A program that deletes undeletable folders. A program for removing undeletable files and programs from your computer

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On Windows of any version (XP, 7, 8, 10), a problem often arises when a file or folder with a locked file is not deleted. A message pops up that the file is occupied by another process or is open in some program, or you need to ask permission from someone.

There are several ways to delete a file that is not deleted, renamed, or moved. This is done without additional software, using free program Unlocker, from a bootable USB flash drive or LiveCD, or the DeadLock program.

When deleting locked files and folders, be careful; it may be part of the operating system. Without them, Windows will stop loading.

Why isn't it deleted?

  • The file is open in another program. Terminate any unnecessary processes and try again. Sometimes restarting the computer helps.
  • Insufficient permissions to delete. For example, this file was created by another user or the computer administrator removed the deletion rights.
  • Exceptions

    The methods described in the article will not always help:

    • pagefile.sys and swapfile.sys - to remove, disable the swap file.
    • hiberfil.sys - deleted when hibernation mode is disabled.
    • If an access denied message appears. You need to become the owner of the file or folder. The easiest way to do this is with the TakeOwnershipPro program.
    • If a message appears asking for permission from TrustedInstaller. This is protection against the removal of system components.
    • Windows.old - folder with old version operating system. It is deleted through the “Properties” of the local drive C. On the General tab there is a “Cleanup” button. A window will open in which select “Clear system files" After the analysis is completed, the “Previous” item will appear in the list in this window. Windows installations" Check this box and click OK.

    Deleting the file manually

    Message: The file is already in use, please close and try again.

    If a file doesn't want to be deleted, the error message usually tells you which process has locked it. This could be explorer.exe or any program that has it open. If you close this program, the file will be deleted.

    If the file is occupied by the explorer.exe process

    • Before completing the task, open command line on behalf of the administrator. It is located in “Start - All Programs - Accessories”. Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.
    • Remove the explorer.exe task in the task manager and write del full_path/name.extension in the command line.
    • The path does not have to be entered manually. Click right click mouse on the desired file while holding Shift - Copy as path, and paste it into the command line through the context menu with the right mouse button.
    • Now restart explorer.exe. In the task manager, click "File - New task - explorer.exe".

    Use a bootable USB flash drive or disk

    If you have a bootable USB flash drive or LiveCD, or Windows recovery, run them and calmly delete the file using the standard method or through the command line.

    Be careful sometimes when entering through boot disk local drives have different letters. To see a list of folders on drive C, type dir c: on the command line.

    If you use bootable USB flash drive or Windows installation disk, the console opens at any time after the language selection stage, using the key combination Shift + F10.

    You can also select the system recovery mode, which will be offered before starting the OS installation.

    Command for deleting via the console: del full_path_to_the_file.

    Using DeadLock

    The free DeadLock program allows you to delete a locked file and change the owner. Download from the official website: https://codedead.com/?page_id=822.

    Using the File menu, add the problematic file to the program. Right-click on it in the list - unlock it (Unlock) and delete it (Remove).

    Using Unlocker

    The simplest and most popular program, but now even on the official website a warning about unwanted software is displayed. Along with the program there may be some other virus or advertising, so use at your own peril and risk. Try the methods above first. Website: http://www.emptyloop.com/unlocker/.

    After installation, a new item will appear in the context menu, which is called Unlocker. After clicking the button, the program will complete the interfering process and the file will be unlocked.

    If you want to delete a folder, first delete all its contents.

    Via command line

    There was such a case that the file did not want to be deleted in any way. The size was 0 bytes, the name was written in Russian letters (not supported in older versions of MS-DOS), there was a Read-only attribute and an A attribute (only reading and adding content). The command line helped.

    That's all for now. If you know simpler and effective ways, write them in the comments. Which method helped you?

Hello everyone, dear subscribers! A novice user may encounter a problem when the system does not allow deleting a certain file. The computer reports that the action cannot be completed, permission needs to be requested, or the file is in use by another program.

You can encounter this problem in any version of the Windows operating system. In this article I will talk about how you can delete undeletable files that do not want to be deleted. There are two main ways to solve the problem:

Removal using standard services.

Using third-party software to remove the problematic file.

IMPORTANT! First of all, you need to check whether the file is running in the task manager. Right-click on the taskbar and select the appropriate item in the context menu. Now look through the list, in case there is a problematic file there. If you find the file you need, right-click on it and select “end process.”

