How to Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems. How to Diagnose and Fix Internet Connection Problems

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To troubleshoot network problems, it is important to have a basic understanding of network setup. There are three categories network problems: Physical, configuration problem and software problem. The first step to take when you set out to troubleshoot network problems is to determine what type of problem you have. This solution is the first of many that will help you solve the problem. There are two simple rules, which are critical if you want to successfully troubleshoot network problems. The first rule is to change only one thing at a time and then test it. A logical, methodical approach is the only one effective way fixing technology problems.
There are often multiple causes of network problems. If you can't determine the action and associated result, you have no idea whether you're on the right way or not. A number of changes may also lead to unexpected results. One step after another is the best way to continue searching for network problems.

Finding problems downward is the second rule for troubleshooting. Make clear notes on the form that explain the steps you took and the result you obtained. These notes are invaluable and will help you create a knowledge base that you can rely on when you are trying to troubleshoot problems.

Whenever network problems occur, always start with the physical network. Check devices, connections and power. Don't make any assumptions and check each connector carefully. These problems are the easiest to fix and are the most common. Follow the cable to make sure everything is connected correctly.

If the problem is not hardware, look at the configuration. The first step is to create a system restore point in the configuration software. This will allow you to start from the same point if necessary. Look at your notes from the installation and don't forget to take new notes.

To begin troubleshooting, you must check the configuration of each computer on the network. This information can be accessed by entering "ipconfig" in command line for each computer. To get the full level of detail, enter "ipconfig /all". Review the information and compare it with initial setting. Errors or inconsistencies will cause most problems.

The most common software problems are related to the firewall installation. Check your antivirus software as it is often related to the firewall. Installing multiple firewalls will create a cascading series of network problems. Look for any settings that may have changed.

Read, How to fix Internet connection problems at home. A few mandatory steps before contacting a specialist or provider. Internet connection problems are very frustrating for us. Instead of pointlessly poking F5 and desperately trying to reload your favorite website, we suggest trying a few troubleshooting methods to determine why your connection is failing.

Ping command

The first thing to do when you have connection problems is to run the command "ping". Launch the Windows command line (how to run the Windows command line as an administrator, watch the video on our channel on how to launch the Windows command line) and enter, for example, or "ping site".

This command will send several packets to the address you specify, and the web server will respond to each of them. In the screenshot below, we will see that everything is working fine. Packet loss is 0%, and the time spent by each packet traveling along the route is minimal.

If you notice packet loss (in other words, if the web server did not respond to one or more requests sent), then this clearly indicates problems with the network. If the web server response time for different packages varies greatly, this indicates a high load on the Internet channel. The problem could also be related to the website itself (unlikely if the same problem occurs on several web resources), to your Internet service provider, or to your local network (for example, with your router).

Please note that some web servers cannot exchange packets. For example, the command "ping" will result in 100% packet loss.

Problems encountered with a specific website

If access problems occur only for a certain website, and it shows that everything is in order, then, most likely, the problems arose on the server where the website is physically located.

To check if this site is working properly, we can use a special tool on the web - It allows you to poll websites from different IP addresses and determine whether they are actually working or not. If you receive an answer that the site does not work for everyone, then the problem is definitely on the server.

The site’s response that this web resource does not work only for you indicates connection errors on your part. And there can be at least a dozen options. There may be a discrepancy in the routing between your computer and the server on the Internet. To identify such problems, you must use the command "tracert", for example, enter "tracert" on the Windows command line. The utility will send a trace packet and display the IP addresses and names of all nodes with which the packet interacts as it follows the route. If the error is detected after your Internet provider's server, then you basically can't do anything other than wait for it to be fixed.

Problems with the modem or router (router)

The inability to access various websites may be caused by your modem or router.

To connect to the Internet, many people use a modem, that is, a physical device that transmits digital data through analog channels. The modem is converting analog signal to digital and vice versa. For such interaction, it has two interfaces, digital for the computer and analog for the telephone line. A modem is a device that communicates with your Internet service provider.

A router is also a physical device that, via wired, wireless or mobile network connects to the Internet. In addition, it can connect all devices that are equipped with Ethernet network ports and Wi-Fi adapters, to one local network. With its help, local network participants can freely exchange files and remotely control other devices (for example: printers, TVs, etc.).

In some cases, the modem and router may be the same device.

