Server os. Selecting a server operating system

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To create a terminal, file (FTP) or mail server on Linux, you must be able to work in this operating system. Otherwise it will be difficult to figure it out. No OS needed powerful computer. Because it does not waste extra resources on graphic design. Linux distributions can be deployed even on an old PC. Therefore, Linux or Ubuntu Server is often used to create various servers.

A lot of different literature has been written about this. Some books about Linux are a thousand pages long. You will have to work through the terminal and enter all commands manually. But you can still make a small Linux server with your own hands, which will include file storage, Web services and a mail protocol.

Ubuntu Server is based on operating system Linux. It does not require a modern processor, a good video card or large storage space to operate. RAM. With Linux, you can deploy a server even on an old laptop. And it will have all the necessary components: mail, FTP, Web.

You can download a Linux disk image from the website. Choose any version with Server (not Desktop!). The download will take place through a Torrent client. This image must be written to a disc or flash drive (using LiveUSB). You can also use a virtual drive.

Ubuntu has a simplified interface. There are no graphic excesses in it. This OS is perfect for making a DIY Linux server. With it, computer resources will be used for the needs of the domain. After all, she needs very little to work.

Its installation goes like this:

  • Select the language and region you live in.
  • Create an administrator name. It is used to manage the server.
  • Also enter a username in the “Username for your account” field. Under this account you will communicate with Ubuntu technical support.

Specifying the username in Ubuntu

  • Enter your password. Confirm it.

Enter your account password

  • Specify the domain if you have one. It will contain all services: file (FTP), email, website hosting, and so on.
  • Wait while the system installs.
  • After that, she will offer additional components.

Here is a list of what is needed for a Linux server and its full operation:

  • Open SSh. Used for remote administration. This will come in handy if you decide to manage the service from another computer. Then on a Linux PC you can disable the monitor and video adapter.
  • LAMP. A set of Linux utilities that includes Apache (Web server). MySQL (database) and PHP (programming language for CMS). These components are needed to create a control interface.
  • Samba file server. Allows you to configure file sharing between computers. If you need an FTP server, select this option.
  • Virtual Machine host. Install if you are going to use virtualization capabilities.
  • Print server. Network printers.
  • DNS server. Domain name system. With it you can recognize the IP address by the computer name and vice versa.
  • Mail server. Mail server.
  • PostgreSQL database. Object-relational databases.

Select what you need and confirm installation. When you first start, you will need to enter your administrator login and password. The console will open. It is similar to the Windows command line or the MS DOS operating system interface.

Initially, you will need to check for updates. Type the command “Sudo apt-get update” or “Sudo apt-get upgrade” without the quotes. After the update, you can start setting up all server components: FTP, mail, Web.

There is a pseudo-graphical interface for Ubuntu - Midnight Commander. This is an analogue of the Norton Commander shell, which was developed for the MS DOS system. It’s easier to work with such an interface - everything is clearer than in the console.

Launching the Linux Terminal

Modern Linux uses a terminal instead of a console. To enter it:

  1. Open Applications.
  2. Click "Standards".
  3. There will be a "Terminal".

You can enter commands into it just like in Ubuntu Server.

  • To install LAMP components (if they are not already there), you need to sequentially enter the commands “sudo apt-get update”, “sudo apt-get install tasksel” and “sudo tasksel install lamp-server”. After each, press Enter.
  • To download Open SSh, type "sudo apt-get install openssh-server".
  • To install Samba file server, write “sudo apt-get install samba”.

When installing MySQL from the LAMP package, you will need to set an administrator password for SQL.

Local Web server

For Web creation the server must have its own dedicated IP. Then, after installing LAMP, the Apache test page will be available at this IP address. This is the future Web. In the future, it will be possible to install FTP, databases, and a mail protocol on it. To configure the Web server:

  • Install phpMyAdmin. To do this, in the terminal or in the console, type one after another, enter “sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin”

  • And then “sudo service apache2 restart”.
  • The component will load. Apache will be restarted. Further actions depend on the version of the operating system.

If you have Ubuntu 13.1 and above, use the commands:

  1. sudo ln -s /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf
  2. sudo a2enconf phpmyadmin
  3. sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

Enter them sequentially one after another, after each press Enter.

