Connect to Ya.Webmaster. Yandex Webmaster: instructions for use Fast re-indexing of pages

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What is a webmaster?

This is a service provided by search engines to track indexing information. Used for optimization, which results in organic traffic from SERP (search engine result page).

For the most part, it is suitable for beginners due to its intuitive interface and large set of data provided.

Why connect your site to webmasters?

The main task is to receive data on the indexing status. And also about how the resource is presented in the search results and in what positions, what can be improved on the site from the point of view of search engine optimization.

The data set, as well as the webmaster’s settings, varies from system to system, but common ones include:

  1. The number of pages in the index and in the search results;
  2. Queries for which the analyzed pages are displayed in search results;
  3. Convenience of indexed pages for mobile devices and PC;
  4. Presence of micro markup and errors in it;
  5. Problematic areas of the html code that lead to worse rankings;
  6. Availability of sanctions applied by the search system and methods of solution;
  7. Number of external and internal links;
  8. Whether the search engine displays a rich snippet in the SERP for a specific page.

Additionally, most systems have tools for:

  • checking files important for optimization (sitemap.xml and robots.txt);
  • the ability to specifically remove specific pages from search results (or, conversely, add them);
  • tracking malicious code or software that makes interaction difficult.

How to add a site to Yandex Webmaster

Using the tool allows you to carry out SEO promotion much more effectively, since the following information becomes available:

  1. When and on what pages did the Yandex crawler (robot or spider, as it is also called);
  2. Which pages are added to the index and which are excluded;
  3. Are sanctions or filters applied to the entire resource or to individual pages;
  4. A complete list of keywords that brought users;
  5. Availability technical errors and ways to correct them.

To obtain this and many other data, you need to follow these steps.

  1. Go to and log in with a Yandex account or create a new one.
  2. Enter the domain and click the “Add” button. If an SSL certificate is connected to the site, then refer to the https version. IN otherwise- the protocol may not be specified. Also, there is no need to add “www.”, even if this is the main mirror.
  3. Confirm domain ownership using the methods presented (scroll through the images in the gallery).

4 ways to confirm a site in Yandex Webmaster (gallery)

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The service offers 4 confirmation methods. The longest and most complex is the DNS record. It is also not always possible to use WHOIS due to different mailboxes.

Using popular CMS and designers simplifies the task by automating the process. Let's consider popular options.

Connecting Yandex Webmaster to a site on Tilda

Designer Tilda. This service allows you to confirm ownership in a few clicks. To do this, go to Settings -> SEO -> “Yandex” item and click “Edit”.

In the menu that opens, click “Connect”, go through authorization via Yandex OAuth with the account to which the site has been added and is awaiting confirmation, and give permission for access.

ATTENTION!Sometimes the login tab freezes. There's nothing wrong with that. You need to check on Tilda whether the synchronization took place and, if not, start the process again.

For your convenience, we have made it for you step by step instructions on connecting a Yandex webmaster to a site on Tilda in pictures.

6 steps to connect Yandex Webmaster to a site on Tilda (gallery)

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You are beautiful! Yandex got what it needed and began collecting information for you!

Integration of Yandex Webmaster and WordPress site

Popular among beginners CMS WordPress. Due to the ease of customization on at the moment Many plugins have been developed to simplify the optimization process.

I prefer YOAST SEO, but there are also a number of others: All-in-one SEO, WordPress SEO plugin, SEOpress and others. We install and activate one of the plugins; in the article we will install Yoast SEO as an example.

SEO plugins for WordPress

Go to the section that appears “SEO” -> “General” -> “Webmaster tools” and enter the confirmation code from the panel in the corresponding Yandex field.

Integration of Yandex Webmaster and a WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin (click on the image to open in full size)

You are beautiful! The resource has been verified and Yandex has already begun collecting the necessary data.

Connecting Yandex Webmaster to a custom website

Self-written sites (with or without a CMS) are also often used, where confirmation takes a little longer and may require the involvement of a developer.

In such cases, the easiest way is to upload the html file to the root directory (via ftp or directly through the resource control panel in the hosting control panel) and click the “Confirm” button in your Yandex Webmaster account.

