The phone fell on the floor and it's still working. How dangerous is it to drop a touchscreen phone?

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It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without a mobile phone. Despite the abundance of communication and communication tools, this little assistant still comes first. The phone has become like an extension of the hand, and its absence causes discomfort and uncertainty - what if someone calls or writes while the owner has lost his vigilance? Some particularly fanatical users even move around the apartment with the device - it is in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and under the pillow. One can only guess what disappointment befalls the owner if The phone turned off and won't turn on. What are the reasons for such trouble? What to do if we are talking about a brand new smartphone? There is no need to panic -

Do no harm!

Attempts to immediately disassemble the phone and check “what’s inside” can be disastrous for the fragile device. Without special knowledge, it is pointless to understand the structure of microcircuits and incomprehensible parts - at best, these attempts will not help in any way, at worst, they will lead to serious breakdowns, the repair of which can be very expensive, or even futile. It will be most offensive if the phone stopped turning on, for example, due to the fact that the battery is completely discharged. Before taking drastic measures, you need to try to rehabilitate a disconnected phone, but to do this you need to find out a number of reasons that could cause the device to malfunction.

Battery check

Situation one: I can't turn on the phone, although quite recently it was working properly, and the battery charge level was sufficient for at least another day. The simplest explanation is that the load on the battery is too high, especially for new modern smartphones. Their functionality is so diverse that it’s hard to call such a device a telephone – rather, a mini-computer. For example, always-on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth consumes too much energy - the phone is in constant search, trying to catch every network that appears or find a phone with active Bluetooth in order to immediately inform the owner about it. It’s enough just to disable these options and use them only as needed (“What to do if your phone runs out of battery quickly” can be read at). A discharged battery causes phone turns on and off after a moment, or even does not respond at all to attempts to “revive” him. Eliminating the cause is simple - you just need to charge the phone, and after half an hour you can use it. Sometimes situations arise when you have to leave the device on charge for almost a day, and only after that make a decision about contacting a specialist. The fact is that the battery life is usually no more than two to two and a half years, after which it should be replaced with a new one.


If The phone is dead and won't turn on After trying to charge it, you need to carefully inspect the charger - perhaps its wire is damaged or the contact is coming off. The problem may also lie in the socket of the phone itself, which could break or become unusable from too frequent use - most new phones have only one hole for all functions - charging, connecting to a computer, listening to music with headphones. How can I check this? A safe option is to try to charge the battery using a universal frog battery. If the phone starts working normally after this, you can consider the cause eliminated and go to the store for a new charger.

Sometimes it happens that phone charging indicator blinking directly when trying to recharge it. That is, while the device is connected to the network, it continues to discharge. Experts explain this anomaly by severe overheating, as a result of which the battery does not receive energy. The second option is to use a “foreign” charger, especially if it is a low-quality device, the use of which can be detrimental to the phone. There are known cases when expensive smartphones failed after a short circuit in a cheap one. charger. After such experiments, it will not be possible to do without a hard reset or flashing the phone.

On/off button

Another reason that The phone blinks and does not turn on, may be a faulty on/off button. There may be several reasons for this. In the case where the phone is completely new and has hardly been used, the blame falls entirely on the shoulders of the manufacturer - most likely, this is a factory defect. There are two options for solving the problem: either the store will replace the phone with a working one, or - service center will repair the device free of charge. Old push-button phones are usually reliable and solid as a rock, but they also have problems with the buttons, and a problem with the power button will most likely result in the entire keyboard not responding. There are several explanations for this - in the case when The phone fell and won't turn on, the keyboard could move away from the impact. Very often the buttons malfunction if moisture has entered and the phone does not turn on– the influence of liquid always has a detrimental effect on any equipment. However, most often the buttons stop working due to the advanced age of the device. In any of these situations, turning to a specialist is inevitable - only he can figure out what actions need to be taken:

  • Completely replace the keyboard membrane.
  • Restore assembly soldering.
  • Replace the keyboard controller.
  • Completely clean the device and remove any trapped moisture.

Oddly enough, the most ordinary flash drive can cause the phone started to freeze. This is a memory card that is inserted into the device to increase its memory. The fact is that most often the flash card is not sold complete with the phone, and the consumer is forced to purchase it separately. It turns out that some memory cards may not be compatible with certain models of phones and smartphones. Recommendation in in this case It’s simple – you only need to buy a flash drive in trusted stores of well-known brands. After inserting the card into the device, you can immediately check it - if phone freezes or does not see it, you can safely return the purchase. If the smartphone does not want to accept any of the proposed flash drives, most likely the problem lies with it. In this case, it is recommended to contact a service center - it is quite possible that you will have to reflash the phone, after which it will begin to function smoothly with any memory cards.

