cotton swabs, a vacuum cleaner, and if possible, a can of compressed air, but this is not necessary. And if you have a laptop, then most likely there will be no dust there, which means there is no need to physically clean it. The fact is that the laptop case is designed in such a way that dust practically does not accumulate there, and sometimes it is difficult to disassemble it, so it’s better not even worth it.

For subsequent cleaning we will use various cleaning programs operating system, so be prepared to install them.

Cleaning your computer from dust.

With the accumulation of dust on the internal parts of the computer, these same elements begin to heat up. Therefore, they cannot perform their functions 100%, which leads to the computer slowing down in games, programs, and so on. This is especially true with top-end computer assemblies; they are very powerful and often heat up. Moreover, if processors, whether central or graphic, often heat up, this leads to irreversible processes inside the cores, which is a serious breakdown and cannot be repaired.

I also note that the cause of strong heating may be drying out of the thermal paste. If you are new to this business, then in order to clean your computer well, you should also replace it. In general, thermal paste is, simply put, a paste that helps remove heat from the processor to the heatsink. And she is located between them accordingly.

And this is how to clean your computer from dust:

Ideally, of course, it is better to remove all elements and wipe them separately. But you need to do this if you are sure that you will put everything back together.

Removing unnecessary programs.

The next step is to clean your computer - find and remove programs and applications that you do not need. The fact is that over time, a bunch of programs are installed, they hang in startup and some are simply not used, and clutter up the RAM.

First, let's remove the programs:

You can use third-party programs. I recommend using them to clean your computer, since such programs usually remove the program 100%, cleaning out folders and the registry. For example, I use .

It is free, and weighs little, I have never noticed any problems with it. It’s easy to use, install it, and just as I described above, remove the programs. Afterwards it scans the computer, and if it finds folders and files, click delete them.

Cleaning startup.

Sometimes you have to leave some necessary programs, but they hang in startup, that is, they turn on with the computer. We may not use them, but they work and fill up the RAM. Then we need:

There is also third party programs for cleaning startup, but they have more functionality and are for those who understand what needs to be disabled. For example, I use the program to clean my computer. It's free and works great.

Removing viruses and malware.

If you have an antivirus installed, run a full scan of your computer. This is one of the important factors in how to clean your computer well. What can I say about antiviruses? Many opinions, many programs. In my opinion, you need to install licensed programs and buy licenses. Some of the best: Kaspersky Lab, Dr.Web (Doctor Web), Eset Nod32 (Nod 32) and so on.

True, some of them put a heavy load on the operating system, and it turns out that you will not speed up the computer, but vice versa. But you won’t ruin your system with viruses and malware. This is of course worth keeping in mind if you have powerful computer, then there is no need to worry. Well, it is desirable that there is a constant connection to the Internet so that the antivirus is constantly updated.

There are of course alternatives. I, like many people, love freebies, just for myself I was able to choose a good antivirus, or rather, it’s a set of programs for cleaning and unnecessary files, temporary files, operating system optimization and virus checking. This 360 total security. It's free and easy to use. And from personal experience I can say that it copes well with viruses.

The check or scan, as it is also called, can take a long time. It all depends on the size hard drive and the amount of information on it. Well, after that you should restart your computer.

Cleaning your computer from unnecessary files and folders.

This point is very important in order to clean your computer well. After all, what happens when there is a lot of information garbage in a person’s head? He's starting to get dumb. It's the same with a computer. He sees all the information on the computer, indexes folders and files, and when it’s a mess, it takes more time, and as a result the computer starts to slow down.

Cleaning the registry.

What is a registry? Simply put, this is a kind of operating system database with settings and various parameters. A very important element of Windows. And when it is cluttered, the computer also slows down, because all the programs that we install there also register their settings, and when we do something, the parameters in the registry also change. In general, to clean your computer, you also need to clean it.

This will help us now installed program, she does a great job with it.

