LastPass Password Manager extension - accounts, passwords, login. Where to get a password generator

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Good day, dear readers, visitors, friends and other individuals! Today, as you understand from the subtitle, we will talk about Lastpass password generator, which also allows you to store, protect and access them from anywhere.

Surely many of you use one or more (often simple or not so simple), write them down on pieces of paper, hang the pieces of paper on your monitor, or otherwise “remember” passwords.

However, this approach greatly impacts your security. It's like with keys. When one key opens all the doors at once, it's good for you (after all, it's much more convenient), but it's also good for those who can get this key.

In order to somehow simplify the task for users, cunning minds have come up with a number of programs, some of which we have already written about, for example about ". But such programs also have a number of disadvantages, namely: you need to manually copy passwords and paste them into input fields, manually save these passwords , come up with a description for them, etc.

It will also be difficult to get the required password if you are on another device (tablet, phone, work computer, etc.). Most of these disadvantages are absent in such a thing as a password generator, which we will talk about in this article.

Let's get started.

Briefly about the main thing

So, what kind of animal is this?

This is not a program, but, in fact, a service that allows you to store your valuable information in the cloud. What she can do:

  • Save logins and passwords for each site(as the browser does through cookies). At the same time, all saved passwords are deleted from the browser history, so that evil enemies will not be able to spy on your passwords by stealing cookies;
  • Autocomplete. The service allows you to automatically enter logins and passwords into the required fields, as well as fill out registration form data (including credit forms) according to a pre-prepared template;
  • Synchronization with other devices. It is enough to put accordingly. the plugin and your passwords will be with you again;
  • One master password. There is no need to remember tons or even several passwords; it is enough to remember just one password to access the storage;
  • Enhanced Security. The service offers truly great opportunities to enhance the security of your storage. Even if someone obtains your master password, they will not be able to access the remaining passwords without additional information;
  • And a number of other possibilities, which refer to the paid version of this service (after all, it is free).

In a nutshell, something like this. Let's get to the point.

First acquaintance

This service is free of charge. Those. Everything we need for comfort and simplicity is available for free, except for one single point. The phone application requires a premium account (which will cost you $1 per month), so for those who like to surf forums from their phone free version will not be very convenient (you will have to manually enter or copy all the passwords and logins on the sites you are interested in).

To use this convenient service, go to the official website and the application or plugin we need. Select Windows and download our password generator Lastpass.

The installation is extremely simple, and I will not dwell on it. You can set the installation path by selecting the " Additional options ":

After you have downloaded and installed the plugin, you will see the following icon in your browser(s):

After clicking on it, a login window will appear. Click on the "Registration" button (if you did not register at the installation stage), register and enter this window. You will see a small menu with various options:

However, this window is not very convenient to work with, so we point to the “LastPass Storage”, where there will be a larger window:

The interface has become even simpler than before, with a navigation bar on the left where various categories are available, and the rest of the area is occupied by pages with saved passwords. Depending on the view settings, you can see both a list of sites and icons, which, in my opinion, is very convenient and clear.

Let's take a closer look here, because the Lastpass password generator is not as simple as it might initially seem.

Details on working with Lastpass, tabs, passwords, etc.

In the "Sites" section we can add, edit, delete sites and the folders in which they will be located.

When we hover over the big red plus sign in the lower right corner of the screen, we can perform various actions. These include:

At point " Secure Notes"This is where all the notes you created are located. Wi-Fi passwords are also stored here, which look like this:

In the "Filling out forms" section we can add, delete, change profiles for forms. This is a thing that allows you to automatically fill in some fields when registering a user, or enter contact information when placing an order, or enter card information when making an online purchase.

Password generator Lastpass - form autofill

This works like autofill in the browser, only the browser stores the fill information in clear text, but here it is encrypted. Therefore, you can disable autofill in your browser and use the Lastpass Password Generator for these purposes.

When you hover over the form, you can click on the "Edit" button or add new uniform by clicking on the red button with a plus sign at the bottom right. General fields:

  • Name , - name of the form;
  • Type - on at the moment you can choose two types: general or credit card. This determines what data will need to be entered into the fields;
  • Language - here you should indicate the language in which your data will be written (for example, for a general profile, indicate Russian and enter everything in Russian).

You configure the remaining fields depending on what you require from the form.

