Youtube video: Buzova lost consciousness at a big love show concert. Youtube video: Buzova lost consciousness at a big love show concert Buzova faints

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The people were terribly excited by the news that Olga Buzova fainted at a concert in St. Petersburg. The spectacle was truly eerie - towards the end of the song, Olga suddenly leaned on the dancer and practically collapsed into his arms - it’s good that the young man turned out to be smart and took Buzov backstage. There they called an ambulance, which brought her to her senses.

As we found out, there were two reasons for poor health. First, Olga was very worried. Almost daily appearances in “House 2” did not help - after all, Olga has no experience of performing in front of a huge number of people on large stages. The second is health problems. Olga admitted this at the Moscow Big Love Show concert the very next day. A few hours before going on stage, she again saw a doctor who gave her several injections.

A few hours before going on stage, she again saw a doctor who gave her several injections. Photo:

Her performance this time went off without a hitch, but it was still clear how difficult it was for her to cope with her excitement. “My heart is about to jump out! How do artists live, constantly going on stage? The entire nervous system can be used up! I’ve only performed twice, and it’s time for me to retire,” - on the one hand, Buzova joked, on the other hand, she sincerely shared her impressions.

Medicines that brought Olga Buzova into shape. Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

“I severely strained my neck while filming a video, and the doctor prescribed me general bed rest, that I should be left at home and locked up for a day so that I could sleep. I didn’t tell anyone, I didn’t complain about my health. And I didn’t discuss it yesterday - after all, I’m an artist Only in one case can he go on stage - if he is not dying. I was worried that after yesterday anything could happen.

Olga Buzova had to provide help. Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

And we rehearsed all week, I sewed all the costumes myself - both for the boy dancers and for myself, I didn’t want it to be in vain. The whole number is my idea. But I saw the support of the audience, and I felt better. And my dancers told me - no matter what happens, we will catch you. After the performance I will take care of my health - I promised the doctor that."

Published 02/10/17 23:51

Olga Buzova lost consciousness during her performance on the Big Love Show. One of the dancers caught Olga in time and carried her in his arms to the dressing room, where Olga received medical assistance.

According to the singer’s representative, everything is fine with her now, but doctors have prescribed the artist strict bed rest.

YouTube VIDEO: Buzova lost consciousness at the Big Love Show concert


Later in his Instagram Olga thanked all those who were intkbbach and is next to her.

“Ice, thank you for being with me today. This is my first big concert... and, of course, I was very nervous... My legs are still shaking... there are no words to convey what I felt when you all I saw... I am grateful to everyone who came. Tears of happiness from the impressions I experienced... Forgive me for my emotions, but I don’t know how to do it any other way... I love you, Olga Buzova,” wrote Buzova.

Earlier, Olza Buzova could not hold back her tears when reading a story called “Home.” The star spoke for the first time at the traditional Pioneer Readings, where she spoke about her bitter life experience. “Pioneer Readings” is an event held by the Russian Pioneer magazine. The entire star elite gathers there, where they read out their sayings and stories.

34-year-old Jeremy Meeks is called the most handsome criminal in the world. He gained fame in 2014 when he was charged with 12 counts, including resisting police arrest and illegal possession of weapons. Jeremy was sentenced to 27 months in prison, but was released early from a California correctional facility for good behavior.


With mandatory photography immediately after arrest, the criminal could not even imagine that this shot would change his life. The handsome man's photo went viral on the Internet, and girls all over the world began to faint. Among them was Olga Buzova, who, according to her, also lost consciousness. When the Dom-2 star started thinking about filming a video for the song Wi-Fi, she immediately decided that Jeremy should be with her.

“I saw him and was stunned: the most handsome man, the most handsome bad boy! - And today he flew just to me. Jeremy’s dark past does not bother me, but even excites me, I love bad boys! And we will have real magic with him” .

Olga noticed that the word “magic” does not mean sexual intercourse, like all the participants in “House-2”. Although I would probably be glad. “I’ll be alone on February 14 and alone on March 8,” Olya sighs.

“Today begins a new stage of my life, in which I am strong, I love myself,” Buzova assured. She gave Jeremy a tour of Moscow and gave him a large nesting doll. With a clear hint of his sexuality and fertility.

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