DIY quilted case for a smartphone. DIY phone case made of leather

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We will conduct several master classes on making silicone, felt, knitted, leather cases, as well as amazing bumpers from a herbarium and a children's sock.


To make such a smartphone case with your own hands, prepare:

First, think over the composition, applying flowers in various variations to the surface of the cover. As soon as “the one” is found, we get to work:

  1. Take a photo of the ideal layout to reference as you create.
  2. Try to glue large and light parts first, and smaller and darker ones on top - under the influence of the resin, the plants will turn pale and become more transparent. Finally, sprinkle in glitter. Do not overdo it with details - the layer with vegetation should not be thicker than 1.5 mm.
  3. Following the instructions, dilute the resin with water one to one.
  4. Carefully pour the solution into the center. Then spread it over the entire surface of the painting, removing air bubbles.
  5. Make sure that the resin solution does not overflow over the surface of the composition - in this case, quickly wipe it off with cotton swabs soaked in acetone.
  6. The floral one for the smartphone will be ready after two hours of drying.

Silicone case

You can make protective cases for smartphones from silicone yourself using:

Before making a smartphone case with your own hands, be sure to wear rubber gloves.

  1. Mix 50 g of potato starch with approximately the same amount of sealant. Then knead this product to the consistency of plasticine, adding dye along the way so that the color is even.
  2. Roll out the mass with a rolling pin or bottle on a flat surface to the desired thickness.
  3. Cover all the holes of the phone with tape, then place it in the center of the resulting cake, pressing the device a little into it.
  4. Then, using a spatula, bend the edges, making sure that the “pancake” fits perfectly to the smartphone.
  5. Be prepared for the fact that the phone will lie “captivated” by this mass from 12 hours to a day - that’s how much the substance needs to harden.
  6. Having taken out the phone, first remove the excess on the front, then cut holes for the camera, charger, headphones - they should be imprinted.

Felt cover

You can make a felt smartphone case with your own hands using:

And if you have a sewing machine:

  1. Cut out two identical rectangles - the outer and inner sides. It is necessary to take into account the length, width and thickness of the device, as well as an allowance of 5 mm on each side for the seams.
  2. On the outer side we cut off one corner diagonally, so that in the future it will become a convenient pocket.
  3. Then place the parts one on top of the other (the outer pocket is on the outside), fold it in the shape of the phone and stitch, retreating 4 mm from the edge.
  4. The felt does not fray, so there is no need to process the edges. If desired, decorate the product with a unique applique or patch - a universal smartphone case has been created!

Smartphone case

For this product you will need:

  • leather or leatherette;
  • a thin piece of plastic;
  • universal glue;
  • two flat magnets;
  • awl, knife, scissors.

A leather case for a book-sized smartphone is made like this:

  1. Cut out 2 pieces of plastic to the exact shape of the phone, and make a hole for the camera on one of them.
  2. Glue a magnet to the “back” plastic in the right place.
  3. Glue both pieces of plastic to the skin, leaving a distance between them equal to the thickness of the gadget.
  4. Wrap a piece of leather so as to completely hide the plastic inside it, and glue it in the right places.
  5. From a piece of leather, wrap a second magnet in it, form a clasp, and carefully glue it to the front.
  6. Don’t forget to make the necessary cuts in the leather for the camera and other necessary holes.
  7. Using double-sided tape, glue the device to the case.

Knitted cover

The most “cozy” smartphone case you can make with your own hands is from yarn, namely, by knitting it. You won't need a lot of materials:

Here you can use two methods:

  1. The simplest and fastest. Knit two identical fabrics using your favorite pattern and sew them together. Cast on loops across the width of the smartphone and then knit lengthwise. You can cast on loops along the length of the device and knit narrower in its width.
  2. Knit “in one piece” - the same way as socks are knitted. Cast on stitches equal to two phone widths and then divide onto four needles. Continue knitting according to the chosen pattern, using only knit stitches, until the length of the product is equal to the length of the smartphone.

You can crochet such a product using the first method.

Baby sock cover

Go shopping or order cute, original children's socks through the online market. You can easily make a case for your smartphone from them yourself. You will also need scissors, a needle and thread, various accessories for applique to suit your taste - beads, pendants, ribbons, rhinestones, etc.

  1. Cut off the areas of the heel, sole of the foot and toes so that the remaining part has a rectangular outline.
  2. Sew up the open hem.
  3. Fold the remaining uncut fabric that was supposed to cover the top of the foot up and sew it on the sides - this will be a pocket.
  4. Decorate your creation with the trinkets you have prepared - sew or carefully glue them to this unique sock case.

