The laptop freezes and does not respond. Why does my laptop freeze?

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Deadly, Windows 7 stops responding to any commands, it’s even impossible to open the task manager? Such problems appear quite rarely. I must say that the computer is enough complex system, and its performance depends on a huge number of factors. The article will discuss the main ones. After reading, you will learn to deal with most of the problems that lead to freezes on your own.


The first answer to the question of why the computer freezes is the simplest and most common. It is quite possible that uninvited guests have settled on your computer and are well camouflaged. Typically, viruses not only threaten the security of the system, but also significantly load computer resources. Sometimes this load leads to

Everyone knows how to deal with such a scourge. It’s enough just to install any anti-virus program, update its databases to the latest ones and run the full one. It didn’t help - call and check the processes to see if there are any suspicious ones. It would also be a good idea to look into startup by entering the name of the utility “msconfig” in the “Run” window.

However, if the computer freezes dead after turning on, it will not be possible to install new software, much less check the PC. In this case, use any antivirus distribution that can create bootable USB flash drive or CD.


Releasing every new model devices, manufacturers are trying to make it more sophisticated than the previous one. And this requires more power. The latter, in turn. increases heat generation. For some time, the standard cooling system copes with its job, but after a while its effectiveness decreases - as a result, the computer freezes completely. What to do if such a disaster happens?

Dust, which cannot be removed, clogs into radiators and interferes with air circulation. As dust settles on the cooler, it slows down the rotation speed of the propeller. Previously, such problems led to device failure. Today, fortunately, computers have become smarter; there will be no endless or video card. Modern devices have the ability to exchange data with motherboard, assigning her responsibilities for temperature control. As soon as the values ​​reach a critical point, the controller first tries to unscrew the cooler screw, but if this does not help, the system slows down the device, reducing the voltage. Soon the computer freezes completely.

To prevent such troubles from happening, remember a few simple rules:

Very often, because of this problem, the computer freezes in games or other graphics applications. To check how hot your computer components are, you can download a program. Fortunately, there are a huge number of similar ones on the Internet.

RAM problems

RAM is the most important element of a computer, which has a very large impact on its performance. Normal operation of RAM depends on compatibility with the motherboard, BIOS, and other installed memory sticks. A minor glitch, the smallest manufacturing defect - and the computer freezes tightly when turned on, not wanting to work even at low performance.

If you are going to increase or change the RAM, fully study its characteristics, go to the website of its manufacturer and manufacturer in advance motherboard, learn what speeds are supported, what testing has been done, and whether it's recommended to use the devices together.

If the computer freezes before changing the configuration, you can check whether the RAM is faulty, using Windows 7. Just click on the “Start” button and type “memory checker” in the search box. During the procedure, the program will display all errors if any were found. There is only one recommendation: if there are errors, change the memory.

HDD instability

A hard drive is a device on which absolutely all data (both user and system) is stored. Accordingly, Windows accesses it all the time, reading and writing does not stop for a minute. This means that system performance directly depends on the speed of this component. Over time, “broken” clusters and unreadable areas may appear on it, which will lead to system failures. Often, because of this problem, the computer freezes on the Internet, because while surfing the browser constantly records and deletes many small files.

Repairing a broken HDD

If the HDD is worn out, you need to check it with special software tools that will find everything bad sectors and mark them as non-working. The OS will stop using “bads” and stop freezing. To check, run command line by entering the name of the program in the “Run” window - “cmd”. In it, run the command “chkdsk [drive letter]: /f /r” for each partition.

Experienced users can determine the status of the HDD by the sound of its operation. If it starts clicking or whistling, the equipment is most likely faulty and needs to be replaced. Be vigilant, often if hard drive started to “crumble”, it will soon fail, and it is very difficult to recover data from such a device. Also, if the computer freezes tightly after turning on, there is a high probability of wear on the hard drive.

Incorrect BIOS setting

If the computer freezes dead after turning on, very often the reason for this behavior of the system is incorrect setting BIOS. Some might think that to the average user You shouldn’t even try to fix something, you need to contact a professional. But still, the computer freezes tightly - what to do if there is no way to call a specialist?

