Creating a customized operating system image. General information about audit mode Creating a Windows 10 build without audit mode

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How to create your own reference build of Windows 10 - a distribution kit with system settings, tweaks installed and desktop software installed? This process will be discussed in detail below, but first let’s talk about the features of our own system builds.

1. Pros and cons of native Windows builds

What are the advantages of native Windows builds? Assembling your own system saves time and effort when installing the system. For example, you can prepare a Windows 10 distribution with standard set programs for a circle of loved ones: a browser, an archiver, a torrent downloader, a cleaner, an uninstaller and similar software for a wide audience will be installed along with the system. The benefits compared to a regular Windows distribution are obvious, but what will we get as opposed to other methods of system deployment? Your own Windows build, the reference image of which was created on a GPT disk, can later be deployed on an MBR disk and vice versa. Whereas transferring a system using backup programs or managers disk space will not help when changing the style of disk partitions. Unlike the latter, the native assembly on the installation media will not be linked to the file backup copy on a non-system disk partition or removable device, just as you will not need to connect the destination hard drive for Windows cloning.

Native builds of Windows have three disadvantages. First, the distribution kit of its assembly will take up more space than pure distribution Microsoft. But this problem can be solved by using a flash drive with a capacity of at least 8 GB. The second disadvantage is that the Windows installation process will take a little longer than usual, which is due to the deployment of added software. The third disadvantage is the red tape involved in creating the assembly. The effort is unlikely to be worth it if the system is rarely reinstalled.

2. Algorithm of actions

The process of creating your own Windows 10 build will take place in several main stages:

  • Creation of a reference image of the system - an ideal state of the system prepared for deployment (with the settings carried out and the software installed, without reference to computer components);
  • Capture the reference image into the install.esd file;
  • Repacking the original installation ISO image of the system with the replacement of the install.esd file.

3. Windows 10 reference image

Reference Windows image 10 can be prepared in different ways, it could be:

  • An established system with remote binding to components using the Sysprep utility (see paragraph 7 of the article);
  • New Windows 10 installed on a different disk partition;
  • New Windows 10 on board virtual machine.

The established system must be thoroughly cleaned - delete files in the user profile folders, clean the “Temp” folders, etc. Otherwise, the distribution kit will turn out to be gigantic in size. It’s easier with new systems: firstly, the distribution kit based on them will take up less space, and secondly, during the installation process, a reference image of Windows 10 can be created from scratch in audit mode - a special mode of operation of the system without the participation of the user account. Audit mode is provided by Microsoft for implementation corporate settings and software by OEM suppliers and large organizations before delivering computers to customers and employees, respectively. As a result, we will get a properly configured system with installed desktop software, at the installation stage of which you can create new accounts, set regional parameters, disable options for sending data to Microsoft, etc. In this case, the old account will not be hanging around anywhere.

In our case, we will create a reference image of Windows 10 from scratch in audit mode using Hyper-V. This hypervisor was chosen due to its ease of use and ease of transferring large amounts of data from a virtual machine to the main system. VHDX and VHD disks used in Hyper-V virtual machines are mounted into the main system using File Explorer. Supporters of other hypervisors - VMware Workstation and VirtualBox - can use them. To simplify access to virtual disk data from the main system and not bother with guest OS additions, virtual machines can be created based on VHD disks. Both VMware Workstation and VirtualBox work with VHD disks.

4. Nuances with activation

The concept of your own build of Windows must be distinguished from pirated assemblies of the system that are delivered activated or with an activator on the desktop. The purpose of this article is to simplify the Windows installation process, but not to solve the issue of activating it. The reference image of Windows 10 will be created using tools that do not contradict Microsoft policies - in fact, its own tools. And their use does not guarantee the functionality of activated system builds. Let us remind you that Microsoft's requirements are as follows: activation of each copy of Windows, no matter what distribution it is installed from, on each individual computer. If the reference image is an activated, established Windows, during the process of removing the binding to components using the Sysprep utility, you must reset the activation (see paragraph 7 of the article).

5. Create a Hyper-V virtual machine

So, to prepare a reference image of Windows 10, we create a virtual machine. Only, unlike the example discussed in paragraph 5 of this article, the choice of generation of virtual machines is not important; you can create a machine of the 1st generation. If we do not plan to introduce resource-intensive software such as games, we can limit ourselves to the volume of the created hard drive VHDX in 50-60 GB. Well, the hackneyed advice for SSD owners is that the path for storing virtual machine files and VHDX disk must be specified on the HDD partition. At the last stage of creating a virtual machine, we specify an ISO image with a fresh Windows 10 distribution, turn on the machine and start the system installation process. The latter will be different from how it usually happens.

6. Installing and configuring Windows 10 in audit mode

We go through the Windows 10 installation process to the stage of selecting the installation type and select the second option.

We will need two partitions - one for Windows, the other non-system, where the install.esd file will subsequently be saved. We create partition C from 30-40 GB.

We give the remaining space to another section.

Installing Windows.

