Wordpress make the home page. How to Make a Home Page in WordPress

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Sometimes you need to make sure home page on the WordPress engine we had a static one. The meaning of this action is that when we go to the blog for the first time, the announcement of articles will not be displayed on the start page, but simply static information will be displayed ( for example with a blog description), and the blog itself will be in a separate tab ( page). When we click on this tab, only then do we see article announcements.

Some info-businessmen use this method. When you go to them, you immediately see a static page on which full information about the blog, its purpose, various subscriptions or some information products. Also, many companies and organizations use this method. First, a static home page is shown with full description of this company. All this is done in order to first familiarize the visitor or customer with your company or website, and only after that offer him some of your services. How to implement this on the engine?

Go to the control panel, select the menu “ Options» —> « Reading". At the top we have just such an item as to what to display on the main page. We are asked to select either the latest posts or some permanent static page that we will use. But before we do this, we naturally need to create this permanent page. To do this, go to the menu “ Pages» —> « Add new". At the top we assign the name of the page ( for example, About the site), then fill out and publish the text that will be displayed when you first enter your blog. In the test, you can, for example, write what your blog is about, your offers and services, your subscription form, and so on.

Now we need one more page - this page to display posts from our blog. Using the same method, we add a new page. In the title of the page we write Blog, after which we simply publish it without any entries. Now if we go back to the menu " Options» —> « Reading“, then here at the top we put an item to display a static page on the main page. In cell " Home page" select the item " About the site“that we created. Cell " Posts page» — this page where announcements of our blog posts will be displayed. In this cell, select the item “ Blog", then click on the button " Save changes«.

Now when we go to our blog WordPress engine and update it, we will display a static start page " About the site". If we click on the page " Blog“, then we will already display all announcements of blog posts.

Typically a WordPress site will display the latest posts on its home page, but is it possible to configure the site to show the same posts and links over and over again? For those who are just starting to get acquainted with WordPress, we have prepared a small guide on how to set up this feature.

In this article, we will look at the process of setting up and using static pages in WordPress, as well as cases in which it is and is not advisable to do this.

How to set up a static home page

Before we look at which sites should have static pages and which ones should not, let's learn how to properly set up these types of pages using the WordPress admin panel.

Here are step by step instructions:

2. New page name it "Home" or "Main" and fill it with any content as a template.

4. If you don't have any posts, write a few in drafts.

5. Go to Settings → Reading in the control panel.

6. Select: On the main page display → Static page.

7. For " Home page"Select the page you created earlier called "Main" or "Home".

8. For " Post pages" select the created page "Posts" or "Blog".

9. Now let's move on to the section Appearance→ Menu in the control panel. Let's add a new menu with the "Home" option, which leads to your home page, as well as "Blog" or "Posts" links for the corresponding pages we created earlier.

10. Now open a new window in the browser and enter the address of our site in the address bar. We find the menu and see if there are new links to the “Blog” or “Posts” pages? If there are links, we check whether they lead to the static pages we created.

That's it, we have set up static pages for the WordPress site!

When to Use Static Start Pages

Now that you know how to create and configure a static page for your site, it's time to learn when you should (or shouldn't) use such pages. Let's start with scenarios for potential use of static pages on a website:

  • Business pages. On the pages of an online store, service or company, you can display the main news or updates in the catalog of goods and services offered using a static list.
  • Landing pages. Usage landing pages makes sense in a situation where a review of a product or service on YouTube is linked to a referral link leading to a specific section or promotion. And instead of the entire list of products, after clicking on the referral link, the user will see a specially designed page for a specific product.
  • Pages of non-profit organizations and foundations. To display the key projects on which a foundation or organization worked, it is convenient to not only maintain a blog, but also create a page with a list of links and logos for completed projects. You can also attach a button for quick donations there.
  • Portfolio. Key facts about the specialist and the projects in which he participated, as well as the attached resume, are best displayed using a static page.
  • Online stores and forums. A list of products or topics is best displayed using a static page.

Sometimes it is also useful to have a separate news or blog page, as shown above, to separate different types content from the main list of goods or services offered.

When to avoid creating static pages

There are also situations when using static pages is undesirable:

  • Blogs. Of course, the blog is built on dynamic content and new publications. No visitor or regular blog reader will be interested in seeing the same content on the main page every time.
  • Cases and portfolio. If you have new products or projects (as is always the case with graphic designers, application and game developers), then it makes sense to display the latest projects on the main page, rather than constantly keeping your portfolio in a “mothballed” form. Alternative option It could be to create a separate page for key facts and the most important projects, which can be accessed from a dynamically generated portfolio.
  • News pages. A static page on a news site as a start page will look a little strange and will definitely not add popularity to the news site: after all, everyone is interested in the latest news, and not repetition of the same thing.

In conclusion

In this article, we learned how to create and customize static pages. We also looked at cases in which such pages should and should not be used on your website. We hope that everything described will be useful in your work.

In order to assign the page you need in WordPress starting (main) or any other page to assign to display articles your blog, you need to go to Settings -> Reading.

After you have gone to the reading settings, select "Static page". Next, select the page you want to use as home page.