On Ubuntu 16.04, other instructions are needed:

  1. sudo apt-get install php-mbstring php-gettext
  2. sudo phpenmod mcrypt
  3. sudo phpenmod mbstring
  4. sudo systemctl restart apache2

After entering them and automatically restarting the service, the web interface will be available at http:///phpmyadmin.

  • The configuration and data about it are located in the Apache server folder “etc/apache2/”. Apache2.conf - configuration file for the distribution
  • The “mods-available”/“sites-available” and “mods-enabled”/“sites-enabled” directories contain mods and sites.
  • Ports.conf lists the listening ports.
  • If you add the word "Stop" after the command "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2", Apache will pause. If “Start” it will start again. If “Restart” - it will reboot.
  • To independently choose the path for saving sites, sequentially enter “sudo a2enmod rewrite” and “sudo a2enmod userdir” into the terminal.

Each time after making any changes, you must restart the service with the “Restart” command.

Mail server

To create a mail server on Linux, you must already have a domain registered. You also need to have a static IP.

  • Install the Postfix component. To do this, type “sudo apt-get postfix” in the console.
  • When it boots, write the command “sudo /etc/initd/postfix start”. The service will start working.
  • Postfix already contains the parameters that are needed to fully work with SMTP protocol. But still, a little tweaking wouldn't hurt.
  • Open the /etc/postfix/ file.
  • Find the value “mydomain =” in it. After the “=” sign, write the domain name.
  • Then look for “myhostname =”. And enter the machine name.
  • Now the mail server can send letters to other computers that are on the same network. So that it can send correspondence to other domains on the Internet, in the “” file, find the line “inet_interfaces =”. Place the word “all” after it.
  • In the “mynetworks =” variable, enter the range of addresses of all computers on your subnet (for example,

If the service is configured correctly and all conditions are met ( permanent IP address, registered domain), then the Server will be able to receive and send correspondence. If your domain's MX record refers to your host.

To view resource logs, use the command “tail -f /var/log/mail/info”. To receive a message from him, enter "mailq".

File server

You may need a Linux FTP server to exchange documents and upload files. There are several versions of such resources: vsFTPd, Samba, proFTPd.

Let's take a closer look at vsFTPd. It can be installed and launched with one command - “sudo apt-get install vsftpd”. Further settings depend on your preferences and what kind of service you want to make. Administrator rights may be required to change settings.

  1. Immediately after downloading the program, the system creates a new user and adds a folder to the home directory that is intended for working with server storage. Also in the “etc” directory there is a file “ftpusers”. There you can add users who are denied access to files.
  2. After installation, it is better to change the directory in which the files should be located to the “var” folder. To do this, as an administrator, write the command “usermod -d /var/ftp ftp && rmdir /home/ftp”.
  3. Create a new user group. For example, "userftp". Type “addgroup userftp” into the console.
  4. Add a new account to it (for simplicity, we will name the user and group the same). Use the command "useradd -a /var/ftp -g userftp userftp". It also creates a user. To include an existing nickname in the group, instead of “useradd” write “usermod”.
  5. You need to come up with a password for the new user. Enter “passwd userftp” in the terminal.
  6. Type "chmod 555 /var/ftp && chown root:userftp /var/ftp" to give the account access to the file server root folder.
  7. Now create a public directory. Sequentially enter “mkdir /var/ftp/pub” and “chown userftp:userftp /var/ftp/pub”.

Initially, FTP starts in offline mode. She has a script that plays the role of a demon. With this functionality, several commands are available. They are entered after the line “sudo service vsftpd”.

  • Stop and Start. Disable and enable.
  • Restart and Reload. Restart. Needed to apply new settings. The difference between the commands is that in the second the reboot occurs without a complete shutdown.
  • Status. Status information.

Further configuration of the server involves rewriting the configuration file, which is located in etc/vsftpd.conf. It has a simple and understandable structure. It's quite easy to understand. Although this requires certain knowledge. Before changing this file it makes sense to do it backup copy. So that if errors are detected, everything can be restored. Enter the command “cp /etc/vsftpd.conf /etc/vsftpd_old.conf” and the information will be saved.