However, sometimes you may need to edit the page title and add a meta tag. To do this, in a convenient editor, open the html code of the main page of the site (in our case, this is index.html). Most hosting providers provide online editing, but sometimes you need to download the file to your PC and make edits locally.

Add a meta tag for verification, upload it back to the server and click “Verify” in the verification tab.

Attention!There is no need to delete the verification file from the server or the meta tag from the page title after passing the verification, since the next time the search robot passes, you will have to confirm ownership again!

For convenience, see the step-by-step instructions for connecting Yandex Webmaster to a custom website (by uploading an html file to the root directory of the site) in pictures (scroll through the images in the gallery).

Step-by-step connection Yandex Webmaster to a custom website (gallery)

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The next step is setting up the main panel. At the beginning there will be no data except the most basic, but within two weeks the crawler will crawl the pages, evaluate them, find backlinks and display all the information.

How to set up Yandex Webmaster?

The initial setup of Yandex Webmaster is carried out so that the search robot correctly scans the site, does not miss the necessary pages and builds the correct results.

Checklist for quick and easy setup of Yandex Webmaster:

  1. Check the robots.txt file using a special tool. It will show the availability and correctness of the prescribed directives. Here you can check individual URLs to make sure that pages that are not needed in the search results will not be available for indexing.
  2. If regionality is important, indicate this to improve local search results. For accurate linking, create a separate block with contacts, which will indicate office addresses and contact telephone numbers, and then send a link to this block for verification.
  3. Create a sitemap (for example, using a sitemap generator) and send it to the Yandex bot for review. This will help speed up indexing, which is especially important for large portals. Life hack: it is not necessary to name the file sitemap.xml. A different name will protect you from parsers in the future 😉
  4. All articles must be sent to the “Original texts” section before publication (for example, on a blog). This will help with quick indexing and will also retain your authorship so you don’t lose position in search results if your content is copied.
  5. Quality check mobile pages. A very important tool because lately Traffic from phones and tablets predominates. It allows you to determine the convenience of using a resource from a mobile device.

Also, error reports are available among the data in the panel. Yandex groups them into several sections:

  1. Fatal - it is impossible to index the page or connect to the server.
  2. Possible. This section includes errors that are associated with redirects, duplicate pages and non-existent files.
  3. Recommendations. Tips from Yandex on improving pages to achieve higher search rankings.

The first 2 types of problems must be corrected as quickly as possible, since they affect the pages being included in the search results. The second 2 can only reduce positions, but not exclude the page from it completely.

How to add a site to Google Webmaster

Google is another major search engine. Without optimizing your site for it, you can lose a significant share of traffic. Therefore, the first thing you need to do in order for Google to know about your site is to set up Google Webmaster.

Google Search Console - what is it?

Google Search Console is powerful tool collecting search statistics from the corresponding search engine.

In addition to reports on search positions and the number of indexed pages, it allows you to add a site map (to make it easier for a search robot to crawl the resource), quickly learn about indexing problems, the reasons (why they arose) and notify the search engine that corrective work has been carried out .

Also, you can view the most important keywords for which the site is most often displayed in search results, and optimize pages precisely thanks to detailed statistics.

Thus, Search Console is a fast and accurate way to obtain information to improve the quality of your decisions. At the same time, registration in the console is not prerequisite for indexing.

The procedure for adding a site to Google Webmaster

To start receiving data you need to:

  1. Go to address and click on the “Search console” button.
  2. Log in with your account Google entry or create a new one by sequentially entering the required data.
  3. In the welcome window or using the “Add resource” button, you need to enter the site address and proceed to confirmation. In the new interface, which has been working as the main one since March 2019, several options for adding are available.

Methods for adding and confirming a site in Search Console

Innovation: domain resource.Allows you to collect and take into account statistics from all subdomains and all resource mirrors (both http versions and https; both with and without www.; mobile version- if it is on a separate subdomain and others).

Confirmation of a domain resource is carried out only using a DNS record.

As a result, you get access to all possible statistics for all resources associated with a given root domain.

Old way: resource with a prefix in the URL.When choosing this method, you must confirm each version of the site and each subdomain separately (for example,,,, https://m.example. com - these are different resources with different statistics).

