Practical work "text formatting". Tasks for practical work File effects rtf

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Practical work Processing text information, contains 21 tasks on a relevant topic (the work is suitable for 8th grade students studying Bosovaya’s teaching materials).

Task 1. Entering characters.

2. Enter using the keyboard:
Letters of the Russian alphabet: Aa Bb Vv Gy Dd Her Her Zz Ii Yy Kk Ll Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Ff Xx Ts Chch Shsh Shch yy yy b Ee Yuyu Yaya
Letters of the English alphabet: Aa Bb Ss Dd Her Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Alphabet of the decimal number system: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Alphabet of the Roman numeral system: I(1) V(5) X(10) L(50) C(100) D(500) M(1000)
Special characters (Russian keyboard layout): ! » № ; % : ? * () _ + / — = \
Special characters (English keyboard layout): ! @ # $ % l & * () _ + | — =\
Free text about yourself ( name, age, class, etc.)


Task 2. Rules for entering text.

1. Launch the word processor installed on your computer.
2. Enter text:

When entering text, adjacent words are separated by one space. Punctuation marks (comma, colon, period, exclamation point and question marks) are written together with the previous word and separated by a space from the next word.
Quotes and parentheses are written together with the corresponding words.
A dash is distinguished by spaces on both sides.
The hyphen is written together with the words it connects.

3. Enter the text, paying attention to the following rules:
Topic: “Rules for entering text”, hotel “Malachite”, chocolate “Alenka”, novel “War and Peace”.
Stages of creation text document: input, editing, formatting.
Information in World Wide Web organized in the form of pages (Web pages).
Still, Mamin-Sibiryak, Firebird, northeast, Rostov-on-Don, New York. I had to stay here for the night, willy-nilly. To be afraid of grief means you won't see happiness. Moscow is a huge city, a city-country. The end of the 17th century - the first half of the 19th century.


Task 3. Inserting symbols.


Prsnlny computer: sstmny blk (mtrnsk plt, central prtssr, prtvn pmt, hard dec), external strstv, klvtr, msh, mntr, prntr, kstchek klnc).

2. Insert the letters representing vowel sounds in the right places to create the names of the devices personal computer.

Task 4. Replacement of symbols.

1. In a word processor, open the file Replacement.rtf:

K*litka, k*morka, k*kicks, k*bluk, b*grovoy, p*thunder, s*tira, ur*gan, *kv*lang, n*v*zhnie, fight.

2. Replace the "*" symbols with the letters "a" or "o" to spell the words correctly.
3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Words.rtf.

Task 5. Automatic replacement.

1. In a word processor, open the file 100.rtf:

About 100th 100th face
Impenetrable house:
Often there are 100 legs in it
It wanders around under 100 crowbar.
Treasured by 100 legs
And 100 personal wax
Cleans 100 boots.

2. For greater expressiveness, the author of the poem L. Kondratenko “inserted” numbers inside the words. See what this poem will look like after replacing “100” with “one hundred” (use the replacement operation).
3. Save the document with changes in a personal folder under the name CTO.rtf.

Task 6. Removing fragments.

1. In a word processor, open the file Deleting.rtf:

Keyboard, joystick, scanner, printer.
Monitor, plotter, printer, mouse.
Hard drive, flash memory, CD, processor.
Printer, acoustic speakers, headphones, microphone.
System unit, central processor, RAM, hard drive, power unit.
System unit, keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers.
Video card, expansion card, sound card, network card.
Enter, End, Esc, Delete.
Color printer, laser printer, dot matrix printer, inkjet printer.

2. In each group, find the extra word (phrase) and delete it.
3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name No_superfluous.rtf.

Task 7. Moving fragments.

1. In a word processor, open the Move.rtf file:

Video Card -
Sound Card -
RAM, central processor, video card, hard drive, sound card.

2. Create pairs by placing its Russian equivalent next to each English term.
3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Couples.rtf.

Task 8. Copying fragments.

