Ping disappears in tanks, what should I do? How to lower ping in World of Tanks? Detailed instructions

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The enjoyment of the game can sometimes be overshadowed by the fact that certain important indicators do not correspond to the desired values. Very often the question arises, how to lower the ping in World of Tanks? If you do this, you can significantly reduce the number of game lags, increase FPS, and also the map loading speed.

It’s worth starting with the main question, which has long been painful for thousands of players - why is Wold of Tanks so buggy and slow? There are many answers you can give here: outdated and weak components on your computer, incorrect software settings, etc. If problems with technical equipment can be solved with a serious upgrade, then the second option cannot be called as simple. It is worth considering in more detail.

Introductory information

So, if we talk about World of Tanks, then it’s worth first describing the main nuances associated with the game. As you know, any game is characterized by a couple of important parameters - FPS and ping. During combat in World of Tanks, both of these parameters are visible in the upper left corner.

The parameter hides frames per second. IN in this case everything is very simple: the higher the FPS value, the better it is for the games and the player. The ping parameter shows the time required to deliver a data packet from the server to the client and back. This value is calculated in milliseconds. In this case, the lower the number you see, the better.

Basic knowledge and preparatory work

Before you improve the gameplay in World of Tanks, the ping of the servers of which does not suit you, you need to decide whether it is even possible to optimize the game client and its entire environment so that the result is maximum performance. Evaluate the system parameters of your computer: to do this, call context menu“Computer” shortcut, in which select properties. You will be presented with indicators that you must carefully compare with those recommended by the game developers. This is the only way to reduce ping World of Tanks.

The official website of the game describes the following minimum system requirements:

  1. Computer operation running Windows XP/7/Vista.
  2. Processor frequency: 2.2 gigahertz.
  3. Volume RAM 2 gigabytes.
  4. Availability of a video adapter with 256 megabytes of RAM.
  5. Free space on the hard drive - 3.5 gigabytes.
  6. Access to the Internet with a speed of 128 kilobits per second.

If your computer has system readings that are below the minimum, then to change performance for the better you cannot do without a serious upgrade. First, you will need to purchase new components, and only then you can play.

Drivers and software

If you love World of Tanks, you can sometimes lower your ping by updating all drivers to the latest versions, which allows you to improve the performance of the operating system, as well as all applications. We recommend starting directly with updating your PC video adapter drivers. It is important to understand that you should download them exclusively from the official website of the developer company involved in the production of your components. On third-party resources you can easily pick up some malicious virus for your system. It is also necessary to update the versions of DirectX and Microsoft.Net Framework. After this, you can move on to the next stage.

Game client optimization

If we are considering the question of how to lower the ping in World of Tanks, then it is worth moving on to the optimization process. If the game on your computer slows down a lot, then you should do this. In the settings of the game itself, lower the options related to graphics. There is such a program as WoT Tweaker, which is designed to disable unnecessary effects.

Not long ago, a very interesting piece of advice appeared on the official website of the WoT game, allowing you to significantly increase gaming performance. If your computer does not have Windows XP installed, you should run command line with administrative rights. First, click “Start” and enter the word cmd in the search field. When a black icon with the corresponding inscription appears in front of you, you must right click mouse click on it, and in the menu that opens, select the option. A window will open in which you must enter something without quotes: bcdedit / set increaseuserva *, where the amount of RAM on your computer should be indicated in the place of the star. This command will limit the memory used by applications. The developers recommended entering a number less than the actual value. For example, for a system with four gigabytes you should enter the number 3072, and for a system with two - 1792. After applying the command, you should be sure to restart your computer. To return to initial state and deleting the setting, you will need to enter the same command on the command line, but this time without numerical value. These manipulations will necessarily increase your FPS.

Ping optimization

If the ping in your World of Tanks varies within 10-100 milliseconds, then you will not be able to improve this indicator, and there is no point, since such numbers are considered the norm. And when the value of this parameter goes beyond 100, there is already something to work with, that is, you can use certain tricks to reduce it. The problem is often hidden in the Internet connection you are currently using. For example, if you use satellite or mobile 3G Internet, then you should be prepared for a fairly high latency. If you change your provider and can get access to broadband Internet, that will be just fine.