At the same time, adding a site with a prefix to Google Search Console is more convenient than adding a domain site.

The simplest and most recommended is to upload an html file to the server. Instead of creating it manually, you can download it ready-made template. Next, via ftp or directly in the hosting provider's control panel, you need to upload the file to the server in the same folder as the main page (in our case - index.php).

Also, it is possible to confirm automatically if a counter is already installed on the site Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager.

To do this, you need to select the appropriate item and log in through the same Google account to which analytics or Tag Manager is linked, and which has administrator rights in the corresponding service.

Step-by-step instructions for confirming ownership of a resource with a URL prefix in Search Console. Scroll through the images in the gallery below.

Connecting a resource with a prefix in the URL to Google Search Console

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Connecting Google Search Console to a Tilda website

If the site is built in the Tilda designer, you need to go to the settings, select the “SEO” section and click the “Edit” button under the “Google Search Console” item. Next, select “Connect” and go through authorization with the same Google account, in which confirmation is expected.

Step-by-step instructions (of two simple steps), of course, are already waiting in the gallery.

Connecting Search Console to a Tilda website in 2 steps

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Search Console Integration with WordPress

Using a popular CMS (such as WordPress) makes the task much easier. In this case, you need to install one of the SEO plugins (I prefer YOAST, but other solutions are also available), go to the SEO -> Webmaster tools section and enter the confirmation code in the appropriate field.

Connecting Google webmaster to a custom website

If you need to manually edit the meta tag (in the case of using manually created pages), you need to correct the code of the main page (for example, index.html).

Open the file in the editor on the hosting panel or download it to your local PC and open it in a convenient editor. In the block we add the line that the console produces when selecting the appropriate verification method, and update the file on the server.

After this, click the “Confirm” button in the console and wait for the data to be updated.

Step-by-step instructions for integrating a custom website and Search Console in the pictures below.

Connecting Search Console to a custom website

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You are beautiful! After confirming your rights, Google will begin collecting the necessary information! Typically, the first data becomes available within 1-3 days; to obtain full statistics you need to wait 10-14 days.

How to properly configure Google Search Console

The new interface, which came out of beta testing in March 2019, is much more convenient than the old one. It has added intuitive elements, and each action when used for the first time is accompanied by a pop-up help window.

But there are points that need to be taken into account during the initial setup:

  1. Adding a site map. It is imperative to generate a sitemap.xml file, which will include all the URLs to be indexed. This will allow the search robot not to waste time crawling unimportant pages and to better understand the structure (sections, subsections, pages).
  2. Pay attention to the “Coating” section. This is where all the important data about problems with certain pages and ways to solve them will be collected.
  3. Check the data by specific page manually. Sometimes a general error report takes a long time to generate; in such cases, you can pinpoint the problem using the “URL Check” tool.

How to add a site to Mail Webmaster

Webmaster search service from Mail Ru - a relatively recent innovation, so at first there may be problems with scanning reports. Otherwise, it is in no way inferior to similar services from other search engines, so it is worth registering the resource with it and tracking data to improve rankings in search results.

To do this you need:

  1. Go to address and log in with your Mail Ru account or register it, if this has not been done before.
  2. Enter the website address in the appropriate field on the main page and click the “Add” button.
  3. The next screen will offer several verification methods.

    As in other cases, the easiest way is to download the test html and upload it to the server.

    Due to the novelty of the instrument, ready-made solutions for CMS and designers there is no possibility of automatic verification, therefore this method also suitable for them.

    The Tilda constructor, like most others, provides a convenient tool for editing a block . To use it, you need to go to the settings of the main page and on the “Advanced” tab find the item “HTML CODE TO INSERT INSIDE HEAD”. After clicking on the “Edit Code” button, an editor will open into which the verification code is inserted.

    After confirmation using any of these methods, you will see changes in the window: the resource will move to the “Confirmed” status, and the search robot will go to explore new spaces.

How to set up webmaster

Unlike the tools of other search engines, mail ru provides each site with one page with a brief summary of the data. It’s not entirely clear whether this is because of the beta status or just for clarity. Either way, it makes interaction easier. Many services and features present in analogues are not available here.