There is no doubt that a mobile case is necessary. A push-button, as well as a touchscreen phone, especially the screen, is constantly exposed to mechanical stress: in a bag it rubs against keys, coins and other objects, we place it on various surfaces where there may be not only dirt, but also moisture. With a case, the phone is more protected from harmful effects. There are a lot of necessary devices to protect your mobile phone - panels, cases, silicone pads and bumpers. But all this doesn’t cost a penny. Therefore, you can try to sew a phone case with your own hands from leather, felt, foamiran or any dense fabric. Even minimal sewing skills will do. Sewing a phone case yourself is not such a big problem. The necessary materials and tools can be found in almost any home. It just takes a little effort and a little imagination.

What types of covers can you sew yourself?

  • The easiest one to make would be a pocket cover. You can simply sew it from two rectangles, or you can complicate the task a little - make a pocket with a tongue made of ribbon, which makes it easier to remove the mobile phone from such a case.
  • An envelope case with a button will be a little more difficult to make. It is more suitable for women, so it can be sewn from any color material.
  • A book case is the most practical type, but you will have to work hard to make it, although all the steps are quite understandable.

How to make a homemade case or case for a smartphone? Required Tools

In order to sew a leather phone case with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools, as well as our master class:

  • A piece of leather about 3 mm thick or some other material from which you plan to sew the case. The main thing is that it keeps its shape.
  • An awl and a screwdriver for making straight holes.

Important! These items will definitely come in handy if you work with leather.

  • Cardboard, ruler, pencil or chalk for cutting out details.
  • Stationery knife, scissors.
  • Strong threads to match the material for the case.

Important! You can use a thin strip of leather or decorative cord.

  • Fasteners, button or magnet, if it is a book case or envelope.
  • Braid, if it is a pocket cover with a tongue.
  • Glue gun or Moment glue.
  • A hammer with an anvil or a special tool for installing eyelets and buttons (if necessary).

Where to start?

To make a cover or case for your phone with your own hands from leather or other material of your choice, it turns out neat and suitable in all respects:

  1. First, measure the length, width and thickness of your phone.
  2. For the convenience of subsequent construction and fitting, it is advisable to make a mock-up of your mobile phone from cardboard, so as not to have to pull the gadget itself once again. To do this, trace the phone on cardboard and cut it out.
  3. To recreate the desired thickness, cut out several of these templates and stick them on top of each other until you get the desired thickness.
  4. If you have the skills, the right tools and the desire, you can make such a model from plywood.


If you want to try sewing a leather phone case with your own hands, the patterns are easiest for the pocket case model. It is recommended that a beginner in this field begin his creativity with him.

  • Sewing such a product will not take much time and does not require special cutting and sewing skills.
  • To keep it in shape and have a presentable appearance, it is best to make a leather case.
  • For a girl, you can take skin of any color, be it pink or green, but guys will most likely prefer black or brown.
  • The material itself must be good quality and have a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Important! Scraps of leather are sold at the market, in sewing stores, or you can use an old leather bag or cosmetic bag.


A simple pocket cover can be tailored in many ways.

Method number 1:

  1. Cut two rectangles of the required size from the leather. To do this, place the mobile template on the flap and trace it with chalk or pencil.
  2. Now make an allowance of 1.5 cm on two long sides of the rectangle and one short one (for the thickness plus the seam).

Important! It’s better to take a little more, if in doubt, than just right. You can always trim off the excess.

  1. There is no seam allowance needed on the fourth narrow side as this edge will not be stitched and it should be level with the edge of the phone.

Method No. 2

If the size of the skin flap allows, then you can cut out one long rectangle, the width of which will be equal to the width of the mobile, plus seam allowances. And the length is equal to twice the length of the phone plus a centimeter for its thickness.

Important! The first option is better to choose when the gadget has smooth shapes and the edges of the case need to be rounded, the second option is when the phone has clear corners.


After you have cut out the details of the future case, we begin assembling. This stage requires pedantry.

Important! If each stitch is not clear and identical with the others, the item will have a sloppy appearance.

Sewing halves of a leather product simply with a needle and thread will be problematic. To do this, you must first make holes.


  1. Using a chalk (pencil) and a ruler, draw straight lines where the seam should be. Secure with pins and try to insert the phone. It should fit snugly, but not tightly.
  2. Using an awl, make holes at a distance of 3-5 mm from each other.