2. Using copy and paste operations, type the text
poems in English:

Meet me in the morning.
Meet me at noon.
Meet me in September
Or the middle of June.
Meet me at midnight.
Meet me in the hall.
Meet me in the summer.
Meet me in the fall.
Meet me in the evening.
Meet me at eight.
N1 meet you any time you want,
But, please, don’t be late.

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Verse.rtf.

Task 9. Gluing and cutting lines.

1. In a word processor, open the Lines.rtf file:

You can't hide an awl in a bag. Not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat. Finished the job - go for a walk safely. Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter. Steam doesn't break bones. You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty. All that glitters is not gold. The word is silver, silence is gold. The sooner you get up, the sooner you finish your work. Chickens are counted in the fall. Time for business, time for fun. Think first, then start. Try it on seven times, cut it once. Work is scary not for your hands, but for your eyes. The master's work is afraid.

2. Edit the contents of the file so that each proverb occupies exactly one line.
3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Proverbs.rtf.

Task 10. Changing the size and font of symbols.

2. Type a phrase "I'm learning a word processor". Make nine copies of this phrase, placing each one on a new line.
3. Set the font size for the first two lines 12 points, font type Times New Roman.
For the second pair of lines: font size 14 points, font type Courier New.
For the third pair of lines: font size 16 points, font type Comic Sans MS.
For the fourth pair of lines: font size 18 points, font type Tahoma.
For the fifth pair of lines: font size 20 points, font type Arial.
4. Close the file Font1.rtf, saving the changes.

Task 11. Changing the color of symbols.

1. In a word processor, open the file Color.rtf.
2. Formatt the text as follows:
For the title, set the font size to 16 points and the font color to red;
For color names, set the font color corresponding to them, style - bold, size - 14 points;
For color descriptions, set the font style to italics and font size to 12 points.
3. Save the file with the changes in your personal folder and close it.

1. In a word processor, create new file and save it in a personal folder under the name Indexes.rtf.
2. Choose a font type Arial, font size 14 , style italics.
3. Type the following text:

Units for measuring the amount of information:
1 byte = 8 bits
1 Kilobyte =2 10 bytes
1 Megabyte = 2 10 KB = 2 20 bytes
1 Gigabyte = 2 10 MB = 2 20 KB = 2 30 bytes

4. Save changes to the file and close it.

Task 13. Character formatting options.

1. In a word processor, open the file Effects.rtf.
2. Change the character format as follows:

3. Save the file with the changes in your personal folder and close it.

Task 14. Underlining options.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Font Times New Roman V 14 points Type the text and format the characters as follows:

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Underscore.rtf and close it.

Task 15. Formatting paragraphs.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
with the following text:

3. Perform formatting according to the following requirements:

4. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Printers.rtf and close it.

Task 16. Formatting paragraphs.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Type a draft document (Times New Roman, 14 points, left aligned) with information about your school, yourself and your teacher:

3. Format paragraphs according to the following requirements:

4. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Title.rtf and close it.

Task 17. Insert special characters and formulas.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Type the following text containing characters not available on the keyboard:

3. Using the formula editor, enter the following formulas:

4. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Special_paste.rtf and close it.

Task 18. Creating lists.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Create multilevel list"Modern computer devices":

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Devices1.rtf.
4. Reformat the list by putting bullets instead of numbers.
Possible option design is presented below:

5. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Devices2.rtf and close it.

Task 19. Creating tables.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Create a table with the following structure:

3. Add the required number of rows to the table and enter information about 5-6 files stored in your personal folder.
Table.rtf and close it.

Task 20. Creating diagrams.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Create a “Graphics file formats” scheme:

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Cxema.rtf and close it.

Task 21. Inserting pictures.

1. In a word processor, create a new document.
2. Insert a picture from the Mouse.jpg file into it.

3. Make callouts with labels on the main parts of the mouse.
4. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Mouse.rtf and close it.