Delete a file using standard Windows services

The screenshot above is an example where a file is not deleted because it is already in use. By clicking on the “Details” tab, you can find out what exactly this file is doing. This could be "explorer.exe" or another application. Your job is to terminate the process to free the file. In general, you can read more about the task manager in this article.

For example, you can take a torrent file. You will not be able to get rid of it while the program is running and this torrent is being distributed. This also applies to disk images. They cannot be mounted without using special applications. If you cannot remove the ISO image, then check if you have DaemonTools open.

And don't forget to check the task manager for a file that doesn't want to be deleted on its own. You can get to the dispatcher using simple key combinations:

For Windows 10 and 8 – press “Win+X”, in the menu that appears you need to select the task manager.

For Windows 7 and XP, you can get to the task manager by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Del combination or through the taskbar.

Let's look at how to delete undeletable files using special applications.

In some cases, simply restarting the computer can solve the problem. Complete this step and then try deleting the problematic file again. Did your efforts not bring the desired result? Then we move on to special programs that are designed to remove problematic folders and files.

Unlocker program

Let's start with the most popular and simple application for deleting files. The program can even remove a file that is occupied by another process. I recommend downloading unlocker from the official website – http://unlocker-ru.com/

By the way, if your antivirus starts to complain, just close it. Recently, the official website of this program began to be flagged as malicious - watch the installation carefully, the program will offer you to install various services from mail.ru. I recommend that you stop installing unnecessary intrusive utilities.

Even a novice user can use the application. Once installed, you don't need to run anything. We select the problematic file, right-click on it - now a new “Unlocker” item will appear in the context menu. Click on the button and wait for the program to delete the element.

If you downloaded the portable version, which is also in the download list, then you need to run it on your computer. A window will open in which you need to select a file or an entire directory to delete. The principle of operation of the application is quite simple: unlocker unloads the file from the memory of the processes that use it. Unlocker allows you to get rid of even those files whose processes are not displayed in the task manager.

Deadlock program

If you don't like Unlocker or the third-party software it tries to install on your computer, then you should try DeadLock. This application also allows you to delete or unlock a file. Unlike Unlocker, here you need to run the program to delete files. You can download DeadLock from this link http://codedead.com/?page_id=822

Go to the application and go to the “File” tab. Here you need to select a file that refuses to be deleted using standard methods. Having added it to the list, you can proceed to unlocking (Unlock) or removing (Remove). The special thing about DeadLock is that you can move the problematic file to another directory.

Despite the fact that the program is currently only available in English, working with it is as simple as possible. As for the shortcomings, these include the lack of tools in the context menu, as is done in Unlocker.

So, to summarize today’s article “How to delete undeletable files”, it should be said that you should not forget that you can only fully work with files with administrator rights. If you are logged in as a user who has guest status, the operating system will tell you that you do not have enough permissions to perform this action. In this case, try logging in as a user with administrator rights and performing the deletion again. Also, do not forget to check whether this file refers to system elements.

When deleting some files through the OS, a notification appears that the operation cannot be completed because the file is in use by another program. Next, you will learn why this happens and what tools you can use to successfully remove unnecessary files.

Description of the problem

If you open a certain file of a registered type in the corresponding program, for example, text editor or music player, it cannot be deleted simply by switching from the editor to Explorer and clicking “Delete”. The operating system will not allow erasure of data that is used directly in at the moment in PC operation. In this case, one process (run by the user) tries to erase the file from the storage medium, and another process (run operating system or another program) blocks the deletion operation, believing that this will lead to a malfunction or some other problem.

In fact, each of these processes is important and necessary, but it happens that the file to be deleted is not opened by any program, and at the same time the OS does not allow it to be deleted. As a rule, this is due to the following reasons:

  • Incorrect closing of a file by the program or incorrect termination of the program itself in the last session of its operation.
  • A virus has entered the PC, and when trying to remove the infected program or the virus itself, it tries to defend itself, not allowing itself to be easily eliminated.
  • The OS believes that some other user is currently working with the file - either from the same PC, or via local network. Whether this is actually the case may be unknown, or it may even be known that there is and cannot be any other user. But in any case it is impossible to delete such a file.
Below we will look at several ways in which you can solve the problem of undeletable files.

