Windows System Restore. The Windowssystem32configsystem file is damaged or missing. Cannot find systems 32

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We all now cannot imagine life without computers. They have long replaced televisions, in which we store all our important information: photos, documents. They have infested businesses and homes. But breakdowns can occur with anything, not excluding laptops and computers. However, what should we do if our operating system generated an error such as: the Windows\system32\config\system file is damaged or missing.

This occurs when the Windows registry has received serious damage. These damages can occur under various circumstances when the power to the computer is suddenly turned off, when the computer is turned off incorrectly, and the possibility cannot be excluded malfunction the hard drive itself. The problem with this error is that it appears when the operating system starts. Therefore, we cannot start the computer, and therefore even try to use special programs to restore the registry and fix errors. But there are ways (although there are not many of them) by which you can fix this Windows error.

1. Recovering a Windows error using installation disk. In order to repair errors, you will need an installation disk with our operating system. Having inserted the disk into the drive, we will see the inscription Press any key to boot from CD." You need to quickly press any key, because after ten seconds, the download will not occur.

Then a sign will appear with three actions that we can perform:

1) We can start installing Windows XP.

2) We can restore the system using the recovery console.

3) We can leave the program.

Select the second item using the (R) key. Afterwards, in the console that appears, enter Chkdsk command/r. Press Enter. Begins hard check disk. Once everything is complete, restart the computer, after which it should turn on normally.

2. Error recovery using ERD Commander.

For this method we will need a program like ERDC. This program is used to restore operating systems, even when Windows is very damaged and does not start. If you learn to use it, then restoration of any Windows errors, it won't be too difficult. Recovery using this program can be performed in two ways:

1) When you start the disc, a menu will appear. The Start button will appear in the lower left corner. Click on it. In the panel that appears, click on System Tools and then System Restore. There we need to select an item with which we can restore the system. Then we set a restore point for the operating system and restore it.

2) Everyone knows that an operating system such as Windows XP has the ability to save restore points. If you haven't disabled this function, then restoration can be done precisely using these points. And they are located in the folder System Volume Information\restore(E9F1FFFA-7940-4ABA-BEC6-8E56211F48E2)\RP\snapshot. In order to restore damaged or missing files, you need to copy them from this folder to the C:\Windows\System32\Config folder.

To do this, go to the second one and initially delete from it the files named SAM, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SECURITY, SYSTEM. After completing the file deletion operation, you need to enter the folder where our recovery points are located. Here we select files with the same name, only with the REGISTRY_MACHINE\ prefix. Then we return to the folder where we copied the files and delete the console. After following these procedures correctly, the computer should turn on without any problems.

All these methods should help solve this problem. You should not immediately contact the services, because most problems can be solved yourself. The main thing is just a little effort and a little time spent.

Sometimes when you try to start or restart Windows XP, the above error may appear. This is due to the absence or damage necessary files Windows registry. Sometimes other directories may be missing, for example: /WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/CONFIG/SOFTWARE, /WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/CONFIG/SYSTEM or /SystemRoot/System32/Config/SOFTWARE. In this case, errors may look like this:

  • "Windows XP cannot start because the /WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/CONFIG/SOFTWARE file is corrupted or missing"
  • "Stop: c0000218 (Registry file failure) The registry cannot load the partition family (file) /SystemRoot/System32/Config/SOFTWARE or its log or backup"

How to restore Windows XP boot.

A file error may also occur Lsass.exe. The reasons for these errors may be the following:

  1. Incorrect or unexpected termination Windows operation.
  2. Problems with hard drive computer or laptop, it may have failed or almost failed.
  3. You yourself, accidentally or on purpose, deleted system files necessary for Windows XP to work.

How can I remove this error and start Windows XP, the solution to the problem?

Besides reinstalling the operating system, there are several ways to solve this problem. The meaning of these methods comes down to restoring damaged or deleted files and registry directories.

First option.

