Taxi to the next world crossword clue. Live broadcast - Taxi to the next world: Who poisoned the famous radio host? "Daddy, you're going to die soon"

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At the beginning of this episode (Live broadcast - Taxi to the next world: Who poisoned the famous radio presenter) you will see footage where the heroine Ekaterina Drozdova talks about how she miraculously escaped from a taxi driver-clonidine. Viktor Narsuk acted according to the same scheme: he gave the passenger water with a strong sleeping pill, and then robbed him and threw him into the cemetery... See the episode of Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast - Taxi to the next world: Who poisoned the famous radio host? 12/08/2017

Another video shows footage from the moment of the arrest of another taxi driver-criminal, Vahan Karapetyan, who, like Narsuk, drugged passengers with a psychotropic drug and picked out their pockets. What is also shocking about this story is the fact that Karapetyan committed crimes not alone, but together with his father. Subsequently, both admitted that their prey was most often chains, rings and wallets with a couple of thousand rubles. It is known that one passenger died from clonidine poisoning. Why do people commit crimes for the sake of a small profit and how to protect yourself from such taxi drivers?

Live broadcast - Taxi drivers. How to avoid becoming a victim?

All the robbed passengers admit that they were bribed by the fact that a Mercedes drove up to them and this inspired confidence. Anatoly Vetlugaev from Perm is one of the victims of clonidine taxi drivers. Last year, a man came to an exhibition in Moscow and became a victim of Vahan Karapetyan and his father:

- After everything happened, I called the investigator and wrote to the Investigative Committee, since at that time nothing had been decided - the police thought that I had not lost so much money and the case could not be developed. How it all happened: I arrived in Moscow, we sat with friends in a restaurant, and then I went to the road to catch a taxi.

— A foreign car stopped, a pleasant-looking driver was behind the wheel. There were no suspicions. I sat in the front seat and told the driver that I only had a large bill and needed to change it. We drove up to the store, where the driver bought me water. I took a few sips and began to feel myself falling asleep. Then I only remember the moment when I was in an unfamiliar place, the car was no longer there. I had neither a mobile phone nor a card. He took everything. I went to the Bauman police station, sat there for 1.5 hours, and began to come to my senses. As it turned out, money was withdrawn from my card.

Live broadcast - Taxi to the next world: Who poisoned the famous radio host

The well-known metropolitan radio host Artur Bitov also became a victim of clonidine taxi drivers - poisoning with a psychotropic substance led to the man’s death. And only Arthur’s death forced the police to more actively begin their search. It took detectives six months to find the Karapetyan family.

The radio host's friend Evgeny Artemyev was the last person to see him on that fateful day. In the studio of “Live Broadcast with Andrei Malakhov,” public figure Indira Guzeeva will talk about how the investigation into the death of Artur Bitov took place:

— On the night of the 8th to the 9th, Arthur actively sent SMS, photos, and videos to all his friends. Every evening we received some recordings from him with his beautiful velvet voice. And when no one received messages from him on the 9th, we sounded the alarm. Through a clairvoyant we found out that he was... in the morgue.

Doctor of Law, retired Lieutenant General Alexander Gurov about clonidine specialists:

This type crimes have existed since the times of pre-revolutionary Russia. This is considered the most vile way to get rich and thieves usually let such people go.

Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast - Taxi to the next world

How to avoid becoming a victim of a taxi driver - topic today's episode talk show “Live with Andrei Malakhov.” Father and son Vardan and Vahan Karapetyan were detained for committing a number of crimes: working as taxi drivers, they put passengers to sleep and emptied their pockets and wallets. For a long time the police did not actively search for them until famous radio host Artur Bitov died from the actions of the Karapetyan family.

30-year-old Ekaterina Drozdova lay in a snowdrift in the cemetery - taxi driver Viktor Narsuk was counting on the frost to kill the victim. Today a girl in the Live Broadcast studio will tell about her terrible story:

- I caught a taxi on the street - with checkers, everything as it should be. There was an elderly man driving... He treated me to poisoned tangerines. I assume that this Narsuk's wife helped prepare him cocktails, etc. The trunk of his car was filled with bottles of cognac.

“When I woke up, my first thought was that this was not happening to me. I found a cemetery in a snowdrift. My feet were frozen - I lay in the cold for 6-8 hours. I couldn’t walk and had to crawl 500 meters through ice and snow! I was afraid that my legs would be amputated. It was very painful, but I continued to crawl. I screamed, but the cemetery workers ignored me at first, only then did they help me.