Simple removal methods

Initially, we suggest you use simple methods solutions to the problem (listed in order of speed):
  • Reboot PC. Oddly enough, quite often it is this simple measure that allows you to shut down all OS processes and then successfully delete an unnecessary file.
  • Try renaming the file, if you succeed, then try deleting it (don’t forget to copy this file in advance if you may need it in the future).
  • Transfer the file to another logical drive/flash drive. If it works, delete it from a new location.
  • Check the file attributes (they can be changed in the context menu"Properties"). Clear the "read-only", "hidden", "system", "archive" attributes and try to delete again.
  • Check the date the file was created and last modified. If it is clearly inadequate (according to the OS, the file was created in 1980 or was last modified in 2060), try changing the date to a realistic one and delete it.
  • If this file is typical and can be changed (for example, text in a format for “Word”), try opening it in a program appropriate for the file type, somehow changing the contents, saving the data already in new version, close the program and try to uninstall again. The same method can work with non-standard files, but the likelihood of a successful outcome is reduced.
A fairly simple method for deleting “busy” files and folders using the “Resource Monitor” and stopping the blocking process is described in a short, understandable video:

What should I do if I can't delete a file/folder due to permissions?

No access to file/folder. To delete this file/folder, you need to have “Administrator” rights - if such notifications appear when you try to delete a file/folder, you need to reconfigure the access rights. To do this, you will have to do the following manipulations (example of deleting a folder):
  • Right-click on the folder, select “Properties” - “Security” - “Advanced”.
  • In the “Owner” line, change the user to the one under which you are currently working in the system. To do this, you can click “Check names”, then check the box “Replace owner of subcontainers and objects” and click “OK”.
  • The window “ Windows Security" and for some time the OS will do a "Change of Ownership". Next, the PC will ask: “Do you want to change the permissions for this folder so that you have full access rights?” Answer - “Yes”.
  • Next, we again see the “Properties” window, the “Security” tab. Click the “Change” button with a shield drawn, that is, we will just change our access rights to this folder, including the right to delete. For each user, put a checkmark in the top line “Full access” and “OK”.
  • You will have to wait for some period of time, now your access rights to the folder and objects inside it will change. Don’t forget to uncheck the “Read Only” option in the “General” properties tab and confirm this attribute change.

After a short wait, you can usually safely delete the folder. If Windows asks for access rights again, try repeating the described procedure.

All manipulations for deleting a locked folder or file can be seen in the video:

What programs can delete undeletable files?

If none of the above methods helped, then in such a situation you already have to use tools to delete files.


One of the most popular tools in the CIS for deleting files that do not want to be deleted is the Unlocker program. It can be downloaded by following the link to the developer’s website: www.emptyloop.com.

Important! Old versions of Unlocker may not work on 64-bit operating systems - Windows 7, 8, 10. Do not download old versions on unknown sites where the content has not been updated for a long time.

There are both installable (built into the operating system) and “portable” versions. Each version has its own minor advantages and disadvantages, but for one-time removal, the portable version is recommended. However, if you regularly experience problems with deleting files, then it is better to install Unlocker.

During installation, it is possible to install Unlocker Assistant. This assistant program is constantly visible in the “Taskbar” and will be automatically launched in cases where problems with uninstallation arise.

Working with the portable version of the program is very simple:

  • Launch Unlocker.
  • Select the desired file in the window that opens, and you will see processes that do not allow you to delete it. These are “blocking descriptors”.
  • At the bottom left you can select action options - delete, unblock, transfer.
The principle of using the installed version is almost identical:

Agree and reboot.

Unlocker analogs

Unfortunately, official support for Unlocker has ended on Windows 7 (which usually does not prevent it from working normally under later versions of the OS), but for trouble-free operation under Windows 8 and Windows 10 it is better to use IObit Unlocker. The interface is very similar, Russified and generally does not cause any difficulties.


Unlike the previous program, this one must be launched on the computer in order to perform the removal the desired file. You can download the application from the link: http://codedead.com/?page_id=822

Instructions for using the program:

  • Open the application and go to the “File” tab.
  • Select the file to be deleted.
  • Right-click on the file, then select “Unlock” or “Remove”.

The disadvantage of this program is that it only supports an English-language interface.

Using Live-CD or Live-flash

A radical way to get rid of an unnecessary file is to start the operating system not with hard drive your PC, but from Live-CD or Live-flash. But for this you need at least the Live-CD itself plus a disk drive for it. It’s better if you have Live-flash (the same thing, but on a flash drive, you don’t need a disk drive), a USB port is enough here:
  • Insert the Live media into the PC, boot from it (you may need to enter the BIOS).
  • Find the stubborn file on your HDD and erase it. The OS from the Live media will not object in any case, since for it any file on your PC is a foreign body.
  • Turn off your PC, remove the Live media, and boot your computer. The previously undeletable file will be deleted.
Unsure users should avoid this method in favor of using the special programs described above.

