Windows 10 disabling driver installation. Disable automatic search for Windows drivers

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In the seventh version operating system Microsoft provides a standard mechanism that automatically installs drivers for all components connected to the computer. On the one hand, such a mechanism is convenient, since users do not need to independently search for the appropriate software and install it in the OS. On the other hand, sometimes the operating system installs inappropriate software that does not perform its functions. Later in the article I will tell you how to disable automatic installation Windows 7 drivers in several ways.

The essence of the problem

As mentioned above, such a mechanism in most cases makes it easier to use the computer. True, sometimes an inappropriate program is placed, as a result of which the device that users need simply does not work. At the same time, the system does not want to install suitable software, considering it outdated.

This interaction can be changed. And in several ways. Which one to use is up to you.

Installation options

To achieve your goal you need to follow a few simple steps:

Group Policy

You can also disable an inappropriate function using group policy. This method is suitable for Professional, Maximum and Corporate Windows builds 7. This way, users can handle any elements including USB, audio and others. To do this we do the following:

In addition, there is a way to do all of the above through the registry. But he demands large quantity time. And therefore we will not consider it.

Hello friends! Today I will tell you ToHow to disable automatic driver installation in Windows 10. This may be needed under certain circumstances, one of which happened to me the other day. I’m telling you the details, I’m sure it will be useful to many.

One of my friends complained that after Windows installations 10 the system rebooted from . Having arrived at the site and analyzed the Blue Screen error data, I realized that the problem arose due to a driver error for the sound card. As it turned out, my friend used a discrete sound adapter Creative SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio Sound Card, whileintegrated sound card was disabled in BIOS. It turns out that blue screen appeared precisely because of a conflict in the driver of a separate audio card, which the system tried to install automatically. In simple words, the driver for some reason did not fit and the OS crashed with critical error. I booted into safe mode and turned it offautomatic installation of drivers on the system, then performed a normal boot. Unfortunately, on the official website of the manufacturer of the SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio Sound Card, I did not find any driver for Windows 10 and therefore enabled the integrated sound in the BIOS, after that The BSoDs have stopped. U then my friend, with the help of official support from the device manufacturer, downloaded necessary drivers and installed them.

How to disable automatic driver installation

Center Windows updates contains a global repository of various drivers. After installation, the operating system initializes all devices connected to the computer and installs drivers automatically. Sometimes it happens that the driver is not suitable. In this case, you need to disable automatic driver installation in the OS and install them manually by downloading the latest versions from the manufacturer’s official website.

Open the “Control Panel”

Select "System and Security"


"Advanced system settings"

On the “Hardware” tab, select “Device installation options”

In the window that appears, check the box “No (the device may not work properly)”

Like this in a simple way We have disabled automatic driver installation in Windows 10.

The same can be done in the Group Policy Editor.

Start --> Run. In the input field we write gpedit.msc and click OK.

"Computer configuration" --> " Administrative Templates» --> « System » --> « Device installation» --> « Device installation restrictions» .

About everyone latest versions Microsoft operating systems by default enable automatic installation of drivers for most used hardware devices, be it a chipset, SATA controller, sound or video card. But not everyone knows that identification, search and update system libraries hardware devices can lead to unstable operation of the OS, frequent crashes, disruption of stand-by and sleep modes, the appearance of BSOD screens, and other troubles that can lead to inconvenience and unreliability of operation in the system. In today's material we will tell you how to disable the automatic installation of Windows 10 drivers so that your interaction with the latest OS from Bill Gates' company is pleasant and does not cause discomfort.

How to disable Windows 10 driver updates using an exclusive utility from the system developer?

To protect the user from possible difficulties when updating and installing drivers, Microsoft has released a special software tool, allowing users to give a detailed and complete answer to the question: “How to disable automatic installation of Windows 10 drivers.” By selecting hardware devices from the list proposed by the utility, you thereby block the automatic update of system libraries, which will prevent you from the unplanned appearance of new software modules and DLL files in the system, and this, in turn, can directly affect performance. The utility's function involves disabling only those drivers whose appearance may cause problems with the operation of the equipment. Safe action libraries this application will not be touched, so you don’t have to worry about operations performed by stable and reliable drivers, the behavior of which will not lead to the crash and fall of the operating system. You can download the presented software here: this link.

