Rules for writing a business email. Ethics of business correspondence

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A business letter is a kind of psychological portrait of the sender, his business card, as well as part of the company’s image and reputation. How to protect yourself from the prospect of giving up on all this is in our article.

Tatiana Nikolaeva,

leading expert on business etiquette at the Negotiation Training Center, Moscow

Rules email correspondence For business people– this is a kind of tool that allows you to “hold the face” of the company and reflect its image in communication with partners. What are the key rules of business email correspondence that merchants need to take into account? Let's take a closer look, because this really plays a huge role.

Rule 1: Indicate the subject of the email

It is by this criterion that a busy person decides which letter to open first. In addition, this rule of electronic correspondence allows the interlocutor to find the desired letter among the flow of correspondence. For example, it is convenient to receive emails whose subject lines reflect different organizational aspects of the same process.

For example: “Package of participant documents”, “Invoice for payment for participation in the exhibition”, “Memo to the exhibition participant”, “Layout diagram of exhibition pavilions”, etc. If all correspondence was conducted with the subject “Participation in the exhibition”, find the required letter in extensive correspondence it would be much more difficult.

Rule 2. Don’t forget about address and greeting

This is where the letter should begin. It is better to do this in the following form: “Good afternoon, first name (patronymic) of the addressee.” The bulky design of “Good day!” It's better not to use it. It is also incorrect to indicate the following wording: “Hello, Mr. Ivanov.” In the business environment, they don't talk about health. If the letter is addressed to a group of people, you can use a collective word: “Dear sirs!” or “Colleagues!” You can do without contacting only in case of intensive correspondence in question-answer mode, as when communicating on Skype.

Phrases that should not be used in correspondence

If email is an important lead generation channel for your organization, here's 11 phrases, which the editors of the “Commercial Director” magazine recommend urgently getting rid of.

Rule 3. Remember that brevity is the sister of talent

If the subject of the letter requires explanation and detail, indicate the necessary parameters. However, do not pour too much water on this; write specifically. The ideal option would be a small letter in which you agree with the addressee about telephone conversation or a meeting where you can discuss all the details.

Rule 4. Writing style – business, tone – neutral

Unlike face-to-face communication and telephone conversations, where you have a script, your recipient not only does not see you, but also does not hear you. You cannot supplement your words with facial expressions, intonation, or other nonverbal signals. Therefore, strictly adhere to this rule of business email correspondence. For example, in a conversation, the phrase “what else do you need from me?”, pronounced with a certain intonation, will express a desire to know the entire list of responsibilities or actions. And in written form it can be read like this: “How much can you load me with? Have a conscience!”

Therefore, if you are ready for further action, it is better to always use this rule for correspondence by email. Write it like this: “how else can I be useful/useful?” If you have no desire to participate in the further process, you need to say so correctly. For example, like this: “Colleagues, in view of my high workload on another project, I would be grateful if you ...” and then describe your wishes: “free me from further work on this project,” “describe to me the full range of responsibilities so that I could plan my work." At the same time, it is important to take into account the subordination: if you correspond with your manager, check with him the priority of this work.

Rule 5. Dose the number of emoticons in the text

This is a fundamental rule of electronic correspondence between business people. Some companies strictly prohibit the use of emoticons. If your organization is not one of them, use these icons, but very carefully. After all, “emoticons” are symbols of emotions that need to be dosed in a business environment. One icon in a letter is enough to let the interlocutor understand your emotions. This rule for email correspondence also applies to business communication on Skype and ICQ.

Rule 6. Don’t forget about the electronic signature

At the end of any (not just the first) letter there must be a signature containing the name and position of the sender, his work contacts, and the company logo. This is good form and an indicator of the presence of a corporate culture.

Rule 7. Re-read the letter before sending. Correct errors and typos

Negligence is not best quality for a business person.