Important! If you sew with thread (use nylon or just thick thread), make the distance smaller, and if you use a strip of leather or thin cord (nylon or leather), then make it larger.

  1. Using a screwdriver, process these holes so that they are smooth and without nicks.
  2. If you are joining two rectangles, start stitching from the bottom corner using a blanket stitch. First you connect both halves, and from above you go to only one, just overcast the edge. When you reach the end, connect both parts again until you reach the place where you started the seam.
  3. Finish the top edge of the other half with an overcast stitch separately.
  4. Fasten the ends of the stitch and hide them inside.
  5. If you fold one long rectangle in half, your actions are similar, except that you do not need to overcast the bottom of the product.

Important! In order for a leather phone case to acquire the desired shape, some experts recommend placing a model that follows the shape of your gadget inside the case and putting the whole thing in cold water for 2 hours. Then take it out and dry it with the “phone” inside. Drying may take 1-2 days.

Using this technology, you can sew a phone case with your own hands from any other dense material that will keep its shape: felt, drape, denim, foamiran, etc.

Pocket case with tongue

How to make a leather phone case so that it is convenient to take it out? This option is not much different in appearance from a simple pocket case, except for one detail - there is a ribbon tab inside, which makes it easier to remove the phone from the case.


  1. Cut a rectangle from a piece of leather, the width of which is equal to the width of the phone plus a centimeter margin on each edge for seams.

Important! The length of this blank should correspond to two lengths of the mobile plus add 1 cm to the thickness of the gadget.

  1. Now we cut out another similar rectangle. Our tongue will be laid between them. That is, one part will be the outside, and the second will be the inside.

Important! If the flap of leather was small and you only had enough for one piece, don’t despair. The inner part - the lining - can be made from any dense but soft fabric that you have on hand, from felt, for example.

  1. We do not touch the first outer side for now, but on the second we mark with chalk or a pencil the places where we will make cuts into which the tongue of the braid will pass.
  2. First, place a strip of approximately 1 cm in the center - it depends on the thickness of the mobile. Next, measure 5 cm from it in one direction and make a longitudinal cut to the width of your braid.
  3. In the second direction, also measure 5 cm and make an incision. Set aside 3 cm upward from it, again make a cut for the braid.
  4. To make the edge of the tongue, which will dangle outside, look presentable, you need to make a leather overlay for it. To do this, cut out 2 small squares from the remaining leather, the side of which will be equal to the width of the braid plus 3 mm for the seam (then you will cut off the excess).
  5. If necessary, you can make additional holes for the charging plug or headphones.


  1. Before sewing the cover, you need to lay out the braid. To do this, burn the edges of the braid with a lighter so that they do not fray.
  2. Then thread it through the lining. Start with the half where there are 2 cuts: first pass the braid in through the first cut, and out through the second.
  3. Then it crosses the center and is again threaded inside the third cut.
  4. Stretch it a couple of centimeters, fix it with a glue gun (leather glue).
  5. Now fold the pattern in half and, leaving a tail of 2 cm outside the cover, trim off the excess.
  6. Place the leather squares that you have prepared on this tail, sew them to the braid, stitching along the perimeter.
  7. Now secure the inner part (lining) to the outer one. This can also be done using a glue gun (you can use Moment glue).

Important! When you glue two parts, first coat the first part halfway with glue, then bend the workpiece in half, and now glue the second part. This will prevent the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, do not apply glue to the part where the braid is located; it needs to move freely.

  1. When you have connected the outer side and the lining, and it is all dry, use an awl and then a screwdriver to make holes along the edge of the cover.
  2. Now, using a thread and a needle or decorative cord and a pin, sew the edges together using a blanket stitch.

Important! Don’t forget to try on the phone case during the sewing process so you don’t have to rip it out later.


This is a quite practical and convenient case. Sewing a phone case of this type with your own hands is a little more difficult. Besides skin and standard set tools, you will need 2 magnets.


  1. You need to cut a large rectangle from a piece of leather. Its length will be equal to the length of the phone plus a margin of 0.5 cm for the edging, and its width will be twice the width of the gadget plus its thickness.
  2. For a magnetic clasp, you will also need a strip of leather 3-4 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide (depending on the size of the mobile).
  3. If you want, you can use a second piece of leather or felt to make a lining for the case. This should be a cut of the same size and shape as the outer part. Then, to secure the mobile phone in the case, you will need strips of leather that are attached to the corners.


