Freemind program Russian version. What are mind maps and how to create them in the free program FreeMind? How to use the program

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Every person has to work with a wide variety of information. Over time, the volume of this information is growing steadily. In order not to drown in this volume and not lose sight of something valuable, it is important to organize convenient storage of this information. If we are talking about ordinary computer files, then they are stored in a convenient hierarchical directory structure on information storage devices. But what if we are talking about something like this? important information like ideas, thoughts, concepts, observations, notes, various concepts? They can of course be presented in the form of various texts. But in this case it will be difficult to navigate their diversity. To solve this problem, such information is presented in the form mind maps- a tree diagram in which all information is placed in tree nodes. This idea is most consistent with how the brain perceives information. And thanks to this compliance, work efficiency increases significantly.

There are many different programs to create mind maps. But most of them are paid. But along with them there is a fairly popular free program called FreeMind, in which you can quickly and conveniently create mental maps in a simple and understandable form. Next we will tell you how to use this program.

Installing and launching the FreeMind program

You can download the FreeMind program from download pages on the official website. To do this, click on the link “ Windows Installer Max".

After this, you should run the downloaded executable file, starting the installation process. First you need to confirm the selected program interface language.

Then confirm the start of the program installation.

Agree to the license terms.

At the next stage, the program notifies that it requires installed virtual machine Java. And if it is not installed on your computer, then you should first install it from the official website

And the folder name in the start menu.

At the final stage, the creation of shortcuts and file associations is confirmed.

Now all that remains is to click the install button.

While copying files, a window will appear with information about the authors and donors of the program. There is no special action required here other than clicking the “Next” button.

Eventually, a final window will appear in which you can check the “Run program” checkbox.

If the program runs successfully, a window with an empty mind map will appear.

Adding new nodes to the map

As you can see, when you open the program, a map is automatically created with one single root node called “ New map" If you left-click on the node itself and press the F2 key, you can change the text inside it.

By pressing the Enter key, editing is completed. Therefore, if you need to add new lines to the text of a node, as well as for more advanced text editing in a separate window, you should press the Alt+Enter key combination.

In a similar way, you can edit other nodes that will be created. And creating new nodes is quite simple - you need to select one of the nodes with the mouse and click the Insert button to create a child node for it. The same can be done by clicking right button mouse and selecting “New slave node” in the context menu.

When adding a node, you can immediately enter the necessary text into it. In our case, as an example, we will create a map in which we will identify topics and questions on these topics with a list of answers to these questions. Therefore, now we will set the name “Topic 1” for the first node.

In addition to creating child nodes, you can also create adjacent nodes - i.e. nodes that will share a parent node with the selected one. To do this, you can use the “Enter” key or the item context menu"New adjacent node." At this stage, just click Enter key and by entering text you can quickly add several nodes without even using the mouse.

Using these two adding operations, we can create the branched structure we need.

Editing a Mind Map

As a matter of fact, you can edit the elements of the constructed tree using standard methods for most text editors methods. Namely, you can do the following:

Select several elements at once using the mouse while holding down the Shift or Ctrl keys. By holding down the Alt key, you can select all child nodes for the selected node. Selecting using the keyboard arrows and holding down the Shift key also works.

Delete selected nodes by pressing the Delete key or through the context menu.

Copy the selected nodes to the clipboard and then paste them from the clipboard, attaching them to another location on the map.

Move nodes using the mouse. When the Ctrl key is pressed, the nodes will not be moved, but copied.

Move nodes using keyboard arrows and holding down the Ctrl key. In this case, you can change the order of adjacent nodes (up/down arrows), as well as change the nesting depth of a node in the hierarchy (left/right arrows).

The program also provides for a number of other operations, of which there are quite a lot. But when editing maps, you can mostly do without them.

Map overview

If the map turns out to be quite voluminous, then it makes sense to take advantage of the main advantage of computer mind maps over paper ones: in electronic form, the branches of the tree structure can be collapsed and expanded. Thanks to this, you can reduce huge mind maps to a compact form, and gain access to the necessary information by selectively expanding certain branches. For these purposes in FreeMind program There is a whole range of operations on nodes that can be performed either using the appropriate key combinations or through menu items located in the “Node” section of the main menu of the program.

Using the operations of collapsing nodes, we can bring our mental map to a fairly compact form. It is clear that the ends of the branches contain small circles, which mean that the nodes have child nodes that are at the moment rolled up.

If we are interested in information from a certain section, then we can expand the corresponding branch of the tree and see the necessary nodes.

Since in our case the selected node was not the lowest level, its expanded child nodes ended up outside the window boundaries. To see them, you can either go to them (using the mouse or keyboard arrows), or move the entire map canvas by holding down left button mouse in an empty area and moving the pointer in the desired direction.

Card design

The added information can be designed by changing font sizes, colors, adding icons, etc. When creating simple maps, it is often useful to use the automatic formatting feature. You can use it through the menu item “Format / Automatic formatting”.

Immediately after selecting this menu item, the program will automatically change appearance for nodes of the first, second and third levels.

Using other menu items in the “Format” section, you can customize the appearance of each node or an entire group of selected nodes. And by clicking the icon icon in the left panel of the program, you can attach this icon to all selected nodes.

