Management via remote access. How to connect remote access to a computer via the Internet: Guide

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There are a lot of programs for organizing remote access. There are paid and free programs, there are programs for different operating systems. It is clear that in this article we will not be able to consider everything at once, but we will talk about the most interesting of them, and most importantly, we will understand what is more effective for a particular task.

Radmin (shareware)

About ten years ago, the most popular program for remote access was Radmin, it still exists ( - it has not gone anywhere during this time. Let's start the review with it.

The program consists of two parts: Server and Viewer. The first one runs on a remote computer (or remote computers), and the second one runs on your computer and is used to connect to the remote machines that you are going to configure. On the developers' website you can download both the complete set and individual components. There is also a portable version of Viewer that works without installation, and a version of Radmin Server 3.5 NTI - this is a special version without a tray icon, that is, the user of a remote computer will not know that Radmin is installed on it until you start managing his computer.

I will note the key features: support for Windows 8 32/64 bit, support for switching user sessions in Windows XP/Vista/7/8, compatibility with Wine (Radmin can organize remote access to a PC under Linux control via Wine), Telnet support, remote PC shutdown, Radmin server scanner (allows you to find all the PCs that you can manage on your network), file transfer between Server and Viewer.


  • Program functionality: it has its own authentication and support voice chat, and the ability to transfer files. Everything is very convenient.
  • Due to the fact that Server is installed on the remote computer, the presence of the user is not required, as in other similar programs. For example, you can administer the remote PCs of your colleagues when they go to lunch. In other similar programs, it is necessary either for the user to allow the connection, or for the user to provide you with a password, which is generated automatically with each communication session.
  • Low system requirements, the program does not load the processor at all, which is especially important for my old laptop with an AMD processor, which gets hot like an iron - it acted as a “remote” computer.
  • Just running Server is not enough; you also need to configure it.
  • Many users love TeamViewer not for its functionality, but because it does not require any special ports (it uses port 80 by default) and does not require any firewall settings. Radmin Server uses port 4899, and it will not be possible to run it without setting up a firewall.
  • No mobile clients.
  • Does not support other OS.

TeamViewer (freeware)

Nowadays, TeamViewer is probably the most popular remote access program. You can download its full version from and not pay a penny. For non-commercial use the program is absolutely free.

Rice. 4. TeamViewer is running

TeamViewer pleases with support for Windows, OS X, Linux, which was so lacking in Radmin. There are also mobile clients for Android, iPad/iPhone: you can control a remote computer from your iPhone. There is also a Portable version of the program for Windows, which is very useful for infrequent use of the program, and the Portable version can be run both on the “server” and on the “client”, unlike Radmin, where you can only run the client (Viewer) without installation, but the “server” part must be installed.

After starting the program, you will see the main TeamViewer window and the “Computers and Contacts” window (Fig. 4). If you plan to help all your relatives and colleagues at once, you can click the “Register” button, create an account, and then in this window you will see all the numerous computers that you have set up.

Rice. 5. TeamViewer in action

Now let's figure out what is what. If you need to connect to your computer, then you must tell the remote party your ID (in in this case 969 930 547) and password (8229). How to communicate, decide for yourself - you can copy and transmit these values ​​via Skype, ICQ, email, SMS, or simply dictate over the phone. This password changes every time the program is started. If the program is installed on your computer, you can make a permanent personal password, but I don’t recommend it: the password can be compromised and then anyone can connect to your computer.

If you need to connect to a remote computer, then you need to enter the ID of the remote party (in this case 411108007) and click the “Connect to partner” button, after which the program will ask you to enter the password that you received from the remote party. That's all - in the window that appears, you can configure the remote computer (Fig. 5).

You've probably already noticed the main difference from Radmin: you need to give the password to the person setting up the computer, but in Radmin the password is specified when creating a user account. In other words, the user must be present at the computer. The question is, how can you organize a home office when you want to access your work computer from home, for example, at night? It's very simple. You need to organize TeamViewer autostart (for example, add it to the “Startup” group or register it in the registry in the Run key) and set a “Personal password”. Please note that you cannot set a personal password if the program is not installed on your computer, but is launched without installation.

There is one more program you should know about: TeamViewer Host. It runs as a system service and is used for 24/7 access to a remote computer, including logging in/out. It turns out that TeamViewer Host allows you to organize a terminal server, and it supports an unlimited number of clients for one server (the number of clients is limited only by the computing capabilities of your computer). It should also be noted that for TeamViewer installations Host needs administrator rights, which are not always available, so in most cases you will still use regular TeamViewer. However, if you need to set up just one computer (or simply organize remote access to it, say, from home), then TeamViewer Host is not needed. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that if a regular TeamViewer (not Host) is running on computer A, then computers B, C, D (the number three is given as an example) can connect to it for joint administration. Another thing is that it is necessary to coordinate the actions of administrators, since the keyboard and mouse are shared, but one can configure, the rest will observe.

Like Radmin, TeamViewer allows you to share files, voice and text messages, and remotely reboot your computer ( the right command located in the “Actions” menu, see fig. 5, simply restarting the computer is not enough - because then the TeamViewer communication session will not be established; you only need to restart the computer while setting it up through the “Actions” menu).


