A person’s own internal memory computer science 5. Internal and external memory

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§ 5. Information storage

Working and long-term memory

Each person stores certain information in his own memory - “in the mind”. Do you remember your home address, names, addresses and telephone numbers of close relatives and friends. Your memory stores addition and multiplication tables, basic spelling patterns and other knowledge acquired at school. Own ( internal) human memory can be called operational, because the information it contains is reproduced quite quickly. But this is how a person is designed that he cannot store large amounts of information in his own memory for a long time: if you do not consolidate knowledge with constant exercises, the information is very quickly forgotten. To avoid this we use notebooks, directories, encyclopedias and other information media - external memory. This memory can be called long-term.

At different times, information carriers included stone, parchment, papyrus and other materials, as well as products made from them.

From ancient times to the present day, paper has remained one of the main carriers of information.

The properties of paper as an information carrier are truly unique:

  • paper manufacturing technology is quite simple and inexpensive;
  • even thin paper is strong and durable;
  • paper is very convenient for applying marks and drawings using multi-colored paints.

Many interesting information You can learn about storage media by reading the materials in the electronic supplement to the textbook.

The title of this section can confuse any sane person and cause a whole storm of emotions and curious assumptions. Indeed, what kind of external human memory can we talk about? It seems that we are not computer mechanisms and there is no way to connect their inherent applications to us. We are creatures, we are intelligent organisms created by nature, but how can we replace or improve such an incomprehensible process as memory? Okay, if you replace your hand with a mechanical prosthesis or use it to grasp the robotic tentacle manipulator. But memory is a completely incomprehensible mechanism for storing information in our head, the mechanism of which has not been studied, so how can one even assume and talk about it?! But this is only at first glance. There are some nuances that allow relatively crude approaches to significantly influence the effectiveness of such a soft and sensitive process that constantly functions in our heads.

First, in general terms, we will understand the basic characteristics and properties of the process of memory functioning, which are known to every person, and we will omit theories about biological processes, because they may ultimately not be used in any way in the implementation external memory. So, we all know that our memory has two main forms - short and long. That is, there are things that we can remember for just a few seconds, or minutes at most, and there are things that we can remember for the rest of our lives. It has been experimentally proven that completely different processes and even different parts of the brain are responsible for these two types of memory, which is especially clearly manifested in some of its damage, when a person is deprived of one or another component. Everyone also knows that we can’t fit everything that happens around us into it and often forget some important things.

However, here we can digress a little and recall that we can distinguish another type of memory - absolute, which manifests itself during the so-called regression, when you can remember everything that has ever been perceived and felt by any organ. Access to this type of memory opens when experiencing a normal phase; moreover, this is the only way to independently achieve these deep processes and even the most easy way of all known. Since the Mindnet also implies the ease of entering the exit from the body, then with it this side of the hidden human capabilities of memory can come out.

Returning to memory, let us remember that sometimes we need to remember very important things, but we are not able to fully assimilate them, why we have to use an intermediate language, a kind of external memory, by storing information in the physical world around us, by making notes, sketches, etc. After this, it becomes clear that external memory is not such an abstract concept, although, of course, in the context of the Mindnet we are talking about completely different things in this direction. The fact that we constantly have to use the storage of knowledge and information in the stable world of physical space inevitably imposes significant costs in implementation. For example, how many of your thoughts can you write down in our inexpressive language in a short time?

Now let's look at the properties computer memory, which of course also has certain shortcomings, but also has significantly more powerful resources in some moments. For example, thanks to the clear digital language of ones and zeros, it is possible to store any information in amazing detail and, most importantly, very accurately. An incredible number of operations per second allows powerful computer processors spend literally fractions of a second on this, when the human mind requires hours for the same amount of information, if we mean ordinary memory. Contrary to popular belief that the computer is still far from human memory, which is supposedly still far ahead, we can confidently say that this is not the case in reality. Deep, absolute memory, which is available during strong changes in states of consciousness, does not count. This can be proven with just one question: how long will it take you to remember a ten-digit number and how long will it take even your calculator in mobile phone, keeping silent about multi-thousand hertz processors?