So, the question of how to lower the ping in World of Tanks is still relevant. Some use special program a German development called CFosSpeed, which allows you to solve this problem. With the help of this software it is possible to correct ping and also increase throughput.

Using simple programs

If you are concerned about how to lower the ping in World of Tanks, then you can use a program such as WoT Ping Server. With its help, you can determine the server that will communicate with your computer at the minimum speed. Usually this useful program makes the life of players a lot easier, but if in your case it turned out to be not so useful, then World of Tanks is possible in other ways.

Working with the registry

You should find a command line in the system menu, where you should enter the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\. This file contains the interface that makes your Internet connection work. Continue on. In the field on the right, right-click and create a “DWORD” string. It should be called “TcpAckFrequency”. Now right-click on it again, change it, check the box and write one. After restarting the computer, the ping should decrease.

Now it’s time to figure out how it works. TcpAckFrequency is designed to determine the sending frequency that acknowledges messages. If you have one registered there, then within 200 milliseconds a confirmation will come. When the connection is configured to transfer large amounts of data, it makes sense to increase the value so that the load is reduced. With only one, small game files will work just fine. The result of this is that the game speeds up several times, but the overall Internet connection may become 5-10% worse, that is, slower. And here the choice is up to the user: reduce the ping in the game or tolerate slow data transfer.

Now you know how to lower the ping in World of Tanks.

In the World of Tanks game, there are two most important parameters that are responsible for the speed and comfort of the game, as well as the absence of lags - ping and . If everything is more or less clear with the number of frames per second, usually everything is decided by the client settings and computer performance, then with ping everything is not so clear. So now we will look at this topic in as much detail as possible and make your game more comfortable by lowering the ping to the optimal value.

What is ping in World of Tanks?

Ping in any online game, including World of Tanks, is the time it takes for data to travel from the server to the client, that is, to you and back. This time is measured in milliseconds and the lower the indicator, the faster the data transfer is, the smoother the gameplay is.
In World of Tanks, you have the opportunity to track your ping rate, as its value is constantly displayed during battle in the upper left corner of the screen, as shown in the screenshot.

As you can see, the ping value is now quite low, only 25 milliseconds. This indicator is considered very good, and in general, if the time for transmitting packet data from you to the server and vice versa does not exceed 100-130 milliseconds (the less, the better), there should be no lags in the game.

Servers and ping increase

Now that you have learned what ping is and the conditions for its changes, let’s consider why your ping in the game may increase, and how to prevent this from happening.

First of all, I would like to say that the data transfer speed directly depends on how far away the World of Tanks server you are playing on is located. Regarding the RU-zone servers themselves, they have the following location:
RU-1 - Moscow (Russia);
RU-2 - Moscow (Russia);
RU-3 - Frankfurt (Germany);
RU-4 - Ekaterinburg (Russia);
RU-5,6,7 - Moscow (Russia);
RU-8 - Krasnoyarsk - (Russia);
RU-9 - Khabarovsk (Russia).
RU-10 - Pavlodar (Kazakhstan)

It follows that the closer to a certain server you live, the higher the ping rate and packet data transfer rate will be. This means that if, say, you live in Ukraine or Belarus, it is best to choose Moscow servers for the game, the same applies to residents of St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Saratov, and so on.

For example, for residents of Kazakhstan (Astana sector) or Russian regions of Novosibirsk, best choice there will be RU-8, since it is located in Krasnoyarsk, which is quite close. But just recently the RU-10 server was launched, which is located in Pavlodar, so the choice of server for residents of Kazakhstan became more obvious.

As for residents of the northeast of Russia, for example, Yakutsk or Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the optimal choice for them would be the RU-9 server, located in Khabarovsk.

The RU-3 server, located in Frankfurt, is aimed more at residents of European regions who want to play in the Russian-language cluster without experiencing any inconvenience.

Internet speed

Another factor high ping in World of Tanks is your Internet connection speed. The fact is that if your provider or current tariff does not allow you to receive and send packet data quickly enough, your game will slow down. Even if you are in Moscow and playing on the RU-2 server, but you have a slow Internet, the ping can increase greatly and be unstable.