  • Simplicity (the program is simpler than Radmin - a huge advantage for untrained users who will have to install it on the remote side).
  • The program does not require installation at all: both on the client and on the server. Installation is optional.
  • It works through port 80 (and some additional ports), so it does not require firewall configuration.
  • Availability of versions for other OS.
  • Availability of mobile clients for Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8 (that is, you can control a remote computer directly from your iPad).
  • Possibility of organizing interactive conferences (up to 25 participants).
  • Does not require administrator rights for remote access.
  • It loads the processor noticeably more than Radmin, my old laptop even overheated and turned off.
  • Although there are mobile clients, they are not very convenient (however, this is better than nothing).

Royal TS (shareware)

Once upon a time there was such a program - mRemote. I don’t know what happened there, but the mRemote project was closed, and the developers went and created another project - Royal TS. On the site you will find versions for Windows, OS X and iOS (can be run from iPhone and iPad).

In Royal TS, before creating a connection, you need to create a document, that is, one connection = one document. Royal TS documents are a very convenient thing; they can be transferred as regular files, for example to another admin. He will be able to open such a document and immediately connect to a remote computer without having to create a connection manually. The shareware version has a limit on the number of simultaneous open documents- ten. As for me, this is quite enough for non-commercial use of the program, so in practice you won’t even notice that you are missing something (unless, of course, you remotely administer a huge network of computers).

First of all, it must be said that this program is radically different from Radmin and TeamViewer. Both of these programs combine the functionality of both server and client (in the case of Radmin, server and client are different programs, in the case of TeamViewer - the same program). In other words, on one of the computers you can install Radmin Server or TeamViewer, and on the other you can use Radmin Viewer or TeamViewer, respectively, to connect to this remote computer. So, Royal TS is something like Radmin Viewer, that is, a program for connecting to a remote server, but you will have to create the server yourself. How you do it is your problem. Royal TS will not help you create such a server, but only let you connect to it.

Rice. 6. Royal TS for Windows

Among the protocols for connecting to a remote server that Royal TS supports: RDP, Telnet, SSH, Citrix, VNC. The RDP/Telnet/SSH and other servers themselves will have to be configured independently.

On the one hand, this is beyond the scope of the article, on the other hand, it would be incomplete if I did not give an example of setting up at least one of the servers that Royal TS supports. SSH/Telnet servers, I think, will not be very interesting to the reader. I want something graphic. Let's say we have Linux (Ubuntu or its clone) and need to configure a VNC server. To do this, first install the VNC server with the command:

Sudo apt-get install vnc4server

After that, you need to run it - for the first time without parameters:

Sudo vnc4server

When running the sudo vnc4server command, you need to enter a password that will be used to connect to this VNC server. The password itself will be saved in $HOME/.vnc/passwd. I won’t say another word - there is man :). After the first launch, you need to launch vnc4server, specifying the screen number:

Sudo vnc4server:3

Next, in Royal TS you need to create a new document (on the File tab), then go to the Edit tab and click the VNC button. In the window that appears (Fig. 7), you need to enter the display name (Display Name) - in our case: 3, the IP address of the VNC server and specify the port number (usually 5900). The password will be requested when connecting to the server.

Rice. 7. VNC connection parameters


  • A universal client for connecting to a remote server using various protocols.
  • There are versions for Windows, OS X and iOS.
  • It is impossible to organize remote access using Royal TS alone; additional programs are needed.
  • Not suitable for remote configuration of computers for inexperienced users - they simply will not be able to configure the necessary remote access services.

Supremo: free and simple (freeware)

Let's analyze the situation. If you don’t like TeamViewer or you can’t use it for some reason (including the need to purchase a license for commercial use), and Radmin is also not suitable for some reason, then you’ll have to look for analogues. Since the article talks about simple and free programs ah, then the following program needs to be: a) free; b) simple. This is the Supremo program, which can be downloaded from the website.

The program (Fig. 8) was created “in the image and likeness” of TeamViewer. It does not require installation, its operating principle is the same as that of TeamViewer, it even uses the same terminology (this is me regarding the partner ID and other inscriptions in the program interface).

The computer you are setting up and the support technician's computer must be running Windows only. Multiple editions of Windows are supported, including Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. ABOUT Windows support 8 and Windows Server 2012 nothing has been said on the official website yet.

Rice. 8. Supremo program

The algorithm for using it is simple: you need to run the program on both computers, then ask the remote party for its ID and password, and then click the “Connect” button. Before this, the remote party must press the “Start” button, otherwise the connection will not be allowed. Perhaps this is the only difference from TeamViewer.

To make the review more complete, let's go to the program settings (Tools -> Options). In the “Security” section (Fig. 9) you can configure automatic start program, specify a password for remote connections and indicate which IDs are allowed to connect to your computer.

Rice. 9. Supremo Security Options

In the “Connection” section (Fig. 10), you can specify the parameters of the proxy server, if it is present on your network.

Rice. 10. Supremo connection parameters

In addition to its direct purpose, namely remote computer control, the program can be used to exchange files. To exchange files (which is possible in two directions - both downloading and uploading) simply use drag & drop.


  • Easy to use.
  • No installation required.
  • Ability to transfer files.
  • Chat option.
  • Does not require firewall configuration (uses HTTPS/SSL).
  • There is no support for operating systems other than Windows.
  • No mobile clients.