Rule 8. Reply to correspondence within 24 hours

If you need more time, you should write about it within 24 hours. After sending, it would be a good idea to contact the recipient of the letter and make sure that he received it and when to expect a response from him.

Rule 9. Confirm receipt of emails with attachments

Check if they open correctly. Please note that company executives should not send any promotional offers or links to them (unless they are the subject of the discussion).

It is better to send such letters on behalf of the sales manager with the appropriate notification in the body of the letter.

Rule 10. Correspondence ends with the one who started it

The last letter is sent by the initiator of the correspondence. Even if all the issues have already been discussed, write to your partner words of gratitude for effective cooperation and prompt responses. At the end you may wish good mood and a productive week. However, only if you have a close and long-term relationship with the recipient. In all other cases, it is better to indicate: “With best wishes.”

Anyone who strives to look decent in business circles always uses. And he always remembers the main thing - the email should not tarnish either the addressee, or the reputation of the company of which he is a representative, or the business image.

The ability to correctly and competently conduct business electronic correspondence is the main component of the image of a modern manager. This is both a sign of general cultural level and an indicator of personal professionalism. In accordance with how a person is able to formulate and formalize his thoughts, one can confidently judge his attitude towards others and towards himself personally. A carelessly written email can easily ruin the author’s business reputation in the eyes of partners and colleagues.

Rules for business correspondence by email

1. Use your work email address for business purposes only. If you send a letter from a work server while at work, it is saved, both outgoing and incoming mail. Your employer can read the letter at any time. Only conduct business correspondence within the office walls.

2. Clearly understand who your message is addressed to and to whom the information contained in it may be useful. Who is your letter addressed to? To the client? To a partner? Colleague? To a subordinate? To the boss? The addressee is indicated in the “to” column, those interested are indicated in the “copy”. Never send extra copies, especially to your boss. If third parties are mentioned in the email, then they are also usually included in the “copy” column.

3. Formulate the purpose of the message for yourself. What goal do you set for yourself: what do you strive to achieve from the reader of your letter? What reaction do you expect? The recipient, having read your message, should immediately understand what you need from him. Rules for conducting electronic correspondence:

If you want to bring an individual perspective to events - from the first person (we, I)
If your message is of an inquiry or instructional nature - from the 2nd person (you, you)
If you are writing a letter as an outside observer and want to inform the addressee about accomplished facts or events - in the 3rd person (they, she, he).

4. Do not leave the “subject” field empty. Most people who receive an email begin examining the correspondence by looking at the subject field. A person makes the decision to read a letter in a few seconds, so the content of the letter should be reflected in the subject line. The topic should be short, specific and informative.

5. Keep the content clear: address and greeting, main part, summary, signature, contacts. Any letter must contain email etiquette. Don’t be lazy and don’t skip any part of the accepted content; a correctly formatted letter is an indicator of your professionalism.

6. Addressing and greeting the addressee is an indicator of your respect for him. If possible, begin each letter with a personal message and greeting. A sign of politeness is to address your interlocutor by name. After the address, put a comma if you want to give the message an everyday character. And if you want to emphasize formality and significance, use an exclamation point, even if this letter is addressed to a colleague with whom you often communicate.

7. Adhere to the principle: short and clear (KY). One of the main rules of business email correspondence is “minimum words - maximum information.” Present your thoughts specifically (clearly), consistently, concisely and in a way that is easy to understand. Sentences should be short, this makes it easier for the addressee to convey the necessary information. There is one The golden rule of emails– portioned, one topic – one letter. It is better to send several emails (each with one topic) than one large message with several unrelated ideas.

8. Do not turn informal communication into business correspondence. There is no emotion in the email! If you want to emphasize the points set out in your email message emotionally, the emotional subtext must be hidden behind a neutral, externally calm and correct tone of presentation. It is achieved by content, not by language.