Experts on the program: psychologist Natalya Pitchenko, deputy Alexander Starovoytov, retired police lieutenant general Alexander Gurov, lawyer Inga Chervanenko, pathologist Alexander Ediger, astrologer Anna Vakulevskaya, toxicologist Mikhail Potskhveria, public figure Irina Chechetkina, correspondent for the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets Tatyana Antonova and others. Watch online for free the episode Live with Andrei Malakhov - Taxi to the next world: Who poisoned the famous radio host?, broadcast on December 8, 2017 (12/08/2017).

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Taxi to the next world: who poisoned the famous radio host?

Capital detectives exposed taxi driver Vahagn Karapetyan. What was shocking was that he did not hunt alone, but with his own father. Father and son admitted that they poisoned and robbed about 100 people, one of whom died. And most of all, people who tried to catch a taxi were captivated by the fact that a Mercedes stopped in front of them. Why did relatives commit crimes for the sake of a small profit?

One of the miraculously surviving passengers - Anatoly Vitlugaev from Perm - visited the studio " Live broadcast" to talk about what he had to go through. When it was announced that the family gang had been detained, he immediately realized that these were the same criminals of which he was a victim. Anatoly immediately contacted the police again. “I’m so I realized that the situation was not resolved in any way at that moment. It was considered that the victim did not lose much money, so there is no need to develop it,” he commented.

Anatoly told how he once came to Moscow for an exhibition, then met with friends, and then caught a taxi to go home. The driver turned out to be a very pleasant person and did not arouse suspicion at all. He said that he had no change, and he himself went to a convenience store to change his passenger’s money and brought him some water. After a couple of sips, Anatoly felt sleepy, and the next thing he remembers is how he found himself in an unfamiliar place without money, a mobile phone and bank cards. That same evening he contacted the police, but it was only in October of this year that the gang was detained.

If Anatoly’s statement had been taken more carefully then, perhaps the tragedy with the famous radio host Artur Bitov could have been avoided. Arthur was one of the readers as part of the "Total Dictation". In the morning he took part in a dictation, in the afternoon he went to dinner with friends, and in the evening he caught a taxi. Only the death of a popular radio host forced the police to become more involved in searching for the criminals, who were caught six months later.

Evgeny Artemyev, a friend of Arthur Bitov and the last person the announcer spoke to, said Andrey Malakhov about how his friend's last day went. He was in touch with Arthur at night - in the last hours before his death. And astrologer Anna Vakulevskaya, Bitov’s friend, was the first to sound the alarm after Arthur stopped communicating. His friends learned about the real cause of the radio host’s death only when the criminals were detained. The main version up to this point was a heart attack.

Public figure Indira Guzeeva was investigating the death of the announcer. In the studio, she said that a week after Arthur’s death, she spoke with a clairvoyant, who suggested which morgue to look for the radio host. Arthur Bitov's cousin, Marianna Lobzhanidze, came to the program studio from Nalchik. She told how she came to pick up her brother’s body and how two months later the investigator told her about an examination that showed that the announcer was poisoned.

Eleonora Pylenok, a neighbor of the criminal taxi drivers, also spoke in the studio. “The family was very good, quiet, calm. We never heard any conflicts, fights, there were never drunken antics,” she said. Eleanor was a witness during the arrest of the “clonidine dealers.” According to her, Karapetyan’s wife behaved very calmly, but he himself “held onto the wall, periodically grabbed his heart and said that he felt bad.”

Who else has become a victim of taxi drivers? What did they find during the search in the criminals’ apartment? Why did about 100 similar cases even happen in a city where there are cameras on every corner? And how to protect yourself in such situations? The investigation is live!

This fatal incident could have been avoided. The taxi driver took the old man to a different address due to a navigator error. For 12 hours, taxi service dispatchers refused to give relatives and the police the car number and driver’s phone number. During this time, the lost old sick man got tired, lay down and died in the snow. The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case.

“If my soul had trembled, dad would still be alive”

77-year-old Lev Gridyushko had been ill for a long time - cancer of the larynx, he walked with a cane, the disease had depleted his body. He didn't like mobile phones, which his daughter tried to slip to him. With difficulty he hit the buttons and said: “I’m tired, I’m tired of smoking this earth.” The daughter, Natalya Koszegi, a television producer and manager at The Feodor Dostoevsky restaurant, tried to return the meaning of life to her father: “Wait! You have four grandchildren!” She paid for his trips to doctors to St. Petersburg from the village of Innolovo in the Lomonosov region, where he lived with his second wife, and accompanied him on trips to the doctors.

