Yandex: Basic techniques for quick search in Yandex.

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Everyone probably often encounters a situation where, when searching, Yandex provides tens, or even hundreds of millions of documents found. Are you really ready at this moment to dig through possibly incorrect documents?
Someone will probably ask: why is this necessary? Of course, this may seem like an easy task, but sometimes it can be difficult to find the answer. The search has auxiliary buttons through which you can find out additional information, namely advanced search.

Advanced search is a wonderful subsection of the entire Yandex search system, as if created for optimizers: it allows you to find pages on any site that are most suitable for the selected search query.

To search for information on the Internet using Yandex, it is not at all necessary to know all the intricacies of a search engine, but knowledge of some simple rules will make this process more efficient. In addition, it will suit you for work.

A simple request is formulated in natural language. It can be one word or phrase. Yandex will search for all word forms.
- Always use multiple words for more precise wording.
- The Yandex search engine searches the Internet using a key phrase not only for web pages, but also for pictures, videos, etc.

Basic search constructs

In many cases, the quality of a search result can be improved by using a query language.

For a more accurate search, you can use the following techniques:
Conclude the request in «» for precise search.

Use | to search for information with any of the words in the list.

To find words in one sentence, use &
+ Highlight the required word.

- exclude words. site: will help narrow down the search to the site. For example, you need to find all articles that mention the word computer on the website

For those who found this not enough and who do not want to deal with the more complex elements of the query language, I recommend using the advanced search. To do this, follow the direct link. Then set the necessary search criteria.

The fields can be combined in any order. When the settings are complete, click the “Find” button.

You can construct complex expressions from search language operators, making your search even more targeted.

If you are interested in a query language, please contact help system Yandex. And that's all for today. I hope that the recommendations given in this article will help you find the information you need faster and with greater accuracy.

This post about internal linking of websites/blogs is dedicated to one of the ways webmasters can do this kind of activity, such as using the Yandex service called advanced search. A wonderful subsection of the entire Yandex search engine, as if created for optimizers: it allows you to find on any site the pages that are most relevant to the selected search query.

The whole trick is that the found pages need to be known not for the sake of idle curiosity, but for the very one where its construction is based on compiling circular internal manual linking pages that are somehow related to one topic on the selected site. So let's take a look at

Advanced search Yandex

Let's see how it works and check its operation using the example of my website for the request, inserting the url of the page that I have already promoted for this particular request:

Having filled out all the necessary windows with the necessary information, before clicking “Find”, I received a query formulated by the search engine in the search results: “promotion of sites based on search queries”, in any part of the page, used in the text in any form, document language: Russian, English, French, German, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Tatar, Kazakh, at any time, on the website http://site /, in the Moscow region". Let's move on...

Unfortunately, on the way out, I did not find the article (page) I mentioned and this should alert me. This means that the above article on this request not “advanced” at all and I need to either check its compliance with a given search query using the MegaIndex service, for example (but this article is 100% suitable for this query!); that means I need:

1) promote it using your external resources or purchasing links to this anchor;

2) use internal linking so that the most relevant pages of the site for the same request link to it;

4) ensure its presence on pages with (end-to-end links) using the correct selection of headings and tags for each article.

As you correctly understood, in our case we will consider point 2) - “use internal linking so that the most relevant pages link to it...” found in in this case, using Yandex advanced search.

If there are any (and it would be good), they will be the ones who will help do this. According to the Yandex search engine, I have as many as two such pages (in Google - it is in first place; do you feel the difference?). Well, that’s not bad either...

Ring linking

What does this give me as an optimizer? First of all free way obtaining those pages that the Yandex advanced search provides in this way, and secondly - now on each of them, using a circular method, starting with the first “Make the site profitable” - I will place a link to the “Analytics Competition”, from the second to the one being researched upon request - “Learning to promote websites and articles based on search queries,” and from there to the first one.

You can do it differently, so that the last link goes from the most relevant to the most “irrelevant”. It all depends on the desire: which page is better to promote, which one will require more effort and money on request. The request that needs to be promoted when creating an anchor for transmission dynamic weight(regular URL - transfer static weight, if you remember) - suggests itself: it is highlighted in the Yandex search snippet in bold and there is no need to invent anything here (see the previous picture).