  1. If you decide to make a case with a lining, then first glue it in with a glue gun.
  2. Sew narrow strips of leather across the corners on the bottom half of the cover, 2 cm from the edge. They will secure your mobile phone in the case by the corners.

Important! The lining should be glued in parts: first one, then bend the cover in half and glue the second one so that there are no wrinkles on the surface.

  1. Now make an awl around the perimeter of the hole, and finish the edges with an overcast stitch.

Important! The thread or cord can be the same color as the skin, or, on the contrary, contrasting.

  1. If you decide to do without a lining, you can secure the phone to the case using double-sided tape. Fix it securely so that it does not fall out.
  2. All that remains is to attach the clasp. To do this, sew it from the inside to the bottom of the cover.
  3. Now glue the magnet to the end of the clasp (1 cm from the edge).
  4. Place the gadget or its three-dimensional model in the case, secure with apothecary rubber bands to secure it.
  5. Now put on the clasp, mark a place for the second magnet and glue it.

Everything is ready.

Important! From the same pattern you can make a cover with a zipper. To do this, unzip the zipper and secure it around the perimeter with a glue gun, rounding it at the corners. Fasten the zipper and hide its ends inside the case. After this, it’s worth gluing in a lining to make the inside look more aesthetically pleasing.

Envelope case

Making a phone case with your own hands from leather in the form of an envelope is also easy. The only difficulty in this process is making the button clasp. The rest is carried out in almost the same way as in the models described above.


  1. On a piece of leather at least 3 mm thick, draw a fine line for the future cover. The width is equal to the length of the phone, and the length is equal to triple the width of the mobile (front and back walls of the case and flap), plus take into account the thickness of the gadget and seam allowances.
  2. One side of the narrow part remains flat, and on the other side we cut off the corners so that the case takes the shape of an envelope.


  1. If the length of this workpiece is conditionally divided into three parts, then the first two of them will be rectangular, and the third will be a triangle. Fold the first two parts in half and secure them with paper clips so they don't move.
  2. Make holes with an awl, then sew the sides of the “envelope” with an overcast stitch.
  3. Now use the same stitch to sew the edges of the triangular flap.
  4. All that remains is to install the button. To do this, use a special tool or a hammer and anvil.

Important! If the phone is small, then insert half of the button on the rectangular part of the case before sewing the two halves together, otherwise it will be inconvenient to install it later.

Girls usually prefer to wear an envelope case, so it can be made from bright scraps of leather, and then decorated with something.

Knowing how to sew a leather phone case with your own hands, you can easily turn your idea into reality and make original case for your gadget. Thus, you will protect it from mechanical damage and preserve its beautiful appearance smartphone for a long time.

Nowadays, communication stores have a large selection of cases for phones and smartphones. But when you start looking for a case, you are often faced with the problem of a small selection specifically for your model. Or it is available, but in the wrong format and has a boring, standard color. To do this, we have selected for you several master classes on how to make a case with your own hands from improvised materials. After all, every smartphone owner wants to be unique and make it beautiful, bright and convenient. So let's look at several options for covers that you can make at home.

Paper case

The simplest and most budget-friendly option for you might be a case made of paper. Its assembly will not take much time; it is made using a simple origami technique. This one won't last, of course. for a long time, but if you urgently need a case, then this option will be excellent. Let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  1. A4 sheet of paper
  2. PVA glue

Work progress:

  1. Place a sheet of paper horizontally with your phone on top of it.
  2. Now wrap the phone in paper until the end of the sheet.
  3. Wrap the lower part several times to the place where the phone is located.
  4. Now, to make the bend hold better, bend the triangles upward, at the bottom of the cover.
  5. If you need a stronger structure, use glue to seal the folds and joints. Our paper case is ready.

Video paper case

Cover made of rubber bands

A phone in a case made of rubber bands will look very original. Such a case will require time and patience from you, but the result will delight you and surprise your friends and even strangers. We have prepared step-by-step instructions for iPhone 5, but for other smartphones you just need to take a different number of rubber bands. So, let's start making the craft with our own hands step by step.

