In what year was Nokia founded? Important milestones in the history of Nokia and a bit of patriotism

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This week the world was introduced new smartphone Lumia 535. However, the most important thing about this gadget is not the screen size, the operating system or the number of megapixels in the camera. This is the first Lumia, which was released not under the Nokia brand, but under the Microsoft brand. Thus, in the history of the once largest world manufacturer mobile phones a period is put. This material contains phones that both brought Nokia global dominance and became a symbol of the decline of the Finnish brand.


Mobira Talkman

The first mobile phone. Weighed 5.5 kg. Worked in NMT-450 standard networks. Charging time - 8 hours.

Nokia Cityman

This is one of the first Nokia mobile phones. Of those reading this text, probably hardly anyone has used this tube. This is a phone from those times when the GSM standard had not even come to Russia yet. This handset worked in NMT-450 networks, the services of which were represented in Russia in the early 90s by the MCC company - “Moskovskaya cellular communication" The phone weighed 760 grams. Charging time was 4 hours and provided 50 minutes of talk time. If we convert Finnish marks into euros, the device cost about €4.5 thousand. At that time it was a symbol of prosperity.

Nokia 5110

This is a phone from the GSM era. It was remarkable in several ways. Firstly, it was absolutely “indestructible” - durable, reliable, and the battery could work seemingly endlessly. Secondly, it was a handset with replaceable front panels - the owner could customize the phone for himself. And thirdly, the famous Snake game appeared on this phone for the first time.

Nokia 8110

Ergonomic phone with a curved body shape. For which in Russia he deservedly received the nickname “banana”. Equipped with a sliding lid-slider. It was advertised as a phone that follows the shape of the face. It was really quite convenient to speak on it. However, the curved shape also had disadvantages - for example, the phone was inconvenient to carry in jeans pockets.

Nokia 7110

A very advanced model for its time. In this handset, unlike the Nokia 8110, an active slider was already implemented - sliding the lid down activated the call answering function, and pushing the slider back meant the end of the conversation and was similar to pressing the red button. In addition, the phone was equipped with a NaviRoller wheel, which allowed you not to “click” menus or messages using the up and down buttons, but to scroll it in the same way as when scrolling through pages with a wheel computer mouse. And besides, it was a phone that could access the Internet and was equipped with a WAP browser.

Nokia 9000 Communicator

The predecessor of modern smartphones. Appeared in 1996. Weighed almost 400 grams. Equipped Intel processor i386. It had 8 megabytes of built-in memory. Moreover, the user had only 2 megabytes left for data storage: 4 were spent on built-in applications, 2 were reserved for program memory.

Nokia 3210

This was one of Nokia's most popular models - the company sold 160 million of these handsets worldwide. We loved this phone for its reliability and reliability. And by the way, it was one of the first models in the world where there was no external antenna. In this phone it was already hidden in the body of the device.

Nokia 3310

Iconic model. "Chuck Norris" among mobile phones. Almost 130 million pipes have been sold worldwide. Why? Well, for example, the phone's standby time was 10 days! The phone was incredibly durable - it could be dropped or thrown without any fear that the device would stop working.

Nokia 6810

A very advanced flip phone from Nokia. The device had two keyboards. One was a regular face keypad that you could use to dial a phone number to make calls. But the device folded out like a butterfly, and in this form the user received a full-fledged QWERTY keyboard for quickly and conveniently writing SMS messages.

Nokia 7600 and Nokia 7280

Nokia 7280 These are two “female” devices. The first was positioned as a phone-decoration that had to be worn around the neck on a special ribbon. However, it turned out to be large, bulky and heavy, and therefore was more often used as a regular pocket phone. However, despite its pretentiousness, this model was not at all popular. However, at that time Nokia still had the right to conduct such experiments.

The second model - Nokia 7280 - was positioned as a phone made in the shape of a lipstick. The device did not have a keyboard. To dial a number, you had to long press a special key to enter the appropriate mode, where you could use a rotating wheel to select the desired number, press the “OK” button, and then repeat the operation of selecting a number. Writing an SMS was accompanied by even greater torment - each letter also had to be selected from the alphabet on a tiny display.

Nokia E71

The answer to Nokia Blackberry. Equipped with a full QWERTY keyboard. In 2008-2009 he received a number of international awards, such as best smartphone year. It was very popular among those who remained loyal to the Nokia brand and did not switch to the iPhone.