9. Adhere to a clear structure of the main text of the letter. Most often, a letter consists of three parts:

The reason for writing the letter (reason, grounds). This part is usually as short as possible
Consistent presentation of the essence of the issue
Solutions, requests, proposals, conclusions

10. Appearance The message must be extremely easy to understand. Divide the text into paragraphs, which should contain no more than five to six lines. It is better to separate paragraphs from each other with a blank line. Choose one color and one font, so the text will be better perceived. It is better not to use exclamation marks, emoticons, abbreviations, or cursive elements unless absolutely necessary.

11. Write correctly. Illiterate writing indicates that the author is not educated enough. Your business reputation is discredited by typos and errors in the text. Before sending a letter, email etiquette recommends that you re-read the letter carefully. Many mailers And text editors They know how to check punctuation and spelling, and if errors are found, they offer suggestions for corrections. This service is required to write emails.

12. Consider what documentation needs to be included in the attachments. You should not include in the body of the letter detailed information, better send it separate file. In the subject line of the email, be sure to indicate which file you are inserting. otherwise the recipient may perceive it as a virus. All files must be scanned with anti-virus software before sending.

13. Always write contact information and subscribe. This will show you on the good side and demonstrate your professional qualities. The signature should not be more than five or six lines. It should consist of the name of the company, your first and last name, and your position. Typically, for external recipients, your email address, phone number, and company website address are also indicated.

14. Postscript is extremely rarely used in business correspondence. If you use a postscript in your message, this is an indication that you have not thought enough about the content of the letter.

15. Only in special cases is a read receipt given. Typically, a read receipt should be set only for external recipients and only when a response is expected from the recipient.

16. Use the “high importance” checkbox only when it is really necessary. If the email contains important information that needs urgent attention, set the importance to “high.” This will highlight your email in your inbox. But it is not recommended to abuse this function needlessly.

17. Re-read the letter before sending it. Is everything concise, specific, understandable, and is there any inappropriate information or grammatical errors? Are the recipient details correct? Check the sequence and logic of presentation.

18. Reply to emails promptly. Notification of receipt of a letter is a sign of respect for colleagues or partners, a sign of good manners. If at the moment you cannot answer the letter, then you need to inform the author and promise that you will answer immediately at the first opportunity. Answer all questions posed consistently. Don't start your reply as a new letter. If a letter is not answered within 48 hours, the recipient may think that his letter was ignored or lost.

19. The one who initiated the correspondence ends the electronic dialogue.

20. Remember that Rules for email correspondence, or rather their compliance is an indicator of a modern professional manager.

Rules business correspondence and a few tricky maneuvers for establishing good relationships using a letter need to be known not only by those whose email is overflowing with incoming correspondence every working day, and whose plans include several correspondence and messages, the initiator of which should be you. Mastering the magic of beeches is useful for every modern woman. This will be useful, at a minimum, when looking for a job - sending resumes, cover letters, additional information about yourself upon request and test tasks, as well as sending messages to coordinate an interview time.

Literacy is the basis of business correspondence and your face

The fact that bloggers with dyslexia can be popular on the Internet should not be an excuse for your mistakes and slips. Don’t console yourself with the fact that things didn’t work out with the Russian language back in school (it’s high time to improve the rules for writing “not” with different parts of speech). Be as demanding of yourself as possible. It is especially offensive when conducting business correspondence to write words from your professional field incorrectly. The interlocutor may doubt your competence.

1. Keep the website in your internet browser bookmarks.

2. Do not use words for which you cannot give an exact definition (at least check Wikipedia).

3. Keep in mind that rare and specific words that may not be familiar to the interlocutor will confuse him or may be misinterpreted. If the interlocutor needs to be introduced to your terminology, then, according to the rules of etiquette, give an explanation of the terms and abbreviations used.

4. Try not to make sentences too long. Leave complex and ornate designs for writing a novel, not for conducting business correspondence.

