Schulte tables take the test online. Attention and concentration on the text read

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Purpose of the test

Definition stability of attention and performance dynamics. Used to examine people of different ages.

Test Description

The subject is alternately offered five tables on which numbers from 1 to 25 are arranged in random order. The subject finds, shows and names the numbers in ascending order. The test is repeated with five different tables.

Test instructions

The subject is presented with the first table: “On this table, the numbers from 1 to 25 are not in order.” Then they close the table and continue: “Show and name all the numbers in order from 1 to 25. Try to do this as quickly as possible and without mistakes.” The table is opened and the stopwatch is turned on at the same time as the task begins. The second, third and subsequent tables are presented without any instructions.


Processing and interpretation of test results

The main indicator is the execution time, as well as the number of errors separately for each table. Based on the results of each table, a “fatigue curve” can be constructed, reflecting stability of attention and performance over time.

Using this test, you can also calculate such indicators as (by A.Yu.Kozyreva):

    operating efficiency (ER),

    degree of workability (VR),

    mental stability (PU).

Work efficiency(ER) is calculated by the formula:

ER = (T 1 + T 2 + T 3 + T 4 + T 5 ) / 5 , Where

    T i– time of working with the i-th table.

Estimation of ER (in seconds) is made taking into account the age of the subject.

Degree of workability(BP) is calculated by the formula:

BP= T 1 / ER

A result less than 1.0 is an indicator of good workability; accordingly, the higher this indicator is 1.0, the more preparation the subject needs for the main job.

Mental Stability(endurance) is calculated by the formula:

PU= T 4 / ER

A result indicator less than 1.0 indicates good mental stability; accordingly, the higher this indicator, the worse the test subject’s mental stability to perform tasks.


    Methodology “Schulte Tables”/ Almanac of psychological tests. M., 1995, pp. 112-116.


With the help of tables, the angle of view expands, concentration and speed of movement of the pupil increases. To do this, you need to move the tables to a clear visibility distance and, looking at the center, look for all the numbers in direct order, as well as in reverse. Do not follow the numbers with your vision (eyes)! The eyes are relaxed and look clearly at the center, you just need to fix the numbers, but the eyes look at the center.

The most important thing when working withSchulte tables at a glance, cover all the numbers, both on the top line and on the bottom line, rather than counting numbers. Listing numbers is given to train attention, and not as a goal.

Again, it is important to cover the entire field first, not to find all the numbers as quickly as possible.


Or see File: SCHULTE TABLE.xls


    “SECOND” WATCH: a simple watch with a second hand, look at the edge of the second hand without looking up or getting distracted. Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the time to 20 minutes (up to an hour).

    CLOCK “MINUTE”: everything is the same, but we follow the minute hand. Start with 15 minutes and gradually increase the time to 45 minutes (up to an hour is possible).

    CLOCK “HOUR”: everything is the same, but we follow the hour hand. Start with 30 minutes and gradually increase the time to an hour or more.

The essence of the exercise: no matter what happens to consciousness, you need to follow the edge of the arrow. Unusual states of consciousness must be learned to be retained for as long as possible.

Schulte tables and speed reading

Question aboutSchulte tables

I am interested in the technology of expanding the field of view using Schulted tables to master the skill speed reading. I was researching the information on the mailing list site and I had the following questions:

1. The first part of the questions relates to the physical characteristics of tables: * their size * number of elements * size of elements (numbers) * table shape (square or rectangle) * table reading order (directly 1..25, or 25..1, or other ) * distance between the table and the eyes.

2. Part refers to content Schulte tables. The fact is that, as far as I understand, the essence of the training is to simultaneously scan the information located on the table, but in the case when it is known within several moves what the element will be, the novelty is lost. The solution to this problem is possible by establishing different rules for passing the table: in reverse order, only even ones, etc. The second problem is that one element is still perceived per unit of time, although the physical field of vision expands; the mental field of vision does not expand.

I came up with a suggestion: place the numbers in the table in pairs, scattered across the field, and carry out the search by finding two elements, respectively.