LogMeIn (freeware)

Let's look at one more useful program- LogMeIn (Fig. 11). The purpose of this program is the same as all the others discussed in this article - remote access. On the website you will find several similar products, but we are primarily interested in the LogMeIn Free product. Its capabilities are quite sufficient for most purposes: access to a computer running Windows or OS X, remote control and desktop viewing, copying and pasting data between computers, reboot function, chat, support for multiple monitors, intrusion detection via SSL/TLS protocol, does not require configuring firewall settings, does not require administrator rights on the remote computer.

Personally, I liked the functions of copying and pasting data between computers, as well as the reboot function: during the process of setting up the computer, sometimes you need to reboot it, after which the remote access session will be automatically restored, which is very convenient.

Unlike the Free version, Pro version supports file transfer between computers, HD video, dragging files between computers and several more functions for which it is hardly worth paying almost 53 euros per year - that’s what the Pro version costs. A comparison of these two versions, as well as the OS X version, can be read at:

Rice. 11. LogMeIn main window

The way this program works is slightly different from TeamViewer and similar programs. It's a little more complicated, but apparently this is how the LogMeIn developers determine who uses the program and for what purposes. In the main window, select “from Mac or PC” and then you will see the sequence of actions that need to be performed to give another user access to this computer (Fig. 12). Grandfather and grandmother will definitely get confused and not appreciate it. You can’t do without registering on; although it is free, in terms of convenience it is completely unnecessary.

Rice. 12. How to connect to this PC

There is, however, a simpler way - anonymous access through a browser. Quite an interesting feature that is not found in other similar programs. The point is this: a user who wants you to set up his computer creates an invitation link, then sends it to you in any convenient way (by email, Skype, and so on). The invitation link is valid for a certain time (the time is determined by remote user), even if someone spies the link, he is unlikely to be able to use it after the expiration date.

Let's look at how to create an invitation and how to use it. In the section " Sharing to the desktop" current invitations are displayed. By clicking the “Send invitation” button, you can generate that same link. The New Invitation Wizard allows you to determine the duration of the invitation and how to send the invitation (you can send by email link, or you can just get the link and send it manually).

Rice. 13. Controlling a remote computer via browser

Then this link needs to be sent to the person who will be setting up the computer. When he copies it into the browser and opens it, he will see a screen similar to the one shown in Fig. 13. To continue, click the “Continue” button. After which the user who sent the link will receive two requests sequentially. The first request is a request to allow access to the guest, the second request is to grant access rights (Fig. 20). The guest can either fully control the computer, or only view the desktop without control.


  • Does not require administrator rights.
  • Does not require firewall configuration.
  • Ability to use a browser for remote control.
  • Mobile clients.
  • A somewhat unusual operating principle.

Mosh (mobile shell): a good alternative for SSH

Mosh can also be used for remote console access (that is, you can execute commands remotely and see their results). The main advantage of Mosh over SSH is the ability to roam, that is, change the network on the client machine, which is useful on the road when the network can change (now it is cellular, in a few minutes - Wi-Fi, while the IP changes, but the connection remains). Frequently traveling admins will appreciate this. But there is one big drawback: Mosh will not connect to a regular SSH server, which means you will have to install Mosh on the server. But Mosh does not work as a daemon, like SSH, but as a regular program, that is, root access is not required to run it. Mosh is available for many Linux and BSD distributions, OS X, iOS (included in popular client iSSH) and Android.


VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a system for remote access to a computer desktop using the RFB (Remote FrameBuffer) protocol. Previously, it was shown how to organize a VNC server in Linux; in Windows, such a server can be created using the UltraVNC or RealVNC programs. UltraVNC is similar to RealVNC, but has additional features such as encryption of the connection between the client and the server, the Java Viewer module (access to a remote PC via a browser with Java support) and others. Although RealVNC has a plugin VNC Viewer For Google Chrome so there is no need for Java Viewer. As already noted, the programs are largely similar, so in this article we will only consider UltraVNC.

At installing UltraVNC It is possible to install both a VNC server and a VNC client. If you don’t need remote access to your computer, you don’t need to install a VNC server. When installing a VNC server, you will be able to configure it to run as a system service, but this requires administrator rights. The RFB protocol that VNC uses typically uses ports 5900–5906. Therefore, to connect via VNC you need to configure a firewall, otherwise it will kill the connection.

To connect to the VNC server, use the program UltraVNC Viewer. The program is universal, and you can use it to connect to any VNC server, not just the one running UltraVNC Server. Similarly, you can connect to a server created by the UltraVNC Server program using the RoyalTS program or any other VNC client.

A few words about how it all works. First, launch the UltraVNC Edit Settings program and on the Security tab set a password to access the VNC server, then you need to launch the UltraVNC Server program. Then, on another computer, launch UltraVNC Viewer (Fig. 14) and enter the IP of the computer on which the VNC server is installed, and click the Connect button.

Rice. 14.UltraVNC Viewer


  • You need administrator rights, you need to configure a firewall.
  • The same protocol can be used for Windows management, OS X and Linux, but these are the advantages not of a specific program, but of VNC itself.

SSH access

SSH remains the classic of remote access. It would seem, what else can you come up with here? Well, for example, what to do if you have a lot of remote machines? Should I register aliases for each? Eat special utilities, allowing you to quickly switch between machines. One such manager in Linux is Gnome Connection Manager. The program is very convenient, we highly recommend it. On Windows, AutoPuTTY is used for this purpose - a shell for the popular SSH/Telnet client PuTTY, which can be downloaded from: There is a similar SSH connection manager for OS X -Shuttle. For mobile platforms You can use mobile SSH clients - Prompt (iOS) and ConnectBot (Android). You can easily find links and screenshots on the Internet.