If you approach BIOS configuration with care, even a beginner can handle this procedure. Explore full information about your computer, and especially about the motherboard. Usually such data is easily found on the manufacturer’s official website. Find out which parameters are most important and what they are responsible for. When working with the utility BIOS settings Never change many parameters at once. First change a few, reboot, check the computer. Only then continue editing. A special mention should be made of the item that is in every BIOS - “Load Fail-Safe Defaults”. It brings all parameters to optimal - in the opinion of the developer.

Sometimes you can download and install a new one on the motherboard manufacturer’s website BIOS version. Never refuse such a procedure. They often fix it in updates. critical errors and improve stability. It is likely that after installation new version Freezes will disappear. The main thing is to read the instructions in advance.

Windows Services

The operating system works all the time large number services enabled by default or added during operation. The system can work fine without most of them. If some service does not respond or takes up too much processor time, the computer freezes.

To see which of them are in the system and which are running, open the administration window ("Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administrative Tools") and double-click the "Services" shortcut. To get comprehensive information about a particular service, double-click on its name.

First of all, pay attention to those that start automatically. The loading method is indicated in the “Startup type” column. There is only one editing rule - if you do not understand the description, do not disable the component, but find out more about its operation from the Internet. Try to check the stability of the system after each individual manipulation.

Processes and programs

Each program starts its own process (sometimes even more than one), if it enters an endless loop or malfunctions, and the computer does not always freeze completely; Windows 7 still tries to independently cut off oxygen to non-responsive components. It is very easy to identify a frozen element - it usually takes up the lion's share of RAM and almost all the processor time.

Solving the problem using the task manager

You can view the list of running processes in the task manager window. Press the combination “CTRL+ALT+DEL” on your keyboard. If you are sure that some program does not carry a payload, but at the same time takes 90-100% of the processor time, feel free to terminate it (by pressing “DEL” on the keyboard or calling context menu). You can also go to the location where the program is stored from here. This will be useful if you do not understand exactly what you are interrupting.

Process verification is not always optimal solution, but this procedure can often help if the computer periodically freezes. Remember that some programs can load the processor one hundred percent during the most active phases of their work. However, a frozen utility will not stop using maximum resources, and one that performs its functions without failures will again go into passive mode after some time. Also, do not try to end the process called System Idleness. It is used to poll other programs and system resources, and the variable in it does not reflect the processor load, but just the remaining free capacity.

A situation in which the laptop freezes and does not respond to pressing a single button is, unfortunately, not uncommon. Many inexperienced users do not know what to do in such a situation. In this article we will tell you what actions can and should be taken in such a situation to try to return the laptop working condition.

Why does my laptop freeze?

There are many reasons for this problem. This could be a program failure, a driver conflict, an operating system update error, or a signal that one of the laptop components is about to fail, such as motherboard or hard drive.

In any case, there is no need to panic if your laptop freezes. The first thing you need to do is reboot it. This will allow it to re-download operating system and it is very likely that after this it will work as expected.

How to restart a laptop if it freezes?

If you remember the system unit of a regular desktop computer, then almost always there is a special reset button on it, called Reset.

Reset button on system unit computer

If your computer freezes, pressing this button will immediately reboot it.

But there is no such button on the laptop. If only the power button.

Not everyone knows that the power button can be used to urgently reboot a laptop. More precisely, turn it off and on again. In essence, this is a reboot.

The laptop power button, which must be held pressed for about 3-5 seconds to shut down the laptop in an emergency

So, in order to do this, you need to press the power button of a frozen laptop and hold it pressed for 3-5 seconds until the laptop screen goes dark and the fan stops spinning. This action will turn off your laptop.

You can also remove the battery if you have a removable one.

Removing the battery in a laptop

Now turn it on as usual by pressing the power button once. The operating system should load.

If this does not happen, then you may need to reinstall or restore the operating system, or in the worst case, repair or replace the internal components of the laptop.

There are actually a lot of reasons why a laptop freezes.

They can concern both the hardware itself (the inside of the device) and the software.

This material is devoted to considering situations that lead to deterioration in laptop performance. The most effective ways how to fix this problem.

What causes a laptop to perform poorly?

The reasons why a laptop slows down and freezes can be divided into two categories:

  • The presence of a conflict in the operation of programs.
  • One of the parts inside the laptop has become unusable or an error occurred during its operation.

