The device in the socket from mice. Which rat and mouse repeller is better: an overview of devices and reviews about them

home / Installing programs

Getting rid of mice in a house or apartment is not an easy task. These pests are incredibly tenacious and know how to hide perfectly, penetrating even the most inaccessible places in the room. With the ability to stretch its body, the mouse is able to crawl through even the smallest gap. Hungry rodents are not stopped by either solid cinder blocks or powerful wooden floors.

Types of rodent repellers

Usually, mice settle next to people when they have access to food or with the onset of autumn cold. Animals reproduce very quickly, in particular, this is one of the methods of their survival in extreme conditions. Rodents successfully adapt to most common poisons used by people to destroy them, and bypass the most ingenious traps. Sometimes rodents are not a hindrance and special mechanisms designed to destroy them

With the invasion of a large number of mice, the only way to get rid of them is the use of repellers, among which the most common are ultrasonic, magnetic-pulse and combined electronic devices.

Ultrasonic repellers

This type of device emits sound vibrations. high frequency exceeding the human hearing threshold of 20,000 Hertz. For mice, such a signal with sufficient sound pressure can become a real disaster - pests panic and tend to leave the territory that is uncomfortable for them as soon as possible. An important advantage of such a repeller is that the mice leave the premises alive.

Video: testing ultrasonic emitters

High-quality models of ultrasonic devices have the function of auto-switching the emitted frequencies, so rodents are not able to adapt to sound waves.

The propagation of ultrasound depends on many factors, the main of which is the presence or absence of obstacles and noise absorbers on the path of the wave. Walls, partitions and furniture can act as obstacles, carpets, upholstered furniture and blackout curtains intensively absorb radiation. On the other hand, hard surfaces contribute to the re-reflecting of ultrasound, which can be useful to a certain extent.
Reflection of ultrasound contributes to a higher efficiency of the repeller

Ultrasonic repellers are easy to install and use, they are powered by a household mains or battery. Some gadgets are powered by solar panels. Typically, such devices are connected on an ongoing basis for several days or weeks. After the complete disappearance of pests, the device, as a rule, is turned on periodically for preventive purposes.

Among the popular ultrasonic repellers are:

Electromagnetic emitters

The principle of operation of electromagnetic devices is based on magnetic pulse radiation using home electrical wiring. By plugging such a device into any outlet in the house, you can get a full coverage area of ​​\u200b\u200ball rooms where electricity is provided.

By generating low-frequency waves, the magnetic resonance repeller has an irritating effect on rodents, which, experiencing panic attacks, are in a hurry to leave the building. According to manufacturers, electromagnetic pulses are completely safe for people and pets and selectively affect mice and rats.
Electromagnetic exposure to mice causes panic attacks in the latter

Magneto-electric pulses pass through walls and bulky objects, however, metal structures reduce the efficiency of the electromagnetic emitter. A great advantage of this class of repellers is the full coverage of the premises, regardless of the connection point of the device.

It is claimed that magneto-electric devices for repelling rodents begin to work immediately after switching on and completely clear the house of uninvited guests in one to two weeks. In practice, it can be very difficult to judge their effectiveness due to the small amount of objective information, and a lot of negative user reviews raise doubts about the normal performance of such gadgets.

Among the electromagnetic repellers, the most popular are:

  • Pest Reject.

Combined devices

Combined rodent repellers are the most versatile and technologically advanced devices. They generate both ultrasonic vibrations and magnetic resonance radiation. Some devices are equipped with sources of light pulses, which, as expected, additionally affect the nervous system of pests. The fusion of several technologies, according to the developers, allows you to get rid of mice for a very long time.

Popular combination repellers include models such as:

The most popular models of mouse repeller

Almost all devices for repelling mice, as a rule, are universal. It is logical to assume that more powerful models work more efficiently, but, accordingly, they are more expensive. But the reviews about the most promoted (and inexpensive) devices on the market, for the most part, are not the most positive, which is also understandable, in order to reduce the cost of the device, the manufacturer puts the most inexpensive and sometimes low-quality components into it, without saving on advertising.

An effective ultrasonic means of protecting apartments and houses from mice. It can be used in non-residential premises, retail and industrial areas, including:

  • cellars,
  • the shops,
  • cellars,
  • restaurants,
  • warehouses,
  • vegetable stores,
  • granaries.

The device uses the latest developments of designers and modern technologies. Typhoon LS-800 eliminates the adaptation of pests to it, as it is controlled by a controller that periodically changes the duration and frequency of the signal. The device uses components of both foreign and domestic production.
Popular ultrasonic home and apartment protection against mice

Typhoon LS-800 is distinguished by the following features:

  • large area covered
  • high degree of reliability,
  • the ability to control rodents such as mice and rats,
  • safety for humans and pets,
  • lack of adaptation to ultrasound in pests,
  • Can be used both at home and at work.

Mice partially disappear a week after turning on the device. The full effect, according to the manufacturer, takes place after a month of continuous operation of the gadget. After that, Typhoon LS-800 is turned on with some frequency: for example, at night, when pests are most active.

The use of the device requires the user to familiarize himself with the attached instructions. Typhoon LS-800, when turned on, does not require specialized maintenance or additional measures. Fasteners allow you to fix the device on the wall or, if necessary, to the ceiling. In this case, it should be taken into account that the best effect is achieved with multiple reflections of the ultrasonic signal from solid obstacles, such as walls, and upholstered furniture, thick curtains, carpets, etc. reduce the efficiency of radiation propagation.

An ultrasonic pulse also cannot penetrate dense objects, therefore, in order to avoid a decrease in the efficiency of the emitter, the recommendations for its installation should be followed. In the case of large premises or busy space, the simultaneous use of several devices is required.

Typhoon LS-800 has two operating modes, which are switched by a button on the case. The first mode is designed for residential premises: the ultrasonic frequency and intensity of its radiation are set so as not to cause discomfort to humans and pets, but to have the maximum effect on rodents. The second mode turns on the device at maximum power, it is undesirable for people and pets to be in the room.