At the moment you can:

  1. Add a site map through a special menu;
  2. Compose or check for correctness robots.txt;
  3. Offer your page to be shown in first place for a certain request (which costs a certain amount of a certain “internal currency” - points);
  4. Check if the target page has been added to the index.

You can also view statistics on the number of searches for certain keywords over the previous month. Other search engines this function Usually presented separately, Webmaster Mail offers to watch everything available at once.

How to Add a Site to Bing Webmaster

Bing webmaster is a tool from the American search giant owned by Microsoft. Like all the previous ones, it displays statistics on search queries and helps you improve your optimization to achieve high rankings in search results.

To add you need:

  1. Go to address and sign in with your Microsoft (preferred), Google, or Facebook account (or register account, if this has not been done before);
  2. In the panel that opens, in the special field, enter the address you want to add and click on the “Add” button;
  3. Next, you need to fill out a short registration form and click the “Save” button;
  4. After that, confirm ownership of one of the 3 available ways and get statistics about the quality of the resource in the eyes of Bing's algorithms.

As in other systems, the most in a simple way is loading special file to the server. In order to add a site to Bing Webmaster, download the proposed xml and using ftp or the hosting control panel, upload it to the root (to the folder where index is located).

Hello, dear readers of the Anatomy of Business project. As always, webmaster Alexander is with you, and today we will talk about how to connect your site to Yandex.Webmaster and why it is needed.

Let's start, perhaps, directly with connecting the site. The first thing we need to do is go to the Webmasters section on Yandex. After we have entered this section, click “Add site”.

An interface opens in front of us, in which we need to enter the address of our site and click the add button:

At the next step, you need to confirm that you are the owner of the site. There are only four ways:

— by placing the html file with the verification code in the root folder of the site,
— by placing a meta tag with a verification code on the main page,
— by placing a txt file in the root folder, the name of which will contain the verification code,
— by registering in the DNS the data requested by Yandex.

As for me, the easiest way is to place the html file in the root folder.
This can be done via an FTP connection. I wrote in this article how to connect to a site via FTP.

Place the file and click “Check”! If the file is placed correctly, then our site is connected!

Overview of the main panel in Yandex Webmaster

Immediately after confirmation, the following interface appears in front of us:

"Pages in search"- the total number of pages of your website that are currently in Yandex search.

"External links to site pages"- number of links from other sites. Only sites where regular users cannot post links, i.e. social media and forums are not displayed here.

“Date of the last visit to the site by a robot”- everything is clear here.

"Loaded by Robot"- the total number of pages that were downloaded by the robot.

"Excluded by robot"- the number of pages that were excluded by the robot. Be sure to keep an eye on this indicator. In my memory, there was a case when a site was hacked and a year was inserted into it, which prohibited the site from being indexed by search robots. It was from the sharp jump in pages that were dropped from the search that I realized that something was wrong with the site, and was able to take timely measures.

"TIC"- citation index. The expanded value of this indicator can be read by clicking on it in the Webmaster panel. In simple terms, this indicator increases with the increasing number of quality sites linking to you. Previously, this indicator had a decisive role in ranking search results. But now search engines pay more attention to behavioral and social factors.

Left column overview. Site indexing

“Site structure” - in this section, Yandex.Webmaster displays the headings and sections of your site that contain the largest number of pages.

"Excluded pages" - deleted pages from the issue. In this section you can also track why a particular page was removed from the search results.

“History” - here, one might say, all the information about the indexing history of your site is stored.

Indexing settings + search queries

“Analysis of Robots.txt” - allows you to analyze robots.txt for errors.

« Sitemaps» - thanks to this section, it is possible to both check the availability of this file on the site and download this file to your site!

“Main mirror” - here you need to indicate what type of URL we are promoting: with or without WWW.

“Popular queries” - in this section we can see for which queries Yandex shows us in search results.

“Request history” - tracking the request history: number of impressions, clicks, CTR, etc.

“My regions” - displays the regions where your site is displayed.

“My Requests” is a very interesting functionality that allows you, through the “Settings” section, to enter those requests that interest you most. After which detailed statistics for these queries will appear in the “Statistics” section.

