Removing marked objects, replacing links. Regular and Managed Application

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1. What information content can be positioned across sites?

+ Course of study
+ Information blocks
+ Shapes

2. When using a multi-site system

+ common user budgets are used for all sites
- separate user budgets are created for each site

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3. If, when setting up a site, you do not specify the name of the site in the “Parameters” section, then

+ the system will use the site name specified in the Main module settings
- the value specified in the "Name" parameter in the main settings section will be used
- the value will not be defined

4. Number of sites in the system

+ determined license agreement and a license for additional sites
- depends on the number of interface languages ​​in the system
- unlimited

5. Configuring language settings for the public section of the site is carried out:

In the form for editing the parameters of the site root directory
- in the form of creating/editing a language
+ separately for each site in the form of creating and editing a site

6. Can I configure more than two sites in a multisite configuration?

+ You can if you purchase additional licenses for additional sites
- No, this is prohibited by the license agreement
- Yes, without restrictions

7. When activating a license for 4 additional sites (in addition to the two available for use by default), the following number of copies of the system kernel can be used:

- 6
+ 1
- 2

8. When viewing the file structure, division by site will be performed in the following cases:

Multi-site organization on one domain
+ logical representation of the structure
+ organizing multi-sites on different domains

9. Technologies for transferring user cookies between sites are used

+ if the option "Distribute cookies to all domains" is activated in the main module settings
- always if there is a statistics module in the system
- if the option "Extend authorization to all domains" is activated

Set the appropriate option in the sites settings
+ mark the corresponding option in the Main module settings
- set the appropriate option in the User Group settings

11. How can you close only one site with the identifier ru for visiting users?

Using the button: Settings –> Main module–> Office procedures -> Close access for visitors
+ by placing a special program code in file: /bitrix/php_interface/ru/init.php

12. In the settings of which modules can you separate parameters for different sites?

None allow
- Web Forms module, Document Flow, Structure Management module
- Online store, Blog module, Main module
- Everyone allows
+ Blog module, Structure Management module, Online store

13. To create additional sites in the system beyond those permitted in the license, you must:

Create an additional interface language
- start account in the system, create a separate subdirectory
+ obtain a license for an additional site, create an account in the system, determine the path to the files of the public part of the site

14. Is it possible to separate the rights to view statistics of different sites in the product:

Yes, if you make the appropriate access settings in the Statistics module
+ No, a user who has the right to view statistics will be able to view statistics for all sites

15. Separately for each site, you can set the following settings for the Structure Management module:

+ set property types
- organize a system of access to sections for each site
- choose visual HTML editor and its settings individually for each site
+ set menu types
+ determine quantity additional parameters menu

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Trade secret. The sailors have no questions,” Malyuta responded. Stepa looked at him strangely. Exactly three hours later Captain Lebedkin called. Why do you need my life? Saved? - he asked menacingly. - So that you get involved in politics. I... - Styopa began. “Don’t piss,” the captain said cheerfully. - Kidding.

Wish. Then go ahead, . Chapaev said, rising from behind ecstasy hotel. Having left the headquarters car, we went to the rear of the train. What was happening seemed increasingly strange to me. Several of the carriages we passed were dark and seemed to be. Empty. There was no light anywhere; Not a single sound could be heard from behind the doors. I could hardly believe that behind the walnut panels, in the polished surface of which the light of Chapaev’s cigar was reflected. The red soldiery is sleeping, but I tried not to reflect on this.

By 2003, Japanese specialists. It was possible to develop a set of several microprobes that vape hydra directly the brain and made it possible, to some extent, to objectify the picture of human perception. The Japanese equipment could not determine what exactly the person being observed felt and thought. But it made it possible to get a color (albeit blurry) image of what he vape hydra. And not only in reality, but also in the rapid phase of sleep. This became possible because the signal was taken not from the optical nerve, but from those zones. Brains that are responsible for direct representation. The equipment was immediately purchased by Potashinsky's team. The signal from a set of probes implanted in the brain could be transmitted wirelessly. Connections that allowed the bablonaut to lead a normal life, not in any way constrained by participation in the experiment. It was only necessary that a signal receiver be located somewhere nearby. Which then transmitted information to the computer in real time. Briefly, the scheme of Potashinsky's experiments looked like this: First, a set of control electrodes was implanted into the brain of the bablonaut-experimenter (volunteers, as usual, were selected from among young FSB officers for this role).