This operation is called circular linking, which, of course, helps promote the site as a whole. And, as you already understood, the Yandex advanced search helps a lot with this.


666 answers... What would that mean?.. :)

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Among the billions of pages of Internet content, only search engines can help out the network user and help him find this or that information. But only a few have at their disposal knowledge regarding effective search in major search engines Google systems and Yandex, because everywhere has its own secrets and features.

I already wrote about the Google search engine in a post. And today we’ll talk about the search engine Yandex/Yandex.

Yandex is a search engine that can, based on your request, find the most relevant web pages, news, pictures, encyclopedia articles or products in the Russian-language part of the Internet, or answer questions about the weather or cultural events.

All you have to do is type a question - just as you would ask it to a librarian or a know-it-all polymath. For example, where do crayfish spend the winter? or brightest star in the northern hemisphere

Yandex is just program, not a person. There is no need to endow him with omnipotence: they say, everything will be found, just tell him.

No matter how hard its developers try, no one on the planet has yet succeeded in creating artificial intelligence. Take this fact into account and do not try to ask Yandex “human questions”. This is of little use - he won’t understand.

Therefore, let's start with the most important subtleties of information search. The most important and basic thing here is the correct placement of the query in the search engine string. The request must clearly describe what you need to find in the depths of the Internet. For example, for one non-specific request “apple”, in the search engine results we notice the website of a political party, and explanations of the term “apple”, and various recipes, and many other pages (useful and not very useful). So in each of your requests you must clearly answer the question: what is the object about which you want to find information on the search results pages.

By the way, when you type a query, Yandex itself will offer you the most relevant options - search suggestions.

Now about the query: a very long query can either improve the search accuracy or worsen it.

It is better to search in Yandex using phrases
consisting of two or three words.

Once you receive the results, wait to click immediately. Take a quick look at the suggested links. Rate: is this exactly what you are looking for? If not, then simply refine your request by adding new words.

If the topic of the request is specific, for example, regarding the “digestive system of the Spanish hedgehog”: o), then the request should consist of no more than 5-6 words (in most cases) When, regarding your long (several words) request, search engine produces nonsense, then you need to reduce the number of words in the query in order to expand the search area; in extreme cases, this is better than not finding anything at all. Perhaps in this option you will not get 100% what you wanted, but alternative approximate information is also good, for lack of anything better.

Advice: in case of very incorrect results for your request, the method of selecting synonyms and rephrasing your request helps. Sometimes, this significantly helps to find the necessary information, because search engines focus on the occurrence of keywords in the text of the page, and if you change the query, the results change accordingly.

By the way, there are a couple of secrets here.


Search engines have this interesting feature,
as "Advanced Search".

Advanced Yandex search is available at:

In the window of this most advanced search, you can slightly manipulate the results by setting certain parameters, thereby narrowing the search area.

As you can see, in the Yandex advanced search window, we can configure a specific region, word location, page language, page format, date added and much more. Similar and intuitive clear interface The Google search engine also has advanced search.

Secondly, know:

Yandex generates the result taking into account
geographical region in which
the user is located.

In most cases it is really convenient. But what should we do, for example, if we want to order delivery of roses to a friend living in Ufa, but we ourselves are in Murmansk? This mode will interfere.

You can search in Yandex without taking into account the region using the advanced search form -

The form is convenient to use for a one-time operation. If you are making a series of requests, first set the region using the link in the upper right corner.

Thirdly, before searching in Yandex:

decide what exactly you want to find:
links to sites or an answer to a specific question.

With the first option, everything seems to be clear. We entered the words, got the result, then we began to methodically explore the proposed sites. Familiar, but long.

The second option is not so obvious. By the way, many (the same 85%) do not know about it.

Look, Yandex visits per month almost all sites Runet, even not particularly well-known and little-visited, and downloads all the pages somewhere to itself (on a dimensionless hard drive). When you enter a query, then Yandex searches not on websites, but in its own pages that have already been downloaded, on that same dimensionless disk, or, as experts say, in the cache.

What does this mean? And what

you can get an answer immediately search results,
quickly and without crawling sites

For example, we want to know the year the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood was built. Just enter the query “savior on blood” and the results will be:

"The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood (architect A. Parland) was built by order of Alexander III and the decision of the Synod in 1907 on the site of the tragic death of Emperor Alexander II."