Profile settings in the Lastpass service

At point " Profile Settings"All possible settings for the service are collected, but we are only interested in a few tabs:

  • "General" tab - here you can configure the following parameters:
    • "Email" - You can change the email address, and you can check whether the message will arrive using the corresponding button on the right;
    • "Master Password" - You can change the master password or cancel its change. Also, under it it says how long ago you changed it;
    • “Account information” - here you can specify the time zone, interface language (Russian has not yet been finalized), connect a premium account or view account statistics;
    • "SMS Account Recovery" - Here you can enter your phone number so that in case of amnesia or loss of the master password you can access your storage.
  • The "Multifactor Options" tab is a very necessary thing. Here you can add another type of protection to your account. There are 5 options in total:
    • "YubiKey" - Authentication using a special flash drive. Requires the flash drive itself and a premium account;
    • "Google Authenticator" - Authentication using the application of the same name on your phone. Fast and convenient. It works on this principle: first enter your password, then eight numbers from the application (they are updated every 30 seconds). In order to enable this method, authorize the application on this page;
    • "Toopher" - Similar to the previous one, but uses a phrase in the application rather than numbers;
    • "Duo Security" - Another analogue that uses numbers;
    • "Transakt" - Also an application on the phone, but it does not require any numbers or letters, but a message will simply pop up in the application with the “Accept/Deny” buttons (Allow/Deny);
    • There are also a bunch of other options for premium accounts, but I don’t consider them.
  • Tab " Trusted devices" - When you sign in using two-factor authentication, Lastpass Password Generator allows you to add your browser (the one you signed in from) to your trusted browser for 30 days, so you don't have to open the app on your smartphone again. In this tab, you can remove your device from your trusted device ( if you accidentally checked the box while in a cafe or with friends);
  • Tab " Mobile devices" - all mobile devices from which you logged into your account are listed here. You can change the name of the device to something you understand by clicking the corresponding button. If you click on the "Disable" button at the bottom of the tab, then you will not be able to log in from any other device your account.At the same time, you can also block or allow those devices that are already on the list;

  • Tab " Prohibited addresses" - here you can specify the addresses of sites on which the plugin will not perform a certain type of action. For example, it will not ask about adding this site, use password generation, auto-login, profiles, etc.;
  • Tab " Equivalent Domains" is a rather useful, but specific thing. Here you can add several sites that the program will consider the same, for example, and
  • Tab " Security check" is quite an interesting thing. It allows you to analyze your passwords, identify how many sites they are repeated on, and also find out how strong (complex) they are. When you select this item, a window will open asking you to enter a master password so that the program can analyze your passwords.
    After the analysis is completed, a page will appear with various results, graphs, etc., as well as a pop-up window asking you to identify problematic logins and send this information to you by email for further review.

    Here it is worth paying attention to the "Change Compromised passwords" group. This tab lists sites that once experienced a data leak. If you click on exclamation mark opposite the site, news about the leak will open.

I do not consider the remaining points; they relate to paid functionality :)

How it works - Lastpass password generator in action

Let's consider a simple example - registration in the Yandex service.

Click on the button " Register", and appears standard form, where we enter the login, but in the password field, either click on the gray icon with a circle (if it appears), or click right click in the "LastPass" field, and then " Generate secure password".

Next, a password generation form will open. I recommend setting the password length to more than 15 characters and using all the characters when generating it (you don’t need to remember it, thanks to the fact that the Lastpass password generator stores all the data in itself, and you only need a master password). In case you want to remember this password later, there is a checkbox " Make it pronounceable".

LastPass– a password manager that will create and save your passwords. Storing passwords in files or in the browser is not secure. LastPass will encrypt your passwords and store them in its cloud in case your Windows crashes or someone deletes your browser. You can also quickly fill out web forms with LastPass.

LastPass is built into all popular browsers and can import and export passwords. With the premium version you can use LastPass on any number of mobile devices. LastPass is a cross-platform application, which means that when you change operating system on Mac or Linux you can continue to use it.

Once you've installed and signed into your LastPass account, you'll see your LastPass vault.

Go to “Form Filling Profiles” and select “Create Profile”.

Fill out the form. This data will be automatically entered when registering on different sites.

Now that LastPass is configured, let's move on to using it. Using the example of registering in Yandex, I will show you how to use forms and generate passwords.

This way you can easily register on sites and use complex passwords. And when you enter the site (where you are already registered), right-click on the free field and select “ LastPass»-« Autofill" and select the desired account.

You can't do without passwords on the Internet. Wherever you register, you will have to come up with a username and password.

Moreover, the more complex the password, the better.

Sometimes it's quite difficult to come up with something new every time. This takes time.

And when creating a password, it is advisable to use not only small letters, but also capital ones. Yes, and having numbers won’t hurt. Sometimes, to be on the safe side, you have to add a couple of characters.

In addition, the password you create must also be saved in a secluded corner of your computer.

Therefore, many people open a notepad and write down the password they came up with, and then copy and transfer it to the desired service.

Recently, on the Internet, I came across a password generator. He is very simple. Doesn't even require installation.

Of course, this generator will not store your passwords, but it will help you come up with them. Your passwords will be secure and will only take a couple of seconds to create.