You can remove an icon from a node using the menu item “Insert / Icons / Delete last icon”. Thanks to formatting, you can bring the created maps to a rather attractive and visual appearance.


Using the free program FreeMind, you can create and edit highly nested tree mind maps. The electronic format of the tree structure allows you to collapse and expand its branches, so you can quickly and conveniently access the necessary nodes, even on maps with a large number of elements. The main thing is to maintain a balance and not create too many immediate child nodes from one parent. The program also includes the ability to format map elements, thanks to which you can significantly increase the attractiveness and clarity of intelligence maps. There are also many others in the program additional features, which may be useful in some cases. But since you can usually do without them when creating mental maps, it is not necessary to study them in depth.

FreeMind for Windows 7 is a program for creating diagrams that are used for educational and work purposes. It has great functionality that allows you to configure all table parameters. Creation and management available different types schemes Uses mental maps, exports data from the hard drive to its database, produces automatic connection to the Internet.

Different diagram styles are available, and it is possible to work with text inserts. An independent search is carried out for the necessary words, visual effects, and partially hides the tables for further refinement. It is possible to save nodes in any format, as well as graphic files. We recommend downloading FreeMind for Windows 7 in Russian without registration and SMS from the official website.

Program information
  • License: Free
  • Developer: Daniel Polansky
  • Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English
  • Devices: PC, netbook or laptop (Acer, ASUS, DELL, Lenovo, Samsung, Toshiba, HP, MSI)
  • OS: Windows 7 Ultimate, Home Basic, Starter, Professional

Installing FreeMind

FreeMind is written in Java, so it will run on almost any system with a Java runtime environment.

In order to make things easier for you, we"ve prepared installers for the most common desktop environments: Windows, Linux and Macintosh OS X. You may choose a minimum install that gives you only the basic FreeMind package or a maximum install, which includes plugins for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), Portable Document Format (PDF), reminders and help files.

System requirements

Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or later. You can find a FreeMind installer including java or download Sun's Java from .

Step-by-step overview

  1. Install Java Runtime Environment if you do not have it.
  2. Choose a FreeMind installation file by operating system.
  3. Download the chosen installation file.
  4. Install FreeMind.


Choose among the following binaries of the current FreeMind 1.0.1, depending on your operating system:

OSDownloadSize (MB)Note
MS Windows 29
MS Windows 38 All-inclusive version
Mac OS X 92 All-inclusive version. Information for Mac Maverick (10.9) and Mountain Lion (10.8) Users: After the download, the operating system reports the application to be broken. Please see for the solution.
Mac OS X 10.6.8 150 All-inclusive version, still version 1.0.0. Users of version 10.6.8, please take this link; a different java version is included there.
Linux Ubuntu Linux ??
Linux Debian Linux (currently still for the 0.9.0 version) 2.6 Please consider first checking the .
Linux and other RPM-based distros like Fedora and Mandriva 2.8 See also.
Any 29 A version smaller without SVG export and PDF export.
Any 38 All-inclusive version

FreeMind can be called an analogue of such popular applications as OpenProj, ProjectLibre or GanttProject. Its main task is to create a business plan for visual presentation to colleagues or partners. The difference between the utility is that the project is displayed not using graphs or diagrams, but in the form of intelligent drawings.

A mental map is a modern way of expressing thoughts. It is a kind of hand-drawn tree diagram. The technology is recognized by scientists as very effective, but has not yet received widespread recognition.

Useful features

  • Russian language support;
  • Ability to work (create, export, import) with files various formats; these include JPEG, OpenDocument, TextXHTML, PNG, HTML and others.
  • A great encryption option is built in. You can hide the entire document or part of it.
  • Simple, user-friendly interface. It is very easy to understand the principles of use.
  • The program is cross-platform and fits perfectly with operating system Windows.

FreeMind is a highly specialized product, designed for specific tasks such as creating mind diagrams, and does not include unnecessary functionality. Now, in order to edit branched diagrams and visualizations of any complexity, there is no need to install a full suite of office programs.

Visual demonstration

Possibilities small program FreeMind allows you to present your ideas in the form of a brainstorming graph. Using it, you can visually explain the company’s goals, derive an algorithm for solving a problem, create a task for employees, and many other tasks.

All the tools are at hand

The functionality of the FreeMind program is quite wide, but it is not replete with rarely used tools for “one-time” work. The toolbar icons translated into Russian are located at the top and on the left side of the window. A simple interface will immediately bring the user up to date.
Main features:
  • drawing the branches of the diagram;
  • writing and formatting text;
  • highlighting keywords;
  • creation of hyperlinks (including online links);
  • combination with other file formats (peg, html, OpenDocument xhtml, png and xml).

Corporate memory cards

FreeMind is often used to create primitive and complex file directories on the server, to which the user can set hyperlinks in the form of key phrases, words, and structures. The entire project becomes available to a limited number of people over the Internet, but can be encrypted from unauthorized persons.

Possibility of modification

The FreeMind application is developed in Java, is distributed free of charge and is open source. source code. This facilitated the introduction of multi-platform instructions and increased optimization.


  • simple interface in Russian;
  • import/export from third-party files;
  • the ability to create a “cloud” memory card;
  • project protection in the form of a cipher;
  • creating links to files hard drive and Internet pages;
  • free distribution of the editor.
FreeMind can be downloaded for free from the link below.

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