Telephone tapping in Belarus. How to wiretap your wife's phone - revealing the secrets How to wiretap your phone number

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It's no secret that listening to cellular networks and tracking correspondence in instant messengers is officially carried out at the state level in many countries around the world. Whether this is good or bad is the tenth question, however, state wiretapping of a mobile phone almost never results in the disclosure of confidential information, but attackers can use the data obtained in this way for personal gain: blackmail, theft, and so on. That is why the question of how to check a phone for wiretapping is relevant.

Attackers can use various tricks to carry out their plans: so-called “bugs”, virus software on the phone, “holes” in the security of mobile operators, social networks, instant messengers and more. Precisely because large quantity In such a way, it is difficult to know for sure whether the phone is being wiretapped.

How to find out if there is wiretapping

Depending on the wiretapping method, detecting what is responsible for the data “leak” can be either very simple or almost impossible. That is why you will have to act brute-force using various ways and focusing on all the signs at once.

Indirect signs of wiretapping a mobile phone

In this paragraph we will talk about how to find out whether your phone has become a target for wiretapping.

Finding and neutralizing the source of wiretapping

To begin with, it is worth highlighting the most likely method of wiretapping - malicious applications in the device’s memory. The fact is that it is much easier for attackers to embed a Trojan program into a pirated smartphone video game or other application than to bother with hacking the networks themselves. Therefore, you should find out if there are any suspicious applications in memory.

  1. Download and install a program to monitor system processes. We will use OS Monitor.
  2. Open the list of connections made by device processes.
  3. Note anything that is suspicious.
  4. Search the Internet for names. Surely you will be able to find messages from users who have encountered such a problem.

It would also be a good idea to get an antivirus, of which there are many in Google Play.

If you were unable to detect malware in the device’s memory, then proceed to the next steps.

  • Save important information from your phone to a separate drive and reset the device to factory settings. Next, you can start the smartphone by first inserting a SIM card with zero balance. Without turning on the Internet, try using a process monitoring application to track the activity of programs installed on your smartphone. The target may give itself away with suspicious activity or even an error message if you're lucky. Next, all that remains is to delete the files associated with the target process. If that doesn’t work, try searching for information specifically about your virus on the Internet.
  • If we are not talking about a virus, but about a network hack (which is unlikely, but still), then use the Eagle Security application or its equivalent. The operating principle is as follows: the program warns the user if he has connected to a fake mobile operator base station. In addition, you will be able to view a list of applications that have access to the microphone. Perhaps you will discover several culprits of wiretapping at once.

Another option is bugs for wiretapping a mobile phone. Open back cover smartphone and look for an element there that is not part of the device. It may not even be connected, but simply glued. To be sure, compare your phone with a photo from the Internet - you will find the extra part right away.


In this paragraph we will talk about how to protect your mobile phone from wiretapping using simple rules.

  • Do not download applications from third-party sources, and also be careful with applications from little-known developers from Google Play, since the likelihood of getting a virus from there is also not zero.
  • Do not give your phone to strangers.
  • Make more calls via the Internet than via mobile communications, since almost every instant messenger has a decent security system, and therefore, even after gaining access to your traffic, attackers are unlikely to be able to eavesdrop on the conversation.
  • Avoid using your neighbor's or other untrusted Wi-Fi, as attackers can use modified access points to intercept your traffic.
  • Check your smartphone regularly for viruses. For example, you can turn on the check at night, and charge your smartphone to 100% in the morning.
  • Install an activity monitoring app mobile network. For example, GSM Spy Finder detects SMS sent without the user’s knowledge, and also provides some information about the degree of network security.


Nowadays, it is very difficult to maintain the confidentiality of correspondence and conversations, since threats to the integrity of personal data come from the state, from criminals, and even from private companies - Google, FaceBook and others. Even operating systems can use the microphone of a smartphone or PC to create targeted advertising. The best way keeping the secret will be a personal conversation, but in the case of mobile communications and the Internet can only be guaranteed to be protected from intruders by strictly observing simple rules security.