Ammyy Admin (freeware)

Ammyy Admin is another program for remote desktop access. The good thing about the program is that it is absolutely free, completely undemanding of resources (the executable file generally takes up a ridiculous 700 KB), allows you to organize both regular remote access to the desktop and a remote office-style connection, and does not require installing or changing firewall settings. You can find out about the rest of the program's features on the developers' website.

AnywhereTS (freeware)

Allows you to convert computers into thin clients. The main purpose of this program is not remote access for reasons technical support, as in all previously described programs, although it can also be used for this. AnywareTS allows you to give a second life to old computers that will be used as thin clients - connect to a server that will run programs that are physically impossible to run on old PCs. Detailed information You can find information about this program on the developers' website.

Remote access in Windows 8

This review would not be complete if we did not consider the capabilities of the OS itself. On the “server” (that is, on the computer to which remote access is planned), you need to perform the following steps:

  • Run SystemPropertiesRemote.exe.
  • Enable the "Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer" checkbox.
  • Turn on the “Allow remote connections to this computer” switch and click the “Apply” button.
  • If you are using energy saving mode, you need to configure your computer so that it never goes into sleep mode.

On your computer, use the Remote Desktop Connection application to connect to a remote computer.

Rice. 15. Allow remote access

Google Hangouts: screen sharing and video conferencing

As a last resort, you can use a new service from Google - Hangouts. It allows you to host video meetings, during which users can share their screen with each other. If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with this service yourself.

Instead of a conclusion

There are a lot of programs for remote access. As I hope I have shown, the most familiar tool is not always the most effective. You need to build on the conditions of a specific task, target platforms and other factors. I hope that now I have finally cleared up the whole picture of remote access in your head. All suggestions and wishes can be sent to [email protected].

Surely not every PC user (especially a beginner) knows that a computer can be safely controlled from a distance, and fully! Those. as if you were sitting and working at your own computer, but from a distance, and doing it, for example, from a tablet or another computer. This can be very convenient and, for example, I use this opportunity regularly. Why do I need this? I work a lot on the Internet, but I can’t always sit at my computer. Sometimes I need to go somewhere or see someone, but some urgent matter comes up and I need my computer to open some program, run something, look at something. Carrying a computer with you always and everywhere is very problematic. It weighs about 4 kg, which feels good when carrying it :) But on the other hand, I always have a tablet or smartphone with me, from which I can connect to my computer at any time and from anywhere, which I leave turned on at home. And this way, I can work on it just as if I were at home. Another reason for remote access is the ability to ask a friend or colleague to help you sort out any problems in the settings or programs on your computer via remote access. You yourself can also help someone solve some problem on their computer by connecting remotely to this person. And lastly... It happens that the right computer is in a hard-to-reach place or you need to walk to it. In this case, the easiest way is to connect to it remotely and you’re done!

This article of mine will talk about how to remotely control a computer from any device, and with the help of this guide you will learn how to do it easily even if you are a complete beginner! We will consider the most, in my opinion, convenient program for this matter - TeamViewer, and today I will tell you about its main most necessary and useful functions. Yes, it is also free for non-commercial use! There are only 2 conditions for remote device management: the presence of an Internet connection on both devices, and the presence of the TeamViewer program on both devices.

Today, the TeamViewer program is supported, one might say, by all devices:

    Smartphones based on Android and Windows Phone 8 operating systems;

    Tablets on the same Android systems,Windows Phone 8;

    iPad of all modifications;

    Computers based on the operating system Mac, Linux, Windows.

For all these devices, you can download the TeamViewer app for free.

It is also interesting that you can control it the other way around – smartphones and tablets from a desktop computer.

So, let's begin to understand the program step by step, starting with its installation process.

Installing TeaViewer

    First you need to download the program itself. It is best to download from the official website, since the most latest version. Go to the official TeamViewer website using the link:


    At the top of the page that opens you can’t help but notice the large “Free full version" Here we press it:

    After downloading the file, find it on your computer and run it. The file will be named: “TeamViewer_Setup_ru”:

    The next program window will ask you to select the option to use TeamViewer. These settings can be changed at any time after installation. If you want to control this computer (on which you are installing the program) remotely, then immediately select the appropriate item. IN otherwise simply select “Install”.

    Below, be sure to select the “Personal, non-commercial use” option, since the program is distributed free of charge only for this use case.

    At the end, check the box “Show additional settings" and click the "Accept - Next" button:

    Account control Windows entries may ask you for confirmation to continue with the installation. Just click “Yes”:

    In the next window, check the path where the program will be installed and change it if desired. But I recommend leaving the default path. The options below may not be enabled. All of them, if necessary, can be set after installation. Click the “Finish” button:

    A quick program installation process will begin, which will take from a few seconds to a minute.

This completes the installation of the TeamViewer program! Let's move on to its settings and application.

Setting up TeamViewer

Setting up uncontrolled access to a computer:

Now we can freely control this computer from any other device, no matter where we are within the Internet access zone :) But for this, let’s deal with the information that we (or anyone else) need to know so that we can connect to this computer remotely.

Data required for remote control of any device:

Perhaps the most important thing is to know the data by which you can connect remotely to your current computer.