Site geography + site content

In the “Site Geography” section you can indicate the geographical location of your site. This item must be specified for regional projects. If you have a resource designed for the whole of Russia, you need to indicate that the site does not have a geographical reference.

“Site Content” is also very useful service. Many sites experience constant content theft. If Google performs indexing almost at lightning speed, then Yandex requires a fairly long period of time for this (sometimes up to 1-2 weeks). In order to claim the authorship of an article, you just need to enter your texts through this section.

As we can see, this service is very useful for a webmaster!
I strongly recommend that you use it to track the main characteristics of your resource!
If you have any questions, ask them in the comments! I will be happy to answer!

Do you know what a service like Yandex Webmaster is? You've probably heard about him, but you probably haven't worked closely with him. Otherwise, for what other reason would you be here? If we talk about the service, Yandex Webmaster started working more than 10 years ago - in 2007. It is a kind of guide - thanks to this tool, it is possible to optimize and promote sites, bringing them to the forefront in search engines. Are you a beginner SEO or do you have your own website? In this article I will tell you in detail how to add your website to Yandex Webmaster and how to use the tools of this service.

Through this resource, you show the Yandex search engine, with which the service works, that there is a certain site that you are going to promote in the search engine. Or you are already promoting.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated about how to add a website to Yandex Webmaster. All you need to do is follow these steps:

  • register in the system;
  • connect your own website;
  • confirm your rights as the owner;
  • work with his tools.

But it's not that simple. If you are a beginner, it will be quite difficult to understand the system on your own. And this will take quite a lot of time. Therefore, I recommend reading the article carefully. It contains practical recommendations– you just need to repeat all the described steps and no problems will arise.

Pay attention! In general, I love practical classes. For example, I conduct author’s training. It is enough to repeat everything that I tell you at the training, and in 4 days you will have a personal website created by yourself.

Why you can’t do without adding a site to the system

This significantly helps in website promotion. In addition, it helps to analyze all the information about your resource. By analyzing it, you can make the necessary changes to your promotion strategy. The following data will be available to you:

  • all general information;
  • number of pages presented in the search engine;
  • external link mass of the site;
  • internal link mass of the site;
  • dates when search robots visited the site;
  • total number of pages downloaded and indexed;
  • data about the site's thematic citation index and much more.

By learning to work with the data at your disposal, as well as correctly analyze it, you can easily ensure faster and more effective website promotion, which will allow you to attract a large number of visitors to it.

I will tell you in detail how to add a website to Yandex Webmaster in this article. Do you want to gain new knowledge? Read below!

How to add a website to Yandex Webmaster yourself: detailed description

You need to start by creating an account in Yandex. It's simple - create an email. Once you enter it, you should follow this path:

  • register by email and log in to your account;
  • open home page Yandex;
  • Select the “More” tab above the search bar;
  • go to the “All services” tab;
  • Scroll down a little and in the “All services” section, under the letter B, find the line Webmaster.

Click on this line - you will go to new page. There you will see an attractive control panel. At the top of this panel, click on the plus image - this is necessary in order to add your site to the system.

After clicking on the plus sign, a new window will open in front of you in which you need to enter the address of your site. Enter or paste the copied address of your website and click on the “Add” button.

After entering this data, you will need to confirm the rights to your site. The easiest way to do this is by using a special meta tag. It must be placed in the code of your site between And. This is the tag:

Now you can safely begin a detailed study of the sections and tools presented in the service.


This section allows you to diagnose the site. It will provide you with all the important and valuable information about the operation of the site. In particular, this is data on possible errors and real tips/recommendations on how to eliminate them. If you listen to recommendations and correct errors, you will be able to improve the position of your site - it will be in higher places, on the first pages of the search engine.

What errors do you encounter? There are quite a lot of them. Here is a list of the main “shortcomings”:

  • no meta tags;
  • no site map;
  • missing robots.txt;
  • the server takes a very long time to respond;
  • The regional affiliation of your site is not specified.

If certain problems or difficulties arise, then all errors will be displayed in the “Diagnostics” tab. And, I repeat, there will also be a link with tips telling you how to correct all the shortcomings as quickly as possible.

