Dropped my smartphone. What to do if your touch phone fell into water, how to dry it on the battery, in rice? Is it possible and how can I repair a touchscreen mobile phone myself if it falls into water and does not work? Phone connected to the network

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Still, it's a high-tech device that probably costs several hundred dollars, and there's a very good chance it won't work if it gets wet. Unless of course you have one of those amazing waterproof smartphones like the LG G6 or .

Attention! You should definitely check out the list of their features and prices. 🤩

Although more and more phone manufacturers over the past two to three years have begun to produce smartphones with waterproof casings. However, not all of us have the opportunity to buy a waterproof smartphone, and this means that we need to use other ways to protect it.

The best way to protect your phone from water is to take precautions in advance by using something like a waterproof case for situations where you know you'll be coming into contact with water.

What to do if your smartphone does fall into the water?

Let me start with the fact that you should know that it’s 50/50 to count on the functionality of a phone that has gotten water inside. There is no guarantee that the smartphone will actually be saved.

With the following tips, I want to increase the likelihood that your phone will get out of this unfortunate situation. So let's get started.

Dropped your phone in water? Take it out of the water and make sure it is turned off!

I know it's hard to react quickly, but you have to pull yourself together! The longer your device remains underwater, the lower its chances of survival. You should immediately remove your phone from the water.

As soon as you remove your phone from the water, make sure it is turned off. Even if everything seems fine with it... just in case, turn it off. If your phone is still on, simply turn it off or remove the battery if you can. Then place it somewhere safe, preferably on a flat surface on top of some paper towels.

The good news is that even non-waterproof smartphones today tend to be a little more resistant to water than older phones, and so there are a few things you should or shouldn't do.

What not to do after water gets into your phone

  • Don't turn on your phone! As I already wrote above. Water is a good conductor and it must be turned off to avoid short circuiting.
  • Don't press any buttons. This may cause further water to enter the phone. It's best to try to shake it as little as possible.
  • Do not shake or blow on the device. This may also push water into deeper areas of the phone. Especially try to avoid impact dryers - not only because of the blower part, but also because of the next point.
  • Don't heat up your phone. Remember that excessive heat can also damage your phone.
  • Don't move your phone too quickly. Everything is the same as in the previous paragraphs, so that the water does not move inside the phone.

Disassemble a phone that has fallen into water

Don't go wrong with this step: I mean you should delete everything that can delete regular user. If back cover removable, remove it. Likewise, try removing the battery (if possible), SIM card and SD card. Place it all on a paper towel.

If you are an experienced techie and know all the ins and outs of the phone, and are not afraid of voiding the warranty, you can go ahead and disassemble the smartphone completely. This will help dry each part faster. Just be careful, if you don't know what you're doing, you'll do more harm than good.

Try drying with a paper towel

First we need to try to get rid of the water using a paper towel to dry each component. Just make sure you don't fiddle with your phone too much. Gently dry everything without shaking it too much.

Suck up the water with a vacuum cleaner

Of course, there are areas that a paper towel can't reach. I told you not to blow on the phone, I didn't tell you not to suck water. In fact, a vacuum cleaner can suck water droplets off your phone without much risk. Just make sure the suction doesn't cause the phone to shake excessively.

Time to dry

The hardest part is that the phone cannot be touched for a long period of time. This means you won't be able to use your smartphone! If you have another phone you can borrow, just make sure the SIM card is completely dry and insert it into the working handset. IN otherwise, just use public phones or smoke bombs.

Nowadays it is a very common practice to cover the phone with bags of rice and let it lick for about 2-3 days.

But why rice? Mainly because it is in every home. The idea is that rice is very good at absorbing moisture, which makes the environment around the phone drier and therefore helps dry the device faster. But there are alternatives that may be better.

So, you did everything you could, and a few days passed. It's time to see if all your hopes have come true. Take the phone out from where you left it, put the battery in it, etc. Then try turning on the phone. If it turns on and all the buttons work, congratulations!

Tell us about your experience!

Have any of you tried these methods? What other tips do you have that are not listed above? Write in the comments! Thank you!

If the phone falls into water, it usually doesn't even turn on. But it also happens that the sensor simply does not work, and the iOS or Android system boots in normal mode.

After pressing the power button, a logo appears on the display, the operating system loads, but the gadget cannot be used. In this case, you can try to restore the phone after water, but first it is recommended to familiarize yourself with universal instructions.

To resuscitate a “drowned man,” you should resort to simple ways, allowing you to restore the functionality of the sensor:

  • Place the device in a dry place and wait for the moisture to dry.
  • Place the wet phone in a bowl of rice: this will evaporate the moisture much faster, as the rice absorbs the smallest particles of water.
  • If you don’t want to experiment, take the device in for repair.

