Working program for lego mindstorms education ev3 on robotics. Downloads of programs and additional activities LEGO Education LEGO ev3 software

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Yakovleva M.A.



« Sittinskaya secondary school

named after V.E. Kolmogorov"


Mug « Robotics »

Occupation: grades 2-10 Groups - junior (grades 2-4), middle (grades 5-7), senior (grades 8-10)

Implementation period: 3rd year. Student age: 8-16 years old.

Number of hours 306 (9 hours per week)


Dyakonov Nikolay Nikolaevich

Physics and computer science teacher.

Teaching experience: 20 years,

Iqualification category


Modern man is involved in the development, creation and consumption of a huge number of artifacts: material, energy, information. Accordingly, he must navigate the world around him as a conscious subject, adequately perceiving the emergence of something new, able to navigate the surrounding, constantly changing world, and ready to continuously learn. Understanding the phenomenon of technology, knowledge of the laws of technology, will allow the younger student to meet the demands of the time and find his place in modern life. It is especially important not to miss the cognitive interest that a younger student has in the man-made objects around him, the laws of their functioning, and the principles that formed the basis for their emergence.

Program "Robotics" is intended to begin the formation in primary school students of a holistic understanding of the world of technology, the structure of structures, mechanisms and machines, their place in the world around them. Implementation this course allows you to stimulate interest and curiosity, develop the ability to solve problem situations, the ability to investigate a problem, analyze available resources, put forward ideas, plan solutions and implement them, expand the student’s technical and mathematical vocabularies.

In addition, the implementation of this course within primary schools helps develop students' communication skills through the active interaction of children during group project activities.
The course is designed for students in grades 2-10 of school groups.
Students, working according to the instructions and assignments of the teacher, test the assembled models and analyze the proposed designs. Then they do independent work on the topic proposed by the teacher. The teacher’s assistance in this form of work comes down to determining the main areas of work and advising students.
Independent work carried out by students in the form of project activities, can be individual, pair and group. Completing projects requires children to widely search, structure and analyze additional information on the topic.

Direction classes"Robotics"present a unique opportunity for children of primary school age to master the basics of robotics by creating working models of Mindstorms robotsWEDOand Mindstormsev3 45544 .

Thanks to rotation and distance sensors, the created structures react to the surrounding world. With the help of programming on a personal computer, the child endows his models with intelligence and uses them to solve problems, which, in fact, are exercises from mathematics and computer science courses.

Program "Robotics" calculated for 9 hours a week throughout the entire academic year.

Study success"Robotics" ensures the effectiveness of primary school education.

Novelty: is to change the approach to teaching children, namely, to introduce new ones into the educational process information technology, encouraging students to solve a wide variety of logical and design problems

Relevance: In connection with the modern global development of computerization and robotization, this additional educational program is relevant.

Basic program goals:

    formation in students of a holistic understanding of the world around them;

    familiarizing students with the basics of design and modeling,

    expanding knowledge about the main features of structures, mechanisms and machines;

    developing the ability to creatively approach problem situations;

    development of cognitive interest and thinking of students;

    introducing students to the basics of robotics.

So the program"Robotics" aims to solve the followingtasks :

    expanding students' knowledge about the world around them and the world of technology;

    stimulating students' motivation to acquire knowledge, developing the child's creative personality;

    developing interest in technology, design, programming, high technology, developing teamwork skills;

    development of programming skills through the development of programs in a visual programming environment, development of algorithmic thinking;

    updating students’ existing knowledge about the world around them and their practical application;

    training in solving creative, non-standard situations in practice when constructing and modeling objects of the surrounding reality;

    development of students’ communication abilities, the ability to work in a group, the ability to present the results of their activities in a reasoned manner, and to defend their point of view.

    creation of completed projects using mastered instrumental computer environments.

Structure and content of the program.

In the program "Robotics" content lines included:

Listening ( A) - the ability to listen and hear, i.e. understand instructions adequately.

Reading (H) – conscious independent reading of a programming language.

Speaking (G) – ability to participate in dialogue, respond to questions asked, create a monologue, express your impressions.

Propaedeutics (P) – a range of concepts for practical development by children in order to familiarize themselves with initial ideas about robotics and programming.

Creative activity(T) - design, modeling, design.