Take a look at the router. If it has blue or green lights flashing ( different manufacturers may use different colors), then this is normal and indicates a stable Internet connection and local network connection. But if you see a steady blinking orange (or red) indicator light, this usually indicates the absence of them. The same applies to the modem - a flashing orange light usually indicates a problem.

If the lights indicate that there is a problem on both devices, try turning them off and on again. That is, restart the devices, just like restarting your computer. You can perform this step even if the lights are blinking normally - there are some routers that sometimes need to be rebooted for them to work. normal operation. After a few minutes, your modem or router should reconnect to your ISP. The error may be related to updating the servers of the provider itself.

If this does not solve the problem, then you can reset your router or update the firmware. To check if the problem is actually with your router, you can connect your computer's Ethernet cable directly to the modem, bypassing the router. If the connection is restored, then it is clear which device is causing the problem.

Possible problems on your computer

If you're having network problems on just one computer on your local network, it's most likely a software issue. It may be caused by a virus, some malware or a browser error.

Run a scan of your system with antivirus software and try installing a different browser, then try opening this site in new program. Other errors may also occur, such as incorrect configuration firewall.

Problems with DNS servers

When you load a resource, your computer contacts its DNS server and requests the web resource's IP address. The default DNS servers used by your network are provided by your ISP, and if they have not been updated, problems may arise.

You can try to access a website by IP address directly, bypassing the DNS server. For example, copy the address "" into your web browser's address bar to visit directly.

If you were able to log in via an IP address, but still cannot open the site by simply entering in the address bar, then this is a problem with the DNS servers. Instead of waiting for your ISP to update their server, you can try using a third-party DNS server such as OpenDNS or Google Public DNS.

Ultimately, most connection problems you encounter are someone else's glitches or mistakes—you can't fix them yourself. Often, the only thing you can do is wait for your ISP or specific website to fix the problem.

And of course, you can always call your ISP's customer support by phone. Support can check the connection to your computer (router or modem) to determine if there are any problems. They will tell you whether there is a server error or whether the problem is on your part. Also see what you can do to speed up your Internet connection.

Friday, March 29, 2019

If you can't connect or keep losing connection to our servers, these tips will help you improve your connection.

This information will be useful to players on PC, Mac, PlayStation and Xbox.

If you need help connecting to mobile device, check out this article:

Constantly losing connection while playing? Losing or receiving a penalty for not finishing the game?

We understand how frustrating this can be, especially if you don't even know where to turn for help. Is this an issue with EA servers? Or with your network connection? Or maybe all at once?

We hope the following information will help you figure out the reason.

You can check the server status of most of our games directly on the EA Help website.

If the arrow next to all servers is pointing up, then the problem is something else.

If the arrow is pointing down, then perhaps maintenance work is underway or we have problems.

Try a different Domain Name System (DNS)

Internet service providers translate regular Internet addresses (like into computer addresses (consisting of numbers) using the domain name system.

If something happens to the DNS you are using, you may experience connection problems.

In this case, switching to an alternative DNS may help.

Here are some free options you can use:

EA does not own or control Google DNS or Open DNS and cannot make changes to their pages or systems. You use these websites or DNS servers at your own risk.

Use a wired connection

Wired connections are much more reliable than wireless ones. If you are playing over Wi-Fi, try connecting your device to your router via a network cable.

Change router location

Are you too far from your router and can't run a network cable? Try moving the device as close to the router as possible. The range of a router can be quite short. The further away you are from your router, the more likely you are to experience connection problems.

Depending on the router's location, it may be more difficult for your device to communicate with it. Walls and large objects become a hindrance. Other electronic objects (for example, microwave ovens) can also interfere, since they also transmit signals. If something is blocking the router's signal, such as under your bed or in a drawer, it will have a harder time communicating with your device. Place it in an open area, point the antenna (if available) towards your device and check if the signal becomes stronger.

Are you using a wireless connection? Change your Wi-Fi channel.

If you live in a densely populated area, such as a building with many apartments, other networks may cause interference. Change wireless channel will help limit the number of networks and thereby stabilize wireless connection.

Imagine that the neighbors in all the apartments and all the houses nearby are listening to music very loudly or watching TV. It will be more difficult for you to hear what you are listening to.

By changing the wireless channel, it's like putting noise-isolating headphones on your connection and clearing the signal of extraneous noise.