Reply regardingSchulte tables:

This is what is said about the Shultev table in O.A.’s book. Andreeva and L.N. Khromov "Fast Reading Technique":

When moving the gaze, the greatest visual acuity occurs only in the central zone of the retina, the so-called zone of clear vision. Everything that lies outside this zone, on the periphery, is seen as if in a fog.

    The maximum field of vision for a person is 35 degrees.

    The clear vision zone occupies 15 degrees.

    The area of ​​best vision is 1.5 degrees.

A wide field of view reduces the time it takes to search for informative text fragments. The field from which information is retrieved, as studies have shown, can be expanded, for example, with regular use Schulte tables.

The Schulte table is a piece of paper on which a square is drawn with sides of 20 (25) cm. The square is divided into 25 cells, into which numbers from 1 to 25 fit in disorder. The gaze should be concentrated in the center of the square and with peripheral vision try to find all the numbers from units to twenty-five. The distance from the table to the eyes should be 30-33 cm. To avoid getting used to one table, you should make several tables.

The main thing is not to find the numbers, the main thing is that when you look at the center of the table, you see the upper left and right, lower left and right numbers simultaneously with the central number.

Help your child quickly adapt to the school environment! From an early age, teach him to easily and naturally train his visual memory, while eliminating mistakes in writing or counting. Using Schulte tables, you will achieve the desired result with little time and money.

Training visual memory

A small child is like plasticine, and what you mold from it determines who he becomes. One of the useful and necessary characteristics of development is memory. Knowing this, loving parents teach it to their children from an early age. Some use memorization of poetry, others practice tongue twisters and proverbs. However, these methods, of course, are aimed at improving memory abilities and speech development, but do not have any effect on visual memory. Meanwhile, one should not forget about its existence.

According to scientists, it is precisely this that helps the child to master writing and reading faster and more effectively. has a targeted effect specifically on memorizing signs, in other words, the child will make fewer mistakes when writing, will easily and quickly learn to add and multiply, and subsequently it will be easier for him to perceive basic mathematical formulas. But for the future, now let’s talk in more detail about how the Schulte table for children works.

Preparing a child for school using the Schulte table

When going to school, a child must be prepared for the fact that many complex and equivalent tasks fall on him at once. He must not only adapt to a diverse group of children, but also learn to read, write and count. The child's psyche is very vulnerable and overly susceptible to criticism, so the task of parents is to qualitatively prepare the child for the new stage of his life. After all, it is very disappointing for a small schoolchild when he tries so hard to write words or numbers correctly, but mistakes are found in them.

The situation can be corrected by practice with memory training. By systematically performing the exercises, you can avoid a significant number of mistakes or say goodbye to them altogether. It all depends on your patience, parents, and, of course, on the desire to teach your child to remember information not only auditorily, but also visually.

Let's take a closer look at the Schulte tables. The method of working with them is aimed at increasing the possible field of vision of your child. According to experts, one of the reasons for the low rate is the small size of this field. But it can be increased with the help of special games and exercises. In an easy and relaxed manner, parents will help the child cope with the problem. The Schulte Tables program involves classes with cards that you can purchase or make yourself.

Making the manual yourself

To make a Schulte table at home, you will need cardboard (a sheet of paper) and a marker (felt-tip pen) with which you will write the numbers. By drawing the base into several squares, you create a training task. The level of difficulty depends on the age and abilities of your child. Since there can be a huge number of options, children do not get bored with games. Having mastered the most simple diagram, you can always move on to a more complex task.

The first card can consist of only 16 cells, and in subsequent ones you need to gradually increase the number (the more cells, the more difficult the task). On cardboard we write numbers from one to 25 in random order. For efficient work You should have several of these plates with different numbers at your disposal. It is worth noting: since Schulte tables are a universal simulator that is necessary for studying, adults can also actively use them, but more on that later.