There can be several solutions to this situation:
1. Change your provider or upgrade to a higher speed tariff. This is the most correct and radical solution, which, if it does not solve all your problems, will certainly improve the situation for the better.
2. Check your traffic load and while playing, disable services and programs that eat up your speed. This could be all kinds of downloads on torrents, running videos or music for playing online, perhaps even an antivirus.
3. Dig into the game settings and reduce the graphics in the client. This will partially reduce the load, because the higher the graphics settings, the more complex processes the computer processes and the larger packages of files have to be transferred. You can also download and install the WoT Tweaker modification, and use it to disable some graphic effects.

If after these adjustments the ping in World of Tanks remains very high, you can take other actions.

Other ways to lower ping

You can lower the ping in the game by using third-party software ( software). That is, install programs that in some ways partially help you cope with your data transfer speed problem.

The first and simplest of these programs is WOT Pinger, a special software that allows you to track ping to World of Tanks servers. The fact is that the load on the server also affects its performance, and even sitting in Moscow and playing on RU-2, the ping on it may not be the best, and switching to the RU-6 server will bear fruit.

Another solution to the problem is the cFosSpeed ​​program. It has nothing in common with the previous software and acts completely differently. cFosSpeed ​​allows you to prioritize traffic absorption. In other words, when correct settings you can make sure that the highest priority is given to the World of Tanks game, and if the traffic sags, all resources will go directly to the tanks so that the ping remains optimally low and stable.

Setting up the program takes place in several steps:
1. Download and install cFosSpeed ​​on your computer;
2. Now launch the program and find its icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. Right-click on it and go to “Options” - “Settings”.

3. In the program settings window that opens, go to the very bottom and check the bottom two checkboxes, as shown in the screenshot below.

4. Now, in the same settings window, pay attention to the left side of the window, highlighted in blue, and select “Programs” - “Games” there. In the game directory, you need to find two World of Tanks inscriptions and move the sliders next to them as far as possible to the right, as shown in the screenshot.

5. Stayed last step. Close “General Settings” of cFosSpeed ​​and again right-click on the program icon in the tray near the clock and select “Traffic Prioritization”. In it, check the boxes next to the “Minimum ping” and “Enable traffic prioritization” items. After all these settings, the ping in World of Tanks should drop several times.

At this point, we can close the topic of lowering ping, since if not one of these tips helps you, then all of them together should give a good result, and you will be able to play with low ping and high comfort.

The World of Tanks game is in many ratings, and quite often players have problems with the connection speed to the game. Using this article, you can lower the ping in the WoT game, which will reduce the number of lags and significantly speed up the loading of maps and FPS.

Let's start with the main question that plagues many players - why WoT lags so much:

  • Incorrectly configured software
  • Old or unidentified firewood
  • Weak iron

In the final case, only updating the hardware of your system unit will help you; in the second case, we advise you to go to the website of the manufacturers of the video card, processor, motherboard and download latest versions drivers. But we will look at the first case in more detail, since here lies the main thorn with a high ping.

Basic knowledge

If the ping fluctuates between 10 and 100 ms, this is a normal indicator and there is no way to make it lower. But if the ping is more than 100, then you should play around and lower it for a more comfortable game.

The problem with ping may be in the Internet connection itself. In case of using 3G or mobile internet, satellite internet also causes increased latency. Another reason for high ping is the remote location from the main Internet line, in which case the ping will be high all the time. As an option, you can change your provider.

How to increase bandwidth and adjust ping

Most often, online game players use the German program CFosSpeed, which helps reduce server connection latency.

Another option for improved connection with WoT server- Wot Ping Server program. Let's look at both options.

Wot Ping Server

Install the program and determine the server that has the minimum ping with you. Go to this server.

If it has a ping of more than a hundred, use the following method:

Click Start and type “regedit” in the task run/search bar.

Find in the registry directory Services - TCP-IP - Parameters - Interfaces

Find the interface that is responsible for the Internet. If you don’t know which one you need, right-click in the field on the right and create a DWORD line, call it TcpAckFrequency. Then right-click on it and select edit. Set the value to 1 and the hexadecimal checkbox.

Restart your computer.

As a result, the ping should be reduced by half due to packet loss. Please note that this will make surfing the Internet somewhat slower.


