Installing Remix OS on VirtualBox. How to install Remix OS as a second system How to install Remix OS on hard

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Before the instructions itself, it is worth telling what this is. Remix OS 2.0. This fork Android x86 aims to bring an ecosystem of applications Android on computers with a convenient desktop interface. In the second version Remix OS startup developers Jide added a convenient window interface where you can use several Android-applications simultaneously. At the same time, applications are scaled to fit the window size, and the entire interface has normal controls for the mouse and keyboard - no bottom bar with three buttons.

How to install Remix OS 2.0 on your computer

To install the system you will need USB flash drive with standard support USB 3.0 speed write/read no less 10 Mbit/s, no less memory capacity 8 GB, as well as the computer itself on which you are going to install the system. It is worth noting that the requirements To USB-drive quite formal - many users installed Remix OS 2.0 using an old standard flash drive USB 2.0 and with volume 4 GB memory.

1. Download the image and install it on the flash drive

You can download the system image on the startup’s official website Jide via direct link (687 MB, torrent). Available image with EFI support (torrent). You can also download the image for 32- bit systems(torrent). Inside the archive you will find both the image itself and special utility to install it on USB-flash drive. Before you proceed to install the image, you need to format your drive for the file system FAT32 with the removal of all data.

Updated: March 1, 2016 the first beta version was released Remix OS 2.0. Latest links to download the system:
  • 64 bits (UEFI + Legacy BIOS)- direct link + torrent.
  • 32 bits (Legacy BIOS)- torrent.

Utility Remix OS USB Tool, which you can find in the archive with the image, is a special variation Unetbootin. Launch the utility, select Remix OS 2.0 ISO image, and also USB-the drive on which you will install it. Next, click the “ Ok”, after which the installation of the image on the flash drive will begin. Also you can use the original Unetbootin utility by selecting the distribution in it FreeBSD and image Remix OS 2.0. The result will be similar.

If everything went well, the utility will immediately prompt you to restart your computer to boot into Remix OS 2.0 from a flash drive. If you are installing the system on the same computer where you are recording the image, then you can safely press the reboot button, but before that it is better to read the next paragraph of the instructions.

2. Boot from USB

After restarting your computer, you need to call up the alternative menu boot"a. This is done in different ways on different computers. On laptops ASUS- button Esc, For example. On regular PC mainly with the help F8 or the buttons nearby. It’s better to find out about this on the Internet in advance. Also, before such a download, you should check the function Legacy Boot Mode Enabled V BIOS. It must be turned on.

After turning on the computer, call up the alternative boot menu and select your USB-storage Next, a menu with two items should appear on the screen - “ Guest Mode" And " Resident Mode" The first one is normal mode Live CD, where the user boots the system from disk and tries it out without saving all the data. The second mode allows you to use Remix OS 2.0 as a complete system for USB-flash drive. When this mode is selected, the OS boots in a mode where all the user's progress and manipulations are saved on the drive and can be accessed the next time.

Exactly for the mode “ Resident Mode” and a standard flash drive is required USB 3.0 and fast write/read speed. The developers suggest that it is in the mode of saving all data on USB and you need to use it Remix OS 2.0.

3. Installation

But what should those who want to fully install Remix OS 2.0 on hard drive computer and use it as a second system? There is no "official" installation method for such users, such as in Linux-distributions, but there is a hidden function. To install Remix OS 2.0 directly to your computer, you need to:
  1. Once again boot from the flash drive, but do not launch one of the system operating modes. You need to stop at the blue window to choose between “ Resident” and “Guest”.
  2. Press the button Tab.
  3. Erase all the text that appears and write the following command:/ kernel initrd=/initrd.img root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 INSTALL=1 DEBUG=
  4. Click Enter.
After this it will start standard program installing the distribution on your hard drive. In it you need to select the partition where to install Remix OS 2.0, and also do a couple of other manipulations. It is through this way that the standard Android x86.

If your system does not boot after such an installation, you can try the same process, but enter a different command to call the installation programs:/kernel initrd=/initrd.img root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet INSTALL=1

4. Alternative installation

You can also install Remix OS 2.0 from under the other Linux- systems, in particular - Ubuntu. To do this, you must already have it installed on your computer. Ubuntu with bootloader Grub.