You need to start the computer from a bootable CD/DVD disk or flash drive. Products such as Live CD from Dr.Web are suitable for this; it has a convenient built-in file manager and a program for checking your PC for viruses and Trojans. In order to boot a computer or laptop from a disk or flash drive, you need to press F1, F2 or Del when loading normally, and set the boot priority from the disk.

We boot, launch the file manager, select the /windows/system32/config/system directory on the left, /windows/repair/system on the right. We copy everything on the right into the left window. After this, reboot your computer or laptop, not forgetting to set it back to boot from hard drive. If the steps described above did not help, and the system does not start as before, then do not despair, since there is a second way to solve the problem.

Second option.

If you have a Windows XP installation disc, you can use the Recovery Console to recover missing files. To do this, set the BIOS to boot from disk. When running from disk, press +R to launch the console Windows recovery. After starting, enter the commands sequentially, after entering each one, press +Enter:

MD tmp copy c:/windows/system32/config/system c:/windows/tmp/system.bak copy c:/windows/system32/config/software c:/windows/tmp/software.bak copy c:/windows/ system32/config/sam c:/windows/tmp/sam.bak copy c:/windows/system32/config/security c:/windows/tmp/security.bak copy c:/windows/system32/config/default c:/ windows/tmp/default.bak

delete c:/windows/system32/config/system delete c:/windows/system32/config/software delete c:/windows/system32/config/sam delete c:/windows/system32/config/security delete c:/windows/ system32/config/default

copy c:/windows/repair/system c:/windows/system32/config/system copy c:/windows/repair/software c:/windows/system32/config/software copy c:/windows/repair/sam c:/ windows/system32/config/sam copy c:/windows/repair/security c:/windows/system32/config/security copy c:/windows/repair/default c:/windows/system32/config/default

You can use standard features systems: try to boot with the "last known good configuration". This is done when the computer starts. Also, if you have previously activated automatic recovery system, you can roll it back.

If you solved the problem, but the error repeats again and again, most likely there are serious problems with your hard drive and it does not have long to live, so consider replacing it and backup important data.

"Windows cannot start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM"
This message indicates corruption in the system registry.

First of all, this problem occurs due to many errors on the hard drive.

1. The method works in 90% of cases.

We install booting from the drive (for those who don’t know how, read this article “ . «)
After this you should see a window like this. Select the underlined section and boot.

Once everything has loaded, open it Start > Programs > HDD Utilities > Check Disk > Check Disk.

Determine on which disk Windows is installed. To do this, open “My Computer” and look for which drive it is located on. Windows folder, in my case it is Local Disk (H:)

After correcting the errors, restart your computer and check the system boot.

2. Way.

Let's assume that the boot Windows disk You don't have it, you only have an installation disk with Windows 7.
The process becomes a little more complicated; you will have to tap on the keyboard a little.
Insert the installation disk with the operating system. After launch, select the Russian language and then the “System Restore” item.
In the window that opens, select launch the recovery console (the name of this item may differ slightly depending on the version of Windows)
A window opens command line.
We enter the commands there sequentially, after each command we press Enter:

MD c:\oldreg
copy c:\windows\system32\config\default c:\oldreg
copy c:\windows\system32\config\sam c:\oldreg
copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\oldreg
copy c:\windows\system32\config\security c:\oldreg
copy c:\windows\system32\config\software c:\oldreg

delete c:\windows\system32\config\default
delete c:\windows\system32\config\sam
delete c:\windows\system32\config\system
delete c:\windows\system32\config\security
delete c:\windows\system32\config\software

copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\default c:\windows\system32\config\
copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\sam c:\windows\system32\config\
copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\system c:\windows\system32\config\
copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\security c:\windows\system32\config\
copy c:\windows\system32\config\regback\software c:\windows\system32\config\

After executing the last command, you should exit the recovery console and restart the computer.
We take out the installation disk and check the system boot.

File Windows\system32\config\system damaged or missing, you and I may receive such a message during the initial phase of loading the operating system. The error occurs when the registry is seriously damaged. I’ll tell you right away there are few ways to fix this problem, but they exist. The main difficulty is that you cannot download operating system. I'll give you four ways to fix this problem, but you'll need a Windows XP installation disk or an ERD Commander disk, or at worst a simple Live CD.

