Administrator permission to delete. How to request administrator permission to delete a folder or file

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Sometimes, when trying to move, delete or change a file, the user receives a warning that it is necessary request permission from administrator, despite the fact that account and so has all the necessary rights.

This article will discuss how to access such data. However, it is worth noting that such messages do not appear out of nowhere; it usually means that the user is trying to delete or move some file that is very important for the performance of the system, so you should be careful.

How to request Administrator permission to delete

The article will show you how to delete a resisting file or folder, without requiring any permission. The idea is to make the current account the most important and give it all the necessary rights.

Changing the folder owner

First, you will need to right-click on the desired element and select “ Properties" In the menu that opens, you will need to go to security section, then select additional items.

Now the item responsible for file ownership is of interest. It is located at the very top, and next to it is the “ Change", you need to click on it.

In the window that opens, you will again need to go to additional settings .

In the next window you will need to click on the search button, after which you will only have to select your current user and click OK. If the action applies to a directory, then in the next menu you will need to check the box.

After this, all that remains is to apply the changes.

Changing user permissions

The user has now been added, however the file most likely cannot be deleted yet. To do this, you must grant the account the appropriate rights. To do this you will have to go to additional security settings, just like last time. If your account name is not in the list presented, you should click on the add button.

In the menu that opens, at the top you should indicate the name of the account for which the rights will be granted. What follows check the boxes those items that are necessary. You can set full access and then there will be no prohibited actions.

If the account is in the list, then you need to click on it and click change, after which, again set access rights.

As you can see from the article, deleting an interfering file or folder, becoming its owner, is not so difficult. The main thing is to make sure that deletion does not in any way affect the performance of the system.

If more than one user has access to a computer, often some of them do not have certain rights: to view some folders, change and delete data, install new applications, and others. In such a case, solving the problem is simple - just log into an account that has administrator rights. But it happens that his rights are not enough.

Even a computer administrator cannot at will change and delete all system systems without exception. Windows files. Above it is the TrustedInstaller account, and when trying to change one or another system file, the administrator may see a message that access is not available and must be requested from TrustedInstaller. Below we'll take a closer look at how to request TrustedInstaller permission, what this account is, and how it can be used to improve the security of a specific folder or group of files.

TrustedInstaller: what is it and why is this account used

As we noted above, TrustedInstaller is an account that has greater rights than an administrator. It is created when installing the Windows operating system, and you cannot run the computer as the TrustedInstaller user.

The main task of this account is to have exclusive rights to change or delete certain files and folders. Most often, TrustedInstaller protects important system files, the removal of which may lead to system failure. It is for this reason that we recommend granting permission from TrustedInstaller in extreme cases, even to the administrator account.

The question may arise, why send a request to an additional user if, when performing most important actions, the computer displays a dialog box for confirmation of the action by the administrator? It's simple, many computer users, who are administrators by default, do not pay enough attention to the number of programs that they allow to work with maximum rights. That is why the most important files are closed using the TrustedInstaller account, and only after a series of manipulations can the administrator gain access to them.

The most simple example when permission from TrustedInstaller may be needed, this is if necessary. To make changes to the browser folder (change file names or delete them), you will need to contact TrustedInstaller.

To request TrustedInstaller permission, you must do the following:

After the above steps, the selected user will have necessary permissions from TrustedInstaller to delete or change the selected folder(s).

How to set permission request from TrustedInstaller on a folder or file

To protect a file (folder) from accidental deletion, as well as access to it from a virus software, you can set access to it only from the TrustedInstaller user. Please note that you can raise a user's rank not only to prevent others from changing or deleting the file, but to restrict them from reading it.

To ensure that TrustedInstaller rights are requested when deleting or modifying a file, you must do the following:

  1. Follow the 3 steps that were described above in the instructions to remove the restriction on the TrustedInstaller file;
  2. Next, place the mouse cursor in the “Enter names of selected objects” column and enter the command to access the file (folder) from the TrustedInstaller side, it looks like this:
NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller

  1. After that, click “OK”, and TrustedInstaller will again become the owner of the object;
  2. Next, you need to re-assign rights between users, as described in the instructions above.