In any case, you will have to disassemble the device: water gets into the most hidden places, and does not evaporate from there on its own, and over time, oxide forms in this place. It is more difficult to remove, and for this you will have to buy a special product.

Touchscreen phones are more difficult to repair than push-button phones, and their parts are most susceptible to mechanical damage, which must be taken into account during the repair process.

Drying instructions

  1. Pull out the battery and put it aside. If it has already oxidized, you will have to buy a new one, because... old restoration not subject.
  2. Get it SIM card and memory card, disconnect the accessories.
  3. Remove all panels and gently shake the gadget, trying to shake out any accumulated water.
  4. Take a paper napkin and wipe the device as gently as possible.
  5. Leave the phone in the napkins for a while, preferably two days, so that the moisture completely evaporates.
  6. After two days, you can try to turn on the device. If this fails, you should take it to service.

There is an opinion that you can dry a wet smartphone using a hairdryer or microwave, but such methods usually lead to dire consequences and it stops working completely. Especially if you put microelectronics in the microwave, you will never see your smartphone again.

Elimination of oxidation

After warm water gets on the boards and cables, there is high probability that the contacts will begin to oxidize quickly. This will lead to the appearance of “artifacts” on the device’s monitor; they may look different:

  1. White or yellow spots
  2. Vertical or horizontal stripes
  3. Individual glowing pixels
  4. Partial loss of sensor sensitivity (for example, in the corners it reacts to the finger, but not in the center)

If some parts of the phone have already oxidized, you can clean them like this:

  1. Take a toothbrush and soak it in alcohol.
  2. Carefully clean them of plaque.

This option can harm the parts, so it’s better not to save money, but to buy a special aerosol cleaner for cleaning oxidation and removing water from electronic boards.

Sensor repair

If after drying the device the sensor still does not work, it is better to take the gadget to a professional service.

If you wish, you can try to change the part yourself, following the instructions:

  1. Cleaning workspace, put a small box on the table where various bolts will subsequently be placed.
  2. Remove the front and back panel, unscrew the bolts in the battery compartment.
  3. We unscrew the two screws located at the top of the device, turn off the screen connector, disconnecting the cable from the microcircuits.
  4. Separate the board from the screen. Using an eraser, clean the contacts of the cable until shiny.
  5. We check the connection between the sensor and the cable by placing an eraser between them. If there is contact, then the problem is not with him.
  6. We remove the old module and install the new one.
  7. We carry out all the steps in reverse order, excluding step 5.

Replacing a sensor is a complex procedure that requires not only skills, but also time, since everything can take several hours. If the problem is not solved, it is better not to aggravate it and take the device to a specialist.

Under no circumstances should the device be placed in an oven or microwave: this may cause equipment failure or even a fire in the house. It is not recommended to place the device directly on the battery, so as not to cause the inoperability of all parts.

It is advisable to use gentler methods: for example, put it in rice (it quickly absorbs moisture) or next to the battery so that the water dries on its own.

How to dry a sunken smartphone in rice:

  1. We take the device out of the water and remove the cover as quickly as possible.
  2. Pour 1-2 cups of rice into a bowl and remove the battery from the gadget.
  3. Add another portion of rice.
  4. We leave the phone to dry for two days.
  5. We assemble the device and try to turn it on.

After a good drying, after a couple of days, but not earlier, you should try to connect charger and observe the behavior of the “drowned man”. In 10% of cases, iOS or Android starts loading as if nothing had happened and the touchscreen restores functionality.


Don’t despair if your phone falls into water and as a result the sensor stops working: there are several proven methods that will definitely help restore the device’s functionality. To do this, just be patient and try to revive the smartphone yourself, choosing the most suitable method for drying the parts.

In the future, be more careful and do not drop the device in liquid; in 90% of cases, irreversible death of the device occurs.


Methods for drying and repairing a phone after falling into water.

Most often, mobile phones that have been dropped or have mechanical damage are brought in for repair. Among the faulty devices there are many “drowned people”. Often the phone falls into the washbasin or toilet. But sometimes just one cup of tea is enough to break it. In this article we will tell you how to resuscitate a “drowned man”.

No one will give a guarantee, even the service center will not say with a 100% guarantee whether the phone will work. It all depends on how long the device was in the water and how quickly you dried it. Water usually penetrates deep through the holes for the headphones and the charging connector. The likelihood of resuscitation of the device increases if you immediately disassemble the device and dry it.