After this you can start editing.

  • In the “listen=” parameter write “YES”. Then the server will work in independent mode.
  • "Local_enable" allows local users to log in.
  • "Write_enable" gives them access to their home directories.
  • "Anonymous_enable". You can limit the rights of anonymous users by setting “NO”. There is also an option “no_anon_password” - anonymous logins without a password. It can also be banned.

If you want to make a public server, then after the “listen” line you need to add several additional parameters.

  • "Max_clients". Number of simultaneous connections.
  • "Idle_session_timeout" and "data_connection_timeout". Session timeouts.
  • "Ftpd_banner". Welcome message for visitors. You can write, for example, “Hello!”

Terminal server

A Linux terminal server is intended for enterprises and offices, where all computers are connected into one network. It is very convenient when you can access the terminal from any PC (if it has access) of the organization. This opens up great opportunities for remote administration.

LTSP - Linux Terminal Server Project - is suitable for this task. The program is included in the standard Ubuntu package. To install it:

  1. Enter the command "ltsp-server-standalone".
  2. Then write “apt-get update && apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone”.
  3. Wait for everything to download and update.
  4. Now we need to install the client system. Type "ltsp-build-client".
  5. Then "ltsp-build-client -dist trusty -arch i386 -fat-client-desktop lubuntu-desktop".
  6. Use the "debootstrap" command and the distribution will automatically expand to the "opt/ltsp/i386" directory.

Linux Server can run even on weak PCs. Therefore, it is very often used to create servers and remote administration. Mail services, FTP storages, and terminals are made on this operating system.

Clients often contact us with questions about choosing an OS for a server. That's why we decided to tell you about each popular OS separately to make your choice easier.

To begin with, it is worth noting that it is probably better to choose the OS with which you have already worked and are well versed in its settings. But there are still exceptions; sometimes you have to choose something new to improve your work and choose an OS that will match necessary requirements. So let's begin...

FreeBSD– one of the oldest operating systems with a rich history. But every year the number of users of this system is decreasing, although it is considered one of the most reliable and safe operating systems. There are several reasons for the decline in popularity of this OS, the main one is one team of developers and not large number commercial software for FreeBSD. If you have a problem with FreeBSD, it will most likely remain unresolved.

On at the moment version 10 of FreeBSD has been released, which successfully works on a variety of processor architectures and, in the hands of a master, makes it possible to fine tuning kernels. The advantages of FreeBSD include excellent implementation of working with memory, networking and I/O systems. Are you interested in the main differences between Linux and BSD? Read more in the article.

Windows Server (using the example of Windows Server 2008 R2) – the system is practical and has a large performance reserve. The best solution for a file server or terminal, has a backup tool, which significantly increases reliability.

The main disadvantage is the demanding hardware. Windows Server 2008 R2 no longer supports 32-bit architecture, and in general it requires significantly more resources to operate than its counterparts. Important feature OS requires license purchase. It is worth not forgetting that a huge number of existing virus programs are targeted specifically at Windows.

In most cases, this product is used for “home” site testing, for connecting a remote desktop, or when using IIS and ASP.

HyperHost offers VDS, including a free license for 180 days (trial period). For example, you can order a VDS server with Windows OS 2008, 2012, 2016. More details about these versions and their main differences in the article ““. We also offer detailed instructions on installing the operating system from your iso image in VMmanager using Windows 10 as an example.

CentOS- a free analogue of Red Hat, which is quite popular. The number of users of this OS is huge, which allows you to quickly solve all problems and bugs that arise. The advantage is the presence of many forums where they can help you with questions about CentOS. Significant advantages of Centos also include the very convenient and fast package manager yum, but the disadvantage is considered to be the presence of not the most latest versions accompanying software in standard package repositories (repositories) for Centos.

This OS supports almost all hosting control panels. About the pros and cons of this operating system in the article ““. If you work with this system, then you will definitely find our instructions for And .

Debianis a Linux distribution that has many fans and is actively developing. This OS is universal and is used on servers and ordinary work machines. Debian is an excellent solution for a server that needs to work stably and uninterruptedly. The excessive conservatism of the OS is the main drawback, since developers rarely delight with new releases.