  1. Launch the program and select the “Registry” tab.
  2. Here too, first we do the analysis.
  3. Now click “Fix”. A window will appear asking you to do backup copy We agree that the registry won't hurt.
  4. We wait until the end and reboot the PC.

There is also a program that I really like and use it all the time - Wise Registry Clesner. It doesn't even require installation. What are the advantages:

  • Cleans the Registry, also analysis, then cleaning.
  • Optimizes the Registry
  • Defragments the Registry

I do all three points, a powerful program.

Here, just like with the Registry, all files and folders should be in their places and shelves, and not scattered throughout the hard drive. This point is also important to clean your computer properly. After this, it is easier for the operating system to find files and folders, as a result of which the system does not slow down.

Now you can go about your business, because this process is long but effective. You need to do this with all disks on your computer.

But if you already have a modern SSD drive, then there is no need to do defragmentation, it’s simply pointless, since such disks are the same flash drives. And on regular disks there is a disk that spins up when reading files, and the head can read what is nearby. Well, if the files are scattered, then the head runs a lot, the disk spins faster, and a lot of time is spent. A flash drive eliminates all these moments and reads information almost instantly.

Optimizing the Windows operating system

Here we will look at a few more points to optimize the system itself.

  1. Disable visual effects. right click mouse on my computer - properties - additional options- performance - parameters. Here we turn off as much as possible, see for yourself, try it. If the computer is generally weak, turn everything off.
  2. Cleaning up the task scheduler. Go to C:\Windows\Tasks and we delete everything. Now the system won’t schedule anything without your knowledge :)
  3. Disable System Restore. From practice, this rarely helps to restore the system, but if necessary, then leave this item. Again, right-click on my computer - select the property - system protection (in other versions of operating systems, it may simply be called system recovery) - click on each disk and click configure - in the window that opens, click disable and delete all the points so as not to take up much space and OK.
  4. Optimize desktop. All icons and folders on the desktop load the system, so in order to clean your computer well, leave only the essentials on the desktop. Or is it better to create shortcuts on the desktop.

Well, I think this is the most basic thing you need to do to clean your computer. And it’s better to do this at least once every two months, and then your computer will live and breathe freely. Have a nice day.

And here is a video about how you can clean your computer so that it doesn’t slow down.

How to clean your computer so it doesn't slow down. updated: May 22, 2019 by: Subbotin Pavel

This is the second time in the last week that I have been contacted with a problem of the following nature: “after cleaning the computer does not turn on”, to be more precise, it stops starting - the system unit itself turns on, the coolers work, but the signal does not go to the monitor. The reason in both cases turned out to be the same.

This is what an AMD processor looks like:

Another angle:

Bottom part AMD processor

As you can see, reverse side The processor is represented by contacts in the form of “antennae” or “legs”.

In both cases, the user independently cleaned the dust and removed the radiator from motherboard. At the same time, the processor due to old thermal paste stuck to the radiator of the cooling system.

The result was the following picture:

In this case, it is MANDATORY separate the processor from the heatsink. As you may have guessed, they did not do this, but tried to insert them back.

This is difficult to do because... It is not clear whether you are inserting the processor correctly into the motherboard socket. (But there are more than a thousand contacts on the processor; a couple will still be missed).

If it doesn’t fit, then you can push harder. In the worst case, when the user is especially active, it turns out like this:

The reason why the computer stopped turning on was dented processor legs.

I was lucky because... There were few bent legs (from 5 to 15). I carefully straightened them with a needle, inserted the processor into the socket, after which the computer started working again.

Experts advise remove a processor stuck to the heatsink using alcohol. Like dried thermal paste softens and it becomes easier to unstick them. I did this with a screwdriver, using it as a lever (hello Archimedes!). Still, the processor is quite hard and difficult to break.

Handle your computer carefully, or better yet, entrust it to someone who understands this better than you.

If your laptop does not start after cleaning, then the first thing I recommend is re-stick RAM sticks ( RAM). Usually, everything is limited to this. If there are no changes, it means something wasn’t assembled yet. Check more carefully

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