However, this is only a generalization of the main reasons for the deterioration fast work computer. If we look at everything in more detail, we can name the following reasons for the device to slow down:

  • The presence of various viruses that can hide from special security programs.
  • One of the utilities installed on the laptop encountered an error.
  • Free space on system disk ended.
  • The antivirus has stopped working.
  • Too many programs are launched along with the system, which then work in background.

Let's move on to solving all the problems listed above.


What to do if the laptop slows down and freezes? The very first thing you should do is check the device antivirus programs. Suitable for this as standard windows defender, installed automatically with the operating system Microsoft Windows 10, as well as various specialized utilities.

Of course, the most important source of getting viruses is the Internet. To avoid infection, you should make sure that your computer’s protection works in real time. Let's see how to check this parameter using the "defender" example:

Run the program" Windows Settings", as shown in the photo above.

Go to the updates and security section.

There, open the tab called "Windows Security".

After opening a new window, the virus and threat protection page will appear in front of you.

Without going anywhere, click on the line “Virus and threat protection settings” on the right side of the window.

After opening new page Enable the real-time protection option.

This won't fix your laptop freezing, but it will help prevent it from happening again once you've fixed it.

Processor malfunctions

One of the parts whose performance can seriously affect the speed of a laptop is the processor. Its overheating or overload can provoke a complete stop of the operating system due to the reasons mentioned above. A processor malfunction may be due to the following factors:

  • A lot of dust has accumulated inside the device, which impedes thermal conductivity between the processor and the cooling unit.
  • A virus has entered the computer, programmatically loading the processor to 100%.
  • The cooling system turned out to be faulty.

The laptop freezes. What should I do if this is due to problems with the processor? There are the following ways to solve them:

  • Launch the Task Manager program using the combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc. After that, go to the performance tab and check the CPU graph metrics. If it is loaded at 100%, but no programs are running, clean the device with antivirus software.
  • The next solution involves interfering with the laptop hardware system. It is necessary to disassemble the case and clean it of dust.

If you do not have the necessary knowledge and skills or are not confident in your own abilities, contact the service center for help. There they will be able to check the cooling system and tell you whether it is the reason why the laptop freezes a lot.

Outdated equipment

As a rule, one disk is installed on a laptop, the volume of which is allocated for installing the system and subsequent storage of various files and documents. After some time, it begins to clog and wear out. This causes the laptop to freeze or boot very slowly.

The solution is to simply replace the old part with a new one. In the photo you can see the results of the repairs. This laptop has new SSD 125 GB dedicated to the system. A old disk per TB, installed from the very beginning, is now used for storing files and programs.

Problems with the device's RAM

Like many other computer parts, brackets RAM may deteriorate before they really wear out much. Most often, to identify errors in their operation, it is enough to use specialized utilities. For example, MemTest.

If the check shows that one or more strips are damaged, then simply replace them. This can be done either independently or in a specialized service center.

If the laptop hangs due to RAM, while it is under warranty, then you should simply return it to the store or submit it for warranty repair.

The system disk was loaded

The more on the system disk free space, the faster the computer runs. If it turns out to be loaded to an unacceptably high volume, you should take steps to help correct the situation:

  • Check your laptop for viruses. Some of them tend to load various components of the device to the maximum, which leads to deterioration in performance.
  • If the contamination is not caused by viruses, perform a thorough cleaning.

How to free up space

The first part of "cleaning up" on the disk involves removing programs that are placed in this directory automatically:

  • Launch Windows Settings.
  • Go to the applications section.
  • Sort programs by disk.
  • Go through the list and remove what is no longer needed or can be moved to another storage device (if you have one).

At the second stage of cleaning, it is necessary to eliminate disk defragmentation, that is, remove files scattered across the disk left over from remote programs. To do this, you can use the Revero utility Uninstaller Pro. After downloading it, follow the following algorithm:

  • Activate the tools section in the top bar of the application.
  • From the list, select the one that removes unnecessary files.
  • On the left side of the new tab, click on the "Scan folder" button.
  • Select your system drive and click OK.
  • After scanning is complete, click the "Delete" button located above the tab bar.

Cleaning autostart

Sometimes the laptop freezes at startup due to the fact that quite a lot of different programs are running in the background along with the system. You can fix this in the automatic startup section.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Use the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys to launch the task manager.
  • Go to the startup tab and disable all programs that are there. If there are programs that need to be run along with Windows, then you can leave them alone. However, pay attention to the impact this utility has on starting your computer.