From a dead point. Listen, brother,” he said, “what kind of nature is this?” What are you talking about? - Isa asked. Well, you said in the car that the shrapnel-fragmentation body has the same nature as the rainbow one. And what kind of nature is this? You better not ask about this. Brother,” Isa frowned. Why. You're not ready for this yet. How not ready. A amphetamine marijuana at the same time. If I were ready, I wouldn’t ask. So you can answer. Or.

Soon. asked. Buy hashish in Vladivostok now, I said, here... Someone else is picky. A lover might be offended that he is not allowed further than the network hallway. But Porfiry is not like that. The first thing I did was connect to her ogment glasses. Good, she said. What sideburns... Meanwhile, I’m putting a picture of the glasses on the panel. Morphing it with a view from the ceiling camera. Ifak ​​raised any morphs without straining his power. It was monstrous. Now Mara saw me in her ogment glasses in the place of the aifak and at the same time could observe.

A developed cipher. Sometimes he noted that he was again tormented by recurring dreams according to scheme 1. Or according to scheme 2. And suddenly, in open text, like an escaping cry: Dreamed smoking mixes around the clock, killed by me in childhood... A voice behind the screen. He fell silent. What is she doing? - Sam asked. “I fell asleep,” Natasha answered. Sam gently stroked the prickly tip of her abdomen and leaned back on the sofa. Natasha swallowed quietly. Sam pulled the case on the floor towards him, opened it, and took out a small glass case. The jar, he spat red into it, screwed it on and threw it back - this whole operation took him smoking mixes around the clock seconds “You know, Natasha,” he said.

After that he hashish saint Hey, Tatarsky. No answer. Tatarsky waited another minute and realized that he was left alone. Alone with his mind ready to go wild. I urgently needed to occupy myself with something. Call, he whispered. - To whom. Gireev. He knows what to do. For a long time. No one answered the phone. Finally, on the fifteenth or twentieth ring, Gireev responded gloomily: Hello. Andryusha.

No, he said. There is a man sitting in a locked room who does not know Chinese. They give him notes with questions in Chinese through the window. For him, these are just pieces of paper with squiggles drawn on them, the meaning of which he does not understand. But his room is full of different books. Rules that describe in detail how and in what sequence to answer with just squiggles. And he, acting according to these rules, gives answers in Chinese in another window. They create complete confidence in everyone standing outside that he knows Chinese. Although he himself does not understand at all what they are asking him about. Address hydra onion browser What is the meaning of his answers? Introduced. Well, I introduced it. Sura is the same Chinese room, only automated. Instead of a person with reference books, there is a scanner that reads hieroglyphs. A huge database of references and rules that allow you to select hieroglyphs for the answer.

Ironically, this is what brought me clarity. At least in practical terms. I realized the problem I was facing. It's not just complex, it's elusive. It was difficult to even correctly formulate the questions related to it. The only consolation seemed How to find the Hydra site in Torus language, things are just as slippery. With human consciousness. I was unable to deal with this. And I decided that the best way out of the situation would be to return. To business as usual, leaving existential exercises for later or forgetting about them.

Soon the road led to a rich village with a freshly painted white church. A sad, one-legged soldier in a faded gray uniform sat near the church fence. You don’t know where Optina Pustyn is. asked T., bending towards him from his horse. This is what guys talk about. asked the soldier. Which was recently set up as an establishment. I decided that the serviceman was out of his mind. How this place was recently set up. Which means, in any case, everything is straight, your honor, said the soldier and Hydra roulette hand, you will still be far away. There are only two roads here, and both go in one direction. Take the first route, or the second. If you want a shorter route, then through the forest. There is a fork there, so you can take either side.

And other grimaces, which I think you’ve heard a lot about... Lena didn’t understand what kind of dad-mom fool eighteen was (the young man muttered these words quickly and quietly), but immediately forgot about it - she suddenly wanted to take a sip to such an extent twenty thousand euros worth of wine that her mouth watered. A quiet sigh passed through the hall, confirming that those gathered had not just heard about grimaces. And we managed to study in great detail all the information available about them. IN lately Western intelligence services have launched a real hunt for our rich klutzes,” the young man continued. - You've heard, of course, about the big scandals address of hydra onion tk okey site hydra in torus arrests: first Courchevel, then Fiji, then the Hermes boutique, and now Saint Moritz, the Maldives and Antarctica. The campaign is carefully planned and has two main goals - first, to discredit. Russian civilization - to establish control over its resources by collecting compromising evidence on the owners of its main assets. Our elite has become a target, and the objective reality of the current point in space-time is such that. We became targets with her. Frowning, he fell silent, as if giving his listeners the opportunity to realize the seriousness of the situation. Then the sad smile returned to his face and he continued: We must keep the situation under control.