Various tasks - interesting workouts

Coming up with various tasks and using the indicated tables, you can diversify the exercises, turning training into an eternal game. Children really like it, and they don’t get so tired while playing. And so that interest does not fade away, parents or educators should periodically change the tables and stimulate the desire to engage in rewards or competitions among children.

An example of visual memory training using the Schulte table

Having a card with numbers, you need to ask the child to name and show all the available numbers from 1 to 25 (or up to 16, depending on what table you have in your hands). Then it is advisable to announce the countdown. According to the recommendations, students in grades 1-2 not only show all the numbers, but also pronounce them out loud, while older children can limit themselves to just pointing.

Afterwards, you can practice calling only even or odd numbers. You can make the task a little more complicated by working on the table in pairs. For example, at the same time, a child names numbers in ascending order, and a mother or brother lists odd numbers. The competitive moment allows the child to learn to concentrate his attention on a specific task without being distracted by interference. Regular training not only strengthens visual memory, but also perfectly develops the child’s attention and even perseverance.

Schulte table test

Scientists have unraveled the secret to the effectiveness of tables. The results of research experiments indicate that Schulte tables have a beneficial effect on human brain activity. Scientists specializing in the field of functional neuroimaging have determined that the effect is due to a noticeable rush of blood to the areas of the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex when solving a new problem. However, a repeated attempt to study the same picture significantly reduced the intensity of blood flow.

In other words, the intensity of blood supply depended on the complexity and nature of the Schulte table. By offering the brain a solution to new problems, we not only stimulate its work, but also improve its activity, increasing memory capacity and enhancing concentration. Schulte's black and red tables are especially effective for memory training. This is a modified material. In what way? The numbers are no longer 25, but 49. Half are red, half are black. The child names the numbers in turn: first one color, then another. When listing reds, he uses a direct count (from 1 to 25), and when listing blacks, he uses a reverse count (from 24 to 1). Since the task is quite complex, it is intended for children of high school age (and adults).

The most effective training for our intelligence

The question arises: “Why are these particular puzzles effective?” Training stimulates the movement of the entire volume of blood flow to those areas of the cortex that are responsible for activating the intellect in the decision-making process. In addition, it was noted that the main part of the brain is practically not distracted, as is usually observed during arithmetic calculations, solving crossword puzzles or cramming poems.

By finding solutions to logical problems, we activate mathematical thinking and use memory, remembering this or that formula. Other parts of our brain are responsible for these abilities. Almost the same thing happens when solving crossword puzzles. Again, it is necessary to strain additional areas of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for associative thinking and memories. In other words, part of the intensity of the blood flow is again lost.

The total volume of blood is distributed to other areas, while reducing the amount of blood entering the frontal lobes. The same thing is observed when memorizing poetry. By remembering or memorizing phrases, we activate memory, initiating areas responsible for recalling and storing information. As a result, the intensity of blood flow again decreases.

Schulte tables - the best option for improving memory

A completely different scheme is carried out when training using the Schulte table. There is no need to remember something or perform mathematical operations (multiply, add, subtract, divide), look for suitable associations, checking information with available data. You don't have to put in much extra effort during the workout.

Schulte tables- randomly located numbers (or other objects) for training in quickly finding them in turn. Schulte tables are usually used for the development of training, research, mental tempo of perception, in particular the speed of visual indicative movements. Search movements are the basis of fast reading. Schulte tables will expand the reader's field of vision. A wide field of view significantly reduces the time it takes to detect text fragments needed by the reader.

How to make a Shultz table

The Schulte table is a piece of paper on which a square is drawn with sides cm. The field is divided into 25 cells into which numbers are entered in random order.

Some information about human vision The field from which information is collected can be increased, for example, by training with Schult tables.

A wide field of view reduces the time it takes to search for important text fragments.

When the reader's gaze moves, the greatest visual acuity occurs in the center of the retina, the so-called clear vision zone. Everything that lies outside this zone of clear vision, on the periphery, is seen by the reader as if in a fog.

Working with the Schulte table develops parallel attention. The main thing is not to roam around with your eyes, the main thing is that when looking at the center of the Schulte table, you can clearly see, simultaneously with the central number, the upper left and right, as well as the lower ones.