RTF (Rich Text Format) – text format, which is more advanced than regular TXT. The goal of the developers was to create a format convenient for reading documents and e-books. This was achieved thanks to the introduction of meta tag support. Let's find out which programs can operate with objects with the RTF extension.

Three groups of applications support working with Rich Text Format:

  • word processors included in a number of office suites;
  • software for reading electronic books (so-called “readers”);
  • text editors.

In addition, objects with this extension can be opened by some universal viewers.

Method 1: Microsoft Word

If you have installed on your computer office suite Microsoft Office, then RTF content can be displayed without problems using the word processor Word.

In general, Word works very correctly with the RTF format, correctly displaying all objects to which meta tags are applied in the document. But this is not surprising, since the developer of the program and of this format one and the same – Microsoft company. As for the limitations on editing RTF documents in Word, this is more a problem of the format itself, rather than the program, since it simply does not support some advanced features that, for example, are used in the DOCX format. The main disadvantage of Word is that the specified text editor is part of a paid office package. Microsoft package Office.

Method 2: LibreOffice Writer

The next word processor that can work with RTF is Writer, which is included in the free LibreOffice suite of office applications.

There is also alternative option launching a text document in the LibreOffice start window.

To implement another option for opening an object, just move to the final directory in Conductor, select yourself text file and drag it while holding it left button mouse into the LibreOffice window. The document appears in Writer.

There are also options for opening text not through the LibreOffice start window, but through the interface of the Writer application itself.

As you can see, LibreOffice Writer provides more options for opening text than Word. But, at the same time, it should be noted that when displaying text of this format in LibreOffice, some spaces are marked in gray, which can interfere with reading. In addition, the book view of Libre is inferior in convenience to the Word reading mode. In particular, in the mode "Book View" unnecessary tools are not removed. But the absolute advantage of the Writer application is that it can be used absolutely free, unlike the Microsoft Office application.

Method 3: OpenOffice Writer

One more free alternative Wordu at opening RTF is the application application OpenOffice Writer, which is included in another free office software package - Apache OpenOffice.

There is an option to launch from the start window of the OpenOffice package.

It is also possible to launch a document by dragging and dropping from Conductor to the OpenOffice start window in the same way as for LibreOffice.

The opening procedure is also carried out through the Writer interface.

Actually, all the advantages and disadvantages of OpenOffice Writer when working with RTF are the same as those of LibreOffice Writer: the program is inferior in visual display of content to Word, but at the same time, unlike it, it is free. Overall office LibreOffice package counts on at the moment more modern and advanced than its main competitor among free analogues- Apache OpenOffice.

Method 4: WordPad

Some ordinary text editors, which differ from the word processors described above in having less developed functionality, also support working with RTF, but not all of them. For example, if you try to run the contents of a document in Windows Notepad, instead of pleasant reading, you will get text interspersed with meta tags, the purpose of which is to display formatting elements. But you won’t see the formatting itself, since Notepad doesn’t support it.

But Windows has a built-in text editor that successfully copes with displaying information in RTF format. It's called WordPad. Moreover, the RTF format is the main one for it, since by default the program saves files with this extension. Let's see how we can display text of the specified format in standard program Windows WordPad.

The fact is that in the Windows registry it is WordPad that is registered as the default software for opening this format. Therefore, if adjustments have not been made to the system settings, then the text will open in WordPad using the specified path. If changes have been made, the document will be launched using the software that is assigned by default to open it.

It is possible to launch RTF also from the WordPad interface.

Of course, in terms of content display capabilities, WordPad is significantly inferior to all word processors that were listed above:

  • This program, unlike them, does not support working with images that can be embedded in a document;
  • She does not break the text into pages, but presents it as a single strip;
  • The application does not have a separate reading mode.

But at the same time, WordPad has one important advantage over the above programs: it does not need to be installed, since it is included in the basic Windows option. Another advantage is that, unlike previous programs, in order to launch RTF in WordPad, by default you just need to click on an object in Explorer.