  1. Create a folder “ remix” (without quotes) in the directory /directory on Ubuntu.
  2. Open the image ISO/IMG operating system Remix OS 2.0 some kind of archiver or simple explorer; take files from the image initrd.img, kernel, ramdisk.img, system.img and move them to the folder “ remix”.
  3. Inside the folder “ remix"make another folder" data".
  4. Open the console and enter the commandgksudo gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom
  5. The console will ask you for an administrator password - enter it.
  6. Next a window will appear text editor with a specific document; at the end of the text you need to insert the following text (in order not to lose formatting, it is better to download the txt file and copy the code from there):
    menuentry "Remix OS" --class android-x86 (insmod part_gptsearch --file --no-floppy --set=root /remix/system.imglinux /remix/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64
    androidboot.selinux=permissive CMDLINE
    initrd /remix/initrd.img}
  7. Save your changes and close the editor.
  8. Enter another command in the console −sudo update-grub
  9. Now after rebooting into Grub there should be a line with start Remix OS 2.0. The system should work.

5. Another way to install from Windows

The community also found another way to install Remix OS 2.0 to your hard drive using Windows and receiving dual boot.

To do this you need:
  1. Create new section on a disk with a capacity of at least 8 GB And file system FAT32. It can be done simple tool V Windows by typing in the search menu “ Start" word " chapter" Name the section REMIX_OS.
  2. Download the image Remix OS 2.0(in the first section of the article), if you have not already done so, as well as the EasyBCD program.
  3. Completely unzip the image Remix OS 2.0(possible via WinRar) and copy all the files from it to the partition you previously created.
  4. Install the application EasyBCD and run it.
  5. In the program, select the menu “ Add New Entry→ ISO.
  6. In the section “ Portable / External Media” in the field Name enter Remix OS and click on the “ Path” and select an image Remix OS 2.0, which you downloaded.
  7. Next, click the button “Tools” → “Restart Computer”.
  8. Voila, you should see the dual boot menu on your screen − Windows or Remix OS. The system should work.

6. Install on a virtual machine

If you don't want to install at all Remix OS 2.0 to your hard drive and risk the stability of other operating systems in case something goes wrong, you can use a virtual machine, namely - VirtualBox.

Installation instructions Remix OS 2.0 V VirtualBox(assuming you already have the virtual machine program and system image):
  1. Run VirtualBox and call the menu for creating a new virtual machine. Call it any name, choose a type Linux And view "Other Linux 64-bit".
  2. Allocate half (recommended) of your RAM on virtual machine.
  3. Create a new one virtual disk for the system, allocate for it 16 GB memory.
  4. After creating the machine, start it and when selecting the disk from which it will boot, specify the image Remix OS 2.0.
  5. If everything goes well, a menu for selecting between modes will appear in front of you. Guest And Resident. Select Guest, but click not Enter A Tab. After this, a line with text will appear below. After recording DATA_IN_NEM=1 need to be added vga=791
  6. After that click Enter.
  7. It should appear on the screen Remix OS 2.0.

What you need to know about Remix OS 2.0

Shell Remix OS 2.0 Well optimized for working with a mouse and keyboard. Basic keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + C / V / Z / X, Alt + Tab, Alt + F4 and others. Buttons work correctly Num Lock with all digital block and Caps Lock.

How to install Google Play and its services on Remix OS 2.0:
  1. Download installation file GMS Installer.
  2. Install it and run it.
  3. The application will prompt you to install the service Google Play- agree.
  4. Go to Settings → Applications → Manage Applications → All.
  5. Select “ Clear Data” for applications Google Play Services And Google Service Framework.
  6. Reboot the system and use Google Play.