To connect to this computer from another computer / device with TeamViewer installed, you only need to know:

    ID of this computer;

    Password for accessing this computer via TeamViewer (not to be confused with the password for logging into Windows!).

All this data is located in the main program window:

According to my example (see image above) to remotely access this computer in at the moment I need to point to remote device ID: 900 288 832 and password: 6sx71k.

The ID in TeamViewer for each specific computer does not change. Those. the one that is indicated in the box you will always indicate when remote connection. And there are 2 types of passwords in TeamViewer: temporary (random) and personal (permanent). Now more about this:

I hope you understand the difference in passwords :)

Now let's go through the main most important settings of the program.

Basic program settings:

    To go to all program settings, open the “Advanced” menu at the top and select “Options”:

    We will immediately be taken to the “Main” tab. Here you can enable or disable automatic launch of TeamViewer when booting Windows. If you are going to control this computer remotely, then I strongly recommend leaving this item enabled. Then you don’t have to launch TeamViewer manually, especially if you are far away and TeamViewer is at this computer will not be launched, you will not be able to connect to it.

    Below you can see a message that you are linked to the account you created earlier. If you click the "Delete" button, you can break this connection.

    On this tab, there are no more important settings that are not set by default. Go to the next tab “Security”.

    On the “Security” tab we can change the “Personal” password by entering a new one and repeating it at the very top. Below you can set up a “random” password by specifying the number of characters. By default, such a password will always be 6 characters long.

    In the last section, “Rules for connecting to this computer,” you can allow or deny logging in remotely using Windows password. It is most reliable to leave this parameter set to default, i.e. - “Not allowed.” The easiest way to connect is through a TeamViewer password and it will be safer this way.

    “Remote control” tab. There are important settings. All these settings are global - i.e. for any connection. But if you have created an account for yourself (as discussed), then for each computer added to your personal list, you can set your own connection parameters, but more on that later.

    This is what the settings on this tab look like:

    At the very top you can adjust the image quality when connecting to a remote computer. It’s better to leave either “Automatic quality selection” or “Optimize speed”. I always set speed optimization to connect to a remote machine and work with virtually no delays even through mobile internet. There is only one minus - the image quality (the way we see the remote computer) will not be the best, but sometimes this is not even noticeable.

    Below, as you can see, the “Hide wallpaper on the remote machine” option is enabled. This means that when you connect to a remote computer, the desktop background there will become just black. I always leave this option enabled so as not to waste resources on loading a sometimes large background image.

    Even lower are additional settings that can be configured according to everyone’s preferences. For example, if the “Play computer sounds and music” function is enabled, you will accordingly hear all the sounds of the remote computer.

    It can be useful to enable the “Send keyboard shortcut” option. If you enable this option, then when you connect to a remote computer, you will be able to use your usual keyboard shortcuts. For example, a quick way to open the task manager is “Ctrl+Shift+Esc”.

    In general, here you configure it as you need.

    Let’s go straight to the “Computers and Contacts” tab.

    The “Computers and Contacts” tab will display your account settings, which will then show all the remote computers and users you have added. On this tab you can change your account information, as well as computer display settings.

At this point we have discussed the basic settings. Now let's move on to the main thing - remote computer control.

The principle of remote computer control

We can, as I already said, control a computer or any other device (TeamViewer must also be installed and configured on them!) from any point where there is access to the Internet and we only need to know the ID managed device and its password (random or permanent). Knowing these 2 parameters, we can control the computer.

Let's try to connect to the computer remotely:

    In the main TeamViewer window, where the “Manage Computer” section is located, indicate the ID of the computer that we will manage in the “Partner ID” field.

    If you created an account, then we can immediately add the computer to our “Favorites” list by clicking the button with an asterisk:

    A window for access settings for the computer that we add to the list will open in front of us:

    In the image above, I have marked the fields and lists where it is best to make changes:

    • We specify the password if you know the “personal” password of the remote computer. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

      Specify the network name of the remote computer (for your own convenience). It will appear in the list of your computers.

      If you wish, you can specify a description of the remote computer to be added for convenience if you have a large list of them.

      In the Window list, I selected Full Screen Mode. This means that when connected to a remote computer, TeamViewer will display the remote computer in full screen. It will look like you are fully working on that computer. You can select another option, for example " Windowed mode", and then the remote computer will be displayed in the window.

      In the “Quality” list, I always select “Optimize speed” so as not to sacrifice performance, especially when connecting to a slow Internet.

      It is better to always set “Identification mode” to “TeamViewer Identification”. Then it will be enough for you to know the password specified for a particular computer in TeamViewer program to connect to it.

    The remaining settings can be left with the “Inherited” value, because, as a rule, there is no need for them and, in extreme cases, they can be configured at any time.

    When the settings are set, click the “OK” button.

    The computers that you will add to your list will be visible in a separate window, as in my example in the image below:

    In the example, I added a computer named “Test TeamViewer”.

    Now that the computer is in the list, to connect to it, simply double-click on its name. If you immediately specified a password, it will not be requested and the connection will occur immediately (within a couple of seconds).

    Another way to quickly connect to a computer, if for some reason you did not create an account and do not add computers to your favorites list, is to simply enter the ID in the appropriate field and click “Connect to partner”:

    By default, the “Remote Control” mode is set, which is what we need. And we can enable the “File Transfer” mode at any time during a remote session.

