Restoring the system from a backup. How to Restore Windows from a System Image Backup

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Good day, dear readers, Trishkin Denis is with you. Computer is complex engineering system. Like others, it may fail from time to time. Therefore, it is important to monitor the safety of information. To do this, you can use different tools, one of which is the built-in backup application. In the event of a system failure, this function will help you quickly return everything to its place. So, how to restore Windows 7 from backup copy Right?

What is backup and recovery?( )

Microsoft operating systems have a tool that allows you to create a copy of information and, if necessary, use it. Sometimes this is due to problems with Windows itself. In other cases, this may result hard drive problems disk. Therefore, many recommend transferring information to another medium, be it portable hard drive or CD. Today, technology allows you to place a copy even in cloud tools.

Creating a restore point( )

The load point is used to return the data on the computer to the same order and volume as it was at a certain point in the past. It should be noted that this applies to system information and user files will not be affected in any way.

How to create the desired point? In order to get to the menu, you need to " Start"In the search bar write: "". In addition, you can access here via " Control Panel", selecting " Show all icons».

Once in the window, there is an option to configure execution backup on schedule. Or you can do it yourself.

So we need:

Important! This way all registry data is copied.

Backing up your personal data( )

We need:

    1 In the window, click "".


    2 Select the location where our data will be stored. Usually I specify the hard drive (the partition where I have non-system data). But this could be a network folder or a cloud.


    Important! If Windows is selected, then the standard OS folders, drivers and libraries are copied. In addition, some settings create an image of the main partition if the computer completely fails.

    The advantage of self-selection is that the user himself indicates the files he wants to save. If you give this right to the computer, if a malfunction occurs, the client will simply lose personal information, which will be difficult to return (but there are still tools).



    4 The application will then show an overview of the copy plan. We set the appropriate time and save. The process starts.

    Interesting! Many people want to know where such copies are stored. They are located on the main disk \WindowsImageBackup\computername\. They move to the desired location at will. However, they can be deleted like other regular files. Additionally, this is done directly through the Resume Wizard itself.



Creating a recovery disc( )

A system recovery disk is a portable medium that stores OS boot files used to start Windows. This option is considered better than conventional backup, since it is possible to return everything as it was, even if the hard drive was damaged.

So we need:

    1 Press " Win+R».

    2 In the window that appears “ Execute» enter « sdclt».

    3 On the left, click on “”.





    5 In some cases, you may be prompted to use a Windows multiboot disk. This indicates that necessary files can't be found on your computer. You need to insert the appropriate disc.

System Restore( )

How to restore the OS? It's simple, you need:

It should be noted that this is how the registry is restored, and therefore there is no need to make any additional movements in this direction.

Restoring files from a backup( )

If personal information is lost for some reason and you want to return it to full functionality, you need to use the appropriate tool:

It should be noted that this can also be done with data received from another computer. True, first they need to be somehow delivered to their own device.

Disk recovery( )

To return the necessary information from a separate portable device, you must:

    1 Connect the appropriate media to the computer.


    2 Reboot.

    3 Enter the BIOS. To do this, immediately after the first information appears on the monitor, press the desired key (depending on motherboard this could be: Del, F1, F2, F8 or other buttons).


    4 Set up booting as from a CD/DVD or flash drive.


    As an addition to this point, I advise you to use my article

  1. 5 Save and reboot (you can simply press F10 and confirm the action).


    6 Then a “revival” window will appear with different parameters. Choose the one you need.


Description of recovery options( )

    1 Startup recovery - helps to return important data that is used by the operating system during boot.

    2 System Restore - replaces files used by the OS. However, it does not affect user data in any way, such as music, photos, etc. This action cannot be undone. But in the future, you can choose another recreation point, if available.

    3 Image recovery. Of course, you first need to copy the entire shell. System image is an archive of the partition on which Windows was installed. This returns all user files that were stored on disk at the time of creation.

    4 Memory Diagnostic Tool is a tool that checks the relevant partitions on the computer.

    5 Command line. Experienced users can use this tool to troubleshoot problems.


Running a program from the command line( )

Recovery using Acronis True Image( )

In addition to standard Windows solutions, there are also tools from third party developers. The most popular program is considered Acronis True Image.