It is used to scare away mice, rats and other types of rodents in rooms with an area of ​​up to 500 m 2.
Repeller Chiston 2 Pro covers an area up to half a kilometer

Typical objects of use for Chiston 2 Pro:

  • apartments,
  • at home,
  • warehouses,
  • granaries,
  • vegetable stores,
  • cellars,
  • cellars.

The instrument needs to be connected to a standard mains voltage. Chiston 2 Pro has a fundamental frequency tuning with a shift of 5 Hz, which eliminates the adaptation of pests to the effects of the device. The design of the device with 360-degree wave propagation significantly increases the effect and is less demanding on the choice of installation location. Rodents begin to leave after the first week of constant operation of Chiston 2 Pro. After two weeks, the repeller forces the mice to leave the house completely.

Chiston 2 Pro is not dangerous for people and pets (excluding decorative rodents). The device can only be installed on a horizontal surface. The device consumes a low level of energy and is absolutely silent.

Tornado 400 withstands a wide range of temperatures

This repeller is a medium power electronic ultrasonic device and is designed to protect against rodents in a wide variety of premises, including:

  • apartments,
  • at home,
  • vaults,
  • warehouses.

Tornado 400 can be installed in a place with a zone of maximum acoustic impact using a power cord. It is recommended to place the device at a height of 1-1.5 meters from the floor level. The device can withstand a wide range of temperatures and has a rugged shock-resistant housing.

Ultrasonic mouse repeller EcoSniper LS-927 repels not only rodents, but also insects. The device is completely safe for domestic use.
The main feature of the EcoSniper LS-927 is the ability to simultaneously emit two ultrasonic streams, and the frequencies are tuned so as to exclude mutual influence on each other. The double efficiency is complemented by a field of action of the device, which extends to almost half a kilometer in open space.
Ultrasonic EcoSniper LS-927 emits two streams that do not intersect with each other

Connecting the repeller will not cause any difficulties. The ultrasound emitted by the EcoSniper LS-927 is not perceived by the human ear, but it causes discomfort to rodents that are in a hurry to leave an unpleasant place. During the operation of the device, the activity of insects may increase at first, which then leave the uncomfortable area. Completely pests go away after two to six weeks of continuous operation of the device.

Attention: ElectroCat can cause symptoms of severe discomfort in a person, so it can only be used indoors in the absence of people!
The device may adversely affect humans and pets.

The principle of operation of the device is based on the generation of continuous waves of sound and ultrasonic frequencies. There is also a light effect. Such a complex effect, according to the developers, has the most adverse effect on mice, causing them the following effects:

  • deterioration in interaction with relatives,
  • decrease in physiological activity,
  • anxiety, fright, fear.

Mice are forced to leave the cultivated area, even if the latter is their permanent habitat.

The device is designed to repel mice, rats, ants, bedbugs, cockroaches, other rodents and insects. Manufacturers and dealers highlight the following advantages of this device:

  • simplicity and ease of use,
  • long service life
  • compactness,
  • environmental component,
  • low price and high quality,
  • no need for maintenance.

The pest repeller emits harmless to humans, but uncomfortable for rodents, electromagnetic waves. Pests leave the cultivated area after one to two weeks of continuous use of the device.
The Pest Repeller is one of the most counterfeit repellers on the market.

One device covers up to 200 m 2 and is most suitable for use on the following objects:

  • houses and apartments,
  • catering establishments,
  • children's and health institutions,
  • office rooms.

The Pest Repeller works most effectively on pests within the first week of using it. To increase the effect, chemicals and traps can be additionally used.

The device is an improved successor of the Grad A-500 device and is the most powerful and efficient among analogues. The advantages of Grad A-1000 Pro are:

  • the maximum size of the cultivated area,
  • flexibility in use
  • silent mode
  • the ability to adjust the power level of ultrasound,
  • new signaling algorithm.

Additionally, there is the possibility of scaring away mice in the near field with the help of light flashes.
Repeller Grad A-1000 Pro is a high-quality domestic product

The Grad A-1000 Pro ultrasonic pest repellent device is universal, that is, it works against both rodents and insects. The presence of four switchable modes allows you to more accurately configure the device for a specific task:

  1. The most effective mode using the entire electronic "arsenal" of the device at all operating frequencies with the maximum impact on rodents.
  2. The so-called "silent mode" with the disabling of certain audio frequencies, dangerous to humans, but problematic for mice.
  3. Mosquito repellent mode.
  4. Ultra mode to repel most insects.

Place of installation Grad A-1000 Pro can be:

  • storage of grain and vegetables,
  • industrial complexes,
  • household premises,
  • storage rooms,
  • factories,
  • factories,
  • supermarkets,
  • catering networks,
  • holiday homes,
  • tourist bases,
  • poultry farms,
  • livestock enterprises,
  • dachas,
  • cellars,
  • cellars,
  • tunnels,
  • underground communications,
  • lift shafts,
  • corridors,
  • hangars,
  • residential buildings,
  • apartments.

The device does not require any complex configuration steps. According to the manufacturer, the mice leave the area treated by Grad A-1000 Pro in two weeks.

Pest Reject generates electromagnetic waves

Applies electromagnetic waves propagating through the network wiring in the house. Its magnetic-electric impulses negatively affect the nervous system of rodents, but do not affect humans and domestic animals.

Benefits of Pest Reject:

  • wide spectrum of radiation,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • does not harm people and their pets,
  • covers up to 200 m2 (line of sight),
  • does not use interchangeable elements.

The Pest Reject is a universal device, affecting both rodents and most insects.

Table: characteristics of popular rodent repellers

How to make an ultrasonic emitter with your own hands

Any person who is fond of radio engineering can assemble the simplest rodent repeller. The heart of the device is the K131LA3 or K155LA3 logic chip.
The circuit uses the work of the so-called TTL logic

The principle of operation of the circuit is based on the operation of the generator DD1.3 and DD1.4 with a frequency of 100 ... 400 Hz. These pulses are control pulses to generate a higher frequency signal.

Table: Required Components for Assembly

You can try other options for implementing output circuits.

Option 1. Using an electrolytic capacitor

Option 2.