She grinned. At least you don’t have to pretend to be offended innocence in front of your own people. About what. When I provoked him. When she jumped out naked from Hydra onion entrance and stood in front of him doggy style. You consider this a provocation. Certainly. Why, I wonder, did you turn your back to him? I shrugged. For reliability. What's especially reliable about this? The tail is closer to the target,” I said, not entirely confidently. Well. And you have to look over your shoulder.

Third montal vanilla ecstasy as follows: To His Excellency O. Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev, official. I hereby transmit to Your Excellency a translation of an ancient Egyptian inscription. A sheet of gold leaf found in a medallion montal vanilla ecstasy the corpse of Father Varsonofiy Netrebko as part of the investigation into the case of Count T. According to specialists from the Egyptian Museum, the outline of the hieroglyphs allows us to date the text to the era of the 18th dynasty or a slightly later time. The inscription reads: The secret name of the hermaphrodite with a cat's head, which gives power over him, is the essence. ANGC. If you can control a hermaphrodite with this name. Fine. Translators that ANGC can also be translated as the traditional BHGV (or otherwise, depending on the choice of correspondence tables when using hieroglyphic registers). The medallion itself, however, cannot be transferred to Your Excellency despite your request.

Post navigation

Often during development it is necessary to select and delete some part of the data marked for deletion. This need especially affects large information databases with tens or hundreds of thousands of objects marked for deletion. Processing all the data at once takes a very long time, so without a handy tool in which you can clearly view, select and delete some part of the data, it’s impossible.

This processing is the result of my work over a certain period of time. The functionality was expanded as needed. Processing works in the mode regular application and in the thick client of the managed application. Implemented in processing:

  • displaying a metadata tree with the ability to mark those database objects that need to be deleted;
  • displaying the number of objects marked for deletion, marked by the user and possible for deletion;
  • ability to enable/disable exclusive operating mode;
  • it is possible to delete related records of independent information registers;
  • possibility of group replacement of found links;
  • displaying links to the object being deleted in the form of a tree. Reflection in this tree of the structure of cyclic (recursion) links, highlighting key links (which prevent the object from being deleted);
  • deleting a package of cyclic links in a transaction - “either all or nothing”, so that “Object not found...” in the database;
  • possibility of arbitrary selection queries for each metadata object. In this case, selection requests can be copied. This is useful, for example, when you need to delete documents for a certain period for an organization; or reference books on any selection criterion;
  • preservation and restoration of previously used selections;
  • progress indicator when searching for objects marked for deletion and monitoring referentiality with the ability to interrupt the operation.

To provide this functionality, processing actively uses RAM. And although measures have been taken to optimally use RAM, still in some cases (large bases, large number objects being deleted) a situation with memory shortage may occur. In such cases, it is necessary to limit the list of objects to be deleted or switch to using the 64-bit 1C client.

Latest version 1.14. Changes:

  • Delays in client-server transitions on large amounts of data have been reduced;
  • Improved logic for configurations with charts of accounts without assigned subaccount types .

Version 1.13. Changes:

  • Fixed form procedure floating error when trying to delete;
  • In the regular form, the ability to mark related links for deletion has been added. To mark for deletion, select one or more rows of related links and select “Mark for deletion” from the context menu. The related links block displays a tree. When you select a row in the tree and call the mark for deletion, the elements of all child rows are marked for deletion.
  • In the regular form, the "Show in list" function of the related links tree has been added.

Processing version 1.12. Changes:

  • Fixed not critical error in the usual form, occurring when updating the display of related links.

Processing version 1.11. Changes:

  • Fixed an error in coloring associated keys of information register entries.

Processing version 1.10. Changes:

  • The mechanism of action of the option "Delete records of information registers" has been returned. This functionality now applies to records of information registers in which the object being deleted is not the master. Records with a leading deleted object are deleted automatically;
  • Disabled recording/deleting with the Data Exchange.Loading flag;
  • In the link tree, the display of the "Posted" and "Deletion Flag" attribute for linked objects has been added. In the normal form - in the form of a picture of lines, in the managed form - in the form of checkboxes.

Processing version 1.09. Changes:

  • A typo in the algorithm when controlling the referentiality of owner directories has been corrected;
  • A section of code for a managed form was changed that did not allow it to be launched on one of the standard configurations;
  • Added control over standard tabular parts of configuration objects.

