The fan on the laptop made noise. What to do if the fan noise in your laptop is loud

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Noise or hum from a computer is something that annoys all users. But some computers make so much noise that they sound more like a transformer booth. If this is your case, then this article should help you. Here you will find out why your computer is humming or making noise and what to do to reduce this noise.

Why is my computer humming or making noise?

Typically, there are only two sources of noise in a computer: noise from fans (coolers) and noise from hard drives. The noise from hard drives is so low that it can only be noticed if the fans are very quiet or not running at all. Therefore, you can ignore hard drives altogether and focus on reducing fan noise.

Computer coolers only cool three components, these are:

  • Power unit.

Plus, usually a computer case has at least one so-called case cooler. The task of case coolers is to remove heated air from the computer case, as well as to force fresh and cooler air inside.

As for the noise level that each fan produces, it depends on the following parameters:

  • Fan speed. The faster the fan rotates, the more noise it makes.
  • Fan size. The smaller the fan, the more noise it makes and the less useful it is.
  • Fan quality. Fans vary greatly in price and, as a result, in quality. Cheap fans are usually made using cheap bearings and low quality plastic. Therefore, cheap fans are much louder.

Also, the noise level heard when using the computer is influenced by the case itself. Cheap cases are made from thin metal, which rattles and thereby increases the noise from the fans. In addition, cheap cases do not have a layer of soundproofing material.

What to do if your computer is buzzing or making a lot of noise?

So, we have figured out the causes of noise and hum from the computer. Now we can look at the main ways to reduce noise.

Method No. 1. Reducing fan speed.

The simplest and effective way To reduce the noise level from a computer is to reduce the fan speed. The speed of fans that are connected via a 4-pin connector can be adjusted through the BIOS or through special software, for example, the SpeedFan program is often used for this.

SpeedFan program

If the cooler is connected via a 3-pin connector, then its rotation speed can be reduced using special adapters that reduce the voltage to the fan and thereby reduce its speed. There are also so-called reobass or cooler controllers, through which you can regulate the rotation speed of any coolers.

Reobas for coolers

When reducing fan speeds, it is important to monitor temperatures. Because there is a possibility of overheating. It may be needed on the processor and video card in order to maintain normal temperatures with reduced airflow.

Method No. 2. Replacing coolers with quieter ones.

A more complex option for reducing the noise level from a computer is to replace existing coolers with better ones and, as a result, quieter ones.

New cooler

Replacing coolers on the computer case and on the processor is the easiest option. To do this, you need to measure the size of the installation space and buy a new cooler of the appropriate diameter. When choosing a new cooler, it is best to choose the largest fan possible.

In the case of a video card and power supply, the process of replacing the fan is a little more complicated, since in this case the fan is more difficult to reach. However, the process of replacing the cooler itself is no different. We determine the size of the fan, buy a new one and install it in place of the old one.

If you combine the replacement of fans with a decrease in their speed, you can achieve a significant reduction in the noise level from the computer.

Method No. 3. Disabling case fans.

If the computer is used only as an office machine, then you can completely abandon the case fans. Disable them and monitor the temperature of the computer components. Most likely, the temperature will rise by about 8-15 degrees, but will remain within tolerable limits.

Case cooler

It should be noted that disabling case fans is only suitable for computers used in office mode. If you work with heavy programs or play computer games, then you cannot turn off the case fans.

You should also not turn off the fans on the processor, video card, or power supply. Because this will cause these components to overheat.

Method number 4. Replacing the computer case.

Replacing the case is also a good option. If you purchase a high-quality one with a layer of sound-absorbing material, you can significantly reduce the noise level from the computer.

Sound-absorbing material on the cover of a computer case

Typically, such cases are equipped with high-quality coolers out of the box, so you don’t have to look for suitable ones, buy them separately and install them yourself.

On the computer Noise sources are usually moving parts. First of all, this is a fan on the processor cooler; it can also be a fan on the radiator of the chip cooling system on the video card. It may make noise And fan from the power supply, cooling fan of the computer case. Well, perhaps the lowest noise source in a computer is hard drives, unless of course we are talking about an old Pentium 166 type computer.
Of all the above, the loudest and most intrusive noise in a modern computer is the noise of the processor fan. Noise, emitted by other devices is not so loud, to focus attention on it, with the exception of some cases, for example, when a loose case rattles (true for old computers).