How to remove uninstallable programs

Some companies make it so that after installing their programs, your PC ends up with some additional programs that are completely unnecessary for you, and you did not give conscious consent to their installation. If you cannot remove such programs from the “Programs and Features” list using standard tools along the following path: “Start” - “Properties” - “Programs” - “Uninstall a program”, uninstaller programs will come to the rescue:
  • Revo Uninstaller Pro is one of the most popular programs for removing other programs. Russified. Completely removes all references to the software being removed not only from the disk, but also from the registry. There is startup control; irrevocably erases not only programs, but also unnecessary files; clears browser histories (not all, you can check by version) and document histories in MS Office; is automatically updated. The unique “hunter mode” allows you to find and remove a program that is not listed in the list of programs.
  • IObit Uninstaller Free – Removes the entire package associated with the unwanted program. In addition, it has a forced removal function, which helps remove the most stubborn programs. Allows you to “roll back” Windows updates. Disables browser extensions and plugins. Creates a list installed programs and saves it to a file. Keeps a history of its work (uninstalling programs).
  • Advanced Uninstaller Pro. Removes cookies and customizes toolbars in browsers. Optimizes the registry file. There's even a font manager for Windows!
If the case turns out to be very difficult, try paid versions of uninstallers, for example, Uninstall Tool. If they didn’t help, all you have to do is contact the support service, where a qualified specialist will help you.

How to delete undeletable files from a flash drive

Most of the above methods are suitable for deleting files from a flash drive. In addition, you will always have the “last argument” in stock - full formatting. After it, there will be no files, folders, or viruses left on the flash drive.

So, if a situation arises where it is impossible to delete a file by normal means, because the operating system (more precisely, some of its visible or hidden process) believes that the files are still in operation, you can use the above instructions to successfully complete the deletion and get rid of unnecessary file.

How to delete undeletable files - TOP programs

Almost everyone Windows user, at least once in my life there was a situation when, when erasing a file or folder, it was not possible to delete it. Usually in such situations the system writes that “the file is occupied by another process” or is simply blocked.

As a rule, to solve this problem, it is enough to close the program that prevents you from deleting the file. But the system does not always provide comprehensive information about what exactly prevents a specific action from being performed, for example, deletion. And quite often there are situations when even after closing the blocking process, the file cannot be deleted.

There are many reasons why a file may be blocked by the system or some program, here are some of them:

  • Access to the file is closed by the administrator
  • The file or folder may be in use by some process
  • File sharing error, i.e. it may be occupied by another user
  • The disc is write protected, i.e. You can’t write anything to it, and you can’t delete anything.
  • And other reasons

In this article we will look at three programs for removing locked files and one way how this can be done without installing additional software

How to manually delete undeletable files

If, when deleting a file or folder, the dialog box shows information about which process or program is interfering with the completion of the operation, then you can try to close it yourself.

Undeletable file - information dialog box

But, it happens that the program may simply freeze, and to close it, you need to use the “Task Manager”. To launch it, press three keys on your keyboard at the same time - CTRL + ALT + DEL, if you have Windows 8 installed, then in the window that opens, additionally click on “Task Manager”.

Task Manager - Windows 7

Task Manager - Windows 8

For Windows XP-7, go to the “Applications” tab, sort everything by the “Task” column. Search by name the desired program, right-click on it, and select “End task” in the context menu.
In Windows 8, go to the “Processes” tab and sort everything by the “Name” column, then you need to do all the same steps as in the case of Windows XP–7, i.e. “Cancel a task” from the desired program or process.

If for Windows XP–7, this method did not work, and the program still continues to work, then go to the “Processes” tab and look there. For Windows 8 this is not necessary, because... in this version of the system, the “Processes” tab contains all the necessary information, and more detailed information can be found in the “Details” tab.

In order not to make a mistake and to close exactly the desired program, and not any system process, focus on the name and icon from the dialog box. In order to find out the exact name of the process, you can find the program shortcut on the desktop, right-click on it and select “Properties” in the context menu; in the window that opens, in the “Object” field, at the end of the line there will be the name of the process, for example , "UltraISO.exe". This is exactly what you will need to look for.

This method does not always work and a file that cannot be deleted may still be blocked; it is in these cases that you should use special programs for such purposes.