How to get root access on Remix OS 2.0(from another Linux system):
  1. Download the archive and unpack it into a folder with the same name.
  2. Copy the file system.img from the system directory where it is installed Remix OS, to the folder RemixRoot.
  3. Open your console ( Ctrl+Alt+T).
  4. Enter the command sudo -i
  5. Enter your password if you have installed version systems.
  6. Copy the path to the RemixRoot folder and navigate to it in the console this wayCD<путь к директории> .
  7. If you did everything correctly, the message will appear in the console in front of the cursorRemixRoot#.
  8. Now run the Thus sh
  9. If everything goes well, then in the folder RemixRoot instead of a file system.img will appear root.img.
  10. Rename this file back to system.img and copy it with replacement back to where you originally got it from.
  11. Reboot and run Remix OS 2.0. Update SuperSU.
  12. Now you should have root access.

Here are the applications you may need when using R emix OS 2.0 on computer:

After two months of public testing, the Remix OS 2.0 operating system has entered the beta stage, which means that it is now modified for Android computers can be officially installed next to Windows on one PC. Jide has released a special utility with which you can conveniently and very easily install Remix OS 2.0 as a second system next to Windows.

Summer 2016 Remix OS 3.0 released. Read more about it on Trashbox: Let us remind you that Remix OS 2.0 is a special Android version with adaptation for computers and laptops. This fork received a typical desktop interface with multi-windows and a status bar at the bottom.

Installation next to Windows

Along with the release of the beta version, Jide added the ability to install Remix OS 2.0 next to Windows directly from under the system using the same utility for creating a bootable USB drive.
  • 64 bits (UEFI + Legacy BIOS) - direct link + torrent.
  • 32 bits (Legacy BIOS) - torrent.
Thus, now the instructions for installing Remix OS 2.0 next to Windows (versions from 7 to 10 are supported) with dual boot look like this (without a flash drive):
  1. Download latest versions Remix OS 2.0 images from the official website or via torrent (links above).
  2. Unpack the downloaded archive into a folder convenient for you.
  3. Run the utility and instead of USB Drive, select “Hard Drive” in the lower drop-down list. On the right, select the partition on which Remix OS 2.0 will be installed. Be sure to select the one on which Windows is installed.
  • Click on the “Browse” button and select the iso image that was in the unpacked archive.
  • Click on the “OK” button. The installation should begin.
  • After installation is complete, the utility will prompt you to restart your computer.
  • After rebooting, a dual boot menu should appear - Windows and Remix OS.
  • After selecting Remix OS 2.0, you should wait 15–20 minutes, during which the system will create an 8 GB virtual disk for work. The time for this operation depends on the power of your computer.

    How to remove Remix OS 2.0 from your computer

    Removing a system from a computer is even easier than installing it. All you need to do is run the same utility. Remix OS Installation Tool.exe, which will immediately determine that the OS is already installed and offer to remove it if necessary. The process takes a few minutes, and the bootloader will also be cleared.

    There is also alternative way Removing Remix OS 2.0 from your computer:

    Developers from Jide have done a lot of work on the new beta version of Remix OS 2.0. First of all, it is worth noting that now the version of Remix OS for computers is updated via the OTA protocol in the same way as the version of this system for tablets and mini-PCs from Jide. That is, all OS users now receive over-the-air updates with new features.

    There is official support for 32-bit computers and the UEFI boot loader. More than 50 critical bugs have been fixed. As described above, the beta version of Remix OS 2.0 can now be installed on a computer next to Windows with dual boot support.

    Other changes:

    • Improved support Intel processors (Linux kernel updated to version 4.4).
    • Supports more data - up to 64 GB on USB.
    • Increased download speed from USB.
    • Fixed a bug with displaying the battery indicator for laptops.
    • Supports 1080p displays in YouTube applications and Netflix.
    • A pre-installed application with a terminal for developers.
    • System images now support EFI and Legacy BIOS.

    How to activate built-in Google Play

    Some time after the release of the beta version of Remix OS 2.0, built-in Google services, including the Play Store catalog. The developers hid them in the system for release in future updates.