Got a response? Yes.

This is a simple example. For complex ones, knowledge of special commands and dexterity will be required. I’ll help with the first, the second will come with experience.

In order to effectively search the Internet, you need to know at least the basic principles of how search engines operate.

So, Yandex commands for searching:

1. If necessary search for the entire phrase, we put it in quotation marks.(By default, the search words can be located anywhere on the page or absent altogether, and quotation marks force Yandex to search for the exact phrase.)

Example: "red roses"

2. If the search words must be in the same sentence and it is allowed that there may be other words between them, then insert the ampersand symbol.

Example: red & rose

3. If you need to withdraw pages that necessarily contain some word, then add it to the request and put it in front of it plus sign

Example: "red roses" +Ufa +prices

4. The plus sign is convenient to use when you need to search taking into account a preposition; by default, the preposition can be ignored.

Example: "red roses" + in Ufa

5. If you put before a word space and two tildes, That Pages containing this word will be removed from the results.

Example: "red roses" +Ufa +prices ~~Russia ~~wholesale

6. If the word has synonyms or other words that are similar in meaning, then they can be listed through vertical line , and we frame the entire listing in parentheses.

Example: "red roses" +Ufa +(prices | cost) ~~ (Russia | wholesale | wholesale)

In this example, the result will be pages containing “Ufa” and one of the words “price” or “cost”, while none of them should contain: “Russia”, “wholesale”, “wholesale”.

The entire list can be viewed in the Yandex help or in the memo; a link to it is in the advanced search form.

What is taking into account morphology when searching?

I'll show you with an example...

In Russian, words can have different forms (cases, singular and plural, etc.) Whatever form the word appears in the text of the page (even different from the form of the word in the request), Yandex will find it. For example, if the query is “go”, then the search result will find documents containing the words “go”, “is going”, “was walking”, “was walking”, etc. The request “window” will return information containing the word “window”, and the request “revoked” will return documents containing the word “revoked”.

Please note that when selecting word forms for search, Yandex distinguishes between parts of speech. For example, if you search for “computer” (noun), pages with the words “computer” or “computers” will be found, but not “computer” (adjective).

Basic techniques search queries.

The Yandex search engine, like Google, has advanced search settings (by dates, documents, sites, country, language, ...) and special pages for advanced search. Both can be inconvenient due to the interface - large quantity buttons pressed, clicks and movements. For some (frequently used) search modes, user scripts were made with the choice of one of dozens of buttons in one click. Only a few start buttons are visible on the screen, working as drop-down lists on mouse hover.

Such a script, which once had no drop-down lists, has been working on Google pages for a long time, and, judging by the number of downloads, has gained popularity among English-speaking users (there is a choice of 5 interface languages). One day it was thought that it would be easy to transfer it to Yandex, and over the weekend, in a couple of days, adaptation and repainting to match the colors of Yandex was done, and now it is presented to the “target audience” - people from IT, who sometimes have to search a lot and who are accustomed to installing additional scripts and go to git hubs.

In addition to its utilitarian benefits, the script can be interesting as a testing ground for testing interface solutions. A bunch of 2-3 scripts in the future can begin to work as a meta-search engine, everything for this is already there, except for the finishing touches - installing connecting buttons, porting to mailru and other search engines.

Now let’s look at what Yandex features have been added to the previously existing solution for Google.

The first and only limitation of Yandex that catches your eye is no search for the last hours. Most likely, Yandex does not yet have such functionality; the question on did not bring an answer, but now, perhaps, developers from Yandex will write something in the comments.

There has also been an expansion of functions in document search - the Yandex query interface allows search by document type group(multi-select in the settings), and Google each time - only one type of document (PDF, DOC, SWF, ...).

Otherwise, the special settings mode overlaps so well that it made it possible to make not only the interface, but also the storage of settings parameters similar. This is a search by site (domain) and search for the last time interval (more than a day).

Details of storing settings - solution with external localStorage

Previously, Google acquired a similar extension to save search settings. Simply because it is sometimes desirable to change the list of your domains or the interface language, and changes directly in the script are not enough, which is familiar only to front-end programmers, even with quite frequent updates there is no way to save the code of part of a user-corrected script from a general update. If the settings stored (in localStorage) appear, then the issue is resolved.