With regular use of Schulte Tables, peripheral vision increases and this allows you to increase reading speed by analyzing a larger field of the text being read, and by mastering the one-time mode of analyzing printed characters.

Rules for working with Schulte tables.

  • You need to find numbers by silent counting in ascending order from 1 to 25. . As a result of such training, the time required to work with one table should be about 30 seconds.
  • When searching for consecutive numbers, the eyes are allowed to fixate in the center of the table. Horizontal eye movements are not allowed. The distance from the table to the eyes is 30 cm.
  • The time and frequency of classes should be chosen so as not to get tired.
  • The gaze is fixed in its center in order to cover the entire table.
  • When working with Schult tables, you should remember that training is not the main goal. The main thing is to expand your field of vision.
The online program presents an electronic version of the Schulte table. It can be used to test the speed of information perception, as well as to expand the field of view when studying speed reading).

Other articles from the site "More than speed reading"

Reading is a necessary condition for a child’s development, the basis of the entire educational process. The rate of assimilation of educational material and the development of his mental abilities in general depend on the speed of a student’s reading.

All parents of primary schoolchildren face the challenge of speed reading. The school program provides for control tests to determine reading speed for students from grades 1-4. And if in the first grade testing is of an introductory nature, that is, the child is not given a grade, then for students in grades 2-4 a table of standards has been adopted, based on which a grade is assigned for reading technique.

Parents should not forget about other criteria, in addition to the number of words read per minute, which are also taken into account when determining the level of reading technology. This is the correctness of reading, the way of reading (by syllables or whole words), expressiveness and understanding of what is read.

The optimal reading speed is one that matches the tempo of spoken language. So, by the time a student graduates from primary school, he should read at a speed of 100-120 words per minute. In practice, many are faced with an overestimation of the above reading speed standards. Hence the worry that the child should not be last in the class, and the feverish search for advice on forums on how to increase the reading speed of a 1st or 2nd grade child?

Any parent strives for his child to be the first, the best, the fastest, the very best. The main thing here is not to overdo it. So, some parents even send their first-graders to speed reading classes, where children will be challenged with a whole set of exercises to increase reading speed even before the child has learned to read easily and naturally. Before teaching a child to do something quickly, you must first teach him how to do it in principle.

But why in 1st grade are children taught to read syllables if this contradicts the logic of quick perception of information and the basic principles of speed reading techniques? Psychologists say the main reason for low reading speed in children is a narrow scope (angle) of vision. Based on this, the child is first taught letters, then syllables are mastered, and only after that acquaintance with words begins. Modern methods of early and rapid learning to read are based on scientific research and successful practical experience, according to which, in order to successfully master reading skills, it is necessary to work on expanding the child’s point of view. A wider field of view allows you to see the entire word, rather than just part of it. A word, unlike a syllable, will be associated with a visual image and carry a certain semantic load for the child. For example, teaching reading using Doman cards is based on this principle.

How to develop a wider field of vision in a child to increase reading speed?

Exercises based on Schulte tables come to the rescue.

Traditionally, this simulator is used to improve speed reading skills. The tables represent 25 numbers placed in a chaotic order; in the center of the table is an eye for focusing vision. Trying to look only at it, you need to see all the numbers and sequentially go through them from 1 to 25.

Thus, by training with Schulte tables, children develop three-dimensional attention, or parallel attention. Those. the brain performs two tasks simultaneously, in parallel: it perceives all the numbers in the field of vision, and goes through them in the required order. While reading, this skill will manifest itself in the fact that the child will see a larger fragment of text, and the brain will simultaneously recognize what is being read in at the moment words and phrases that have not yet been read aloud, thus significantly increasing the reading speed of primary schoolchildren.

As you can see, the use of Schulte tables for children solves a slightly different problem: not to teach to read diagonally, but to expand the “field of vision” to allow reading not by syllables, but by whole words, phrases, fluently, without hesitation, eating particles, endings, etc. .d.