Processing version 1.08. Changes:

  • Implemented processing work in the thick client of a managed application.

Processing version 1.07. Changes:

  • A mechanism for monitoring/replacing references for off-balance sheet dimensions of accounting registers has been implemented.

Processing version 1.06. Changes:

  • Clearing the metadata tree after searching has been disabled - now the metadata tree is always displayed;
  • Added link replacement mechanism.
  • Added display of the total number of objects in the database;
  • The deletion mechanism is switched to Data Exchange mode. Loading = True;
  • The "Delete details register entries" option now works for leading and non-leading dimensions.

Processing help changed:

Processing consists of two parts: Tree of deleted objects (3) And Link tree (4) to the object being deleted.

In the tree of deleted objects, basic settings for searching for deleted links are made. The tree of links analyzes those related to the deleted

object other objects of the information base.Processing is controlled using Basic actions menu (1), marks in the tree

objects to be deleted and Menu additional functions (2)

1. Basic Actions Menu

-Clear- initializes the tree of metadata objects, clears previously obtained results;

-Find- searches for information base objects marked for deletion using the marked objects. The search is carried out using directories,

Documents, charts of accounts, plans of characteristics types, plans of calculation types, exchange plans, tasks, business processes;

-Replacement- replaces the deleted link with the one indicated in the "Replacement" column. When replacing references in details register dimensionsa situation may arise

When the resulting set contains duplicate rows along dimensions, in such situations the duplicate rows are deleted. In this case, priority is given to the line with the lowest number in order.

-Control- monitors the reference nature of found database objects marked for deletion. Control is carried out according to details, measurements,

Metadata object resources, details tabular parts metadata objects, types of calculation of accounting registers, accounts and analytics of accounting registers,

Leading tasks of business processes,document sequence measurements.

-Delete- deletes marked objects that can be deleted.

2. Additional functions menu

-Selections- a submenu with operations for selecting a tree of objects (further).

-Delete information register entries- enable/disable the mode for deleting related records of independent information registers.

-Display a list of deleted- when this option is enabled, when deleting, a list of deleted objects will be displayed in system messages;

-Monopoly mode- enable/disable the exclusive mode of operation of the database;

-Find and remove- three actions in a row are performed on the selected metadata objects: find - control - delete.

3. Tree of objects

In its initial state, it represents a complete list of metadata objects.It is necessary to set marks for those objects

among which a search will be made for those marked for deletion.

By performing a search in the tree column " Total"The number of objects found marked for deletion will be reflected in the column" Total links" display

total number of links of this type objects.

By performing control in the tree column " Possible to delete" will display the number of objects that can be deleted.

The tree lines are colored green or red depending on the possibility of deleting found objects. Lines containing information are highlighted in blue

Using the context menu, the tree can be sorted in the desired order.

The group installation/unchecking functions operate on selected tree lines.

Checkbox " Mark" is used both when searching for objects marked for deletion, and when monitoring referentiality and replacing links.

In the column " Selection"For groups of objects, you can specify a custom query for additional filtering of objects found for deletion.Double click in the "Selection" column

opens a custom request form

A custom request allows you to apply an additional filter when selecting objects marked for deletion.

The final selection from the request must contain a field named " Link", this field will be a filter field.

In the request constructor form (7) :

-Clear- clears the current request;

-Default- generates a new request based on the data type of the current object;

-Get parameters- updating the list of parameters from the request

Filtering queries can only be installed at the level of the 2nd grouping of the tree of deleted objects, i.e. at the metadata section level.

4. Tree of related links

When you activate a line in the object tree, the link tree displays the hierarchical structure of the found links to the object being deleted.

When cyclic referentiality of objects is detected in a tree structure, the current object that is involved in the cyclic reference is

will be rendered repeatedly and terminating in the cyclic reference tree.

In the lines of this tree, links that cannot be deleted or are not deleted according to the current settings are highlighted in red;

which do not allow the current object to be ultimately deleted.

By double clicking in the rows of this tree it is possible to view the associated link.

5. Context menu object tree

The context menu of the object tree works according to the selected lines of the tree.

Available actions:

-Set/uncheck marks- sets/unchecks selected tree lines, including subordinate lines;

-Sorting in ascending/descending order- managing the sorting of tree rows;

-Clear selection- (keyboard shortcut Ctrl-X ) data filter queries are deleted in the selected tree rows;

The trivial task of removing an unnecessary site from list of sites in 1C-Bitrix it may not be so simple. Let's go through the procedure in practice.