In the structure of the program being studied, the following main sections are distinguished - “Design” and “Programming”.

The course is purely practical in nature, so practical skills in design and computer operation occupy a central place in the program.

Studying each topic involves completing small project tasks implemented using the technologies being studied.

The program provides for extracurricular activities with non-traditionalforms of education (game exercises, creative exercises, creating projects).

The form of intermediate certification is a general lesson of reflection and defense of projects.

Basic teaching methods used in completing the program in elementary school:

1. Oral.

2. Problematic.

3. Partial search.

4. Research.

5. Design.

Educational and methodological support and material resources:

    Mindstorms constructorsWedo Mindstorms ev3 45544,;

    Mindstorms softwareWedo Mindstorms ev3 45544 ;

    Internet video materials;

    Internet resources

BasekitLEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3

The Basic Set is optimized for classroom use and contains everything you need to learn using LEGO® MINDSTORMS® technology. It allows students to design, program and test their solutions using real robotics technology. The kit includes a powerful EV3 microcomputer that controls motors and collects data from sensors. The starter kit comes in a box for easy storage and use in the classroom. Software And charger sold separately.

2.1. Basic Set Components

The set includes:

    Microcomputer EV3.

EV3 microcomputer specifications:

    ARM 9 type processor with Linux-based operating system

    4 information input ports with operating frequency up to 1 kHz

    4 output ports for command execution

    Built-in memory including 16 MB flash memory and 64 MB RAM

    slot for reading Mini SDHC memory cards with support for reading cards up to 32 GB

    six-button control interface with the function of changing the backlight (3 colors) to indicate the operating mode of the microcomputer

    monochrome display with a resolution of 178 x 128 pixels allows for detailed viewing of graphs and reading data from sensors

    high quality built-in speaker

    Possibility of programming and data logging using a microcomputer, created programs and acquired data can be exported to EV3 software

    support for communication with computers via built-in USB port or plug-in WiFi receivers or Bluetooth

    USB 2.0 hosting mode, allowing microcomputers to be connected in a daisy chain

    WiFi support and support USB connections flash cards

    Powered by 6 AA batteries or rechargeable battery DC EV3 2050 mAh capacity

    EV3 battery.

Lithium-ion battery The EV3 DC power supply has a 2050 mAh capacity and is specifically designed to work with the new EV3 microcomputers

    Two large servo motors.

    maximum speed up to 160-170 rpm

    maximum torque of 40 Ncm

    Medium servo motor.

    built-in rotation sensor with measurement accuracy up to 1 degree

    maximum speed up to 240-250 rpm

    maximum torque of 12 Ncm

    automatic identification by EV3 software

    Ultrasonic sensor.

    measures distances from 1 to 250 cm

    measurement accuracy is +/- 1 cm

    in listening mode the external LED flashes constantly, in emission mode the LED lights constantly

    if the ultrasonic signal is recognized, the sensor returns boolean value"True"

    automatic identification by EV3 software

    Color sensor.

    Measures reflected red light and ambient ambient light, from complete darkness to bright sunlight

    captures and identifies 8 colors

    polling rate up to 1 kHz

    automatic identification by EV3 software

    Gyroscopic sensor.

    angle measurement mode with an accuracy of +/- 3 degrees

    built-in gyroscope detects rotations with a torque of up to 440 degrees/s

    polling rate up to 1 kHz

    automatic identification by EV3 software

    Two touch sensors.

    built-in front button

    automatic identification by EV3 software

    LEGO Technic assembly elements (541 pieces) and two plastic organizer trays for storing and sorting parts.

LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 programming system.

The LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 programming system comes with a license of either 1 personal computer, or for the PC class (group license). A group license allows you to install and use EV3 software on all computers located at the purchasing organization's address.

The LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 programming system is based on the National Instruments LabVIEW software package and has an intuitive GUI. The user creates a program by dragging and dropping icons responsible for certain functions of the robot.

The data logging functionality included in the programming system is powerful tool for carrying out various experimental work. With it you can collect, analyze and use data coming from sensors. Students can also create interactive graphs using the data.

The built-in content editor allows teachers to modify existing courses and create their own. In addition, the editor allows students to record their progress by creating and completing electronic notebooks, which are also part of the EV3 software environment. This function simplifies the process of checking progress and monitoring knowledge.