Setting permissions exclusively for the TrustedInstaller user is not a reliable way to protect a file from being deleted or modified by a computer administrator. However, this method allows you to reliably protect yourself from actions with a specific file (folder) by virus software.

Deleting information from a PC is not difficult. Press the “Delete” key and you’re done. But in latest versions Windows has a problem. I can't delete the folder. What to do? Let's look at how to delete a folder with administrator rights.

Why is this happening

Everyone knows how to delete a folder without administrator rights. What to do if it is not possible to do this in the usual ways? First, let's look at the reasons why the system requires special privileges.

Can't delete folder requires administrator rights

The reasons why difficulties arise during removal are as follows:

  1. The files are in use by another open process on the system;
  2. Blocked by a virus or antivirus program;
  3. Due to a system failure;
  4. The work takes place under the account of a user with disabilities;
  5. The directory is locked.

Do not delete directories unless their purpose is known. Make sure they do not affect system performance. If you erase important information, The PC may be unstable.

Let's look at what you need to know to erase a non-deletable directory.


When installing Windows, the “Administrator” user is automatically created. He has full rights to edit information. If you work alone on a PC, then you use administrator rights. But if you bought a PC in a store with installed system, or more than one person is working on it, for convenience, several users are created.
In administrator mode, files are created, renamed, and deleted. If you work as a “Guest” your options are limited. The system allows working with files only in viewing mode.

Actions on behalf of the Administrator

It turns out that some operations are performed only under admin. In Windows 10 you can:

  1. Install updates;
  2. Monitor records;
  3. Restore system files.

How to delete folders that ask for administrator rights

Starting from the seventh Windows versions, even if you are the only user, the system requests administrator rights to delete. Why is this happening? The system created a Super Administrator. It's max haunted.

Sometimes such messages appear if you are trying to delete important system files.

The question of how to delete folders that ask for administrator rights is easily resolved. Consider deleting a folder with rights Windows administrator 10.
So that we don’t have to ask for permission to change or delete every time, we’ll make sure that we decide for ourselves what to do.

Change user

Click right click mouse over the file, select “Properties” - “Security” - “Advanced”.
Near the “Owner” item, click the “Change” link.
In the new window, click “Advanced”.
Click on the “Search” button. Find the user, click OK.
If the owner of a folder and not a file changes, check the “Replace” checkbox.

How to set user permissions

Once you become the owner, you will not be able to erase the directory. Few permissions. Go to “Properties” - “Security”, then “Advanced”. See if the user you need is there:

Explorer with administrative rights

Let's make the explorer work with elevated privileges. To do this, perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Click “Start” - “Run”;
  2. We write the command: runas /user:%userdomain%\administrator “explorer /separate”.

The system will display a warning, enter your password.

How to delete a folder without administrator rights

If some users find the described actions difficult, let’s consider how to proceed in another way. Let's take advantage special program Unlocker. After installation it will appear in context menu. Right-click on the directory and select Unlocker, then “Delete”.

Read more about the operation of the program in the article: “Now questions about how to delete the Steam folder (Steam) requires administrator rights or another file or directory will not arise.


We looked at how to delete a folder that asks for administrator rights. Use the recommendations described above. Remember that deletion system folders will lead to incorrect operation of the system. Be careful. I recommend using Unlocker program. It's convenient.

Sometimes you need to know how to request administrator permission to delete a folder. This happens because when you try to delete or change a folder or file, an error appears.

It says that "You need permission to perform this operation", and you can request it from the administrator or a group of them.

Accordingly, nothing can be done with this folder or file. Therefore, it makes sense to figure out what kind of error this is and how can you get rid of it.

Standard method

operating system Windows allows you to get rid of this error using your own means. The solution to the problem consists of two steps - first you need to become the owner of the folder, and then give yourself the necessary rights.

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In some cases, only the first step helps. In general, if you have problems with missing rights, you should follow these simple steps:

1. On the folder that you do not want to delete and cannot perform other operations with, right-click. In the drop-down menu, click on “Properties”.