  1. First of all, this problem occurs due to many errors on the hard drive, try using the CHKDSK C: / R command in the recovery console, the errors will be corrected and your system may boot. You can also remove your hard drive and connect to another system unit, then from another Windows check your system partition for errors, you can read the full article on using the utility
  2. You can boot from the ERD Commander disk and try to apply a system restore. By the way, the disk system administrator ERD Commander can help out in other difficult situations, read the full article about this tool.
  3. Another way. If you had system recovery enabled, then you will need an ERD Commander disk or any Live CD. This is the point. We all know that Windows XP stores restore points in the folder
  4. Last option. If system recovery was disabled for you, then you need to replace your damaged registry files with files from the C:\Windows\repair folder, which are located in this folder backups your registry created by the operating system during its installation; this can be done using any Live CD.
  5. Now about each method in detail.

File Windows\system32\config\system

To implement the first method, we need a Windows XP installation disk, so we boot into the recovery console. Those who don’t know how to do this can read our article In the recovery console, let’s check our system drive (C:) for errors. At the beginning of booting from the Windows XP installation disk, the message “Press any key to boot from CD ...” will appear on the screen, press any key at once, otherwise the message will disappear within 10 seconds and boot from installation Windows XP will not happen.

To restore Windows XP using the recovery console, press R

Enter the administrator password. Enter the administrator password. If there is no password, then press Enter on the keyboard.
When the Windows XP Recovery Console is used Chkdsk program, then the /R parameter is mainly used, which includes the functions of another /P parameter. Therefore, we will use the /R parameter
Enter the command Chkdsk /r
and press Enter, the hard drive is checked for errors.

Second way.

To implement the second method of eliminating the error The Windows\system32\config\system file is damaged or missing We need an ERD Commander disk, we boot from the disk.
Click start, then system tools System Tools->System Restore and select system restore. Select a system restore point and restore.

Third way.

We all know that Windows XP stores restore points in a folder

System Volume Information\restore(E9F1FFFA-7940-4ABA-BEC6- 8E56211F48E2)\RP\ snapshot , and so, the folder highlighted in red contains intact registry files. We need to copy these files and replace the damaged registry files with them from the C:\Windows\System32\Config folder
We boot from the ERD Commander disk or any Live CD; if you are working from the ERD Commander disk, we do not connect to the system, that is, at the beginning of loading the ERD Commander disk, select (None), otherwise you will not be able to replace the registry files.

go to the folder C:\Windows\System32\Config. Use the slider to open the full file name and delete (Delete) damaged registry files. Before deleting, you can copy them somewhere just in case, you never know.

System Volume Information\restore(E9F1FFFA-7940-4ABA-BEC6- 8E56211F48E2)\RP\ snapshot , select the files, right-click and select Copy to…


Now we paste these files in place of the deleted ones in the C:\Windows\System32\Config folder.
Select the folder C:\Windows\System32\Config and click OK. Backup registry files are copied to replace damaged ones. Then we go to the Config folder and rename them, deleting the unnecessary ones - REGISTRY_MACHINE \, thereby leaving new registry files SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM.

Fourth method
You can also replace your damaged registry files with files from the C:\Windows\repair folder; this folder contains backup copies of your registry created by the operating system during its installation; this can be done using the ERD Commander disk or any Live CD. But be aware that some of your applications will refuse to work and will have to be reinstalled, since the system state will be shown at the time of installation.

Backups of registry files created by Windows installation XP are located in the repair folder located at

C:\Windows\repair . We go into it, select and copy with the Copy to... command the registry files we need SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM,

Then go to the folder C:\Windows\System32\Config, select it and click OK.

Backup registry files replace damaged ones. Replace file? We agree - Yes

And problems that significantly complicate the operation of the PC, or even completely prevent it from starting. “Windows cannot start because the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\config\system file is corrupted or missing” is one of the most common errors encountered primarily by operating system users. Windows systems XP (I haven’t seen it on other versions yet, but anything can happen), so this instruction is intended more for this OS.