5. We strongly recommend that you type the message not immediately in the body of the letter, but first in a file on your computer. First, word's built-in spelling and punctuation will help you. Secondly, you will eliminate the unpleasant situation of accidentally sending a business letter prematurely or losing it due to closing the browser, etc. (when typing text in Word, get into the habit of clicking on the “save” icon more often and set auto-save at short intervals in the settings) . Remember that predictive typing on your tablet and mobile devices capable of giving very unexpected corrections to your words.

6. Before sending a letter, reread it several times. If time is running out (by the way, one of the important basic rules of business correspondence is not to delay deadlines, so it’s better not to start writing at the very last moment), then re-read the text you typed some time after typing - after half an hour or an hour, switching for some other business.

Competent business correspondence. Important Details

Attention to detail when conducting and executing business correspondence shows respect and saves time

7. Don’t neglect filling out the “subject” field of the letter . If you're sending your first cold email, the subject line can be eye-catching, unique, and intriguing. But if your letter is already expected or you have been in correspondence with the recipient for some time, then the topic should be stated briefly, clearly and succinctly. This will allow you to quickly find your letter (both for you and the recipient) in the mail if necessary.

8. Long chains of “Re: Re: Re:” give the impression of litter. Don’t be afraid to start a new chain with your interlocutor, quote only previous messages that are relevant to the issue (and yes, they need to be “pulled along” if you, for example, are discussing the details of a specific project, agreeing on a budget/prices/service packages and etc. - in this case, quoting is convenient and required by business etiquette).

9. If in incoming message contains several questions for you, then answer them, quoting each one separately. If you are sending a letter with several questions, then use numbering and break the text into paragraphs. Stick to a clear structure.

10. In the body of the letter, comment on all attachments to the message. Sign all files that you attach so that the recipient can immediately receive information about their contents .

11. Signature is a very important detail business letter. In the settings of email services, you can usually set an automatic signature for all your letters. A well-written signature is equivalent to printing business cards, good business cards. In addition to your first and last name, use the designation of your position, contact information (phone, skype), and company logo in your signature. Just as business cards that are creatively relevant (memorable and associated with the person or company they work for) are considered the best, a signature can be “with a twist” that indicates your connection to the company or speaks of your love for the business you do. For example, some employees of the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house use the additional sentence “Now I’m reading...” in their signature (and insert the name of the publishing house’s new product). Representatives of companies in the food industry can end their letters with wishes for a “delicious day,” etc. Sometimes such formatting of business correspondence should be agreed upon with management.

12. For business correspondence, NameWoman strongly recommends creating a separate mailing address. It is advisable that it reflects the name of the company or the domain of the company’s website, your name (full, without diminutive forms) and your last name. Do not use numbers in your email name that indicate your age or year of birth. Displaying your position in the email title is quite acceptable, but some people avoid this because they plan not to change mailbox, moving higher up the career ladder.

You should also avoid using e-mail addresses that are playful or overly creative when sending resumes and similar business letters. Especially if you are a candidate for a serious position in a large company.

Business correspondence etiquette

13. The style of business correspondence does not have to be dry. But seriousness and a certain rigor of designs is a mandatory rule. Avoid diminutive suffixes, slang and colloquial expressions.

14. Emoticons can become pitfalls. In principle, they should not be in the first letters of a business acquaintance. With established contact, smiling parentheses are still acceptable, but do not overdo it and do not become the initiator of such “cute decorations” of the letter. Sad and any creative animated emoticons when conducting business correspondence (and especially in situations where you are “from below”) are strictly prohibited.

15. Be sure to use a respectful greeting and address by name, first name and patronymic at the beginning of the letter and further throughout the text, if appropriate. This is not only required by the ethics of business correspondence, it allows you to increase the interlocutor’s interest in your message and loyalty to it. Recipients are always more attentive to addressed letters, so try to find out in advance the name of the person to whom you should write, and what kind of address he prefers (by first name or first name and patronymic).