Of course, few people would dare to deny the fact that most representatives of the stronger sex have such a quality as jealousy. Men are especially alarmed by the situation when their spouses go into another room to talk on a mobile phone or hang up the call in their presence. What could this behavior mean? In this case, the question of how to tap your wife’s phone suggests itself. Do not hire a private detective, since this pleasure is not cheap. How to listen to your wife's phone for free and is it possible?

Weigh the pros and cons

Before we begin to consider these issues, it is necessary to warn jealous people, because there is a secrecy of telephone conversations, therefore the fact of access to them is illegal.

You could end up facing criminal charges. In addition, the moral aspect of this matter cannot be discounted. Will you be able to calmly look into your wife's eyes when she finds out that you know about the contents of all her telephone conversations? It is very likely that your marriage will crack after this, since your missus will believe that you do not trust her at all.

However, if the moral aspect of the problem is secondary for you, and the question of how to tap your wife’s phone is the main one, then it makes no sense to stop your intentions. Unfortunately, when experiencing jealousy, a person is ready for any reckless actions.


So, what are the ways to solve the question of how to wiretap your wife’s cell phone? There are several of them.


The first of them is for informational purposes only, as it belongs to the official category. It involves direct contact with the operator cellular communications.

However, such a service is provided exclusively to representatives of law enforcement agencies, provided that they have permission from the relevant authorities. In this case, the operator must provide all statistics on outgoing and incoming calls, as well as the contents of all sent SMS messages. Let us emphasize once again that ordinary citizens cannot use this method.


Don't know how to tap your wife's phone? You can use the illegal method if you are not afraid of the consequences outlined above. The point of wiretapping in this case is to intercept the signal that comes from the mobile phone to the operator’s base station and back. It must be taken into account that from a financial point of view this method is considered quite expensive, since it will be necessary to purchase special equipment. And yet, in deciding how to wiretap a phone, a huge number of people use it. Why?

Firstly, there is no direct contact with mobile operator, and secondly, the likelihood that the wife will find out that she is being tested using such a sophisticated method is minimized.

However, it is necessary to mention the disadvantages of the above method. The fact is that its range is limited - only 300 meters from the phone being tapped. In addition, it must be taken into account that mobile operator can change the encoding of the transmitted signals, in which case the efficiency of your eavesdropping equipment will be zero.


However, there is another solution to the question of wives. To do this, you will need so-called “spyware” software, which is installed discreetly into the cellular device. This know-how works on the principle of conference calling. During conversations, it quietly involves a third party in the communication process and duplicates it to another number, which is specified in advance.

The disadvantages of this wiretapping method include the fact that an individual program algorithm must be created for each model of mobile device. Moreover, it is imperative to establish direct contact with the listening device.

Internet to help

Today, many are interested in how you can listen to your wife’s phone without paying a penny. Unfortunately, free cheese can only be in a mousetrap. At the same time, you can find free version spyware, but be prepared for the fact that it will have functional limitations. How to tap your wife's phone? It's very simple. Use the Internet.

The World Wide Web is currently simply loaded with programs that are able to function incognito on an eavesdropped phone, transmit and save the contents of telephone conversations and SMS messages, as well as determine the geographic location of an object and even photograph it with a built-in camera. Certain software allows the device to operate like a “bug”: you make a call and hear everything that happens on the “other end of the line.”

How to determine if your phone is being tapped

So, we have decided how to listen to my wife’s phone.

It would also be useful to consider the signs that may indicate that your conversations are being monitored.

The battery in your mobile device runs out quickly

If you begin to notice that your battery cell phone is always in a hot state and sits down quickly, then it is possible that you are being bugged. Be sure to check this fact with specialists.


When your phone does not respond promptly to shutdown mode or reboots chaotically, this may also indicate that the contents of your conversations are becoming known to third parties.