On December 15, Natalya called a Vezet taxi for her father to the village and met him in the city to go together for an ultrasound. “Despite his weakness, he refused my help - he undressed himself, well done,” the daughter smiles, “I photographed him right there - in the clinic.”

Lev Gridyushko. Photo from the family archive

Then the woman called the same taxi again and called her wife, Aunt Lida: “I’ve left, wait.” I still have an SMS from the Vezet company in my phone: “The blue Hyundai Solaris has come to pick you up, number xxx.” Later, Natalya was surprised to discover that neither the driver’s phone number nor full number, which could be used to identify the owner of the taxi, is not in the SMS.

Taxi driver Sergei, having entered the address “Innolovo, Zarechnaya, 16” into the Yandex navigator, went along the route. The driver only learned that the navigator had made a mistake the next day, when he and the police were reconstructing the events of the evening. The navigator directed the car to the neighboring village of Raikuzi, where there is the same street.

Sergei told the Novaya correspondent how they circled around the village for 20 minutes - the passenger did not recognize the area. “He shook his head: that’s not it. I asked him which house, which fence, maybe the neighboring house? The old man replied that his wife should meet him. But in the house that was indicated in the navigator, the light was not on. Then he started to get nervous, as if he was starting to recognize something, and insisted that I let him out. You can see from him that he is a self-willed, independent person. Although I still wanted to make a circle. He said: “That’s it, it’s here somewhere.” He paid - he had 2 thousand rubles. I gave change. He walked towards the 16th house, although the light was not on there. You see, I thought he had a phone. When my daughter put him in a taxi, she said, “When you come, call me…”

“I guess that's what happened. It’s clear from the driver that he was shocked by what happened,” says the victim’s daughter.

It takes about an hour to drive from the clinic to Innolovo. His wife Lydia began to worry and called Lev Iosifovich’s daughter a year and a half later: “Father hasn’t arrived.”

“He had a phone, but he didn’t take it with him, they’re all old people,” the daughter explains why her father was left without contact.

At first, Natalya decided that the car was stuck in a traffic jam, but, looking at the same navigator, she saw: “everything is green.” Then I thought: what if there was an accident, and started calling the Accident Center: “I couldn’t even imagine that he would be dropped off in another village.” Next - unsuccessful attempts to contact the driver. She called the dispatchers, but they referred to the internal regulations “not to give drivers’ phone numbers” and forwarded them to the service quality department. They demanded an official request from the police. Natalya contacted the police departments of three districts: hers, her father’s, and the one from where the taxi picked him up. But the Vezet taxi dispatch service refused to work without an official request from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At this time, police, relatives and neighbors were already looking for my father in Innolovo.

Natalya Koszegi saved the chronology of her calls: “At 20.32 - a call from “dad” - his wife said that he had not arrived. So I called the “lucky taxi” - they sent me. At 20:36 I called a second time: “Girls, you don’t understand, I have a real problem, help me!” They refer me to the quality service. I called there: “Girls, help.” No. Then to his wife: “I have a disaster, dispatchers are not helping.” Then to the “rescue service”. And so on until the end...

An official request from the police was received by the Vezet company on the morning of December 16. “They were immediately sent the driver’s number. A normal guy, he rushed right away, and he and I, with the police and with our grandson, went to look for his father in Raikuzi,” says Natasha.

Then the fatal mistake of the navigator became clear. The driver Sergei realized that he had taken the passenger to the wrong address. He showed where he was dropped off and in which direction the grandfather went. But the search led nowhere. And in the evening, a resident of the village of Raikuzi discovered the body of a frozen old man near his fence.

The place where the body was found

“He got out of the taxi, but couldn’t get far - he couldn’t walk well. This is how I walked around the house,” Natalya draws her father’s route right on the table in the cafe. “The garden here was already someone else’s.” So he walked along the fence and lay down near the trees. Right in the snow...”, the daughter lowers her eyes.

“I was working that night. If one of the dispatchers had responded humanely and called me, the search would have ended much earlier. “I would have come right away,” Sergei assures. “But my grandfather was like that... he could have walked into any house, knocked, but did not ask for help - the police told me about this.”

“If at least one of the dispatchers with whom I spoke during these eight calls, plus three from the police, had a heart quiver and they sent the driver’s number, the driver would have arrived immediately and dad would have been alive... I’ve been using Taxi "Vezet" - I have a VIP card as a regular customer and have no complaints. From a human point of view, this is some kind of nonsense. I can't explain it. How? I can’t even grieve - I have a feeling of horror and shock from what is happening that is stronger than a feeling of grief.”