EV3 software comes with a dedicated learning tool, Robot Educator, which includes 48 step-by-step, multimedia educational lessons designed to help students and teachers learn the basics of robotics. These lessons also teach you how to use the data logging functionality and explain the features of hardware EV3.

After launching the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 software, the main program window (lobby) opens.

This window contains menus that allow you to work:

    with a basic and extended set of components (description of kits and instructions for assembling models);

    a short user guide (theory and basic programming examples);



The main window for working with the model is the project window. The project may contain robot control programs. In this case, the window shown below opens:

In addition, the project may involve conducting a data processing experiment. Then the following window opens:

2.3. Main program blocks

1. Palette of “Action” blocks

2. Palette of “Operator Management” blocks

3. Palette of “Sensor” blocks

    Palette of blocks “Operations with data”

    Add-ons block palette

Section 3.

(grades 2-4)(33 hours)


Number of hours

Section I. “First steps into robotics”

Robots in our lives. Concept. Purpose. What is robotics.

Types of robots used in the modern world.

How to use the instructions.

Section II. "Construction"

Construction. Main part. Sensors

Robot device.

Overview of the function library.

Programming. Programswedo




Contents of the program.

Chapter I “First steps into robotics” (3 hours).

The concept of “robot”, “robotics”. The use of robots in various spheres of human life, the importance of robotics. Watching videos about robotic systems. History of technology development: from mechanical devices to modern robots.

Chapter II “Construction” (7h)

Introducing the Mindstorms Parts KitWedofor studying robotics: controller, servos, connecting cables, touch sensors, ultrasonic, lighting. Connection ports. Creating a wheelbase on tracks.

Chapter III “Programming” (21 hours)

The concept of “program”, “algorithm”.Reading a programming language. Symbols. Terms. Software Interface Mindstorms Wedo. Principles of program design. Programs “Forward”, “Backward”, “Turn”, “Detect Sound”, “Determine Distance”, “Ride in a Square”, “Detect Black Line”, “Golf”, “Obstacle”. Algorithm for the robot to move in a circle, back and forth, figure eight, etc.

Educational and thematic plan "Robotics"

(grades 5-7)(124 hours)


Number of hours

Section I. Mindstorms ev 3 45544"

Getting to know new model robot Meaning.

How to use the instructions.

Section II. "Construction"

Designing robot models. Symbols. Terminology.

Sensors Robot device.

Section III. "Programming"

Introduction to the programming environment.

Overview of the function library.

Programming. Programs.


Final lesson. Project protection.



Contents of the program...

Chapter I "Mindstorms ev3 45544" (5 h )

Getting to know new robot models Mindstorms ev 3 45544 .

Chapter II “Construction” (48h)

Model assembly: main part, ultrasonic sensor, light and color sensor;: main part, ultrasonic sensor.

Chapter lII "Programming" (61 hours)

Programming« Mindstorms ev 3 45544" : Model programming« Mindstorms ev 3 45544" : “Motion sensor.”

Educational and thematic plan "Robotics"

(8-10th grades) (31 hours)


Number of hours

Section I “Design”

Introducing a new robot model

How to use the instructions.

Designing robot models. Symbols. Terminology.

Construction. Main part.

Sensors Robot device.

Section II. "Programming"

Introduction to the programming environment.

Overview of the function library.

Programming. Programs.


Final lesson. Project protection.



Contents of the program.

Chapter I “Construction” (53h)

Construction of robot models.

Chapter II "Programming" (61h)

Programming.Programs. Creating your own programs.

Planned result of the program "Robotics"

By the end of the implementation of the direction"Robotics" students will learn:

    safe work rules;

    understand design features various models, structures and mechanisms;

    understand the computer environment, including a graphical programming language;

    distinguish between types of movable and fixed connections in the constructor;
    basic techniques for constructing robots;

    how to use the created programs;

    independently solve technical problems in the process of constructing robots (planning upcoming actions, self-control, apply acquired knowledge, techniques and design experience using special elements, and other objects, etc.);

    create real-life models of robots from LEGO; using special elements according to a developed scheme, according to one’s own design;

    create computer programs for various robots;

    adjust programs if necessary;

    demonstrate technical capabilities robots;

    work with literature, magazines, catalogues, on the Internet (study and process information);

    create programs on a computer based on a computer program.