Installing updates

The situation when phone won't turn on after update, happens infrequently, but still happens sometimes, especially with new smartphones that have permanent access to the Internet. The phone receives various updates, the installation of which may be unsafe for the device. Problems usually begin immediately after installing updates - the phone may turn off on its own, then turn on.

Sometimes the screen does not turn on, and if it is on, then incomprehensible inscriptions like “ Windows phone" The process of turning off/on can be continuously repeated several times, while no intervention helps stop the malfunction of the device. In this case, you can try to turn off the phone by removing the battery, then insert it back and turn it on again, and then use a reset, which differs for each model. If everything is done correctly and the failure is not very serious, the phone will reset and reboot on its own. This process may take some time, after which the device will return to its previous state and start working as before.

If installed updates seriously damaged the phone, most likely you will have to use * – only hard reboot is capable of restoring the system to factory settings, while all information stored on the SIM card and memory card will remain intact, but system information will be completely cleared. Contacts, SMS and all programs installed on the phone will disappear. But in this case you have to choose the lesser of two evils - returning the phone to working condition will cost much less than buying a new expensive device.

*In order to do this, you need to select the brand of your phone in the “Hard Reset” menu on the left and then find your model or use the site search (top menu).

Mechanical damage

Despite the convincing statements of manufacturers that their creations “do not burn in fire, do not drown in water and never break,” situations where phone won't turn on after falling, happen very often. A breakdown can happen at the most unexpected moment. For example, a smartphone placed in the back pocket of jeans is in danger - if it sits poorly, the owner can easily crush the screen. Repair in this case is inevitable. And the cases when The phone fell and won't turn on, the most common, service center specialists can tell you about this.

Very often there is no visible damage to the phone, but all attempts to turn it on are useless. You can try to rehabilitate the device by opening the cover and reinstalling the SIM card, flash drive and battery - perhaps the contact simply came off due to the impact. No effect? This means that the breakdown is more serious than it seemed at first. All that remains is to contact a technician who can restore the phone to its original condition. This may require flashing, but don’t be afraid - the device will function no worse, or even better, than before.

You are unlucky. Have you accidentally dropped your Samsung, Xiaomi, Lenovo, HTC, ZTE, Sony, Meiza, Xiaomi, Micromax, Honor or any other phone and don’t know what to do?

First of all, we take a sedative, especially if the phone is expensive and fell from a great height - the warranty will not help.

Frustration cannot be avoided, but you are not the only one who has suffered such a misfortune. The phone is often dropped into sea water, into a toilet, into a village toilet, a new one onto the floor right in a store, into a bathtub, into the sea, into a puddle, onto asphalt, into soup, into an elevator shaft, into a fountain, into alcohol, into milk, in gasoline, in oil, in diesel fuel, in beer, in a well, in urine and even on the head of a newborn child.

As a result of such careless handling, when the phone falls, it often does not turn on, the screen, sensor, speaker, microphone, camera do not work, the sound disappears, and so on.

If the phone is dropped and everything works - great - you are lucky, but in most cases when it is damaged, the screen turns black, white, blue, dark, stripes or one stripe appear on the screen, does not charge, turns on and off, glitches, the camera starts flickering, does not show half the screen, blinking and so on.

What to do is not necessary to strain your brain for a long time, since it is quite obvious that the problem is mechanical and cannot be done without repair by a specialist - when you dropped the phone, then software cannot collapse, only the hardware.

The fact that if the phone is dropped and no longer turns on or the screen is cracked, then you need to take the device to a service center is not negotiable, and the cost of repair increases with the cost of the device.

Sometimes it is even more expedient to buy a new one than to repair one that has fallen. Individual parts are much more expensive than together.

The situation is similar with a car. Some manufacturers set the price for a car very low, but at the same time, some parts are deliberately made so that they do not work for a long time, and the price for them, for replacement, is increased by thirty times compared to the cost - that’s how they make money.

As for the phone, the worst thing is if the phone is dropped and problems appear in system board. The board is not repaired, but only replaced, and such a replacement is equal to the price of a new device.