According to the rules of business correspondence, in normal cases, a response must be sent within business days, maximum two. If you receive a letter in the last hours of the working day before a long weekend or vacation, then you are not required to provide a detailed response to a non-urgent letter. However, according to business correspondence etiquette, it would be reasonable to send a short reply stating that you have received the letter and a comment that you are currently away and will respond in detail after such and such a date or no later than such a period. You should do the same if, in order to answer, you need clarification of any information that you must obtain from a third party or after conducting thorough work on collecting data and preparing materials.

In turn, if you need a response letter from your interlocutor, then you can duplicate your request in 3 business days. If you need an urgent response, then write about this correctly in your first letter (explaining the reasons, if possible), also asking for confirmation of its receipt. By the way: check your spam folder regularly (every three days).

And a little more about what a beautiful business letter looks like. Formatting business correspondence

The letter should be easy to read and understand. Short sentences, a minimum of participial and adverbial phrases - simple constructions - are the basis of business correspondence. What else will help you present the perfect letter sample according to all the rules?

16. Paragraphs in your correspondence should be no longer than 7-10 lines.

17. The text of a business letter will be perceived better and look neater if the spacing between paragraphs is larger than the spacing between lines in one paragraph.

19. Words, and even more so phrases and entire sentences, written in capital letters are perceived as shouting, pressure and disrespect. This style is inappropriate for business correspondence. Don't allow yourself to do this even if you are a boss who is dissatisfied with his subordinate.

Business courtesy and networking techniques

20. Allow your interlocutor to agree to your proposal, reflect his opinion, give you advice, leave a comment or ask a question. The easiest way to do this is to use in a letter the phrases “what do you think about this?”, “if you have any questions, I will try to answer them,” “write to me about your decision.”

21. Be attentive to signals coming from the recipient. Pay attention to your interlocutor's writing style and how he addresses you. Remember the psychological rule of the mirror. It’s great if your letter reflects his style (but not misspelled, of course). If he mentions some personal information, take note of it. Be polite and correct, reflecting joy, sympathy, participation, and congratulations on the holidays.

22. Speaking of holidays. If your business correspondence takes place around the dates of official holidays, then congratulate your interlocutor on the past/upcoming holidays. Important clients and those with whom you maintain long-term business correspondence, according to the rules of etiquette, should be congratulated in a separate letter. It will be useful to find out when your interlocutor's birthday is - this information is usually easy to obtain from social networks.

Maintain your individual client base and professional contacts database. In addition to last names and first names, positions and telephone numbers, links to accounts on social networks and email, write down personal data, mark projects and issues on which you have already crossed paths in business correspondence.

23. The ethics of business correspondence and basic politeness say: do not forget about words of gratitude. For congratulations, advice, clarifications, invitations, informational certificates, prompt response from your business correspondent.

Milena Just

Writing letters to family and friends is significantly different from letters in the business world. A well-designed letter allows the interlocutor to form a correct idea of ​​the reputation and image of the company that sends it, and also largely affects the desire for further cooperation.

Using email

The development of Internet technologies has greatly simplified work with clients and counterparties of companies - business partners, suppliers, wholesale customers.

Every company now has an electronic mailbox and allows you to almost instantly send commercial proposals, reports to partners and higher authorities, applications and contracts.

The benefits of email include the following:

  • fast delivery of messages, which greatly speeds up the process of transactions and transactions;
  • low cost. Compared to regular mail or courier delivery, email costs much less. When sending, you can use services that can be absolutely free and will allow you to send thousands of letters daily;
  • reduction of management levels in the company - any employee of the company can directly contact the manager with a proposal for any ideas. Email thus stimulates innovation and allows organizations to grow faster. But in in this case it is necessary to ensure that e-mail does not turn into a kind of “book of complaints”, when employees will write letters to the head of the company for any reason, distracting him with really important issues;
  • ability to transfer large amounts of data. All email services have cloud services that support the storage and use of large amounts of data that are easily and seamlessly transferred from one email address to another;
  • secure data transfer and possibility backup information. Faxes or regular mail are more vulnerable;
  • the possibility of a faster response to customer needs - e-mail allows you to quickly respond to complaints or suggestions from consumers.