Many people try to dry the device with a hairdryer, but this is an ineffective method of dealing with moisture.

Instructions for saving your phone:

  • Remove it from the water immediately. Remove the back panel and remove the battery
  • Some modern models are sold with a screwed lid. In this case, the likelihood of saving the device is reduced.
  • Unscrew the screws and remove the back panel, remove the battery, all cards
  • Using a dry, lint-free cloth, blot everything inside; you also need to wipe the battery
  • Leave all parts of the device on dry cloths and let dry completely
  • Don't even think about turning on the gadget. Allow 2 days to dry completely
  • After that, assemble the phone and turn it on

What to do if you fall into water Xiaomi phone, Samsung, Lenovo, Asus, Zte, Sony, iPhone, Android?

This is the simplest option, but not the most successful. The fact is that warm water accelerates metal corrosion, so all contacts will oxidize faster. But you can still disassemble the phone, wipe it with a dry cloth and put it on the battery overnight. In the morning, assemble the device and try to turn it on.

Rice is an excellent adsorbent that absorbs moisture well. With its help, you can dry the device, while moisture is absorbed even from hard-to-reach places.


  • Remove the phone from the water and quickly remove the cover
  • Remove the battery, add dry rice to a bowl
  • Immerse the device and battery in rice. Cover everything with cereal
  • Leave the gadget to dry in rice for 2 days
  • After 2 days, try to assemble and turn on the device

This does not mean that the phone is broken. Often during an outage the battery will drain within 3 days. After this it will hardly be possible to charge it. Many Chinese phones Sold with two batteries. Try making a replacement. Often the problem is oxidation of the USB connector through which the device is charged. In this case, you can resolder the connector itself. But you are unlikely to be able to cope on your own, so contact service center.

Why doesn’t the screen or sensor of a phone that fell into water turn on?

The phone may turn on after falling into water, but the screen does not respond to touch or does not light up at all. In this case, moisture has entered the screen. It is also possible to close the contacts in the screen. Perhaps the service center will be able to repair the contacts and dry the screen. But often you have to change the entire screen.

If only this happened to your gadget after falling into the water, then consider yourself lucky. This is a simple and inexpensive breakdown. The speaker is a hole through which moisture enters. The service center will quickly replace the speaker. You won't be able to fix it yourself.

It all depends on the quality and cost of the phone. IN Chinese copies, which are “clones” of well-known manufacturers, have built-in cheap cameras. It is almost impossible to repair them due to the complexity of soldering the cables. Sometimes it is not possible to make a replacement, since cameras that are identical in appearance can differ significantly. In this case, you will have to use only the front camera.

In known devices, the camera will have to be replaced. This will put a dent in your wallet, as spare parts for famous phones are not cheap. But perhaps everything can be done by cleaning the contacts, and the camera will not have to be changed.

First, try cleaning the microphone hole. This is done with a toothpick or needle. But if you do not have experience, we do not recommend doing such repairs. You risk puncturing the microphone. In this case, the part will need to be replaced. This repair is also inexpensive, so consider yourself lucky.

Never dry your phone with a hairdryer or microwave; overheating will negatively affect the serviceability of the device. You should not immediately try to turn on the device. You need to completely disassemble it, remove the SIM card and memory card. Place the device itself with the battery in rice for a day. Only after this assemble and try to turn it on. If the gadget does not respond, do not be upset, take it for repair. After cleaning the contacts, most devices work fine.

You should not try to deceive the seller and say that the device broke down on its own. Each phone has an indicator that changes color when it comes into contact with water. Therefore, any technician will see that the phone is wet. Unfortunately, this is not a warranty case, so you will have to pay for the repair yourself.

As you can see, it is quite difficult to guarantee that the phone will work after drowning. If you reacted in time, disassembled and dried the device, then there is a chance to save the gadget.

VIDEO: Drying a “drowned man’s” phone

Six simple steps to save your device.

Accidentally dropped your smartphone into a sink or pond, left your phone in your jeans while they were going to be washed, or spilled juice, tea or coffee on your phone? This can happen to anyone at least once, and not all phones are protected from moisture, such as Samsung Galaxy S7, Apple iPhone 7 or Sony Xperia Z3 Compact. Spilled liquid is dangerous due to both short circuit and corrosion of the smartphone. If the correct measures are not taken in time, a smartphone that has been in water will experience a complete or partial malfunction. The site's team of experts has tried all known methods to solve the problem and offers simple steps to save your phone.