Uncharacteristic sounds in the device

If while communicating with your interlocutor you hear extraneous sounds, noises or unfamiliar voices, this may be a sign that your device contains spyware.


The likelihood of wiretapping may be high when you notice that a mobile device located near the “non-working” speakers is creating interference.

This is a clear sign that the spyware has become active and is broadcasting the conversation to third parties.

The connection with the interlocutor takes too long to establish

Sometimes cases arise when, having clicked on the call, you have to wait for a long time until the connection with the interlocutor occurs, and the disconnection period is also excessively prolonged. The above signs may also confirm the fact of illegal access to telephone conversations. In this case, the software requires a certain period of time to transmit the contents of the telephone conversation.

What to do if you are being bugged

If you are sure that the contents of your telephone conversations are becoming known to third parties, this is a reason to contact law enforcement agencies. The police will use special equipment to check your suspicions.

In general, if you are not sure that your other half is faithful to you, then you should resort to wiretapping her telephone conversations as a last resort. It's better to sort things out face to face. Also try not to leave your cell phone unattended for a long time and use different passwords when unlocking it.

Employees of the department for solving crimes in the field of high technologies of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the regional executive committee note that this is the first time they have encountered such a statement in their practice. Law enforcement officers found out that the man decided to track the incoming and outgoing calls of his ex-wife, for which he found a special program on the Internet that allows him to listen to other people's telephone conversations, read SMS messages, and correspondence on social networks.

The website stated that wiretapping violates the laws of almost all countries of the world and it is prohibited to use the program for secret surveillance. It was also noted there that it is not the author who bears full responsibility for use. software, namely the one who installed it. The man ignored this warning and registered on the site.

The ex-husband did not particularly hide the fact of wiretapping and boasted to his wife that he knew with whom she was corresponding. He suspected her of communicating with other men. After the woman found out about the wiretapping, she contacted the authorities, said Vadim USTINOVICH, head of the department for solving crimes in the field of high technologies of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee.

The administration of the site, whose products were used for illegal purposes, met the law enforcement authorities halfway and provided all the user details. The suspect, called in for an interview, did not deny his actions.

The case was transferred to the Investigative Committee to decide whether to initiate a criminal case. Experts do not rule out that such actions may be qualified under the article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus “Unauthorized acquisition of computer information.” A man can be punished up to restriction or imprisonment for up to two years.

Right to "surveillance"

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, everyone has the right to protection from illegal interference in his personal life, including from attacks on the privacy of his correspondence, telephone and other messages, on his honor and dignity.

At the same time, according to the Law “On Operational-Investigative Activities”, representatives of internal affairs bodies, state security agencies, border troops, the security service of the President of Belarus, customs authorities, and foreign intelligence agencies of the Ministry can carry out operational-search activities, including auditory control. defense of the Republic of Belarus. However, authorization to conduct auditory control can only be granted by district prosecutors, city districts, cities, inter-district and equivalent transport and inter-garrison military prosecutors or their deputies.

How to understand?

Be that as it may, now it is not only the special services that have the ability to listen to phones. There are spyware programs that are installed on mobile phones that allow other people, such as a competitor or a jealous spouse, to spy on you and allow parents to gain control over their child. Moreover, all such activities are illegal.

It is usually very difficult to understand whether you are being tapped, but there are certain signs that may indirectly indicate this. For example, if your phone has spyware installed, it will run out of battery very quickly. Of course, the problem may be in the device itself if it is older than a year, but it doesn’t hurt to check it for spyware.

You should be wary if your phone turns off or reboots spontaneously. If, while talking with your interlocutor, you simultaneously hear extraneous sounds, noises or other people's voices, this may also be a sign that the phone is being tapped.

If you begin to notice that when you call someone, the connection with the subscriber takes a long time, this may also be a sign of wiretapping. The point is that spyware it takes some time to “break in” to the conversation.

It should also be a cause for concern that a phone lying next to audio speakers creates interference when you are not using it.