You will need:

  • Rubber bands of 3 colors - 500 pcs.
  • Hook
  • Weaving machine

Work progress:

  1. There should be 2 rows on the machine. The holes in the top row should face left, and the bottom row should face right.
  2. We begin to put on the rubber bands from the top row of the second pin, and put it on the cross on the 3rd row of the bottom.
  3. Next, we put a cross on a cross from the 2nd bottom row to the 3rd pin of the top row.
  4. In the same way we make the next one from the 3rd pin from above to the lower 4th. And then from the lower 3rd to the upper 4th.
  5. There should be 3 crosses like this.
  6. Pass 2 pins in the center and continue to weave 4 more such crosses. On this side you should get 4 crosses intersecting each other.
  7. There should be 2 free pins left along the edges of the machine.
  8. The next row is to put rubber bands on the top and bottom pins that are opposite.
  9. So we put it on all the pins of the previous row.
  10. Turn the machine vertically towards you so that the top pins point their heads towards you.
  11. We put on the first elastic band without crossing it on one upper and one lower part.
  12. We fasten the remaining rubber bands, without crossing them, along the top row, one after another. In this row we are not missing the two middle pins.
  13. We do the bottom row in the same way, connecting it on the second side with an elastic band, just like we started the row. It turns out that we walked one row in a circle.
  14. Starting from the bottom row, using a hook, we remove two rubber bands from each pin, which are located at the very bottom. We skip the middle pins. Thus, there should be two rubber bands left on each pin on the machine.
  15. We do the next row in the same way as the 3rd, in a circle, one elastic band after another. For this row we take rubber bands of a different color.
  16. Next, remove the bottom 2 loops in a circle.
  17. We put the elastic bands on again in a circle, using a different color, and then remove the bottom loops.
  18. In the same way, we make two more rows alternating colors. One row means putting the loops on once and then taking them off.
  19. Let's start making a hole for the screen. Turn the machine vertically, the left row of bayonets should be facing you.
  20. We start working in the left lane. We remove the bottom rubber band from the 3rd pin and put it on the next 4th one. Thus, the last loop should transfer to the 7th pin.
  21. Now remove the remaining loop from the middle 5 pins. There should be 3 pins on each side with rubber bands on.
  22. We knit the next row in the usual way (elastic band by elastic band). We do this clockwise, starting from the 3rd working pin. We are not working with five pins on one side yet.
  23. We need to remove the lower rubber bands; there should be 2 loops left on the pins.
  24. In the same way we need to knit 11 more rows. Don't forget to alternate colors.
  25. Next we knit the row clockwise, now filling in all the pins.
  26. Remove the bottom rubber bands from the pins. But we don’t remove the five who were not previously involved in this row.
  27. In the row where there are unknitted pins, we skip two workers and from the third we remove the lowest loop and put it on the next pin. We do this, leaving only the last 2 free.
  28. Now knit one row.
  29. Take the machine vertically and, along the right row, remove the bottom loop from the second working pin and put it on the next bayonet.
  30. The last loop should be placed over the 4th working pin.
  31. Now we remove the lower loops from the 3rd and 2nd.
  32. Next, we put on the loops in a circle, leaving our 2 free. Then remove the bottom hinges.
  33. On the next row we put on rubber bands, using all the pins. We remove the loops in the usual way, without touching only the two pins, where there are only 2 rubber bands.
  34. On the first pin we swap the top and bottom loops and transfer the top one to the next pin, connecting our structure. From the next two pins we remove one bottom loop and transfer it to the next pin.
  35. Next we knit the row in the usual way.
  36. We begin to close our case. We make a row of crosses as at the very beginning, without missing a single pin.
  37. We make the next row with crosses between opposite pins.
  38. Next, we begin to remove the lower loops, leaving only the rubber bands from which we made figure eights. There should be 3 loops left on each pin.
  39. Now we transfer the bottom loop of each pin to the next one.
  40. We also do the next row.
  41. On right side Use an additional elastic band to make a knot and remove the cover from the machine.
  42. Now straighten the protruding loops and hide the knot. Now you can use this original case.

Video on how to make a phone case from rubber bands

Hot glue bumper case

Using a gun and hot glue, you can make a beautiful bumper phone case. It looks very interesting and unusual. And its originality depends only on your imagination. Such a cover can be openwork or simply with a flat surface and patterns.

You will need:

  • Glue gun
  • Nail polish
  • Parchment paper
  • Scotch

Work progress:

  1. Cover the phone with parchment paper so that the back and sides of the phone are seamless. Secure the joints in the screen area with tape.
  2. Mark the places where the buttons, camera and sockets are located.
  3. Now use hot glue to go along the sides of the phone and highlight the designated areas along the contour.
  4. Make a swirl pattern on the back of the phone so that it connects to the side.
  5. Wait for everything to dry and paint it in the desired color with nail polish.
  6. Now you can put a beautiful case on your phone.
  7. If you don’t know what pattern to make, you can use the video master class.