How does the described utility work? When you install new hardware device, the system is right there in background loads the corresponding driver from the online library or from the distribution disk. If you're starting to experience problems when working in an operating environment, you know that this is exactly what's happening. specific device and is the cause of all troubles. In this case, using the utility proposed by the author, you disable the function automatic update drivers for it as when updating software device, and during subsequent installation of updates to the system.

Having launched the utility, the shell will prompt us to make a choice from the list of those devices for which the pre-installation of libraries should be blocked. However, first you will be required to perform initialization and search for drivers in the OS. To carry out this action, click the “Next” button on the initial form of the application.

When initialization is completed, click the “Hide updates” button to go to the list of devices, in case of updating DLL libraries for which difficulties and unpleasant moments may occur in the system.

Let’s make the selection we need from the list, and after that, click on the “Next” control.

In fact, we select not drivers, but updates whose installation you intend to block. But, as you yourself know, the update list also includes drivers from hardware devices offered for installation. Therefore, by selecting updates from the catalog, you will thereby prevent their installation on the system, ensuring uninterrupted and effective work for quite a long time.

How to disable automatic installation of Windows 10 drivers using gpedit and editing the registry?

In the current part of the article, we will tell you how to block the installation of DLLs for a discrete hardware device based on the hardware ID number.

Before our description begins, we need to determine what identifier is the device for which driver updates are planned to be blocked. To determine the ID number, you should go to the device manager by right-clicking on the start button, select one of the devices for which you intend to block the installation of drivers, and get into its list of properties, again holding down the right key of the manipulator on one of the components of the list of devices.

In the properties form, go to the “Details” tab and open the “Equipment ID” category. Copy the ID number of the device you are looking for to the clipboard and save it there. To do this, hold down the right button of the manipulator on each of the corresponding parameters and click on the “Copy” option in the pop-up menu that appears.

We will save all ID numbers in an external text file, one by one inserting them there from the buffer. If you want to enter the parameters yourself, you can also do this. To do this, do not close this window, otherwise we don't need it anymore.

Now let's resort to editing group local policies. To call it, use the combination “Win ​​+ R”, after which in the field that appears, set the parameter “gpedit.msc”. In the left subform, open the folder Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Device Installation -> Restrictions on Device Installation. Among the many sections presented, we give preference to the option “Block installation of devices with the device codes given below.”

By clicking one of the radio switches, set the “Enabled” parameter, and then click on the “Show” control.

In the window that appears, we will specify the ID numbers obtained in the device manager and previously saved in a discrete TXT file, after which we will apply the changes made by clicking the “OK” button.

After following the previous instructions, the installation of new drivers for the selected device will be permanently blocked as in manual mode, and automatically until you cancel the changes made in editing group local policies.

If your edition of the operating system does not contain the snap-in described above, a similar operation on how to disable automatic installation of Windows 10 drivers can also be performed by editing the registry. First of all, we have to transfer the ID numbers of the corresponding devices from the manager in exactly the same way as we did before.

Next, let’s open the registry edit using the “Win ​​+ R” combination and entering the “regedit” value in the mini-form that appears, which will open the equipment we need. In the window that appears, you should open the directory “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Restrictions\DenyDeviceIDs” (if the directory given in the previous line is missing, generate it yourself in the left part of the working window).

After this, it’s worth recreating string DWORD values, the names of which will be ordinal numbers incremented by 1, starting from one, and the values ​​will be those ID numbers that we were able to extract from the properties in the device manager.

How to disable Windows 10 driver installation using system settings?

A very convenient way to block the preinstallation and update of system libraries of PC hardware devices is to use the installation configuration settings of Windows 10 devices. To gain access to these parameters, you can use two methods (each of them assumes that you have admin access level):

1. Hold down the right mouse button on start, select the “System” option. On the form that opens, click the “Change parameters” control in the “Work group configuration and computer/domain name” category.