– not just an active accessory, business man. Owners trust this device for personal and work conversations, SMS correspondence and communication using various instant messengers. The device's memory and flash card store pictures, videos and other files that are not intended for prying eyes. Therefore, it is important to take care not only not to lose your smartphone or have it stolen, but also to protect the data on it.

How do spies steal information, what malfunctions should you pay attention to, and how to check your phone for wiretapping?

How is cell phone wiretapping done?

To check if . is bugged, you need to know how hackers can connect to it. There are three ways:

1. Fraudsters will install malicious software on your phone. Thanks to wireless communications and special programs For hacking, a user of almost any level can use this method. Using certain types of viruses, criminals can steal and destroy the personal data of the smartphone owner and other information stored on the phone. Thus, the encryption system can be changed by hackers or disabled completely. Such software can get onto a gadget:

  • via MMS messages;
  • through mobile internet;
  • via Bluetooth;
  • via Wi-Fi connection;
  • when the owner connects the smartphone to the computer.

Hacker programs can turn on the microphone and the criminal will receive information while being within a radius of 100 meters from the owner of the phone.

2. Telephone wiretapping using special mobile devices. Such systems usually consist of a computer or two telephones with special modifications. Some people think that such equipment is easy to use and accessible to almost any user. This is wrong. Only a professional communications operator can handle such equipment. You will have to pay up to several hundred thousand dollars for the system.

3. This method is the most expensive. For wiretapping, special complexes are used, the price of which starts from several hundred thousand dollars. This type of equipment is sold semi-legally. It can only be serviced by signalmen with vocational education and experience. This method is used to listen to other people's conversations in real time.

Telephone wiretapping indicators

To determine wiretapping, you need to pay attention to the following 7 details:

1. The smartphone seems to “gurgle” when it is near electronics – , . Interference is natural if you are using the device at this moment. But when the phone is lying idle, there is reason to think.

2. The gadget turns on and off “on its own” and registers again on the Internet. If the user inattentively installed and configured unverified applications and programs, this situation is normal. Otherwise, the device can be controlled without the owner’s knowledge.

3. The battery should not become hot if the phone is not used for a while. Hidden running programs can overheat the battery. It is possible that they are spyware.

4. Wiretapping is indicated by the mobile screen, which does not turn off when the device is turned off. Or the phone itself cannot turn off for an unusually long time. But such failures can be the result of installing software without a license and other software errors.

5. The battery is draining faster than usual. A gradual decrease in battery capacity after a year of using the device is normal. Problems of this kind with a new phone indicate that the microphone is turned on and continuous recording of conversations.

6. In a smartphone that supports two SIM cards, an unknown operator appears, signed with several numbers.

7. An echo or crackling sound in the speaker during a conversation confirms the fact of eavesdropping.

How to find out if your phone is tapped?

If concerns about possible wiretapping cause discomfort, you can contact your service operator for help. The telephone company most likely owns line testing equipment. You should go to the police if there is evidence of espionage activity.

There are also programs for smartphones that help find out whether the current conversation is encrypted or accessible to attackers:

1. Check your phone for wiretapping using EAGLE Security FREE. The program analyzes the location and identifies stations. Useful feature– study of applications that secretly use the camera and microphone, and the ability to block access to .

2. Using Darshak, you can detect programs and applications that send text messages without the user's knowledge.

How can you listen to conversations on mobile phones, is it possible to protect yourself from this kind of attack, and how can a subscriber determine that his phone is being monitored? In light of the latest spy scandals, these issues are once again on the agenda.

Surprisingly, many market participants were unable to answer such questions - we received a full answer only from MTS Ukraine. Life:) did not respond to the request at all, and Kyivstar stated that the operator is not an expert in such matters, so they advised to contact government service representatives for comments. In addition to MTS's responses, we used information about wiretapping from open sources.