Balloon phone case

A very simple way to make a phone case with your own hands is to use a regular balloon. This case will not protect you from impacts, but will help keep your smartphone dry. Let's see step-by-step instructions with photos and video descriptions of how to make a phone case from a ball.

You will need:

  • balloon

Work progress:

  1. Inflate the balloon, do not tie it.
  2. Place your phone with the screen facing up on top of the ball.
  3. Now, pressing the phone into the ball, gradually deflate it.
  4. When there is little air left, release the ball while continuing to press the phone.
  5. The ball will fit around the phone and the case is ready. You can also take a ball with some kind of muzzle or design, then your phone will become more original.

Phone case

A book case will require additional costs, but you can choose the color and shape of such a case yourself. It can protect your smartphone or phone from damage if it is kept closed. The shape of such a case has a special charm, because the cover can have absolutely any design.

You will need:

  • Phone-sized notepad with elastic band
  • Stationery knife
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Narrow elastic band
  • Cardboard

Work progress:

  1. Using a knife, cut out the notepad sheets and side parts.
  2. Divide one side in half and mark with a pencil.
  3. Cut with a knife along the line to the outer grain of the cover.
  4. Now in this place you need to cut a strip about 0.5 cm wide, so that later it will be easy to make a fold here.
  5. Carefully glue the inside sides of the cover with glue.
  6. Draw a shape for the inside of the cover along the outline of the cover on felt.
  7. Place our felt blank on the inside of the cover and cut the felt along the side fold.
  8. Glue the felt blank to the cover.
  9. On a piece of cardboard, outline the phone and cut along the line. Glue it to the felt and cut it according to the shape, retreating from the cardboard to 1 cm.
  10. Cut the felt at the corners with two cuts on each side so that you can bend it. Glue the corners.
  11. Glue two rubber bands across this blank so that you can then attach the phone here.
  12. Glue the blank onto the outer bending half.
  13. Now our case is ready for use.

Cardboard case

A cardboard cover does not require additional costs, and is made from improvised materials that are found in almost every home. The case will have a neat and pleasant appearance. Now let's start making crafts with step by step instructions.

You will need:

  • Sheet of cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Rubber
  • Marker

Work progress:

  1. Draw the phone on the cardboard twice with a gap of 0.5 cm between them.
  2. Cut along the outline.
  3. Make two folds along the lines in the center of the workpiece, the case is almost ready.
  4. Now glue one side of the case to the back of the phone.
  5. To make the case close, you can put a thin elastic band on it, or make holes in the sides of the sides of the case and attach a ribbon or rope.

Felt phone case

This case has a beautiful appearance, its shape resembles a pocket in which you hide your phone. To make a phone case from felt you don’t need any special skills, just a little imagination and the necessary materials. You can find step-by-step instructions in the description below.

You will need:

  • Felt in different colors
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Needle
  • Threads
  • Glue gun

Work progress:

  1. Place the phone on the felt, and stepping back from the edge of the phone about 1 cm, trace the outline. We need 2 of these blanks.
  2. Sew both pieces together using an outside seam.
  3. Now you need to make a decoration for the case. We cut out balloons in the form of drops from different flowers.
  4. We also cut out a house from felt, windows and a door from the same.
  5. Using a glue gun, attach the house to the bottom of the cover.
  6. Now use dotted threads to embroider the threads for the balls.
  7. Glue the balls over the threads, layering them to create a three-dimensional pattern.
  8. An amazing case on the theme of the cartoon “Up” is ready!

Fabric cover

You can also make an excellent DIY phone case from fabric. This case is perfect for fans of the cartoon “SpongeBob”. It is beautiful and original, it will please anyone. Let's see how to make such a case at home with step-by-step photos and video instructions.

You will need:

  • Any thick fabric (preferably felt)
  • Acrylic paints
  • Threads with a needle
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper
  • Stencil

Work progress:

  1. Using a stencil, cut out two identical blanks the size of the phone, with wavy edges.
  2. On one of the blanks, draw SpongeBob's face.
  3. Cut out blanks for pants from colored paper and glue them onto the blank with a muzzle.
  4. Now sew the two halves together from the wrong side and turn them inside out.
  5. The case is ready!

Video on how to make a fabric case with your own hands

Leather case

Another option for a phone case is to make it from leather. You don’t have to go and buy leather in a store, just find an old leather item and use it for this craft. This case is reliable and looks high quality, and no one will guess that you didn’t buy it.