To get the OS back up and running, you need to:

The process will then start. After finishing you will need to reboot.

Bringing the system back to life via bootable media( )

It must be said right away that for this method you must have boot disk with the program. If there is one, that means.

Who among the users of Windows systems has not encountered a situation when the operating system malfunctions and needs to be restored? The vast majority of uninitiated users rely on automated Windows tools, however, such actions very often only lead to the fact that when critical errors and failures occur, the system simply reports that it was not possible to restore the computer. That is why restoring a computer from an image created using OS tools or using third party programs, seems more preferable, since it allows you to bring the system into working order in a short period of time and with a 100% guarantee (unless the external removable media on which the image was previously recorded is not damaged). And you don’t always need to use removable drives or USB drives.

In some cases, you can save a backup copy directly in a logical partition of another disk included in the RAID array (if it is not intended to be restored in the future), or, if possible, in a network folder with open shared access on another computer.

Why do you need to create a system image?

Before you consider restoring your computer from Windows image, let’s briefly look at why you need to create such copies and how it all works. When you create an image file that has a VHD extension (like files virtual disks), for example, for a partition with an installed operating system, absolutely all system objects and the operating system, And installed programs, and user data. When using standard procedure using tools Windows file must be copied to removable media or external hard disk, since the logical partition can be located on the same physical disk as the one being archived (then it can be copied to any other location).

When you start restoring a computer from an image, the partition for which this procedure is being performed is completely rewritten with formatting, as a result of which absolutely all files and directories (even damaged ones) are replaced with those that were saved in the image. It is not difficult to guess that in the end the user receives a working system in the form in which it was before the appearance of failures or fatal errors.

How to make an image of one or more partitions?

Now a few words about how to prepare to restore a computer from an image. It goes without saying that this image must be created in advance by selecting the partition for which such operations may be required. In all modifications of Windows, there is a special section for archiving (backup) and recovery in the “Control Panel”, in which you select the creation of an image.

After initiating the procedure, the location where the image is saved, the partition to be archived are indicated, and the main procedure is launched. Please note that if you select DVDs as your media, you may need an extremely large number of them. Therefore, it is best to save the image either on an external HDD or on the Internet.

Note: sometimes you can use the archiving settings item, and then indicate to the system on which disk the created copies will be stored.

Restoring a computer from a Windows 7 image: standard process launch option

So, we assume that the image has been created. Now you can proceed directly to the procedure for restoring your computer from an image, if required. In a working system, for this in Windows 7 and below, the above section is used, where the items for restoring system parameters and advanced recovery methods are alternately selected.

After this, the use of a previously created image is indicated, and the archiving item is skipped. The last step confirms that the computer is restarting. Finally, after this, the language layout, the user are selected, and the access password is entered, if one is set. When the recovery options window appears, it checks for image recovery and then searches for the latest available image.

After completing all the preliminary steps, all that remains is to confirm the operation (setting additional parameters in the form of excluding disks, re-partitioning or installing drivers, you can skip).

Restoring a computer from a system image if Windows cannot boot

Now it’s worth considering a situation where some irreversible failures have occurred in the system, but the image was previously created and saved on removable media.

In this case, you will first need to enter the special start menu, called up in Windows 7 and below with the F8 key, select the troubleshooting item and go through the procedure described above.

You can do it even simpler by first setting the rescue media with the image as the first device to start in the BIOS/UEFI settings. Such actions are more necessary to restore your computer from an image of Windows 8 and higher. In the process, the layout and image file are selected in the same way, after which the restoration is confirmed. If the required file is stored in a logical partition, but the recovery tool does not find it on its own, you must specify its location. This is usually the WindowsImageBackup directory.

Windows 10: recovery procedure

Restoring your computer from a Windows 10 image can be done by following the steps described.

But in the case of self-activation of the process in a running system, you will have to use the special boot options item (to get to the start menu, which is not called up by the F8 key during boot), and only then use the previously created image.