About features and functionality Debian 9 in the article.

Users of the new Debian 7 “Wheezy” (desktop environments) get KDE 4.8.4 and GNOME 3.4 at their disposal. The new release contains a more modern LibreOffice 3.5.4. The standard assembly contains MP3, MPEG-4, AAC codecs, etc. The clean and licensed open source OS is winning new Debian fans. All the benefits of Debian are described in more detail.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux– one of the most popular and in demand OS. The system is mainly intended for corporate use, and is particularly reliable and secure. Proof of this is that this OS will be used to deploy important applications on global exchanges, financial institutions, leading telecommunications companies, animation studios, etc. The main disadvantage is that the OS is paid. Main feature– there is commercial support for the distribution. The frequency of release of new versions is 3 years.

– widely used by many users, since the OS lightweight and easy to set up. There is an opinion that with installing Ubuntu Even a schoolboy can cope. If your budget is limited, you don’t expect large loads on the server and you don’t have time to read documentation in search of information, then feel free to choose this OS. Ubuntu – OS description: current versions, pros, cons. More details in the next one.

Ubuntu is often chosen by those who need new and latest versions kernel and applications, but it is worth noting that the newest does not always work without problems or better. However, the distribution is very similar to Debian, due to the fact that it was originally and still is based on and uses a large amount of Debian OS code and utilities. ?

What should you choose? Many developers advise choosing Ubuntu. After all, there are the most manuals, forums, blogs, etc. on it. A significant advantage: it is most often used on desktops. All this simplifies working with the server: it is easier to find material if necessary and configure everything yourself. In principle, Debian is very similar to Ubuntu. CentOS is considered a more outdated option, but is also in good demand. But in terms of performance, they are all at the same level: this is the Linux family.

Choosing between Windows and Linux? Read more about all the differences between these operating systems.

There is no universal and best OS. It's all about practice if you have already worked with a certain OS, then continue to work with it. However, technical support Hyper Host™ can work with any operating systems and distributions. You can rest assured that we will always help you if necessary and will set up the OS completely free of charge. When ordering from HyperHost, free administration is included as a gift, so you don’t have to worry about the uninterrupted operation of your virtual dedicated server.

To easily work with servers, special control panels are used; read more about the types and advantages of each panel.

In addition to the operating systems described above, there are many more types of them. For example, Linux-based distributions have been developed that are also popular, but less in demand. Read more about these distributions.

Hyper Host™ wishes you a pleasant work!

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operating room Linux system Most often used specifically for servers. Linux was designed from the ground up for this, it has a secure architecture and is also freely licensed, which can save you a lot of money.

But there are a huge number of Linux distributions and you need to choose which one is best suited for your project. Each Linux distribution has its own characteristics and advantages, as well as disadvantages. In this article, we will look at the best Linux distributions for server.

You may already know some of them, but you will hear about others for the first time. The review took into account features such as ease of installation and use, price, availability of commercial support, reliability, and so on. Now let's move on to the list of the 10 best Linux distributions for the server.

First on our list is Ubuntu. This is a very popular Linux distribution based on Debian and developed by Canonical. In addition to the desktop version, there is a server version.

Ubuntu has a straightforward installer, is easy to use and configure, and has world-class commercial support from Canonical.

The latest release of Ubuntu 16.04, which took place in April 2016, has become even better. Now it supports OpenStack Mitaka support, and LXD container virtualization, as well as the unified Snappy package delivery system. In addition to servers, Ubuntu is designed to work with new technologies such as containers, mobile devices and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Nowadays, Ubuntu is most often used to run web servers among all other distributions. The latest release of Ubuntu is marked LTS, which means it has a long support period. This operating system will receive updates for five years.

2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux

The history of Red Hat began as a small company to create a commercial distribution. Now it is a powerful server operating system that plays a significant role in the development of open source software, even more so than Canonical.

Developers from Red Hat are actively involved in the development of open source software, they even have their own infrastructure for creating web applications based on Red Hat Linux - OpenShift.

