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When a friend told me about plans to create a company entirely based on outsourcing, I thought hard. It’s amazing what life is like and how quickly everything changes. Abroad, where people are used to counting money, outsourcing has long gained popularity, and apparently it’s our turn. Well, really, why does a company need to keep an electrician on staff, or system administrator, if you can hire them through another company, say for 1 working day a week, or maybe even less. You pay less and the work gets done :)

How to manage this gang of workers? Should I constantly call on the phone, or start a separate chat on Skype? I admit, this is the first thing that came to my mind. It turned out that progress does not stand still here either, and there are project management systems on which all outsourcing can be built. I would like to introduce you to one such company in this article. I didn’t have to search for long, since there was recently an article on Habré that featured this company. Let me, I think, look and feel everything better.

It seemed to me that after Yandex began to pervert with captchas, keyword parsing became a flawed matter. Anyone who uses has long felt all these delights, sometimes it really bothers to enter these captchas, albeit quickly, but it takes time. But as it turned out, this is not a problem for Maxim Pastukhov, because his keyword base is growing every year.

In October 2011, when I first started, it totaled 180 million words, in 2012 it was already 210 million, but now I received a notification about updating the shell and the database itself and was stunned. How much - how much? One billion keywords? Come on, I went to check, it’s definitely a billion. But the best thing about latest update the fact that working with the database itself was so optimized that it’s just a fairy tale. And what is no less important is that the base now weighs only 59 GB, unlike previous version, which was 149 GB.

I put it on download :)

Are you already using the updated shell? How are your impressions?

I wrote a utility to help a blogger.
Especially for those who keep photos on Yandex.Photos and blog on LiveJournal! ;)

Many photo hosting sites today provide photo view counters, a comment service for them, etc. In addition, they allow you to generate code to insert a link into a blog, forum or website.
However, the links generated by Yandex seem inconvenient to me.
= Firstly, they are overloaded (“photo such and such on Yandex.Photos”, and all this with links).
- Secondly, they contain an explicit indication of the size, and I have to manually remove these attributes (and to change them, I need to change the size of the picture when viewing it on the photo page, which is inconvenient and unnecessary).
- Finally, to get the code for this link, you need to make a bunch of extra steps, wait a long time and spend a fair amount of traffic. Not to mention the fact that after inserting the link code, it takes a long and tedious time to edit it manually.

So I wrote a simple program that automates all this routine work.

Just open an album with photos (not necessarily your own, it doesn’t matter) and copy the LINK ADDRESS of the desired photo to the clipboard. Not the address of the picture, but a link to the photo page.

The Yaf2blog.exe program monitors changes in the clipboard (first bell), loads the photo page, selects the necessary fields on it (title, photo address, original size), and then automatically replaces the link in the clipboard (second bell) with the link code in the one I need format. At the same time, I can quickly configure and change:
- purpose of the link (HTML for a LiveJournal blog or your website, or a forum with BBcode support, for example, online forums)
- photo size;
- mode for inserting line feed tags
- size tag insertion mode;
- mode for inserting signatures under photos;
- or even just leave a link to the photo itself.

In addition, the program allows you to easily enter a number of useful tags:
- for LJ;
- for LJ;
- external link for LJ and BBcode;
- inserting a link to youtube video tag ; and also BB code)

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