    Now a window will appear where you need to enter a password to connect to the remote computer:

    Enter the password and click the “Login” button.

    The connection usually occurs in a couple of seconds, but this depends on the speed of the Internet on both sides. After connecting to the remote computer, the window will look like this:

    As you can see, the screen of the remote computer is black. As you probably remember, in the settings we left the “Hide wallpaper on the remote machine” option enabled. As a result, the wallpaper on the remote machine became black, which will reduce resource consumption, and immediately after disconnecting from the remote computer, its desktop wallpaper will return to its previous appearance.

This is how simple and easy it is to connect to a remote computer :)

You will be able to fully control your computer from any distance, and at the same time it will look exactly as if you were sitting at that computer.

Let me remind you once again that the same can be done from almost any device. If you, for example, have an iPad, then download TeamViewer onto it (it’s always free!), enter the ID and password of the remote computer, and that’s it! You will connect and be able to control it directly from your tablet, and it’s also very convenient!

Now let's look at some of the functions available to us during a remote session.

Functions available during a remote computer session using TeamViewer:

So, we are connected to a remote computer. At the top we see a panel with a set of functions. Let's go through the most necessary of them:

    The button numbered “1” allows you to immediately terminate the connection with the remote computer.
    After any termination of a TeamViewer session on both devices, a window will be displayed indicating that the free session has ended. Just always click "OK":

    You can also instantly terminate the connection while on that remote computer. For example, someone remotely helps you set up a system or fixes a problem. If suddenly that person starts doing some actions on your computer that, in your opinion, he doesn’t need to do at all, then you can break the connection with just one button in the form of a cross (see image below):

    The button numbered “2” allows you to hide this panel of remote session functions.

    The button numbered “3” allows you to instantly switch to full-screen mode, which I use in 99% of cases.

    A very useful feature is transferring files from a local computer to a remote computer and back. You can do this by simply dragging and dropping necessary files from your computer window to the remote computer window.

    Another way is to use a special manager – “File Transfer”. It opens from the same panel that is fixed at the top. Select “File Transfer”, and then “File Transfer” again:

    A special manager will open - Explorer. There is nothing complicated here either. We indicate from which folder on the local computer the file will be transferred, then indicate the folder where exactly the file will be transferred to the remote computer. Then select the file itself on the local computer that we will transfer and click the “Send” button:

    The file will be transferred to the remote computer. In my example, I transferred an image file called "" from the "Downloads" folder to the remote computer's desktop:

    After transferring the necessary data, the file transfer manager can be closed, and a window will be displayed with statistics on the transfer of your files, where you need to click “Close” again:

    Or you can minimize this window.

    There are 3 more very useful features that are available during a remote session. This is an opportunity voice communication, video broadcasts and chat support.

    All these 3 functions can be activated by selecting the “Audio/Video” menu:

    Here you can change the scaling, for example, enable full screen mode. Here, in the “Quality” submenu, you can select the quality you want for displaying content on the remote computer, for example, by turning on “Optimize speed”. Also here you can change the resolution of the remote computer (for example, if the resolution of your local computer is very different) and show / hide the wallpaper on the remote machine. Everything else is not so significant and necessary...

Well, that’s probably all the most useful things you need to know about how to remotely control a computer using TeamViewer :) Cool program, isn’t it? :)

The most important thing is that it is extremely simple, convenient, and even a beginner can handle it. And, of course, it’s free! In general, to be honest, I have not seen a better worthy replacement for the TeamViewer program.

And now I think that in a couple of weeks I will already publish an article, and you will be able to familiarize yourself with the next testing of the new autoclicker!

Well, now I say goodbye to you for a week... Good luck to you and always have a good mood! ;)

Good afternoon

In today's article I would like to focus on remote control of a computer running Windows 7, 8, 8.1. In general, such a task can arise in a variety of circumstances: for example, helping relatives or friends set up a computer if they do not understand it well; organize in a company (enterprise, department) remote assistance, so that you can quickly solve user problems or simply monitor them (so that they don’t play or go through “contacts” during working hours), etc.

You can remotely control your computer with dozens of programs (or maybe even hundreds, such programs appear like “mushrooms after the rain”). In this article we will focus on some of the best. And so, let's begin...

Team Viewer

This is one of best programs for remote PC control. Moreover, it has a number of advantages in relation to similar programs:

It is free for non-commercial use;

Allows you to share files;

Has a high degree of protection;

The computer will be controlled as if you were sitting at it!

When installing a program, you can specify what you will do with it: install it to control this computer, or control it and allow it to connect. It is also necessary to indicate what use of the program will be: commercial/non-commercial.

Once Team Viewer is installed and launched, you can get started.

To connect to another computer need to:

Install and run the utilities on both computers;

Enter the ID of the computer you want to connect to (usually 9 digits);

Then enter the access password (4 digits).

If the data is entered correctly, you will see the “desktop” of the remote computer. Now you can work with it as if it were your “desktop”.

The Team Viewer program window is the desktop of the remote PC.

R admin

One of the best programs for administering computers on a local network and for providing assistance and support to users of this network. The program is paid, but there is a trial period of 30 days. At this time, by the way, the program works without restrictions in any functions.