Causes of increased fan noise in system unit There can be several computers:

  • Wear, evaporation of lubricant on fan bearings;
  • Clogged, clogged radiator grilles with dust;
  • The fan speed is incorrectly set to maximum;
  • Cheap Chinese cooler no name (my version by the way).

How to reduce computer fan noise?

Often, modern computers sufficiently equipped noisy coolers, which operate at a speed exceeding the minimum required speed to cool the computer processor. Excessively high fan speed are the main cause of increased computer fan noise. Therefore, to reduce or remove noise from a computer cooler, you need lower the fan speed on the cooler. This is most relevant for the video card and processor; you need to be careful with fans in the power supply, since they help cool the entire computer. There are several ways in which you can reduce noise, while leaving the computer's cooling at an acceptable level. That is, choose the optimal ratio of cooling system performance to emitted cooler noise.

The most common ways to reduce cooler emissions:

1. Enabling the function of automatic fan speed control in the BIOS

It works on the principle that the higher the performance of the application (games, video processing), the faster the fan on the cooler rotates. This function is supported by many motherboards: ASUS (Q-Fan control), Gigabyte (Smart fan control), MSI (Fan Control) and other manufacturers.

Let's look at an example maternal ASUS boards function Q-Fan Control

Let's go to BIOS, we get to the section Main

From section Main go to the section Power and in select the line Hardware Monitor

Changing the value of strings CPU Q-Fan Control And Chassis Q-Fan Contro l on Enabled

After this there will be additional settings CPU Fan Profile And Chassis Fan Profile.
In these lines you can select three operating modes:
- Performances- this is a productive mode;
- Silent- this is the quietest mode;
- Optimal- This is an intermediate mode between productive and quiet.

Important! Automatic fan adjustment will be performed only on connectors CHA_FAN And CPU_FAN. A PWR_FAN not regulated by the system Q-Fan Control. Similar adjustment systems are present on other motherboards from other manufacturers. If your board does not support this function, then you should reduce the cooler speed in the following ways.

2. Reduce the voltage on the cooler

The method is based on a method of reducing the voltage in the circuit section between the source and the fan. For that to reduce fan speed, Can submit on the fan lower voltage. The nominal voltage for the fan is 12 Volt. And the entire specification (speed, noise level, current consumption, etc.) is indicated for the rated voltage. We can try switching our fan to three other voltage ratings:

  • +12 Volts;
  • +7 Volts;
  • +5 Volt.

This is done using the usual Molex connector, which are present in sufficient quantities in all modern power supplies.

How to disassemble the MOLEX 4 pin connector?
In the plastic case, 4 metal contacts are clamped with tendrils; to pull them out, you need to bend the spacers (tendrils) to the base with tweezers and press on the pin. While pulling the wire, carefully remove the wire with the pin, see photo.

Similarly, you need to remove the power wires from cpu fan connector. We remove only the power wires, that is, +12V and ground (minus).

Now we connect the extracted wires to molex connector according to the scheme, from beginning to "+7" volts, if it continues to make a lot of noise, then "+5" volts, make sure that the speed-to-noise ratio is optimal. Don’t forget about the polarity (yellow/red wire goes to “+”).

All that remains to be done is the adapter to +7V or on +5V as in the photo below.

3) Adjusting the cooler speed using rheobass

Reobas- a device for controlling the rotation speed of fans (coolers). As a rule, rheobass are installed in a 5.25" port, but installation in a 3.5" port is also possible. Exists large number panels of this kind - with additional USB outputs, audio inputs and additional accessories. You can buy branded reobass ZALMAN, SKYTHE, AeroCOOL and other manufacturers or produce simple DIY reobass from available radio components.

Branded multifunctional rheobass with temperature monitoring AeroCool Touch 2000

Visual diagram of a homemade reobass

To assemble a homemade reobass, you will need the following radio parts:

  • Voltage stabilizer KR142EN12A, analogue of LM7805;
  • Resistor constant 320 Ohm;
  • Trimmer resistor 4.7 kOhm;
  • Variable resistor 1 kOhm.

This scheme allows manual mode set the voltage from 1.5 to 11.8 volts. The threshold voltage for starting the fan blades is 3.5 volts.