The Red Hat Linux distribution is used by large companies around the world, contains the latest, but already quite proven technologies, and provides support and updates for versions of its distributions for ten years.

Red Hat Entrprice Linux is based on the Fedora distribution, developed by the community and sponsored by Red Hat. Fedora is updated more frequently than RHEL and serves as a testing ground for new features and technologies that will later be included in Red Hat. But there is no such stability and commercial support as in Red Hat.

At the moment, the latest version of Red Hat Enterprice Linux 7, which has been developed since 2010 and was released in June 2014. The main improvements are scalability for enterprises, new file system, which can scale up to 500 terabytes, as well as support for Docker virtualization technology. The last corrective release of Red Hat Enterprse Linux 7.2 took place in November 2015.

3. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) is developed by Novell. It is a stable, fast and easy to use Linux distribution, with fast technical support 24/7.

Just as Red Hat Enterprise is based on Fedora, SUSE Linux is based on the free OpenSUSE distribution. The developers focus on stability, technical support over time, and distribution support for the latest technologies. If you have enough money to pay for support, this is the best linux for server.

The last major release of SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 (SLES 12) was released at the end of October 2014. These appeared here interesting opportunities, such as support for the Docker framework, a full-fledged version rollback system, hot kernel updates on the fly, as well as other software modules to improve the smooth operation and efficiency of the system. SLES 12 SP1, which was released in December 2015, added support for network configuration and JeOS.

4. CentOS

If you have a website hosted on any web hosting service, there are many chances that your web server is running on CentOS. It is a free system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and it is not a completely commercial system, but you can count on commercial support.

Community Enterprise Operating System or CentOS is developed and maintained by the community. The code is based on Red Hat, but all trademarks of this system have been removed. We can say that this is the best Linux for a server.

In 2014, there were statements that CentOS would work with Red Hat to reduce the gap between the innovation-oriented Fedora distribution and the commercial CentOS distribution.

But CentOS will continue to provide the system for free to users. At the same time, this system remains supported by the community, and not by Red Hat. The latest version of CentOS 7.2 was released in December 2015 and is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2.

5. Debian

Debian is a free operating system and there is no commercial support. But you can take advantage of the support of Debian certified centers around the world. The Debian project originated in 1993 and now a large number of distributions are based on it, the most famous of which are Ubuntu and Linux Mint.

Debian remains an excellent option for those who value stability in exchange for latest technologies. The last major stable release was Debian 8 Jessie, released in April 2015, which will continue to receive updates for five years.

In this version, Debian switched to the new Systemd initialization system, instead of the old SysV init, and the kernel and software were also updated - Apache, LibreOffice, Perl, Python, Xen Hypervisor, GNU Compiler Collection, GNOME desktop environment and Xfce. Latest Debian update was in July 2016, version 8.5.

6. Oracle Linux

If you didn't know, Oracle releases its own Linux distribution - Oracle Linux. It is based on Red Hat and contains various improvements from Oracle.

Oracle Linux is a fairly strong competitor to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, since Oracle support is half the price of Red Hat support.

The distribution is optimized primarily for databases, so if you need databases, it is better to use this distribution.

The latest version of Oracle Linux 7.2 was released in November 2015 and is based on Red Hat Enterprise 7.2.


Mageia is a fork with open source code project Mandriva Linux, which was closed in 2011. Mageia 5 was released in 2015, and Mageia 6 is expected to be released in August-September 2016.

This distribution was developed in France and is popular in Europe and South America. The name Mandriva and the code base itself are taken from the Mandrake and Connectiva Linux distributions.

Mageia saves strengths Mandriva continues to evolve with new features and capabilities. Mageia updates are released every 9 months and each release is supported for two cycles, 18 months.

8. ClearOS

ClearOS is an open source distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS, developed by Intel. It can be used as a server, a network gateway, or an application platform.

Formerly known as ClarkConnect, ClearOS has become a great option for implementing a Linux server for small businesses. There is an excellent web interface for managing the system, as well as a lot of documentation. Therefore, this distribution will be an excellent option for beginners.