But then Google discovered a habit of erasing local memory! Facebook users have encountered this before, and to solve this problem there was a script for another reason (bookmarklet of bookmarks with window scrolling). Here, similarly, it was necessary to run from the Google domain somewhere to another domain where the cleaning scripts could not reach. Communication was organized with a quiet, modest page on, where everything was securely stored, almost like in a bank. (This link will be useful after installing the script to see where the settings were saved.)

For Yandex, this resulted in the fact that its settings were also stored on the same domain ( This immediately led to the fact that 2 different scripts, different domains and different search engines acquired common settings. No, it’s extremely easy to separate them, but why? The list of favorite sites for searching, the interface language, and subsequently the storage of the latest date intervals - all this began to appear the same in both Google and Yandex, provided that the same browser was used.

It is this mechanism that now makes it possible to very simply do a metasearch - add a field for commands to the saved settings - just the command “search” or “search with settings”, or “search in selected search engines”). In the future, you can imagine that there will be synchronous management of cards, and viewing in sections, for example, news, pictures. Agree, it’s convenient to walk around the map in one window, and in the next window - have a synchronous copy in Google maps in order to switch to the window where there are more full information. And the display of pictures will be noticeably different and complementary.

Directory of advanced search options in Yandex and Google

This list perhaps they will add specialist users and company developers (I’ll add in the comments or).
All methods and types are listed in order to organize a small reference book.
Much is not implemented in the user script interface. What has been implemented is indicated.

In Yandex:

  • by region
    in the interface- a field with hints where you select a “region” - country, region or city;
    in the request - &rstr= with a magic multi-digit number with a sign that matches another undocumented parameter lr for your region; not everything works - for example, searching for Manila (rstr=-10629, this is the Philippines) is not much different from the general one;
  • by site or domain
    in the interface- enter the domain name in the field (2 or 3 levels, without continuation)
    in the search bar- write (without quotes) “” or similar;
    Yandex Extra Buttons - a drop-down list of pre-registered domains under the “site” button. The composition of the list can be changed in the settings, through the button site--Settings--settings form--page reload. Saved in external localStorage. It is useful to copy your list of domains for storage, transfer to another browser, and for recovery.
    in the request - &;
  • by country
    in the interface- the button with the meaning “own country” is switched, i.e. on this is the choice “by” and nothing more;
    in the request - &country=by, at the same time, you can indicate some other countries for which Yandex works, but which of them actually works is not documented. For example, &country=tr or does not work, like many “not close” countries, not necessarily small ones;
  • exact request
    in the interface- a separate button in the subheading or on a special page;
    in the search bar- frame all words or part of them (constituting the exact part of the request) with quotation marks;
    in the request - &wordforms=exact
  • by page language
    the choice of languages ​​is small, but it covers all countries where Yandex is present as a separate competing search engine, plus English, German, French; (this list may be a candidate for another button in the userscript, but how many people use this setting? Most likely not);
  • by type(plural) documents
    in the interface- select from a multi-select list; with each click, the Ajax output changes (without rebooting); on the advanced page - select types from 14 (currently) checkboxes;
    in the search bar mime: pdf" or similar, many types are supported, but one per request; interestingly, this type selection is NOT supported by subtitle scripts - apparently this is an older way of selecting a parameter;
    Yandex Extra Buttons - a drop-down list of pre-defined document types under the “PDF” button, which itself also selects the specified type; when clicked, the page picks up the results and changes the list of selected types in the subheading; the script fixes a display bug - tints the types button if at least one type has been selected; Thus, the user script buttons, in fact, initiate “clicks” on types in the subheading, do not themselves display the results of multi-selection, but work without a subheading (it appears on its own after the first click);
    in the request - &mime=rtf or &mime=rtf%2Cdoc, indicating all selected types; works and &mime=rtf&mime=doc and further; requests go via AJAX, but with the main one you can send a non-Ajax request in the same way;
  • by last date interval
    in the interface- 3 separate buttons in the subheading or 5 on a special page;
    Yandex Extra Buttons - 4 drop-down lists in the form of initially small 4 buttons - selection for the last few: days, weeks, months, years. The selected value is saved in the settings and moved to the top of the list, so that when you make the same selection again, you only need to press a button. Technically implemented through a request for an arbitrary date interval (section below), the page performs the request using AJAX, but from the main page it works like a normal page reload;
    in the request- magic parameter &within=number for some intervals; for example, &within=1 - within 2 weeks; 77 - per day, 2 - per month; 3 - within 3 months; 4 - for six months, 5 - for a year, 6 - for 2 years, etc., 7 - for the current day, 8 - for 3 days or 4 days (not known exactly, not verified), 9 - for 8 days; you can check that on the resulting page the interval is indicated accurate to the day, and the results - accurate from hour to day;
  • by date interval
    in the interface- 2 fields with date pickers (tables for selecting dates from the calendar);
    in the request - &from_date_full=01/11/2016&to_date_full=01/19/2016