Nokia 5800

The first iPhone was presented to the public in January 2007 and went on sale at the end of June. Everyone was waiting to see what Nokia's response would be - based on the sales results of Steve Jobs' brainchild, it was clear that the Finnish giant had underestimated the danger emanating from Cupertino. Nokia introduced the 5800 more than a year after the release of the iPhone - in October 2008. Sales started in November. However, the device could not compete with the iPhone - Nokia had a smaller one than iPhone screen, an outdated Symbian operating system, some functions were completely missing - for example, double-touch. In addition, the device was unpleasant to use - the plastic creaked in your hands during operation. It did not add to the popularity that the smartphone was supplied with defective headphones - Nokia, of course, replaced them under warranty, and then completely changed the supplier, but trust was undermined, and the hopes of Nokia fans were destroyed.

People who came to buy Nokia 5800 in showrooms on the days when sales began came out disappointed and empty-handed. Nokia 5800 did not become an “iPhone killer”, but it can be fully called a Nokia killer. By the way, the Finns managed to sell only 8 million handsets of the 5800 model.

Revival of Nokia - is it possible?

Tomorrow - November 17 - Nokia will present a new strategy for its development. General manager Rajeev Suri said that the Nokia brand is still powerful and the company intends to return to the consumer market. Theoretically Nokia phones may appear on store shelves again. The fact is that Microsoft does not own the Nokia brand. But Nokia itself can use it in smartphones, phones and other gadgets only from 2016. So it is possible that in a little over a year a newcomer will appear on the market mobile devices- Nokia company.

Manufacturer Nokia

Nokia is a Finnish transnational company with the full official name Nokia Oyj. This is a leading company specializing in the creation of flexible communication technologies and the supply of equipment for IP networks different types: fixed, broadband and mobile. Nokia is famous for its smartphones and cell phones. According to 2007 information, the company ranks first in the world in the production of mobile phones.

The company was born in 1865, its founder is Frederic Idestam, a mining engineer by training. The company originated as a paper mill; it began creating electronics only in the 80s of the last century. In 1989, Nokia created and sold GSM network equipment to the Finnish operator Radiolinija, and in 1992 the company created the Nokia 1011 GSM phone, the company's first mobile phone. In 1994, Nokia President Jorma Ollila formulated the company's strategic line: a transition from previously carried out activities to a business related to telecommunications technologies.

In 2006, Nokia entered the list of famous global companies and took 20th place in this list compiled by Fortune magazine. Few people have achieved such results. The result achieved by Nokia was the best among telecommunications firms; it was the fourth best among telecommunications firms located outside America.

Nokia cell phones and smartphones are of interest to consumers due to their proprietary design, convenient and accessible interface, high reliability and high-quality assembly.

*country of manufacturer means the country in which the brand was founded and its headquarters are based

Before moving on to the details of the press release of the American company Microsoft published today, which officially confirms rumors that have been circulating for some time about the sale of the telephone business to the Chinese giant Foxconn, I would like to draw attention to the fact that this is a major deal, but a sale entry-level phone assets. This means the entire budget line of push-button devices produced by Microsoft under the Nokia brand. The new owner of these assets will be FIH Mobile Ltd. (a subsidiary of Hon Hai/Foxconn Technology Group) and HMD Global, Oy.

As for the roots of HMD Global, there is a world-famous company behind it. Let us recall that, for its part, Nokia announced the conclusion of a strategic license agreement with HMD Global regarding intellectual property and branding, under which HMD Global will be able to create next-generation phones and tablets under the Nokia brand over the next ten years. However, HMD Global is a new company located in Finland and founded specifically to independently work on phones, smartphones and tablets under the Nokia brand.

If we talk about smartphones and tablets under the Nokia brand, then their future is clearly associated with the operating Android system. The Nokia N1 tablet quickly gained popularity and showed both the correctness of this approach and the fact that it is too early to consign the beloved Nokia brand to history.

Returning directly to the deal, let us quote the press center of the American software giant, which published the following message:

“Microsoft Corporation announced that it has reached an agreement to sell its entry-level phone assets to FIH Mobile Ltd. (a subsidiary of Hon Hai/Foxconn Technology Group) and HMD Global, Oy for US$350 million. Also part of the deal is the acquisition by FIH Mobile Ltd. Microsoft Mobile Vietnam, the company's manufacturing division in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Upon closing of this transaction, approximately 4,500 employees will transfer or have the opportunity to join FIH Mobile Ltd. or HMD Global, Oy in accordance with the requirements of local legislation.

Microsoft will continue to develop Windows 10 Mobile and support Lumia phones such as the Lumia 650, Lumia 950 and Lumia 950XL, as well as phones from OEM partners such as Acer, Alcatel, HP, Trinity and VAIO.

As part of the deal, Microsoft will transfer all assets associated with entry-level phones, including brand names, software and services, service network and other assets, including partner contacts and key supply contracts, in accordance with the requirements of local legislation. The expected closing date for the transaction is the second half of 2016, subject to regulatory approvals and other closing conditions.”

