Check your Instagram name. A memorable nickname, or How to come up with an original name on Instagram

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Nick is the calling card of an Instagram user, that element of the virtual image that interlocutors or potential subscribers first of all pay attention to.

That is why it should be bright, expressive, characteristic - communicating important information about your owner. Different versions of nicknames are possible on the network, but only original ones become really “working”, and not always complex ones. The main thing is that fictitious "usernames" are remembered and attract attention.

List of popular and simple

1) @MaRishKa_2000

3) @Svetik7cvetik

4) @Masha_krasyvaya19

7) @nusha_nyasha

14) @Gulyetta_fox

18) @candy (@konfetka)

19) @tvoya_lybimaya

20) @Letnaya_devochka

List of beautiful and unusual

1) @lebedyshka_na_volnah

2) @Slezinka_dozhdya

3) @Miloye_Zlo

4) @Ne_tvoya_Mechta

5) @Liniya_Zhizni

6) @Zolotaya_pesnya

7) @zarya_vecherom

8) @Sleduj_za_mechtoj (@sleduy_za_mnoy)

9) @SlAdKaYa_ShOkOlAdKa

10) @Gorkaya_zhelannaya

11) @oksana_Velbkolephaya

12) @povelitelniCa_Stihiy

13) @Serebristaya_Akulaaaa

14) @Blesk_AlmazoV

15) @Stremitelno_za_Toboy

16) @Umnica_Krasavica

17) @50%angela.50%demona

18) @lady_in_Black

19) @AlenYshka.iz.skazki

20) @Tropikana_girl

21) @Nochnaya_ten

22) @lesnaya_prohlada (@lesnaya_nimfa)

23) @Bmeste_i_raydom

24) @Pozovi_menya_s_Soboj

25) @Tvoya.Nezhnost

For guys and men (male nicknames for Instagram)

List of popular and simple

1) @Kirillll20052005

4) @R_R_Roman2018

5) @moguchiy_Pavel

7) @Stepa_Stepan

8) @Andrey20.03.2013

9) @OptimistVova

10) @Prosto_Best

14) @Prosto.BOSS

19) @MassivnyjGarry

21) @Hokkeist.TM

List of beautiful and unusual

1) @LyBoVHuK_LyBoVu777

2) @KoTuK_MaPToBCKuu

3) @Lezvie_zhenskih_Sredec

4) @OdinoKiy_OREL

5) @Tiranozavr_Sex

6) @Ti_Rex_for_You

7) @White_AND_Black

10) @Lubim_Odinochestvom

11) @Za_Dryzej_Porvy

12) @Letom_na_dache

13) @Silniy_Mira_Sego

14) @YoZhKin_Kot

15) @Boss_dlya_Vseh

16) @H.O.C.O.K_B_T.A.H.K.E

17) @Diamond_Lion

18) @Death_in_red

19) @Prihozhy_po_nocham

20) @Tvoy_dlya_Tebya

22) @TheVolfOfCrazy

23) @I_Am_Legend

24) @TaNcUeM_TuC_TuC_TuC

25) @Alfa_Traktor2018

Nicknames in English with translation into Russian

List for girls and girls

1) @redhead - redhead, redhead

2) @your_bat is your bat

3) @Strong_Mary (@Lacky_Mary) - strong Mary (Lucky Mary)

4) @Not_Little is not small

5) @StyleGirl (@BeautyGirl, @loveGirl) - stylish girl (pretty girl, favorite girl)

6) @Forever.Sixteen - always sixteen

7) @love_and_Peace - love and peace

8) @brunette - brunette

9) @Green_eyed (@Blue_eyed, @Black_eyed) - green-eyed (blue-eyed, black-eyed)

10) @Dreamer - dreamer

11) @Sports_Beauty - sports beauty

12) @Butterfly - butterfly

13) @Caramel - caramel

14) @Lady_In_love - lady in love (lady in love)

15) @Life_is_life - life is life

16) @Miss.Elegance - Miss Elegance

17) @Not_yours is not yours

18) @Romance - romantic (romance)

19) @Siamese_cat - Siamese cat

20) @Universe = universe

List for men and boys

1) @Sexy_Monster is a sexy monster

2) @Best_Beast is the best beast

3) @Dragon (@Lion, @Eagle, @Hawk) - dragon (lion, eagle, hawk)

4) @Lord_of_Kings - lord of kings (lord of kings)