Security and violations

This tab will talk about the following “problems”:

  • potential threats that may come from your site;
  • violation of Yandex rules.

What is meant by threats? For example, these could be:

  • malicious code;
  • viruses;
  • etc.

What violations? I won't list them. This will take a very long time. All of them are listed in Webmaster. Here are the main and most common ones:

  • redirection to other resources;
  • low quality content, weak uniqueness;
  • irrelevant text;
  • etc.

Search queries

In this section, Yandex Webmaster provides the following information about your site:

  • story search queries;
  • recent search queries;
  • Recommended queries for your site.

Let's tell you what each specific section of this part of the service that works with requests is.

Query history

In this section, you can find out exactly how many times the site was shown in the search engine when using certain search queries. In addition, you will receive the following data:

  • number of clicks made by users;
  • average display position of your website;
  • middle click position;
  • CTR - click-through rate, from the English phrase click-through rate.

Pay attention! Impression is the presence of a site on a search engine page, but only if the user has reached that page. For example, if a site for some request is located on the third page of the search results, then the user must reach this page. Only in this case will the impression be counted.

It is noteworthy that you can view statistics for each individual request.

Latest requests

In the corresponding line, you can see queries for which the site is included in the first 50 positions in the Yandex network. For each request, a range of data is provided:

  • number of impressions;
  • search engine position;
  • user clicks on a request;

By the way! If you need information on a specific request, but it is not there, you can add the required request yourself, manually.

In the Yandex Webmaster service, you can add certain queries that are most important to you and track the results of them to “Favorites”. In addition, you can group the queries you need into groups. To do this you need:

  • click on the “Create group” section;
  • name it so that you understand what it is about;
  • add queries to the group - you can do this in two ways (“Add a filter” and filter them, or “Load queries” and add them manually).

Want to know which queries are best for your site and will help you get more visitors? Go to this section and click on the inscription “Get recommended queries”. The system will collect them for several days and then send them to you.


The important function of this section is that this is where you will:

  • add a map of your site;
  • indicate regional affiliation.

Pay attention! The maximum number of regions for promotion that can be added is 5.

Bypass statistics

This section provides all the necessary information about the status of pages - this status is assigned to each individual page by Yandex search robots when they visit and analyze it.

Viewing statistical data makes it possible to understand whether there are problems with loading both individual pages and individual sections, as well as find out which pages have been visited by the robot recently.

Statuses are assigned to pages using a special digital code:

  • 2хх – successful statuses;
  • 3хх – forwarding;
  • 4xx – errors.

Important! Should be avoided too large quantity pages that are assigned a redirect or error code. If there are quite a lot of them, it is recommended to check how correctly your server is working and whether there are any errors on the site pages.

Yandex Webmaster: pages in search

  • walked around the robot;
  • successfully indexed them;
  • shows in search results.

This section provides information about all changes - for example, about deleted or added pages of the site.

Pay attention! Make sure that the most important pages of your resource do not disappear from search results. This is quite possible even due to errors by Yandex itself, although it happens quite rarely. More often than not, site owners themselves make mistakes. What is causing the loss of traffic?

Site structure

In this section, you can see how search robots themselves see the structure and hierarchy of your site. In it you have the opportunity to add new section. However, I will allow myself a small warning - if you have never used it before and do not know how to work in it, then you should not start. Without the necessary experience, it’s easy to mess things up.

Yandex Webmaster: check URL status

This section in Yandex Webmaster will allow you to get specific information on each page of your site. To do this, simply insert the page address into the appropriate line of the section and receive the data. For example, is it present in the search.

Pay attention! To get more detailed information, you need to click on the “Details” line, which is located on the right side of the screen.

Important Pages

Once you have decided to add your site to Yandex Webmaster, you will be able to analyze data on the most important pages of your site. Simply mark the most valuable pages as important and set up notifications.

Re-crawling pages

This service, presented in Yandex Webmaster, is perhaps the most valuable of all the tools that exist here. Using it will make it possible to significantly speed up the indexing of new pages or those to which you have made changes.