However, this type of communication also has its disadvantages. First of all, this may be due to the incompetence of the specialists sending out letters and, as a result, a violation of coordination between the company and its clients. Knowledge of the basics of business communication ethics is a basic requirement for those individuals who are responsible for mailings in an organization.

Rules and etiquette for formal email correspondence

Communication with friends and acquaintances by e-mail is very different from business letters, where slang, addressing as “you”, and using abbreviations are unacceptable (only if these are not generally accepted and widely used abbreviations). The reputation of the company, customer loyalty to it and its general image in the market in which it operates depend on how competently and professionally the letter is written.

Let's consider the basic rules that will allow you to create high-quality letters that comply with business ethics:

  • You should always indicate the subject of the letter, which would correspond to its main content. For example, if this is an invitation to a banquet for partners, then the subject line of the letter should read “Invitation for the manager” (or indicate his name and patronymic). It is important to understand what organizations receive large number letters, and if you indicate in the subject line of the letter for whom it is intended, it will be easier for the secretary of the organization to transfer it;
  • When replying to a letter, it is imperative to save the history of previous correspondence - this way the recipient will be able, if necessary, to re-read those messages that were sent earlier. Since quite a lot of letters come and go in a business environment, it is difficult to keep in mind all the information from partners, so such a response to a letter will allow you to refresh your memory of what was discussed;
  • addressing “You” is the main rule of business correspondence, as is the fact that any letter should begin with a greeting and end with the phrase “With respect, full name, position”;
  • the response should be as prompt as possible, since this directly affects the company's reputation. In the business world, it is customary to respond to letters within a few hours and not to delay the response for more than one day.

How to conduct business email correspondence with clients

Business correspondence is an entire art that is learned over the years, and only with experience in communicating with partners is a certain style of writing messages developed.

Separately, the content of the letters should be noted: it should not go beyond the scope of the message and should be concise. There is no need to lead to the main question for a long time; it is better to immediately identify the problem that causes the need to write a letter.

Clients should be aware of what is happening in the company, but you should not abuse their time and send frequent mailings - this can easily fall into the category of spam and cause distrust on the part of clients. Regular mailings can be carried out on such occasions as: reminders about the company, its promotions and special offers, the launch of new products, changes in the organization’s coordinates (location, telephone, mail).

Ethics in emailing partners

  • overuse exclamation or question marks;
  • excessive use of different colors and fonts, as well as capital letters;
  • insert emoticons or other funny pictures into letters.

The letter must be literate, both from a spelling and punctuation point of view.

Examples of business correspondence by email

Below are examples of well-written letters sent by email:

  • Hello, Ivan Ivanovich. In response to your request, we will send you our commercial offer as an attachment. For any questions, you can contact the product manager: 500-50-50 (Peter);
  • Good afternoon, Pyotr Petrovich. The Ivanov and Partners company is pleased to inform you that we are now located in the very center of the city - in a new modern office located at Sidorova Street, building 5, office 100. Sincerely, Ivanov I.I., head of the company.

Collect contacts and addresses of business people at Expocentre exhibitions

One of the effective methods of collecting contacts and addresses of future business partners is visiting exhibitions at the Expocentre Fairgrounds. Before carrying out this work, you need to stock up on a large number of your own business cards so that you can exchange them when meeting businessmen. It is important not just to hand out and receive business cards in return, but also to develop your own questionnaire, which will better give you a general idea of ​​the enterprise or company that the exhibition participant represents. The questionnaire should contain contact information, information about the company profile, key points on supplies and purchases, and reflect the role of the company representative in the organization.

The list of participants and the layout of the exposition can be viewed on the exhibition website. It is better to collect contacts not only from participants, but also from visitors to the exhibition, because Almost all visitors are in one way or another connected with the theme of the event.