Contact your Internet service provider for assistance in changing your wireless channel to a less busy one.


Check all stages of your connection

If your router is working, you can connect to the network and browse websites, but when playing online games the connection drops, it is worth checking the entire data path from your device to our servers.

For this we have special program for PC. It's called UOTrace.

Even if you're not playing on a PC, the test will show you the overall health of your network connection.

This way you can find out how good your connection is on other devices.

UOTrace Startup Guide

When you stop the request, UOTrace will display packet loss and response time information.

Explanation of test results

When performing these tests, pay attention to the following details.

  • High response time. If response times are often above 150ms, you will also notice lag while gaming. If the response value is above 200 ms, you are most likely experiencing connection dropouts.
  • Packet loss. If you see values ​​other than 0% or 100% in the % Loss column, it means that data is being lost in that region. If packet loss occurs in multiple places, or if the loss rate is high, the problem is most likely a connection issue. Make a note of the nodes where packet loss occurs and report it to your ISP.
  • Large difference between best and worst response times. This is a clear sign of an unstable connection. The difference between the best and worst response times should not exceed 100 ms. Otherwise, this means that your connection is very unstable, with large amplitudes. This causes lag while playing, which is very distracting. If you see this problem in UOTrace, please report it to your ISP.

If you contact EA Help and EA Game Consultant asks you to provide UOTrace results:

  1. Click on the button "Edit" and select "Copy".
  2. Open Notebook in the directory All Programs > Accessories in the Start menu.
    • You can also find Notepad in the Start menu itself.
  3. Paste the results into Notepad and save the file in a convenient location.

Run the test twice and save both files for us. This way we can compare results and better understand what's going on.

Playing on Mac? Run tests in Traceroute and Pathping

Since UOTrace is only available for PC, you can run Traceroute and Pathping tests on Mac. Traceroute and Pathping programs will help determine the quality of your connection, just like UOTrace.


  1. Open the folder "Programs".
  2. Open the folder "Utilities".
  3. Click the button twice "Terminal".
  4. Type in the terminal window traceroute > ~/Desktop/trace.txt.
  5. Click "Back".
    • A new one will appear on your desktop text file trace.txt.


  1. Open the folder "Programs".
  2. Open the folder "Utilities".
  3. Click the button twice "Terminal".
  4. Type in the terminal window traceroute -S -q 30 > ~/Desktop/pathping.txt.
  5. Click "Back".
    • A new text file pathping.txt will appear on your desktop.

Check both files for delays (indicated by three asterisks ***). Latencies may indicate problems with your network's connection to our servers, and please note high response times, which may indicate that your network is overloaded.

The Internet is an integral part of our life. Lack of network is a serious problem for the user. You don't always have time to call your provider, but fortunately, you can troubleshoot problems yourself. Below you will read about common causes of Internet problems and how to fix them.

Possible reasons for the lack of Internet on Windows 7

There are several reasons for the lack of Internet. Some of them relate to computer drivers and its equipment, others affect system errors and lack correct settings networks.

The most common reasons for lack of Internet:

  • mechanical damage to the cable or ports;
  • lack of a network card or its drivers;
  • incorrect connection settings on the computer or router;
  • presence of virus software.

Internet may also be absent due to debt on personal account or due to a line failure. Before you try to troubleshoot problems, check to see if these issues are causing them.

How to check network status

Among the problems with the Internet, we can highlight those that are most common and occur periodically for most users. Resolving them can be very simple. The first thing to do is check the network status.

You can do this in two ways:

In both cases, your network status will be described below your network icon.

Unidentified network without internet access

If the computer “sees” the network and connects to it, but does not gain access to the Internet, the network state will be called as follows: “ Unidentified network. Without access to the Internet." What to do in in this case?

The computer “sees” the network and connects to it, but does not gain access to the Internet

Rebooting the router

If you have a router installed, the first thing to do is reboot it. It may simply not have time to update the data, and because of this, access to the network will be lost. The reboot is performed in the following order:

  1. First, the router is disconnected from the network. It is important to unplug the cord from the outlet, and not to reboot using the button on the equipment - you need to stop the flow of electricity for a while.
  2. Then the router should be left turned off for 10–15 seconds.
  3. After this, the router is connected back to the network and wait until the indicators on it light up.