Speaking about the unusual properties of computers and their combination with human processes inside the head, one might think that the technology of embedding chips in the head looks most natural, the topic of which is so actively discussed in all kinds of science fiction novels and even sometimes has an experimental place in reality. Of course, implanting chips can be useful for some purposes, but for some reason I don’t really want to be the bearer of this device. Moreover, in the context of the Mindnet, we are talking about a completely different type of external memory. Basically, if you thought of it the same way it happens to a computer when you plug it into USB port jet flash and transfer knowledge there, and then, when necessary, you insert it again and pump it into yourself or someone else, then you were wrong. All processes can take place at a much more humane level.

In fact, external memory will be a natural consequence of the existence of full-fledged Mindnet technologies. There is nothing supernatural or unexpected in this. If it is possible to read information, as well as impose it, then it will be possible to store it. Exaggeratedly, the whole process will take place according to the following algorithm: internal creation of information that needs to be saved, which can be either in the form of an object or in the form of a written cipher; then reading the perception of this object and translating this data into the notorious ones and zeroes to store - that's all. Then, if necessary, the actions occur in the reverse order. In addition, it is possible to permanently backup experiences, because this is a common process for computers, so it will be possible to take advantage of this advantage of this technology. We can say that if the Mindnet exists, then external memory in this form will also exist, since without the properties necessary for it, there cannot be the most complete (pro) Mindnet. With light Mindnet this feature is completely eliminated.

If we briefly touch on the properties of this particular manifestation of the interaction of these technologies, we can highlight several main points. Firstly, only that which has full specifications from a perceptual point of view. It is simply not possible to do otherwise, as it now seems, because we are not talking about reading thoughts, but about the signals that we receive during contact with this or that object. These signals can be read and converted into digital form, and then stored. From which it follows that the memorized information must have a physical form in perception. In turn, it follows from this that not everything can undergo such total preservation in all details, down to the smallest characteristics. True, those nuances that are implied and not appearance, due to the fact that they are properties, why they also cannot be read and can only be stored in an “empty” form. However, when such a limited form is imposed, their properties can independently arise even in another person, due to the “additional” possibility of the phase.

It may seem that the information stored may rarely be in the form of a specific object. Actually this is not true. Our thinking does not operate with words and letters, as one might think, but uses exclusively figurative forms of reasoning and memorization. This is why we encounter difficulties in translating, both for those around us and for ourselves, these multidimensional images into words that can with great difficulty be characterized by precise definitions. Languages ​​were created for communication between people, and not for using them in relation to ourselves, which gave rise to an internal dialogue that ultimately suppressed the connection with subconscious resources, including intuition, since it forgot how to fully understand internal urges and signals in in the form of images.

The question may arise, how can these images be turned into a physical object in a lucid dream? answering this question is not at all difficult if you have at least a small idea of ​​its properties. In it, not only the image of a specific object, but even an entire space can take on a physical form. The author of this book has conducted quite a lot of experiments in this direction and can state with responsibility that this is indeed the case. Of course, there are separate techniques and rules for this, but it is possible. Due to the fact that the Mindnet does not yet exist, to test memory we had to use our subconscious resources, which also successfully coped with the tasks, even if the object was changed many times before “sending” it to memory for some time.

As for the specific physical properties of remembered objects, they can be in all possible planes in which only our senses can perceive something. Starting from the crude physical form of the most diverse types, ending only with sound, which in this case is a completely physical object, although it will be quite difficult to count it from the current state of affairs.

Also, the object’s properties will be preserved if they were predefined and existed, which is also important. However, this is only possible if, when reading information about the functions of an object, there was complete information about them, and not just knowledge of the person within whom everything is happening.

As always, any reasonable person should first think about how necessary all this is, how it can be applied and what to do with it. If he is truly intelligent, then he can very quickly guess for himself how effective this means is in solving many problems and in improving a number of important processes. Again, we can confidently say that, purely theoretically, this can affect everything that can be touched. However, such a total expansion of the Mindnet should not be expected, so only a few basic applications may become widespread, at least at first.

All these applications stem from one thing - the need to remember information, which can be both complex and instantaneous in its manifestation.