There are a number of other more specific parameters, query language (for example, negative keywords and the mentioned quotation marks), which we will not consider, but some of them may appear in the interface of the advanced search user script. In addition, Yandex has a number of page types (pictures, videos, news, Market, etc.), where queries may have specific features (for example, there is a search by image, search for a geographical location on a map). The script now covers the main field - text search.

In the section Yandex news the advanced search is based on other parameter names, and the script is not executed in this section at this stage. Google has the same rules for constructing queries in the news section; the Google script works in all its main sections.

On Google:

Interestingly, different query parameters give the same results, but in 2 page designs - with a black header (older) and with a white one. The quality of output is most likely the same. The advanced search page now returns an answer with a black title, and this is not necessarily true for different countries. (It is also known that doodles issued at different times for different time zones.)
  • by type(singular) document
    in the interface - advanced_search- file type:
    - one of 10 formats; a text query can search for other types besides those named in the list;
    in the search bar- add (without quotes) " filetype: pdf" or similar;
    Google Search Extra Buttons - so far it has been made as 2 separate buttons (without lists) for PDF and DOC (other types in Google are quite convenient to set in the search bar, so many types of documents were introduced only starting with the script for Yandex);
    in the request - &as_filetype=xls
  • by last date interval
    in the interface - Search Tools - (Any Time | Past <период>), then - 5 options to choose from, or there is an option to specify any date interval here or on a special page;
    Google Search Extra Buttons - 5 drop-down lists in the form of initially small 5 buttons - selection for the last few: days, weeks, months, years, hours(in addition to the same in Yandex). The selected value is saved in the settings and moved to the beginning of the list, so that when you make the same selection again, you just need to press the button;
    in the request- 2 types of queries with the same results, but with different search page designs
    &as_qdr=m2- view with black title;
    &tbs=qdr:h1- more new look; instead of “h” put h, d, w, m, or y; number - the number of dimensional units or empty, which will be equivalent to 1;
  • by date interval
    in the interface - Search Tools - (Any Time | Past <период>) - Custom Range...; on a special page - selection only by the last few date intervals (section above);
    Google Search Extra Buttons - a separate button that immediately calls up the interface form; on the main page there is no support for it, so the button is not displayed by the script;
    in the request - &tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A12%2F29%2F2015%2Ccd_max%3A1%2F5%2F2016;
  • by site or domain, including the top level (.com, .cc, ...)
    in the interface- on the advanced search page (gear icon - Advanced Search);
    in the search bar- add (without quotes) " site:" or similar, including a top-level domain without a dot;
    Google Search Extra Buttons - a separate button with a drop-down list with pre-defined domains, the list of which can be changed in the settings. When you click on the initial button, it does not initiate a search, but only displays text in the search bar, which is convenient for correcting the domain. Therefore, the first domain can generally be specified as an empty string;
    in the request - &;

Other parameters - Google has a number of other parameters for text search and query language, a detailed discussion of which is beyond the scope of the article, but they may appear in the user script interface in the future.
  • exact word or group
  • any of the words
  • excluding words
  • interval of dimensions (kg, monetary units, years)
  • by page language
  • in the region (state)
  • by location on the page
  • family filter
  • by availability of licenses
The results can be sorted by relevance or by date.
There are a number of search types (pictures, videos, news, maps, ...), where the search parameters will be different or with specifics. Script Google Search Extra Buttons retains the type of search page it was started from.