Natalya Koszegi tries to treat everything as God’s providence: “Why did the Lord choose me? A journalist with 10 years of experience? Because a simple person would hardly reach them. If someone else had been in my place, this story would have died out.”

Now Natalya’s lawyer is preparing documents for the court.

"Daddy, you're going to die soon"

“10 days before this story, we had an amazing meeting with my father. We went to the oncologist, and it became clear that he would soon die. Then I sat down on my knees in front of him,” Natalya smiles, as she smiled then, looking up at her father. - And she said: “Daddy, you will die soon, do you understand that?” He replied: “Yes, of course.” I asked that when he was dying, he would call Jesus Christ to protect him and take him to himself. It is very important for me to know that Christ has it in his bosom. I said that I go to church every week on Saturdays and asked him to send me some kind of sign. Believe it or not, the funeral service was on Saturday. And I was holding the candle, and it went out once, I lit it again, and it went out. I mentally nod: “That’s it, dad, I understand.” Do you understand? I have no horror - I expected this to happen to him. And we talked about this at our penultimate meeting.”

Natalya prepared for her father’s death in advance and managed to take him to the monastery for confession: “This illness was probably so that he would reconsider his views a little. He’s like that - a child of the Soviet era... I’m his copy - I have it here,” Natalya points to his chin - even the dimple - his. There was a brother, but he died, so my father directed all his love towards me. We had this connection - daughters and dads. My father carried me in his arms. He gets on his bus and puts me in his arms. He spent 50 years behind the wheel.”

According to the daughter’s stories, dad was born in Belarus. During the war, as a boy, he hid from the Nazis in dugouts with partisans. “I was sure that he would not freeze, he was also wearing such a warm jacket - leather on sheepskin, he personally sewed it himself. I had no doubt: he would survive the frost. You just need to find him..."

On December 19, it turned out that Natalya was right. Her father did not freeze, as originally thought. At the morgue where Lev Iosifovich’s body was brought, a preliminary conclusion was made: Lev Gridyushko died not from hypothermia, but from a heart attack. “His heart broke from fear that he was left alone,” Natalya looks at one point. “It was already hard for him to live.” I asked him every time: “Let’s wait until spring, and we’ll get through the winter together.”

You can see from Natalya that she is tired. Before the interview, she asked me to give her five minutes to drink tea with lemon: “The funeral is December 20th. But I know that he’s sitting next to us now, he sees what I’m doing.”

On December 19, the Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Leningrad Region opened a criminal case under Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Causing death by negligence due to improper performance by a person of his professional duties.” As the driver Sergei told Novaya, the Vezet taxi provided him with a lawyer.

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According to experts, today Russian market There are two groups of players operating taxis: taxi companies with their own fleets (no more than 1000 throughout the country) and aggregators of taxi services. The latter enter into contracts with taxi companies or with private drivers registered as individual entrepreneurs.

According to Rusbase, Taxi VEZET is one of the leaders among service aggregators. It accounts for 1.6 million transportations per day in 93 years of Russia. On the company’s website, the terms of transportation are immediately stipulated: “Lucky” (Soft Plus LLC) provides the customer free of charge information services and at the same time is not a charterer, carrier, forwarder or other participant in civil legal relations, except as an intermediary who transfers the order free of charge and names the recommended cost of the taxi service, which is formed on the basis of the tariffs established by the carriers (freighters) providing taxi services to the Customer... Dispatch service " LUCKY" does not bear material or other liability to the customer for the actions or inaction of a third party - the carrier (freighter), if the carrier's taxi did not arrive to order or arrived to order later than the time recommended by the customer, or the customer's transportation was accompanied by circumstances that led to or could lead to material or other damage.”

According to SPARK, Soft Plus LLC was created in 2015. The stated number of personnel is up to 5 people. The sole owner of Soft Plus LLC (100% share) in SPARK is Svetlana Polygalova. The head of the company is Marat Urvantsev. In 2016, in the Arbitration Court, POS MEDIA MARKET LLC recovered 690 thousand rubles from Soft Plus LLC for “improper fulfillment of obligations to pay for the services provided by the plaintiff (POS MEDIA MARKET LLC) for services.”


The management of the taxi company "Vezyot" (Soft Plus LLC) promises to comment on the situation in the near future.

Anastasia Gavrielova,
Nina Petlyanova

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