The most popular utility for working with files and folders that are locked by any programs or system processes. The program works in Russian and allows you to perform a number of actions with blocked elements: deleting, renaming and moving.

How to use Unlocker

Let's look at how the utility works using a live example. Let's say we want to delete an .mp3 file already running in the AIMP program. Of course, after we try to do this, the system will show in a dialog box information that the operation cannot be performed because this file is already in use.

Click to enlarge

After installation, in order to launch the utility, you need to right-click on the non-deletable file and select “Unlocker” in the context menu.

A utility dialog box will open showing the blocking processes. If you click “Unblock” or “Unblock all”, then the program will not close, but will simply stop interfering with deletion, but if you click on “Delete process”, then accordingly it will already be closed. You can also immediately select the “Delete” option.
If problems arise while performing these operations, the utility will prompt you to reboot the system in order to carry out the operation before it boots.

Utility window

Free File Unlocker

The program also works in Russian and the principle of its operation is no different from Unlocker. If for some reason the same Unlocker refuses to work on a 64-bit version of Windows 8, then Free File Unlocker will work without problems. The program is very easy to use and also integrates into Explorer.

How to use Free File Unlocker

This time, let's take a running Word document as an example.

Also, right-click on the file that cannot be deleted, but this time select “Unlock with FreeFileUnlocker” in the context menu.

Program window

The utility interface is quite easy to understand; the dialog box displays a lot of information about the blocking process; you can also close it or unblock the element itself from it.

IObit Unlocker

Like the two programs described above, IObit Unlocker is in Russian and, according to the principle of its operation, is not very different from its colleagues.


In conclusion

Now you have learned how to delete undeletable files. You should always have programs to accomplish these goals in your arsenal, firstly, it will help get rid of excess garbage in the system, and secondly, it will help you avoid the headache - “how can I delete this unfortunate file?”

Users personal computers often encounter files that cannot be deleted using OS tools. Such data is blocked by residual program processes. The system assumes that the document is still in use, when in fact the application that used it has already been closed. How to delete an undeletable file? Information about this is further in the material.

IMPORTANT: Before deleting a blocked document, you must make sure that it has nothing to do with the system. Changing system elements (which are blocked) will lead to problems with the OS. Up to complete loss of performance.

Special programs (utilities) will help you remove the blocking. The majority of such programs allow you not only to delete blocked data, but also to monitor the processes that impose this blocking.

Five programs stand out among other similar software: Unlocker, FileASSASIN, LockHunter, Free File Unlocker and IObit Unlocker. Their descriptions will be given below. Now let's look at ways to get rid of blocked data without using programs.

Before using the utility to unlock the object, or if you do not have access to it, you can try to remove it manually. There are three ways to do this - task manager, system safe mode and editing the system registry.

This quick way terminate the process that is interfering with the deletion of the file, but it only works when it is known which specific process is interfering. For example, we have a video that has just been viewed in the player. After viewing it, it must be deleted, but the system displays a message that the file is occupied by another process and cannot be deleted (although the player is closed).

To remove such a block, you will need to open the task manager. This can be done using the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Escape.

In the manager window there will be a “Processes” tab. In the list of processes you need to find the one that is responsible for the mentioned player. Select it and click “End Process”. After these manipulations, the document should be deleted without any problems. If this does not happen, then the problem is deeper.

Cleaning the system registry

Sometimes processes remain in the system registry. Editing it manually without special knowledge is a dangerous business. You can inadvertently delete important elements, which will have a detrimental effect on the operation of the entire system.

There are also special utilities for cleaning the registry. The most common among them CCleaner. Easy-to-use software allows you to effectively clean system registry without any consequences.

If after using CCleaner the object is still not deleted, you can resort to help special utilities, which will be discussed further.

Removal in OS safe mode

Undeletable files can be deleted in another way - by booting the OS in safe mode. It only loads essential services and processes, so there is a good chance that the blocking process will not be loaded.

To enter safe mode, you must do the following:

  • Turn on the computer;
  • Before the OS starts loading, press F8;
  • In the startup menu, select “Safe Mode”;
  • Confirm launch in the specified mode.

Next, the system will boot with support for only basic services. Working with the conductor is still available. All that remains is to find and try to delete the unnecessary document. If it is not removed even from safe mode, then you will need a program to delete undeletable files.

Programs for removing undeletable files

To help PC users, special programs have been developed that allow you to unlock data involved in background processes. With their help, you can delete, move and rename problematic documents.