After the indication appears on the router, you can check whether Internet access is available. Usually, after a reboot, the Internet appears within 7–10 seconds.

Checking network settings

Network settings are data that allows the computer to connect to the network distributed by the provider. These settings are issued by the company providing Internet access (usually they are specified in the service agreement). Sometimes the settings on your computer go wrong, and because of this, the device cannot connect to the Internet.

In order to check network settings, you need to open “Protocol Properties”. You can do it like this:

  1. Go to “Control Panel” through the “Start” menu.
    "Control Panel" is located in the right "Start" menu
  2. Select "Network and Internet".
    In order to find required section, you should select the “Category” view option in the upper right corner of the screen
  3. Open the "Network and Sharing Center" section shared access».
    In the Network Control Center you can check the connection status, create a new network, and carry out almost any action with your Internet connection
  4. On the left, find the “Change adapter settings” section.
    Find the section "Change adapter settings"
  5. In the list of networks, select the one you need, click on it right click mouse and find the “Properties” item. Only an administrator can open Properties.
    Desired network will be called "Local Area Connection" or "Ethernet"
  6. In the list, find the item “Internet Protocol Version 4”, select it by pressing the left mouse button once. After this, the “Properties” button under the list is activated, you need to click on it.
    Selecting an item is done by clicking the left mouse button once. There is no need to uncheck the box next to the item.

When the window is open, you still need to understand what settings should be entered. There are three options:

Let's figure out what the IPoE and PPPoE protocols are, but we won't go into terminology. It is enough to understand what protocol is used on your communication line. To do this, just look at the network settings issued by the provider (specified in the contract).

The settings can be the following:

  • password and login are used on the PPPoE protocol,
  • IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS are used on IPoE.

If you are using PPPoE and you are connected directly, that is, you are not using a router, after checking the settings through the protocol properties, you need to recreate the network.

  1. Return to Network and Sharing Center.
    This way only PPPoE connection is configured. To configure a wired IPoE connection, use the protocol properties
  2. Open the “Create and configure a new connection” item.
    Switching items is done by single-clicking the left mouse button
  3. Select "Create and Configure" new network" and click "Next".
    The selected item will be highlighted with a bright blue background
  4. Click on the "High Speed" option.
    Waiting for search available connections may take a few minutes
  5. If an error appears, select “Create the connection anyway.”
    This error appears quite often, but a connection can still be created
  6. Next, you will need to enter the network settings, as well as the network name - this is the name of the connection. You can use the name of the provider company or something else.
    The connection name is its name, and the username and password are the network settings. It's worth noting that the password has nothing to do with the Wi-Fi key

After this, the network will be reconfigured, and you will only have to check whether you have access to the network.

Video: checking network settings on your computer

Resetting TCP/IP Settings

Sometimes problems can be caused by internal system errors. TCP/IP - set network protocols, responsible for data transfer. You can reset it as follows:

Checking drivers

The reason for the lack of access may be outdated drivers (usually this problem is associated with a recent update operating system). Let's check their condition.

In addition, by right-clicking on the driver name, you can select “Uninstall”, and then restart the computer. Then when you turn on the system will automatically install the missing driver.

After removing the drivers and restarting the computer, the system will automatically install suitable drivers

If next to the driver icon there is exclamation mark, you will need to completely reinstall the drivers and check the functionality of the network card installed in the computer.

The default gateway is not available

Network diagnostics will help you detect the following problem. Right-click on your connection icon and select “Troubleshooting”.

By right-clicking on the icon you can open the “Network and Sharing Center”

If you receive a message about the gateway being unavailable after performing a system diagnostic, the following steps may help.

Prohibit disabling the network adapter to save energy

Sometimes the system turns off the network adapter - the device that allows you to connect to the Internet - to save power. Try disabling this option.

  1. Find "Device Manager" through the search bar in the Start menu.
    Opening "Device Manager" through search is not the only way, but it is the most convenient
  2. Expand the “Network Adapters” tab, select the one you need, and right-click on it.
    IN context menu click on “Properties”
  3. Select "Properties" and open the "Power Management" tab.
    Changing these settings will help solve the problem of the Internet disconnecting after the computer goes into sleep mode
  4. Uncheck the box next to “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” and save your data.
    After changing the settings, do not forget to save them by clicking on the “OK” button

Updating or reinstalling drivers

You can also update drivers through Device Manager: expand the Network Adapters tab, right-click on network driver and select "Update" or "Uninstall", then restart your computer.