Step 1. Deleting a site

Let's go to


Put a tick next to the unnecessary site

Click delete entries, we get... error type 1

Step 2. Error when deleting in CForumNew::OnBeforeLangDelete

This message - Error when deleting in CForumNew::OnBeforeLangDelete (forum), means you need to go to Services - Forums and delete an unnecessary forum (a forum belonging to the site being deleted). Most likely this is a forum "Product reviews".
After deleting the forum, return to Settings - Sites - List of sites

Click delete entries, we get... error type 2

Step 3. Error when deleting in CIBlock::OnBeforeLangDelete (iblock):

The system informs us of an error CIBlock::OnBeforeLangDelete (iblock) and even suggests that you need to delete several information blocks:

Information blocks associated with the site were found. Their IDs are: 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.

The identifiers are different in each case, but the solution method is the same.

Let's go to Content - Infoblocks - Types of infoblocks and delete information blocks with the specified id(for us it is 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24).
Most likely, the “victims” we need are scattered across different types of information blocks and everything will have to be checked.
When deleting an information block - Catalog error type 3 is likely to appear

Step 4: Uninstall error. Perhaps there are referencing objects.

This error is more mysterious; to solve it you need to enter the information block (click edit)
Go to the "Trade Catalog" tab and uncheck the option The information block has trade offers
Save changes
Try again to delete the infoblock
After deleting the information blocks, we return to Settings - Sites - List of sites
Put a tick next to the unnecessary site
Click delete entries, we get... error type 4

Step 5. Error when deleting in CSalePersonType::OnBeforeLangDelete

Another error is related to the presence of extra types of payers which also need to be gotten rid of.
Let's go to Store - Payer types
Check the boxes for extra payers
Click delete entries, we get... error type 5

Step 6. Orders use payer type with ID=X

As everyone guessed, you need to erase the orders. Let's go to Store - Orders and delete unnecessary orders
We return to Store - Payer types
Removing payers associated with the store being deleted
We return to Settings - Sites - List of sites
Put a tick next to the unnecessary site
Click delete entries, we get... error type 6

Step 7. Error when deleting in CRubric::OnBeforeLangDelete

The error at this stage is again provided with a hint:

Error when deleting in CRubric::OnBeforeLangDelete (subscribe): There are categories (1) associated with the site being deleted. First, delete or link them to another site.

To solve the problem we go to Services - Mailing lists - Mailing list and delete unnecessary mailings
We return to Settings - Sites - List of sites
Put a tick next to the unnecessary site
Click delete entries, ... WOW - site deleted


Naturally, we have given an example of one of the cases (far from the worst) and you may not have any specified errors or not all types of errors may occur. The site can be deleted much easier, but remember, the algorithm is always the same.

A brief algorithm for removing an unnecessary site in 1C-Bitrix

  • "Untie" from each other and delete everything information blocks related to the site
  • Delete everything mailings And forums
  • Delete everything orders
  • Remove unnecessary ones types of payers
  • Delete the site itself
July 19, 2015 at 9:22 pm

What some potential buyers need to know about Bitrix

  • CMS,
  • 1C-Bitrix

This article was not written for holivar. It won't be here full review pros and cons. These are just a few facts from my experience that I myself would like to know before choosing 1C Bitrix as a CMS.

Backstory you don't have to read

A long time ago, when the phrase “web 2.0” was fashionable, and rounded shadows were the height of design thought, our organization needed to streamline communication with clients and get HelpDesk. And as is usually the case, the work of selection, installation, configuration and implementation was entrusted to the author of the idea, that is, to me - an ordinary technical support employee.

My programming skills at that time were vanishingly small - a little poking around in WordPress and a couple of useless “Hello World!” written in Notepad++. And with this store of knowledge, in my free time from calls, I began to read manuals for the HelpDesk and ServiceDesk systems available on the market at that time.

Bitrix seemed to be the most understandable, fairly fully documented and easy to install system, which in addition to HelpDesk itself had other useful goodies, like CMS =) The remaining systems at that time were either in nonfiction languages, or it was unclear how much money they cost (there are no prices on the sites was), or required a stern, bearded file to bring it to mind.

So that's what I mean. We chose the edition of 1C Bitrix - Site Management (BUS in local slang) not for an online store. And the online store module was never used (almost). This fact greatly affected the “user experience”, as I will describe below.

Fact 1. Bitrix: Website management ≈ Online store

Even if you don’t know anything about the insides of Bitrix and have never looked into the admin panel, then simply by looking at the content of all the presentations and conferences of their marketers over the past 5 years, it’s easy to understand that apart from the online store module, nothing much is being developed.