On the topic of organizing metasearch for regular queries

(Next will be plans and fantasies that are interesting to interface developers.)

In the very in simple form metasearch is viewing results in 2 adjacent windows of the same browser. Additionally, you can exclude identical answers from the second window. If you set a goal to get results in one window, you need to decide where in the list to embed list items from the second window. Most likely, it is convenient to embed at approximately the same position that the element occupied in the 2nd window. And, of course, indicate which search engine the answers came from, so that the user accumulates statistics in his memory about which queries from which search engine he received a useful answer.

A note on search engine policy. It is technically impossible to do a metasearch in one window, because modern large search engines strictly ensure that the request is not executed in a frame, so that the answer comes to a real page, and not to an XMLHTTP object. This is due to income from related advertising, which now constitutes the main bread of any search engine. For the user, on the contrary, the result is important and the maximum is the engine that gives it.

Metasearch on scripts is a probability of the near future. For implementation, script codes are available on Github (Yandex, Google), new solutions are welcome.

UPD: Who will help make Belarusian, Kazakh and Turkish localizations?

volume and format

ru:( "search in PDF files":"search by PDF documents" ,"search in":"search by" ,"from / to":"for period" ,"last":["for last","for last","for last"] ,"day":"day " ,"days":["days","days"] ,"week":"week" ,"weeks":["weeks","weeks"] ,"month":"month" ,"months": ["months","months"] ,"year":"year" ,"years":["years","years"] ,"hour":"hour" ,"hours":["hours"," hours"] ,"Settings":"Settings" ,"of userscript":"userscript" ,"reload page for effect":"reload page" ,"Interface language":"Interface language" ,"Less positions at the end of selects":"Less selection at the end of selects" ,"Sites":"Sites" )

UPD2 2016-01-22: the primary buttons are made like arrows, in the style of the Yandex button. The screenshots in the article have been replaced.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the topic and move on to a description of my main tool, which I have been using for the second millennium.

Historically, I usually lead search in Yandex, and only then, if nothing worthy is found, I switch to Google (recently, by the way, I wrote about what tools can be used and how they can be used).

Yandex, like Google, has its own (but very similar) query language, an advanced filter, as well as a family search. True, there is not such a rich set of filters in the search results itself (the page with search results), but there is a display of the filters that are present in this search results. I don’t know about you, but this thing really helps me to quickly find sites worthy of my attention, which I trust and whose answers previously satisfied me.

Is it convenient to search in Yandex?

In general, of course, it looks a little strange that I am writing about the main tool of the Yandex corporation (read,) after I had reviewed other (minor in relation to search) services:

This probably happened because the process of searching for information on the Internet has become for us as much a matter of course as breathing, walking, talking, etc. We do not focus on this, although if you approach this process wisely and carefully, you can significantly save your time, nerves and find something that would normally escape our attention.

So let's go over appearance pages with search results and the tools that are present there.

At the very top there is a list of other Yandex services and thematic searches that may interest you. However, results from searches for news, products, pictures, etc. are also mixed into the results of the general search results. For example, on the right, images are displayed just from the image search.

For some types of queries, Yandex (as well as Google) can give quite specific answers. The RuNet mirror calls this feature names a sorcerer. There are quite a lot of sorcerers (you can read and see about them on this page). Sometimes the sorcerer displays his block, similar to what I described in the article about, and sometimes he only gives a link, for example, to.

When requesting weather, immediately after entering the request form, you will see a weather wizard:

Settings and search options

If you have a slow Internet channel (for example, via a mobile phone), you can disable display of graphic banners and pictures located on the right (the “Settings” button in the upper right corner of the issue window).

By default, the search window settings also enable the display of site icons (favicons), which allow you to visually very quickly find among the results those sites that you are accustomed to trust. It will also be possible to increase the number of answers on the results page to 50, which, personally, is what I do, because in the top ten there is, as a rule, a lot of noise.

You can enable the display of separate statistics for each of the words contained in your query (displayed under the query entry form), but this will be an unnecessary overkill for the vast majority of users. Yes, you can sometimes see in Yandex search results dialogue prompts(see gray buttons in the previous screenshot under the request entry form), which allow you to quickly view the results for a refined request.