Additional Help

In addition to those applications that are listed in the task manager, many more services start along with the system. To disable some of them, you can use Revero Uninstaller Pro again:

  • In the settings section, select the "Startup Manager" line.
  • After switching to the tab, uncheck the boxes next to those programs that should not start when the laptop starts.

This should improve the situation if the laptop freezes when starting the operating system.

Hardware malfunction

We have already discussed above how to behave in case of problems with the processor and RAM sticks. However, it may also happen that other parts are faulty, from the video card to the motherboard.

In this situation, it is worth using the services of a service center or the possibility of warranty repair, if available. You may need to completely replace one or more components of your laptop's hardware system.

How to turn off your computer when frozen

Problems with software or hardware can cause the laptop to simply freeze and not respond to attempts to return it to working condition. IN in this case It may also happen that even the power button cannot help. You can get your laptop out of this state as follows:

  • First, try using the Power On/Off key. If she doesn't respond, then move on;
  • unplug it from the outlet. Within a few minutes, due to the load, it will turn off on its own;
  • You can also speed up the process and simply remove the battery, thus completely de-energizing the device.

A laptop can freeze for many reasons. Sometimes troubleshooting is quite a difficult task, but if you do not find and fix the problem, the computer will freeze regularly, preventing you from using the device normally.

Common Causes

Before answering the question: “The laptop keeps freezing. What to do?" it is necessary to establish the reason causing this behavior. In most cases, the user can cope with the initial diagnosis independently.

All reasons leading to freezing can be divided into two groups:

  • software arising due to software errors or viruses;
  • hardware related to malfunction or problems with computer components.

Solve the problem with software possible at home. If the laptop freezes due to hardware failure, then in most cases you will have to resort to the services of specialized service centers.

The most common problems that can cause a laptop to freeze:

  1. viruses;
  2. program crash;
  3. insufficient free space;
  4. CPU overheating;
  5. problems with components;
  6. errors during antivirus operation;
  7. a large number of programs in startup.

Let's take a closer look at the main reasons. This will help diagnose the problem and allow you to quickly solve the problem.

Presence of malware

A variety of malware can damage or destroy important information on your hard drive. In addition, they often make changes that interfere normal operation with the operating system. As a result, the laptop may start to slow down or freeze completely.

Users who actively use the Internet mostly suffer from malware. You can also pick up malicious programs from any media: USB flash drives, disks, and others.

You can avoid trouble with viruses by installing and updating them on time. specialized antiviruses. In situations where the PC has already started to freeze, check for infection malware can be done using specialized utilities from security system manufacturers.

Video: Repairing a frozen laptop

CPU overheating

The laptop is a fairly compact device and all its components are located close to each other. Modern high-performance processors generate a large amount of heat during operation. Naturally, manufacturers try to provide sufficient cooling. However, it is not uncommon for the CPU to overheat.

Let's look at the main reasons why overheating occurs:

Dust accumulates quickly inside the case of a modern mobile PC and must be removed using a can of compressed air. Cooling system failure is less common and requires replacement. Cleaning of dirt can be done at home, but to replace the fan, radiator, etc., it is recommended to contact a service center.

Problems with RAM

Incorrect operation of RAM modules can also cause the PC to freeze or cause other malfunctions. As a rule, defects in this component appear fairly quickly after installation. When looking for reasons why your computer is not working correctly, it is recommended to run a special utility, for example, MemTest, and run a test.

If problems are detected with the RAM module, it will need to be replaced with a new one. The user can perform this operation independently or at a service center. During the warranty period, it is recommended to contact the place of purchase without trying to solve the problem yourself.

The system disk volume has decreased

During their operation, the operating system and programs create many temporary files that reduce free space on the system disk. When there is no unallocated space left, applications begin to slow down.

This problem can be solved simply by deleting unnecessary programs and data as well as temporary files. This can be done using the operating room Windows systems or using special utilities, for example CCleaner.

Programs crash

The software may contain errors, and users often set invalid parameters in the application configuration. These reasons can lead to the laptop starting to freeze at the most inopportune moments.

