Virtual MIDI keyboard download torrent.

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Anvil Studio– a program for working with music. Its distinctive feature is full support for midi keyboards and other devices. The program itself has a built-in sequencer. Anvil Studio allows you to both record music in real time, on the already mentioned keyboard, and edit it using a stave, piano roll, or using a guitar neck. In general, it all depends on the musician. In addition, Anvil Studio allows you to change all MIDI data in real time, which is very convenient in some cases. In general, the interface of this program is quite simple and understandable. The program is capable of recording sound simultaneously from eight sources and working with 8 channels, which is quite good for free program. Of course, the set of effects in this program leaves much to be desired, but the developers have added the ability to connect various modules and plugins. This way, you can customize Anvil Studio solely to suit your needs. We must warn you that the program's interface is in English. This, of course, is not news for professional arrangers, since even paid analogues programs are rarely Russified, but for regular user this may come as an unpleasant surprise.

- Support for midi keyboard and other devices.
- Built-in sequencer.
- The ability to work with music in a format convenient for you. .
- The program can record sound and process it.
- Supports up to 8 channels.
- Ability to change midi data in real time.
- High speed work.
- Support for various plugins and plugins.
- Clear and simple interface.

Disadvantages of the program

- Has closed source code.
- There is no portable version.
- There is no Russian language.

- Processor with a clock frequency of 1500 MHz or more powerful.
- RAM 512 MB or more.
- Free space on a hard drive of 8 MB.
- Any sound card compatible with the system.
- 32-bit or 64-bit architecture (x86 or x64).
- operating system Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Music Making: Comparison Charts

Program name In Russian Distributions Installer Popularity Size Index
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 2.6 MB 88
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 28.1 MB 100
0 676 MB 100

To turn a computer into a synthesizer we need the following software:

  • Virtual synthesizer. Used as a tone generator, which will allow you to get high-quality sound compared to the sound of a built-in synthesizer sound card.
  • ASIO driver. Necessary to significantly reduce sound delay after pressing a key (if you have a sound card with ASIO support, then you do not need to install this driver).
  • Virtual MIDI Cable Driver. Used to connect a virtual MIDI keyboard to a virtual synthesizer.
  • Virtual MIDI keyboard. We will play on computer keyboard, so only one that can work through a computer keyboard is suitable.

Install, for example, the following software:

  • Korg M1 - software synthesizer from the Korg Lagacy Collection package
  • ASIO4ALL - universal ASIO driver
  • Midi Yoke (Windows 7 64 does not support) or free LoopBe1 - virtual MIDI cable
  • Bome's Mouse Keyboard - a virtual keyboard that supports control via a computer keyboard

The sound can also be played through the built-in speaker of the laptop, but in order to avoid very serious disappointments, it is better to immediately connect external speakers or headphones to the computer.

After installing all programs, restart your computer.

Setting up programs is very simple. Launch Bome's Mouse Keyboard and set the MIDI output port to LoopBe Internal MIDI (or Out to MIDI Yoke: 1) (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Setting up the MIDI output port in Bome's Mouse Keyboard.

The input port in the Midi In main menu item should be set to "none" (if controlled from a computer keyboard).

If you are using the LoopBe program, you must launch LoopBe1 Monitor and uncheck the Mute field (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Enable LoopBe.

Open the Korg M1 program window. Enter the settings window using the System|Preferences main menu command and configure the parameters in the same way as shown in Figures 3 and 4. Here you can specify required driver ASIO and MIDI input port (which is the output port in Bome's Mouse Keyboard).

Rice. 3. Setting up an audio device in the Korg M1 program.

Rice. 4. Setting up MIDI in the Korg M1 program.

Click the cursor on a key on the program keyboard. If there is sound, then sound device for Korg M1 configured.

Launch the ASIO4ALL offline settings window and check in the list of WDM devices whether the desired sound card is enabled (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. ASIO4ALL settings window.

The Scarlett 2i4 USB audio card has ASIO support, so it is shown here as an example, and in practice ASIO4ALL is not required in this case.

Activate the Bome's Mouse Keyboard window and press any alphanumeric keys. If there is no sound, then check the entire signal chain, starting from whether the computer plays audio files at all. The reasons for the lack of sound can be different:

  • Incorrect audio devices are specified in the programs being used.
  • The MIDI ports for communication between the synthesizer and virtual keyboard
  • The sound is turned off somewhere (in LoopBe or the mixer)
  • Problems with the sound card driver
  • Software inconsistency

If the sound is coming with a clear delay relative to pressing the keys, then you can experiment with the ASIO4ALL settings. As the ASIO buffer size decreases, latency decreases, but system stability also decreases. For example, on an old single-core AMD 64 3000+, even without settings it was very comfortable to play.


Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a MIDI event generator and receiver. The program does not produce any sound on its own, but can be used to control a MIDI synthesizer (hardware, software or external). You can use your computer keyboard to play MIDI notes, and also your mouse. You can use the Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard to display played MIDI notes from another instrument or MIDI file player. To do this, connect the MIDI port to the VMPK input port.

Gymnopédie No. 1, E. Satie (1866–1925), performed with MuseScore and VMPK on Linux

VMPK has been tested on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX, but you may be able to build it on other systems as well. If you do this, write the author a letter.

Virtual Keyboard (vkeybd), written by Takashi Iway, was the inspiration for writing this application. This is a wonderful program that has served us well over the years. Thank you!

VMPK uses a modern graphics library: Qt5, which is excellent in its capabilities and functionality. provides MIDI I/O capabilities. Both libraries are free and platform independent, available for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.

Alphanumeric key bindings can be configured within the program itself using GUI, and the settings are stored in XML files. Made some binding schemes for Spanish, German and French keyboards, translated from those provided by VKeybd.

VMPK can send program changes and adjustments to the MIDI synthesizer. Descriptions for various standards and devices can be provided as .INS files in the format used by QTractor and TSE3. It was developed by Cakewalk and is also used in Sonar.

This program is in a very early stage of development. For unrealized opportunities, see the TODO list. Please write to the author if you have questions, encounter a bug, or want to suggest an improvement. You can use the tracker on .

Copyright (C) 2008-2015, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas and others.

Virtual MIDI Keyboard-Piano is free software licensed under the GPL v3 license.

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Getting started

MIDI Principles

MIDI is an industry standard for connecting musical instruments. It is based on sending actions performed by a musician playing a musical instrument to another instrument. Musical instruments equipped with MIDI interfaces usually have two DIN connectors, designated MIDI IN and MIDI OUT. Sometimes there is a third connector, designated MIDI THRU. To connect two MIDI instruments, you need to connect a MIDI cable between the MIDI IN connector of the instrument sending events and the MIDI IN connector of the receiving one. You can find more information as well as training like this all over the Internet.

For computers, there are also hardware MIDI interfaces with MIDI IN and OUT ports to which you can connect MIDI cables to connect the computer to external MIDI instruments. If a hardware interface is not needed, the computer can use MIDI software. An example of this is VMPK, which provides MIDI IN and OUT ports. You can connect virtual MIDI cables to the VMPK ports to connect the program to other programs or to the physical MIDI ports on your computer. More details about this will be written later. Most likely you will want to connect the MIDI output of VMPK to the input of some synthesizer that translates MIDI into audio. Another example for a connection would be a MIDI monitor that translates MIDI events into readable text. This will help you understand what kind of information is sent using the MIDI protocol. On Linux you can try, and on Windows you can try MIDIOX.

VMPK does not produce any sound on its own. You will need a MIDI software synthesizer to hear the notes being played. I advise you to try the graphical shell for Fluidsynth. On Windows you can also use "Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth", which comes with all Windows versions, or best alternative, such as CoolSoft Virtual MIDI Synth. Of course, using an external MIDI synthesizer would be an even better approach.

Key bindings and tool descriptions

VMPK can help you change the sounds in your MIDI synthesizer, but only if you first provide a description for the synthesizer sounds. Descriptions - this text files with the .INS extension, in the same format used (Linux) and Sonar (Windows).

When you run VMPK for the first time, you need to open the Options dialog box and select the definitions file, and then select the tool name from those that provide the definitions file. You can find such a file in the VMPK data directory (usually “/usr/share/vmpk” on Linux, and “C:\Program Files\VMPK” on Windows). It is called "gmgsxg.ins" and contains descriptions for the General MIDI, Roland GS and Yamaha XG standards. This file has a very simple format and you can use text editor to view, change it and create a new one. You can find a library of tool descriptions on the cakewalk ftp server.

As of release 0.2.5, you can also import Sound Font files (in .SF2 or DLS formats) as instrument descriptions using the dialog accessible through the File→Import SoundFont menu.

Another tweak you may want to make is key bindings. The default layout covers about two and a half octaves for a QWERTY keyboard, but in the data directory there are several more descriptions of bindings adapted for other international layouts. You can even define your own binding schemes using the dialog box accessible through the Edit→Key Bindings menu. There are also options to load and save binding schemes, like XML files. The last loaded binding scheme will be restored the next time VMPK is started. In fact, all of your parameters, selected MIDI bank and program, and control values ​​will be saved on exit and restored the next time you start VMPK.

MIDI connections and virtual MIDI cables

On Windows, VMPK automatically connects to the default MIDI output, which is usually the "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth" included with all versions of Windows. This MIDI synthesizer produces very low quality sound and suffers from high latency. A better (and free) alternative is CoolSoft Virtual MIDI Synth.