The assembled circuit does not require configuration and, as a rule, works immediately.

How to choose a repeller

All pest repellent devices have such a parameter as the size of the area covered. Some devices have it in the name. So, for example, the Grad A-1000 Pro device has a working area of ​​up to one kilometer, and Tornado 400 covers four hundred meters. But anyway this characteristic the manufacturer always indicates in the instructions attached to the device.

As a rule, the range of the installed device is calculated taking into account obstacles, the workload of the room, the presence or absence of sound-absorbing factors. A room with blank walls almost completely limits the propagation of a useful signal outside, and several of these rooms require the use of a separate repeller in each of them.
When installing the device, the location of interior walls and furniture should be taken into account.

An equally important criterion when choosing a rodent repeller (especially in the case of cottages, warehouses, garages, basements, etc.) is the temperature regime. Tornado repellers are most adapted to temperature extremes, which can withstand a range from -35 to +70 degrees Celsius. Temperature parameters are also always indicated in the instructions for the device. In other matters, in a residential building or apartment, this factor will not play a significant role.

Completely silent devices are suitable for use in residential areas, while audible emitters are installed only in the absence of people. Some models have switchable "silent" and "sound" modes, and can be used in both cases.

Video: measuring the signal level of various repellers with a laboratory device

The mouse repeller must be turned on all the time, so the characteristics of its power consumption are important, and sometimes decisive, among other things. A high-quality device consumes no more than 15 - 20 watts.

How to install the device correctly

The efficiency of most repellers is significantly increased in the presence of re-reflections of an ultra-high frequency sound wave in the room. This is achieved due to the presence of solid surfaces and the absence of absorbing ones. So, the device will work perfectly in a room with a small amount of wooden furniture, and very poorly - in a room with carpets, thick curtains and the presence of soft sofas and armchairs.

Escape routes for mice should also be provided, otherwise they will simply have nowhere to go from the constantly emitting unit.

Baiting poisons and rodent repellents are two mutually exclusive factors that people most often do not know about or forget about. Do not use repellers and baits at the same time! Do not leave food or food leftovers free for mice, this also applies to food waste, close the bin and take out the waste in time. It is extremely important to limit access to water for pests, make sure that you do not have leaking valves and taps, and there are no open water containers.
Mice will always find food

The mouse repeller must work constantly until the pests completely disappear. After that, the device is periodically turned on for preventive purposes or when reappearance rodents.

Follow the safety rules. Ultrasonic repellers are powerful emitters and can harm your health and the health of your pets. Staying in close proximity to the emitter can be very dangerous. Even the "silent" mode in a very high-quality device requires the location of the latter at least three meters from the place of permanent residence of a person. It is especially dangerous to bring a working device to your ear - at a sound pressure of 120 decibels, even ultrasound can theoretically cause injury to the internal auditory organs!

4 5 Profitable price

The problem with rodents worries many owners of apartments and private houses. These animals not only spoil things, but also carry diseases that are dangerous to human life. Luckily, today a large number of rodent repellers,

the principle of operation of which is based on the emission of electromagnetic or ultrasonic waves. The device emits a wave of a certain frequency and amplitude, which has a negative effect on the senses of large and small pests, forcing them to leave the occupied territories. When choosing a repeller, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Power. A parameter that directly affects the operating range of the device. If we are talking about ultrasonic repellers, then it should be remembered that the acoustic wave is not able to pass through walls, and spreads within a limited space. In turn, the radiation of electromagnetic devices is able to propagate through the walls, simultaneously expelling rodents from the voids of the partitions.
  • Distribution range. Ultrasonic repellers, in comparison with electromagnetic ones, have a larger acoustic wave propagation area, which reaches about 400-1000 square meters. m. In turn, magnetic models are limited to 200 sq. m. m, however, they give a more uniform field that does not deviate from the distribution when meeting obstacles. Before making a choice, pay special attention to the environment in the “cleaned” room.
  • sound pressure. The higher this parameter, the more effectively the repeller works. The optimal pressure indicator varies in the range of 110-120 dB - when choosing a device, start from these values.
  • Type of power supply. Mains-powered scare devices tend to have high power and a larger wave coverage area. In turn, autonomous devices are more convenient to place in non-electric rooms, but their efficiency will be lower than that of stationary models.
  • Operating frequency, which must be strictly above 20 kHz. To determine how accurately the repeller reproduces this parameter, you need to unscrew the frequency control to a minimum and listen - if the device makes a squeak, then the technological requirements are not met.

The best manufacturers of repellers

Before detailed overview list of the best, it is worth mentioning the leading companies in this segment market.

  • "Tornado". One of the oldest manufacturers in Russian market who has been developing traps for 25 years. It enjoys the fame of a distributor of inexpensive and very effective repellers of various power levels.
  • EcoSniper. Young Russian company which began operation in 2013. It is interesting because in such a modest time frame (only five full years) she managed to break into the top sales of traps in the country.
  • i4 Technology. The company that owns the most famous brand of repellers in Russia "Grad". Engaged in the development of a wide range of special traps, which are very popular among consumers.
  • Weitech. The Belgian company is one of the few representatives of foreign countries that managed to gain a foothold in the domestic Russian market. Gained popularity due to its commitment to humanism: Weitech traps do not require the involvement of poisons in the process of repelling rodents - efficiency is achieved solely through the creation of an ultrasonic barrier.
  • SITITEK. Chinese corporation engaged in the production of household appliances and electronics for two decades. In 2013, the official sales representative office of the company in Russia was opened. It is a strong middle peasant of the domestic market in terms of sales of rodent repellers.
  • Chiston & Co. Another representative of Russia, who launched production back in 1991. Starting as a supplier for the military-industrial complex, mechanics and electronics, the company gradually moved to the development of household goods. It is one of the segment leaders in the production and marketing of rodent repellers.

Best Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers (Rodents Only)

If there are problems with rodents, a better solution would be to give preference to repellers designed for this group of pests, namely mice, rats, shrews and others. In addition to the fact that these partings do their job more efficiently (tuned to certain radiation ranges), other animals that may not be pests do not fall under the radius of their defeat.