1. Get your phone out of the water

The very first thing you need to do if your phone falls into water is to pull the device out of the water as quickly as possible (if you spilled liquid on it, go to step 2 of these instructions). Seconds can count - liquid can easily leak and penetrate into the phone case if it is not protected from water. However, if your phone is being charged from the network at this moment, then under no circumstances touch the device and the charger! It may be dangerous! First, turn off the power to the outlet, and only then remove the phone from the water.

How longer phone is in water, the less chance of a favorable outcome. Even if the cover and case elements fit tightly together, water can freely penetrate to the chips, for example, through ports and connectors for charging and headphones, or openings in speakers and microphones. But even if the phone has been in contact with water for a long time, you still have a chance to save the device.

2. Remove the battery, SIM card and memory card

Free the phone from the case (if there is one), remove the cover of the device and remove the battery from the phone case (if the case is collapsible and the battery is removable) so that the chips on the board do not oxidize. Next, take out a SIM card and a memory card - contacts and data on them are sometimes more valuable than the smartphone itself.

Do not turn on your phone under any circumstances. It is better not to press any buttons or keys again, as this may cause the water to go even further into the body. If any peripheral devices were connected to the smartphone, then disconnect them; if the ports are covered with plugs, then leave them open for ventilation.

3. Wipe your phone

Thoroughly wipe down your smartphone and anything you took out of the phone. A dry, absorbent rag or towel is suitable for this. Carefully remove every drop from the surfaces accessible to you (depending on whether your phone has a collapsible case or not), because even one remaining drop can destroy the phone. Be careful not to leave pieces of paper or fabric inside the cabinet, in corners, or in crevices. If there is still water inside the device, you can try to gently “shake” the liquid out of it. However, you should not get carried away and do it with force - there is a risk that water may penetrate even deeper into the device.

4. Disassemble your smartphone

As a rule, it is enough to get by with the lid removed and a battery. However, if you believe in your abilities and have experience, then disassemble the phone into the smallest possible individual parts. This is done so that the air (or absorbent substance) has a large contact area for good circulation and drying.

It is worth considering that in this case you will lose the warranty, but most often the warranty on a smartphone does not cover cases of “swimming” in water, so in this regard you will not lose much. We advise you to record or photograph the disassembly process step by step, this will help you quickly and correctly reassemble the device after drying. After you have disassembled the phone, repeat the steps from the previous paragraph.

If you spill juice, tea, coffee, wine or beer on your phone, be sure to wash the stains with distilled water or alcohol so that there are no traces left that can then dry out. These drinks contain a lot chemical elements, which, remaining on the surface of the device elements, destroy them, so they must be removed. If this is not done, then your device will die at the most unexpected moment, taking with it valuable information to the “other world”.

5. Dry your phone

Now all that remains is to dry the smartphone. There is an opinion that it is best to dry your phone with a hairdryer, but we do not recommend resorting to this method. If there is moisture left somewhere, the hairdryer can send it even deeper into the case, which can only “finish off” the phone. Also, do not dry the device in the oven or microwave. For such situations, a vacuum cleaner with narrow attachments is more suitable.

If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner at hand and, at your own peril and risk, decide to use a hairdryer, then turn on the warm flow not much warmer than room temperature and keep your distance (distance to parts). A vacuum cleaner, on the contrary, will draw out moisture. You need to bring it with a narrow nozzle to each of the holes and gaps and hold it for a few minutes. Just in case, make sure that everything is securely fastened and will not go inside the vacuum cleaner (especially if you disassembled the smartphone).

You can also dry electronics in rice, but it is preferable to use silica gel. You can also simply dry the components in a dry room on plain paper for about one and a half to two days. The disadvantage of silica gel and rice is that they themselves quickly become saturated with moisture and over time the rate of moisture absorption decreases. You will have to turn your smartphone or replace the absorbent every couple of hours, so air drying is much easier.

By the way, if you use substances that draw out moisture, it is better to put them with the phone in a small sealed package.

6. Assemble and turn on

After one and a half to two days, you can assemble and turn on the device. First, check your phone to make sure all connectors and parts are dry and clean. If yes, then you can assemble the device. If you have not disassembled the phone in detail, then simply insert battery. Try turning on your smartphone with or without a battery, but from the mains. There could be several scenarios here. If in both cases mobile phone turns on, then make sure everything is working properly. If not, but the computer responds to it via the USB cable, or the phone turns on or responds to charging from the network, then perhaps a new battery will help. If in both cases nothing works, then you should contact the service center. It may often happen that the phone starts, but does not work correctly; in such cases, you can repeat the above steps (there is probably still liquid left somewhere) or take it to a service center for repairs and tell them that the phone was in water and that you they did to him. Please note that even if the smartphone turns on or works after replacing the battery, a corrosion process may begin inside your device, which will act like a time bomb and “kill” it at the most unexpected moment. It can take quite a long time, and only a service center can help you deal with it by treating the board with an anti-corrosion solution.