If this is an article on a unique topic that is not yet available on the Internet, then it will appear in search results within a few hours.

Pay attention! You can add no more than 20 pages per day for re-crawling.

How to send a page for re-crawling? Very simple:

  • open the corresponding section in Yandex.Webmaster;
  • copy the page address;
  • set in the appropriate field;
  • click on the “Submit” button.

Yandex Webmaster: Sitemap files

Through of this instrument you show the search engine exactly where your sitemap is located. You just need to provide a link to it and that’s it!

Site relocation

This section will be useful in 3 situations:

  • when you move to a new address;
  • when you decide that it’s time for your site to become more secure and secure and transfer it to https;
  • when you need to specify the main mirror of the site or change it.

Yandex Webmaster: links

In this section, you will receive analytical data about the links that users will follow within the site.

In this section you can also get a lot of interesting and useful information for you as a webmaster. For example, a thematic citation index of sites linking to your site.

Yandex Webmaster: information about the site

Once you have decided to add a site to Yandex Webmaster, other useful and important sections will also be available to you. Among these are those presented in the “Site Information” category.

A cool tool that speeds up page loading for users opening your site on mobile devices.


Indicating regional affiliation is a very relevant option for companies that operate in certain regions, districts and count on clients only from these parts of the country.

However, you cannot cheat the system. Sooner or later she will understand this and you will face sanctions. Therefore, if you work in a certain region, only indicate it.

Yandex Webmaster: original texts

This service, implemented in Yandex.Webmaster, allows you to protect your articles and texts from banal theft. Even if someone steals an article and posts it on their website, the system will still identify you as the copyright holder and sanctions will be imposed only on the thief, but not on you.


This section presents a number of other tools. In particular, with their help you can check the correctness of your site map and other files. I will not dwell on all services.

I will only mention the most important one – “Page Retraversal”. Every day you can add up to 10 pages to it, which search engine robots will visit first, which will speed up their indexing.

Yandex Webmaster add site: summing up

In this article, I described in detail how to add a website to Yandex Webmaster. I focused on the most important tools and services, briefly describing them. Of course, there are other services there, but you, as a novice webmaster, do not need them yet.

If you are interested in the topic of website promotion and their creation, I strongly invite you to. It is conducted online and lasts only 4 days. During the training, I tell you how to create a website with your own hands and promote it. After completing the training, you are guaranteed to have a personal website with your first articles and first visitors. The training is free, but there is also a more in-depth program - already paid. Register today so you don't miss the start of the next stream!

1. You will need a Yandex account

3. Add a website by inserting your website address

4. After pressing the " Add", you will be taken to the page " Permission checks» to the website.

5. Select the tab " meta tag" and copy the set of characters that come after "content=", excluding quotes and other characters(`, />), for example, the code was generated for you:

Then you only need the numeric alphabetic part: 6f3bbb9864b0dce6. Copy exactly that.

6. Log in to the admin panel of your site in the “ Settings»

7. And paste your code 6f3bbb9864b0dce6 in the field " WEBMASTER YANDEX(CONFIRMATION OF META TAG).” Save.

8. Return to the page Checking site rights on Yandex.Webmaster and click on the button “ Check" Wait a while and you will be authorized. And all of you, added the site to Webmaster.

9. Set the site region on the “ tab Site geography / Site region", selecting the region and inserting the address of your site. Click on the button Install" And after some time (no more than 1 month) you will be assigned a region.

Next you should do:

10. Add your organization’s address in the “ tab Addresses and organizations».

Greetings, friends. The development of a new project on the Internet is a whole science, it begins with indexing - this is when search engines learn about new pages and add them to their database. Among all the ways to ensure fast and complete indexing, the first place is adding a site to search engines through special services. Today I will tell you in detail how to add a website to Yandex through the Webmaster panel of this search engine and do the necessary proper operation settings.

Why do you need Yandex Webmaster?

From the very beginning, Yandex Webmaster was created as a tool connecting the site administrator with the search engine - this is the panel through which feedback, where you can see all the changes happening to the resource. Using the panel you can:

  • carry out diagnostics and see errors,
  • see how the robot perceives page data,
  • check what answers the server gives to requests,
  • improve appearance in search results,
  • view indexing results and speed up getting important pages into the index,
  • find out what queries visitors are coming from and the dynamics of clicks,
  • indicate the region of the resource,
  • and more.