5) @Pepper - pepper

6) @Tough_Nut is a tough nut to crack

7) @Screwtape - merry fellow, troublemaker

8) @Winner_Forever - winner forever

9) @Badboy is a bad boy

10) @Night_King - night king

11) @Killer

12) @Made_in_Russia - made in Russia

13) @Cowboy - cowboy

14) @Dancing - dancing

15) @Golden_Hero - golden hero

16) @SpaceMan - astronaut

Cool and cool nicknames for Instagram

1) @begy_po_grablyam2009


4) @Glaza_Cveta_Neba

6) @Skazka_Ryadom

7) @Yulya_Lisandrovna

8) @Angel_PredoXranitel

9) @lamponyX_pod_Potolkom

10) @Zhitel_Internet

11) @Pichal_Bida

12) @The_End_of_World2012

13) @___Tishina_B_Nochi___

14) @Mne_Fse_POX

15) @Global_Prikolist


17) @KOT_baby_yagi


19) @ZOPPO.Iz_dePevni

20) @MiXa_HOPYXA

21) @Party.Porno.Killer

22) @babka_B_adidas


24) @Siniy.Smurf

26) @Zamok_i_Klychik



How to come up with a beautiful nickname on Instagram?

Nice nickname on instagram is not always an unusual word. Often, even the simplest name can be decorated using characters allowed by the system.

True, there are very few of them on Instagram: from the public ones, only Latin letters (Cyrillic is prohibited), numbers, a dot (.) and an underscore (_). However, experienced users of the social network know that in addition to the small list presented, there are more options: signs like ($), (^), (*), (%), plus Unicode special characters.

They provide a great variety for the formation of beautiful, bright, graphically eye-catching nicknames:

1) …babochka_HA_ladoni…

4) ***pErSSSiKK***


7) 100%TBOYA100%

8) @[email protected]

9) *his_little_girl*

10) __LOve_yOu__

In addition, to create a beautiful nickname, the name and surname of the owner or an unusual phrase that conveys a mood that evokes certain emotions or associations can serve.

1) @Lady_Vodoley - "Lady Aquarius", by gender and zodiac sign

2) @Antix - Antonina Tikhomirova, first letters of first and last name

3) @OxanaLife - name + significant, important word (in this case can be understood as "Oksana's life")

4) @ShadowMoon - " ghost moon”, a beautiful phrase in English

5) @Happiness_Inside - "inner happiness"

6) @I_Wave - "I am a wave"

7) @Mermaid_IN_sea - “mermaid in the sea”

8) @Vsegda_online - a significant phrase, a combination of transliteration and an English word, a popular technique in social networks.

9) @blueberry_BuKA - “blueberry Vika”

10) @prosto_hochy - “I just want”, a transliteration of a semantic expression, a popular technique for Instagram users.

In order for the nickname to turn out to be really attractive and speaking, it is necessary to make it bright and noticeable. For this, graphic design is used with various permitted symbols, as well as the use of the upper and lowercase letters.

In addition, often not only the real name of the account owner is taken as a basis, but also any other sonorous, unique words, short expressions, sayings or altered aphorisms.

How to make a nickname for instagram with a name?

A nickname with a name is the most common solution for many sites. It emphasizes the individuality of the creator account, helps to form the desired virtual image, keeps the specifics.

Such "names" are created different ways. The Internet offers many special generators, thanks to which you can get a non-standard, loud nickname by entering only your own first and last name. However, you can try on your own by choosing any of the methods described.

The combination of the first and last name without any abbreviations, sometimes with a partial addition of the date of birth or registration on the social network.

Connection of parts from the name, surname, patronymic

1) @OVlaNik - Oksana Vladimirovna Nikitina

2) @DimDon - Dima Donskov

3) @VasiLera - Vasilyeva Lera

5) @SeryjKorzh - Sergey Korzh

6) @KariCa - Karina Tsaplina

7) @AlenaFe - Alena Feshchenko

8) @lena_VIK - Elena Viktorovna

9) @A_len - Alexey Lentov

10) @STE_PAN - Stepan Panteleevich

Do not miss. . .

Beautiful aliases -

For girls -

Cool nicknames -

Nick on Instagram is your calling card. It is he who will be seen by all your followers (friends) when you publish a photo and it appears in their activity feed, it will be possible to find you in this social network using search. Therefore, it is worth considering what kind of login to come up with. However, you need to remember that in the future you can easily do it.

What symbols and phrases can be used

Naturally, the system itself does not oblige you in any way to choose a specific username, except that you need to remember that you cannot use Special symbols, for example, an ampersand or a space, as well as some phrases, for example, “follow”, which means “follow”, i.e. calls to subscribe to you. However, there are some unspoken rules among users that you may or may not adhere to.

What are the fashion nicknames on Instagram

It is very popular at the present time when the nickname on Instagram is your last name or a derivative combination of characters from it. Perhaps this happened due to the large spread of social networks, such as Vkontakte and Facebook, where users use real data.