5 Grad A-1000 PRO+

Cleaning area up to 1000 sq. m. High degree of versatility
Country Russia
Average price: 5 290 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The legendary device, the versatility of which many times exceeds the cost of purchase. Grad A-1000 PRO+ can be used as a rodent repeller, but it can also repel much smaller animals (creeping insects, mosquitoes, etc.). Works well at low and high temperatures(-35 - +75 degrees Celsius), so it can be used in premises of any purpose and type: from residential buildings to warehouses, garages and basements.

The main advantage of Grad over its competitors lies in its exceptionally large range: the installation is capable of "cleaning" areas up to 1,000 square meters. The working part does not fail either - the repeller supports four modes of operation (silent, maximum, anti-mosquito and small insects). Consumers rank as a disadvantage the dependence on the network, however, if there are terminals, it can be safely connected to a charged battery.

4 "ElectroCat"

High impact efficiency. The presence of two modes of operation
Country Russia
Average price: 1,200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The inexpensive and compact device "ElectroKot" does not have a large range, but levels out such modest indicators with a high efficiency of scaring away small rodents. It is sharpened for the protection of areas up to 200 square meters, both from an outlet and autonomously, which is very good for "deaf" warehouses and non-electrified rooms.

The device is equipped with two operating modes: day and night. In night mode, the standard emission of ultrasonic waves is accompanied by a strong and powerful signal, frightening rodents and increasing the effectiveness of the impact. True, in this case, the presence of people in the same room with the repeller is unacceptable. In the daytime mode, ElectroCat is absolutely harmless to humans, but it is still worth removing guinea pigs and hamsters from the protected area.

3 Typhoon OG.01

Best price. Radiation range up to 90 kHz
Country Russia
Average price: 1,250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The budget ultrasonic mouse repeller "Typhoon" OG.01 will be equally effective both in domestic and industrial conditions. The operating temperature range varies from -15 to +45 degrees, so the device can function almost anywhere. The sound pressure level of 100 dB allows the device to suppress the activity of rodents in an area up to 400 square meters. In addition, the repeller has 2 modes of operation - in continuous mode and in pulses, which allows you to achieve the desired effect in a short time.

In positive reviews, buyers talk about low cost, low (only 9 W) electricity consumption and compact size. The device is installed in just two movements. A special hook is provided for easy wall mounting. The special design of the emitter forms the signal in such a way that even after several reflections from the walls, it retains its power, creating an ultrasonic curtain. To weaknesses consider the insensitivity of some species of rodents to the operation of the device.

2 Chiston-2 PRO

Coverage up to 500 square meters
Country Russia
Average price: 2,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The high-quality rodent repeller Chiston-2 PRO is a powerful device for suppressing the activity of mice and rats on an area of ​​​​500 square meters (the best indicator among competitors). Unlike many other devices, it has the function of partial emission of wave trains, which is much more efficient than a stable exposure level. The device emits a signal in the range from 20 kHz to 70 kHz, which is harmless to humans and pets (except decorative rats, hamsters and guinea pigs).

The advantages of the device in the reviews, users include a radiation angle of 360 degrees, network operation and high reliability. The model is not the smallest and weighs 730 grams, but it is able to emit a wave in all directions, which greatly simplifies the choice of the installation location of the device. The repeller is perfect for warehouses, hangars and other storage facilities. The only downside is the poor build quality.

Video review

The choice of a rodent repeller is very often accompanied by disputes about which devices are better: ultrasonic or electromagnetic. To once and for all remove the question of the advantages and disadvantages of one type or another, check out the comprehensive comparison table:

Repeller type




Safe for the environment

Does not harm humans and pets (except for decorative domestic rodents)

Capable of working continuously (24/7)

Have a negative effect (mainly) on flying insects

Low cost

High prevalence among consumers

Maximum range is higher than electromagnetic models

– Works within the same room (ultrasound does not propagate through walls)

– Reduced efficiency in rooms with sound absorbers (upholstered furniture, vinyl, packing boxes, etc.)


Does not harm the environment

Safe for humans and pets

Continuity of action (with program time intervals)

Magnetic waves travel through walls

Relieves the premises of pests in the voids of the walls and special. floors

Extensive unified coverage area (regardless of the number of wall barriers)

– The area of ​​propagation of magnetic waves is highly dependent on the location of the wiring

1 Tornado 400

Harmless to people and pets
Country Russia
Average price: 2,540 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The powerful ultrasonic rat and mouse repeller Tornado 400 is an excellent choice for the home. The device is equipped with one emitter, the power of which is enough to work in an apartment or a small house. To prevent rodents from adapting to the sound of the device, it automatically switches the frequency of ultrasound. Thus, pests, unable to adapt to such conditions, in most cases will leave the territory. Due to the correctly selected radiation range, the device is harmless to people and does not emit sounds during operation.

Among the strengths of the repeller in the reviews, buyers note silent operation, good quality assembly and long range. In addition, the device does not interfere with household appliances, which allows it to be used everywhere. The radiation area is 400 square meters. The device has small dimensions and weighs only 500 grams, which means it does not take up much space. Among the disadvantages of the device is a small frequency range (from 2 to 10 kHz) and the lack of battery power.

Video review

The best ultrasonic repellers of rodents, insects, animals

There are situations when pests need to be dealt with in a complex way, for example, with moles, mice and bedbugs at the same time. In this case, universal ultrasonic repellers will come to the rescue. The program of their work includes such frequency ranges that cause "anxiety" and a feeling of anxiety in all groups of animals.

5 Smartpest-01

Profitable price
Country: China
Average price: 890 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

A weak household ultrasound device developed by the Chinese company YaSmart and not without characteristic advantages. It does not pretend to be a leader in the segment, thanks to which it has a stable sales and an established segment of consumers. Its range is only 50 square meters - too short for warehouses and private houses, but enough for apartments, garages and basements.

As the main advantages in Smartpest-01, users note silent operation due to the absence of bladed and moving parts, as well as low energy consumption. Compared to the vast majority of competitors, a peak power of 0.5 W looks ridiculous - but that's how much the repeller requires for its work. Good condition for its price, especially considering the durability of use.