The principle of operation is similar to Team Viewer. The Radmin program consists of two modules:

Radmin Viewer is a free module with which you can manage computers on which the server version of the module is installed (see below);

Radmin Server is a paid module that is installed on the PC that will be managed.

A mmyy Admin

Relatively new program(but about 40,0000 people around the world have already become familiar with it and started using it) for remote control of computers.

Main advantages:

Free for non-commercial use;

Easy setup and use even for novice users;

High degree of security of transmitted data;

Compatible with all popular OS Windows XP, 7, 8;

Works with installed Firewall, via proxy.

Connection window remote computer. Ammyy Admin

RMS - remote access

A good and free program (for non-commercial use) for remote computer administration. Even novice PC users can use it.

Main advantages:

Firewalls, NAT, firewalls will no longer prevent you from connecting to your PC;

High speed of the program;

There is a version for Android (now you can control your computer from any phone).

A eroAdmin


There are many programs on the Internet for remote computer control. And all of them are paid in one way or another with various restrictions for the free version.

However, in the operating room Windows system there are built-in functions that allow you to remotely control your desktop and is called this tool“Windows 7 Remote Assistance” and if you use it as described in the manual, then it is an extremely inconvenient tool. Since for each communication session you need to create an invitation file and send it to the person who will connect.

And this is still normal if you make a one-time connection via the Internet to resolve some issue. And if you need to constantly connect to your computer, then asking the user to create and send an invitation file every time is expensive. Therefore, let's consider a mode that is designed to control client machines on a local network without sending an invitation.

The standard algorithm for the program is as follows. First you need to allow management (My Computer\RMB\Properties\ Additional options systems \ Allow connections to this PC \ Advanced \ Allow management \ Set the time limit during which the invitation will remain open)

Now you need to create an invitation file through which you can connect to your desktop via the Internet (Start\All Programs\Maintenance\Windows Remote Assistance\Invite someone you trust to help you\Save the invitation as a file). We save the file on a public resource or send it via the Internet along with a password!

Next, we launch Remote Assistance on the computer from which we will connect ( Start\All Programs\Maintenance\Windows 7 Remote Assistance, in Windows 10 and 8, access to the assistant was removed from the menu, so you will need to launch it via Run (Win+R) \ msra \ Help someone who invited you \ Use an invitation file \ Enter the password \ Next, the client must allow you to view your desktop \ Request control to be able to control the mouse and keyboard)

As you can see, this process quite long and not convenient. Therefore, we will set up the work of the remote assistant without the need to send an invitation file. But, this method will only work on a local network, where you can directly connect to a computer via an IP address. If you need to connect via the Internet, you will have to generate an invitation file!

To set up remote access on all computers, I will use group policy domain. As you already understand, I am demonstrating the work of a remote assistant in a virtual network that we created as a result of taking the free video course “Installation and Windows setup Server 2008R2. Although this method is intended for working in a domain network, it is also suitable for working in a workgroup or peer-to-peer network.

Let's go to settings group policy(Start\Administrative Tools\Group Policy Management\Domains\office.local\Default Domain Policy\Settings\RMB\Edit\Computer Configuration\Policy\Administrative Templates\System\Remote Assistance).

Here you need to configure 2 parameters:

Request help\Enable\Helpers can manage your computer;

Offer help \ Enable \ Helpers \ Show \ Value (enter name account user who will have access to connect to a computer indicating the domain): office\sysadmin.

Now we need to apply the policy to computers, we can either reboot the workstations or force the policy to update via Run \cmd\gpupdate.

Let's try to connect to the workstation; to do this, you need to launch “Remote Assistance” in the help offer mode. To do this, add the /offerra key to the program name, resulting in msra.exe /offerra. The best way is to create a shortcut with the command msra.exe /offerra !

Enter the IP address or domain name the computer to which we want to connect, we allow access to connect, and then to control! You can also start the “Conversation” chat to correspond with the user.

As you can see, with this method no manipulations on the part of the user are required, except for permission to connect and control, and it’s completely free! If you are interested in the implementation this method in the working group, then write in the comments, if the topic is popular, I will make a video for the working group.

As you understand, in order to connect to a computer you need to know its IP address or DNS name. If the user is weak, it will be difficult to explain to him where to look at the IP address of the machine. In this case, I use the BGinfo program, which adds various parameters to the desktop wallpaper. I've already done that too.

I would add the following here, in the video for this program I made a black background so that the characteristics on wallpaper of any color could be seen. But, you can simply duplicate the address in white and black. Thus, the user will see the required settings in any case.

It is very important to choose a program high quality which suits you best.

For example, certain programs can work over the network, while others also function via the Internet - this also needs to be taken into account.

The type of license is very important: paid or free.

To understand which program to choose, the table below presents programs with basic characteristics to users.

Main comparative characteristics of the programs
Program name Number of connections in the free version File access Smartphone access Russian language
TeamViewer 1 YesYesYes
AeroAdmin 1 YesNoYes
Ammyy admin 1 YesYesYes
Comodo Unite Not limitedYesNoNo
RemotePC 1 NoYesNo
Supremo Remotr Desktop 1 YesNoYes
Radmin Trial onlyYesNoYes
Splashhop Streamer 1 YesYesYes
Ultra Vnc Not limitedYesYesNo
AnyDesk 1 YesNoYes

Based on the specified data, it is possible to choose the program that is suitable for you from the list below in the shortest possible time.