You will need:

  • Piece of leather
  • Clamps
  • Scissors
  • Cardboard template
  • Thick thread
  • Gypsy needle - 2 pcs.
  • Eyelet installation pliers
  • Pen
  • Decorative thread
  • Eglets - 2 pcs.

Work progress:

  1. First, measure the parameters of your phone. Add 1 cm to the length and 2 cm to the width.
  2. Cut out 2 pieces from a piece of leather the size you need for your phone, adding the centimeters described above.
  3. Round the corners of two pieces by placing one part on top of the other.
  4. On a cardboard template, make small round holes at a distance of about 5 mm from each other.
  5. Place the template on the folded leather pieces (the parts are folded with the insides facing each other) and make holes using pliers along the sides and bottom sides. Secure the template with clamps.
  6. Place 2 needles on the thread on both sides.
  7. We start stitching from the side.
  8. First, go through the first hole with one needle and straighten the thread.
  9. Next, we sew alternately with two needles, pulling the needles into one hole in opposite directions.
  10. In this way we stitch the cover completely.
  11. Now secure the thread by passing the needle through the last hole several times. Cut off the excess part.
  12. On the top of the cover, make 2 through holes, at a distance of 1 cm.
  13. Thread a decorative thread through them, putting aeglets on the ends in advance. Tie a nice bow.

Warm thread cover

This soft white and fluffy phone case will warm your hands in winter frosts. It is pleasant to the touch and has a cute appearance. Let's try to make such a case with our own hands following the instructions with a step-by-step description.

You will need:

  • White yarn
  • Glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Parchment paper
  • Scotch
  • Baking paper
  • Ruler

Work progress:

  1. Wrap the phone in paper, securing the seams and folds with tape on the screen side. So that the back cover has a flat surface.
  2. Using a glue gun, make a base on the back cover, covering the entire surface with glue, leaving the holes for the microphone and camera free. Also process the side of the phone.
  3. When the glue is completely dry, remove the base, now we will work with it.
  4. Wind the thread around the ruler so that the threads are parallel. We wind it based on the width of the phone, it should correspond to the width of the wound threads.
  5. Apply glue to one edge of the ruler with threads and glue it to a base made of glue. We wait a few minutes for the glue to dry and cut the thread along the opposite edge of the ruler. We also cut the thread from the skein.
  6. We do this until the entire cover is filled with lint. You need to retreat about 5 mm from the previous row.
  7. When you have covered all back cover do the same with the side parts.
  8. Our case is ready!

Beaded case

A beaded case requires a lot of patience and perseverance from the craftsman, so not everyone will have such a case. Of course, you can glue beads to the cover of the phone, forming a pattern out of it, but a knitted one will look more beautiful and elegant.

A mobile phone is an integral part of everyone’s life, regardless of a person’s age. In the process of direct use, it began to be supplemented with all sorts of accessories - protecting, complementing, facilitating its use. Sometimes they are simply decorative, emphasizing style.

A case is one of the accessories without which a modern smartphone, tablet, or laptop looks dull and inexpressive. Initially, this addition had exclusively protective functions and did not look very attractive.

A creative approach has turned into an accessory for mobile phone into a stylish, decorative decoration that every schoolchild strives to have.

Variety of models

It’s hard to imagine a modern child, teenager, or housewife without a mobile phone in a state-of-the-art case made from a variety of materials.

Looking at the models of accessories for modern gadgets displayed on the shelves of showrooms, you can see what they are made of and understand how to make a case with your own hands.

Depending on the material used, the following models are made at home:

  • Based on felt - a soft material that does not fray at the edges;
  • Knitted, crocheted in the form of a bag, envelope, funny animal, cartoon character;
  • Made from old jeans;
  • Fabric-based cover (easily washed, but also wears out quickly);
  • Sewn using genuine leather (considered the most expensive accessory, a sign of refined taste; when manufacturing, have the skills to work with this kind of material);
  • Carved from wood (not everyone can make such a case; usually such accessories are made to order);
  • Weaving beads and elastic bands.
  • Molded from silicone.

Let's take a closer look at the manufacturing process of the most stylish models of cases.

Based on genuine leather

In photo illustrations, such models look most attractive. They are quite expensive and not everyone can afford them. You can significantly reduce costs by making your own cover. Nowadays there are many freely available tutorials on the Internet, including videos on how to sew such a stylish accessory yourself.

To make a beautiful, stylish case for your smartphone you will need:

  • Genuine Leather;
  • Material used for lining;
  • Glue;
  • Zip closure.