4 REXANT 71-0009

Absolutely harmless to people and pets
Country: China
Average price: 570 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Another repeller "at the minimum", the asset of which is replenished with an important fact of pleasant appearance. Its working range is 60 square meters, which leads to its use mainly in apartments, garages or small basements. It has a radiation frequency regulator, thanks to which it is possible to deprive rodents and insects of the possibility of addiction. The key factor in terms of advantages is the absolute harmlessness of the waves emitted by the device for humans and domestic animals (up to hamsters and guinea pigs).

The main disadvantage of REXANT 71-0009 consumers call rare spontaneous failures in work, either associated with waste charger, or with internal electromechanical defects. The problem is solved simply, by periodically monitoring the operation of the model, but still causes some negativity.

3 "Mongoose" SD-042

Efficiency of use. Complex effect on the body of pests
Country Russia
Average price: 1,790 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

An inexpensive ultrasonic repeller that combines three fundamentally different types of emitted waves. When connected to a household network, it begins to emit low ultrasonic pulses of a general irritating effect, as well as (alternately or simultaneously) special waves that have a destructive effect on the auditory and nervous system of pests. The combination of these effects, in fact, is the main feature of the "Mongoose" SD-042 - an unfavorable acoustic background makes rats and mice retreat, looking for a new home.

Users call the disadvantage of the device a small area of ​​​​action - at best, a room up to 100 square meters will be covered by waves. Despite this, the "Mongoose" SD-042 remains one of the most sought-after repellers, for which it receives a well-deserved place in the list of the best.

2 Weitech WK-0600

The best functionality. Two emitters
Country: Belgium
Average price: 6 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

To combat a large number of varieties of pests, the Weitech WK-0600 repeller is suitable - a device with the best functionality in our review. This model has a durable metal body that is inaccessible to rodents. The device works in 9 different modes, each designed for its own class of animals, from spiders and cockroaches to moles. Among other advantages, the device has 2 emitters, which significantly increases its efficiency. Thanks to the sound pressure level of 116 dB, the device works efficiently on an area of ​​up to 350 square meters.

To strengths models in customer reviews include a large number of settings, 3 volume modes and high efficiency. When using the device for 72 hours, a significant reduction in the number of pests will be noticed, and it will take about 2 weeks for it to completely disappear. Disadvantages - slightly overpriced and low operating temperature range.

1 EcoSniper LS-927M

260 degree signal output
Country Russia
Average price: 2,290 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The universal ultrasonic repeller EcoSniper LS-927M will be an excellent solution to the problem of combating any kind of pests. The device is able to serve up to 540 square meters of area, that is, it is suitable for vegetable stores, warehouses and small summer cottages. With a low power consumption - only 1.5 W, the repeller generates a signal with a sound pressure of 135 dB, which makes pests leave the territory much faster. On average, the cycle takes from 3 to 5 weeks. During this time, as a rule, all types of rodents, insects and other animals leave.

Among the advantages of the model in the reviews, users emphasize low cost, a large signal output angle and good build quality. The repeller is completely safe for people, since the range of its radiation (from 25 kHz to 65 kHz) is not heard by the human ear. The operating mode of the device, in which the signal is formed not linear, but with a periodic change in amplitude, is the most effective and allows you to achieve the desired result in a short period of time. Among the disadvantages is the lack autonomous power supply and low efficiency in rooms with a large number of obstacles.

Video review

The best electromagnetic rodent repellers

Unlike ultrasonic repellers, the action of electromagnetic devices is based on the creation of a single magnetic field of a special kind. It is generated thanks to the home electrical network and is distributed throughout the protected area by impulses at certain time intervals. The main advantage of such devices is the virtual absence of interference, since the electromagnetic field, unlike ultrasonic waves, is able to "pass" through the wall. The disadvantage is expressed in a small area of ​​​​action - the radiation of the most powerful devices is capable of covering up to 200 square meters in total.

5 Digital

The veracity of the declared characteristics
Country: China
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Chinese state employee, claiming the nomination of the best ratio of price and technical characteristics. Digital is powered by a 220 V household network and is positioned as a universal model for combating flying insects (mosquitoes, mosquitoes), beetles, mice and rats. Radiation is absolutely safe for humans and pets, with the exception of small decorative rodents (it is better to remove them away from the source). Thanks to the built-in converter, the device responds adequately to changes in the mains frequency from 50 to 60 Hz, which also adds weight to it.

Consumers call the main disadvantage of Digital the low power and, accordingly, the short range, which is no more than 60-80 square meters. Of course, this allows you to completely protect a small apartment (or garage) from pest attacks, but for private houses or large warehouses, such characteristics are clearly not enough.


Best coverage area (230 sqm)
Country: China
Average price: 1,115 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

quality (despite appearance) rodent repeller, equipped with a light indicator for signaling performance in dark rooms. It breaks all stereotypes that the maximum coverage area cannot exceed 200 square meters - here this figure is 30 units higher. Excellent result especially due to its compact size. Persistent radiation has a penetrating ability, due to which it drives out rodents and other pests even from voids in the walls.

As practice shows, mass outflows of rats and mice begin after only two weeks after the inclusion of the EMR-21. As in the case of the Yastreb-200, its weakness is obsolescence, which will sooner or later take the device out of circulation.

3 Riddex Plus

Balanced performance. Enhanced quality
Country: China
Average price: 790 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most popular devices for repelling rodents, the main feature of which is the balance of quality and performance. Manufacturers took a very responsible approach to the issue of protecting the device from negative environmental factors and placed the "stuffing" in a shock-resistant plastic case. It turned out great: Riddex Plus is not afraid of either falls or high humidity (up to 90%). The threshold of the maximum withstand temperature has slightly decreased (+45 degrees Celsius) with the lower temperature unchanged (-30 degrees). The range of propagation of magnetic pulses is 200 square meters - the standard optimum for electromagnetic repellers.

Judging by user reviews, Riddex Plus has only one drawback: it is not able to fight insects. Otherwise, his work does not cause any complaints: safe, inexpensive, effective.