For whom: sales managers; sales department managers; employees who correspond with clients.

Summary: Rules for business correspondence. Structure of a letter to a client. Formatting a letter.

Rules for business correspondence

  1. It’s good to start a letter with gratitude or a compliment: “Olga, thank you for your answer!”
  2. If you are writing to a client for the first time, tell him where you got his email or remind him of a previous interaction.
  3. Write simple, in clear language. Avoid using clericalism and speech cliches: “currently”, “I bring to your attention”, “cooperation on mutually beneficial terms”, “highly professional”, “to avoid”, “for reasons”, etc.
  4. You should also avoid complex terms, highly specialized and foreign words, and incomprehensible abbreviations.
  5. To focus on important points letters, start the sentence with the name: “Alexander, please send the reconciliation report...”.
  6. If you answer several questions, quote them or briefly mention the content of the question so that it is clear what is being said.
  7. React calmly to dissatisfaction or aggression on the part of the client, show your intention to help him resolve the situation.
  8. Avoid sensitive or confidential topics. The letter may accidentally end up in the hands of another employee, which could put the client in an awkward position.
  9. Let the client know that you have received his letter.
  10. In business correspondence, it is customary to respond to letters no later than 3 hours later. If you are unable to resolve the issue immediately, let the client know when you will be able to do so.
  11. Avoid writing to clients on weekends and holidays, as well as on Monday mornings or Friday evenings. Exception: if you have previously agreed on this with the client; if you have an urgent matter that cannot be postponed.
  12. It is considered impolite to send many letters in a row. Exception: if you sent a letter and saw that the information in it is incomplete or irrelevant, you can follow up with another letter with additions and apologies.
  13. Auto-reply about receipt of letters is not used in modern business correspondence.
  14. Before sending, be sure to check that the recipient's name and company name are correct.
  15. It is not customary to use a postscript in business correspondence.

Letter structure

  1. Email
    The mailing address should be as short and memorable as possible. It is better to use a personalized e-mail (for example, [email protected]).
  2. Subject of the letter
    Be sure to indicate the subject of the letter. The topic must match the content. If you know the name of the person you are writing to or their position, indicate them in the subject line.
  3. Notes
    For special emails, you can use the “Important” mark. It is better to request read confirmation only in exceptional cases.
  4. Letter structure
    • greetings;
    • a brief description of the subject of the letter;
    • deciphering the question;
    • completion (call to action).
    Golden rule: one letter - one subject - one appeal.
  5. Attachments
    If you are attaching files to the letter, please inform the recipient about this in the subject line of the letter. It is more convenient to transfer heavy files via cloud service(for example, Yandex.Disk).
  6. Signature
    Include only basic and relevant contacts in your signature. Try to keep it to 3-5 lines.

Formatting a letter

  1. Use easy-to-read sans-serif fonts in your email. The optimal font size is 12-14 point.
  2. The optimal paragraph length is 3-4 lines. Sentence length – 12-18 words. It is better to break a longer sentence into two.
  3. It is desirable that the entire letter fits on the screen.
  4. To highlight important words and expressions, use bold font (no more than 4-5 words in a row). Refrain from highlighting entire sentences (especially if they are long), and especially entire paragraphs.
  5. Do not overuse highlighting text with bright colors, capital letters, or italics. When in doubt, opt for restraint.
  6. It is better to avoid text with underlining - it can be confused with links.
  7. Exclamation mark should be used with caution, only where it is really needed. It would be unnecessary to use three or more exclamation/question marks.
  8. Numbered and bulleted lists improve the perception of information.
  9. Pictures should complement the content of the letter, but in no case replace it (many recipients have disabled the display of pictures; letters where the text is replaced with a picture may be regarded as SPAM).

Develop corporate standards for business correspondence. This will help regulate the process of correspondence between employees and clients and avoid mistakes that could affect sales and the image of your company.

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