Repairing the screen will also be very expensive if it is of the highest quality (simple cheap ones), but the case, cables, speakers, microphone and other small components can be replaced with relatively cheap ones.

In a word, first of all it is necessary to diagnose the problem - it will not be possible to determine it by external signs.

Sometimes a component may simply fall off. This is noticeable if you shake the device, knock on it or press somewhere.

As you can see from the recording, if you dropped your phone, I am unable to help you without having it “in my hands” - in order to make a correct diagnosis, it is imperative to conduct a thorough diagnosis. I wish you success and not to drop your treasure.

Accidental impacts, falls, liquid ingress, or pressure from solid objects on the screen usually lead to damage to the touch display. If you are not very knowledgeable about how your device works, the most best option- mobile phone repair. Our technicians will quickly replace or repair the damaged part.

Consequences of falling phone

After a slight drop, the trace in the middle of the board may break. In this case, the entire phone board must be replaced. All that remains from the old device is the body, screen, cables and speakers with microphones. The cost is comparable to buying a new phone. It is very difficult to identify such a breakdown by external signs.

A fall may damage the chips inside the phone. There are quite a lot of them - processor, power controllers, radio switches, etc. The main problem is to find which microcircuit is affected. To fix the problem, you need to warm up the phone or unsolder the chip, and then solder it again. After such manipulations mobile device may completely fail. However, high-quality repairs of Nokia and other brands minimize such risks.

If your device has been dropped, first of all, look to see if any cracks have appeared on the screen and body. You also need to make sure whether the phone turns on and whether it sees the SIM card. Check the functionality of the buttons, audibility, presence speakerphone. Don't forget about the camera, side keys, flash card and charger. After a fall, the phone needs to be checked very carefully so that nothing is overlooked. If everything is fine and no defects appear after a couple of days, everything works out fine. IN otherwise You will have to go to a phone repair shop.

How to protect your phone from falls

To avoid unpleasant consequences that arise from dropping your phone, be sure to buy good case. It is desirable that it be closed, in which case maximum protection of the device from damage is guaranteed. Check the quality of the lace - the fastening should be reliable, and the lace itself should be intact. Do not place your device where it could fall. Don't give cell phones to small children unless you want to pay for iPhone repairs. Protective film on the screen will protect from scratches that inevitably occur when the device is dropped. Subject to these simple rules, your phone will be protected from any external influences.

It is difficult to imagine modern man without cell phone. Unfortunately, no one is safe from juice or tea being spilled on the device. It may also fall into a puddle or bathtub. Few people understand what to do if their phone falls into water. If you follow simple instructions, you can save the device on your own.

Phone rescue

It doesn't matter how much water gets on the phone. Sometimes it is enough to drop the device on a wet floor and it stops functioning. There are cases when the phone works even after falling into a puddle or bathtub, although this is a rare occurrence.

So, if a touchscreen phone has fallen into water, you need to get it out of there as quickly as possible. Delay will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the smartphone and most likely it will no longer be possible to revive it. It is important to note that if the mobile phone remains in water or a wet environment for more than half an hour, it can be thrown away.

As soon as mobile phone will be removed from the water, it must be turned off immediately. After this you need to extract:

  • Battery;
  • SIM card;
  • SD card.

Doesn't matter touch or push-button telephone before you, since the recovery procedures are similar. First you need to remove . A phone that has fallen into water must be completely disassembled to increase the chances of recovery.

How to dry your phone

After your phone has fallen into water and the parts have gotten wet, you need to dry everything thoroughly. First, each element is wiped with a paper napkin. All movements must be careful so as not to damage the microcircuits. It is worth noting that alcohol can be used instead of a napkin. During the process of evaporation, it eliminates all moisture.

Then you need to make sure everything is dry. The best way drying is air flow. There is no need to grab a hairdryer, as hot air will damage the device. It is recommended to use a small vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle.

The device turns on at minimum speed. Then each hole is blown out. You need to be careful with the microcircuits so that they do not come off during purging. Each part should be dried for 10 minutes. Remember that the vacuum cleaner should not touch the components of the smartphone. The device should be kept at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the surface of the phone.

Traditional methods

Those who have dropped their phone in water or other liquid should know that there is a traditional way to dry your phone. One such remedy is rice. If desired, instead of cereal, you can use absorbent material, which is added to shoe boxes or leather bags.