2 Pest Reject

Best Price
Country: China
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Combined rodent and insect repeller combining the dual action of electromagnetic and ultrasonic waves. The area of ​​its action is limited to a range of 200 square meters - this is enough to ensure the safety of houses, apartments, as well as products in the warehouse. Operates exclusively from the household power supply, continuously sending an ultrasonic signal and maintaining the intervals between electromagnetic pulses.

According to users, the effectiveness of Pest Reject becomes visible after two weeks of use - the traces of the presence of rodents (as well as insects) become much less. In turn, the full effect of getting rid of pests is achieved within the next month from the start of application. A good rodent repeller that has come to the domestic market over the past five years.

1 Hawk-200

Proven combined device. User Choice
Country Russia
Average price: 1,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Despite the fact that Yastreb-200 has been on the market for more than 12 years, the efficiency of its use still remains at the level of the best representatives of the segment. Thanks to high power this device is capable of generating electromagnetic waves of more than 200 combinations, leaving no chance for adaptation to rodents and other pests. It is able to work within a wide temperature range - from -45 to +70 degrees Celsius, which increases its value in the seasons of peak cold or hot heat.

The 12-year voyage of the Hawk-200 within the scarer segment did not pass without a trace - the device is slowly but surely moving towards the stage of obsolescence. Actually, this is the only serious complaint about the model - according to steel criteria, it deserves to be among the best devices for repelling rodents.

If you are faced with the problem of controlling rodents and other unwanted guests in your home or household, you will soon be faced with a choice: whether to use an ultrasonic mouse repeller. The Internet is filled with advertisements and flashy signs, each of which says that the device of this manufacturer is the most effective remedy for rodents. Is it really? There are a number of questions that need to be answered:

  • Does ultrasound from mice help?
  • Rat repeller - myth or really works.
  • How to use ultrasound for rats.
  • These cheap repellers are flooding the market, whether they work or not.

There are many such questions, and we will answer them in this article.

Meet the wonder of technology

An ultrasonic mouse repeller is a special device that generates high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) that supposedly repel rodents. An ultrasonic rodent repeller is installed in a room occupied by pests, connected to the network and left there for a while (2-3 weeks). At the same time, the pests do not die, but leave the premises, as they experience inconvenience due to such constant exposure. An ultrasonic rat repeller is essentially the same device, only more powerful. There is a huge variety of ultrasonic devices for mice. The price range of devices from rodents varies from 500 rubles to 10 thousand, and even more.

What you need to know to use electronic repellers

Using a rat and mouse repeller, in fact, is not an easy task, in terms of thoughtfulness and efficiency of use. Let's just say that not any remedy for mice and rats, both ultrasonic and magnetic, will effectively cope with the task in any conditions and environment.

All anti-rodent devices must be used according to certain rules dictated by science and nature. The devices themselves must have certain characteristics. We admit right away that not everything that is distributed on the market is suitable for effective protection. Let's say even more, the bulk of the sold devices from rodents is an outright swindle. Why - you will understand further by reading this article.

For now, let's draw some intermediate conclusions.

These pests can be fought with electronic devices, sometimes even very effectively, but this is not a panacea. To achieve success, you must follow certain rules and use a really working device, which there are actually not many on the market.

Scam or does it really work?

Let's just say it really works. If it didn’t work for you, then you either used a bad rat and mouse repeller, or, if the device was 100% working, you didn’t use it correctly. The principle of operation of the technology is really working. All rodents do not like ultrasound and try to avoid places where such waves are available. But it is important to understand that these waves must be of a certain frequency, and moreover, they must constantly change. Rodents, if there is a lot of food in this place, get used to or tolerate the same frequency for the sake of food. This is more common in rats.

The effect of ultrasound on pests

Ultrasound works against mice. Some people think that such a device emits some kind of radiation that kills animals. But this is not true. The device simply generates high-frequency sound waves that the human ear does not perceive, but rodents hear it. Ultrasound from rats can also be effective. Individual animals react differently to this stimulus.

According to scientists, frequencies that cause panic or anxiety in rodents should be more than 20 kilohertz. In addition to frequency, sound pressure is important. Numerous experiments have shown that this value should be more than 110 decibels. The pests definitely won't like it. The frequency of ultrasound must constantly change, since we cannot initially know exactly which frequency will cause anxiety and panic in rodents, and which will not. Also, this condition is necessary to avoid getting used to a certain frequency.

Effects of ultrasound on humans and pets

Here everything is individual. For good, a person is generally not susceptible to ultrasound, unlike rodents, as well as other small animals. So if you did everything right, and your repeller is working, then the mice will run away. And here are your hamsters, rats, guinea pigs, etc. will feel bad. They will be constantly in a state of anxiety, panic, will try to hide or run away, stop eating. There have been observations that dogs and cats have also sometimes shown anxiety. By the way, if you have hamsters or pigs, with their help you will find out if the ultrasonic device that you have will help get rid of rodents.

There are devices on the market that allegedly expel mice using an electromagnetic field. And this is the real deal. We are exposed to thousands of electromagnetic fields every day, along with mice that need to be disposed of. We live among them and nothing happens.

Conditions under which the device will actually work

Requirements for the place of use

Such requirements arise due to the properties of ultrasound. The wave is reflected from hard surfaces and absorbed by soft ones. Therefore, in a house with stone walls, for example, ultrasound will only work in this room. If there is a lot of something soft in the room, for example, a full warehouse, then the ultrasound device will not be effective here due to the absorption of waves.

  1. A room with hard, thick walls reflects the waves inward, thus improving the impact. AT this case the use of the device is relevant only for this room, since ultrasound practically does not penetrate into other rooms.
  2. Great inconvenience to use will create rooms filled with something unstable, such as pantries, storages and warehouses of grain or things. The waves will be absorbed and the mice will hide under or behind these obstacles but not leave.
  3. The correct placement of the device is important, which should be in the middle of the room and spread waves in all directions, and not in one direction.
  4. Lack of food baits or products. Rodents will be attracted to food despite the inconvenience of the ultrasound.