At the end of the article, I suggest watch the video, which shows how to use a resistor to reduce cooler speed:

In this article, you will learn what to do if your laptop makes a lot of noise, which not only reduces the comfort of work, but also creates an alarming feeling that something is wrong with the computer.

It contains all possible reasons, according to which the laptop cooler begins to rotate more actively, their symptoms and possible options for eliminating the sources of the problem.


If the device is several years old from the date of purchase, and its operation is accompanied by increased generation of noise that occurs due to the accelerated rotation of the cooler, this is a reason to think about it.

During prolonged operation under heavy load, increased fan speeds are normal.

The processor processes large amounts of data (3D games), which causes it to heat up more, and to prevent it from overheating, the system automatically increases the fan speed.

By the way, if you encounter the “cpu fan error” problem, we have a separate one for solving it.

So if you watch movies in high quality or playing games, it is somewhat normal to hear a lot of noise, especially after using the device for several hours.

It’s another matter when the problem appears immediately or a few minutes after the device starts.

Is high cooler volume bad?

In addition to feeling discomfort and thinking that something is wrong with the laptop, increased noise from the CPU cooling fan is a sign of significant heating or overheating of the CPU.

And the operation of any components at elevated temperatures, for which they were not designed to operate or were designed for short-term exposure to such conditions, causes their faster wear.

And that's the best case scenario. At worst, the computing device will simply overheat and fail.

The advantage of the utility is the ability to control the speed of fans installed on GPU and displaying temperature trends of key hardware components.

By manually changing the initial fan speed in 5% increments, you can either lower it if the device is humming a lot without load or overheating, or increase it when the CPU temperature is close to critical or simply elevated.

Unfortunately, the application is not updated often, which is why it may not be supported by some new products on the laptop market, and is also not compatible with a small percentage of computers due to the specificity of their hardware shell.

It is no less simple, but in each firmware version from each manufacturer this parameter may be called differently and located in different submenus.

The instruction manual or your own ingenuity will help here.

Blowing out the cooling system

If the first option does not solve the problem, or rather it is caused by dust and small specks stuck to the cooler blades and radiator mesh, then we move on to the option of purging the cooling system.

This is done in several cases:

  • when the device is still under warranty, and it is not advisable to void it by disassembling the case for cleaning;
  • the user does not have the skills to disassemble laptops or is afraid to do so, and going to a service center is not a way out.

In this case, you will need a special canister filled with compressed air (sold in specialized stores) or a powerful vacuum cleaner, preferably turned on for blowing (reverse).

In extreme cases, a hair dryer will do, but its effectiveness will be extremely low.

We take the device with a spray can or vacuum cleaner to a balcony or other room that you don’t mind getting dirty with dust.

This should be done in calm, dry weather if the procedure is carried out on an unglazed balcony or in the yard. After several blows with a stream of air, the laptop can be turned on and tested.

It happens that blowing does not bring almost any benefit, or a few months after it the laptop begins to hum just as loudly.

Then it will have to be done both on the cooling system itself and on getting rid of dust under the back cover of the case.

How to quickly and easily clean your laptop from dust with a vacuum cleaner?

Let's consider a simple household method of cleaning a laptop using a vacuum cleaner, so to speak, at home. We'll also look at why it's important to clean your laptop and how to determine if it's worth cleaning.

Removing dust

You should undertake this when you are sure that you will successfully disassemble the laptop case without breaking its fasteners, carefully follow all the recommendations below, and disassembling the case will not void the warranty (it has already expired).

To remove small dust particles you will need:

  • screwdriver for unscrewing bolts;
  • preferably a kit for opening laptops and other equipment (if you don’t have one, you can use improvised tools);
  • a couple of napkins, a piece of cloth, cotton swabs or something similar;
  • vacuum cleaner, compressed air cylinder or hair dryer (optional).

The sequence of actions for removing dust will be as follows.

  1. Disable laptop from the network and remove the battery from it.

Rice. 2 - Remove the battery

  1. Disconnect all wires and external devices.
  2. Unscrew the bolts of the back cover.

Rice. 3 – Filming back cover

  1. We remove the entire back cover or the segment where the processor with the entire cooling system is located.

Advice. If you do not have tools for disassembling tablets/laptops, find a replacement and carefully, so as not to damage various latches, disassemble the case.