Search tips and what is important can be seen in the results (results)

Yes, I'm still talking about Yandex search suggestions didn't say. They now become personalized by default and take into account all the requests you previously typed and all other nuances of your personal life.

You can disable their personalization either on this page, or by clicking on the corresponding link (My queries) directly from the drop-down window with these very search tips.

You see, this settings page is different from the general search settings page. For some reason, Yandex has several such pages and the functionality of some of them overlaps. behold all possible search settings Runet mirrors will be available on the page.

Previously, I also chose to display a more detailed snippet taken from the site text (in the area "Document Description" option “Advanced”) or its description, so as not to once again go to those resources where the answer to my question most likely will not be found. Now, with enough fast internet(), it’s easier to go to the site than to read the snippet, which is generated by the RuNet mirror and is not always successful and informative.

Below the snippet there is a chain of links leading to the document found on this site (similar to breadcrumbs), which in some cases can stimulate additional clicks if they are attracted by the name of the category or section where this very page lives. Usually, these chains are taken from the bread crumbs available on the site.

The title of the document is taken from, although exceptions may sometimes be made. But this is rather important not for those who search in Yandex, but for those who want to be found ().

The user is more interested in, for example, a link "Copy", which allows you to view a copy saved in the search engine cache of this document. This may be necessary in case or in case, which will lead to the impossibility of switching to it from Yandex.

In addition, on the page with the copy, the keywords you typed will be highlighted with a bright yellow background, although this can be disabled by simply unchecking the “highlight query words” box. Using the arrows to the right and left of the query text, you can move between the found keywords and in the text.

But there is more best way to see something that is no longer there is . A very interesting thing and even about thin or not very humor of Yandex itself can tell us (the source is located, and the selected fragment is visible only when selected, because it is written in white font on a white background, which is strictly prohibited by the rules of the search engines themselves).

You also probably noticed that, as a rule, in the search results of Yandex, and Google too, most often there is only one page from the site. Here. And if you are interested in this particular resource and all the information on the problem you are interested in found only on it, then the button will come to your aid "More".

Much less often you can see the inscription "Found via link", which will tell you that the words from your request were not found on this site, but there are links leading to this document, in the anchor of which such words were present. In a similar way, Bush Jr.’s website was successfully searched using a completely unflattering phrase that could not have been in the text of its pages. Guess how this happened?

The next area of ​​Yandex search settings allows you to select the language in which you would prefer to see answers, and it is also possible to disable the automatic correction of typos or errors you made in the request. In fact, there used to be such a trend as promoting queries with errors that are often repeated. But now Yandex itself corrects them and the feature no longer works.

Family Search, Live Stream and Related Searches

Here you can enable or, conversely, disable filtering of adult content (who needs what). By default, a moderate filter is used, when adult content will be shown only if you explicitly express your desire to see it in your request. If children use the computer, then it would be best to switch to Family search, in order to avoid all sorts of unpleasant incidents.

Well, if you certainly want to prevent the possibility of including adult content in search results, then you can use a special Yandex website for family search, which looks exactly the same as home page RuNet mirrors, and which can be added as the default search and home page in the browsers you use.

They also have a special search for people, where you can search for a person using all popular networks, and for some individual of them.

Since we are talking about special Yandex sites with specific searches, how do you like this option? Dnez-search, when you click the “Find” button, the output for one of the currently typed queries will be shown:

It will also be very interesting to follow the link "Live" and see in the background exactly what queries and where on the planet are typed by those who are trying to search for something in Yandex.

In the last part of the search results settings, you can enable or disable Yandex tracking you and taking into account the received data when generating tips and search results.

Just like in Google, those who decide to search for something in Yandex will have a dossier created, which can be viewed by clicking on the “My Finds” link. That's it, the settings are done.

By the way, at the bottom of the search results window you can often find related queries, which were entered by the same users, trying to find an answer to the question that was tormenting them. Firstly, you can click on them to see a page with these search results, and secondly, webmasters can choose here for their future articles.

Unlike Google’s rich sets of filters, in the Runet mirror we see only sort switches by relevance (compliance with the request text) or by date. Moreover, the latter method returns sites that are extremely far from what you wanted to see when entering your request.