Method 5: CoolReader

RTF can be opened not only by word processors and editors, but also by readers, that is, software designed exclusively for reading, and not for editing text. One of the most popular programs in this class is CoolReader.

Overall, CoolReader displays the formatting of RTF content quite correctly. The interface of this application is more convenient to read than that of word processors and, especially, the text editors described above. At the same time, unlike previous programs, it is impossible to edit text in CoolReader.

Method 6: AlReader

Another reader that supports working with RTF is AlReader.

The display of RTF content in this program is not much different from the capabilities of CoolReader, so in this particular aspect the choice is a matter of taste. But in general, AlReader supports more formats and has a more extensive toolkit than CoolReader.

Method 7: ICE Book Reader

The next reader that supports the described format is ICE Book Reader. True, it is more geared towards creating a library of e-books. Therefore, opening objects in it is fundamentally different from all previous applications. You won't be able to run the file directly. It will first need to be imported into the internal library of ICE Book Reader, and only then opened.

  1. Activate ICE Book Reader. Click the icon "Library", which is represented by a folder-shaped icon on the top horizontal bar.
  2. After the library window opens, click "File". Select .

    Another option: in the library window, click on the icon "Import text from file" in the form of a plus sign.

  3. In the launched window, go to the folder where the text document you want to import is located. Select it and click "OK".
  4. The content will be imported into the ICE Book Reader library. As you can see, the name of the target text object has been added to the library list. To start reading this book, double-click the left mouse button on the name of this object in the library window or click Enter after its release.

    You can also select this object, click "File" and then select "Read a book".

    Another option: after highlighting the book name in the library window, click on the icon "Read a book" in the form of an arrow on the toolbar.

  5. Any of the above actions will display the text in ICE Book Reader.

In general, like most other readers, RTF content in ICE Book Reader is displayed correctly, and the reading procedure is quite convenient. But the opening process looks more complicated than in previous cases, since it is necessary to import into the library. Therefore, most users who do not have their own library prefer to use other viewers.

Method 8: Universal Viewer

Also with RTF files Many universal viewers can work. These are programs that support viewing completely different groups of objects: video, audio, text, tables, images, etc. One such application is Universal Viewer.

There is also another option.

Universal Viewer displays the content of RTF objects in a style similar to the display style in word processors. Like most other universal programs, this application does not support all standards of certain formats, which may lead to errors in displaying some characters. Therefore, Universal Viewer is recommended to be used for general familiarization with the contents of the file, and not for reading a book.

We have introduced you to just a part of those programs that can work with the RTF format. At the same time, we tried to select the most popular applications. The choice of a particular one for practical use primarily depends on the user’s goals.

So, if an object needs to be edited, then it is best to use word processors: Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer or OpenOffice Writer. Moreover, the first option is preferable. To read books, it is better to use reading programs: CoolReader, AlReader, etc. If you also manage your own library, then ICE Book Reader is suitable. If you need to read or edit RTF, but do not want to install additional software, then use the built-in text Windows editor WordPad. Finally, if you don’t know which application to use to launch a file of a given format, you can use one of the universal viewers (for example, Universal Viewer). Although, after reading this article, you already know how to open RTF.

Task 4.1. Entering characters

  1. Enter using the keyboard:

    Letters of the Russian alphabet: Aa Bb Vv Gg Dd Ee Yo Zh Zz Ii Yy Kk Ll Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Ff Xx Ts Chch Shsh Shch ь Yы Ъъ Ee Yuyu Yaya

    Letters of the English alphabet: Aa Bb Ss Dd Her Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu VvWwXxYy Zz

    Decimal alphabet: 01 23456789

    Alphabet of the Roman number system: 1(1) V(5) X(10) L(50) C(SO) D(500)M(1000)

    Special characters (Russian keyboard layout): ! " No. ; %:?*()_+/-=\

    Special characters (English keyboard layout): ! @ # $ % l & * () _ + | - =\

    Free text about yourself (name, age, class, etc.)