For example, ivanov. Of course, it is clear that such a beautiful login is already taken. Then you can attach the first letter of the name or its beginning to it. If your name is Alex, then you can come up with such nicknames for Instagram: aivanov, a_ivanov, ivanov_a, alivanov or alex_ivanov.

“Internet-wide” usernames are also common, such as kiska2013 or blonddama2.

In any case, I wish you not to adhere to any rules, even those I described above, but to come up with your own Instagram login, original, beautiful and which will no longer be occupied by someone else.

Is the name of the Instagram account important in terms of promotion? Usually few people think about it. Everyone is in a hurry to come up with something original and cool. But, by correctly specifying the account name, you can get good traffic from Instagram search. In this post, I will tell you how to name an account on Instagram.

Big success is in the little details. So the success of an Instagram account lies in many different factors. For example, in a correctly chosen account name. A well-chosen and thoughtfully chosen name, in itself, can cause a constant influx of new targeted followers from Instagram search. At the same time, an incorrectly chosen name can interfere with promotion, causing bewilderment among users. In this post, I want to talk about how to name instagram account so that it does not interfere with you and your business.

Brands and personalities

If you maintain a brand account or your personal account, then you don’t need to guess how to name the account for a long time. Brands and personalities are best to use their names and titles. Such accounts stand out sharply in the search for their naturalness. If the desired name is already taken, you can always change it with the separator characters “.” and "_". For example:

  • @petrosipov
  • @petr_osipov
  • @petr.osipov
  • @petr_osipov_
  • @petr.osipov_
  • @_petr_osipov
  • @_petr.osipov
  • @petr._.osipov
  • @p_e_t_r_o_s_i_p_o_v
  • @p.e.t.r.o.s.i.p.o.v
  • @osipovpetr
  • And so on

In the case of a brand name, you need to be sure that it is known to your target audience, otherwise it is better to refuse such a name. For example, if you just want to promote a new brand. You can create a second account with the brand name, and for promotion use an account with a name tailored for search and understandability.

When choosing your brand name or your own name as the account name, it is worth considering that the account title when viewing the list of subscribers / subscriptions and in the search is written below the account name. Accordingly, you should not add the same name and account title. For example:

  • @petrosipov and Petr Osipov.
  • @panasonic and Panasonic.

Look at the pictures below and think about what information it will give to someone who comes across these accounts in a search or scrolling through the lists of someone's followers / subscriptions.

It is better to write explanatory information in the title, by which you can understand what your account is about. Moreover, keywords should go at the beginning of the title. For example:

  • @pertosipov and Auto Mechanic Blog.
  • @panasonic and Home Appliances and Computers.

Compare the examples above with those below. Write down on a piece of paper the information you learned from the new examples. Feel how cool it is!

Names to search

If you have a business account and you are still little known, then the name is best targeted for Instagram search. To do this, you need to indicate in the name and title of the account the keywords by which your products or services can be searched on Instagram. For example:

  • @salon........
  • @makeup........
  • @vechernie_platya_….....
  • @svadebnie_pricheski_….....
  • @platya........
  • @remont_holodilnikov_….....

Unlike the case with account names based on the brand name or your name, in this case it is advisable to repeat the key phrase in the title, but in Cyrillic, or list 2-3 main services. For example:

  • @salon_krasoty_vesna and “Spring Beauty Salon” or “Colouring | Makiyah”

The fact is that it is the name and title of the account that Instagram primarily focuses on when issuing accounts in the search, and by specifying keywords, you will have a better chance of getting into the search list of any user.

Prefixes to the account name

Prefixes to the name of an Instagram account help Instagram users to more clearly define targeted parameters and decide whether they should subscribe or not. So, city prefixes are often used in business accounts. For example:

  • …..msk - Moscow
  • …..spb - Peter
  • …..vlg - Volgograd
  • … - Krasnodar
  • And so on.

Obviously, if you are from Khabarovsk, there is simply no point in subscribing to @salon_krasoty_spb.

Prefixes are also used to indicate the type of activity. For example:

  • … - Fitness trainers, athletes
  • … - Blog Accounts
  • … - Networker of NL International
  • …..herb - Herbalife networker
  • …..smm - Social network manager. Promotion in social networks
  • … - Designer
  • …, … - Photographers
  • …, … - Availability of sites on the account
  • …..nail - Nail master
  • And so on.

If you have a reason to specify a prefix, and it fits well with the account name, then I recommend using it, as this will help filter users who are obviously not interested in your content, product or service.