According to Schulte's tables, it is better for the child to study together with his parents. It is necessary to control the movement of the child’s gaze so that his gaze does not run across the entire table, but focuses on its central element - the picture in the form of an eye. Classes should be regular, 3-4 times a week for 15-20 minutes.

Presented on our website, they have a number of advantages over conventional paper versions:

  • they contain game elements (3 levels of difficulty, including a color version of the Schulte table), thanks to which children study easily, naturally, even with excitement;
  • the ability not only to look, but also to click on the cells with the required numbers, which makes classes more effective and mistakes noticeable;
  • a clear result of each workout (time to complete the table, the ability to share your results with friends in social networks, grow, compare with others by rating).

Training with our game simulator based on Schulte tables is perhaps one of the best exercises for speed reading in 1st grade.

In addition to training using Schulte tables, elementary school students should also learn other speed reading rules:

  • the gaze should not randomly run across the text, return to what was read, but move along the line from word to the next word;
  • while reading, you need to be attentive, think about the meaning of the text, and not just chase the “record”;
  • Daily reading (both aloud and silently) is a necessary condition for speed reading.

Improving a student’s conscious and quick reading will also be helped by performing some other exercises in combination with Schulte tables for speed reading:

  1. pronouncing pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters;
  2. exercises with a table of consonants;
  3. choral, role-playing and “buzzing” reading;
  4. synchronous reading by “tug”;
  5. reading for adults;
  6. searching for an answer to a question in the text;
  7. search in the text for words starting with one letter or the desired line;
  8. and a number of other similar exercises.

What is it? The Schulte table is a table in which certain information (most often sequential numbers) is randomly placed in the cells. The most common type of interpretation of the Schulte table (or Shultz tables) is a square table with 5 columns and 5 rows, in which numbers from 1 to 25 are randomly placed. Such a table is shown in the picture below:

The essence of the work with Schulte tables is to quickly sequentially find all the numbers located in the table. Moreover, the emphasis is placed precisely on the speed of finding, which can be increased by special techniques for working with these tables.

The effect of the exercise. Schulte tables are used to develop the pace of information perception, and constant work with Schulte tables helps expand your peripheral vision. A wide field of view reduces the time it takes to search for informational parts of the text. Also, by working with such tables, the speed of visual search movements increases, which is an important component of fast reading skills.

Method of performing the exercise

In order to effectively increase your reading speed, you need to look for numbers silently, that is, silently, in ascending order from 1 to 25. The numbers found are recorded only with your eyes. However, this search has its own peculiarity. In order to perform the exercise correctly, and therefore find all the numbers faster, by training your peripheral vision, you need to focus on the central cell of the table so that you can see the entire table.

The best training of visual skills when working with Schulte tables is achieved with the maximum absence of horizontal and vertical eye movement. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the correct distance from the eyes to the table. The further away the table is, the more convenient it is to look at all its cells at once. Optimal distance to the table should correspond to a comfortable distance to the monitor when reading. Usually this is 40-50 centimeters, but you don’t need to move your eyes too far, only if it is difficult for you to see the entire table.

Improper execution of the exercise
with Schulte table

Correct execution of the exercise
with Schulte table

Achieving the desired effect. When working with Schulte tables, it is important to understand that you are training your visual skills. Therefore, the main thing is not the desire to complete each table as soon as possible, but the correct execution of the exercise, that is, adherence to the methodology described above. At first, you may have some difficulties doing the exercise, but with each subsequent table you will find the numbers faster and faster. Eventually you will realize that you are now finding numbers much sooner than if you were just looking for them with normal eye movements. This is the desired effect of the exercise method with Schulte tables.

Lesson mode. Good peripheral vision, as well as visual search skills, can be achieved not only with the correct execution of number searches, but also with a constant, systematic training program. Therefore, it is important to work with Schulte tables at least 3-4 times a week for 20-30 minutes for 2-3 weeks. If your eyes start to get tired during class, it is better to take a short break or repeat the exercise the next day.

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