If the action does not help, you can download drivers from their manufacturers' websites and install them yourself. Typically, manufacturers offer to download drivers from file format".exe", so to install you will only need to run the downloaded file and accept the agreement.

Video: how to reinstall drivers yourself

When connecting to the Internet through a router, error 651 occurs

This error occurs when trying to connect using the PPPoE protocol. It is rare, but it happens that users create a new high-speed connection while the provider is using the IPoE protocol. Therefore, first of all, make sure that you are using the PPPoE protocol.

After this, you will need to recreate the connection. The process is described in detail in the “Checking network settings” section (all you need to do is create a new connection through the “Network Control Center”). If this doesn't help, read on.

Disabling antivirus

Sometimes antivirus programs block access to the Internet. Often the solution to the problem is to disable the antivirus. Right-click its icon in the Control Panel and select Disable. Sometimes antiviruses block access to the network even in a “sleep” state, so you can try not only disabling, but also completely removing this software. If this action helps, please report the situation to technical support antivirus software.

Problems with the router

The cause of the problems may be several problems related to the router:

  • incorrectly connected cable;
  • incorrectly entered settings.

First try the following:

  1. Disconnect the router from the network.
  2. Without connecting the router, unplug the network cable from it and plug it back into the WAN/INTERNET port, making sure that the plastic clip on the plug clicks when connected.
  3. If the cable goes from the router to the computer, disconnect it from the LAN connector on the router itself and from the network card connector on the computer, and then connect it back.
  4. Connect the router to the network.

If access does not appear, check the network settings entered on the router. In order to log into the router, you will need to enter “” or “” in any browser (in the address bar). Sometimes the address at which you can log into the router is different, so if you cannot log in through the specified addresses, check the information in the instructions.

Files cannot be downloaded from the Internet

It may also happen that Internet access is active, but files are not downloaded. This problem is usually associated not with the Internet itself, but with the computer and software.

What you can try:

  • try to download a file from another source - perhaps you are unable to download something simply because the resource does not support downloading;
  • try downloading through other browsers;
  • check your computer for malware using any official antivirus.

Multimedia does not work on the Internet

It happens that the Internet works, but video or audio materials are not played. What to do in this case? First, check if the files downloaded to your computer are playable. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies directly in the computer's sound settings. If files are played from your computer, but not from the Internet, read on.

The first thing you need to do is understand why this problem occurs. It may be a browser error or lack of plugins. To get your computer working properly, do the following:

PPPoE diagnostics

Additionally, in order to find out the causes of errors when using PPPoE, you can use the Troubleshooting Center. Then the system will independently check for errors and offer possible solutions.

PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a communication protocol over an Ethernet network that operates on a point-to-point basis and provides the user with a number of capabilities: encryption, authentication and data compression. It is necessary for the user authorization system, which makes it easier to track the time of provision and payment of network services.

Right-click on the icon network connection and click the Diagnose Problems button. After this, an analysis will be performed, Windows will try to cope with the difficulties on its own, and then prompt you to perform several actions.

Error 619

Restart your computer and disable all security systems: antiviruses and Windows Firewall. The latter is disabled in the following way:

Error 633

There is only one solution:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Try connecting to the Internet again.
  3. Create a new connection.

Error 638

Main causes:

  • damage network cable;
  • malfunction of drivers or network card;
  • incorrect connection settings;
  • problems with network equipment (router);
  • presence of viruses on the computer.

First of all, do two things: check the integrity of the cable and the presence of indications on the router. Never neglect these steps when you have problems with the Internet, so as not to waste time trying to solve a problem caused by mechanical damage.

It is clear that if the cable is damaged, you need to call your provider. But if there is no indication on the router (which indicates that the device is de-energized), you should try reconnecting the router to a different outlet before replacing it.

After checking the functionality of the router and the integrity of the cable, check your computer for viruses with any antivirus program.

If the above does not help, recreate the network connection - check the correctness of the entered settings both on the router through its settings, and on the computer itself through the protocol properties. Both actions are described in detail in the previous paragraphs of the article.

Error 691

The only reason for error 691 to occur is an incorrectly entered password and login (network settings). Therefore, the first thing you need to do is recreate the connection. The process has already been described earlier - you need to go to the “Network Control Center”, select the “Create a new connection” option and then enter the correct network settings. After this, restart your computer and check your internet connection.