ADVICE. sometimes the same message may have different ending words. For example, instead of “system” it will be written “software”, “default” or “security”.

First, let's figure out what it is and where it came from. In simple terms, the computer cannot boot due to a damaged system registry. Reinstalling the system is the easiest and most in an efficient way solve the problem, but only if you are not afraid of losing data. This could happen for all sorts of reasons, from improper shutdown of the computer to worn out hard drive. Of course, in the latter case, it may be necessary to replace the hard drive, but not always. This does not change the essence of the error, so this guide should help in any of the cases.

Fix Windows startup error.

So, you are trying to turn on your PC, and you receive a message that the \Windows\System32\config\system file is damaged. "Fix" system registry There are two ways: force the system to restore it yourself or fix the error manually. Let's start with a simpler option.

  1. Click “Restart computer”. In the process, press F8. Additional download options will appear on the monitor.
  2. Select "Load last known known configuration".
  3. Reboot the computer again and see if the problem is resolved.

This method forces the operating system to use those configuration files in which the OS launched successfully. By restarting the system again, the boot error should no longer appear.

Manual System Restore

If the previous method did not help, you should try to solve the problem manually. In general terms, your job is to copy the backup boot files into the \system folder from \repair. There are several ways to do this.

Recovering using a file manager

Not to say that this method is more difficult than simply launching the last successful configuration, but there is one caveat: this method is suitable if you have a boot disk or flash drive with any manager. But, if you have to choose, a Live CD is best. Recording it on media is not so problematic, and the program will later be useful not only for system recovery, but also for a banal virus scan. So, if you have a disk, then do the following:

  1. Insert the media.

IMPORTANT. if the boot is not performed, then go into the BIOS and set the priority for USB or CD/DVD, depending on the boot resource.

  1. After everything has loaded, launch the explorer.
  2. In the explorer itself, open two tabs (almost all explorers allow this): in one - the same folder with: \windows\system32\config\system, and in the other - the folder with backup files with: \windows\repair\system. We look carefully at the damaged file, which, according to the system, should not have an extension.

ADVICE. The folder names are usually preceded by the letter C, but it may be different if they are on a different hard drive.

There is another, safer way. Instead of deleting damaged data, you can rename it, and then copy the original files from the recovery folder.

  1. Reboot and check if the problem is resolved.

Restoring using the command line

If you don’t have any manager at hand, and the problem needs to be solved urgently, then there is another way using the command line. You can enter it in the following ways:

  • Through safe mode. To do this, as mentioned earlier, press F8 immediately after restarting the PC. However, this mode does not always start, and sometimes does not support the command line.
  • Using Windows XP media. There you can enter the console and find the same command line. To do this, after the welcome screen appears, press the R key and select the system needed to restore.
  • Using media with Windows 7 or 8. We remember very well that we need XP to “fix” it, but this option is also acceptable for calling the console. Press Shift+F10 as soon as the language selection window appears.

The next step after opening the command line is to define specific name damaged file(software, system, sam, default or security) and the exact letter system disk, on which the OS is located. There are two commands for this:

  • wmic logicaldisk get caption (to find out the letter of the system drive);
  • dir c: (displays folders on drive C; if you don’t find folders with the desired name there, look at drive D in the same way).

Archiving existing files

copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\system32\config\system.bak

Removing problematic files

delete c:\windows\system32\config\system

Restoring from a backup

copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\system

IMPORTANT. the commands may vary depending on which particular drive the file is located on and which of them is damaged.

For example, they can be written like this:

copy c:\windows\system32\config\software c:\windows\system32\config\software.bak

or so (if system folder located on drive D):

copy d:\windows\system32\config\sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam.bak

In the same way, the commands change in the future both when deleting and restoring a file. Exit the console (type and execute the Exit command) and restart the PC. If you entered everything correctly, the message should not appear again.

In some cases, none of the options help. This can only mean one thing - it’s time to reinstall the operating system completely, this will certainly solve the problem. We hope everything worked out for you. If something remains unclear, ask questions!

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