In addition to the commercial version, there is ClearOS Community Edition, as well as an inexpensive professional version, which includes technical support and a range of additional functions. The distribution is supported by the Clear Foundation, and there is also a store of applications, both paid and free, that can be used to expand the capabilities of the OS.

The last major release of ClearOS became available for download in March 2015. Latest update ClearOS 7.2 received home and business editions, improved virtualization support (including Microsoft HyperV), XFS and Btrfs support, a new dynamic dashboard, LVM caching support and IPv6 support.

9. Arch Linux

A simple, lightweight Arch Linux distribution designed for more experienced Linux users. There is no support and installation is not at all easy, unlike what other top linux server distros offer. But this does not mean that Arch Linux cannot be used as a server.

Like Gentoo, it uses a rolling release model, which means that the system will always be updated to the latest new version, no releases.

The Pacman package manager ensures that software is updated to the latest versions, with dependencies resolved. True, this method of updating can sometimes cause problems if not handled carefully.

10. Slackware

Although Slackware is not a commercial distribution, the developers maintain relationships with several companies that provide paid support.

This is one of the earliest Linux distributions. It was released in 1993 and has a lot of fans. Developers regularly release new versions; the latest Slackware 14.2 was released in July 2016.


Our review has come to an end, now you know which Linux distribution to choose for the server..04. It's possible that not all of the best distributions are listed here. Which linux better server do you think? Which one do you use? Write in the comments?

An operating system is needed not only for PCs, but also for servers. Nowadays, various server operating systems are produced, which differ in functionality, performance and cost. How to choose one of them?

What is a server OS and why is it needed?

A server OS is an operating system installed on server hardware. Installation and debugging of such an OS is included in server maintenance. It is intended primarily for managing server software, which is designed to serve all network users.

The server OS should be selected based on which server it will be installed on. Novice administrators usually choose the most familiar system, and they turn out to be wrong. Server maintenance professionals have long highlighted the benefits of all existing systems for each specific server.

Types of server OS

The most commonly used operating system for a server is:

  • Windows Server 2003. This system was released quite a long time ago, but it cannot be called outdated. It is considered the most universal. It may have a graphical shell, but in this case it requires too many system resources. Ideal for creating a terminal server, as well as for novice system administrators.
  • Windows Server 2008 R2. One of the most productive OS. Great for file and terminal servers. In general, this system is quite universal, but it consumes much more resources than its analogues.
  • Ubuntu Server 10.10. The leader in popularity among unix systems. Made on Linux kernel. Despite the fact that the system does not have an interface, it is even easier to configure than Windows Server OS. Consumes few resources and is inexpensive. It is easy to install and maintain, it is quite reliable and versatile.
  • CentOS 5.5. One of the most stable operating systems, perfect for those servers that need to ensure long-term trouble-free operation.
  • Gentoo. Also based on Linux. It features very flexible settings and capabilities for obtaining high performance with proper server maintenance carried out by professionals.
  • FreeBSD 8.2. One of the Unix-like systems, an ideal solution for creating a web server. Used on the most important servers that provide access to irreplaceable information. It can withstand significant traffic loads and runs on one of the most reliable operating systems.

Here are the main server operating systems with a brief list of their pros and cons. And, of course, it’s up to you to decide!

The choice of a network operating system is a strategic decision made by an organization based on the specific requirements for the platform on which business solutions are expected to be built. Support remains important among these requirements. network services And general access to files and printers.

The purpose of a server operating system is to manage applications that serve all users of the corporate network, and often external users. Such applications include modern database management systems, network management and network event analysis tools, directory services, messaging and groupware tools, Web servers, mail servers, corporate firewalls, application servers for a wide variety of purposes, server parts of business applications. The performance and reliability requirements of these operating systems are very high; often this includes support for clusters (a set of a number of computers of the same type that perform the same task and share the load among themselves), and the possibility of duplication and redundancy, and reconfiguration of software and hardware without rebooting the operating system.

The choice of a server operating system and a hardware platform for it is primarily determined by what applications must be run under its control (at a minimum, the selected applications must exist in a version for this platform) and what requirements are imposed on its performance, reliability and availability.

In our project we will compare 2 types of server OS: Windows Server and Linux.