Requirements for the device itself

The repeller will actually work against rodents if the following conditions are met:

  1. The frequency of ultrasound must constantly change, and the wider the range, the better.
  2. Ultrasound travels 360 degrees from the instrument
  3. Force pressure more than 100-110 dB
  4. The impact area (one of the characteristics of the devices) corresponds to the area of ​​​​your room (be a little more)

Only if all these conditions are present, the control of rodents with the help of ultrasound will be effective.

What the market offers

What sellers offer to fight rats and mice electronic methods? There are hundreds of items, the price range is huge. One golden rule works here: the cheaper the device and the more the seller praises it, hinting at high efficiency at a low price, the worse this device is, accordingly. Based on numerous experiments, it is clear that none of these cheap plastic boxes work. Some manufacturers offer devices that just ... meow. Well, like a real cat. The mice get scared and, like, run away. The cartoons must have been revised. Of course, this is already completely frivolous.

Ultrasonic devices

Let's say right away, the ultrasonic mouse and rat repeller is the only type of device that really works. And it should be only ultrasonic. Electromagnetic fields, meowing substitutes for cats, generators of alien radiation, etc. do not work against rats and mice. Only ultrasound. And point. There are really working devices for repelling rodents with ultrasound.

Electromagnetic devices

We have already talked about the electromagnetic effect. None of these supposedly effective ones work in practice. Perhaps the device affects mosquitoes, flies, snakes. But certainly electromagnetic repellers will not affect mammals in any way. Electromagnetic rodent repeller - in the furnace.

Combined appliances

Combined mouse repeller includes additional functions. It may have on board, for example, an electromagnetic mosquito repeller. Such a device from rodents and insects has not the most low price but its effectiveness has not been proven. This gadget does not suit us. If we really want to scare away and drive out rodents, we need a good (= not cheap) ultrasonic repeller.

Really effective repellers

In our country, few good repellers of rats and mice are sold. There are also a couple of industrial options that also work. But you won't use them as they are very expensive and not recommended for residential use due to very fast frequency change and high sound pressure.

Bioguard - a very effective repeller

There are a number of conditionally working devices that can be used, for example, as a car rat and mouse repeller after a small independent alteration. Why conditional, you ask. We answer:

Basically, they work

The sound pressure force is weak, scare away only in the immediate vicinity

A narrow sector of wave propagation, that is, they act narrowly in some sector, not on the whole room

Conditionally working repellers

Here we note those devices, about which quite often, along with bad ones, there are also good feedback online. These devices can be used for some local purposes in full compliance with the instructions:

EcoSniper LS-927M

Rats and mice repeller Tornado

Typhoon OG 01

Really working repellers

Chiston-2 Pro is the best rat and mouse repeller available on the market. This statement is confirmed by experiments and reviews of people. Chiston-2 PRO corresponds to the declared characteristics. Changes the frequency, spreads the waves 360 degrees, the volume is more than 110 dB. Other manufacturers do not have such a circular radiation pattern. Why is it important? Because with a narrowly targeted repeller, the animals quickly get used to it, and bypass it, remaining in areas of the room where the device’s impact does not reach. The device completely covers the sector, and therefore is the most effective repeller of rats and mice. It costs about 2700 rubles.

Chiston 2 is a similar device, just smaller and weaker in performance. Suitable for a small space. Price 2300 rubles

Bioguard - a device of the same manufacturer, has a high impact power and sound pressure force of 130 dB. Price 4500 rubles

TM-315 - the most expensive repeller on the market, costs about 11,000 rubles. The use of the device is rational at industrial facilities

Beware of fakes and aggressive marketing

Cheap super duper repellers are just aggressive marketing, selling something that doesn't really cost anything. Don't be fooled by the bright wrapper. Really working devices can be counted on the fingers. Read the articles, look at the reviews on YouTube - see for yourself. Sound rodent repellers (make audible sounds, such as meowing) are also not effective. Yes, such a device will scare away the mouse a couple of times. But then the animal will get used to it, understand that there is no danger, and stop paying attention to it.

"Tornado" are ultrasonic repellers that have gained recognition among ordinary users and specialists. The presented line of products has many innovations and is produced in Russia.

A distinctive feature of the entire Tornado series is the ability to use it in a variety of weather conditions - from frost at 40 degrees to heat at +60.

You can buy a reliable and inexpensive ultrasonic rodent repeller "Tornado" in Moscow by placing an order in our store.

Ultrasonic repellers "Ekosniper" do not harm the environment, pets and the person himself, since their work does not provide for the use of harmful chemicals, poisons and other similar methods of control. The main principle of operation of the devices is to create conditions by means of special radiation or vibrations in which mice and rats cannot exist normally.

You can buy a reliable and inexpensive ultrasonic rodent repeller "Ecosniper" at a low price in Moscow by placing an order on our website.

Modern ultrasonic rodent repellers "Grad" are powerful devices that are perfect for domestic and industrial conditions. They create a unique set of ultrasounds that never repeats and negatively affects the nervous system of pests. As a result, they have to leave from their usual habitats.

Buy a high-quality and inexpensive ultrasonic rodent repeller "Grad" at affordable price in Moscow, you can leave an order in our store.

Chiston ultrasonic repellers are designed to protect any object from all kinds of hated rodents that can incur losses. The range includes devices that can protect a room up to 800 sq.m. Devices create powerful ultrasonic vibrations that irritate and repel rodents. However, they do not affect the functioning of all other devices in the room where they are installed.

You can buy a reliable and inexpensive ultrasonic rodent repeller "Chiston" at an affordable price in Moscow by placing an order in our store.

The useless fight with poisons and other methods with aggressive rodents is a thing of the past, because now there is a line of powerful Weitech devices. Ultrasonic devices are designed to quickly get rid of rodents and are highly effective.

Ultrasound gives mice and rats enormous inconvenience and even plunges them into panic and fear. As a result, they are not able to fully live in the territory where the repeller is constantly working.

You can buy a reliable and inexpensive ultrasonic rodent repeller "Weitech" at an affordable price in Moscow by leaving an order in our store.

