Wireless network stress test with Wifi_Jammer: how to jam Wi-Fi. Jammers - what are they? Scope of application of communication jammers What is wifi jammer

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What is a GSM, 3G, Wi-Fi signal jammer?

Many people love silence; this state is very important and indispensable during a theatrical performance or a classical music concert.

There are also times when you want to quietly and peacefully travel to your stop on public transport, be it a tram or a minibus. What a pity that the silence is very often broken by those who like to talk on a mobile phone.

Now they will not be able to disturb your peace, you just need to use the jammer GSM device, which is a signal blocker cellular communication. The word "jammer" is used to describe a communication suppressor. Among the main elements of the device are:

  • microcontroller;
  • integrating chain;
  • module;
  • power amplifier.

The jammer is powered by batteries, such as those used on mobile phones. The latter is attached directly to the board.

How does a cell phone jammer work?

Now a little about the principle of operation of the device. This device is a generator of white noise - a signal that does not contain any information. The cutoff frequency of such a signal is 10 kHz. The generated signal is increased by the power amplifier, so it is quite enough to interfere with a telephone conversation.

The simplicity of the device allows you to assemble such a jammer with your own hands. There is nothing complicated about this, but the assembly methods and its sequence in large quantities available on the World Wide Web. This device can also be purchased ready-made; the production and assembly of most “jammers” is carried out in China.

Suppressed waves

In addition to mobile signals, this jammer is capable of suppressing signals wireless internet, such as 3G and Wi-Fi.

The work of a jammer has its own characteristics. So, if the communication session that you want to influence (mute) has already begun, the device will work after 15 seconds. Therefore, if you are interested in the conversation not taking place at all, then you need to use the device before the connection is established. The device has its own coverage area, which averages 7-8 meters. The range depends on the model and the absence of extraneous interference (outside the city, the operating range of the device will increase threefold).

The age of modern and progressive technology is certainly good. However, there are moments when silence is necessary: ​​theatre, opera, classical music concert. There are people who do not have a sense of tact or are simply not educated. The jammer was created for people like them, who will not allow them to be prevented from enjoying anything because this ignoramus is talking loudly on the phone.

Deputy Director for Development Kerimov Rostislav.

Today, human dependence on the Internet is gaining momentum, because now it is impossible to deny the constant connection an individual with a network through which he receives this or that information to satisfy general educational and Just entertainment needs. In addition, modern people spend a lot of time texting social networks or by surfing various web pages. This factor can be used as a so-called lever of pressure on a specific person.

Probably, each of us has ever faced the problem of noisy neighbors with whom it is impossible to build a constructive dialogue about the fact that we can be a little less loud. We recommend communicating legally, but if nothing helps, then you should act more radically, and most importantly, discreetly.

You can, for example, mute wifi-a signal of misunderstanding claims of housemates. This method Let's look at it in more detail in this article.

The operating principle of a Wi-Fi jammer and its main manufacturers.

Jammerwifi, or, as it is also called, a Wi-Fi suppressor, is designed to block work activities various devices, including those who illegally obtain certain information. Typically, such devices operate based on standards Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

The basic principle of the signal suppressor is to specially generate noise interference in the installed frequency range. A device such as a jammer allows for smooth adjustment of the signal required to suppress router power in any of the ranges. This allows you to implement blocking wireless communication, the source of which is the router, within the protected premises.

Jammer wifi from the router can prevent wireless transmission data between it and:

  • smartphone;
  • laptop;
  • tablet;
  • personal computer;
  • another gadget that supports the function wireless network.

The range of such a device, designed to jam a wifi signal, is directly dependent on the conditions under which it is operated, as well as on the strength of the installed signal from the main stations and neighboring terminals. The standard signal suppression radius for jamming devices is 30-40 meters, and the operating frequency range is 2.4 GHz.

The most popular manufacturers of jammers include:

  • blockers "LGSh" (701, 716, 718, 702, 712, 704, 719, 705);
  • “Sonnet” suppressors (3rd model, 4th model);
  • multi-frequency signal suppressors operating in a large number of ranges (Whirlwind, Tsunami). They will help the user jam signals GSM, CDMA, 3G.