After completing the file copying stage, we do not extract the installation ISO image from the virtual machine; we will need it later. At the installation stage, where you need to set the first settings, we don’t touch anything, just press the Ctrl+Shift+F3 keys.

Let's enter audit mode by connecting a hidden administrator account.

Upon logging into the system in audit mode, we are greeted by the Sysprep utility window. The utility will wait for its fate to unbind the configured system from its components. You can start setting up the system. One caveat: it doesn’t work in audit mode Microsoft Edge, to access the Internet you need to run Internet Explorer.

As for the limits of intervention in the system, in audit mode we can work with everything that does not relate to user accounts. We can install desktop software, change system settings, apply tweaks, leave folders or files on the desktop. But the universal applications from Windows Store it will not be possible to install. Like Microsoft Edge, the store does not work in audit mode. Even if the system is activated, it will not be possible to change the theme or other personalization parameters. To install universal apps and apply personalization settings, you need a user account, not a hidden administrator account.

If you need to reboot the system, for example, this is required to reinstall some programs, this process must be carried out using the Sysprep window: you must set the values ​​“Switch to audit mode” and “Reboot”. Then click “Ok”.

In parallel with setting up the system, you need to do an important thing - format not system partition disk.

7. Removing binding to components (Sysprep)

So, the reference system image is ready. Now we can begin the process of removing the binding to components. Open the open Sysprep utility window or launch it by pressing Win+R and entering:

The folder that opens will contain the EXE file for launching the utility.

In the Sysprep window, set the action to “Go to the welcome window (OOBE)”. Check the “Preparing for use” checkbox to reset the activation. In the Shutdown settings, select “Shutdown”. And click “Ok”.

We wait until Sysprep finishes running and the virtual machine is turned off.

8. Create the install.esd file

We check whether it is worth starting the virtual machine from an ISO image of installing Windows 10, and boot from it. Installation disk use to access the command line. If the reference image of Windows 10 was created on the second disk partition of a real computer, simply go to the main operating system and open there command line.

At the first stage of installing the system, press the Shift+F10 keys.

Using the DISM utility, we will capture the reference system image and save it to the install.esd file. But first, let's see what letters the two stand for required sections– system and destination partition where install.esd will be saved. Enter:

In our case, the system disk is listed as D, and the non-system disk is listed as E. Therefore, the command to capture a system image will be as follows:

Dism /capture-image /imagefile:E:\install.esd /capturedir:D:\ /name:windows

In this command, accordingly, in each individual case it is necessary to replace the letters E and D with your own.

Upon completion of the operation, turn off the virtual machine. We won't need it anymore.

9. Mounting the virtual machine disk in the main system

In order for the virtual machine’s disk to be displayed in the main system, where further actions will take place, open the VHDX (or VHD) disk file of this machine in Explorer. IN context menu Click “Connect”.

All partitions of the virtual disk will appear in Explorer as separate disks. In our case, we select the last drive M, this is where the install.esd file is stored. After repacking the ISO image virtual disk will need to be unmounted, this is done using the “Eject” option in the context menu of any of the added virtual disk partitions.

Windows has two main startup modes: greetings And audit. As a rule, by default, immediately after installation, Windows starts in Welcome mode, but the user can configure the computer so that the system starts in Audit mode. Store managers sometimes resort to the latter computer equipment, installing and configuring the turnkey system taking into account the wishes of the buyer.

In Welcome mode, on the contrary, the user configures the account, changes time zone settings, etc. If you purchased a computer with Windows pre-installed, it is possible that the system was installed in audit mode. You may not even be aware of this until you want to, for example, upgrade to Windows 10 or a higher version altogether. After all, as soon as you try this, you will receive the following message:

Windows cannot be installed while running in audit mode

To continue the installation, you need to exit the audit and this can be done in two ways: using the command line And by editing the registry. Open your console CMD as administrator and run the following command:

sysprep /oobe /generalize

Important! Executing this command will reset the current key Windows activation. Do not use it unless you have the ability to reactivate the system. After executing the command and reactivation you can continue updating.

Option to edit the registry seems more convenient. Team regedit open the registry editor and expand the following branch on the right side of the window.

When you first start Windows on a new PC, the system mostly boots into Welcome or Audit mode. The first or “out of box experience” is the mode of interaction between the user and the operating system. Here the user can complete the OS installation by accepting license agreement, creating a personal account, etc. Upon completion of such Windows actions starts in welcome mode.

The second mode, or audit mode, is used to add or change settings in the system image. When using it, the system should not apply the greeting mode settings. However, PC manufacturers use it to make adjustments to settings before shipping the computer to the user.

At some Windows cases continues to work in audit mode and the user may not be aware of this until he decides to upgrade to Windows 10. In this case, the following message will appear on the monitor screen: “Windows cannot be installed while working in audit mode.”

How to solve the Windows problem?

Method one - using the command line

Click “Start”, click “Run” and enter “cmd” (for Windows 7). Or in the search bar we ask the request “Command Prompt” (for Windows 8/8.1). Start the service as administrator and enter the command “sysprep /oobe /generalize”.

IMPORTANT! Running "sysprep /oobe /generalize" resets Windows licenses. Therefore, after solving the problem, the system will need to be reactivated.