You can buy a high-quality and inexpensive ultrasonic rodent repeller "Sititek" at a low price in Moscow by leaving an order in our online store.

Repellers "Electrokot" repel rats, mice and other rodents by means of ultrasound. The devices can be used both at home and in industrial premises, such as warehouses, barns for storing food, grain, etc. In addition to the effective action of ultrasound itself, the device has a powerful light effect.

You can profitably purchase a high-quality and reliable ultrasonic rodent repeller "Electrokot" in Moscow by leaving an order in our online store.

Devices of the "Typhoon" series are an effective tool for protecting various premises, including residential ones, from rodents (rats, mice, etc.). Devices can be installed in industrial and commercial premises (in shops, restaurants, warehouses, vegetable stores, granaries), as well as in household premises (in an apartment, in a house, in a shed, in a country house, in a cellar).

To purchase an ultrasonic rodent repeller "Typhoon" in Moscow, it is enough to place an order in the "Rodent Repellers" online store.

The most dangerous pests are mice and rats. They spoil food, furniture and walls, and also act as carriers of various diseases. You can get rid of pests with the help of mousetraps, poison baits or an innovative method - a repeller. Such a device is safe for people and does not kill rodents, but only drives them away from the premises. Which rat and mouse repeller is better to choose, how does it work and what are its advantages and disadvantages?


The ultrasonic repeller emits high frequency sound vibrations that exceed 20 kHz. They are absolutely not perceptible to humans. But pests are very sensitive to them, so they are forced to leave their homes in search of a new, more comfortable one for them.

Principle of operation: the device is connected to a 220 W power supply and emits ultrasonic waves that oscillate in the range of 20-70 kHz. Changing frequencies does not allow pests to get used to ultrasound and adapt to new conditions. The action of ultrasound extends to an area of ​​up to 50 m².

It is better to place the device in the center of the room from which rodents should be removed. The device should be placed on a table or stool so that it is at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the floor. Primary processing of the premises should last at least 24 hours. After the allotted time, turn off the device and take a break for 10-12 hours. Then reconnect the device and use it until the rodents are completely gone. As a rule, rats and mice disappear irrevocably after 2-3 weeks. In order to prevent the appearance of pests or enhance the effect, turn on the device once a week for 12 hours.

The advantages of the ultrasonic rat and mouse repeller: it does not contain chemicals, it is safe for people, it can work continuously for a long time. In addition to rodents, the device repels insects and other pests.

The disadvantage of an ultrasonic repeller is that some pets and birds are also susceptible to sound waves, in particular, hamsters, guinea pigs and other rodent mammals. They experience discomfort, become overly active or, conversely, lethargic. To avoid negative influence, install the device in the attic or basement. If possible, give the pet to parents or friends for a while.

Another drawback is that the efficiency of the device is reduced in the presence of barriers to waves - walls and sound absorbers (carpets, upholstered furniture, etc.). This feature makes it necessary to use the device separately in each room of the room in order to accurately get rid of pests.

Electromagnetic repellers

Such devices send magnetic pulses passing through an electric field, which create unbearable conditions for the life of rodents. The main advantage of such a rat and mouse repeller is that it affects the entire house or room where it is located. He is not afraid of obstacles in the form of walls, partitions and furniture, but metal structures can delay impulses. It affects the area up to 200 m 2 . People and pets are not susceptible to such exposure, but pests will disappear from the building after 10-20 days.

Features of the action: in the first days of using an electromagnetic repeller, an increase in pest activity is possible, but after 10-15 days they will begin to disappear.

Advantages: environmental friendliness, the ability of the repeller to work continuously for a long time. It does not adversely affect electrical appliances and is safe for animals and people. Electromagnetic impulses pass through walls and ceilings, effectively repelling pests from the entire building.

The disadvantage of repellers is the need for the correct location of the wires. According to the instructions, the wiring must go through all the panels in order to create an electromagnetic field. Failure to comply with the rule disrupts the operation of the device, so most users prefer ultrasonic repellers.


Combined rat and mouse repellers combine ultrasonic waves and exposure to electromagnetic field pulses. Such influence does not give pests a chance to adapt to new conditions. This causes them to permanently leave the premises. Another advantage is that the combined appliance allows you to use it in different rooms, regardless of the area and other factors. The disadvantage of the device is a rather high cost.

The choice of a rat and mouse repeller is quite complicated. First of all, it is worth considering the number of rodents, the area and purpose of the room, the presence of pets and things (upholstered furniture, metal structures, etc.).

An ultrasonic device will help get rid of rodents in a small room (up to 50 m 2), for example, in a cellar, pantry or garage. To remove pests from a large area (from a basement, house or barn), use an electromagnetic repeller.

Give preference to electrical appliances. This requirement is due to the fact that the effective removal of rodents requires continuous operation of the device for 10–30 days. Rechargeable batteries they are discharged quickly enough, so you will have to constantly monitor the work of the repeller, losing your time.

For a small room, an ultrasonic repeller for rats and mice is suitable, for a large area - an electromagnetic repeller.

Many devices are equipped with a timer and a regulator that allows you to control the radiation mode. This facilitates management and allows you to achieve maximum effect.

The rodent repeller must work quietly. A person should not feel the impulses and sounds emitted by the device, otherwise this is a sure sign of a device malfunction or its poor quality. Constant vibrations and noise interfere with the usual rhythm of human life and negatively affect well-being. To avoid adverse consequences, give preference to repellers, the quality of which is confirmed by certificates. All devices must emit sound up to 50 dB, otherwise their use is strictly prohibited in residential areas.

Pay attention to the manufacturer of the device. Choose devices of well-known brands that have proven themselves in the market and have positive reviews. The Tornado, Grad and Tsunami models are especially popular.

Not the last role in the choice of the device is played by its cost. The price depends on many factors: the manufacturer, the cultivated area, the frequency of sound and impulses, as well as the time after which the rodents disappear.

Special repellers will help get rid of mice and rats in the room. When choosing a device, pay attention to the principle of its operation, the cultivated area and other nuances. Read reviews before buying specific model and compare specifications multiple appliances.

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