  1. Using fabric, cotton wool, or simply by hand, we remove large pieces of debris, often compressed or welded together.

Rice. 4 – Remove dust from the blades

Advice. Remaining dust can be blown off using an air can or a vacuum cleaner. When there are no such devices, carefully remove them using a napkin or a cotton swab. If you want to blow off the dust, do it outside or in a utility room.

  1. If tiny air ducts in the radiator mesh are clogged with dust, the cooler and radiator can be unscrewed and thoroughly cleaned one by one.

Rice. 5 – Remove the cooling system

  1. Carefully assemble the laptop, performing all steps in reverse order.

Cooler maintenance

At the point of contact of the radiator with the surface of the processor, a special substance with high thermal conductivity is applied.

It removes excess heat from the CPU to the radiator, which is cooled by a fan by removing hot air outside the case.

And it copes worse with the functions assigned to it, and it has to be replaced.

You can do this yourself.

  1. As in the case of removing dust, we disassemble the laptop, letting it work a little or warming up the processor area with a hairdryer so that the thermal paste becomes more viscous.
  2. We remove the cooler and carefully disconnect the radiator from the processor, if necessary, heating the place of their contact.

Rice. 6 – Remove the cooling

  1. Carefully clean the contact pad from any remaining thermal paste.

Rice. 7 – Removing residual thermal paste

  1. We degrease the surfaces with an alcohol-containing substance (cologne) and let them dry completely.
  2. Apply a thin layer of new paste from the tube, using a syringe or plastic/cardboard.

Rice. 8 – Applying thermal paste

  1. We put back the radiator with cooler.
  2. Putting the body back together.

The likelihood that the problem will be completely eliminated here is small, but periodic replacement of thermal paste once every year or two is necessary.

How to replace the thermal paste of the processor and video card on a laptop?

If you are interested in how to replace the thermal paste of a processor and video card on a laptop, then this video is for you. In it, I briefly, bypassing the obvious and understandable steps for everyone, explained how to do this after disassembling the laptop.

Fan repair/replacement

The last thing that can help the user is replacing or restoring the cooler. Over time, the ball bearings in it can wear out or the lubricant in which they move can be depleted.

Try to remove the back cover of the case in order to get to the cooler, and drop a thick lubricating fluid: grease or lithol into its center (usually you have to tear off the sticker).

If this doesn't help, possible option developments will involve the purchase and installation of a new cooler. The need to replace it may be indicated by:

  • the fan grinds throughout its operation;
  • the cooler does not rotate at the slightest touch of a finger;
  • The device is wobbly or loose.

Advice. If you are not confident in your strengths and abilities, contact a specialized center for help in cleaning your laptop from dust, replacing thermal paste, cooler, or repairing it.

And finally, a recommendation: to improve the cooling of your laptop, you can purchase a special table-stand with a built-in cooler, which will not only make work more convenient, but will also blow cold air from below the case.

Is your laptop overheating, slowing down and turning off? How to disassemble and clean a laptop from dust?

In this video, we explain why a laptop overheats, starts to slow down, and even shuts down. The whole problem is one thing - the cooling system is clogged with dust. This causes the laptop, that is, its processor and video card, to get very hot, and to prevent a malfunction, the processor and video card frequencies are lowered so as not to heat up even more. And, of course, here we tell you how to clean a laptop, change thermal paste, and in general how to disassemble it.

The electrical components inside the computer generate heat, so fans are used to cool them down to normal operating temperatures to protect the components from overheating. When exposed to excess heat, the fan begins to rotate constantly. high speed, which leads to component failure and reduces processor performance. Increasing power consumption and excess heat buildup result in slower application performance. One of the main functions of the BIOS is monitoring the temperature level and adjusting operating modes. Although increased noise levels from a fan that is constantly spinning at high speeds can make you feel uncomfortable, it is the first sign that your computer is running as efficiently as possible.

To achieve the maximum efficient work computer at normal temperature, take the following corrective actions.

Updating the BIOS on a laptop

After the release date of your computer, HP may distribute updated BIOS version to control fan parameters, CPU loads and other components. To check availability of more new version BIOS, you need to determine which BIOS version is on at the moment installed on your computer, then determine if there is an update available for that version.

More detailed information to determine the current BIOS version, as well as instructions for updating BIOS systems notebook, see Updating the BIOS (not for Android or ChromeOS devices).