If the action does not help, report the problem to your provider. There may have been a line failure that caused the error.

Error 720

The easiest way to solve this problem is to reinstall the operating system. To do this, just download from the site Windows file operating system onto a disk (or purchase a disk in a store) and run it on the computer.

You can also try updating the TCP/IP protocol. The action is described above, but you can also perform a more in-depth operation by completely reinstalling the stack. Reinstalling the stack yourself is dangerous - you will have to work with system files, and their damage will affect the operation of the computer. Therefore, try simply updating the stack, and if the action does not help, contact your provider or professional technician for help.

Video: connection errors via PPPoE connection and their elimination

Network cable not connected

If, when checking the connection status, a message appears that the network cable is not connected, the first thing to do is actually check that it is connected correctly and is not damaged. If possible, try using a different network cable.

Make sure the cable is connected correctly. On the router, the network cable must be connected to the WAN or INTERNET port, and the cable leading from the router to the computer must be connected to the LAN connector. There is usually only one port on a computer, so it will be difficult to make a mistake.

The WAN or INTERNET port is used to connect a network cable to the router, and the LAN ports are used to route cables to computers

Next, check the status of the router (if you have one). Its indicators should light up as usual. If there is no indication, reconnect the router to another outlet, try resetting the settings on the router (using the “Reset” or “Reset” button) and entering them again. You should reset the settings only if you are confident that you can configure the router yourself.

Also check the status of your network adapter drivers and try updating them.

Video: checking the port on the network card and the WAN port on the router

Additional check of security settings

Security settings can also be to blame for many of these problems. This applies to the case when the PPPoE protocol is used. Therefore, if the proposed operations do not help solve your case, try checking your connection security settings.

  1. Open the "Network Connections" section.
  2. Right click on your connection.
  3. Open the “Security” section and set the use of “Unsecure Password” in the list that opens.

These are the main ways to diagnose connections on Windows 7 and troubleshoot problems. Do not forget that the reason for the lack of Internet may be a simple debt or a breakdown on the line. If the methods described above do not help you, contact your provider so that technical staff can diagnose and solve the problem on their end.

A local network is a mechanism whose operation depends on external factors: stability of power supply, quantity and quality installed programs, hardware computers, protection from external threats, etc. Each of them can cause unstable operation or failure of the local network.

To diagnose and eliminate such failures, Windows 7 provides a fairly effective standard mechanism. To launch it, go to Start > Control Panel. Network and Internet >> Network and Sharing Center >> Troubleshooting - a corresponding window will open.

In this window, select one of the following diagnostic and troubleshooting modes.

  • Internet connections - if you have problems connecting to the Internet, click on this item. At the next stage, the system will ask you to indicate what kind of problems arose: with access to the Internet in general or with connecting to a specific web page. In the first case, a test connection will be made to the website and if problems are detected, their description and recommendations for troubleshooting will appear on the screen. In the second, you need to specify the address of the problematic resource, and the system will find out the reason why it cannot be opened.
  • Shared folders and Home group- these modes are used for diagnostics and troubleshooting network errors problems that arise when working with connections to shared folders on other people's computers: the first - if access is carried out from a work computer, the second - if your PC is connected to home network. To detect the problem and view possible ways to resolve it, indicate the network location of the problematic folder.
  • Network Adapter - Select this option and follow the on-screen instructions if problems are caused by problems with the network adapter. All actions are performed step by step, and, as a rule, the process of diagnosing and troubleshooting does not cause difficulties.
  • Incoming connections - if you encounter difficulties with incoming connections (when the computer is inaccessible to other network participants), click on this item. Among other things, the Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Wizard will check to see if your firewall security settings are contributing to the problem.

Windows 10 network diagnostics

In Windows 10, you have a new tool called Network Troubleshooter. You can find it by clicking on the search icon in the bottom left corner and typing the word Network. In the search results, click on "Check Network Status" >> "Network Troubleshooter".

Another way to get to network diagnostics is to open Settings >> Network & Internet >> Network Troubleshooter.

Running the Network Problem Diagnostic begins the process of identifying your connection problems. After some time, this tool will show whether it was able to find any problems or not. When a problem is found, Windows Network Diagnostics will show a description and suggest a solution if possible.

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