Assign the “Home” page to home page site

How to Create a Separate Page for Blog Posts in WordPress

In order to assign a page to display all posts (articles, news) of your WordPress site, select in the “Posts Page” item the page you want to use to display records.

Assigning the “Blog” page to display posts

When creating a site, “Your latest posts” will be selected by default, this means that posts will always be displayed on the main page of your site. At any time, you can change these settings and assign a static home page and specify the page on which all your posts will be published.

In order to designate the page you need in WordPress as the starting page (main page) or designate any other page for displaying articles on your blog, you need to go to Settings -> Reading. How to make any page the main (start) page in WordPress After you have gone to the reading settings, select “Static page”. Next, select the page you want to use as your home page. How to create a separate page for blog posts in WordPress In order to assign a page to display all posts (articles, news) of your WordPress site, select in the “Posts Page” item the page that you want to use for…

By default, the home page of a WordPress blog is the page that displays the most recently published posts (or announcements). But you can make the posts page not the main one and call it, for example, “Latest posts” or “Blog”, and assign a main page with other, possibly static content. In this article:

Creating a Static Home Page

You can use one of the following as your home page. permanent pages:
In your WordPress admin panel, create at least two pages (Pages>Add New).

1. Home page

Give one page the title you want to use for your home page, such as "Home", enter the content of the page, and publish it.

*** You can create a separate custom template for this page, the name of which should be different from home.php, because V otherwise this may cause conflict.

2. Posts page

Name the second page “Blog” (or “News”, “Articles”) and publish it. This page will show blog posts (announcements), so you don't need to add content to it (it is ignored) and use a custom template for it.

3. Settings

On the administrative page of the Reading settings(Reading) select option " Display on the main page - Static page", indicate the pages you want to use as home page("Home") and like posts page(“Blog”) and save your changes.

4. Menu

If your theme uses a menu of permanent pages, such as the header (theme file header.php) or the blog sidebar (theme file sidebar.php), the page you designate as the main page will also appear in this menu. To exclude this page from the list of pages displayed in the menu, you need to change the corresponding theme template that is used for this master page.

Changing Theme

Excluding a page from the menu

Displays a menu of pages function, for which you can set the exclude parameter to the id of the page (or pages) that you want to exclude from the menu, or for the include parameter, list the ids of the pages that you want to include in the menu, separated by commas (here the id of the main pages =10):

Home Page Selection

In a template, you can choose content for the main page that is different from the content for other pages by using is_front_page() returns true when the home page assigned in Settings is displayed as shown above. For example, on the main page you don’t have to display a side menu. To do this, in the theme's index.php file, instead of the line

you need to write:

Programmatic home page selection

wp_insert_post() allows you to programmatically create About and Blog pages.

ID); update_option("show_on_front", "page"); // Post pages (blog) $blog = get_page_by_title("Blog"); update_option("page_for_posts", $blog->ID); // Switch to the theme //switch_theme("Template", "stylesheet"); ?>

is_home() and is_front_page()

is_home() checks whether the current page is a posts page.
is_front_page checks whether the current page is the main page of the site.
By default in WordPress the main page is the posts page, so the functions is_front_page() And is_home() both check for being on the main page.

The main page of a blog is practically the “face” of a web resource, allowing you to determine what exactly it is. However, many bloggers are very indifferent to its design, limiting themselves to standard WordPress settings, as a result of which the main page of the blog is a “mess” of the first paragraphs (or announcements) of the latest notes and entries. As a result, the main page of the blog is a real duplicate of the texts already available on the site, so its ranking noticeably deteriorates.

Much the best solution will write on the main article, tailored to the main request, revealing the main topic of the blog, in order to further promote the web project according to the main RF request. And to increase usability, in this article, briefly tell us about the main sections of the blog and explain what it is dedicated to.

Despite the fact that many owners of visited well-known SEO blogs place announcements of their latest posts on the main page, this does not mean that a beginner should mindlessly copy their structure. Most popular blogs have already acquired sufficient trust and are overgrown with natural and purchased links, so the main page does not comply with the recommendations search engines, will not have a noticeable impact on the ranking of the project. In addition, the blogs visited by SEO were created several years ago, when the PS filters for duplicate content and low quality were not so strict.

Dynamic or static blog home page?

A dynamic page also has its advantages: it is updated frequently, which makes it more attractive to search robots. For many visitors, this structure of the site’s “face” is more familiar and understandable.

However, the standard dynamic blog home page, as well as posting notes in calendar order, noticeably worsens the internal structure and linking of the web project.

On a classic site, all the main information is on the main page, and less important information is on the secondary pages, located one click from the main page, two clicks from the “face” there is even less significant information. It is this site structure that helps search robots determine which specific requests for the site are paramount, as well as what the project as a whole is dedicated to.

The standard blog structure looks different: the main page consists of only duplicates, and the second level contains the latest posts, often not related to the main topic.

How to Make a WordPress Home Page

Not only posts, but also static pages can be used to present content in WordPress. Therefore, to make the main site static, simply create a page with necessary content, and then set it as the main one in the settings.

You can create a static page in the control panel at: Pages – Add new.

Pin it to the main blog at: Settings - Reading.

Now the main page of the blog will be more SEO-optimized, which will speed up its promotion for search queries.

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