2. In properties, go to the “Security” tab (it’s at the top). Next click on the button "Additionally". As you can see, in this window there are only two users - the system and "Administrators". And we work under another user (Lenovo/Admin, in your case the user will have a different name), so it is not surprising that we do not have the rights to change properties. For the same reason, we cannot delete or do anything else with this folder.

Rice. 1. Folder properties window

3. After this, you need to click on the change owner button. IN Windows 7 there is a special tab at the top for this, and in 8.1 and 10 there is a “Change” item near the “Owner” inscription.

Rice. 2. Additional folder properties windows in Windows 8.1, 10 and 7

4. In the seventh version, in the next window you will also need to click on the “Change” button. And in the next window you will need to click on the button "Other users or groups...". After this, you will be redirected to the user selection window. In newer versions, the redirection occurs immediately.

Rice. 3. Access to the user selection window in Windows 7

5. In the next window, click on the button "Additionally…"(down). Next, click on “Search”. The system will find absolutely all users who have ever worked in this operating system. Find there the one from which you are working, select it and click “OK”.

Rice. 4. User selection windows

6. Now in the first user selection window (in Figure 5 on the left), the selected user will appear in the list. Click "OK" to continue. In the next window, select the user you just added (as mentioned above, in our example this is Lenovo/Admin) and click the “Apply” button in the lower right corner. A message will appear telling you that to make further changes, you must close the properties and reopen them. Therefore, we close everything that we opened earlier.

Rice. 5. The user appears in the user selection windows

7. It is quite possible that after these actions it will become possible removal folders for which this was not previously possible. If it doesn't, open properties again and go to the Security tab. Under the block "Groups and Users" click on the “Change...” button. In the next window, in the block with the same name, click on the user you added earlier.

8. Further down the block “Permissions for the group “[name of the user added in previous steps]””(in our case it is “Permissions for the “Admin” group”) pay attention to the checkmarks. Everything there should be as shown in Figure 7 (on the right) - under the inscription “Allow” there are all the marks, and under the inscription “Deny” there are none. To use these changes, click on the "Apply" button, then "OK" and close all windows.

Rice. 6. Properties and permissions windows for specific users

Now everything should work as it should - the folder will be deleted, it can be changed, and so on.

It is worth saying that it is quite possible that you will not be able to complete step 8 of the previous list due to the fact that open window nothing will be possible to change. Then you will have to bypass this window and give the user permissions in another. IN in this case you need to do this:

1. On the “Security” tab of the folder properties, click the button "Additionally".

In the next window in the block "Permission Elements" select the added user and click on the button "Change permissions...".

Rice. 7. Change permissions window

2. In the next window, do the same - select a user and click on the “Change...” button. The Permission Items window will now open. There, do the same as in the step of the previous list. IN Windows 10 this window will look slightly different than in Windows 7. There, in the lower block, you just need to check the boxes everywhere, and next to the “Type” inscription, select the “Allow” option.

Rice. 8. Permission elements window for the selected folder

Most likely, after this everything will work. If not, you will need to use additional software.


Very comfortable and small program called Unlocker allows you to delete, rename and move files and folders that cannot be deleted in any other way. In most cases, this utility allows you to bypass all sorts of system restrictions. To use it, you need to do the following:

  1. Download and install Unlocker (here is the link to the official website).
  2. On the folder with which nothing can be done, right-click. In the drop-down menu, select the “Unlocker” option.

Rice. 9. “Unlocker” option in the drop-down menu on a folder that cannot be edited

  1. Then there are two options for opening the Unlocker window. The first one (which is shown on the right in Figure 11) will open if this folder is on at the moment There are two processes running. And the second - if there is one. In the first case, you can try clicking on the “Unblock” button, then close the program and try again to do with the folder what you tried to do before. If it doesn't help, click the button "Unblock everything" and do the same. Finally, click on the “No action” inscription at the bottom left and select the action you want to perform - delete, move or rename. And in the second case, only the field for selecting action options will be available, so all you have to do is click on the “No action” sign and select an action.