This means that by the end of 2016, the mobile phone market will be replenished with a new, long-familiar player.

We welcome you again, our dear readers, who are so partial to the latest in the diverse world of modern gadgets.

But today I want to talk not only about a new product, but about the revival of the world-famous Nokia brand, also about who bought the Nokia company and what new products we should expect under such a sonorous name.

"Good old" Nokia

Many of those present here remember these mobile phones very well. Even at the dawn of the mass globalization of mobile communications, we with trepidation picked up miniature and not very new Nokia mobile phones and listened to assurances from sellers about their exceptional practicality and quality, about the amazing “survivability” of the battery.

And what was the value then of the unique and extremely pleasant polyphony of those Nokias - literally the “singing of a nightingale” among the sound of phones from other manufacturers.

But on this nostalgic note, it’s worth waking up from memories of the past and moving directly to the reason for which we have gathered here today.

Yes, Nokia is back with us, updated and modern, and as a sign of her past achievements in the world of mobile communications, she is worthy of an extensive consideration of her rich history with a happy... no, not an end, but a continuation.

From the history of the mobile brand

As you know, Nokia was originally a Finnish company, and until 2011 it had the largest share in the world of push-button mobile phones.

But the company began much earlier. In 1865, engineer Frederik Idestam founded a small paper mill in Tampere, in southwestern Finland. The company became known as Nokia Ab six years later, after the name of the town of Nokia on the river of the same name. They say that once upon a time there were places especially favored by black sables (nokia in Finnish).

Over the more than century-long history of its existence, the company has transformed its business, producing at the same time rubber products, cables, PCs, televisions, household appliances, communications and military equipment, shoes and much more. The company began actively producing electronics and entering this industry completely in the 80s of the last century.

Until recently, a strong company, Nokia began to lose its influence only a few years ago, since push-button phones began to become a thing of the past, and smartphones literally captured the market and all our attention.

Even such a large old familiar company, which for so long pleased us with the most reliable mobile phones, has become difficult to compete with ultra-modern touchscreen models with all sorts of bells and whistles. And just as the dinosaurs became extinct in their time, the good Nokia ran the risk of sinking into oblivion.

At some point, from 2011 to 2014, the company stubbornly climbed up the mountain and its new offering was based on the operating system Windows Phone. But the situation was not saved - the new OS was not in great demand, because, despite the user-friendly interface and pleasant stylish appearance, it could not compare with the ease of “flight” different versions.

In 2014, the heads of the company sold the mobile phone segment to Microsoft. But at the end of 2016, the brand received its revival, because part of the rights to it were purchased from the giant corporation of its “home” by the Finnish company HMD Global together with Nokia.

And this year we were presented with innovative approaches to the vision of modern push-button phones and smartphones on Android that caused great excitement: Nokia under serial numbers 3, 5, 6 and 8.

New Nokia 8

The flagship smartphone Nokia 8 was presented on August 16 in London, and it reached our consumers in September and received absolutely positive reviews on Yandex Market.

The body of the new smartphone is machined from cast aircraft aluminum. Literally “magical” in performance, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset provides ideal fast work systems. And the functions of very fast battery charging and protection against overheating of the smartphone make it very convenient and durable.

Everything is good here: wonderful ZEISS optics, a 13 MP front camera, and Dual-Sight technology with two-way broadcasting from both cameras.

AliExpress today offers stylish Nokia in 8 different shades: indigo, copper and steel in glossy and matte finishes.

Future smartphones - what makes them special

Nokia 9 is literally awaited after its success previous flagship. HMD Global will soon offer us a cool water-resistant smartphone with a fashionable frameless display and a pair of cameras, equipped powerful processor Snapdragon 835.

Nokia 2 will be, according to the creators, the company’s most affordable smartphone for any wallet. It will combine the stylish simplicity of modernity and functionality: an excellent battery, a small screen, but two cameras, a Snapdragon 212 processor and 16GB memory, as well as the “fresh” Android 7.0 Nougat in the system.

Well then, dear friends. Now you know how the history of the incomparable mobile brand developed and continued Nokia phones, who owns it now and what is it called.

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There was a site with you

When everyone had already come to terms with the idea that Nokia were phones from the past, the company released a new smartphone. Technically, this was not exactly done by Nokia: in 2016, the Finnish HMD bought the right to sell mobile phones under the Nokia brand from Microsoft. On January 8, the manufacturer presented Nokia 6 - stylish and inexpensive smartphone on Android based, which will be sold exclusively in China. The new product will have to compete for Chinese buyers with such popular local brands as Oppo, Vivo, Huawei and Xiaomi.