By following these simple instructions, you can try to save and revive your phone. However, remember that there is simply no 100% guarantee in such cases. To protect yourself from such situations, you can buy special waterproof cases or follow simple precautions. Take care of your gadgets!

Let us remind you that on our website you can view the results of smartphone tests. Our experts tested the quality of popular models in the laboratory and, based on the test results, compiled a rating of smartphones.

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Xiaomi phones are reliable devices that correct operation They delight their owners with long, trouble-free operation. But careless handling of the device can lead to a sad end.

Like all electronics, smartphones react very critically to moisture. What to do if your phone falls into water? Run immediately to an authorized service center or you can restore the drowned person at home.

The phone fell into the water, what should I do?

Recessed phone– one of the most common problems faced by ASC specialists. We asked them to analyze which Xiaomi models are most often repaired, what problems may arise after water gets in, and what actions the user is recommended to do independently before taking the Xiaomi phone for repair.

Consequences after exposure to moisture

If your phone falls into water or gets wet, you may experience the following problems:

  • the sensor does not work;
  • the phone does not turn on;
  • turns on, but the screen is black;
  • The speaker does not work or there is no sound;
  • the smartphone turns on and off;
  • not charging;
  • the camera does not work;
  • the screen does not work;
  • the touch screen does not respond;
  • The green indicator is on.

There are also special cases not described above. But most often: the phone fell into the water, or water got into the speaker, microphone, camera; or moisture got under the glass.

Since the models do not have moisture protection in their specifications and are the best-selling on the market, it is these devices that service center specialists most often encounter. For example, Redmi 4x, Redmi Note 4, Redmi 5 Plus, Redmi 5A, Redmi Note 5.

Let's consider the algorithm of actions after the phone comes into contact with water. How to save, dry and restore.

Turning off your smartphone

Even if the device seems to be fully operational, after being removed from the water, it must be turned off. The possibility of liquid getting inside cannot be ruled out. If a short circuit occurs, it will be extremely difficult to restore the device. The cost of repairs will increase several times.

The power is turned off in the standard way - by pressing the screen lock button for 3-5 seconds.

During the entire “rescue operation”, do not turn on your gadget. Think about what is better - wait a few days or completely destroy the device.


If possible, remove the battery. Latest models Xiaomi does not have removable covers (the battery is not removable) and to remove the battery you must partially disassemble the device.

Important! Don't try to open the phone yourself if you don't have the skill. This may have more serious consequences.

Remove water from the outside of the smartphone: blot with napkins, dry thoroughly with a towel or any other cloth that is at hand.


Large drops of water are removed by blowing with a compressor. Blowing on your own is not very effective; the strength of your lungs will clearly not be enough. An alternative is to try vacuuming up the remaining liquid.

At home, you can get a good effect of removing water particles from inside your Xiaomi by immersing it completely in a container or bag with regular white rice. This cereal has strong hygroscopic properties (absorbs moisture). Stir the rice about once an hour and replace it if necessary.

In summer, the phone can be placed in the sun in a ventilated place.

Pay attention! Sometimes they try to dry it by heating, for example, with a hairdryer. On the one hand, the method is not meaningless, because increasing temperature accelerates the evaporation of water. On the other hand, it is difficult for a non-specialist to determine the critical heating point at which the components of the touch display or electronic circuit. We do not recommend heating above 40-50°C (the surface is hot to the touch, but does not exceed the pain threshold).

Moisture gets inside the device through technical openings - USB socket, headphone jack. It is good to additionally treat these areas with an alcohol-containing product without impurities. There are special aerosols for cleaning electronics on sale: Cleaner OS, KONTAKT, FluxOFF and the like.

Contacting the service center

In any case, even if the phone works correctly after drowning, it is better to seek help from qualified craftsmen. This is especially true if the liquid with which Xiaomi was filled contained a lot of salt (sea water), sugar or fat.

The sooner you get it repaired, the cheaper it will cost!

(Inscription at the entrance to one of the Xiaomi ASCs in Russia)

The connected battery continues to release the accumulated energy and when its contacts are closed, the effect of electrolysis occurs: conductors and tracks motherboard are destroyed. For this reason, the sooner you get to the service center, the better.

Dear readers, if you have any questions or want to tell us about your experience of drying and restoring a sunken phone, share this information in the comments.

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