Rice. 10. Two options for opening the Unlocker program

Login as administrator

In the end, you can log in not as the user you usually use, but as an administrator. Then you will automatically receive those rights that supposedly do not exist now. To do this, you should follow a few simple steps:

  1. Open the Start menu and right-click on Computer. Select "Management".
  2. In the panel on the left follower go to the following sections: "Computer Management (Local)", , then "Utilities", « Local users and groups" and finally "Users".
  3. On user "Administrator" right-click and click on "Properties".

Rice. 11. Transition to user management

  1. Uncheck the box "Disconnect account". Click OK and close all windows.
  2. Now open the Start menu, then click on the arrow next to the shutdown button and select from the drop-down menu "Change user".

Rice. 12. User properties window and user change button

  1. Then you can easily select an administrator and perform all actions with the desired folder or file.

Everything happens in Windows 8.1 and 10 somewhat differently, but all the actions are practically the same.

If this doesn't help, try logging in using safe mode and perform all actions with the desired folder or file. How to do this is shown in the video below.

Hi all! Have you ever had a situation where you needed to delete some folder, but the bastard doesn’t want to delete it, even if you crack it! Like you have to ask some administrator for permission, even though you are the most important person on the computer! What to do in this case? Don't worry, everyone has their own jokes, even Windows.

In fact, if it asks for permission from the administrator, then this is simply done for security purposes so that you do not delete anything important. On the other hand, it happens that the folder was created by a program that has more rights than you. This is all controlled at the account level. In other words, if it requires permission from the administrator, then in theory the folder can be deleted if you log into Windows under an administrator account, well, that’s logical

The administrator account seems to be able to do everything, that is, everything is allowed there, which is why by default you are NOT logged under this account. You have a regular account that was created when you installed Windows. Something like this...

So, that’s why it’s also interesting that if you search on the Internet for a way to delete a folder when administrator permission is required, then you can find information that says that you need to set some rights in the folder properties, add some user somewhere, make it the owner of the folder.. But I’ll tell you frankly that these manipulations do not always lead to the desired result. And to be honest, this amount of action bothers me. By the way, you need to dig into the folder properties on the Security tab:

Therefore, in such cases I don’t worry about permissions, I just use one interesting utility that can delete those folders that don’t want to be deleted. This utility is called Unlocker, it is quite easy to find it on the Internet, because the utility is well-known. Just when you install, look carefully, because along with Unlocker, some kind of illegal program often wants to be installed! So, when I installed Unlocker for myself, I also wanted to install some kind of leftist, so to prevent this from happening, I unchecked this box:

So be careful

Well, the Unlocker utility is already installed, now you need to select the victim, that is, the folder that we will delete. Here, let me try to delete as an example Windows folder Media Player from here:

C:\Program Files

It’s just that when I tried to do this in the usual way, the following error popped up:

Only here you need permission not from the administrator, but from some TrustedInstaller (translated as a type of trusted installer).

Well, in order not to suffer, we right-click on the folder and select the Unlocker item there:

Well, I think it’s clear that you must already have the Unlocker program installed for this item to be available! Then, when you click on the Unlocker item in the menu, a small window will appear, in which you need to select Delete and click OK:

It may also be that you have some kind of list of processes here. Then you also need to select Delete from the menu, but then click the Unblock all button. This is to complete all processes and then delete the folder!

Then there will be a small window that displays the removal progress:

The deletion itself took me about five seconds, after which the following message appeared:

That is, as you can see, there are no problems! But it also happens that a message appears, saying that to delete it you need to reboot. This is so that Unlocker deletes the folder even before Windows loads, so to speak, before it wakes up

In this way, you can delete almost all folders and files that cannot be deleted using the standard method. The Unlocker utility has helped me out more than once, and other users too, but be careful, do not delete anything systemic, because bugs and glitches will come to your Windows! Do you need it?

In general, before deleting something that does not want to be deleted, it would be a good idea to do control point recovery, well, just in case. I already talked about the benefits of such a point in the article about removing the MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser program, in general I advise you to take a look.

Well guys, that's all, I hope that everything was clear to you here. Good luck in life and may you have good mood


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