Run automatic recovery with image selection

It is not uncommon to encounter situations where a user initially relies on using an automated system rollback to a previous state, but after completing all the steps, a message appears on the screen stating that the computer did not start correctly and the system could not be restored. Autorecovery is usually launched three times forced shutdown computer or laptop with repeated switching on and interruption of loading. The fourth time the rollback starts.

But when this notification appears, many do not pay attention to the fact that the window has an additional options button. You need to click it, and then, as in all previous cases, select the appropriate item using the previously created image.

How to use an image file located in a network environment?

Finally, restoring the computer from an image to network environment can be done just as easily. Initially, the file itself can be saved on the hard drive of another terminal, but for the folder with the image(s) itself you will need to set general access, and also allow detection of the computer terminal itself on the Network (for example, when wireless connection). In this case, restoring a computer from an image in a network folder may take a little longer, which is due to some speed limitations of the network connection, which affects data copying. But the actions performed are practically no different from what was presented above.

Note: If there are several images in the catalog, when you select source file be especially careful, because instead of your own system you can get someone else’s with installed unnecessary programs and user files.

Partial file recovery

But the use of images is not limited to just the above actions, because sometimes the operating system may not need to be restored, and only lost or some of them need to be returned damaged files. In such a situation, the image file can be used as a regular virtual hard drive. To do this, just call up computer control via RMB on the computer icon (in Windows 10 it is located directly in Explorer, and not on the Desktop), and then use the hard drive tool. The easiest way to call it from the Run console is with the command diskmgmt.msc.

Next, in the “Action” menu, select connecting a virtual hard disk and specify the path to the file with the VHD extension (to the same previously created image). After this, you just need to select the file you are looking for and click the open button. The disk will appear in Explorer, and you can copy the necessary information from it, as from a regular logical partition.

Disadvantages of the standard technique

Unfortunately, the standard method does not inspire confidence in many users, to put it mildly, as it has a number of significant shortcomings. The main one is that it is not possible to fully configure archiving using automatic mode (this may require additional utilities). And with this approach, depending on the size of the system or logical partition itself, the backup copy can take up quite a lot of space. For example, with a size system partition with a “ten” of 235 GB and occupied space of 80 GB, 164 GB are needed to create an image. All that remains is to use external media in the form of a USB-HDD, since such a volume of data will not fit on any flash drive. And we are not talking about optical media at all. Can you imagine how many disks (even double-layer ones) will be needed, not to mention the time spent copying files?

Third party software

As for specialized programs from third-party developers, the utility looks the most relevant True Image from Acronis. It is much easier to create an image than using standard Windows tools.

It is believed that one of the most important features of the program is the ability to directly save the image in cloud service Acronis, although many note that this service is paid and in fact is simply imposed on users. In addition, saving the image on a remote server is not the best and safest solution, especially if the image file contains important confidential information. Naturally, in the program you can configure automatic archiving and create in advance bootable media for recovery. But this is already a clear plus.


This is briefly all that concerns a computer using a previously created image. The main emphasis was placed exclusively on the tools and tools of Windows systems, since many users may simply not have special third-party applications at hand. And in such a situation, you can perform a rollback with a very high probability of successful system recovery.

Installation, configuration and restoration of Windows 7 100% Vatamanyuk Alexander Ivanovich

21.3. Restoring a system from an image

If you nevertheless brought the operating system to such a state, when to restore it normal work It is impossible using all the previously described methods, there is nothing else left to do but to use the previously created system image, if, of course, you have one. If the image was not created, then "dry your oars, sir" and get ready to completely reinstall the operating system and all programs.

So, let's say the system image does exist and can be used to restore it. However, you need to remember that the system image could have been created quite a long time ago, that is, it is not at all a fact that by restoring the operating system, you will find your documents. This is where archival copies of documents, the planned creation of which you did not forget to set up at one time, come in handy.

Let's take a closer look at restoring the operating system using an existing image.

Let's start, as usual, with Control panels, running the component Archiving and recovery. After following the link Restore system settings or computer we get into the window shown in Fig. 21.3, in which you need to click on the link Advanced recovery methods.