Beware of numeric or chaotic letter sequences

Usually, bot accounts are created automatically by programs that register them. And, the program cannot pick up a normal name, but instead takes random names and adds some numeric or alphabetic (chaotic) sequence to them. When you specify long number sequences or chaotic alphabetic ones, Instagram users begin to perceive you as a bot. Try to get rid of the numbers in the account name in general (only if it does not have some kind of sacred meaning).

Long and hard to read titles

Nobody reads account names. Today, people only need to look at a word once to read it. The same goes for Instagram account names. If at first glance the user could not read it, it means that the name of your account is too complicated. This is especially true for long titles. Use "." and “_” to give the name aesthetics and make it easier to read.

Of great importance in the social platform Instagram is not only the visual appeal of the pictures, but also a well-created username. In order for friends to easily find your page, you need to come up with an easy and consonant nickname. Before starting to create, it is important to take into account the moment that all names on Instagram can only be written in Latin letters.

Create an Instagram username It is possible both from a PC and from your gadget. Instagram offers to come up with a username from the first minute of registering the service. If you have not yet decided what name you want to see on your profile, then it is best to write your initials. Then, the name can be changed. To do this from a computer:

  1. On the first page of Instagram, open the edit section of your page.
  2. Next, you will see the "username" column.
  3. Enter a new name in this area. When writing a name, do not forget that Insta does not allow the use of indentation between letters. Instead, you can use an underscore or an ampersand &. In addition, a popular resource forbids writing the word “follow” in English in the username.

Once you're coming from come up with a name, scroll down, save what you got and refresh your page. The new name will appear in a few seconds.

To change the name from an iPhone, open your page and click on the settings icon at the top. Touch the change profile section and enter a new value.

Instagram username example

Good instagram username example can be found in famous people or recognizable brands. If you run your own store, then you can safely name the account as well. Or create an acronym.

For the name of the profile, the profession or field of activity that you are passionate about is also great. See what best reflects your personality, what you enjoy doing.

For example, if you like sports, you can pick up the appropriate words in English and come up with a name like: anton_strong, kate_dance. The simpler the name you write, the easier can find you on Instagram.

What Instagram username to come up with?

Which come up with a username on Instagram depends on what goals your account will solve. If you created it only to communicate with friends, write your first and last name in the nickname, your zodiac sign or a diminutive form of the name.

This will make it easier to find you. If your goals are more global, you have decided seriously , bring additional traffic to the main site and not only from your acquaintances, but also from strangers, come up with a unique creative nickname on the network that will reflect your most important ability.

At the same time, try not to write incomprehensible characters or emoticons in the nickname. Do not use personal information in the title, such as your address, passport or phone number. It’s better to remember your favorite characters from books and films, think about which ones are closest to you in terms of your way of thinking and character, and take this data as the basis for your nickname.

For girls, the names of natural phenomena and seasons are well suited, and for guys it is better to take their own characteristics of their profession as a basis.

The username on Instagram is a kind of business card. Your name helps other users identify you. The choice of a name must be approached responsibly.

What name on Instagram to choose to create your image

Many users are wondering what name to choose on Instagram? There are a lot of options. The name should symbolize something for you personally. Often, users choose a name for themselves because they like it or are associated with some person they like, usually a celebrity. In general, there are no rules for choosing a name. But of course, specific characters (spaces, underscores) cannot be used in writing the name. Read also how to choose an original nickname on Instagram, in this article.

You can order likes

Popular names on the Instagram network - what they can be

Names on Instagram are striking in their diversity and are of great importance. For girls, the names are fashionable: Blonde, Brunette, Pussy.

What name to come up with on Instagram to be remembered

What name to come up with on Instagram so that it is unusual and memorable? Many people use their real data (full name) as a name, combine the first and last name, take part of the first name and last name. Or leave the name real, and take the name of a celebrity (Raisa Ranevskaya, Alexander Rachmaninov). You can come up with a unique name to be different from others. For example, the Oracle, if you are fond of horoscopes, or the Master, if you consider yourself an expert in some rare activity.

It also happens that the username you like is already taken, in which case you can add the first letter of the name to it. For example, the common surname Ivanov. Your name is Vladimir, add vivanov. The username can always be changed if you are tired of it or do not like it. To do this, just use the settings.

Go to the official website of the social network Instagram and log in. Then go to your account settings. Click on the login located on the right at the top of the page and click "edit profile". You will find yourself in the settings menu, where you can change the name on Instagram.

To change the name, you can use mobile phone. AT mobile application go to your profile and go to the editing section. Click Edit Profile. Replace the old name with the new one and click the blue checkmark button. This is necessary to save the changes made. Choose a name that will be interesting and beautiful. Beautiful name will give you status and arouse interest and respect from other users. Well, kimeni should choose the appropriate avatar, which you can download from your computer.

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