    How to activate built-in Google services:

    1. Launch a root terminal (you can use Alt+F1) and enter the command pm disable com.jide.apppolicy
    2. This command disables the JideAppPolicy application, which blocks Google's built-in services. Next enter the command pm list packages -d
    3. This command will display a list of blocked applications.
    4. Find among them, And and then enter the commands pm enable<имя пакета> twice separately (or as many times as you like).
    5. To go to graphical interface press the combination Alt+F7.
    6. After this, it is advisable to force stop and clear the data in the settings. Google applications Play Store, Google Play services and Google Services Framework.
    7. After this, reboot the system and the applications should work.
    Subsequent updates to Remix OS 2.0 may return the restrictions back, so it is recommended to disable the installation of automatic updates using the command pm disable com.jide.autoupdater in the terminal.

    How to install Google Play on Remix OS? What applications work well with this system? All this useful information can be found in our

    Just recently we wrote to you about. It is worth noting that this is not just an emulator of the most popular OS, but its real desktop version, developed by former Google employees. And now, finally, you have the opportunity to download it from the official website and install it on your computer. How to do this, read our material.

    It is highly advisable to perform all actions on a USB flash drive of at least 8GB in size, supporting USB 3.0 and having appropriate write and read speeds (20MB/sec).

    Attention! You perform all actions at your own peril and risk, and we are not responsible for the results and possible malfunctions of your device. Jide notes that at the moment This is only an alpha version of the operating system, and sudden bugs are possible.

    In order to install Remix OS on your computer, you need to take just a few simple steps:

    1. Download the official Remix OS 2.0 distribution from the developer’s website:
    2. Run the utility remixos-usb-tool.exe, indicate in it path to the system ISO image, select the required USB flash drive and click OK. Once the installation is complete, you will have a ready-made bootable USB flash drive with Remix OS!

    3. Now, depending on which computer you are going to run the new OS on, you need to follow certain steps. If you decide to continue the experiment on Windows, you will need to configure boot priority from a USB flash drive in the BIOS. Hold F12 while turning on the computer (or Option key, if you choose to use a Mac) for the system startup window to appear.
    4. In the menu that appears, you can choose two launch modes for Remix OS: Guest Mode, where after turning off the computer no changes will be saved, or the usual Resident Mode, when working in which all changes and downloaded files are saved.

    5. The process of installing Remix OS on a flash drive will take about 15 minutes, after which you will see the long-awaited screen:

      If you use a computer on Mac OS X, but also want to try Remix OS without having to install a second one Windows system to create bootable flash drive, you can do the following:1. Download the official Remix OS 2.0 distribution from the developer’s website:
      2. Download the UNetbootin program to create a bootable USB flash drive on Mac OS X
      3. Launch the program, select the ISO image of the operating system and the desired USB flash drive (help will help you with this Disk Utility), then click OK

      4. Hold down the Option (Alt) key at the moment when the backlight on the black screen lights up after rebooting. Select the USB flash drive to continue booting the system. Further actions repeat steps 4 and 5 from the steps described above for WIndows.

      That's it! Yes, it's that simple. Do not forget that at the moment this is just an alpha version of the operating system, and its creators honestly warn about possible bugs. But just imagine what Jide can achieve if we, the users, show real interest in this operating system and provide developers with quality feedback! The operating system is just in its infancy, but already has many advantages and hidden ambitions. Let me remind you of my words: Remix OS is exactly what users expect from Google when they hear about combining Chrome OS and Android.

    On January 12, the official release of the Remix OS 2.0 shell took place, which is based on Android x86 and is intended for computers and hybrid tablets. We decided to look into installing this system on computers and prepare an article about this process for Trashbox readers.

    Summer 2016 Remix OS 3.0 released. Read more about it on Trashbox: Before the instructions itself, it’s worth telling what this Remix OS 2.0 is. This Android x86 fork aims to bring an ecosystem Android applications on computers with a convenient desktop interface. In the second version of Remix OS, developers from the startup Jide added a convenient windowed interface where you can use several Android applications at the same time. At the same time, applications are scaled to fit the size of the window, and the entire interface has normal controls for the mouse and keyboard - no bottom bar with three buttons.

    How to install Remix OS 2.0 on your computer

    To install the system, you will need a USB flash drive that supports the USB 3.0 standard, a write/read speed of at least 10 Mbit/s, a memory capacity of at least 8 GB, as well as the computer itself on which you are going to install the system. It is worth noting that the requirements for a USB drive are quite formal - many users installed Remix OS 2.0 using an old USB 2.0 flash drive with 4 GB of memory.