It is quite difficult to analyze all the forums, letters, interactive messages that were devoted to one single topic: which is better - Windows or Linux. Both operating systems have an entire army of supporters who fiercely defend their beliefs, present irrefutable arguments and do everything. To prove the advantages of their “favorites”. Often such disputes are overly emotional and rather superficial.

Of course, today everyone knows Windows; recognition of this brand is very high all over the world. For many years, Windows has been the leader in the operating system market, with a share of up to 90%. The palm belongs to Windows in the field of home operating systems - the popularity of Windows 10 is undeniable. A convenient and intuitive graphical user interface, stable operation, minimal settings, and other characteristics have won the hearts of millions of users around the world.

The situation is slightly different with the Windows Server network operating system. Historically, Windows Server (2012 R2) has gained market share through an uphill battle against UNIX. And other operating systems, since UNIX was the main operating system in the world in the 80s of the 20th century. After the release of Windows NT 3.1, Microsoft's network operating system began to attract more supporters (as the x86 architecture developed). As a result, it has become the primary architecture for processors used in home and office computers. In parallel with the development of Microsoft's network operating system, major changes also occurred in the UNIX world, which led to the emergence new system- Linux.

Linux should be understood as the general name for an architecture based on a single software kernel. This kernel is the basis on which the various versions of the Linux operating system developed by many developers are built. Such packages include, in particular, Red Hat, SuSE, Mandriva (formerly Mandrake), etc.

The Linux operating system is based on the UNIX architecture, but develops in its own way. Its main difference from UNIX is that Linux is a free operating system. In addition, Linux is characterized by excellent stability, security and performance. Main areas of application for Linux: corporate servers, Web servers, gateways email.

However, these functions can also be performed by a Windows Server-based system. To decide on the choice of operating system, let's compare some of their features.

User graphical interface

The ease of working with an operating system depends entirely on its user graphical interface. Many years ago there was no such thing as a graphical interface, and most work was done in character mode. It is thanks to the provision of an easy-to-read graphical interface that the Windows operating system has become so popular among home and office users. The very concept of “convenience” in the context of a graphical interface can be interpreted in different ways. Of course, a well-designed interface should be clear, not overloaded with visual elements, and at the same time provide effective means for sorting and presenting screen elements. However, a simple habit also makes the interface convenient. If a person for a long time worked with one type of interface, it can be quite difficult for him to switch to another. It is this fact that largely explains the popularity of Windows - if someone is used to graphical interface Windows then Linux interface will seem “unusual”, “complicated” and “incomprehensible”. Although this is not entirely true, Linux has a fairly user-friendly interface; all it takes is some practice.


The issue of security is critical for any server. It is better to take server equipment with a built-in firewall. The server of any company usually stores important data, the confidentiality of which must be guaranteed. Over the past few years, cases of illegal entry into computer networks companies and organizations in order to obtain information or to disable the entire network. It is for this reason that a modern operating system must provide the highest possible level of protection against “hacking” and computer viruses.

The possibility of “hacking” and infection by computer viruses became possible mainly due to shortcomings in the security system of the operating system. For example, exploiting a software bug such as a buffer overflow can result in remote control over the user's entire system. There are thousands of similar errors, and new ones appear every day.

But the leader in their number is currently Windows. Just go to any website dedicated to questions computer security, and see how many errors were identified for, for example, such a popular Windows programs, How Internet Explorer. The result is unlikely to be reassuring. The security level of Windows can be considered relatively low; Tens of thousands of computer viruses are designed to harm Windows 10 and Windows Server R2 2012, and the situation is getting worse every year.

Linux's positioning as the "most secure operating system" is generally true. While reports of new security flaws in Windows appear daily, much less is known about computer viruses for Linux. Does this mean that Linux is a more secure system than Windows? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. In any case, there is no “total” advantage of Linux over Windows in the field of security. The small number of computer viruses for Linux is largely due to the fact that the popularity of this system among home users is extremely low.

In any Windows case cannot be considered completely “defenseless.” The security system of this operating system is constantly being improved, and using antivirus programs and firewalls (also required for Linux), Windows security can be considered sufficient.