We make a jammer with our own hands.

If you do not want to spend money on purchasing a factory suppressor wifi signal, you can easily create the necessary device with your own hands. In order to start collecting jammers on your own, you need to find on the Internet detailed diagram devices.

Further actions consist of implementing the layout of the main components of the apparatus. The following items should be purchased:

  • a generator whose purpose is to control voltage;
  • antenna that determines the suppression radius;
  • special RF amplification unit;
  • a tuning circuit with a device installed in it that generates interference.

To suppress wi-fi frequencies, you should purchase a voltage generator that operates in the frequency range from 2.4 GHz up to 2.5 GHz.

You should also pay special attention to the form in which the jammer will be assembled: whether it will be portable or desktop. It is necessary to take into account the fact that a tabletop type blocker has a larger coverage area in contrast to a portable type device.

We jam the Wi-Fi signal with another network.

In order to carry out suppression signal one wi-fi network to another wireless network, you need to install a special set of software on your PC or laptop, which can be used to detect all available nearby networks (even hidden ones). Such software includes “Aircrack-ng”, which, moreover, is designed to intercept traffic that is transmitted via wireless networks. This program carries out its work activities with any network adapter, working wirelessly. The main requirement for the adapter is its support for monitoring mode.

The program can work on the basis of such operating systems, How:

  • Windows;
  • Linux;
  • Mac OS X;
  • UNIX.

After software will be installed, you should determine the communication channel on which it works router, the signal of which must be suppressed. After finding the specified access point, you need to turn on your point on the same communication channel. Next, you should increase the signal strength of your network to maximum parameters.

The consequence of such a simple fraud is a complete drop in the speed of the Internet signal suppression object.

Attention! This material is provided for informational purposes only; all actions were carried out on our own networks/devices for clarity. Let's look at this example + how to protect yourself from such "spam" attacks.

How does this work

The 802.11 Wi-Fi protocol contains what is called a deauthentication frame. It is used to safely disconnect clients from a wireless network.Since these control packets are unencrypted, you just need the MAC address of the Wi-Fi router and the client device you want to disconnect from the network. You don't have to be online or know the password, just to be within its range.

What is ESP8266?

For those who don't know yet, the ESP8266 is a cheap microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi. It contains a powerful 160 MHz processor and can be programmed using Arduino or without it (there are different ESP options from 1 to 13). You can buy it in China using the following links:

ESP8266 that will be used for creation (I recommend it)

V3 4 Mbyte (32 Mbit) FLASH NodeMcu Lua WI-FI

The cheaper option is the chip itself (it requires a programmer + 3.3 V power supply)


You can also immediately purchase an additional antenna to increase the coverage radius

MT7681 3DBI Gain Antenna

First of all, install the drivers on the ESP8266 board (SN340 chip), complete instructions Here

Let's start by preparing the Arduino IDE software environment for flashing the ESP module firmware to suit our needs.

Download the archive https://goo.gl/fjquFx

1 Install the Arduino environment and open it.

2 Choose File > Preferences.

3 Add http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json to the additional control board URLs. (Source: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino)

4 Go to Tools > Boards > Boards Manager.

5 Enter esp8266

6 Select version 2.0.0 and click “Install” (must be version 2.0.0!).

7 Choose File > Preferences.

8 Open the path to the folder in the " Additional settings", which can be edited directly in the file

9 Go to packages>esp8266>hardware>esp8266>2.0.0>tools>sdk>include

10 Open user_interface.h using a text editor

11 Scroll down and before #endif add the following lines:

typedef void (*freedom_outside_cb_t)(uint8 status);
int wifi_register_send_pkt_freedom_cb(freedom_outside_cb_t cb);
void wifi_unregister_send_pkt_freedom_cb(void);
int wifi_send_pkt_freedom(uint8 *buf, int len, bool sys_seq);

Save changes

12 Go to the SDK_fix folder of this project

13 Copy ESP8266Wi-Fi.cpp and ESP8266Wi-Fi.h

14 Paste these files here packages > esp8266 > hardware > esp8266 > 2.0.0 > libraries > ESP8266WiFi > src

15 Open esp8266_deauther> esp8266_deauther.ino from the downloaded archive in Arduino

16 Select your ESP8266 board in Tools > Board and port in Tools > Port

If the com port number is not displayed, it means you do not have the drivers installed on the board!