As you can see, the range of applications is wide and, even if you have no problems with indexing, you must add your site to Yandex Webmaster.

How to add a site to Yandex

To work you will need an account on, you must have email on this service.

Go to the address -

There will be several “Login” buttons on the page, click any.

Webmasters will contact the account you are currently logged into or offer you to log in under any other.

Before the first site appears in the panel, you will see a welcome text and an inviting “Add site” button; subsequently, when connecting new resources, use the plus button at the top of the panel.

The domain address must be entered indicating the protocol (http or https) and the prefix (if you are using a site with www) - formally these are different sites, although they are usually mirrors of each other.

Proof of ownership

Only the owner can see information about a domain and manage it in search results. The next step is to confirm ownership of the resource.

The webmaster panel allows you to do this in three ways:

  1. Meta tag in the page code;
  2. HTML file in the root folder of the site;
  3. DNS record.

The last point is the most complicated, so few people use it and I don’t recommend it.

Option 1. Meta tag

The easiest way is to write a special verification code (meta tag) in the head section. The code is placed right before the closing tag on the main page.

Make changes, click “Check” and, if the Yandex robot finds this code on the page, then the rights will be confirmed.

Option 2. HTML file

The second option is also simple and is suitable for those who are afraid to edit something themselves source code. Need to create text file with a given name and html extension, it starts with yandex_, and then an individual character set. Copy the code from the page inside the file and save.

Then we send the robot for testing.

As a result, you will see a table with a list of users allowed to access information on the site. Initially there is only your login, but if you wish, you can add any other user through “Delegate rights”:

Yandex Webmaster will begin collecting data on your resource and after a while it will be displayed in the panel - you have added the site to the search engine.

Site settings in Yandex Webmaster

The service will do almost everything you need on its own - scan the site, find errors, add pages to the index, and monitor the appearance of new ones, but if you don’t help it, this can take a lot of time.

What you need to do right away:

1. Checking Robots.txt via Yandex Webmaster

This file is responsible for allowing/prohibiting directories and individual site pages from being added to the search database.

To check whether Yandex sees it and how the directives are perceived in the left panel of Yandex Webmaster, find the item “Tools” -> “Analysis of robots.txt”.

Here you will see how Yandex sees the file, which lines are read, check for yourself whether the correct folders are closed, whether important sections are open, whether the xml address of the sitemap corresponds to its actual location (does the protocol match).

You can read how to correctly compose a Robots file in .

2. Adding sitemap.xml to the Yandex panel

Sitemap.xml is a file with a list of links to all resource pages that should be included in the search. By scanning it, search engines determine priority targets for indexing. This file is especially relevant for large projects.

Adding the file address to the webmaster panel significantly speeds up the indexing of pages.

This tool is located in the “Indexing” item, under the “Sitemap files” link. The first time you will see only an empty form inside - paste the link to the file into it and add it.

After scanning opposite each xml file(there may be several of them) the status and number of links found in it will be indicated.

3. Fast re-indexing of pages

This function is needed for a hint search robots– which pages need to be reindexed as a priority, for example, after making important adjustments or when new URLs appear.

Located in the “Indexing” -> “Page Re-Crawling” section:

Add URL addresses and click send.

4. Set the regional affiliation of the site

Yandex itself determines to which target audience the resource is broadcast, but it can make mistakes; it is better to set such things yourself. If the resource is not geographically linked, then you should indicate “No region”.

To indicate in Ya.Webmaster, go to the “Site Information” tab, there “Regionality” and click the gear next to the inscription “Webmaster”.

After updating the search database, geotargeting will take effect.

5. Set the case of the site name in the search

The case is responsible for how the URL looks in the search results - capital or lowercase letters. This is especially true for domains containing several words.

By going to the “Site Name Register” item in the “Site Information” menu, you can configure any format for each domain letter.

The address becomes more readable, which has a positive effect on the number of clicks in the search and, accordingly, on promotion.

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