Operation stability

Stability of operation is another argument that is given in favor of Linux. Many Windows users are familiar with the phenomenon “ blue screen death." This fatal error, caused by critical incompatibility of certain software components, happens quite often and can take a lot of time to resolve. Windows-based systems freeze when the only way out is to restart the computer.

Stability Linux works became almost a legend. When regular user Windows may restart your computer several times a day, Linux users often work for months without a single reboot. Many Linux-based servers can operate for a year or more without a reboot. At the same time, errors in program operation certainly occur in Linux, but their consequences are often less significant than in Windows.

The above lists a number of advantages of Linux, but the conclusion that Linux is the most stable operating system is also ambiguous.

Many Windows-based servers work in the same way for many months without a single reboot; many home users reinstall Windows no more than once every year and a half. It all depends on the conditions of use of the operating system and methods of working with it.


The possibilities of both Windows and Linux are almost limitless. Both operating systems allow you to fully configure the server to perform one or more functions. As a result of the development of server operating systems Windows systems and Linux, typical areas of their application have gradually developed, and in some of them there is Windows advantage over Linux and vice versa.

Today, Linux is one of the most popular operating systems for use as a Web server. More than half of all Internet sites run on servers running Linux and the Apache Web server. DNS Servers, printing, file servers, email server, FTP server and much more - tasks that can be effectively implemented using Linux.

The Windows operating system also has its advantages. Perhaps the main advantage Windows server and implemented on the basis Windows local networks is a directory service Active Directory. This service was first introduced in Windows 2000 Server and expanded in Windows Server R2 2012 and Windows Server 2008. The service provides centralized network management and allows you to efficiently add, remove, and move resources such as accounts users, printers, servers, databases, computers, security policies and much more. In many ways, the popularity of Windows is due to Active Directory.

This is the only aspect in which Linux has an unconditional advantage. Various Linux versions are developed under the GPL license and are available for download and use free of charge, without any licensing or other costs. Likewise, tens of thousands of programs for Linux are free, among which you can find applications to perform any task. A number of paid programs designed for Windows have free analogues in the Linux world. So, the office package Microsoft programs Office has a free competitor to OpenOffice (as well as some other packages).

In turn, the cost of both the Windows server operating system itself and licenses for its use can reach an impressive amount, which will most likely be higher than the cost of the hardware components of the server itself. In addition, to this amount should be added the cost of licenses for user and ton Windows 10 systems in local network.

Justification for choice

On the Linux side - cost, stability, high efficiency and security. On the Windows side there is also high operating efficiency, wider distribution and familiar interface, Active Directory directory service, hundreds of thousands of programs designed specifically for Windows. You should also take into account the huge number of updates offered daily by Microsoft, Service Packs that are periodically released for operating systems and other applications. Quite a lot of financial programs are created exclusively for Windows, however using Linux for various databases in lately has become common practice. And in conclusion, let’s talk about the considerable cost of licenses for Windows, which contrasts with the opportunity to get Linux and most programs for free.

It would seem that many advantages are on the side of Linux, an operating system that is developing more than actively. Nevertheless, she has. considerable shortcomings. First of all, Linux administration requires higher qualifications than Windows management Server basic Windows services Server R2 2012 can be configured intuitively clear interface and pop-up screen tips. At Linux setup will have to work with command line and scripting languages. Which, of course, is somewhat more complicated. The free nature of Linux, oddly enough, is also a disadvantage of the operating system. Many Linux programs (like itself) are not provided with any technical support or maintenance, so all tasks for installing and maintaining them, and solving other various problems are assigned to system administrator. This factor can become a serious drawback and even a threat to the stability of the company's entire network infrastructure if the server administrator is not sufficiently experienced in working with Linux.

In Fig. 21comparison of Windows Server and Linux server operating systems for a Web server.

rice. 21 Comparison of server operating systems Windows Server and Linux for Wep server.

Figure 22 shows a comparison of the Windows Server and Linux server operating systems for a file server.

Rice. 22 Comparison of Windows Server and Linux server operating systems for a file server.

Conclusion: In this thesis project, we chose Linux OS for the Wep server and Windows Server for the file server.

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