Keep your laptop's vents free of dirt and blockages.

Electrical components inside a computer generate heat when it operates. This heat can cause sensitive electronic components to rise in temperature and subsequently damage them.

When heat builds up, fans spin faster to remove excess heat, resulting in increased noise. There are ventilation holes on the bottom and side panels of the laptop to remove heat and to supply air inside the case. If the vents are blocked, the fan will not be able to cool the components properly (so it will spin faster). Use a can of compressed air to remove dust from the vents. Place the computer on a flat, hard, horizontal surface without blocking the ventilation openings. Using a laptop placed on a fabric surface such as a lap, bed, or sofa may restrict airflow and cause overheating.

Improving Laptop Heat Reduction Efficiency

If you have a lot of programs open on your computer, your computer works harder and generates more heat. Reduce the amount of heat generated, making your computer more efficient.

    Disable some software from starting when you boot your computer.

    Close unused software.

    Disconnect from the Internet when you are not browsing.

    If your computer's temperature increases while playing video games, try playing at a lower resolution with reduced graphics quality settings.

Using Windows Task Manager to Identify Corrupt Processes

Constant load on the CPU can cause heat to build up in the computer, causing the fan to run non-stop to keep the computer operating at operating temperature. This heat buildup may be caused by damaged software or malware. The corrupted process can consume anywhere from 1% to 100% CPU time. Even a low but constant load of 3 - 4% can cause the fan to operate at high speeds.

As a rule, the main source of noise in a laptop is the cooler or, more simply put, the fan. The fact is that it constantly works and produces a quiet, continuous hum. However, if this hum becomes too obvious and noisy, it means that the fan is clogged with dust.

However, sometimes the cooler in a laptop makes a lot of noise for another reason. If you download a computer game, run a video in HD format or “puzzle” hard drive other resource-intensive processes, the processor will begin to overheat. Consequently, the cooler will start working more actively to cool it down. So, if the cooler in your laptop makes a lot of noise when playing, then don’t panic. It simply performs its function of cooling the processor. IN otherwise it will simply melt.

Unusual cooler noise
Based on our experience service center, it can be argued that fans very rarely become unusable. In 95 cases out of 100, cleaning the cooler from dust deposits, as well as lubricating it, helps eliminate the characteristic hum. So, if your laptop cooler is making a lot of noise, contact us and we will quickly fix the problem.

True, there are times when the cooler does not hum, but taps. At the same time, a grinding noise is heard, as if fan blades are rubbing against each other. Now this is much more serious. Of course, you can try to lubricate the cooler, but it is not a fact that this procedure will help fix this problem. What to do then? Unfortunately, you need to buy a new fan.

If the cooler in the laptop makes noise and turns off, then most likely this means that the special thermal paste has spread and dried out. The latter is designed to remove heat and seal the junction of the crystal with the radiator.
Of course, you can replace the thermal paste in your laptop yourself. The Internet is full of articles and videos on this topic. But it is best to contact a service center. After all, there are such laptop models that only highly qualified specialists can carry out high-quality disassembly and subsequent assembly. Otherwise you won’t be able to get to the cooler.

Prevention doesn't hurt
Unfortunately, many people forget that any computer equipment requires appropriate care. The laptop is no exception. To minimize risks, it is necessary to constantly wipe this device from dust. It is also not recommended to keep the laptop on your lap for a long time, place fabric materials under it, or use it on hot days when the thermometer shows +25 degrees Celsius or higher.
It also wouldn’t hurt to use a special stand designed to cool your laptop. It will act as an additional cooler. However, even she is unable to protect her laptop from dust. Sooner or later it will become clogged, and you will be notified by a characteristic noise similar to a hum. So, if the laptop fan makes a lot of noise, immediately take it to a service center. Continued use of such a laptop is fraught with serious consequences.

Good advice
For gamers who spend almost all day free time playing with their loved ones computer games, laptop - no best solution. It's more rational to buy desktop computer. Unlike a laptop, it becomes clogged with dust more slowly and overheats less. And in the event of a breakdown, its repair will cost much less.

But, be that as it may, if a characteristic hum or grinding noise appears, you should immediately turn off your laptop or desktop computer. Then you need to show it to the service center specialists. They will instantly detect the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it as soon as possible.

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