2. second method: by right-clicking on the start button and selecting “Control Panel” in the menu, and then the “Devices and Printers” subsection, right-click on your PC in the list of devices. Next, in the drop-down menu, select the “Device installation options” option.

After completing one of these iterations, only one question will appear on the screen: “Do you want to download manufacturer’s programs and custom icons that are relevant for your devices?” Select the answer “No” and save the completed operations. After performing this action, receiving new DLLs from the Win 10 update center will be stopped.

In this article, we described 4 methods on how to disable the automatic installation of Windows 10 drivers. We hope that at least one of them will be useful for you in time and will help save your integrity. working condition operating environment and graphical shell.

Sometimes automatic installation of drivers in Windows (in Windows 7, 8, 10) for all the equipment that is on the computer is, of course, good. On the other hand, there are sometimes cases when you need to use old version driver (or just a specific one), and Windows forcibly updates it and does not allow you to use the desired one. We will perform these actions on Windows 10.

IN in this case We will disable automatic installation and install the required driver.

Method number 1 - disabling auto-installation of drivers in Windows 10

First, press the WIN+R button combination - in the window that opens, enter the command gpedit.msc and then press Enter. If everything was done correctly, the “Local Group Policy Editor” window should open.

The branch that we opened in the previous step should have the parameter " Prevent installation of devices not covered by other policy settings". You need to open it, select the "Enabled" option and save the settings, click OK.

Actually, after this, drivers will no longer be installed independently.

Now, by the way, if you connect any device to your computer, and then go to the device manager ( Control Panel/Hardware and Sound/Device Manager), then you will see that Windows does not install drivers on new devices, marking them with yellow exclamation marks. Because if this policy setting is enabled, then Windows system You cannot install or update device drivers that are not specified in the policy settings.

Method number 2 - disabling auto-installation of new devices

You can also prevent Windows from installing new drivers in another way...

First you need to open the control panel, to do this we do as indicated in the screenshot, then go to the " System and security", then open the link "System".

All that remains is to switch the slider to the " No, the device may not work properly", then save the settings.

So, and We have a computer and an HP LJ 1018 printer. After an unsuccessful attempt to reinstall or update the printer drivers by the client, in the menuDevices and Printers next to the printer icon yellow exclamation mark. The device refused to work normally.

Usually in such cases, I don’t waste time digging through the printer settings, but immediately completely, completely, reinstall the driver and the rest of the printer software.

First of all, I removed everything related to the HP printer from the computer, then I started installing the driver, fortunately the client had carefully left it on the CD-ROM installation disk. But here the problems began. Well, naturally, if everything were so simple, it is unlikely that a person would seek help.

Search Windows Update. This may take some time...

When the installation program asked to connect the printer via USB, the Windows Driver Installation Wizard was launched and began to try to automatically search suitable driver on the Internet.

After 15 minutes of waiting there was a feeling that search for updates stuck, considering that this long search was not required in principle, because the driver was on my disk. My patience ran out and I decided to cancel the operation in order to permanently disable the automatic driver search function in Windows 7.

By the way, a situation often arises that Windows Driver Update Center installs incorrect drivers for the equipment, or even, after a very long search, reports that “ Could not find driver«.

So, my advice to you is to disable this Windows function and install drivers downloaded from the official websites of your equipment manufacturers, or, as in this case, from the disk supplied with the printer.. Subscribe!

How to disable automatic search for drivers in Windows Update 7?

So let's begin. Let's go to the menu Start, click right click mouse by Computer, choose Properties( Or just press the Win+Pause key combination ).

In this menu you need to select " Never install drivers from Windows Update". Don't forget to click Save.

Windows Update endlessly searching for updates - [Solved].

So, after disabling the automatic search for drivers in the update center, when you turn on USB cable printer into the system unit, Windows skipped this useless operation and immediately went on to search for the driver on the disk, where it, of course, was successfully found and installed within 20 seconds.

Printing a test page - hurray, it works!

By the way, perhaps the problem can also be solved by simply disconnecting the Internet cable. Try it, write about the results in the comments!

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