This will open the window shown in Fig. 21.9, in which you will have to choose a method for restoring the operating system. There are only two methods - reinstalling the operating system and restoring it from an image. Since our task is to restore the operating system from an image, we will choose this option.

Rice. 21.9. Choosing a method to restore the operating system

Once the recovery method is selected, the following window will appear in which the recovery wizard will prompt you to create a data archive, which will come in handy, especially if it has not been created before. As mentioned above, after restoring the operating system you will need to restore your data, so be sure to take advantage of the wizard’s offer and make an archive by clicking the button Archive. If you already have an archive with data (the date of creation of the last archive can also be seen in this window) or all your data is stored in another section, then click the Skip button to proceed to the next step.

After this, the wizard is ready to begin restoring the system, which it reports in the next window. The recovery process will begin automatically after you restart your computer, so to start it, click the Restart and wait until your participation is required.

The operating system is restored in a special mode, which was created specifically for such purposes. It happens that the operating system refuses to boot and it is not possible to start the recovery process as described above. In this case, you can enter recovery mode in another way. To do this, immediately after restarting the computer, you need to press the key F8, which will display the menu Additional download options. In this menu you need to select the command Troubleshooting your computer(Fig. 21.10), which will lead to the transition to the mode we need.

Rice. 21.10. Additional method to start recovery mode

Then you will have to wait a little while the operating system downloads all the files it needs so that you can launch the graphical shell, in which the process of restoring the operating system will take place.

After necessary files will be downloaded, the process of preparing for recovery will begin. First, you need to select the keyboard layout (Figure 21.11) that you will use to enter data.

Rice. 21.11. Selecting a keyboard layout

How you launched Recovery Mode determines the number of windows you will see and the number of actions you will have to perform. So, if you got into this mode through the component Archiving and restoration, then the number of unnecessary manipulations is reduced to a minimum and you only need to specify the desired image.

If you started recovery mode through the menu Additional download options, then, before specifying the image, you will need to first specify a user name with administrator rights and its password, and then in the window that appears (Fig. 21.12) select the troubleshooting option - Restoring the system image.

Rice. 21.12. Select the option System image recovery

After you press the button Next, The recovery wizard will search for available images on the computer and drives connected to it. As a result, a window for selecting a system image will appear, in which, if the search for images was successful, you will see information about the last created image and the time it was created (Fig. 21.13). You can also specify the image yourself by specifying the option Select a system image. As a result, a window will open with a list of found system images and you can specify any of them, focusing on the location and date of creation of the image.

Rice. 21.13. System image selection window

After pressing the button Next you will see another window in which you may have to answer important question: whether it is necessary to format the recoverable disk partitions or you can leave everything on them as is (Fig. 21.14).

If you refuse to format the partitions, the data will simply be restored to the existing folders. In this case, it turns out that some programs will not work, although the files they use will be on the hard drive. The result is a bunch of software garbage that no one needs, and it is quite difficult to remove it in full. What is the point of such a restoration if in any case you restore from the image not the current state of the operating system and programs, but the state that was at the time the image was created?

On the other hand, if the partitions being restored contain important information, which did not participate in data archiving, then the recovery option without formatting may be very relevant.

Rice. 21.14. Advanced recovery options

The good news is that it is possible to choose which sections need to be formatted and which ones to leave unchanged. The button is used for this Exclude disks.

Now everything is ready to begin the process of restoring the operating system from the image. After pressing the button Next The wizard will display the resulting information. To start the recovery process, you need to click the button Ready.

The duration of the restoration process depends on the amount of work to be performed. The larger the system image, the longer it will take to restore it. In any case, be patient, make yourself a cup of coffee, relax and wait for the process to complete.

After restoring the operating system, all you have to do is restore your work files and documents if necessary and continue the interrupted work.

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If Windows gets stuck, what can usually be done in this case? Those who are less experienced see in their heads one universal solution - reinstall the system. I would postpone this option as a last resort, because after reinstallation you will have a “bare” Windows without the programs you previously installed. And you will eventually have to install and configure everything again. Another option is to restore the system from control point however, this does not always help. But how can we make sure that both the programs are preserved and the problems that have arisen in the system get rid of at once? To do this, you need to first create a backup copy of the partition on which Windows is installed, and then in the event of any failures in its operation, you can always restore the system to the state at which you created the copy, with all programs and parameters. In this article I will show you how to restore Windows from a backup.