Download the driver program. Confirm installation.

After logging into the program, configure the traffic priority. To do this, right-click on the tray icon and select “Settings” from the menu.

Set MTU to "Automatic" mode

From the list, select the game .exe file, by default it is called WorldofTanks.exe, set its priority to maximum.

If you need audio chat, set priority for it in a similar way.

The first option must be used when the ping is high, since your Data Center may be located in another country, so the default ping may not always be optimal. The option of replacing the registry file is the best, but for those who do not understand the registry system, it is better not to touch it. Well, the third option will help few people, except perhaps those who have poor Internet speed.

Let's touch on the question of how to lower the ping between the client and server in the game World of Tanks.

To begin with - a small educational program. Ping is the exchange of packets between the game client and the server. The client is your computer. Data is exchanged between it and the server during the game, and the clarity and quality of graphics display in World of Tanks depends on the speed of information exchange.

You may have noticed more than once, especially those who have a high ping, how the game begins to glitch.

We will reduce ping using the cFosSpeed ​​program.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Download the cFosSpeed ​​program and install it on your computer. Installation is simple and fast.

You can download cFosSpeed ​​from this link.

  1. After installation, run the program, a window with the program will appear in the taskbar tray (where your clock is).
  2. Right-click on the program icon in the tray, find “Options” - “Settings”.
  1. The “General Settings” window of the program will open in front of us; we will need to scroll down to the lines “ Automatic optimization MSS (MTU)" and "Strict RTP check".

We do this as follows: uncheck the “Strict RTP check” option and check the “Automatic MSS (MTU) optimization” parameter.

  1. In the same settings window, in the left panel, select “Programs” - “Games”, scroll the slider down to the line “World of Tanks”.

You will find two inscriptions at the bottom: “World of Tanks (worldoftanks.exe)” and “World Of Tanks Launcher (wotlauncher.exe)”. To the right of them are sliders labeled “High.”

So, these sliders need to be moved even further to the right until the label changes to “Highest” for these two lines.

  1. Next, close the window with “General Settings”, go back to the tray taskbar, right-click on the program icon, find the line “Traffic prioritization”. You need to check two boxes in the settings: “Enable traffic prioritization” and “Minimum ping”.

The “Traffic prioritization” line must be checked every time before starting World of Tanks.

The program reduces ping by about 1.2 - 2 times, it all depends on the specific user’s network, method of connecting to the Internet, etc., for example, if you are using a 3G modem or cable.

The main factor that affects ping is the way you connect to the Internet.

The worst ping rates occur on a 3G connection (3G modems in the form of flash drives from various operators cellular communication). There the ping rises from 110 to 300 ms.

A little better - Internet via an IDSL modem; after installing cFosSpeed, the ping remains at 25 - 50 ms.

The best connection is fiber optic. There are practically no delays, the game flies thanks to a direct connection to the Internet.

Let's talk about a very important parameter of any network game - ping. In particular, about how to lower it, as well as how to eliminate moments when it jumps or goes off scale to 999.

Ping (English - Ping), which will be discussed, is an indicator transmission speed of data packets from your PC to the server, and back. Now let’s explain it in plain English so that everyone understands what we’re talking about.

For example, you decided to shoot at an enemy and pressed the shoot button. The data of your action, in this case a shot, is sent to the server, where your shot is recorded and synchronized with the server and, accordingly, with other players in battle. Next, the server’s response, or more correctly a data packet, is returned to your PC and you will learn about the success of the shot.

Ping is measured in milliseconds, so if you have this parameter in your game less than 100, then you will see almost no server latency. It’s another matter if the ping is more than 100. Then you notice that between pressing the shot button and the shot itself there is a fixed amount of time and playing becomes not so pleasant.

Afterwards, you realize that something needs to be done about it, and this is where our material comes in handy. You can see the ping in the game in the upper left corner next to the FPS indicator.