Firstly, this is the storage of information in the form of a specific object, both when it is the direct object of storage, and when this object simply takes the form of an image. This will find wide application wherever creative work occurs and it is necessary to create layouts, diagrams, templates (architects, designers, engineers, cultural figures) and direct products, for example, design for the very world of the Mindnet or the Internet. As a result, Mindnet will not only allow you to effortlessly reproduce certain images in the form in which they really exist without distortions caused by translating them into a physical image, as happens in everyday reality, but will also allow you to easily manipulate all characteristics and change them in one direction or another, saving all actions and even canceling them.

Secondly, it is the storage of standard data in any form in which it can be. Numbers, codes, ciphers, languages ​​- it doesn’t matter. Moreover, it also does not matter in what form such data appears before our perception in a lucid dream. that is, we can see them written on paper, we can see them on a monitor screen, we can see them in any other form in which we can make out the meaning or reproduce it in some way, that is, it can even be a repository of information in the familiar form of memory cards or even computers. The fact is that when operating digital languages ​​in this state, it will not necessarily be guided by their usual appearance on a two-dimensional monitor screen, due to the fact that the world there is multidimensional, and it will require something completely different. software, at which standard features PCs can change significantly.

As for the use and storage of information, here we can present several examples, the essence of which allows us to understand the scale of rationality of such a phenomenon. For example, during a Mindnet meeting or presentation, it is necessary to reproduce the design of a house under construction, which a group of architects and engineers have been creating for the nth time. Unlike conventional presentation methods, best view which is currently represented by a multimedia, limited in two-dimensional planes, mindnet presentation will not only allow you to easily reproduce the created model of a house in full size and in the form as if it had already been built, but will also allow meeting participants to walk through it and consider everything in details, clearly identifying the advantages and disadvantages of the project, while in different offices or even at home.

This property can be useful in all possible information storage situations. For example, if you need to save passwords, the problem of which increases with the spread of any global network, when the issue of saving user information becomes more and more painful, this can be done in a very convenient way, unlike the present time. You can save them in the most acceptable form for perception (an inscription on paper or something else, an object that can remind them, and much more).

Another example, if an accountant during the same Mindnet meeting needs, say, to hand over a quarterly report to his boss, then for this it will be possible to use any form, starting from ancient sheets of paper report forms and ending with a pleasant-looking label in the form of any item that will automatically have a connection with the data attached to it in computer program. The question may arise that all this does not make sense, since even now you can transfer the disk or simply send it via email, however, we are talking about a Mindnet meeting, which could take place provided that all those present were in remote friend from each other places, and the direct transfer of information from hand to hand can allow it to be operated at the current moment.

Even at a superficial glance, it is clear that this feature of the existence of the Mindnet not only represents many useful forms of application in various areas of human life, but is also very interesting and curious in itself. Since the properties of external memory will make it possible to repeatedly increase the resources of memorized information, making it possible to often store it in its natural form, regardless of the scale, this moves the productivity of human thinking to a different level, which is very interesting in the current situation, since the Mindnet also implies many other extraordinary useful properties. And if all this exists together, then what kind of progress can be achieved using all these possibilities at once?!

One can think about a real partial transition of humanity to another level of existence, to another world with other possibilities for physical existence outside it. It seems that the real world, the real forest, the real sun and real water cannot be replaced by anything, since this is the most natural and necessary, but even now the most advanced part of humanity can hardly imagine its existence without computer technology and capabilities. Mindnet will allow you to multiply them. However, following the rule of nature to have moderation in everything even on an unconscious level and following the structure of social existence, when in the best possible outcome such technologies will not be available to everyone on this planet - nothing bad will happen to humanity and it will always understand the value of both everyday reality and different, no matter what world it is in and no matter what amazing properties it has.

There are an incredible number of reasons why the Mindnet should exist, which more than justifies it. However, a person’s external memory is one of those facets, thanks to which the Mindnet already fully justifies its existence and the efforts expended on it. It alone can provide so many possibilities for use that it is simply impossible to cover all the nuances of this moment at once.