    Learn to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities gained from studying other subjects: mathematics, physics, computer science, technology;

    Will be developed design, engineering and computing skills;

    the formation of a responsible attitude towards learning, the readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge, conscious choice and construction of a further individual educational trajectory based on orientation in the world of professions and professional preferences, taking into account sustainable cognitive interests, as well as on the basis formation of a respectful attitude towards work, development of experience of participation in socially significant work;

    Printer hp 1356 mfp

    3. Class equipment

    Student single tables


    Cabinets for storing materials and aids

    Homemade table for fields

    Homemade maze

    Fields: short track, sumo, following the line, bowling

    Homemade machine for the “Harbas Harata” competition

    Work plan for 2016-2017

    Acquisition of new models and fields.


    1. Constitution of the Russian Federation

      Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” No. 122-FZ in its current version (Consultant Plus)

      Federal component of the state standard of general education. (Order of the Ministry of Defense of March 5, 2004 No. 1089);

      Zvereva V.I. Educational program schools: structure, content, development technology / M., pedagogical search. Supplement to the magazine “Head of Teacher”, 2008.

      Robotics Club, [electronic resource]//http:// lego. rkc-74. ru/ index. php/- lego-

      V.A. Kozlova, Robotics in education [electronic resource]//http:// lego. rkc-74. ru/ index. php/2009-04-03-08-35-17, Perm, 2011

      ev3 45544: Create and program robots as you wish. User's Guide.

      Lego Mindstorms Lego Mindstormsev3 45544: Create and program robots as you wish. User Guide

      Methodological aspects of studying the topic “Fundamentals of Robotics” using Lego Mindstorms,

      Program "Fundamentals of Robotics",

Mindstorms EV3 is official program for programming LEGO robots Mindstorms line. Usually comes with a toy.

The programming process in Mindstorms EV3 occurs interactively and consists of building blocks. Each such block is responsible for some action of the robot. For example, turning on the motor, sound, screen, etc. At the same time, for convenience, all blocks are divided into certain categories: action, operator control, sensors, data operations, additions.

So, to program a specific module, you need to drag and drop required block from the bottom of the screen to the work area. Next, you can set various settings. For example, for a motor this will be power, number of revolutions, braking, etc. Next, you need to select the port to which this module is connected and click “Start”.

Programming occurs through a special adapter, to which the module is connected on one side, and a PC on the other. Several parts are connected to such an adapter at once.

In addition, Mindstorms EV3 has a lot of reference material to help you get started with the program. For example, there are educational videos on the main window. Also, during programming, you will see prompts that will help you configure the module correctly.

Features of the program

Programming LEGO robots.
Programming takes place interactively.
Detailed setting modules.
A special adapter is required for operation.
Lots of reference materials.
Interface in Russian.
Windows support 7 and above.

Typically, Mindstorms EV3 is already included with the robot. But if for some reason you do not have this program, you can download it absolutely free.

This software is used with the EV3 Basic Set (art. 45544). The kit includes teacher resources, a documentation utility, a content editor, model building instructions, and teaching materials.

Select platform

Windows MacOS Android iOS

2. Educational materials

2.1. Set of tasks "EV3 Engineering Projects"

The kit allows for more than 30 hours of lessons and project-based learning activities. Helps to study technology through STEM techniques and robotics. The kit contains 15 design activities, starting with design and ending with testing and improving the prototype. To operate this set of tasks, you must have the basic software installed.

Select platform

Windows MacOS

2.2. Set of tasks "Space Projects EV3"

The activity pack requires the EV3 Core Set and the EV3 Space Projects Expansion Set (art. 45570). The kit allows you to conduct more than 30 hours of lessons and extracurricular project-based learning activities. The kit includes training assignments and thematic research projects developed jointly with space scientists. The kit will give you the opportunity to do research and create innovative solutions on current topics in the field of space exploration. To operate this set of tasks, you must have the basic software installed.