  1. Save the file in your personal folder under the name Symbols.rtf.

Task 4.2. Text entry rules

  1. Launch the word processor installed on your computer.
  2. Enter text:

    When entering text, adjacent words are separated by one space. Punctuation marks (comma, colon, period, exclamation and question marks) are written together with the preceding word and separated by a space from the following word.

    Quotes and parentheses are written together with the corresponding words.

    A dash is distinguished by spaces on both sides.

    The hyphen is written together with the words it connects.

  3. Enter the text, paying attention to the relevant rules:

    Topic: “Rules for entering text”, hotel “Malachite”, chocolate “Alenka”, novel “War and Peace”.

    Stages of creating a text document: input, editing, formatting.

    Information on the World Wide Web is organized into pages (Web pages).

    Still, Mamin-Sibiryak, Firebird, northeast, Rostov-on-Don, New York. I had to stay here for the night, willy-nilly. To be afraid of grief means you won't see happiness. Moscow is a huge city, a city-country. The end of the 17th century - the first half of the 19th century.

  4. Save the file in your personal folder under the name Input_Rules.rtf.

Task 4.3. Inserting symbols

  1. In a word processor, open the Insert.rtf file:

    Prsnlny computer: sstmny blk (mtrnsk plt, central prtssr, prtvn pmt, hard dek), external strstv, klvtr, msh, mntr, prntr, kstchsk klnc).

  2. Insert the letters representing vowel sounds into the correct places to create the names of personal computer devices.

Task 4.4. Replacing characters

  1. In a word processor, open the file 3amena.rtf:

    K*litka, k*morka, k*kicks, k*bluk, b*grovoy, p*thunder, s*tira, ur*gan, *kv*lang, n*v*zhnie, fight.

  2. Replace the "*" symbols with the letters "a" or "o" to spell the words correctly.
  3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Words.rtf.

Task 4.5. Automatic replacement

  1. In a word processor, open the 100.rtf file:

      At the pro100th Yuorozh
      Impenetrable house:
      Often there are 100 legs in it
      It wanders around under 100 crowbar.
      Treasured by 100 legs
      Chi100 feet
      And 100 personal wax
      Cleans 100 boots.

  2. For greater expressiveness, the author of the poem L. Kondratenko “inserted” numbers inside the words. See what this poem will look like after replacing “100” with “one hundred” (use the replacement operation).
  3. Save the document with changes in a personal folder under the name CTO.rtf.

Task 4.6. Removing fragments

  1. In a word processor, open the Delete.rtf file:

    Keyboard, joystick, scanner, printer.

    Monitor, plotter, printer, mouse.

    Hard drive, flash memory, CD, processor.

    Printer, speakers, headphones, microphone. System unit, central processor, RAM, hard drive, power supply.

    System unit, keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers.

    Video card, expansion card, sound card, network card. Enter, End, Esc, Delete.

    Color printer, laser printer, dot matrix printer, inkjet printer.

  2. In each group, find the extra word (phrase) and delete it.
  3. Save the file in your personal folder under the name No_redundant.rtf.

Task 4.7. Moving fragments

  1. In a word processor, open the Move.rtf file:

    CPU -
    Video Card -
    Sound Card -

    RAM, central processor, video card, hard drive, sound card.

  2. Create pairs by placing its Russian equivalent next to each English term.
  3. Save the file in your personal folder under the name Pairs.rtf.

Task 4.8. Copying fragments

  1. Using copy and paste operations, type the text of the poem in English:

    Meet me in the morning.
    Meet me at noon.
    Meet me in September
    Or the middle of June.
    Meet me at midnight.
    Meet me in the hall.
    Meet me in the summer.
    Meet me in the fall.
    Meet me in the evening.
    Meet me at eight.
    I'll meet you anytime you want,
    But, please, don’t be late.

  2. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Poem.rtf.

