Windows 10 does not see the drive. Using the Command Line

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The latest version of the popular operating system was officially released in mid-summer 2015. Over the past period, many have already managed to acquire updates and at the moment are the proud owners of the “ten”. However, the euphoria over Windows 10 faded after users began to notice some errors in functionality. Actually, there is nothing surprising in this - nothing is perfect. This is especially true for products from Windows, which always tries to be at the forefront, creating unique technologies and devices.

However, skilled users quickly revealed the shortcomings in new version OS. One of the most common problems that often becomes the subject of complaints is the non-recognition of the DVD drive. The developers even withdrew the November update, since it was after its release that the public began to be outraged and worried about such problems the most. So what to do if Windows 10 does not see the CD/DVD drive?

Why doesn't Windows 10 see the drive?

Many users of the "new thing" complain that after switching from previous version, the conductor began to selectively notice the DVD drive.

Despite the inconsistency, when viewing using the BIOS, no glitches are observed and the CD/DVD-ROM displays as expected. The problem comes from the software component of the OS.

Experts voice 3 main reasons at this level - a malfunction of the drive driver; system failures associated with incompatibility of a number of applications and OS; the problem is in the drive itself, causing the failure.

In turn, the system may not detect the drive due to its lack of connection to motherboard or its banal physical breakdown. Problems that do not concern the repair or repair of the drive can be solved by a simple user without the help of professionals.

What can I do to show the drive in Windows 10?

It is curious that the OS developers are aware of the matter and in order to make things easier and help users, the company’s forum published several fix options.

Fixing the problem using the command line

The first option is command line based. First, activate the line using the Win+X key combination or through “Start”. In the new dialog box you must enter the following:

reg.exe add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Controller0 /f /v EnumDevice1 /t

REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001

Then press Enter. Then restart your computer. The drive is ready for work and defense.

Restoring the DVD drive icon using DVD Drive Repair

In the second method, the creators of the “ten” recommend using special programs to fix the problem. For example, install the CD-DVD Icon Repair program (you can download it after following the link

After installing it, click on the icon and check the box next to “Reset autorun setting”. Within a short period of time, the tool will eliminate existing problems, after which a message will appear indicating that the tool has finished working.

After the message, restart your computer. When it comes to software failure, CD-DVD Icon Repair will not help you. Having noticed a mechanical malfunction, the utility will definitely inform the user about it.

Other ways to solve the problem

In general, cleaning the system from unknown devices. To carry out such a procedure, use the device manager, in which you can rid your computer of unnecessary and unknown devices, and then reboot.

The root of the problem may also be in the drivers. This option is especially possible if you installed “top ten” with one of the two operating systems latest versions. Therefore, you need to update the drivers.

The absence of a letter on the drive can also cause a failure or “invisible” CD/DVD-ROM mode. To check for the presence of a letter, follow these steps:

1) press Win + R;

2) type diskmgmt.msc;

3) press Enter.

After completing these simple steps, a disk management window will appear on your computer screen. Browse the list and find your drive. If the letter is missing, assign it.

If you own a laptop, then the ban on using the drive may be activated in BIOS settings. In this case, disable this option.

The ban can also be imposed on a PC, but such cases are extremely rare.

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Unfortunately, when switching to Windows 10 from the seventh and eighth versions of Windows, it happens that Windows 10 does not see the DVD drive, even though everything was fine before. Moreover, it is detected in the BIOS, you can boot from it, but the system itself, even if you crack it, doesn’t want to see it. What to do?

Why doesn't Windows 10 see the DVD drive?

Let's start with the fact that the release of the “ten”, as is commonly believed, was not authorized or, if you like, synchronized with the manufacturers of equipment of this type.

So it turns out that the system does not accept outdated drivers, but there are no new ones. Now everything is simple. Nevertheless, many users still have the problem that Windows 10 does not see the DVD drive. Let's see what can be done in this situation.

Windows 10 does not see the CD-DVD drive: troubleshooting method

In general, the problem initially comes down to installing drivers corresponding to the “ten” and registering the device in the system.

The first point can be solved quite simply by simply installing fresh drivers. Don't want to do this manually when Windows 10 doesn't see the DVD drive? No problem. Use automation apps like Driver Booster, which are able to update device drivers directly from the developer’s website. And don't dig into the database. Windows drivers 10, it won't do anything anyway.

On the other hand, the driver may be installed, but the device itself does not work only because it is not registered in the system, or rather in the system registry. To register we use a call command line from the Run menu. This can be done using the Win + R key combination or from the right-click menu on the Start button. And then enter the combination shown in the photo below.

After that, press “Enter” and exit the command console. Now all that remains is to simply reboot the system, and the problem that Windows 10 does not see the DVD drive will completely disappear. Actually, the search for a solution to eliminate it comes down only to installing the latest device drivers or registering the drive in the system so that it recognizes it.

Conclusion and summary

If you look closely at the registration command, it is not difficult to determine that it represents entering data into system registry, and assigning a 32-bit DWORD parameter to the controller. By the way, many may think that 32-bit registration does not apply in a 64-bit system. Deep misconception. In the top ten, most drivers have a 32-bit architecture and work without problems. But on the contrary, when a 64-bit driver is installed on a 32-bit system, the system will simply “spit” and say that such an architecture is not supported.