Such an opportunity to rationalize human thinking through a manifold increase in memory resources and reproduction of its contents, humanity may be similar to a kind of symbiosis of a living being and computer technology, which is not suitable for any of the current existing definitions. It seems that he is not a semi-robot or a robot, much less a cyborg, or anything else. Indeed, in this state there is no direct merging of living flesh and inanimate technologies, only their interaction occurs, which in no way affects human health, except possible problems with the very existence of the Mindnet system, when methods of reading and imposing information may have certain disadvantages, which will need to be counteracted.

Some may think that this could lead to the degradation of humanity as a completely autonomous being, whose life and functional abilities are independent of any external technologies. But it does not seem possible that, firstly, a person can completely break away from the physical world, which supports his existence at the proper level, and, secondly, on the contrary, the Mindnet itself can lead to the evolution of human consciousness. This side of it can have a particularly strong influence on this, because our idea of ​​our own capabilities is based, for the most part, on memory resources, and if we proceed from this opinion, it turns out that the capabilities of our thinking can be multiplied many times over. Considering this degradation is not possible from any reasonable point of view.

The boundaries of our possibilities will be destroyed and will go so far that it is now difficult to determine even their approximate future border, which is so distant and vague that it seems non-existent. External memory is what a reasonable person dreams of, and the Mindnet will allow such a dream to come true. In addition, it allows us to open up completely different possibilities in reproducing memory, its full compliance in implementation with our internal representations, which is no less important, because the resources of standard memory are high, but it is very difficult to pull out information from there without distortion, and for some then this process is practically impossible at all. Therefore, the Mindnet will not only provide new memory, but will also allow us to radically change the ineffective use inherent in us by nature.

Memory is one of the mental functions of mental activity inherent in humans. Animals are also endowed with memory, but, unlike humans, their mental process of memorization and reproduction occurs at the reflex level and is assessed by their ability to learn (train). internal memory a person is a complex process of the psyche of perception, accumulation, preservation, grouping, extraction and reproduction of information. Another amazing property of human memory is its ability to remember not only what is seen, heard, perceived tactilely (touch, blow, burn, burning) received through the organs smell (sweet taste, rancidity, bitterness); but also to store information about thoughts and feelings. Neuroscientist Hermann Ebbinghaus, who conducted experiments on himself, identified another amazing property of human memory - the repeated use of information in the sphere of consciousness for subsequent use. Memory consists of three interconnected sequential processes. The first process is memorizing, imprinting, entering new information through all human sensory organs. The basis of this stage, undoubtedly, is attention. The American poet Robert Lowell wrote: “Attention is the material from which memory is made, and memory is the battery of human genius.” The ability to establish an associative connection between material and meaning leads to a high-quality memorization process. The process of storing material in the memory structure with simultaneous moments of processing the material is called the process of preservation. The third stage of the general process is reproduction, updating of memory elements, which can occur arbitrarily or without human effort. simple view The reproductive function of memory is recognition. Additional function The reproductive process is recollection. Difficulties or loss of the reproductive ability of memory is called forgetting, which is essentially the opposite of memorization. For people with a logical mindset, memory is closely related to thinking. Creative individuals are distinguished by the fact that the process of memorization is based on sensory perception. If the process of reproducing information from memory goes through desire, necessity (remembering a person’s last name, formula, rule), then it is associated with will. These examples show the relationship of human memory with thinking, feelings and will. Memory is a necessary condition of human life. The ancient sages spoke about this, noting that faithful and active memory doubles life. Memorizing, preserving and reproducing material from memory for the purpose of using it as personal experience plays the role of a person’s own internal memory. Adopting the life experiences of other people through knowledge and skills improves a person and is included in existing memory. Nature itself took care of man and made his memory selective. The mental process of memory subconsciously filters incoming information material depending on needs and interests. This property of memory allows you to avoid “overload”. There is another important property of memory - erasing. Rapidly incoming visual information is perceived in a combined form and is remembered as a single entity. If a person is quickly shown a number and then a square, then an overlap of new and previous information will occur, and the person will remember the number in the square. Human memory is an instrument of information that it activates depending on situational needs. In the brain, in the cerebral cortex, constantly there is a process of renewal of nerve connections, which, according to Academician I.P. Pavlova, is the basis of physiological memory.