Usually, when problems arise with the software, you will see a corresponding message on the screen. To restore operation, you will have to boot Windows into " Safe Mode"and reinstall or remove the problematic application.

The most common problems arise from the following software:

  1. drivers;
  2. system utilities;
  3. applications to increase computer performance.

Antivirus operation

Modern antiviruses consume significant computer resources. By themselves, they extremely rarely cause the computer to freeze, but they can have a significant impact on performance.

However, when, after installing the antivirus, the computer begins to freeze, you need to reboot into “Safe Mode” and disable or remove it. Then you need to check the compatibility of the program versions and the operating system, reinstall and configure it in accordance with the documentation.

The problem should be resolved, but if this does not happen, then it is recommended to check for virus infection on your computer, disable unnecessary programs in startup. As a last resort, you should contact technical support developer.

Device problems

Problems with components can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. The computer may begin to freeze during startup, games, or other applications.

The main problems that cause a laptop to freeze are most often associated with the following components:

Diagnosing the problem yourself is usually quite difficult. It is recommended to check the temperature of the processor and video card, test for mistakes are hard disk and RAM. This can be done using specialized utilities. Some information, for example, the temperature of the central processor can be found in the BIOS.

Many programs in Startup

A large number of applications running alongside Windows can also cause slower performance or completely freezing computer. Often, users do not pay attention to the settings of the installation program, as a result of which completely unnecessary software ends up in autorun.

You can solve the problem by changing application settings, using specialized utilities, or simply removing unnecessary programs. After changing the settings, you will need to reboot.

In cases where the amount of RAM is small, it is worth considering upgrading. You can increase RAM by replacing modules or, if there are free slots, by simply adding them.

What to do to keep your laptop from freezing

Prevention helps to effectively combat most problems that lead to reduced system performance. In addition, it helps to avoid unnecessary expenses for laptop repair and maintenance at a service center.

Basic preventive measures to maintain system performance:

  • dust removal;
  • deletion unnecessary applications;
  • regularly cleaning directories with temporary files;
  • disabling unnecessary autorun elements.

Cleaning your laptop from dust and checking the cooling system will not only avoid performance degradation, but also extend the life of your computer. In some cases, due to overheating, components fail and the system simply does not turn on. Cleaning should be done every few weeks.

Removing unnecessary applications and temporary files allows you to free up free space on your hard drive and thereby improve system performance. Disabling unnecessary startup items will free up space in RAM and improve performance. You can perform these actions regularly using special utilities.

Video: What to do when your laptop hangs

Reboot methods

If any problems occur, the first step is to restart your computer. This allows the system to start from the beginning and possibly avoid errors. A reboot will also be required to run diagnostic tools, some antivirus utilities and enter “Safe Mode”.

Let's look at the main ways to restart a laptop running Windows:

  1. program;
  2. mechanical.


The most convenient way to perform a reboot is software. It allows you to avoid accidental data loss and also save all changes made to Windows configuration. Microsoft, when developing its operating system, provided many ways to manage power and reboot.

Let's look at the main options for restarting a laptop from Windows:

  • via the Start panel;
  • using the task manager;
  • using the command line.

Via the Start panel

The classic reboot method is to select Shut Down from the Start menu. In the window that appears, the user is given several actions to choose from: reboot, shutdown, and put the computer into sleep or hibernation mode.

Via Task Manager

The task manager built into the operating system also allows you to shut down your work.

To run it it is enough:

Via command line

The Windows Command Prompt allows you to perform most of the functions available from the GUI.

First of all, it is necessary:

  • open the command line using the corresponding Start menu item or pressing the Win+R combination;
  • by entering cmd command in the window that appears:


There are times when programmatically The laptop does not turn off and you have to resort to mechanical actions.

The main methods of hardware shutdown of a laptop:

  • using the “Power” button;
  • disconnecting the battery.

Via the "Power" button

The Power button is used to turn on the computer, and you can also force the power to turn off if you hold it down for a few seconds. In this case, the laptop will lose power.

Battery disconnection

It is rare to resort to disconnecting the battery, only in cases where the computer is frozen so that it does not respond to the keyboard and holding the power button. You need to unplug the laptop and then remove the battery for a few seconds.

Most errors related to laptop freezing can be resolved by the user himself. If the reasons are hardware in nature or cannot be identified, it is recommended to contact a specialized service center.


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