Talking about all the utilities that provide remote access, it is impossible to ignore the most relevant of them -.

It can be downloaded from our website or from the manufacturer’s website, after which the program is installed or launched without installation.

Even an amateur can cope with this. As soon as the startup occurs, a window will appear on the screen in which the ID assigned to the computer will be indicated, as well as the password.

To connect to a PC on an administrative device, you must specify the identifier in the “ Manage your computer».

  • The program will be free only for non-commercial use; to add it to corporate devices, you will initially have to pay. Sometimes, after a few minutes of work, the operator disconnects from the client automatically, and the application independently analyzes the work and is able to decide that it is being used for commercial purposes.
  • To set up permanent access, you will have to purchase additional tools. The price of the application is high.

TeamViwer is perfect for occasional and short-term user support; however, the utility is not suitable for administering networks with a huge number of devices.


The presented program is also ranked as the leader in the list of utilities for remote access. The first connection time will be less than 20 seconds.

When sending an image, the program itself can analyze the channel capacity, select best quality pictures.

Data encryption is performed using the RSA-AES algorithm.

As with most of the solutions presented, free version The specified program makes it possible to establish communication with only a single computer.

Advanced versions of this utility have the function of uncontrolled access, are able to track the history of all past actions, and support a diverse number of machines in multi-session mode.

The cost of a license will range from 2990-5990.

  • As a plus, it is worth noting that there is a very high connection speed, and the number of broadcasts is selected automatically.
  • The disadvantages include the fact that there are not very good tools for communication.

Ammyy Admin


The scope of use of this program is remote connection to a desktop when using a mobile device, but there is still a possibility of access to a PC when using the web interface.

It is possible to connect when using a proxy server.

It is worth saying that when controlled using a phone, certain key combinations simply do not work.

Still, in the free version it is possible to establish a session only using the “blue tooth”.

Price for licensed program will depend on the number of records, devices and starts from $50 per year.

Also, in the situation of using a mobile utility, you will additionally need to pay the cost on the mobile market.

  • As advantages, one should note support for various platforms, as well as a common administration console for existing devices.
  • The disadvantages include difficulties in accessing the file system, as well as the double fee that is charged for both the computer and mobile versions.

Supremo Remote Desktop

It is a common remote access tool that uses a 256-bit encryption protocol during information exchange.

When using this utility, you can quickly change files using a special manager.

The transfer speed is not subject to program limits.

When working on a variety of devices with very different screen resolutions, the software independently adapts the image to the dimensions of the display. All sent traffic is encrypted.

The menu is made purely in Russian.

It is worth noting that the free version only works via Wifi.

To exchange data using an Internet connection, you will need to purchase a license.

The price for an annual subscription will be only $17.

  • The advantages include high file sharing speed and cross-platform functionality.
  • As a minus, it is worth noting that the free version operates only through the Wifi protocol.

Ultra Vnc

A very powerful utility for creating a separate .

It allows you to connect to a remote desktop, change broadcast characteristics, adjust picture quality, and communicate using chat.

It is possible to use a proxy server.

The communication session is established by entering the coordinates of the remote computer - and set password. The presented algorithm cannot be called comfortable, yet the utility makes it possible to use plug-ins, one of which makes it possible to create a non-stationary installer with access parameters to a specific PC.

It is worth saying that for mobile devices there is only . Naturally, it can be used on a phone with a closed version of the OS, and such a solution cannot be called modern.

  • The disadvantages include the lack of its own communication tool, as well as the high price for the full version.

Security when working with remote access

Remote access seems to be a rather useful feature, but it can also harm the device.

For this reason, if there is a program on a PC for remote access to a PC, certain security rules must be followed.

Initially, you should install a good antivirus program with the latest updates.

You should not accept files that are unclear or actually unsafe.

It is also important to remember that most of the presented applications allow you to connect to your PC without permission.

Also, don’t leave the application running offline when no one is using it at the moment. It is imperative to disable the activation function when loading Windows.

When the program has a blocking feature for unauthorized connections, there is no need to allow unknown users to connect.


As you can see, these utilities make it possible to get remote access to a PC extremely quickly and easily.

Although there are not many free programs, it is worth highlighting a couple of their characteristics. When you only have, then for this type of control it would be best to download Ammy Admin.

This program is very simple. It consumes a small amount of system resources and traffic, does not require installation and makes it possible to create voice and text chat between PC users.

There is also the possibility of managing files in the system at your own discretion. For those who have a good PC, stable Internet connection high speed, it's worth taking a closer look at TeamViewer.

By selecting the “home use” option, a PC user gets the opportunity to control someone else’s computer while sitting in one place, communicate by voice with the interlocutor and send him files of completely different sizes.

In a situation where you need a program to solve problems remotely, it is best to download RAdmin.

This program, in comparison with other similar utilities, makes it possible to restart the computer, turn it off, or start from disk.

This is very useful feature, since after changing the registry or making amendments to the system settings, the PC must be restarted.

The specified operation automatically breaks the connection with the extended server. The RAdmin program, on the contrary, automatically connects to the remote PC after the system starts.

Also this program Perfect for business use and office maintenance. The utility also allows you to manage local network and provides assistance to office employees from home or in their own office.

There is a widespread trend among software creators and users that makes it possible to remotely control a computer using portable devices in the form of tablets and smartphones.

For this reason, based on your own preferences, you need to download one or several of these programs at once.

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