Manufacturing process:

  • A cover pattern is made on paper according to the size of the gadget;
  • We transfer the paper contours to the skin and lining material;
  • Open the zipper, glue it along the contour to the leather pattern;
  • When the glue has dried, we make the lining by folding its sides down along the contour, stitching it by machine or by hand.

A similar accessory can be made from denim or any fabric using the same simple pattern.

Remember - the case is made a little larger than the phone itself - not so large that it dangles in it, or closes with a significant stretch, halfway.

Case woven from beads

Weaving beads makes a beautiful, original accessory for a mobile phone. There are many patterns for weaving with beads. There are plenty of detailed, illustrated manuals on how to weave correctly, creating beautiful things on the Internet and in paper catalogues. All of them can be creatively used for decoration and making a case.

The beads are strung on a fishing line, the threads are intertwined along the contour of the phone, creating a charming “bag” that can attract the attention of any girl.

Silicone case

Work on the manufacture of the accessory is carried out in a well-ventilated area, in compliance with all safety rules when working with substances that have a detrimental effect on health. Ideally, do it outdoors.

The silicone case looks great, feels pleasant to the touch, and helps protect the phone from mechanical damage.

We will need:

  • Construction silicone;
  • Rubber gloves;
  • Starch;

Manufacturing process:

  • Mix starch with silicone (add dye and get a colored cover);
  • Bring the mixture to a viscous state, reminiscent of plasticine;
  • Roll out a piece of the resulting mass to obtain a thin pancake;
  • Place the phone in the center and press lightly;
  • We bend it, level it along the edges;
  • Leave until completely hardened;
  • Carefully pull out the phone;
  • On the resulting case, use a knife to make the necessary slots for charging and a microphone (they will be imprinted on the silicone);
  • We smooth out all unevenness with sandpaper.

Making accessories for your phone is a creative process. Any materials at hand are suitable for this.

A little patience and time spent will not be in vain - a stylish, beautiful case is in some respects better than a store-bought one, and will delight you with its appearance for many years.

Photos of do-it-yourself covers

The topic of this publication is how to make a leather phone case with your own hands at home. The materials from which modern mobile phones are made are distinguished by their quality and high technology, but still this does not always protect them from various negative influences. Due to an accidental impact or spilled juice, the most unforeseen consequences can occur, rendering the mobile phone unusable. And if a scratched phone simply loses its attractive appearance, then one drenched in tea may stop working altogether. Typically, phone cases at home are made from soft fabric or leather. Some craftsmen know how to make stylish plastic phone cases from... plastic bottles. True, today such cases do not look very modern. At the end of the article you will find two master class, with with which you can easily do DIY leather mobile phone case with a beautiful logo.

To prevent such troubles as scratches or spilled juice, phones began to be “dressed” in cases. Thanks to the case, the phone is more protected both from various physical impacts and from getting wet.

The most highly reliable cases are plastic cases, as they have the best protective characteristics. However, few people choose them, since the phone in such a case does not look very attractive.

You need to put a case on your phone, especially on a woman’s phone, because in your purse, where this is usually located small device, there are also a variety of things that can scratch him. In addition to protecting the phone, the case can also allow you to attach the phone, for example, to the inside pocket of a bag. For this purpose, some cases are equipped with special snap hooks. However, you should be careful with them so that the carabiner itself does not scratch the mobile phone screen. This is especially true for today's popular touch phones. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right case for your phone - soft, but not thin, capable of protecting the device from damage. You can easily make a case for a touchscreen mobile phone from wool, fabric, soft leather or suede with your own hands. It should be borne in mind that when choosing a model for making a case, it is better to give preference to a simple fabric or leather case rather than one decorated with beads, sequins and rhinestones, which themselves can scratch the phone.

For needlewomen who are keen on sewing, making a cover from scraps is not difficult, especially since they always have plenty of pieces of various fabrics. This is both pleasant, as it allows you to prepare a gift with your own hands just in case, and useful, because it allows you to use up at least some of the scraps. In addition, you can use leftover braids, ribbons and other materials.

You don't need any special tools to sew a phone case. Everything that is usually used when sewing is used. In addition to tools and materials, you only need a template - a model of the phone for which the case is being sewn. You can use it to take measurements and try on the finished cover. The easiest way to make such a model is from foam plastic.

Master class on making a case with a logo for a mobile phone with your own hands.

How to sew a stylish phone case from soft leather with your own hands. For work

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