    1. Download the image and install it on the flash drive

    You can download the system image on the official website of the startup Jide via direct link (687 MB, torrent). Available image with EFI support (torrent). You can also download the image for 32-bit systems (torrent). Inside the archive you will find both the image itself and a special utility for installing it on a USB flash drive. Before you proceed to install the image, you need to format your drive for the FAT32 file system and delete all data.

    Updated: On March 1, 2016, the first beta version of Remix OS 2.0 was released. Latest links to download the system:

    • 64 bits (UEFI + Legacy BIOS) - direct link + torrent.
    • 32 bits (Legacy BIOS) - torrent.

    The Remix OS USB Tool utility, which you can find in the archive with the image, is a special variation of Unetbootin. Launch the utility, select the Remix OS 2.0 ISO image, as well as the USB drive on which you will install it. Next, click the “Ok” button, after which the installation of the image on the flash drive will begin. You can also use the original Unetbootin utility by selecting the FreeBSD distribution and the Remix OS 2.0 image. The result will be similar.

    If everything went well, the utility will immediately prompt you to restart your computer to boot into Remix OS 2.0 from the flash drive. If you are installing the system on the same computer where you are recording the image, then you can safely press the reboot button, but before that it is better to read the next paragraph of the instructions.

    2. Boot from USB

    After restarting the computer, you need to call up the alternative boot menu. This is done on different computers in their own ways. On ASUS laptops- Esc button, for example. On regular PCs, mainly using F8 or the buttons next to it. It’s better to find out about this on the Internet in advance. Also, before such a download, you should check the Legacy Boot Mode Enabled function in the BIOS. It must be turned on.

    After turning on the computer, call up the alternative boot menu and select your USB drive in it. Next, a menu with two items should appear on the screen - “Guest Mode” and “Resident Mode”. The first is the normal Live CD mode, where the user boots the system from disk and tries it out without saving all the data. The second mode allows you to use Remix OS 2.0 as a full-fledged system on a USB flash drive. When this mode is selected, the OS boots in a mode where all the user's progress and manipulations are saved on the drive and can be accessed the next time.

    It is for the “Resident Mode” that a USB 3.0 flash drive and fast write/read speed are required. The developers suggest that it is in the mode of saving all data to USB that you need to use Remix OS 2.0.

    If your system does not boot after such an installation, you can try the same process, but enter a different command to call the installation programs: /kernel initrd=/initrd.img root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet INSTALL=1

    4. Alternative installation

    You can also install Remix OS 2.0 from another Linux system, in particular Ubuntu. To do this, you must already have Ubuntu installed on your computer with the Grub boot loader.


    1. Create a “remix” folder (without quotes) in the /directory directory on Ubuntu.
    2. Open ISO image/ IMG operating system Remix OS 2.0 with some archiver or simple explorer; take files from the image initrd.img, kernel, ramdisk.img, system.img and move them to the “remix” folder.
    3. Inside the “remix” folder, make another “data” folder.
    4. Open the console and enter the command gksudo gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom
    5. The console will ask you for an administrator password - enter it.
    6. Next, a text editor window will appear with a specific document; at the end of the text you need to insert the following text (in order not to lose formatting, it is better to copy the code from there):
      menuentry "Remix OS" --class android-x86 (
      insmod part_gpt
      search --file --no-floppy --set=root /remix/system.img
      linux /remix/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64
      androidboot.selinux=permissive CMDLINE
      initrd /remix/initrd.img
    7. Save your changes and close the editor.
    8. Enter another command in the console - sudo update-grub
    9. Now after rebooting there should be a line in Grub with the launch of Remix OS 2.0. The system should work.

    5. Another way to install from Windows

    The community also found another way to install Remix OS 2.0 on a hard drive with using Windows and getting a double load.

