TV channel Star which is no longer on TV?! Tricolor does not work, Tricolor has stopped showing, it says the encoded channel is DRE or there is no access. What to do? Tricolor says no transmission data

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Where is the Zvezda TV channel, why isn’t it on TV?

Many operator subscribers Kol TV encountered a problem— the favorite TV channel Zvezda has disappeared. An interesting fact is that it is on the list, but when you go in, there is no TV channel, which many are accustomed to. The thing is that the operator Kol TV stopped broadcasting the favorite TV channel Zvezda on January 18, 2015, but this is not just a matter of technical side, but the fact that many subscribers may not have paid attention to the fact that there were two Zvezda TV channels in the operator’s broadcast network, one broadcast in MPEG-2, and the second broadcast in MPEG-4.

Where is the TV channel Zvezda?

The quality of the broadcast was slightly below average. Many subscribers are not paying attention! that there are two versions - they complained about poor image quality from the operator . For comparison! Other operators had much higher broadcast quality. And the operator’s technical service took action on January 18, 2015, as a result of which the Zvezda TV channel in MPEG-4 format was removed from the broadcast schedule, or, simply put, the broadcasting of the Zvezda TV channel was stopped.

Of course, it is obvious that they did not warn the audience about this procedure in the prescribed manner. Maybe they didn’t consider it necessary to do this! Or maybe the decision to shutdown was made on the night of January 18, 2015, and they simply didn’t have time to do it! We are not interested in this (let the operator’s employees understand this within the company).

There is no Zvezda TV channel on the familiar button, and in order for the list of TV channels not to confuse you, you need to rescan the entire list of TV channels of the Nsk operator.

This is very easy to do if you have GS, DRE, DRS brand receivers, you just need to find an item in the menu of your receiver and press the button that will confirm the search command.

After that, remember in the list where the Zvezda TV channel is located in the new location and watch it.

In the first lines of my textual outpouring I want to say the following: Much has already been written about this, I will write my own vision. Standard information transfer interfaces are great, but for my needs they do not provide sufficient (or almost) data transfer. I will try to make some additions in order to bring it to a state that suits me.

There are 2 or more devices at a fairly large distance (1-100 meters) between which data must be transferred. Having examined some interfaces (rs232/422/485, I2C, Ethernet) I came to the conclusion that they either do not guarantee unambiguous data transfer, I also did not like a lot of wires, they do not give an answer that the information has been received. I decided to take the RS485 interface as a basis - one of its advantages is that it can “go far”, 2 wires, you can connect a bunch of devices at the same time, it’s simple, (UART) is available on almost any controller.

In my case, the classic scheme of 1 master and the rest are slaves is suitable for me. The messaging algorithm is as follows: data transfer occurs in exchange cycles, one exchange cycle consists of a message that is transmitted from the master to the slave, in response, the master receives a message from the slave, all others are silent. On the same basis, implement a request to receive data from a slave device.

One exchange cycle.

To satisfy my data transfer needs, there are only two issues that need to be resolved. Question one: checking the transmitted byte is based on the RS-485 interface itself, but it does not guarantee a reliably transmitted byte - if a corrupted byte is detected in the interface itself, it is thrown out of the received data, but it is still possible to transmit the wrong byte - if it has changed (corrupted) ) an even number of bits in a byte. those. a check is required for the number of bytes being transferred and the reliability of the bytes in the transferred data.

Question two: receiving a response message to the transmitted one.

Regarding the first question: the following scheme is proposed: start byte, quantity byte
transmitted characters in the entire message, something else, bytes checksum(BCS), end byte.

Note: checksum byte is read modulo 2

Based on the proposed scheme, it can be judged that if the response is not returned, then the slave is not available. In this case, options are possible when a damaged message reaches the slave and he does not respond to it, or the message reaches him and he sends a response, but the response is spoiled and the leader ignores it.

To correct this, it was decided: if the answer does not come (or comes but is unreliable), then repeat the current exchange cycle again (a number of times without insanity). The following error may occur here. Let's say we send a command telling the device that we need to turn up the volume by +1 unit. When the message reaches the slave, he executes the command to turn up the volume and sends the response “ok, I did as you wanted,” but it may turn out that the response is spoiled and the leader does not understand that the command has already been executed, and sends the message again. As a result, upon receipt of the command on the slave side, the volume will already be increased by +2 units. To avoid this phenomenon, it is customary to enter an identifier (NS - message number) for the difference between messages. If the message number is repeated, then it is a repeated message and the specified command there is no need to execute, but simply send the previous response message.

I also enter 2 more parameters here - this is the number (code) of the device to which the data is transferred and the number (subcode) indicating which command needs to be executed (or what data is inside the message).