Lesson summary on the topic “Information storage.”

Subject: computer science.

Class: 5.

Lesson type: combined.

Planned educational results :

subject– general ideas about information storage as an information process; ideas about the diversity of information carriers;

meta-subject– understanding the unified essence of the process of storing information by humans and technical system; basics of ICT competence; file handling skills; skills of organizing information in personal information space;

personal– understanding the importance of information storage for human life and humanity; interest in studying computer science.

Target - reveal the meaning of the concept “information” in
the context of human life and activity; help students
learn what actions can be performed with information;

Solvable educational tasks:

1) reveal the essence of the information process of storing information;

2) deepen and systematize ideas about information carriers;

3) consider the concepts of file and folder;

4) restore the ability to create and save files in a personal folder.

Basic concepts covered in the lesson:


actions with information;

information storage;

memory: memory of humanity; human memory; RAM (internal) memory; long-term (external) memory;

information carrier; file; folder.

Equipment: personal computer(PC) teachers, multimedia projector, screen, presentation; textbook, workbook.

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment.

Hello guys! Before we start a new topic, let's check our homework

Option 1.

The President governs


The pilot controls


Director manages


The conductor controls


The commander controls

steam locomotive

The class teacher controls

by plane

The driver controls


OPTION 2.1. Connect with arrows according to meaning

Director manages


The conductor controls

by ship

The commander controls


Captain controls


Astronaut controls


Teacher controls


The President governs


Updating knowledge.

Complete the task connect with arrows according to meaning. Who controls whom?

Slide ___. Guys, today we will get acquainted with such an information process as information storage. We will learn about the variety of storage media, and also talk about files and folders in which programs and data are stored on long-term memory devices.

    Learning new material.

Slide ___. In order for information to become the property of many people and be passed on to subsequent generations, it must be preserved. Memory is the very first tool for storing information.

Existsmemory of an individual Andmemory of humanity , containing all the knowledge accumulated by people that we can use.

Slide __.Information storage – a process as ancient as the life of human civilization.

Slide __. For example, photography made it possible to preserve for posterity people's faces, landscapes, natural phenomena and other visible evidence of past times.

Slide __. People initially transmitted sound information through oral speech, for example, through chants. Later, sound information began to be transmitted by recording notes. And in 1877, the first device for recording and reproducing sound was created - the phonograph.

In 1895, the world's first motion picture was shown in Paris. Slide __. Modern computer can store various types of information in its memory: text, graphic, numerical and tabular, sound and video information.

Slide ___. Each person stores certain information in his own memory - “in his mind”. You remember your home address, names, addresses and telephone numbers of close relatives and friends. Your memory stores addition and multiplication tables, basic spelling patterns and other knowledge acquired at school. A person’s own (internal) memory can be called operational memory, because the information contained in it is reproduced quite quickly. But this is how a person is designed that he cannot store large amounts of information in his own memory for a long time: if you do not consolidate knowledge with constant exercises, the information is very quickly forgotten. To avoid this, we use notebooks, reference books, encyclopedias and other storage media - external memory. This memory can be called long-term.

Slide __. An information carrier can be called any material object used to store information on it. At different times, the following materials served as information carriers: stone, parchment, papyrus and other materials.

Slide __. We already know that information presented in a form suitable for processing by a computer is called data. So, data, as well as programs, are stored on long-term memory devices in the form of files. The content of the file can be text, program, table, picture, etc. A file is information stored in external memory and identified by a name. The file name usually consists of two parts: the name itself and the extension. The name of the file is chosen by the person who creates it. The extension is usually automatically set by the program you are working with. The extension almost always consists of three letters of the Latin alphabet. The extension is separated from the name by a dot.

Slide __. Each computer storage medium can store a huge number of files. To avoid confusion, files are grouped into folders based on certain characteristics. Each file is stored in a folder or a subfolder (a folder located within a folder).

Slide ___.

Physical education minute.

    Checking your understanding of the material.