It is clear that to restore Windows in this way, you will need an existing backup copy. If you have not created it before, then you, accordingly, will have nothing to restore the system from and then this recovery option is no longer available for you.

The process of restoring a system from a backup in Windows 8 (8.1) and Windows 10

Launching the recovery program

To start the recovery process Windows systems 8 and Windows 10 from a backup, there are several ways:

Thus, if your Windows 8/10 at least starts successfully, then the easiest way to start recovery is using method 1. If the system does not start and does not open the diagnostic program itself, then you need either a recovery disk (method 2) or installation disk with Windows 8/10 (method 3). If neither disk is present and Windows does not boot, then you will not be able to start the recovery process!

Image recovery process

After you launch a special shell (program) through which you can execute various options Windows recovery, it will look like this:

Select Diagnostics.

In the next window, click "Advanced options".

Then select System Image Restore.

The program will begin to launch to restore your system from the previously created image. Right now you can connect to your computer via USB the disk or flash drive on which you store your creative work. this image(backup). If your image is stored on one of the hard drives installed in your computer, then you don’t need to connect anything.

If the program finds an already installed operating system on your computer, you will need to log in using your account:

If your account has a password, enter it (1) and click Continue (2) or simply click this button.

If you did not have the Windows 8 or Windows 10 operating system installed on your hard drive, then logging into account the program will not require it and you will immediately proceed to the next step - recovery.

If your system backup is located on some external drive and you haven’t connected it yet, then do it now and update the backup search so that the program detects it.

When the backup image is found, the recovery program will select it itself (if you created several copies, the most recent, current one will be selected). Click Next (2).

If suddenly the program automatically selected the wrong backup, then click “Select a system image” (3) and click “Next” to manually find the backup. And in the next window, you can select an image from the list of found ones or click “Advanced” to enable searching for an image on the network or install a driver for equipment that is not recognized by this program and on which your backup is stored.

In the next window, if the “Exclude disks” option (1) is active, then you can click the corresponding button in order to exclude those disks that should not participate in the recovery process, since the information on all recovered disks will be deleted and the partitions on them will be created anew. If this option is not active, then most likely you have connected, so, only 1-2 disks and a choice cannot be made.

To start the recovery process, click “Next”.

By clicking “Advanced” (2), you can configure 2 more options:

  1. Should I restart my computer immediately after recovery? If you disable this option, after recovery you will receive a window indicating that the recovery was successful, after which you will need to manually restart your computer.
  2. Automatically check disks. It is best to always leave this option enabled.

In the last window, all you have to do is click “Finish” to start the process of restoring Windows 8/10 from the backup you selected.

The recovery time directly depends on the size of your backup from which you are restoring the system.

After the restore is complete, if you have not disabled automatic reboot, then the computer will reboot itself and the already restored Windows will start. If you have disabled automatic reboot, then after recovery the following window will open:

Click “Restart now” in it.

That's all! Restoring Windows 8 or Windows 10 from an image is complete.

The process of restoring a Windows 7 system from a backup

You can start the Windows 7 recovery process from a previously created image (backup) in only 2 ways:

  1. Boot from the Windows 7 installation disk.
  2. Boot from the previously created recovery disk.

Therefore, if Windows 7 does not start for you (and also the so-called diagnostics itself does not start) and you do not have one of the above disks, then you will not be able to restore the system from the image.

The recovery process itself is similar to what was described in the chapter above for Windows 8 and Windows 10. I will show its launch using the example of booting from the Windows 7 installation disk (when booting from a recovery disk, everything will be similar).

So, when the installation disk boots, click Next.

In the next window, select "System Restore".


I recommend that you create your own Windows backup once you have installed everything necessary programs and customize everything for yourself. This will allow you, in case of failures, to quickly restore the entire system with all programs and settings. From time to time you can update your created image, i.e. create new, more current backup copies, because over time you install new programs, remove unnecessary ones, change some settings, etc.