After completing the process, you need to restart the PC, activate the system and start updating to Windows 10. The audit mode will be deactivated.

Method two - using the registry editor

Press “Win+R” and enter the command “rededit”.

We go along the branch: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”, “SOFTWARE”, “Microsoft”, “Windows”, “CurrentVersion”, “Setup”, “State”. Find the “ImageState” parameter and delete it.

Restart your PC and update to Windows 10.

At the first Windows startup on a new machine, the system can be booted in either welcome mode or audit mode. Welcome mode (otherwise known as out of box experience) is the user's first interaction with the operating system. In Welcome mode, the user is prompted to finish Windows installation by reading and accepting the license agreement, creating an account, etc. By default, immediately after installation, Windows starts in Welcome mode.

In turn, audit mode is used to add settings to Windows images. When using audit mode, the system should not apply the greeting mode settings. Computer manufacturers (OEMs) use audit mode to perform manual settings before shipping the computer to the end user.

In some cases, Windows continues to run in audit mode, and the user may not be aware of this until, for example, he decides to upgrade to Windows 10, because when he tries to install an update, the installer will display this message:

Can't install Windows 10

Windows cannot be installed while running in audit mode.

Obviously, in order to continue installing 10, you must first exit audit mode. To do this, you can use any of the methods below.

Method 1 – Using the Command Line

1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.

2. Type the following command and press Enter:

ATTENTION: Running the sysprep command resets the Windows licensing state. That is, if your copy of Windows activated and you run this command, you will then need to activate the operating system again.

sysprep /oobe /generalize

In theory, the system will no longer have to operate in audit mode. Activate your operating system and try upgrading to Windows 10.

Method 2 – Using Registry Editor

1. Press +R, type regedit and press OK or Enter.

2. In the registry window follow here:


3. In the State section, find the string parameter ImageState and delete it. After that, close the registry and restart your computer.

Now audit mode will not interfere with the update process.

Have a great day!

General information

For replication typical configuration on several computers it is rational to use an image installed once operating system.

Detailed instructions are available on the Microsoft website: Creating and using Windows images

Since with a large set of additional software, the partition image file can easily exceed 4GB, then write such a distribution to DVD disc it won't work. However, this is not required to install the OS. It will be enough for us to obtain an image of the partition on which the OS is installed. Then it can be included in the distribution on a bootable Flash disk or simply transferred to new computer, booting from any live-CD/DVD/USB. In this article we will look at both options.

Having prepared the partition once, we will be able to deploy a working OS with all installed software, connected peripheral devices and necessary shortcuts on new computers in less than half an hour.

According to Microsoft: "When creating an image, be aware that the partition layout on the source and destination computers must be identical. For example, if the Windows image is stored on drive D, you must also deploy this image to drive D of the destination computer, and the following partition settings must also match ():

  1. Partition types (primary, secondary or logical) must match
  2. If a partition is made active on the reference computer, it must also be active on the target computer."

However, if we add a prepared partition to the distribution, then these restrictions do not matter.

Step-by-step instructions for deploying Windows 7 from an image

1. We do a template installation of Windows in audit mode

5. Write the created partition image to the local hard drive

E:\tools\imagex.exe /apply E:\images\win7image.wim 1 C: WITH:- the section where we will deploy the image 1 - number (or name) of the image, default = 1

If the OS images are located on a network resource, then connect it first with the command:

Net use E: \\server\share /user: domain_name\username password

6. Completion

If you created a separate system partition, then you need to transfer boot files to it system files(assuming the OS is located on the C: drive):

Bcdboot C:\Windows

Exit Windows PE:

or close the Windows 7 installer window. The computer will reboot. We take out the CD/DVD disk and boot from the newly installed OS.

7. Complications

  • If you encounter problems loading the transferred OS, you can try restoring the bootloader. To do this, you need to boot from the Windows 7 distribution (you can open the console by pressing Shift+F10) or Windows PE and run the command:
bcdboot C:\Windows /l ru-RU /s C: Read more in the article "Restoring the Windows and Linux bootloader".

Repository of various Windows images

You can create several images of partitions with different sets of software using the same template OS, then place them in one place, for example on a flash drive, and each time install exactly the image that will be suitable in each individual case. The process of adding software can be carried out sequentially, making a new partition image after installing each the required set. The algorithm is as follows (see details above):

  1. Loading the OS in audit mode
  2. Install/remove software, connect printers, create shortcuts, etc.
  3. We prepare the system for deployment using sysprep and turn off the computer
  4. Booting from live CD or Windows7 distribution, go to console
  5. Create a partition image using imagex by placing it on a flash drive or network resource
  6. We repeat the above until all the necessary sets have been created.

Creating your own Windows distribution

Having an image Windows partition(wim file), you can create your own distribution, that is, an installation DVD/Flash disk. To do this, it is enough to replace the \sources\install.wim file in the original distribution with your own image, renaming it accordingly to install.wim.

To automate the installation, you can prepare an autounattend.xml answer file by creating it using WIAK

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