17 Depending on your board version, you need to configure its parameters, in my case I had to use a frequency of 80MHz and a flash memory size of 4M (1M SPIFFS)

18 Download!

Note. If you are using the 512KB version of the ESP8266, you will need to comment out the mac vendor list portion of data.h.

Your ESP8266 jammer is ready!

How to use:

First start up the ESP8266 by applying power.

You can use your smartphone if you have one USB cable OTG or power bank

Scan for Wi-Fi networks and connect to the network (ESP8266 server) pwned. Password deauther (you can change it in the settings - watch the video)

Part 2: Working with Wi-Fi jammer based on ESP8266

For The module requires power to operate; it can be powered from USB computer port/power supply 5v or as in my case from UMB (PowerBank).

Spoiler: Example photo

Now from any device, we need to connect to an access point pwnet, which our module created (Password deauther) .
Switch from browser to "anyone" device at address To view the link, Login or Register , here we are warned that this thing is legal to use only on your network:

Spoiler: Admin panel

We agree and move on. At the top we see 4 tabs:
  1. APs- Search and selection Wi-Fi points access
  2. Stations- After selecting an access point, you can scan it and view all connected devices. I don’t know why, but the device did not find raspberries (Raspberry Pi3). Perhaps this is somehow due to the fact that the module has a very weak antenna, and simply does not reach it. (Lies 2 meters away, in a box)
  3. Attacks- here we can choose the type of attack. (Description below)
  1. Settings- You can consider the device settings, for example, the name of the network being created and its password, in more detail yourself. You can also reboot the device in this tab.
Types attacks and their description:
Deauth - Actually herself function-jammer, directed to all access points selected in the first tab.
Beacon- Floods, creating a cloud (Up to 48) wi-fi networks. The networks themselves can be either those named/created by you at the bottom of the tab, or they can be created automatically - fortunately there is such a function.
Probe-Request- DDos attack on access point (I didn’t find a description of it, I’m telling you as much as I understood), an extremely useless thing in my opinion. The result of enabling this function: The router’s admin panel is in perfect order, just like itself. You can also connect to AP, the signal is stable.

My opinion. A huge fucking disadvantage is that this module has a very weak antenna. For normal operation, buy another module. Unsolder this one from the board, insert that one, and then you will be able to connect the antenna. I haven’t found another solution yet, maybe you know - write to me. Because as I understand it, if you solder regular antenna right here, then we will burn this module.

Software installation process:
Connect the module to your computer and go to Device Manager. If your module appears as an unknown source or USB2.0-serial, then you need to install the driver.

If this does not help, then you need to use driver installation through driver update programs.
I used DriverScanner

After the update the module will be recognized

Now you need to send it here

You must be registered to see links.

Here are the official instructions. There are 2 installation options. Let's go the simplest way

You must be registered to see links.

1) Download the BIN file

You must be registered to see links.


You must be registered to see links.

2) Download the utility
for Windows 64

You must be registered to see links.

for Windows 32

You must be registered to see links.

3) Launch the utility. It is advisable to disconnect all USB devices so that there is no conflict and you do not get confused.
In the first column you need to select a module

In the second path to the BIN file.

Well, the third point:

The device can be freely operated from any power source via USB (phone, power bank, laptop...)

After all the steps, you will have a public access point. But after a while it will become closed (if this does not happen, then perhaps 1) you did not place bin file and the utility in one folder when flashing the firmware 2) you just need to reconnect the device)

We connect to the network using these data:
access point - pwned
password - deauther

Here you can select the network you want to block. In order to select multiple networks, you need to check the box in the settings

Select the network, go to the "Attack" section

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