To connect two hardware MIDI devices, you need physical MIDI cables. To connect MIDI programs, you need virtual MIDI cables. On Windows, you can use MIDI cables such as MIDI Yoke, Maple, LoopBe1, Sony Virtual MIDI Router or loopMIDI.

The MIDI Yoke installation process will install a driver and a control panel applet that allows you to change the number of MIDI ports available (you will need to restart your computer after changing this setting). MIDI Yoke works by sending every MIDI event recorded on the OUT port to the corresponding IN port. For example, VMPK can be connected to the output of port 1, and another program, for example, can read events from port 1.

Patch names don't match actual sounds

You need to provide an .INS file that exactly describes the set of sounds of your synthesizer or SoundFont. The file included in the program (gmgsxg.ins) contains only descriptions for standard GM, GS and XG tools. If your MIDI synth doesn't match either of these, you'll need to get another .INS file or create one yourself.

What is the syntax for Instrument Description (.INS) files?

One of the descriptions of the INS format can be found

Can I convert my vkeybd Tool Descriptions to an .INS file?

Certainly. Use the AWK script "txt2ins.awk". You can even use vkeybd's sftovkb utility to create an .INS file from any SF2 SoundFont, but VMPK also has a feature for importing instrument names from SF2 and DLS files.

$ sftovkb SF2NAME.sf2 | sort -n -k1,1 -k2,2 > SF2NAME.txt $ awk -f txt2ins.awk SF2NAME.txt > SF2NAME.ins

You can find the AWK script "txt2ins.awk" in the VMPK data directory.


You can find latest version source codes, packages for Windows and Mac OSX on .

  • Windows 64bit: (28 MB)
  • Windows 32bit: (24 MB)
  • macOS X Intel 64bit: (10 MB)
  • Linux (64 bit): (24 MB)
  • C++ Sources: (493 KB)

If you distribute VMPK packages for any distribution, please send me an email and I will add a link to your site here.

Installation from source codes

To configure the sources, you will need qmake (from Qt5) or CMake. You need to set the PATH environment variable to include the directories with the Qt5, MinGW and CMake executables. CMakeSetup.exe is a graphical version of CMake for Windows.

Notes for Mac OSX Users

You can find a precompiled application package including the Qt5 libraries at . If you prefer to install from source, you can use CMake or Qmake to package the application, linked with the installed system libraries. You can use either Qt5 from or the package distributed by Homebrew.

The build system is configured to produce a generic executable (x86+ppc) in the application package. You will need Apple developer tools, as well as Qt5.

To compile VMPK using Makefiles generated by qmake:

$ qmake -spec macx-g++ $ make optional: $ macdeployqt build/

To compile using Makefiles generated by CMake:

$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" . $ make

To create Xcode project files:

$ qmake -spec macx-xcode or $ cmake -G Xcode .

If you need something to make noise, you might want to take a look at SimpleSynth, FluidSynth (available with Fink). For MIDI routing, there is also a MIDI Patchbay.

Notes for packagers and advanced users

You can ask the compiler to perform some optimizations while building the program. There are two ways to do this: first, using a predefined build type.

$cmake. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

The CMake "Release" type uses the compiler flags: "-O3 -DNDEBUG". Other predefined build types are "Debug", "RelWithDebInfo", and "MinSizeRel". The second way is to choose the compiler flags yourself.

You should find the best CXXFLAGS for your own system.

If you want to install the program in a location other than the default (/usr/local), use the following CMake option:



In addition to the above tools, VMPK uses work from the following open source projects.

  • from , from Rui Nuno Capela
    Tool Description Data Classes
  • drawn by Teresa Knott
  • This page uses the free Wordsworth 3 template from Lee Baillie
  • This page uses Lightbox2 by Lokesh Dhakar

Thank you so much!

The MIDI communication protocol is widely used on electronic music devices because it allows communication and data exchange between them. You can now have a MIDI keyboard on your PC using Virtual Midi Controller.


  • Virtual MIDI keyboard for PC. Use your computer keyboard to create and send MIDI data.
  • Redirecting MIDI Input Sources.
  • Customizable window.
  • Control the sending of MIDI data via layers. You can create multiple layers.
  • Includes MIDI buffer of custom size, which logs all data transfers.
  • Up to 1000 programs in the data bank.
  • Includes standalone and VST versions.

Use your PC keyboard to transfer MIDI data thanks to Virtual Midi Controller. With this software tool, you can control your musical instruments without having to purchase a hardware musical keyboard. Besides, Virtual Midi Controller is a very flexible product, with numerous possibilities when it comes to working with this music communication protocol.

Use your keyboard as a piano by downloading for free Virtual Midi Controller.

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