It goes without saying that after all the above steps the system must be rebooted. Without this, you can’t even count on a positive effect. Here the point is not even that the device will be registered, but rather that it will then be detected by the system, but will not want to work. At this point, the driver plays the leading role.

If the equipment manufacturer claims to support the “ten”, there are no problems, but if it is, for example, specific Chinese equipment, it may very well be that you will have to install “native” drivers. And, as you know, they may not work in the “ten” environment. Moreover, Microsoft itself has never announced such support, considering (and not unreasonably) Chinese manufacturers its direct competitors in the computer technology market. What is the recent test worth? powerful computer Sunway TaihuLight with 125 quadrillion floating point operations per second capability!

Release of a new operating room Windows systems 10 took place back in July. Therefore, many users have already updated software and actively use the new OS, because it is distributed free of charge. But, as always happens, the new Windows has its imperfections. For example, many complain that Windows 10 does not see the DVD drive after a system update.

Why doesn't Windows see the drive?

So, when upgrading an old OS to new Windows 10 some users have this problem: Explorer stops seeing the DVD drive. At the same time, when viewing equipment through the BIOS, the installed CD/DVD-ROM is displayed correctly.

The reason is usually at the software level of the operating system. But if we consider everything possible reasons, then the following can be distinguished:

  • drive driver failure;
  • malfunction or incompatibility of some programs with the Windows system;
  • The CD/DVD drive has failed.

Correcting the first two reasons is entirely within the user's power. What needs to be done for this, we will consider further.

Error correction methods

It is worth saying that Windows developers are aware of the existing problem, so on the official Microsoft forum you can find one of the solutions to this error.

Using the Command Line

When using this option, the sequence of actions is as follows:

After rebooting, the drive will work and display correctly in Windows Explorer.

Using DVD Drive (Icon) Repair Utility

Another option to fix the situation with a missing CD/DVD-ROM is to use special programs and utilities. One such program is CD-DVD Icon Repair, with its help it is very easy to fix the problem, for this:

In conclusion

If, despite efforts, operating system does not see the DVD drive, then you can directly contact the Windows 10 developers.

The official Microsoft website has a Russian-language forum for user support (located at:

Here, after a simple registration, you can ask a question to community members or ask for help from Microsoft specialists.

In many modern computers There are no disk drives, they are often replaced USB ports. Nevertheless, DVD drives are still common, so the problem of drivers for them is still relevant. On this page you can download the drive driver for Windows 10.


Typically suitable for most drives universal driver. And it doesn’t matter what type of drive you have: Drivers for a disk drive allow you to adjust the operation of the drive. If you have one of latest models drive, then the drivers posted on this page will definitely suit you. If you have a specific model, then you need to select a driver based on the manufacturer. We recommend checking out the official website. As a rule, the latest and most recent current versions drivers.

It's worth downloading drivers for the drive even if you don't plan to use the drive yet. Remember that the moment you want to use the hardware, you will not want to look for drivers and you will be grateful to yourself for downloading them in advance. Moreover, you can download it for free, and the presence of such a driver will not slow down the system at all.

Many users do not have enough staff Windows tools 10, for working with disks. If you are one of such users, we recommend that you use the program, this is a program for burning discs. But it won't work without a driver, so you have to download both. And if our driver version still doesn’t suit you, and you couldn’t find the right one yourself, then the program

Greetings, dear readers.

Some computer users encounter a problem when the drive does not see Windows drives 10. If you observe similar “symptoms” on your device, you should not immediately run to the store for a new reading component. This disease can appear as a result of various reasons. There are many ways to “bring back to life” an element. In the following article I will tell you how to do this.

The first thing you need to start with is to determine the nature of the disease. Check if the problem occurs only when reading some disks or all. So, if it performs its functions selectively, the drive is most likely faulty. If the situation repeats with everyone, there is a software failure.

How to fix it at the software level?( )

What to do when your discs suddenly stop being readable? Remember what exactly is in lately installed on the equipment. These could be games or programs. Often the problem is virtual managers, such as Alcohol 120, Daemon Tools and the like. In addition, such “symptoms” appear as a result of being placed on a laptop or desktop computer Data recording software – Nero.

To solve the problem, simply uninstall the previously installed software. If this doesn't help, use the System Restore tool. I have talked about this more than once before.

If the problem disappears, we try to install other versions of solutions that will not interfere with the operation of the drive. And in general, it is better to remove all unused software from the device. This has many positive aspects.

Driver( )

In addition, sometimes problems arise as a result of driver failure. The solution is the following:

If dvd drive continues to refuse to perform its functions, we perform additional movements:

If this does not help, take a few more steps:

    Opening the tree " IDE ATA…" We are looking for the controller to which the disk drive is connected. To do this, open each channel one by one and check “ Type».

    We find the option “ Enable DMA" and mark it. If it was standing there, we remove it. We restart, and then return it back.

Hardware failure( )

Why might the drive not work at the hardware level? There are many options. The first thing to do is change the connection cable and power plug.
You can also use a special cleaning disc. It has micro brushes that will clean the laser head. But before that, make sure they are flexible.

Well, the worst option is, of course, the complete failure of the component we need. The solution is to buy a new one.

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