What affects ping

1. First and foremost, this game server locations. If you still don’t understand what servers have to do with it and, moreover, where they are located, let us explain. Logically, the further the server is from you, the higher the ping. To make it clearer where it is better to play, based on your region of residence, look:

  • For residents of Kazakhstan, undoubtedly, the best option would be the 10th server, since it is located in Pavlodar, and this, for a moment, is the territory of Kazakhstan
  • For Far East The best server is RU9. It is located in Khabarovsk.
  • Central Russia feels good and Moscow servers, but if you live nearby or between Yekaterinburg and Krasnoyarsk, your path lies on RU4 or RU8
  • Belarusians will be comfortable on most servers. Among them are 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th.
  • Ukrainians, by analogy with their northern neighbors, will have a good ping on Moscow servers, but the territory from central Ukraine and further to the west will feel a comfortable ping on the 3rd server, which is located in Germany in Frankfurt.

Note: The server closest to you will not always give the best ping. Much depends on the load and state of the servers.

2. Yours internet provider may cause high or unstable ping. You won’t be able to solve this problem on a computer, but if the ping situation doesn’t suit you and it’s completely unbearable to play, the only solution is to talk to your provider or change it completely.

3. The network card may be causing ping problems. Among the most common:

  • Outdated network card
  • Incorrect connection to the computer board
  • External damage.

Note: In general, if the problem is network card, you will experience problems not only with the ping in the game, but also with the Internet connection in general when browsing the web.

Now let’s move on to the main part - eliminating high ping and eliminating its spikes. We'll start with the simplest, most banal, but still... current methods, and we’ll end with complex and more effective ones. Let's go.

Wot Pinger

This program will not reduce your ping, but with its help you will be able to more correctly choose a server for the game. It happens that the server that was once the most comfortable for you ceases to be so and, accordingly, the ping on it fluctuates or simply increases. The reason may be its workload or problems. It is for such situations that WotPinger will serve.

By clicking on the “Ping” button, the program measures the ping for each server and, after about 10 seconds, you will see the results in the right column. Under the list of all servers, the program itself will offer you the best option in choosing a server, based on the lowest ping value.

In principle, this functionality is already implemented in the game itself (displayed when logging into the server), but perhaps you will like this method of checking ping more.

Downgrade graphics

It sounds funny, but on some PCs this method actually works. The fact is that the higher quality the picture, the more information the data packet sent to the server will contain. Accordingly, the travel time to the server and back will be lower on configurations with lower graphics.

If graphics settings are not very important to you, then you can experiment with this method and, perhaps, the ping value will become more comfortable. In practice, different results were achieved, but You shouldn’t expect a decrease of more than 5%.

Programs that consume the Internet

Turn off all programs that consume the Internet. These include:

  1. Skype and analogues. Active use of the same Skype “eats” the Internet. If you are used to chatting with your squadmate while playing, and you don’t like the game connection, then try installing something easier. A striking example is Team Speak. It does not load the network so much and the connection in it is by no means worse than that of Skype.
  2. µTorrent. Check if your torrent has any activity. Disable all distributions and, especially, downloads of any files. The best option would be to disable it completely.
  3. Browser. Playing media files and, in general, any sites where a flash player is used consumes the Internet. It’s better to turn off your browser while playing tanks, but if you like to play with music, then it’s better to download your favorite tracks to your computer and play directly from it.
  4. Windows Update. A useful function for a computer, but very unpleasant in terms of eating up traffic, is a function of the operating system. Windows Update may silently and without warning begin downloading data that is needed to later update your computer's software. Check through the Task Manager to see if it is turned on, or better yet, turn it off immediately before starting the game.

Spy utilities

Few people, however, have encountered the problem of devouring the Internet. Watching anything on the Internet and, even more so, playing tanks becomes simply unbearable. Spyware They eat up your traffic and prevent you from using the Internet. Such comrades need to be removed and sometimes this is very difficult to do.

An antivirus can handle the task, and not just any, but a good one, for example Kaspersky, Avast or AVG. There are also special utilities to search and clean your PC from strangers and suspicious files and programs such as DrWeb. It takes a long time to do its job, but believe me, sometimes it finds something that many antiviruses would not find the 5th time.


This program is designed to optimize channel throughput, which entails a reduction in ping. It’s better not to delve into the principle of operation, but you need to know how to configure it correctly. In order not to copy a lot of text, we will simply leave here a link to the site where you will find detailed description program settings.

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