Slide __. Guys, let's think about which of these objects can be classified as external memory of a person or a computer. (Students take turns going to the screen and removing the extra object).

Slide __. And now I will ask you to indicate those items thatNOT areinformational information carriers . (Students take turns going to the screen and removing the extra object).

Pay attention to the board. I will ask you to come to the board... You need to make pairs, that is, for each example of information from the left column you need to select the corresponding information carrier from the right column. Everyone else completes this task in the Workbooks on page 41 No. 58.

    Computer workshop (slide __).

Today we will learn how to create files and save them in a personal folder. Before we begin the task, I remind you that first we carefully read what is written and only then do it. Now take your jobs assigned to each of you.

    Lesson summary. Grading (slide __).

The most important:

There is the memory of an individual and the memory of humanity.

Human memory can be called RAM, and any external storage of information can be called long-term memory.

A storage medium is any material object used to store information.

A file is information stored in the external memory of a computer as a single unit and designated by a name.

Files are grouped into folders based on certain characteristics.

Today we received grades for the lesson:...

    Homework (slide __). § 5, RT: No. 55, 59, 63, 64, 67.

    If you have time, you can do additional tasks(slides 38 and 39).

List of literature and Internet resources:

1. Bosova L.L. Computer science: textbook for 5th grade. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013.

2. Bosova L.L. Computer science: workbook for 5th grade. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013.

3. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics. Program for primary school: grades 5-6. 7-9 grades. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013.

4. Electronic supplement to the textbook “Informatics” for grade 5

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Memory is one of the mental functions of mental activity inherent in humans. Animals are also endowed with memory, but, unlike humans, their mental process of memorization and reproduction occurs at the reflex level and is assessed by the ability to learn (train). A person’s own internal memory is a complex mental process of perception, accumulation, preservation, grouping, retrieval and reproduction of information. Another amazing property of human memory is its ability to remember not only what is seen, heard, perceived tactilely (touch, blow, burn, burning), received through the olfactory organs (sweet taste, rancidity, bitterness); but also to store information about thoughts and feelings. Neuroscientist Hermann Ebbinghaus, who conducted experiments on himself, identified another amazing property of human memory - the repeated use of information in the sphere of consciousness for subsequent use. Memory consists of three interconnected sequential processes. The first process is memorizing, imprinting, entering new information through all human sensory organs. The basis of this stage, undoubtedly, is attention. The American poet Robert Lowell wrote: “Attention is the material from which memory is made, and memory is the battery of human genius.” The ability to establish an associative connection between material and meaning leads to a high-quality memorization process. The process of storing material in the memory structure with simultaneous moments of processing the material is called the process of preservation. The third stage of the general process is reproduction, updating of memory elements, which can occur arbitrarily or without human effort. The simplest type of reproductive function of memory is recognition. An additional function of the reproductive process is recollection. Difficulties or loss of the reproductive ability of memory is called forgetting, which is essentially the opposite of memorization. For people with a logical mindset, memory is closely related to thinking. Creative individuals are distinguished by the fact that the process of memorization is based on sensory perception. If the process of reproducing information from memory goes through desire, necessity (remembering a person’s last name, formula, rule), then it is associated with will. These examples show the relationship of human memory with thinking, feelings and will. Memory is a necessary condition of human life. The ancient sages spoke about this, noting that faithful and active memory doubles life. Memorizing, preserving and reproducing material from memory for the purpose of using it as personal experience plays the role of a person’s own internal memory. Adopting the life experiences of other people through knowledge and skills improves a person and is included in existing memory. Nature itself took care of man and made his memory selective. The mental process of memory subconsciously filters incoming information material depending on needs and interests. This property of memory allows you to avoid “overload”. There is another important property of memory - erasing. Rapidly incoming visual information is perceived in a combined form and is remembered as a single entity. If a person is quickly shown a number and then a square, then an overlap of new and previous information will occur, and the person will remember the number in the square. Human memory is an instrument of information that it activates depending on situational needs. In the brain, in the cerebral cortex, constantly there is a process of renewal of nerve connections, which, according to Academician I.P. Pavlova, is the basis of physiological memory.

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