Among the many similar utilities, we can highlight the top five with optimal parameters. Familiarization with this list will allow you to choose which program to delete undeletable files.

FileASSASIN is a freely distributed utility

The utility is distributed as free software, which means you do not have to pay to download or use it.

A simple and effective tool for dealing with undeletable files. The inability to remove an item is a sign of malware. FileASSASIN allows you to get rid of such data without any problems.

There are two ways to delete files using FileASSASIN: instant disposal or deletion upon system reboot. The second option is useful when there is no time or an important long-term process is taking place on the computer. To deal with an unwanted file, just drag it into the input line or specify the path to it through Explorer.

FileASSASIN is good software, but it has two significant drawbacks. Firstly: no one bothered to localize the utility into Russian. The interface is only available in English. This circumstance is compensated by ease of use. Secondly: work on the project has stopped. Latest update published in 2007. But not all users work with the latest software and equipment, so FileASSASIN is still in demand.

Before deleting a non-deletable folder, it is better to install another utility, because FileASSASIN does not have such a function.

Free File Unlocker - free software that integrates with Windows

The software is absolutely free. Free File Unlocker works with everyone Windows versions. The degree of integration with the operating system is generally excellent. Firstly: the software is built into Explorer and becomes available from the menu by right-clicking on the file.

Secondly, Free File Unlocker can be called from the command line, which speeds up the pace of working with it. The utility allows you to delete not only blocked data, but also processes that are responsible for the lack of access. You can perform any actions on unlocked files (rename, copy, move). In addition, it is better to trust this utility to delete undeletable folders.

Integration with the operating system occurs through Explorer and the ability to work on the command line. Significantly increases ease of use and the presence of a portable version.

Free File Unlocker has the same drawback as the previous software - the lack of Russian localization of the interface. However, the principles of working with it are intuitive, so even Russian-speaking users who do not speak English should not have any problems.

IObit Unlocker is a simple and powerful tool

System messages like “Access denied” will no longer prevent you from getting rid of an unnecessary file.

IObit Unlocker is a simple and powerful tool for overcoming difficulties with deleted files. A small program allows you to unlock a file and move, rename or even delete it.

The application is supported by major versions of Windows 7 and 8. The utility is available for free download. In addition, it was marked with special ratings from CHIP magazine and the Softpedia portal. The interface is extremely simple. You can add data for processing by simply dragging and dropping or adding a path through the explorer.

IObit Unlocker can remove blocking processes along with the file. The main thing is not to try to delete system data. Critical data is protected by the system from being deleted. Therefore, when dealing with another non-deletable document, you need to make sure that it is definitely not related to important system data.

LockHunter is the best informative utility for deleting folders

The most informative utility. By clicking the “What is blocking this file?” button integrated into the explorer. the software provides comprehensive information on processes blocking access to the file. In addition, LockHunter – best program to delete undeletable folders.

Once they are detected, you can begin to remove them. After getting rid of unwanted processes, the previously locked object can be deleted.

The peculiarity of IObit Unlocker is that the deleted data is sent to the “trash” and can be restored. This increases the safety of working with it, since erroneously deleted system data can be painlessly restored.

Main functional features of the program:

  • Display information about blocking processes;
  • The ability to stop (not delete) the process that is blocking access;
  • Complete and irrevocable cessation of the mentioned process;
  • Combination with OS Explorer and the ability to access from the context menu by right click.

The software successfully integrates with the OS Explorer, but operation via the command line is not supported. IObit Unlocker allows you to successfully get rid of locked data in both 32-bit and 64-bit OSes bit versions. In addition, the unlocker is distributed free of charge.

Unlocker is a popular free utility

You can delete undeletable files using unlocker. His functionality help out in the following situations:

  • When it is necessary to delete an object or directory that is occupied by third-party applications;
  • If necessary, delete a document to which access is prohibited;
  • When a message appears about a full, protected or inaccessible disk;
  • If you need to delete a document that is in sharing with other system users;
  • In other similar situations.

With the help of Unlocker you can successfully fight not only blocking, but also malicious software. Virus programs protect their components from destruction in a similar way. Unlocker helps to overcome this protection.

The utility is free, so it is widely used among experienced users. “Gentleman's sets” of programs of many specialists also cannot do without Unlocker. It is built into the OS explorer. There is a special “assistant” that keeps the program active constantly and allows you to quickly call it from the system tray.

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