Select platform

Windows MacOS

2.3. EV3 Physics Experiments Activity Pack

The kit allows you to conduct more than 28 hours of physics training. The set includes 14 physics labs from grades 7-9 covering issues of energy transfer and generation, heat and temperature, force and motion, and light. Students will be able to record and analyze the results of experiments in real time. Some experiments require the Renewable Energy Accessory Kit (art. 9688) and the NXT Temperature Sensor (art. 9749). To operate this set of tasks, you must have the basic software installed.

Select platform

Windows MacOS

2.4. EV3 computer science curriculum

This activity pack is a workshop in PDF format for organizing exciting project work in computer science with a total duration of up to 30 academic hours. The workshop includes 12 project work in computer science, including example tasks in LabVIEW and RobotC notations, with the possibility of interdisciplinary training in design and technology, natural sciences and mathematics. Students will be able to explore real-life technologies used in the automotive industry, allowing them to apply and develop their programming skills. Sample programs can be found by selecting “Support” at the top of the page.

Mindstorms EV3 is an entertaining and educational application that allows you to program robots made from LEGO constructors to perform certain actions.

In the literal sense, program - write the initial move in a particular programming language - in in this case you won't have to. The user can create certain behavioral algorithms using visual modules that control the functions of motors, motion scanners, lamps and other elements robot Mindstorms. The application is compatible with absolutely all designers in this line and is very convenient to use.

How to use the program

Before you start programming a robot, you must not only assemble it, but also think through in advance the procedures that it must perform. Of course, you can create a set of instructions first, although this is not recommended.

Mindstorms EV3, modified for Windows, controls the robot using a special transmitter (included in the LEGO set), which connects to the computer via a USB port.

The application interface is a window somewhat reminiscent of a block diagram, with a work area on which visual modules for controlling the robot components are located. For example, if you have assembled a robot with a large motor, then in the corresponding visual module you can adjust various parameters: power, rotation speed, port number (if the design contains several identical elements) and others. Other active modules are configured in the same way.

Versions and instruction lists

Mindstorms EV3 can work in two modes: for beginners and advanced users. In addition, different sets of instructions are offered: basic and advanced. We strongly advise you to test the second set only after fully mastering the first.

Main features:

  • the ability to program any robots in the LEGO Mindstorms line;
  • connecting a transmitter sending signals to the robot via the USB port of a computer;
  • a convenient work area, within which a separate visual module is responsible for the actions of each active element of the robot;
  • availability of complete sets for adults and children;
  • fully Russified interface in the Windows version.

Bring your LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 robots to life! This official application for programming LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3, which can be used with LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 robot building kits (31313). Use this application for assembling and programming your EV3 robots in the fastest, smartest and most interesting of all existing methods- directly from the tablet without the need to use wires or additional software.

EV3 Programmer includes mission descriptions, pre-built programs, and building instructions for five different robots: EV3RSTORM, TRACK3R, SPIK3R, GRIPP3R, and R3PTAR. Here you can also find ready-made programs and instructions for assembling robots invented by fans: EV3MEG, EV3D4, KRAZ3, DINOR3X, BOBB3E, RAC3 TRUCK, ROBODOZ3R, MR-B3AM, BANNER PRINT3R, EL3CTRIC GUITAR, WACK3M and EV3GAME. Internet access is required to download fan-made robot content.

This application will also allow you to create your own robot programs from scratch: just drag and drop program blocks into the work field and click “Run” to see the robot’s reaction. Each block will make your robot react in a certain way, and combining them will allow the robot to walk, talk, shoot, pick up objects and do whatever you want!

Bring your LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 robots to life
Connect your robot to your tablet using wireless technology Bluetooth®
Explore missions, pre-built programs and instructions for building five robots
Create your own robot programs using simple software interface based on drag and drop blocks

The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Programmer app is not a standalone app; it is designed for programming LEGO robots based on the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 (31313) set.

The EV3 Programmer for Planets app (available for iOS and Android) is available in the following languages: English (US), Danish, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Korean, Chinese and Japanese

More details
Go to to get additional information about the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 set and the EV3 Programmer app, and learn how to program your LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 robots using free software for PC/MAC.

For assistance with the app, please contact LEGO® Customer Support.

By downloading this application, you agree to our privacy policy and application terms of use.
For more information, see and apps

LEGO, the LEGO logo and MINDSTORMS are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2015 LEGO Group.

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