And the recovery process itself is not complicated, as you can see, especially if you have Windows 8 or Windows 10 installed, since the recovery process can be started directly from their shell (if, of course, Windows even starts). With Windows 7, everything is a little more complicated, only in that you cannot run recovery directly from Windows, but you must have a recovery disk or an installation disk with Windows.

Recovery from imageimplies the replacement of all personal data on your hard drive with files from the image, or in other words, if you used the Data Archiving tool to create an image of the local disk (C:), then by deploying this image in place, you will replace all your existing files on this disk with data from the image.The article is written as a continuation , where we learned how to create an Image of the Windows 7 operating system in case of a serious malfunction, here we will restore our data to its place, even when our Windows 7 will not boot at all.

Note: If you are interested in the process on DVDs and a portable USB hard drive, as well as on an old IDE hard drive (connected to the laptop via a special adapter), follow the link and read.

Restoring a Windows backup image created by its backup tool

According to my observations, serious users install Windows 7 and divide the hard drive into two volumes and call them, for example, (C:) and (D:). On the drive (C:) they have the Windows 7 operating system, and on (D:) all their personal data. Next, they create a disk image (C:) and save it on another partition of the hard drive, that is, on (D:). Disk (D:) is not archived, because according to users, it usually happens rarely, which actually happens. And then there was a problem with the Windows 7 OS, the system takes a long time to load, freezes and is unstable, our users, in the language of motorists, kick the wheels for a while (use a rollback using restore points), but the car still does not drive, and Windows 7 does not work ok then theyrestored from imagedrive (C:) and a working Windows 7 from the archive replaces the inoperative one, that’s all.

  • The most serious ones create an image of both the drive (C:) containing the operating system files and the drive (D:) with personal data. You may notice if you have one hard drive, where then to store the image of two partitions (C:) and (D:)? For this purpose, an additional SATA hard drive or portable hard drive is specially purchased. USB disk, which must be formatted as a file NTFS system. Restore In this case, your data from the image must be carefully, together with the faulty Windows 7 located on the drive (C:), you can replace all your files on the drive (D:), which means you first need to copy everything you need, for example, to the same The most portable USB hard drive. All this is written and shown in the article Creating a system image, now let's restore.

How to restore Windows 7 from the archive image we created

Windows 7 still works and starts, but with significant errors (below we will look at cases when the operating system does not load at all), rolling back using restore points did not lead to success, and we decide to restore the entire operating system from a disk image (C:).

Start -> Control Panel-> Backing up computer data->

Restore system parameters or computer->

Advanced recovery methods->

Use the system image created earlier to restore your computer,

in this dialog box, you can select the Archive button and the archiving setup will start, using it, you can create an archive of your data from the disks on which you will deploy the system image, thereby saving them, read more in our article . If we copied our data previously, click the Skip button.

Restart, the computer will restart and this keyboard layout selection window will appear


Selecting a user

Restoring a system image

Use the latest available system image

The second option, you and I cannot boot into a running Windows 7 at all, how then can we start recovery from the image?

We turn on the computer and, for example, a black screen appears or blue screen With critical error. Launch the Windows 7 Recovery Tool, press F-8 in the initial phase of booting the computer. A menu opens, select Troubleshooting your computer.

The third option is the most difficult, but you can handle it: the screen is black, Windows 7 Recovery Tool cannot be launched,Additional download optionsnot available when pressing button F-8 nothing happens. How to get to the created image with working Windows 7. In this case, only the Windows 7 Recovery Disk, which contains the Recovery Environment, will help us.

  • Note: you can learn how to create and how to use a Recovery Disk from our article. Also in this case, the installation tool can help Windows disk 7, it also contains the recovery environment.

So I'll show you how to restore Windows 7 from an image using a recovery disk. We insert it into the drive, reboot, the BIOS should be set to boot from the drive, then the System Recovery Options program starts.

Press Enter quickly, otherwise the prompt to boot from the disk will disappear.

The recovery environment starts, again you need to select the keyboard layout,

Ispol download the latest system imageand our Windows 7 is restored.The system image is always created with the extension VHD and is located in the folder WindowsImageBackup.

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