You will only need to choose what your password will consist of (numbers, letters, capital letters, symbols) and indicate their number.

After the right choice All you have to do is click on the button to generate a password and your password will immediately appear in the corresponding line.

Copy and save the generated password.

Where to get a password generator

Now, what is this password generator? This is a small script that doesn't even need to be installed.

Unpack the downloaded archive and find the index.html file. Double-click on it and the generator will open in your browser window.

It's very easy to work with

If you plan to use the password generator very often, you can create a shortcut to the index.html file (this is the file that launches the password generator) and place this shortcut on your desktop (rename the shortcut for convenience). Then you can open the generator with one click on the shortcut.

Please note that this script only generates passwords and does not save them. Therefore, after generating a password, copy and save it in a safe place on your computer. And don't lose it ☺

There are often cases when you need to come up with a rather complex and unique password using different case, numbers and letters, but creating such complex passwords takes a lot of time, especially if you need to create a large number of them.

Typically, such situations are faced by various kinds of administrators who need to create and monitor a user base or those who deal with security on the Internet and not only; the list of areas of application of such complex passwords could go on for quite a long time.

To simplify and speed up this process you can use this to create passwords and logins online services or programs that can be installed and run on local computer. It is these services that will be discussed in our article.

The list of programs will present the most popular and functional services for creating complex and simple passwords with logins. These services will be presented in two forms, for online use and as a program on a computer.

The article will present the most functional and easy-to-use password and login generators, which are completely free.

Online password generators

Password generators for installation on a computer

Login generator


An online service that allows you to generate a password of any length with a choice of letter case and symbols. The password is generated directly on your computer using Javascript. All passwords created using of this service are not transferred anywhere and are displayed only on your computer.

This service is available not only online, it can also be downloaded and installed on a computer in order to be used locally without the need for an Internet connection.

Password creation options:

  • Password length in characters
  • Create a password in the form of a word, for simplified pronunciation.
  • Number of digital characters in the password
  • Selecting the type of characters to use (Letters of different case, numbers and special characters)


This article presented the most functional and easy-to-use password and login generators. You will be able to familiarize yourself with general information for each generator and decide on the functionality you need.

Used and finally dropped back to the current point in time. Relevant code:

Var rng_state; var rng_pool; var rng_pptr; // Mix in a 32-bit integer into the pool function rng_seed_int(x) ( rng_pool ^= x & 255; rng_pool ^= (x >> 8) & 255; rng_pool ^= (x >> 16) & 255; rng_pool ^= (x >> 24) & 255; if(rng_pptr >= rng_psize) rng_pptr -= rng_psize; ) // Mix in the current time (w/milliseconds) into the pool function rng_seed_time() ( rng_seed_int(new Date() .getTime()); // Initialize the pool with junk if needed. if(rng_pool == null) ( rng_pool = new Array(); rng_pptr = 0; var t; if(typeof(navigator) != "undefined" && navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion< "5" && typeof(window) != "undefined" && window.crypto) { // Extract entropy (256 bits) from NS4 RNG if available var z = window.crypto.random(32); for(t = 0; t < z.length; ++t) rng_pool = z.charCodeAt(t) & 255; } //First try to use browser"s PRNG over Math.random try{ var crypt_obj = null; if (typeof(window) != "undefined" && typeof(window.crypto) != "undefined") { crypt_obj = window.crypto; } else if (typeof(window) != "undefined" && typeof(window.msCrypto) != "undefined") { crypt_obj = window.msCrypto; } if(typeof(crypt_obj) != "undefined" && typeof(crypt_obj.getRandomValues) == "function") { if(rng_pptr < rng_psize){ var num = Math.floor((rng_psize - rng_pptr)/2) + 1; var buf = new Uint16Array(num); crypt_obj.getRandomValues(buf); for(var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++){ var t = buf[i]; rng_pool = t >>>8; rng_pool = t & 255; ) ) ) )catch(e)() //Fall back to Math.random if needed while(rng_pptr< rng_psize) { // extract some randomness from Math.random() t = Math.floor(65536 * Math.random()); rng_pool = t >>>8; rng_pool = t & 255; ) rng_pptr = 0; rng_seed_time(); //rng_seed_int(window.screenX); //rng_seed_int(window.screenY); )

The specification describes the JavaScript API for performing basic cryptographic operations in web applications, such as hashes, signature generation and verification, and encryption and decryption. In addition, it describes an API for applications to generate and/or manage the material needed to perform these operations. Uses this range of APIs from user or service authentication, document or code signing, and message confidentiality and integrity.

window.msCrypto is a Microsoft implementation.

If you're using a supported browser, then this generation's method appears to be secure (well, it's secure as your web cryptography API implementation). If not, it appears to be using Math.random elapsed at the current time, which is not safe - it would be nice if the web page warned you if this was the case.

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