Task 4.9. Gluing and cutting strings

  1. In a word processor, open the Strings.rtf file:

    You can't hide an awl in a bag. Not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat. Finished the job - go for a walk safely. Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter. Steam doesn't break bones. You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty. All that glitters is not gold. The word is silver, silence is gold. The sooner you get up, the sooner you finish your work. Chickens are counted in the fall. Time for business, time for fun. Think first, then start. Try it on seven times, cut it once. Work is scary not for your hands, but for your eyes. The master's work is afraid.

  2. Edit the contents of the file so that each proverb occupies exactly one line.
  3. Save the file in your personal folder under the name Proverbs.rtf.

Task 4.10. Changing the size and font of characters

  1. In a word processor, create a new file and save it in a personal folder named Fontl.rtf.
  2. Type the phrase “I’m learning a word processor.” Make nine copies of this phrase, placing each one on a new line.
  3. Set the first two lines to 12 point font size and Times New Roman font type.

    For the second pair of lines: font size 14 points, font type Courier New.

    For the third pair of lines: font size 16 points, font type Comic Sans MS.

    For the fourth pair of lines: font size 18 points, font type Tahoma.

    For the fifth pair of lines: font size 20 points, font type Arial.

  4. Close the file Font1.Н^, saving the changes.

Task 4.11. Changing character colors

  1. In a word processor, open the Color.rtf file.
  2. Formatt the text as follows:
    • For the title, set the font size to 16 points and the font color to red;
    • For color names, set the font color corresponding to them, style - bold, size - 14 points;
    • For color descriptions, set the font style to italics and font size to 12 points.
  1. In a word processor, create a new file and save it in a personal folder called Indexes.rtf.
  2. Select the font type Arial, font size 14, italic style.
  3. Type the following text:

    Units for measuring the amount of information:
    1 byte = 8 bits 1 Kilobyte = 210 bytes
    1 Megabyte = 210 KB = 220 bytes 1 Gigabyte = 210 MB = 220 KB = 230 bytes

  4. Save your changes to the file and close it.

Task 4.13. Character Formatting Options

  1. In a word processor, open the Effects.rtf file.
  2. Change the character format as follows:

    There are many options for formatting characters.

    You can change the font(Apa1) and font size(24), you can change the font style, for example, use bold, italic or bold italic. Available additional features, such as single underline, word only underline, double underline, dotted underline. Text can also be crossed out, superscripted, subscripted, moved up or down, small caps, or just capital letters. The text can be condensed (1.4 pt) or sparse (1.8 pt). The font color may vary, for example red. The text may be hidden, that is, not printed or displayed on the screen.

  3. Save the file with the changes in your personal folder and close it.

Task 4.14. Underline options

Task 4.15. Formatting Paragraphs

Task 4.16. Formatting Paragraphs

Task 4.17. Inserting special characters and formulas

Task 4.18. Creating lists

  1. In a word processor, create a new document.
  2. Create a multi-level list “Modern computer devices”:

    1. Processor
    2. Memory

      2.1. Internal memory
      2.2. External memory

        2.2.1. Hard drive
        2.2.2. Diskette
        2.2.3. Flash memory
        2.2.4. Optical discs

    3. Input devices
      3.1. Keyboard
      3.2. Mouse
      3.3. Scanner
      3.4. Graphics tablet
      3.5. Digital camera
      3.6. Microphone
      3.7. Joystick
    4. Output devices

      4.1. Monitor

        4.1.1. LCD monitor
        4.1.2. Cathode ray tube monitor
      4.2. Printer 4.3. Acoustic speakers
  3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Devices.rtf.
  4. Reformat the list with bullets instead of numbers. A possible design option is presented below:
    • CPU
    • Memory
      • Internal memory
      • External memory
        • Hard drive
        • Diskette
        • Flash memory
        • Optical discs
  5. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Devices2.rtf and close it.

Task 4.19, Creating tables

Task 4.20. Creating diagrams

Task 4.21. Inserting pictures

Final work: preparation of the abstract “History of the development of computer technology”

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