As a result, I will put everything together and go through the algorithm, using the example of increasing the value of the temperature relay threshold by 5 degrees Celsius and taking the current temperature reading from the slave device in 1 exchange cycle:

I generate the transmitted data from the leader:

When a message is received, the slave looks at 2 bytes, where the number of bytes sent is, if the number of bytes sent is equal to the number of bytes received, then the message has not lost any bytes, then we look at the starting byte (character) if it = “$”, as well as the ending byte (character) if it = "#" - then this is a message from the master to the slave.

I'll look into it right away possible options messages from master to slave with errors in the starting and ending bytes, as well as an option with an error in the number of bytes in the message. I’ll make a reservation that out of 3 parameter values ​​I will consider 2 and 3 correct, i.e. If 2 out of 3 possible parameters match, I consider the message to be valid.

1. starting byte = "$", number of bytes received = 7 (number of bytes sent = 7), ending byte is not equal to "#";
2. starting byte is not equal to "$", number of bytes received = 7 (number of bytes sent = 7), ending byte = "#";
3. starting byte = "$", number of bytes received = 7 (number of bytes sent = 7, number of bytes is not equal to 7), ending byte = "#".

Next, we calculate the checksum of the remaining 3 bytes (bytes 3, 4, 5), if it matches the BCS, we continue parsing the data, see if this data is for this device and what needs to be done on it, in our case, the slave device code is 55 and subcode 2 says that you need to add another 5 degrees to the relay response threshold and send the current temperature data in a response message. I check the NS, if it is not equal to the previous message number, then I execute the command and add 5 degrees to the current value of the relay response threshold. If they are equal (NS), then I do not perform the specified actions, then proceed to generating a response message.

Using the scheme ["$"][number of bytes sent/received][...]["#"] - most likely guarantees that such a combination cannot be found in the transmitted data and provoke a false message.

I generate transmitted data from the slave based on the received message:

The processing principle is as follows: look at 2 bytes where the number of sent bytes is, if the number of sent bytes is equal to the number of received bytes and also the starting byte = "@" and the ending byte = "&" - then this is a message from the slave to the master. If required, I use mechanism 2 of 3, similar to that described above, only for the response message (for the symbols "@" and "&"). When receiving this message, the master analyzes the checksum of 9 (from the 3rd to the 11th) bytes; if the checksum matches, the data in the message is considered reliable and further data analysis continues. If the code, subcode and NS of the sent and received message match, we continue to analyze the response to the message sent by the leader. Next comes the analysis of the received data, in my case in the 6th byte the value 1 - indicates that the command to add 5 degrees to the relay threshold was carried out successfully, the remaining 5 bytes indicate the current temperature readings, the 7th byte is a flag indicating reliability transmitted temperature (i.e. I am considering the option that the slave device is turned on and responding, but the sensor may not work) and 4 bytes of the float type temperature value.

The use of 2 check characters at the beginning and end of the message most likely guarantees in case of an error that messages from the slave and master will not be confused. Also, random (not random) data in the channel will not spoil the exchange.

A little about data transfer from a slave to a slave, and a centralized message to all slaves from the master.

First, about the latter - transmission from the master to the slave is carried out by assigning a device code 255, telling the slaves that this is a centralized message, then it remains only to decide the issue of general subcodes, it can also be grouped by device codes, i.e. assign a device code of 254 and using this code, 3 or 4 devices will receive the message; the rest will ignore it; naturally, the part for sending responses from slave devices should not work here - i.e. It is not guaranteed that the slaves have unambiguously accepted these messages!

About the transfer of data from a slave to a slave, implement the method the master sends a message to the slave (slave1) from which information should be received by another slave (slave2), slave1 sends a response to the master, while slave2 eavesdrops on this response, taking the data for himself. Again, there is no guarantee of unambiguous delivery of a message from slave1 to slave2, this must be taken into account!

Interface capabilities number of theoretically connected devices about 250, commands/data types up to 248 for each device, length useful information in a message up to 250 bytes.

Let's talk about pitfalls:

All data transmission is designed to operate on a time basis, i.e. certain delays between messages should be observed. I also recommend making a fixed delay between the leader’s sent message and the slave’s response so that the slave has time to generate the data and send it completely to the channel.

The moment of organizing responses from the slave is also important, it may happen that the slave was busy and he had data from several messages in his channel at once, you should avoid replies to outdated messages (since the master is no longer waiting for them) by ignoring them, executing commands only of the last current one messages and respond to them.