    To do this you need:

    1. Create a new partition on a disk with a capacity of at least 8 GB and the FAT32 file system. This can be done with a simple tool in Windows by typing the word “partition” in the Start menu search. Name the partition REMIX_OS.
    2. Download the Remix OS 2.0 image (in the first section of the article), if you have not already done so, as well as the EasyBCD program.
    3. Completely unpack the Remix OS 2.0 image (you can use WinRar) and copy all the files from it to the partition that you previously created.
    4. Install the EasyBCD application and launch it.
    5. In the program, select the menu “Add New Entry” → ISO.
    6. In the “Portable / External Media” section, in the Name field, enter Remix OS and click on the “Path” button and select the Remix OS 2.0 image that you downloaded.
    7. Next, click the “Tools” → “Restart Computer” button.
    8. Voila, you should see a dual boot menu on the screen - Windows or Remix OS. The system should work.

    6. Install on a virtual machine

    If you don’t want to install Remix OS 2.0 on your hard drive at all and risk the stability of other operating systems in case something goes wrong, then you can use a virtual machine, namely VirtualBox.

    Instructions for installing Remix OS 2.0 in VirtualBox (assumes that you already have a virtual machine program and a system image):

    1. Launch VirtualBox and bring up the menu for creating a new virtual machine. Call it any name, select the Linux type and the “Other Linux 64-bit” view.
    2. Allocate half (recommended) of your RAM to the virtual machine.
    3. Create a new virtual disk for the system, allocate 16 GB of memory for it.
    4. After creating the machine, run it and when selecting the disk from which it will boot, specify the Remix OS 2.0 image.
    5. If everything goes well, you will see a menu for choosing between Guest and Resident modes. Select Guest, but press Tab rather than Enter. After this, a line with text will appear below. After recording DATA_IN_NEM=1 need to be added vga=791
    6. After that press Enter.
    7. Remix OS 2.0 should appear on the screen.

    What you need to know about Remix OS 2.0

    The Remix OS 2.0 shell is well optimized for working with a mouse and keyboard. Basic keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + C / V / Z / X, Alt + Tab, Alt + F4 and others are supported. The Num Lock buttons work correctly with the entire number pad and Caps Lock.

    How to install Google Play and its services on Remix OS 2.0:

    1. Download installation file

    Every Android user dreams of installing this operating system on a computer. Remix OS is a new OS created on Android based with a desktop interface, and we'll install it now!

    Remix OS was created by former Google employees and is based on the operating system Android systems, but has by default a convenient desktop interface (like Windows), opening and running applications in multi-window mode, a taskbar and notifications, millions of programs and games, and all this for desktop computer completely free!

    Now from words to action! In this article, we will learn how to install it on your computer or laptop so that you can later boot into both Windows and Remix OS.

    Download the Remix OS image

    In order to install Remix OS, you must first download it; this can be done by going to the official website of the developers.

    There are versions for both 64-bit and 32-bit systems. You can find out which version your computer supports by looking at the characteristics of your processor on the Internet (almost all processors after 2011 are 64-bit).

    Creating a separate partition

    The developers of Jide Company have provided for installing the Remix OS system directly on the disk C:, where Windows is already installed, not really the right approach therefore, we will create a separate section for our desktop Android!

    What and how to create a Section?

    We will create a section standard means Windows, via Disk Management.

    To go to disk management:

    1 . Go to " Control Panel» -> « System and Security»;

    Create a section

    1 . If you have two logical drive and more, click right click according to where it is most free space and click the button Shrink Volume"if you only have one partition C:, then the choice is not great, we compress it.

    Everything is ready, now we proceed to the stage pre-installation Remix for computer.

    Pre-installation of Remix OS

    After we have created a partition for Remix OS, we move on to the stage of installing the operating system on a hard drive under Windows.

    1 . Unpack the archive with Remix OS;
    2 . Run the supplied utility remixos-installation-tool;

    3 . We select the image, installation on the hard drive, as well as the partition that we created for our desktop Android.

    Everything is ready! Now all that remains is to restart your computer and finish the installation!

    Installing Remix OS on your computer

    1 . After the computer reboots, you will be asked to boot into Windows or Remix OS, select the second option, after which further installation of the operating system will begin, approximately this will last from 5 to 15 minutes.

    2 . At the end, you will be asked to select a language and the Remix OS desktop will appear in front of you;

    3 . In the settings you can set the localization to “Russian language”.


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