All the new high-profile goodies like faceted indexes, conversions and all sorts of dubious mobile applications that's all for the online store. Every time I watch a webinar from Bitrix, I feel like I was deceived, because... Apart from the various juggling of orders and the regurgitation of statistics on them, nothing new has happened in the CMS for several years.

Somewhere inside, a “D7 core” appeared, but the documentation doesn’t know about it (and not everything is obvious in the code; sometimes you can only get to the right place by digging through 5-7 files).

Something really useful is a parnoid cache called “Composite Site”. But everyone who saw how Bitrix builds queries, even without a composite cache, understood that it was better not to disturb the database again.

Those modules that are not needed by the online store exist for show in the list of features on the Bitrix promo pages. They more or less work, but do not develop. The technical support module, as it was in the mid-2000s, remained the same by 2015. Forum, wiki, blogs, training - all this has changed little since its inception.

Conclusion: If you do not need an online store and you plan to use other modules, then do not count on their development.

Fact 2. Long bug fixes

At first I wanted to put this fact at the end of the list, but it logically follows from the first. Due to the fact that Bitrix’s priority is the online store, fixing non-critical bugs in other modules takes an extremely long time. Six months to a year are quite normal periods. Sometimes longer.

Now, for example, in the admin panel of the technical support module it is impossible to search for requests by email among requests received by mail. Uncritical, but unpleasant. This bug has been hanging since last year =)

Conclusion: If you find a bug in a module, don’t expect it to be fixed quickly (but it’s worth reporting it)

Fact 3. Slow information blocks

Most of the data in Bitrix is ​​stored in information blocks. In case anyone doesn’t know what kind of animal this is, here is an excerpt from the documentation:
Information blocks - a module that allows you to catalog and manage various types (blocks) of homogeneous information. Using information blocks, publication can be realized various types dynamic information: product catalogs, news blocks, directories, etc.

Information blocks are the key point of the Bitrix Framework. Almost everything that is done in the system is in one way or another tied to this module, even if it is not clearly displayed.

Infoblocks are redundant and have everything that a website developer might need in everyday life. There is a set of typical fields: title, description, tags, SEO, preview images, etc.). You can also create your own properties of various types (types can also be created).

It is also worth mentioning a fairly convenient admin panel with differentiation of rights, mass editing, uploads here and there, and a long-established API for all this. In general, information blocks are convenient.

But there's a catch:

Infoblocks are an entity that creates 4 tables in the physical structure of the database that do not change when the data structure changes: object types, object instances, object properties and object property values.

If we translate this from the documentation language into the user language, this threatens this: each property of the infoblock will be stored in a separate table and to obtain it you will need a separate query to the database.

This approach does not cause problems with a small number of records (depending on the settings and performance of the database server). But when there are several million records, queries appear that take an indecent amount of time to execute. And the further it goes, the more indecent this time becomes.

The problem can be solved with a good, productive database server with the correct config and indexes. But there is no silver bullet here, technical support will not help and there is not much information on the forums. You will have to do everything yourself: analyze, profile and make decisions.

There are, of course, highly loaded information blocks, but they have not yet been documented. There are few living examples of them. And transferring several dozen information blocks with a bunch of properties to them is not an easy task.

Conclusion: if you do not have full-time database specialists, and there may be a lot of data, then it is better to think about choosing other CMS with a more optimal data storage structure, or include database setup services in the project.

The last fact. HATRED!

Bitrix has a very unique reputation. Many developers are skeptical about it. Many developers are allergic to it, and some even hate it.

Many studios proudly declare that they do not work with Bitrix. In the smoking room of these studios there are legends about “how I supported one project on Bitrix.”

Probably due to this reputation, web studio workers are initially skeptical about orders related to Bitrix and do not fulfill them in the best way. This may be somewhat difficult for a beginner, because... Not all things in Bitrix are arranged in an obvious way, and many tasks can be completed with hundreds of incorrect or suboptimal solutions.

Conclusion: When choosing Bitrix as a CMS, you need to take into account its reputation in the IT community and carefully select performers. Well, be mentally prepared for the fact that in some places you will be dissuaded from buying it, and after the purchase they may persuade you to abandon it.

General conclusion

If you do not plan to use the online store module, but plan to create a popular dynamic website, then Bitrix can handle it. It should be taken into account that the amount of overhead costs may be greater than when choosing another system. It is better to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

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