Separately, I would like to highlight the issue of time synchronization of devices - it should be taken into account that time synchronization of the slave when receiving a message requires taking into account the time delays for sending data to the channel (at a speed of 9600, a message of 10 bytes will be transmitted in approximately 11 ms) and the moment when the interrupt is triggered at the end is important receiving data on the slave side, if there is no interruption, then it is worth taking into account the time it takes to check the arrival of data in the device buffer, etc.

It is also worth noting that repeated sending of a message cycle also adds nuances; I recommend using sending a message without repetitions for time synchronization, and generating messages with a new NS.

P.S. I have doubts that I have discovered something new here, all of this is used to one degree or another somewhere in different interfaces! With the light hand of the author of this writing and the use of this protocol in my developments, I want to give the name “SRDB2” to this data transfer protocol.

In 2015, Tricolor TV had no free channels left.

If all your channels are encrypted, perhaps showing First or NTV or Karusel or TNT, then you need to check the status of your subscription.

You can check your subscription to the single package through your Tricolor TV subscriber’s personal account.

Or on the Tricolor website, see how to do this.

For technical reasons, there may be interruptions in signal reception for subscribers, which manifest themselves in the coding of Tricolor TV television/radio channels.
If problems occur, you must reboot the receiving equipment. If necessary, send commands reactivation via PM or by phone below..

Or call toll free number 8-800-500-0123 and find out from the operator.

If there is no active subscription, you need to pay a single tariff of 1200 rubles per year.

The call is free.

Let's look at the most common reasons why Tricorlor TV does not show.

And let's try to improve our Tricolor.

1. First of all, we look to see if our Tricolor information channel is showing.

This channel should show even if you remove the access card from the Tricolor receiver.

If this channel shows you, go to step 2.

If it doesn’t show the message No signal on the screen.

Perhaps your receiver's settings have gone wrong.

Then go to settings and do a factory reset.

After the reset, see if your receiver sees the quality and strength of the signal, if it does, it should find your channels and start showing.

If the receiver does not see the signal, then the problem is different.

The problem may be in the Tricolor receiver, in the dish setting or in the converter.

To solve this problem you need to call an installer.

Or you can set up the tricolor plate yourself using THIS instructions.

2. If the channel info is shown, but the free Tricolor channels from the basic package are not shown, it means that you have not confirmed the subscriber data in Tricolor TV or our receiver does not see the card, or the card is installed on the wrong side.

How to confirm a subscriber’s personal data

To see if your receiver sees the card, we go to the menu - conditional access– DRE module – information about the smart card and in the card ID section there should be a number that is written on your Tricolor card installed in the receiver.

This is an example for the tricolor GS 8300N receiver; for other models of general satellite receivers, the path to the ID card may be slightly different.

If your receiver does not see the card, take it to the service center or check the card on another Tricolor receiver.

3. If you only see free channels, your subscription may have expired.

If you know for sure that your subscription has not yet expired, then you need to rebind your equipment to the Tricolor satellite.

To do this you need to call +7 800 500-01-23 and ask the operator to send a reactivation signal.

Or write to e-mail request to repeat activation commands - This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

According to the tricolor image, the image should appear no later than eight hours later.

From experience I can say that decoding takes about 30-60 minutes.

4. Tricolor HD channels are not shown, but do you really have a receiver with HD support?

I looked at the most common reasons why Tricolor TV does not work.

If you have questions or additions, write in the comments.

TV Guide: This is a digital TV program for Tricolor TV, data that is downloaded in real time via satellite. Therefore, sometimes it may take up to ten minutes to download data. Possible error “no transmission data”, or “there is no program guide on this channel or has not yet been downloaded. All this can lead to malfunctions of the receiver.

First you need to understand the reasons why the TV guide does not work:

  • Wrong set time on the receiver itself;
  • An equipment malfunction has occurred;
  • Outdated firmware or broken receiver;

Of course, there is no way to leave the equipment in this condition, so you need to look for a solution. The simplest solution to the issue is to contact the specialist who installed your equipment. In addition, you can try to contact Tricolor TV specialists by calling the hotline.

How to fix the TV guide on Tricolor TV

  • Set the correct time on the receiver. To do this, press “menu” on the receiver’s remote control, then find the “date and time” section. Set the exact date and time;
  • Reset settings to factory defaults. Instructions: ;
  • Try updating the receiver; an update with new settings may have been released;
  • Reboot the receiver. To do this, you need to do the following: turn it off. Then unplug its cord from the outlet for a few minutes. Turn on the receiver. Errors will be reset.

Don't expect the TV Guide error to resolve itself. If you really need this function, then follow all the steps in our instructions and the TV guide will start working for each channel. After all, many subscribers face this problem.

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