Advanced search and Yandex query language

All filtering capabilities are concentrated exclusively in Yandex advanced search, which we will now quickly consider.

Thus, not only experts in the query language of this search engine (by the way, it is very similar to the Google query language), but also ordinary untrained users can search professionally in Yandex. First, you enter your query into the "I'm looking for" field, where you can use one or more operators to narrow your search. In Google, in this regard, advanced search is more functional.

Let's go over those now search query language operators that may actually be needed:

    By default, Yandex places the logical OR operator between all query words. However, if you need one of the words in the search results would definitely be present, then put a + sign in front of it without a space on the right, but with a required space on the left:

    Website promotion + Moscow

    Just like any other search engine, the RuNet mirror ignores words that appear too often in queries. These are the so-called safe words and most often these are prepositions, particles or pronouns. In order for these stop words to be taken into account by you, again it will be enough to put a + sign in front of them without a space:

    Engine + for the site

    You can also search using negation operator. For example, you need to find a review of some item, but the results show only online stores with this product. What should I do? Quite simple. It is enough to put in front of the words that you do not want to see in the search results a double tilde ~~ (with a space between them and the word), or, at worst, a minus sign (without a space on the right, but with a space on the left):

    Ipad 4 ~~ prices ~~ buy Ipad 4 - prices - buy

  1. Often people are looking for quotes and for this it is possible to enclose this phrase in double quotes so that Yandex searches for these words in the same sequence.
  2. If you forgot one or more words in any quote, proverb or saying, you can replace them with an asterisk sign or signs * separated from other words by spaces: “he rested in *”
  3. By default, Yandex understands the morphology of the Russian language and searches not only for those word forms (cases and numbers) that you used in the request, but also for all others (smart type). True, this does not apply to parts of speech (if you specified a noun in the request, then adjectives derived from this word will not be searched). But this is no longer important.

    Another thing is that in rare cases you may need prohibit Yandex from searching based on morphology. This can be done using exclamation point placed without a space before the word that will need to be searched only in the form in which you used it (case, number).


    Moreover, if the searched word is usually written with capital letters(for example, last name), then an exclamation mark before such a word will force the search engine to search only for words with a capital letter:

    Lev! Nikolaevich

    There is also the option of using a double exclamation mark, which forces the RuNet mirror to search by the dictionary form of this word, but I am far from linguistics and did not understand in what cases this could be useful.

    Often a situation may arise that the search on a site that interests you is so stupid and stupid that it is better not to use it. In this case, you can, of course, turn to the Yandex advanced search (see screenshot just above) and specify the address of the desired site (or several sites separated by commas) to limit the search area.

    But anyone can do this. It will look much more effective to use Site query language operator, which will look something like this:

    Website promotion site:https://site

  4. The advanced search also allows you to select document type, in which the phrase you need will be searched (regular Internet pages, pdf documents, Word files and something else). It’s convenient when the essay or thesis is found in exactly the format required to submit it - there is no need to make unnecessary gestures. However, the operator Mime It will be much cooler to use: website promotion mime:doc
  5. It’s not entirely clear why this might be needed, but the RuNet mirror has had operators since ancient times & And && , which allow you to search for words separated by it in one sentence or in one document (in fact, && replaces the default logical OR operator with the AND operator)
  6. Even more mysterious to me is the Yandex query language operator in the form slash "/", which allows you to set the interval (measured in the number of words) that will be maintained when searching for your query. The distance between adjacent words is assumed to be equal to one.

    Promotion of /2 sites

    This means that there cannot be more than one word between the words “promotion” and “site” in the documents found. There are also options for using a plus or minus sign in front of a number to determine the order of words. Yes, and you can also shove & (&&) in there, so that the poor user’s tower is completely blown away:

    Promotion of &&/(-1 +2) sites

  7. And as you could see from last example, to compose super complex queries we can use parentheses.
  8. In advanced search, you can limit the scope quite subtly by specifying a specific time interval when these documents were created or updated. There are also query language operators that allow you to do the same thing - Date. It allows you to set both a specific date and intervals.

You will find examples of using all the mentioned and forgotten operators; perhaps this will help you search in Yandex more productively, quickly and with less nerve cells.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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