A little rice is poured into a plastic container, and a smartphone is placed in it. Now all that remains is to add more rice. The cereal should completely cover the gadget. The phone should be left in the rice for at least 24 hours. It is worth noting that it is not enough to dry a device that has fallen into a liquid with a high level of acidity, as the destruction of the microcircuits will begin.

After drying, the device should turn on. It is recommended to test all functions of the device. Sometimes users ask what to do if the phone falls into water and does not turn on even after all the manipulations done? In this case, you need to contact specialists.

Mistakes made

When trying to fix a phone, most people immediately grab a hairdryer, trying to get rid of moisture faster. Remember that such an operation can completely damage the device. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. A stream of hot air melts the plastic parts of the phone.
  2. Droplets of water penetrate into hard-to-reach places.

Since fixing a phone seems easy, smartphone owners don’t think about the consequences. Another common mistake is to use:

  • Gaza;
  • Hot battery;
  • Microwave oven.

Using such tools will cause your phone and battery to overheat.

Fell into the water? With such devices things are a little more complicated. It is not recommended to disassemble smartphones yourself. You can move incorrectly and your smartphone will be damaged.

No matter how much your phone gets wet, there is no need to rush. Every step must be thought out. The phone should not turn on. Otherwise, a short circuit will occur. It is necessary to get rid of excess moisture as quickly as possible.

This breakdown can usually be repaired only by replacing the entire phone board, which, in fact, can be equated to buying a new phone. All that remains from the old phone is the body, screen, cables and speakers with microphones. But this can also be beneficial, because... For some models, the main cost of the phone is determined by the screen. But there are exceptions; some boards can be restored.

It can be very difficult to determine such a breakdown by external signs.

  • Less scary, what can happen to the phone if it falls slightly is fight off some kind of microcircuit, of which there are quite a few in the phone, from the processor, flash drives, power controllers, to radio switches and high-frequency microcircuits that are responsible for connecting the phone to the network.

In this case, the main difficulty is to find what exactly is missing, which microcircuit.

External signs that this is what happened to your phone is that after you shake the phone, or knock on it, or bend it somehow, or press somewhere, it works, but this is not always the case. It happens that the microcircuit has come off, but this sign cannot be determined.

Complexity The solution to such a breakdown is that in modern phones, trying to restore a lost contact, you need to warm up the phone or unsolder the chip, and then solder it again. As a result of such actions, the phone may permanently fail, i.e. "die".

Thus, repair phone with broken chips hides within itself danger that the phone will “die”.

Is it true, probability that the phone will die those below , how more experienced master repairing phone. If you do everything taking your time, in a calm environment, when you can think about possible side effects, then the probability that the phone will die is decreases .

However, if the phone was sent for repair to the workshop and him there did, but didn't, A Then give it to another workshop to make it there, probability that the phone will die Very increases . This is so because new master does not know what the previous one did, and it is difficult for him to take into account all the factors and actions of the previous technician, which may have been unnecessary or damaged the phone. Most often, such phones die during repair, and it becomes impossible for the repairman to even return it to the condition before repair. This happens because it becomes unknown what could have gone wrong? Either the new master made a mistake when doing certain actions, or the mistakes of the old master came out, who, trying to patch up his mistakes, introduced his know-how into the phone, which made itself felt during the repeated repair, since the new master did not know about it.

For this reason, many repairmen do not undertake to repair phones after someone else has repaired them, being careful that the client does not understand that the phone died on YOU, not theirs. Therefore it is important workshop client understand, What with each new workshop probabilityb that the phone will dieincreases , and it’s good to immediately give your “pet” into good, proven hands.

First of all, after powering up the phone, you need to check:

1. Externally inspect for cracks on the screen and case.

2. Does the phone turn on?

3. Does the phone recognize the SIM card?

4. Do the necessary buttons for entering a password work?

5. Does the phone see the network?

6. Do the dial and call buttons work?

7. Does the phone reach anyone?

8. Can you hear what they are saying to you?

9. Do they hear what you say?

10. Does speakerphone work?

11. Does the phone work stably during a conversation, are there any unexpected disconnections?

12. Do all the buttons that have not yet been tested work?

13. Does the video camera, Bluetooth (bluetooth), external screen, side buttons, flash card work?

14. Does the phone get infected from charging?

15. Does the phone get hotter than usual in some mode?

16. Does the headset work?

If everything works fine, and nothing comes out of it within 1-2 days, then nothing bad has happened to you.

But if not, then the phone needs to be repaired, and in Kharkov this can be done in

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