(Total 17 photos)

Nokia 6 screen diagonal is 5.5 inches, resolution is 1920×1080 pixels. The smartphone is powered by a Snapdragon 430 processor, has a rear camera with a maximum resolution of 16 megapixels and front camera with a resolution of 8 megapixels, and RAM 4 GB. The phone body is made of aluminum, which is quite rare for such budget models. All this splendor will cost 1,700 yuan ($245).

The company bet on Chinese market no coincidence: according to her calculations, more than 550 million people in China use smartphones, which is almost twice the entire population of the United States. Time will tell whether this is the right move for the company, but for now let’s remember how Nokia, step by step, won the hearts (and ears) of the whole world.

1963: The Finnish company Nokia's first attempt to enter the telecommunications market was the production of radiotelephones for the army and emergency services.

1982: The Mobira Senator appeared in 1982 and was one of the first true mobile phones. Nokia's telecommunications division emerged through the company's merger with Salora OY. Both companies produced portable telephone sets under the Mobira brand. Only in 1989 Nokia began producing phones under its own brand.

1987: Nokia introduced its first handheld mobile phone - Mobira Cityman, which weighed almost 800 grams. The model was nicknamed “Gorba” in honor of USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev, who used it.

1992: Nokia decided to focus solely on mobile phones and network infrastructure and exit the rubber, cable and consumer electronics businesses. Nokia 1011 was the first portable phone company developed for the GSM communication standard, which in 1987 became the European standard for digital mobile technologies. The phone weighed 475 grams, it notebook could hold 99 contacts and could display two lines of black and white text on the screen. The model was equipped with a retractable antenna and had modest SMS functionality.

1994: Nokia 2110 was the first model with a proprietary ringtone, which became a real hit.

1996: Nokia 8110, one of the first slider phones, was extremely popular. This is the model that Keanu Reeves’ hero uses in the cult film “The Matrix”. Now such a phone can be bought on eBay for three thousand dollars.

1999: Nokia 3210 became the first mobile phone for both adults and teenagers. It could be used to make calls, send SMS messages, and also play the legendary built-in game “Snake”. This model catapulted the company to the top of the mobile phone market, where it remained for the next 14 years. In 2000, such a phone cost about $85, and now it sells on eBay for $6,700.

2000: Nokia 3310 followed the incredibly popular 3210, and with it came new versions of favorites mobile games. In particular, Snake 2 made this Nokia model very popular. Two years later, the company released the 3410, an improved version of the model with increased screen resolution, separate buttons for answering and rejecting calls, animated screen savers and various games.

2003: The Nokia 1100 is a very easy to manufacture and use mobile phone and remains the best selling mobile phone in history. In total, more than 250 million of these phones were purchased. It is also the best-selling consumer electronics model in the world. Nokia 1100 was aimed at developing countries and gave the opportunity to communicate to many people who previously could not afford mobile communications. In 2005, Nokia sold its billionth phone and it was the Nokia 1100, bought in Nigeria.

2005: Nokia N90, phone and camera, became the first Nokia smartphone. It was an advanced model that supported Wi-Fi, 3G and multimedia, including video, music and web surfing. The model was released simultaneously with the N91 and N70, which were also considered smartphones. The N90's rotating screen turned a mobile phone into a portable video camera. The gadget was equipped with a 2-megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss lenses and LED flash.

2006: The 5800's predecessor, the Nokia 5310 XpressMusic, was introduced in 2006. Sales reached 10 million units. The phone supported GPRS Internet communication channel.

2007: Nokia has released some truly impressive smartphone models. The N95 in particular was very powerful and advanced for its time. This phone has been equipped quality camera and many features that we have become accustomed to taking for granted in operating systems such as iOS and Android.

2007: Nokia NGage was both a smartphone and a games console. They sold three million units. The photo shows an improved version released in 2007, although the first generation of such smartphones appeared in 2004.

2008: The 5800 XpressMusic was Nokia's answer to the iPhone, which had appeared a year earlier. This was the first Nokia model with touch screen. Sales reached 13 million units.

2009: The X6 has become Nokia's flagship smartphone for music lovers. The smartphone supported access to social media, as well as Nokia Ovi maps. The model was available in two versions: with a memory card of 8 GB and 16 GB.

2013: basic model Nokia Lumia The 520 was introduced at the Mobile World Congress in 2013. Instead of operating system The Symbian smartphone ran on Windows. After the release, the model sold well, but Nokia began to have difficulties. In 2014, Microsoft announced plans to acquire Nokia's mobile phone business for €5.44 billion.

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