How operators protect their networks

GSM technology was initially developed and implemented taking into account the requirements of government agencies regarding the level of security. To maintain this security, most countries in the world prohibit the use and sale of powerful encryptors, scramblers, crypto equipment, as well as highly secure public communications technologies. Telecom operators themselves protect their radio channels by encryption, using quite complex algorithms for this. The choice of cryptographic algorithm is carried out at the stage of establishing a connection between the subscriber and the base station. As for the likelihood of subscriber information leaking from operators’ equipment, MTS claims that it is reduced to zero due to the complexity and controllability of access to facilities and equipment.

How can you “listen” to phones?

There are two methods of listening to subscribers - active and passive. Passive listening to a subscriber will require the use of expensive equipment and specially trained personnel. Now on the “gray” market you can buy complexes with which you can listen to subscribers within a radius of 500 meters; their cost starts from several hundred thousand euros. They look like the picture on the right. On the Internet you can easily find a description of such systems and the principle of their operation.

Manufacturers of such equipment claim that the system allows you to monitor GSM conversations in real time, based on access to the object's SIM card or the cellular operator's database. If there is no such access, then conversations can be listened to with a delay, depending on the level of encryption used by the operator. The system can also be part of a mobile complex for tracking and listening to moving objects.

The second way of eavesdropping is through active on-air interference with control and authentication protocols using special mobile systems. Such equipment, despite its apparent simplicity (in essence, it is a pair of modified phones and a computer), can cost from several tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Working with such complexes requires highly qualified service personnel in the field of communications.

The operating principle of such an attack is as follows: the mobile complex, due to its closer location to the subscriber (up to 500 m), “intercepts” signals to establish a connection and transmit data, replacing the nearest base station. In fact, the complex becomes an “intermediary” between the subscriber and the base station with all the ensuing security problems.

Having “caught” the subscriber in this way, this mobile complex can perform any function to manage the subscriber’s connection, including connecting it to any number the attackers need, installing a “weak” encryption algorithm or even canceling encryption for a given communication session, and much more.

An example of such listening is the events of the beginning of this year in the center of Kyiv. During mass protests against the Yanukovych regime, the crowd seized a car with SBU officers, from which they “wiretapped” the frequencies of the protesters’ radios and phones. What such equipment looks like can be clearly seen in the picture.

There is a third option for listening to conversations and intercepting traffic. mobile subscriber. To do this, you need to install virus software on the victim’s smartphone. When installing malicious software, attackers can “independently” choose or cancel the encryption algorithm, unauthorized transfer (or destruction) of the subscriber’s confidential information, and much more.

How to determine if your phone is being tapped

As MTS Ukraine told AIN.UA, it is possible to directly determine whether the at the moment telephone is impossible, but it is possible to obtain indirect confirmation of some probability of this. Many models are old push-button phones they even displayed a special icon (closed or open padlock), which demonstrated whether conversation encryption was currently being used or not.

Modern phones do not provide this function. However, there are special applications for smartphones that can inform the user about the configuration of the settings of the current communication session, including whether his speech is transmitted openly or using an encryption algorithm. Here are some of them:

A powerful program to protect phones from eavesdropping. It allows you to prevent connection to a false base station by checking the signatures and identifiers of base stations. In addition, it tracks the location of stations, and if a base station moves around the city or periodically disappears from its place, it is marked as suspicious and the program notifies the user about this. Using the program you can also get full list applications that have access to the phone’s microphone and video camera, and also block unwanted software from accessing the camera.

The program helps to monitor any suspicious activity on the cellular network, including SMS that are sent without the user's knowledge. The program also evaluates network security in real time, shows which algorithms are used to encrypt conversations, and much more.

Another software package that allows you to protect your smartphone from connecting to false base stations. True, it has a small drawback - the application is not available on Google Play and you will have to tinker a little with its installation.

CatcherCatcher, just like Android IMSI-Catcher Detector, allows you to distinguish a real base station from a false one.

In addition, MTS recommends using security applications, including encrypting conversations. For example, anonymous web browsers include Orbot or Orweb. There are also applications for encrypting telephone conversations, photographs, and many secure instant messengers.

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